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Old 01-05-2010, 12:20 PM   #1
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Warminster Pa
Posts: 14
Talking Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

(The pictures enclosed of coarse are not my own but links around the net.)

Good eveneing everyone. I have lived in Warminster, Bucks County Pensylvania for the past 3 years. Warminster seems to be one of the focal points of the spike in activity of Bucks County. I can possibly safely say that I am a small part of that activity. The term "inductee" is my own as best as I know. It best sums up what I can be considered I guess. Next month (February) will be 2 years for me. But a year and a half ago I found out that I am a lifetime contactee. I have been told by people that I am unique for some reason. Even as far as being taken and having contact goes. Well, I don't know about that. I'm just a guy who has had a wierd life. I'm just a guy, nothing special. Besides, I do not know what "unique" could possibly be in such contexts. On Decenber 31 2009 I met my 20th specie that I have seen. Could this be unique? No clue! I know what I have lived and seen.

I have learned much about our celestial neighbors and family. The more times I am taken.... The more different species I meet...... The more I find that we are much more alike than we are different. The simularities are strikeing and abundant. These simularities are all across the board and with out limit. In all essences and definitions extraterresrtials, extradimensionals, and extraplaneiars are all PEOPLE. They have families, loves, likes, dislikes, chains of evolution (in one forem or another), cultures, societies, plants, animals, friends, emotions...... We are all very much the same in more respects than many would like to comprehend. What interests me the most about them is them as people.... their history, their planet's history, wildlife, plants, culture....

This is very interesting and I would say is VITAL for all to know. I say this because it is our own history as well, as a specie, and how we came to be. For my entire life I have studied paleontology, astrophysics, geology, ancient human cultures, cosmology, theoretical physics, quantum physics, and many other things. Today I can draw upon all I know and have extraterrestrials actually make sence. I can show people quite easily how they came about. Over the past few months I have been trying to write a curiculum on exactly how it is possible for extraterrestrials to exist. I am doing this with the subjects I have stated abouve. There are laws, methods, and knowledge that the planet laready agrees upon. I'm just putting it all together and trying to remind people that this is the science and history that we agree upon and this is the outcome of that socially accepted science. My hope is that it helps people see what they already know.

Stellar Evolution + Nucleosynthesis + Protoplanetary Disk + Geology + Chemisrty + Climatology= Extraterrestrials and all other life including us

Ya, I know that there is more to it but you get the general idea. When the curiculum is finished I may call it Extraterrestrial Evolution 101.

This is a little bit of my interations with our celestial neighbors. Some time frames may not be accurate, I don't have my journal with me.

February of 2008
As I can best conclude, I had a meeting with 8 individuals each of a different specie. I often refer to this as "The Business Meeting". This is so because it is exactly how it felt and how we all spoke. Everything was done and spoken about in a very matter of fact type of way. Unfortunately my memories are very limited. So much that I can only remember what 3 out of those 8 looked like. I was presented with a project that I was being asked to take part in. Each of the 8 had a part to present to me. I agreed to it all, this is obvious now. Of all interactions I have had it is this one that I want full memory of the most. It would answer most of my questions probably.
Sorta Grey

March 2008
2 of the same people came back. The Grey and the "Sorta Grey" as I call them. I am to conclude that all will go forward as spoken about in the meeting.

Spring 2008
First implant by the "Sorta Greys". This one is in my mouth where a wisdom tooth used to be on the lower left. This thing was sooooo wierd. It would move, beep, emmit static, digital signals, and vocal signals. Since it was in my mouth near my jaw the sound vibrations would travel up to my inner ear and I'd hear it from the inside my jaw and skull being almost like a speaker. Once it scraped agains a neighboring tooth's root. That did NOT feel pleasant! This is when I learned that I have had contact since infantcy.

Spring 2008
I met Tall Greys, six of them. I have only about 10 seconds of memory of this one. I was laying down on a medical table and I could see about six of the Tall Grey people around me but only from the hips to the upper chest. Saying that these are Tall Greys is only a conclusion since I do not remember ever seeing their faces. The skin color and body build is that of a Tall Grey so this is how I came to that idea. Two individuals were checking out my chest and sholders and I asked "May I please touch you?" The two individuals stoped and allowed me to do so. I ran my index and middle fingers on my left hand down each of their forearms, across the wrists, ond over the back of the hands. It was magnificent! Their skin was warm, sorta dry, and a little rough. The muscular, tendon, and skeletal structureing is not so different than ours at all. The real magnifisence is the fact that they showed the kindness, patience, and trust that they did. I will never forget that....

Late Spring-Early Summer 2008
This is my second implant. This is from the Greys. This one is lodged up in my right sinus cavity all the way up at the top. I have come to understand that I was under local anestesia but I was still slightly cohearent. I was aware enough so I could feel the implant being installed, could feel/hear the bone/cartilage being broken, could hear the clicking and chargeing of the instrument they used, and could hear the implant powering up. When I was returned and awoke I had bruising of my cheek that went to the bone and some slight swelling. But that was gone in about 2 days. Trust me, Extraterrestrial medical practices are GREAT!

August 2008
Met a turtle like reptilian. What a magnificent being he was! Picture a turtle humanoid with out a shell and this is what this person looked like. He even smelled like a fresh water turtle. At one point I did ask him if he evolved from turtles. He became confuse. This individual performed what I would have to say is Chinese accupuncture. With each needle stick the area was immediatly numbed. He also used this handheld metal wheel thing on my neck. I was interviewed by Michelle Emerson on Sedona Lights Radio in June of this year and spoke about this. She told me what he used on my neck was a Wartenburg Wheel. Its nice to know that we all use the same technology.

February 2009
My first implant, the one in my jaw came out. I never did find it. I tore apart my room looking for it. That was like loosing a part of myself. The loss I felt was like that of a pet dieing. I still have the exit wound scar in my mouth. The implant was replaced a few days later.

March 2008
This is the biggest one so far! I also have a ton of memory of it! To try and quickly sum it all up is nearly impossible, so I will write it all. To make it easier to understand I'll go in full chronological order, not as I was able to remember it. But there are some details I'll leave out at one specific point........
I opened my eyes and was on a medical table. The side rails were only about 2 inches tall and a dark stainless steel color, almost the color of galvinized steel. I was covered from the waist down by a white cloth. I propped myself up a bit on my elbows and looked around. The room was about 60' long by 20-25' wide. On the left wall was (as best as I can tell) computer systems. At the far end of the room was another medical table and some medical carts but the lights were off at that end. On the right wall was an open doorway and more computer systems on the closer side of the doorway. After a few seconds of looking around I flet a gentle 3 fingered hand on my right sholder. It very gently pushed me back down so I was laying flat again. I gently reached over with my left hand and gresped the persons hand. I angled my head back so I could look up. I was looking directly in the face of a Blue skinned Grey person, smiled, and said "hello". He smiled back (as only they can) and said "we are ready to begin". I nodded and said "alright". Laying flat again a mechanical arm came down with about 20 or so needle like instruments at the end. One large needle extended. It was about a half inchvirtilally and a quarter inch horizontally if you were to look at it head on from the point. It was in the shape of a crescent moon. This was inserted into my abdomin on the riht side just abouve the groin. As it went in I took in a sharp breath, grabbled the bed railing, and my arms shook in pain. The Blue Skinned Grey tightened his grip on my sholder and asked "are you alright". With my eyes closed I nodded yes and let out a sharp breath and drew in another breath. The Blue skinned Grey then said "it will be over soon, we are almost done". (or something like that). After 10-20 more seconds the needle was removed and I let out another breath and the pain was gone. I layed there for a few minutes and then started to get up. The Blue Skinned Grey pushed my up gently with his hand on the back of my right sholder and I spin my legs of the left and had both hands at my sides on the railing. I then felt 2 thick fingers and a thumb on my left hand. I looked down and the very short brown being with gigantic eyes was looking back up at me smiling. His eyes were so huge they took up 3/4 the area of his face. He had 4 or 5 little bumps over each eye. These bumps strike me to be eyes as well. But these eyes I feel are for vision in other spectrums such as infrared and electromagnetic. I have always though that his kind may have evolved from spider like creatures. I looked around and saw 2 normal Greys, one more Blue Skinned Grey, and a specie that I call "Ram Skulls". (because of the curve, curl, and general shape of the sides and rear of their skulls) 6 individuals in all, 4 different species. Later I found myself in another room laying down of another bed and saw a Pleiadian woman aproach me, she was my height...... If the gestation period of the Pleiadians are the same as humans, than I have a child that was born last month..... Possibly having a child that you may never see or hold is not a pleasant feeling. Heart tearing torture is an adequite term.... But I do understand why. I understand that our baby is better off not being here on Earth, and staying with the mother.... It still doesn't feel very good though. Anyway..... The next thing I remember was being in a silver or bright steel room looking into the bottom right corner. There was a doorway and the 6 individuals were there leaving. The door closed and was undetectable. You couldn't see that the doorway was there unless the door was open. Then another Pleiadian (Nordic) woman appeared out of now here. She was about 7 feet tall! I can't describe to you what seeing a Pleiadian is like. Try and imagine Aphrodite, the goddess of love, poping up right in front of you. Thats a start! The woman exuded divinity and perfection. Perfect beauty, perfect heart, perfect soul, perfect smile..... even her freckles were perfect. She had sandy blonde hair and wore a white flowing dress that was almost the same color as her skin. (OK I have not the slightest clue as to how she did the following! This could have been done by some kind of holographic system in the room, some psychic ability of hers, or she actually took me traveling through time. No clue at all!) She smile and extended her hand to me "There is some thing I would like to show you." I took her hand with out a thought and we biffed up in the lands of the Ancient Aztects. (No interaction could take place, I could only watch what happened around us. I guess you could say this is a time bubble? No Clue!) i watched an ET craft come down out of the sky. When the Aztec pople saw it, the dropped what they were doing and raised their arms and voices in celebration! "The sacred ones have come! The Gods have come! The Great ones have come!" They would say. The craft landed and the beings were greeted warmly. A great celebration that lasted days was held. Humans and ET's together in celebration, singing, danceing, laughing, talking, eating. This was the same in Egypt, Cambodia, Antarctica, lower in Mexico with the Mayans, and also the Greeks. In each place I saw the wonders of humans and Extraterrestrials working together and creating great wonders. The lightbulb in Egypt, Mayan Calendar, a gigantic antikythera mechanism the size of a building, and a different stone calendar that the Cambodians or Antarcticans had. This calendar was made of thousands of small pieces. Some were less than a centimeter. It was all mechanized and it moved as time moved. Pictures would form and meld into eachother makeing different pictures. I have never seen anything like it! The beauty and brilliance is unparalleled! After seeing ancient human history she extended her hand again "Come! I will now show you the beginning!" *Biff* We were in a place of complete and total darkness. She was still holding my left hand with her right. She pointed with her left hand and said "Look there!" A second or two later there was a tremendous pulse of an electric blue sphere of light than an explosion. An explosion so powerful that it could surely anihilate an entire galaxy! But it was just the opposite! I had just watched the Big Bang! The creation or rather the rebirth of the universe! At that very instant I felt in the depths of my heart that all of my theories of the universe was true! (I am in the process of writing all of these theories in an official paper on astrophysics and theoretical physics) Then the "fast forward button" was hit. I watched the birth of the universe, birth, death and rebirth of star systems, the births of galaxies, and collisions of galaxies. She then brought me to our star system. I watched from protoplanetary disk to the adolecence of out star system. At about 3 billion years ago she brought me to the surface of Earth. Time passed and I wathed the evolution of primitive fish from worm like creatures. Then lobbed finned fish evolved. The amphibians evolved from the lobbed finned fish. Reptiles came from the amphibians. The dinosaurs came into being as well as small mammels. The dinosaurs left and she stopped the clock at about 50 million years ago. We were standing in a forrest by a river or large creek where a crocodile sized animal was laying. This was an ambulocetus, a primitive land walking whale. I call them furry crocs. I walked over to her and put my hand on her sholder. Her fur was brown and soft but rough, almost like touching a buffalo's fur. She jolted and took to the water. The "fast forward button" was hit again and I watched her take the evolutionary steps into becomeing a whale. The clock stopped again when she was a basilosaur. She had a pup with her. I reached down and the female saw me. She let me touch he face and also let me touch her calf's face. The "fast forward button" was hit again and I watched a whole pod of basiliosaurs, sharks, and other ancient sea animals grave site, they skeletalized, and fossilized. *Biff* We were back in the silver room again. I looked up at the Pleiadian woman gave her a huge hug, thanked her, and told her that I loved her. The next thing I know I'm wakeing up at home and totally thrilled! But as I wrote it all down and was breaking through the memory barrier of the shorter Pleiadian I felt a woman blow in my ear. I flinched and immediately passed out. I had enough strength to pick where I was going to fall so I wouldn't get hurt, but that was it..... I woke up half on my bed and half on my floor 40 minutes later and I was very much affraid to keep writing but I did it anyway and I purposely blocked out the shorter Pleiadian woman from my memory. It was only about a month or two ago that I remembered what she looked like.......
"Ram Skulls"
Blue Skinned Grey

April 2009
I awoke to my quilt and pillow over my head, a hand on the right side of my face and some one calling my name....... "Justin.... Justin..... Wake up!" I took the person's hand off of my face and looked at the palm. It was orange and had white line going across it horizontally. I gently flipped it over and looked at the back of the hand. The skin was chalk white. I said "Whoa! I know whats going on here! Please give me a minute before I look at you, I wasn't expexting to be visited by an alien.... OH! Please! I'm so sorry! An Extraterrestrial Biological Enti....." The person interrupted, he and said "Its alright, take your time." (ET's don't like being called aliens. Its mildly insulting. We are more alien than they are, trust me! ) After a minute I slowly moved my pillow and quilt off of my face. I looked directly into his eyes, smiled really big and said "Hello my friend, what can I do for you?" He replied with a crooked smile "Well you can clean a bit and move the fan!" and laughed. (He was refering to the 2 piles of clothes, the cat box needed to be cleaned, and the fan I had right in the middle of the room barring a clear walking path.) I laughed and said "I was going to do that when I woke up today." I layed there for about another minute, we talked and laughed some more (can't remember about what). He then pulled me up by my right arm untill I was sitting up and said. "Get up, its time to go now." I replied "Well you didn't come all this way just to tell me to clean my room." We both laughed. He walked me to my bedroom window, I pulled back the curtin and saw a small disk shapped craft about 12 feet long with blue and yellow lights on the bottom, a glass dome on top, and a female inside. The next thing I remember is a being on a much larger craft. There was a female Chalk White standing in front of me topless and we kissed. I blocked out my memory after that. Again if these Chalk White people have the gestation period as humans do...... My second baby will be born this month. (These "Chalk Whites" are about our height and a little shorter. Their skin is Chalk White. Their eyes are dark blue. The size of the eyes is about 50% larger for the males and twice our size for the females. The female reproductive organs are the same or similar as humans. The females do have mamory glands so I assume that they do feed babies the same way humans do. The inside of their mouths are darker in color than our. Their teeth are very similar to humans. Their hair is so platinum blande that you can almost see through it. The Chalk Whites are NOT to be confused with Tall Whites. I believe them to be different species. "Chalk White" is my own term....... In general they look pretty similar to humans. Oh! The width of the face and skull is a little wider than ours and the eyes bulge a bit. They can and do speak virbally. They speak English very well I might add. Anyone ever hear about these guys? I have never seen or heard about them before.

June 2009
On a cross country trip I found 3 marks on my right wrist one morning as I woke up. Months later I found out the I can have staples freely dangle from the marks. Where was I when I got these marks? Roswell, New Mexico while visiting some friends of the family! What a freaking wierd thing to happen while I was there! What and absolute kick it was when I found out that those 3 points on my wrist were magnetic! I thought nothing of them before hand, but after the staples, I just thought it was freaking riot! I laughed for a good 10 minutes straight!

July 2009
Early birthday present! I got another implant. I think this one was implant #7, 8, or 9.... This time in my left thigh and for the first time the proceedure left marks on my skin. It can also be seen and felt throught the skin. This is also the first impalnt I held a magnet to. Oh boy did it ever stick! That is when I could trick the implant into not repelling the magnet. Trying to trick the thing took about 5 to 10 minutes. And I took 13 pictures of it over 5 days. I showed the injection sites and wierd bruising to a flabotomist. She said "In my professional opinion..... I don't have a ****ing clue!! (She's from New Jersey, we'll have to forgive her language) Bruising like that is impossible!" The bruising pattern has an open center with 100% healthy skin. She also verified that the triangular injection sites went in through the skin pores. She told me that she doesn't know one single person who can do that kind of precision sticking. I even asked her if I hit myself with the open end of a metal pipe would it bruise like that. Her answer was "No! It would bruise solid! Where did this come from?!" I was over joyed to have perfectly visable and touchable physical evidence! FINALLY!!!!

December 31 2009
Happy New Year! Taken again! I was woken up before hand this time as well. I actually thought it was my room mate trying to wake me up. I cracked open one eye looked at my watch and said "But its not time to wake up yet" and I passed right back out. I met a very unique specie. One that I have never heard of at all. Like the Chalk Whites they are pretty human looking and have similar eyes and slight bulge but brown in color. They are about our height. Their body build is somewhere between the lightness of Greys and our stature. The unique part is the skin color. They have virtical stripes of black and light tan to light brown depending on the undividual. Sorta like a raccoon's fur color with it's summer coat. But like I said the stripes are virticle. Also for the second time there were humans there. One young woman showed me the drawings of the species she has met. She met 18 in all. This unique but very beautiful specie is the 20th that I have met. I ended up meeting a Chinese man who looked like, sounded like, and smiled like Jackie Chan. He looked so much like Jackie that I almost asked him how Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao were. It was REALLY wierd!!! Another odd thing was I saw one Stripped male reading a news paper. They had almost cat like features but not at the same time. Their mouths were like our as was their noses. But some thing about them is slightly cat like. Maybe its how they speak and carry themselves. I'm not sure.... I can't really tell....
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Old 01-05-2010, 03:27 PM   #2
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

Welcome, and thanks for sharing your story! If there's more, please continue!

Also, if possible, could you say a little more about the following quote. In particular, why is the baby better off not being here on Earth?

Possibly having a child that you may never see or hold is not a pleasant feeling. Heart tearing torture is an adequite term.... But I do understand why. I understand that our baby is better off not being here on Earth, and staying with the mother

Last edited by Jnana; 01-05-2010 at 04:00 PM.
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Old 01-05-2010, 04:48 PM   #3
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

1st odd question...

Could it be the same ones, taking you all the time, yet planting a different memory of their appearance?

"Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"

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Old 01-08-2010, 11:56 AM   #4
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

Originally Posted by Jnana View Post
Welcome, and thanks for sharing your story! If there's more, please continue!

Also, if possible, could you say a little more about the following quote. In particular, why is the baby better off not being here on Earth?

I have had a lot of contact. I thought it would be best to try and keep it short. I didn't want to bore people with long drwan out stories. It took me a few days to come back and see if anyone replied, I was a little affraid. But this is something that I need to confront if I am to speak publicly about these things in the future. I have taken up some peoples offers to do so. So I need to get over this fear. I'm excited, humbled, and afraid to do so. But I need to get over all of that. I feel I may have some pieces to the over all puzzle. But on the other hand I may not and thats alright. I feel education about such things are of the utmost importance.

Over the past 2 or 3 months I have had memories surface from years ago.

~~12 years ago when I was about 21. All I remember about that was seeing at least a dozen Greys at the 3 windows and open door of the room I was sleeping in. All of them wrote on the glass of the windows and the door. They wrote in their own language. Unfortunately today I can't remember any of the symbols but back then I found some symbols very familiar. I can say this though. Written language of different countries down through time can have the exact same symbols. Interstellar written languages are no exception. If I remember correctly some symbols looked like some symbols from Ancient Egypt, Etruscan, Sumerian, Theban, and Sanscrit. Today I also can not remember if they did this with their fingers or with a tool.

~~I think about 20 years ago I remember standing in a barn. This barn had a twisted metallic wreckage and a huge hole in the roof. Back then I chalked it up to a wierd dream that didn't make sense at all.

~~9 or 10 years ago I found myself back in that same barn. The twisted wreckage was no longer there. In it's place was a fully intact craft hovering there. I remembered that years ago it used to be a wreckage but how was it now intact?
(what you will next read is in NO way any sort of bragging. When I remembered this and realized what infact went on.... it hit me like a freaking Mack Truck! It still floors me to think about. It is staggering and very humbleing! I can't even believe I'm about to write it......)
Anyway..... I climbed up some wooden beams of the barn and entered the craft. The craft was only about 12 to 15 feet long and in the shape of a somewhat flattened eye ball. It was silver or stainless steel in color. Inside the enterance room there were collapseable acordian stlye walls (?). These walls reminded me of circut boards because they had things that looked like electronic components. There were 4 of them each of a different color red, blue, gree, and yellow. I saw a doorway and walked in. I entered a tan colored circular room. In the center was what looked like a white garbage can. From this "garbage can" was what looked like large cables under the flooring, walls, and ceiling. I walked to the front of the craft into the cockpit and there was 2 seats. I sat down in the left one and looked all around trying to figure out what everything was. In front at the center of the computer system consols was a screen. At that point it read out the existing power cell. It looked to be at about 1/5. I then wondered what the next destination of the craft was. The screen read out then changed to it's next destination. The destination was leaving our star system and going to another that appeared to be close by (relatively). The craft had enough power to make the trip. Figureing out that the craft responds to thought, I asked it telepathically if the craft was strucurally sound enough to make the trip. The screen changed and gave the the repair staus of the craft. Over the past 10 years it repaired itself back to perfect health. I then asked it where the occupants were. There were none, it came here on its own under request. I wanted to return the craft to where it came from and to the people it belonged to. So I asked the craft to go to it's next destination. I put on the restraints and it slowed lifted up. I fell asleep. I awoke entering the atmosphere and I though we were still at Earth but at different time, perhaps in the future. There were buildings, different sizes and shapes of small craft, people walking around, and plants. I asked the craft to land in the park below. Once it landed I opened the top hatch and looked around. A woman with a baby in a stroller type of thing was walking by. She looked almost completely human with brown hair but her forehead was larger than ours and had horrizontal ridges going across it. I got her attention "Excuse me ma'am? Can you help me? I think my craft is malfunctioning and it needs help." She said with a smile as she pointed "Certainly, do you see that tall building? Ask it for help and a crane arm will pick you up." I thanked her and bid her a good day. I looked up to the building and asked it to help. A small silver sphere came down and (?)looked(?) at me and went back up. A few seconds later the huge crane arm was on it's way to me. I ducked back down into the craft as it took me up to the top of the building. Once there I poked my head back out of the top hatch and asked a man (the same specie as the woman) the same request as I did the woman. The man walked over to us and asked "Certalinly, what can I do for you?" I told him that I am not from here, this is not my craft and I wanted to return it here. I told him about all of the read outs that the craft showed me and that I figured this is where it was from. He said he would take a look and see what the problem was. After looking over the craft he told me that it was just running low on fuel cells and nothing was wrong with it. He then asked me if I knew how the reactor worked. I replied "Ummm, that cylindrical thing in the curcular room?" He said yes that's it. While I was standing there on top of the craft talking to the man a rodent looking person came over with the fuel cells and a reptilian person put it into a fuel hatch on the right side of the craft. Inside of the barrel that contained the fuel cells were frozen packages of a liquid lime green with metallic looking iridescence block. These frozen blocks of green stuff were floating around in a liquid state of the same substance. The Ridge Headed man told me that this was the fuel cells and 5 of them were loaded into the craft's fuel side hatch. I said "Ooooohh! It smells so good! Can I eat it?" (it smelled like a very sweet lemonade but made with lime instead, or some sort of lime morang pie) He said "Actually, yes you can! This has everything the body need, spiritually, metally, emotionally, as well as physically. All things no matter what it is made of reduces into this substance. The reactor can refine anything into this substance and use it as fuel." He gave me a little blob of this green stuff and I ate it. Oh my God did it ever taste AWESOME! It tasted just like it smelled but with a metallic taste mixed in. After this we went inside and he showed me how the reactor worked. He also brought some back up power cells. In the reactor room he told me again that this reactor can reduce anything into that green substance. He also said that when this substance was first discovered, the entire planet was cleansed of all litter, garbage, and pollution. It cured their entire planet's ecosystem and biosphere. In addition to this it revolutionized how the entire population, culture, and society opperated. This substance freed the whole planet from their old ways. I am to conclude that this discovery happened hundreds or thousands of years ago or longer. The planet has not seen any hard times in any way since that discovery. The populations of the all species there flourish and are very happy and healthy.
Disease became a thing of the past with that discovery. I then asked him how it is that the craft was restored. When I first saw it 10 years ago it was nothing more than a pile of scrap metal. But 10 years passed and it was fully restored. He told me that as long as the craft's core systems are functional, the carft can fix itself. It uses the green substance to do this as well. After telling me this history he said "You are not the only one of you kind that I have seen." I have adopted a human as my doughter. There she is." He pointed and about 150 feet away, there she was. She waved, smiled, and walked inside the building. Some time later he introduced me to he and we spoke a while and started to warm to each other. When the Ridged man and I were done inside the craft we went outside and I asked him how I could pay for what he has done for me. "I am from Earth and all I have is 6 dollars to give you." He said "payment is not necessary." I told him "Please take the craft then, it seems that it is from here. It doesn't belong to me and I wanted to return it to where it belongs." He said to me with a smile "But it likes you! And not many can figure out how to fly a Stinger." (Stinger is what this specific craft type is called). Like I said before I spoke with his doughter for a while, but I knew that I had to return to Earth. I really didn't want to. I could have stayed there for the rest of my life and be very happy there. But I did leave but instructed the craft to return on it's own back to that planet, plane of existance, or what ever it was.

Even though I am a life long contactee, I still say that this was most likely the most fantastic and realistic dream I have ever had. A friend of mine who used to work for MUFON in Arizona told me months ago that some humans are tought how to operate extraterrestrial technology. This is done both while awake and also in dream state. I am inclined to believe that this was a dream state training for me to both learn how to fly the Stinger and also to learn about the green liquid substance. About 4 months ago I was taken by some aquatic people and I was soaked in a very similar substance but it was blue. It smelled like sweet blueberries. It has very revitalizeing and healing properties. It is a bit sticky though when it dries. After being soaked in it I felt fantastic, better than I have in years! But still I didn't connect the 2. About 2 months ago I watched a video on youtube and this guy was talking about a similar substance. He said that this stuff can also be breathed in like breathing air. That is when I remembered all of the abouve. Back then I thought it was a dream, but now I'm not too sure. At most I'll say it was a dream state training. But what really floors me is I know how to fly the Stinger model craft. This is humbleing beyond belief! Its pretty easy though. The craft itself is telepathic and has a personality and conciousness of it's own. Its fairly easy to interface with the craft. About 5 to 8 years ago I heard that quantum physicists figured out some mathematical equasions for some psychic abilities. These equasions probably fit into the Laws of Entanglement, Superpositioning, and other such things. I would say that this is put to use and programmed into etraterrestrial craft giving them some sort of conciousness and telepathic abilities of their own.

I just looked back and reread what I wrote and it still astounds the ever living hell outta me. I suppose that it could be remotely possible that I did in fact fly this craft to another planet some where and it is not a dream state training. I was taken by an aquatic race 4 or 5 months ago as I stated earlier. An aquatic female took me to an underwater city. I'm guessing that I have been there before since it was familiar to me, as were some humans that I saw there, and a non-Earth animal too. I have not the faintest clue as to where this was. I don't know if they have an underwater city here or I was in fact on thier planet. To me, setting foot on another planet is something really huge! I don't know that I can say that I have actually done it. Its just mind bendingly huge! Possible? Ya.... it may be possible, but I can't say for certain, not at all.

~~Since I referred the being taken by an aquatic specie, perhaps I should speak of that. I was trying to fall asleep one night and my door was open by about 4 inches. I had a wierd feeling wave over me of a presence. I tilted my head and looked out the door. I saw a pair of large black eyes looking back at me. It was a Biomechanical Grey looking in at me with his blank stare and expressionless face. I said "Well would ya look at that! Its a Biomechanical Grey!" I fell asleep immediately after I said that. I do greatly regret that though. I didn't speak to him as if he was a person. I spoke as if he was a machine. I regret not extending my hand in friendship as I should have. That was very wrong of me. The next thing I remember was standing in the hallway faceing my room. The Biomechanical Grey was at my right and an Aquatic woman was at my left. She was holding my room mates' baby, Logan. I asked her to please not to take him again. Not with out the parents' permission. We were standing there waiting for their ship to pick us up. After that, the next thing I remember was an aquatic male giving me a ring to put on. He told me that this ring would enable me to breathe under water. The Aquatic woman left with Logan. I don't know where she went, but I knew that the 3 month old infant was in good hands. I felt her love for him radiating from her. Once I put the ring on, we swam down. As we went down further and further I began to see the underwater city. The buildings were almost like castles with high spires. We swam deeper to a stone square building. It found it odd that I didn't see any fish or other aquatic animals while swimming. We got to the stone square building and entered. The enterance room was filled with water so the pressure change was not such a shock. The water emtied out of the room and we could continue. For the first time I saw humans other than myself. I questioned the Aquatic male. "Humans! What are they doing here?" I can't remember exactly what his answer was. But as we passed by some humans talking to eachother in a large room with stairs in it I began to recognize them and this large room. I specifically remembered a lovely dark haired human. We have spoken before and telepathically she said that she wanted to speak to me again when I was done. The Aquatic male and I walked down this long hallway with a door at the end of it. The door opened on it's own and there was an older human man (about 65-70yrs old) there sitting in a chair with a rather strange looking animal on his lap. I also recognized this hallway, door, room, old man, and animal. In the doorway I got down to my knees and called to the animal. "Hello beautiful! Come here beatiful!" The animal jumped down from the old man and ran to me. It was all happy, wiggley, and it's tongue was hanging out of it's mouth. It ran up to me, tackled me, and licked my face while standing on my chest. This beast's fur was very similar to the colorings and markings of a red fox but it was alittle bigger. The head, muzzle, and teeth was more in the shape of a crocodile's though. The body was overall canine in build. The appearence of this beast tells me that the paths and chains of evolution are at least similar no matter where in the universe you go. Fish evolve into amphibians, amphibians into reptiles, and reptiles into mammels and birds. This beast was a mammal but it still had the evidence of a reptilian heritage in the shape of it's skull. It's breath even smelled like both that of a reptile's and that of a mammel's. After I said hello to the beast, I greeted the old man in the chair. I remember sitting next to him on the floor and we spoke for a while. I was later instrucked to lay down in a bed at the right side of the room near the corner. The beding was velvet soft and the covers were mainly dark blue. I became very comfortable very quickly. The bed soon turned into this dark blue and reflective iridescent metal like color liquid that smelled like blueberries. I relaxed and stayed in this liquid for a while. The next thing I know, I'm back home in my bed and I'm all stickey from head to toe. This aquatic specie of people are tall and slender. They have large circular and slightly bulgey eyes. The skin looked to have the texture and feel of a shark. The skin color was greyish with hints and shades of green and blue. Their fingers and toes are webbed naturally. If I remember correctly they had 3 fingers..... or maybe 4....? Of coarse they are excellent swimmer. I found it interesting that I swim almost exatly like they do, like aquatic mammals (dolphins, otters, seals, or whales).
(I figured that out at a young age, you're much more arodynamic and agile if you swim like and otter or dolphin. Thats just how I tought myself to swim, it feels much more natural too.)

What REALLY sucks though is that I did NOT remember anything until I was takeing a shower and the stickieness was washed off. I would have really liked to scrape my skin and have an analysis done on the substance. It would have been fantastic for the human race to uncover the secrets of this thick liquid as the other race did that I met 9 or 10 years ago. It would have changed the human race for the better as it did for the other race. I just hope I get that chance again. If not me, than some one. Some one, any one, I don't care who! I don't care at all! We need this liquid! It would change the entire race, ecosystem, biosphere, and the planet. Only good can come from it! (I think) I really hope some one gets a sample of this stuff! Some thing tells me that it is an alkaline based substance of some sort. I would really love for this substance to come to Earth. Disease would be a thing of the past. Starvation would end as would malnourishment. Pollution would end. The planet could heal. Only good can come from it. We really need this stuff.

It really sucks that people like me and many others here are seen as crazy. We know of things that could change the course of the human race and take the whole planet into a positive direction. That is my driveing force for writing Extraterrestrial Evolution 101. Maybe I could, in some small way, help people see what they already know. My method is useing globally accepted science and history that every one already agrees on. Many just don't see it as one picture. Rather it is all broken up into separate subjects and schools of learning. The worst part is that most scientists, cross professionally, don't talk to each other. Its all a big ego trip for most scientists. Who makes the discoveries and who gets the glory..... Its really sad. I'm convinced that the human race would be at least 100 years more advanced if scientists of all different profession would just talk to each other.

There are only 2 profession that I have found that scientists and specialists are all working together for one goal. The first is Quantum Physics. Quantum physicists. classical physicists, theoretical physicists, astrophysicists, cosmologists, human behaviour specialists, microbiologists, human anatomy specialists, brain sergions, spiritual leaders, and many other types of people are all talking and finding out that they are all saying the same thing. It is similar with astrobiology. Microbiologists, geologists, seismiologists, volcanologists, astropysicists, cosmologists, planetologists, paleontologists, paleoclimatologists, geological time scale specialists, and paleobotonists are all working towards one goal. Now if all of these people were to look at the dinosaur's extinction they would come up with the right answer. Nothing annoys me more than these idiots on TV saying that they now what killed them all off. All of them are wrong! But on the other hand they are right but they don't know it. They have huge egos and fight eachother to be right and get all the glory of discovery. The only reason why I know a more of a complete answer is because I study everything. I do not limit myself in what I study at all. It is for this one and only reason why I want to live for 300+ years. I don't have the time in my short life span of 60-100 years to study everything I want.

Sorry I went on that rant.... It is relavent but not relavent at all at the same time. Sorry

Finally to answer your question about my children.....
Earth, in it's state of things, isn't healthy for an living being. To know this all you have to do is watch the news. I refuse to bring a child into this world. Humans are a very dangerous specie. They can and do react out of fear very readily. Earth is a violent place that is full of hatered and corruption. Very true, there are some outstanding, wonderful, and beautifel humans. But it seems that too many are not. The conciousness level on this planet is not that great for many humans. Also, humans see time as being very linear. If my understanding of time is correct, it is more sphereical. It can move in streams, whirlpools, and spheres. I feel that extraterrestrials know this about time, or rather the true nature of time. ET's have a greater understanding of everything that we can't even fathom. Quantum physics is just now beginning to see the relations between spirituality and science. Our understanding for the most part is still infantile. The same goes for our understandings of just about everything. The mother's of my children, their family, and specie can give them all than they desrve in life. I simply can not do that for them. They deserve better than me and that is what they have. But this also means that I may never see them, see them born, hold them, teach them, or tell them that I love them. It is a heavy price to pay, but it is better that way. I also would not dare to have them away from their mother's, faimily, and specie. It's just better that way, but I would love to see them at some point. Even if it is just once, so I could tell them that I love them. I would be happy with that. I would also like to see their beautiful mothers' again as well.

Last edited by Valkyr; 01-08-2010 at 12:27 PM.
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Old 01-08-2010, 12:18 PM   #5
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

Originally Posted by Fredkc View Post
1st odd question...

Could it be the same ones, taking you all the time, yet planting a different memory of their appearance?

I do not see your questions as odd. I suppose it could be possible. I personally do not believe that to be the case. All I have to go by is feeling and instinct. I always trust my instincts. I am alive today because of them. But I will readily say that I am in NO WAY an expert. I will NEVER say that I know everything about anything. I know some things and I am always willing to learn more.
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Old 01-08-2010, 12:25 PM   #6
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

very interesting ,please tell us more about earth and why is it the way it is
what happened for it to get like this
if you know anything on the annunaki etc ,
fascinating stuff ,thank you ,
I have met the tall greys ,have to say when I was taken it didnt it was an organised fashioned ,they zapped me with there index finger which was like an electric shock and I forgot the
whole scene ,
please speak out , namaste
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Old 01-08-2010, 02:16 PM   #7
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

I also would not dare to have them away from their mother's, faimily, and specie. It's just better that way...
Do you know why the interbreeding is going on? Given our (probably incorrect) understanding of what a species is, it seems odd that this is even possible. How closely related are we to these other beings? Also, why are human children being adopted on other planets? I understand you do not have all the answers, but if you have been told some of these things, inquiring minds want to know...
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Old 01-21-2010, 08:53 AM   #8
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

Originally Posted by zaina View Post
very interesting ,please tell us more about earth and why is it the way it is
what happened for it to get like this
if you know anything on the annunaki etc ,
fascinating stuff ,thank you ,
I have met the tall greys ,have to say when I was taken it didnt it was an organised fashioned ,they zapped me with there index finger which was like an electric shock and I forgot the
whole scene ,
please speak out , namaste
The history of humans on Earth.....
It was not always like it is today. To some degree yes it was but in other respects thing were very different. What I am about to say my be difficult for some people to read. Some may not like it at all but I have found the following to be fact by doing research and everyone can do the same. I will be touching upon religion at the bottom this section. So if you are easily hurt by people contesting religion, please skip this section. I state facts but I DO NOT want to hurt people at all, so skip this section if you are sensitive to the subject of religion. You will recieve a final warnign just before I cover religion. I do not wish to insult or hurt people so please be warned and skip that section if you need to.
Much of the horror and corruption is due to greed and the lust for power and control. This lust for power, control and greed echos through out human history since the beginning. This is displayed in many different ways. The two biggest in present day is government and religion. These 2 institutions and all related to them are abundant in horror, corruption, and unending lies. I could go on extensively on both. Control and lies have even spread into science and human history. The reasons varry but control is ever present as a leading reason. If the human race knew the facts and truth about science and technology the global human race would revolt against all global governments and a global civil war would irrupt. Not against countries, not against people with different skin colors, not for land, not for oil, but it would be war against government. All governments on the planet. The simple fact of humans do not ever need to be sick with any disease ever. Things like cancer and AIDS have multiple cures. The power and energy problems of the entire planet can be repaired planet wide in less than a year. All forms of polution could end. Starvation and malnourishment could end. All people on the planet could have the best of education for free. These and many other can easily be propblems of the past over night or with in one year. But people who can think for themselves are a HUGE threat to all government and religion structures. People could sit at their kitchen tables, figure out how they are being screwed over by government and come to how it all can be fixed. Ignorant people are much easier to control than well educated people. Global govenments keep the human race just smart enough to run the machines and do the paper work but stupid enough to not see how they are being controlled.
The same goes for human history. We are not tought the facts and truth about our own history as a specie. Most ancient human cultures were more advanced than we are today in many aspects. It is a fact that sergeons use surgical tools that are thousands of years old simply because the precision of these instruments are FAR SUPERIOR to what we have today. Many ancient structures simply can not be built today because of how advanced the human race used to be. The Mayans calculated major celestial events down to the minute. Most consider the Mayans to be heathens and savages but our calendar is based off of theirs. But we still do not use their calendar 100% even though it is far more exact than ours. The Mayans predicted that planet Earth will be at precise fireing range of the galactic wave in 2012, December 21 at precisely 11:11am eastern standard time. Scientists today can't do that. We are not taught true human history for these and many other reasons. Another leading reason is that we are not allowed to know that trans-oceanic travel was possible before everyone's favorite idiot Cristopher Columbus. When people accept that trans-oceanic travel was done thousands of years BEFORE Columbus, it would change people's preceptions of history, and people would figure out that they have been lied to even with human history. The earliest known group of people to SAIL HERE IN BOATS was the Cloveis poeple 15,000 to 20,000 years ago. There were many others. In 1408 the Chinese fully mapped out the entire planet including Antarctica. The Vikings came here 500 years before Columbus. The Phonecians were here thousands of years before Columbus. An unknown group of people living on Antarctica for 2,000 years 6,000 to 8,000 years ago mapped out parts of North America up to Canada. The earliest know people to inhabit North America was an unknown group of people living in South Carolina. Christopher Columbus "discovered" America? Ya right!! Columbus can bite my butt!!! Also if humans were to find out the facts of almost every ancient human culture had extensive contact with etraterrestrials, it would change every thing. And then humans would find out that humans were created by etraterrestrials by genetically manipulating and using a native indigionous specie of Earth. This knowledge would destroy all religions. The entire planet would drastically change for the better if we were allowed to know real, true, and factual history. The owners of this planet DO NOT want that. There is even a government institution that has the specific job of covering up and destroying history. This government institution is called The Smithsonian. Yup as in the museums! These people are guilty of takeing priceless artifacts that DO NOT fit in with popularly accepted history (as dictated by the church and government) and dumping these artifacts into the Atlantic Ocean by the boay loads. I call that a crime against humanity past, present, and future!!! That is one of the most horrific crimes immaginable!! I can not convey the absolute rage that it stirs within me! Such corruption, such vileness can NEVER be forgiven! That IS the embodiement of evil at it's core!
Religion is nothing but a control mechanism. People can easily lead a good, positive life absent religion but still have the greatness and wonders of spirituality. All they need to do is listen to their hearts, conscience, trust within themselves, and look to the splendors of the world and beyond. In religion, mass murderers are made into saints because they killed in the name of "God". Killing innocent people of all ages, sexes, skin colors, and national origins. This is no more aparent than "Saint" Patrick. This "Saint" senselessly sloughtered his own family, kinsmen, townsfolk, and countrymen because they practiced the old Celtic religions and were not of the flock of Jesus. The term "Snake" was a derogatory term for the Celtic people who were not Christian or Catholic. So those who celebrate "Saint" Patrick's Day, celebrate the slaughter of their own family lineage and ancestors. Thats sick! But we are not tought the truth. Not many know this fact thanks to religion. I have a list of 60+ Sun Gods who have died on a cross, were dead for 3 days, resurected, walked on water, commited miracles, had 12 followers or deciples, raised the dead, star in the East, the 3 kings, healed the sick, and so on. Jesus is only the most recent to have these characteristics. But if you were to ask a priest how this is, you are told that the devil made these similarites to confuse you and test your faith. Thats disturbing beyond belief! This is the same lame excuse for dinosaur fossiles. The devil himself put them in the ground. Rediculous! And the great flood..... WOW! What a crock! I mathematically disproved that a few years ago. My findings were that the Ark could fit only 4 and a half African Savana Elephants. But to carry just one, not 2-7 pairs of ever animal on Earth was astounding. For 7 months and 17 days, one single pair of all animals, 3 decks, and containment, and food/water, the true ship would have had to be 319, 277 times the equatorial circumferance of the Sun. Thats a big boat, thats a big load of lies spoon fed to us, and that is an enormous amount of poop! Religion teachs some good fantasy stories and some good moral lessons. But it should never be taken at face value and as fact. Religion and sprituality are VERY different. Spirituality is a fine thing but organized religion is a horror beyond reconing. Its a disease on this planet that needs to be cured permanently. This "God" person himself is a hateful being. I'm sure many people have seen such horrific statments such as "God hates America" "God hates blacks" God hates gay people" God hates this, God hates that, God hates you, God hates me, God hates all dogs named Spot! I am so sickened by such hateful statements. For being a loving guy, he sure hates a whole lot of things. I have found that this "God" person really loves just one thing.... MONEY! "God" loves you but he won't hesitate to throw your butt in Hell for eating a slice of bacon. That is truly weird! The leading cause of death on the planet for the past few thousand years has been God. People take turns killing each other just because "God" says its a good idea. Thats disgusting! Savage! Heathenistic! In this day and age a woman can EAT her 6 week old infant ALIVE and say "The devil made me do it" and people will actually believe her and feel bad for her. That is so horrific that there are just no words at all. This is the type of thing that religion had done to the human race. It's sick! Religion keeps the common people fighting amoungst themselves while the rich and powerful become richer and even more powerful. Now that is an astounging amount of control! It is a fairly simple process and it happens to work very well! I am 100% convinced that the human race would be at least 1,000 years more advanced than we are now if Catholicism and Christianity and/or anything like them never existed! Earth would be a loving and peaceful place. That is very upsetting indeed!
I personally see ALL DIVINE BEINGS as beautiful and wonderous! My personal favorites are "The Source Of All", "The Creator", and "The Great Mystery". Each of these are sexless and formless. Each of these are Native American divine beings. It is up to you or up to this divine being what form it takes. No names to fight over, no reason to kill each other, no pagentry, and we don't all gather in a building to compare clothing once a week. These divine beings just exists and thats that. What they ask is pure and simple.... Do what ever you want but harm nothing and no one, this includes all forms of life and the planet itself, and pop in and say "hi" once in a while. Thats all that they ask for really. To me this is wicked awesome. But I do love Norse divine beings, Ancient Egyptian, Sumarian, and a few others.... The Norse Valkyries absolutely rock!.


We are told lies in every aspect of life to keep the human race under control. All a person needs to do is the proper research and anyone will come to the same conclusions. The facts are well hidden from us but persaverence will give you the answers.

The Annunaki.....
I do not know a great deal about these people. I do know that the Ancient Sumerian people wrote all about them. One thing being that they, with a few other species of people, created the human race. I would one day like to meet an Annunaki person so that I may thank them for creating us. We were first created to be sort of a "slave race" so that we may harvest Earth's resources for them. It seems that we have been left to our own and no longer are slaves. But we are still watched very closely so that we do not destroy the planet. I would say that in a few areas we seem to be working together. Some times it seems that the Annunaki, the Pleiadians, and the Nordics are all the same people. Perhaps diffierent colonies? Or different names? Or both? Or maybe I am wrong?
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Old 01-22-2010, 06:11 AM   #9
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

Originally Posted by Jnana View Post
Do you know why the interbreeding is going on? Given our (probably incorrect) understanding of what a species is, it seems odd that this is even possible. How closely related are we to these other beings? Also, why are human children being adopted on other planets? I understand you do not have all the answers, but if you have been told some of these things, inquiring minds want to know...
Specie interbreeding.....
I am under the impression that many species that reach a certain point in evolution are genetically upgraded. I have heard that this genetic manipulation is how many species have come about in the universe. Some of the original species in the universe started this process. They tought other when they evolved enough, and those tought more and so on..... In light on these ideas, it may be able to be concluded that inter-specie breeding is part of this process. I do happen to know that the Paiedian People (Nordic, Annunaki) are only a very few chromocomes different than us. Genetically they are human, but they have a more advanced immune system. These people, as far as the genetics are concerned, are very closely related to the Chinese oddly enough. Ya, even though they clearly do not look like it. There are actually 4 Chinese women on Earth that share almost 100% of the genetics of a Plaiedian woman's who's hair was tested. If I remember correctly, there is a difference of like 2-4 genes between these 4 Chinese women and this Plaiedian and thats it. These 4 Chinese women are all related... 2 children, a mother, and a grandmother. Weird huh?

Article is way down near the bottom:

Here is another:

Specie interbreeding can be possible if the genetics are close enough. Also there are things that we need to consider that we don't understand. I would say that it may be possible for some species to spontainiously change their genetics with a thought. If some species can "ghost walk" through walls, than why would stop them from changeing their genetics at a whim? The "ghost walk" thing I may have an understanding of how this can be done but the difficulty for a human to do this is unreal. If anyone here knows about quantum physics and the collapse of a wave function, just reverse the preocess.... The solid state particle turning into a wave function. What this means is this. Some species can take them selves apart at the atomic level, turn the atoms and subatomic particles into the direct relation energy equivalence (wave function), move through a wall, than recoallese from enegery form into solid state matter. This is just my theory about "ghost walking" anyway..... I just figured that out a few days ago...... Or maybe they do it to the wall instead of themselves.....? Meh! Anyway, my point is this.... If they can do that, they could be able to alter their genetics by thought alone.

I do not see this as something as being unusual. I'm not saying that this is a sort of thing that would happen everey day. It just doesn't seem odd to me. Maye it because of getting to know the species that I have met. All species I have met demonstraighted kindness, love, respect, treatment as an equal, conscern for my well being, patience, and more. So it seems that adoption wouldn't be outside the bounds of possability.

This is a picture of a sculpture:

I believe this to be a sculpture of a crash victim in 1954 or 1952. When I first saw this picture I statred to cry horribly. I couldn't explain my reaction. After looking at it a few more time I had a weird vision. Always having tears in my eyes, and even now I do. Anyway the vision was of seeing this little guy dieing on the ground. I ran up to him slid my legs under him and held him to me. I cried begging for help to come. Begging for a craft of their people to come and help him. I do know that he wasn't affraid of me and knew what I was doing. I held him to my chest and kissed him on the head. He died in my arms. I have absolutely no explaination for this at all but I can feel it deep in my heart. I also have the feeling of possibly knowing him or knowing some one who looks just like him. I have no explaination for this at all. It makes no sense at all but the feeling is real. That all I know.
My point is this..... Love and compassion can be had between species of people. This happens every day on Earth between the different races of humans. Could it not be the same between humans and extraterrestrials? There have been humans who have freed ET's from captivity or rescued crash vistims.
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Old 01-25-2010, 09:39 AM   #10
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

WOW! Was this ever incredible! I now know how we are transported by Greys from home/bed to craft! The processes in which they use are incredible! I think it is the same processes in which they can "Ghost Walk" through solid objects.

At about 5:30 am Saturday 23rd 2010 I went to bed. I figured now one will come for me since it was late and I might be getting a cold. In fact while laying in for the first minute I told them that they may not want to come for me since I may be getting a cold. Then I said "Well, it might not matter since you are probably immune to all of our diseases anyway." So I closed my eyes and was trying to fall asleep and I began to see their faces in my mind again. This doesn't happen all the time but pretty often. I don't know why this happens. Some times I see their eyes and others I'll see their faces but as an outline sorta, while others its full color. I don't know why this happens.... Anyway I saw a Grey's face, a Tall Grey's face but that one seemed to be a young person, and I saw a Mantis being's face. As I see each of them I always smile and say "hello". But when I saw the Mantis being I said "Ooooo a Mantis being! I have not met your kind as far as I know and remember. I would like to meet your magnificent race some time." I almost fell asleep when I hear a chirping, pulsating, buzzing noise near my closet. I felt a bit of fear go through my body, but I sat up to look. I didn't see a person but I did see the time/space distortion effect of (?)teleportation(?). I said a few times "Hello?" and had no response. I laid back down while this was going on and I sat up again, and again I said "Hello?" a few more times. During this time I felt such sleepiness coming over me and I fought it. I wanted to see the people or person. I fought as hard as I could but had to lay back down and the fear went away. I think I may have fallen asleep for a second or two but I woke right back up fighting for consciousness. The being was standing right next to me. I could feel the person there but my eyes wouldn't open. I then felt my entire body jolting and vibrating because supermassive amounts of electrogravitic energy was being pumped through me. To most this would be terrifying! Especially if they are paralyzed and are looking at the being doing it to them! I don't think I was paralyzed in the normal sense but I couldn't control my body since it was convulsing so badly due to the electrogravitic energy. I tried to scream out but I couldn't. This was not out of fear at all but the energy surging though me was just so massive and incredible that all I felt I knew to do was to scream. Then it stopped and I tried to catch my breath and smiled. I didn't move even though I knew that I could if I wanted to. They it started again. I don't know how to adequately describe how it feels. Its like being electrocuted but with out the pain. I have been hit by lightning twice so I know what electrocution feels like on a body wide scale. It's like every cell and every atom is being charged up in a very strange manner. You can almost feel each individual cell and atom in your body being vibrated so electrostatic gravitic energy overcome each of them. Anyway for the second time I was electrogravitically charged and electrocuted. I convulsed from the energy again and when it stopped, this time I floated up and hovered about 2 inches from my bed. This is absolutely incredible! You are 100% free-floating weightless but can still feel the effects of gravity on your body. You can feel the blood in your body move to the lowest point of your body when you are rolled over or stood up. My eyes were still closed at this point but I feel as though I floated higher towards the ceiling to maybe a few feet above my bed or a few feet away from the ceiling. I really am not sure! But I was fully consciousus through all of this and I was excited but in a meditative sort of trance at the same time. The being grabbeded my left fore arm with both hands and sat me up. I still had my eyes closed. At some point I was moved to the floor, hovering in a laying down position. I opened my eyes and saw the ceiling above me, my bed to the right of me, and my TV to the left of me. I was only hovering about an inch or two from the floor. I was then turned over facing the floor. I opened my eyes again and to no surprise saw the rug about an inch from my face. "I really do have to vacuum" I thought to myself. The next thing I remember is I saw turned around horizontally. I was still facing the floor floating there but my head was pointing to the back of the room and I starded to move forward to my back wall. I got SO EXCITED because I knew I was about to feel what it was like to "ghost walk" through a solid object and be concious to remember it. I have been looking forward to this for a such long time!!!! We stopped moving. I could feel him disconnect from me for a short time. I said to him "I can move the chair and table for you." And I could feel the strange disagreements of conciousness between the physical and quantum physical minds. I could feel it..... It was sooooo strange. It was almost like a good spirited, amusing, banter, argument between the understandings of physics. But it was felt and not spoken....... It was sooooo weird. Anyway, I was still facing the floor and could see a wheel on the foot of my chair about 2 or 3 inches away from the right side of my face. He then reconnected to me and pivoted me up, backwards so I was in a standing position but leaning backwards at about a 75* to 60* angle I think. Its sorta like using a dolly to move heavy boxes or objects. When this happend I moved my right arm and hand behind me and around his back to stady myself as if I was being effected by gravity but I really wasn't. This was more instinctual. I gently grabbed what I thought would be his back but it was his rump instead. I immediatly apologized and moved my hand up to his lower back. I thought that this was a Grey so I was compenstaing for the height difference but I was wrong about the height. This resulted in me grabbing his rump. The skin felt like a 100% biological Grey's though. Warm, very smooth, and almost rubbery like. But this person was about my height so it was not a standard Grey. It wasn't a Tall grey either. A Tall Grey's skin feel a bit dry and rough. The next thing I remember was floating down to my bed. The time difference felt like only a few seconds passed. It made me question if I even went anywhere with the person. I thought that maybe this trip was aborted for some reason. But the thing is my memory is wiped pretty well, so perhaps I did go somewhere with them..... I'm not sure at all. I can tell you this though. The whole thing was very exciting! I kept saying in my mind over and over again "please let me remember this" and/or "I want to remember this". I was so excited the whole time but held in a deep meditateive trance as well. This doesn't seem like much but it was incredable! Sadly I don't remember "ghost walkng" throuh a solid object. This whole thing was fantastic anyway!
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Old 01-27-2010, 03:39 AM   #11
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

I really enjoy reading these stories, please tell us more!!! You are enjoy your experiences and I think it's very important for others to know that it can be something amazing, not just negative and scary.
Thank you for sharing with us!
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Old 02-14-2010, 12:43 AM   #12
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

These are some very amazing experiences you've had, It's beyond any that I've ever heard of.
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Old 02-14-2010, 04:20 AM   #13
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

Aloha Valkyr. I was wondering if you know why implants and why so many? Also, have you read Lou Baldwin's book as he is a lifetime inductee?

Mahalo, and thank you for sharing your story. Ironically, I'm in the middle of writing a book on the different alien cultures. I guess it's time for that info to be out in the public.
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
Images to nourish the spirit: http://mistsofavalon.invisionplus.ne...&showtopic=198
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Old 03-04-2010, 12:51 AM   #14
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

Valkyr, did these ETs ever inject you with something, like we do with a shot and did it leave a very small cut?
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Old 03-08-2010, 03:27 AM   #15
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

Thank you so much for sharing, the light in you is bright, and its wonderful.

edit to add: another marker I'm seeing, in your very detailed accounts is this sense of happiness, feeling happy, lit up. I recognize that feeling, its something they seem to leave with us, or program in, I'm not sure if its done in way to ensure we know who is who, to not be in the wrong hands, or what really, but the interaction often brings this happy feeling for me, and I'm really seeing this in you. You have met so many different species, and have such good recall.

The waterworld, the water people, what did they look like? Especially their faces?

Last edited by mystiq; 03-08-2010 at 04:01 AM.
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Old 03-26-2010, 10:01 AM   #16
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

Hey everyone,

Sorry I have been gone so long. I have been upto my eyeballs in work and research. I do that sometimes. I go through research storms. Over the past week I have been doing research all night at work and when I get home it continues untill 3:00pm. I work nights and have a wierd schedual.

I really do thank you all for your warmth in your replies. A few weeks ago I was offered some time to speak at a convention by a friend of mine. She offered to call on me and speak, sharing her time with me. This is a huge and humbleing honor for me. This is my first time speaking publically. This will be at the Alamo Conference at the end of May. I hope that this leads to me being called on to speak more in different places. I have many things that I feel are important and that people should know. Most pointedly, the healing substance that smells like fruit, how far back our history actually goes with ET people/civilizations, and my model of how all life evolves. That model isn't different from what is understood of coarse. But few scientists are willing to work on and speak of multiple diciplines of science. This is all that I am doing. I have renamed "Extraterrestrial Evolution 101" to the "Unified Evolution Theory". It sounds more professional and it is summed up better with that title.

I'm going to avoid takeing up a whole lot of space on this thread and respond to everyone on this entry instead of making multiple entries.....

After I'm done responding I'll post a few more experiences, thank you. People have different presceptions on abduction and rightfully so. There are people who are affraid of ET people and the unknown in general. Long ago when I did occasionaly read about other's experiences I would think to myself "WOW! I'd love to go through that! Why is this person so affraid and traumatized?" In my personal veiw (I can be wrong) it is the presceptions of the people being taken. If they have fears about the whole thing to begin with they will be affraid, traumatized, and thus have a bad experience. People who are open to things won't be traumatized as much or not at all. This is my personal veiw and idea. Like I said, I can be wrong. But than again, there are some things that happened to me that were tough to deal with. Knowing that I may have 2 children isn't easy. Facing that fact that I have left this planet threw me for a ride. Faceing the fact that I know how to pilot one type of craft was very jarring. And in the beginning, I saw things quite differently and was affraid at times. Still in rescent months one thing was a bit scarry but when it happened again and asked questions I understood and was not only fine with the whole thing but happy and thankful. The rescent thing was being "Accustically Tuned". I'll go into that in a little while.

I have had proceederes done on me, shots, injections and such. Some did indeed leave marks on me as well. If any of you would like to see, I did take pictures of one such occasion. This was one of my implants being installed. It left an impossible bruising pattern and a triangle of 3 injection sites that went into the pores of my skin. On facebook look up Abductee ElectroMagneto. Here is the link:
This is me. I have 2 albums one is of the implant pics and the other is 14 pics of ET people I have met. I found the ET pics on the net. Some should be familiar because it is some of the same ones here. One of my new friends there on that account told me about a device that you can get from Radio Shack that oddly enough can detect implants. He told me the frequency that many seem to give off. I'll be getting that device very soon!
A few others have told me that I have experiences that are unique. I honestly don't know why this is. I tend to think that there are many other people who are more important than me and have ways of public speaking so that they can convey messeages. The many people who have been interviewed by Project Camelot, in my mind, would be better targets. These people are spiritual leaders, scientists, historians, and military people. They have more credentials that I do. It would make sence to me that these people would be exposed to these experiences and not me. But don't get me wrong, I am NOT COMPLAINING AT ALL! I love it. But I am not a person who seems to be very important in a big picture sense. I honestly don't know why mine are so unique.

I have not read Lou Baldwin's book yet. He sould like a person I should look up.
I can come up with only 1 reason why I might have so many implants. I asked for them. I did so because I thought I was going to be moving to Colorado from Pennsylvania and I wanted the project to keep going. I wanted all of them to know where I was so that the whole thing could keep going. Unfortunately I had to put off moving for a year. So this year in September I'll be moving. That is my only idea. After I asked, I received 4 within one month. Two of them were only 3 days apart.
Please go on with your book Carol!!! I for one would love to read it!!! Please do it!! I am very curious about their cultures and who they are as people. If you know anything about the animals and plants that they have on their planets, could you some how include that as well?

Thank you. By reading your response I was able to remember a picture of an elf that I saw abour 5 years ago. It was a picture of her face. It is pretty close to how these people look. I have never been able to adequitely describe what they look like untill reading your response. Thank you VERY much. Here is the pic:
The eyes of the aquatic woman was a bit larger and her hair wasn't in her face, so a little imagination is still needed. But the general facial structure is pretty similar. This aquatic specie of people are tall and slender. They have large circular and slightly bulgey eyes. The skin looked to have the texture and feel of a shark. The skin color was greyish with hints and shades of green and blue. The whole body structure is kind of elven. Slender but very beautiful. I do remember both the male and female being taller than me. Maybe about 6 feet to 6'6". I do not remember noticing any fins of gills. Sometimes my memory is not perfect and sometimes I am not able notice some things due to the situations.
I do not think that the feeling of happieness is programmed in. Of coarse I could be wrong. I feel that it is a result of just being around them. Maybe a good example of this is what you felt from me. Its a similar tpye of thing I think. I feel a very similar thing from you that you feel from me. I feel a great warmth from you.

This was my most recent thing that happened:
3-3-10 The Sound.....
Before this time I was exposed to this sound. When that happened for the first time, it was very unsettleing. It was scarry. So bad in fact that I didn't want to be alone or in the dark. I had to go to work though and most of the time at work I'm alone so I kept my mind busy research and watching Project Camelot interveiws. This sound was deeply rooted into my psychie. I was OK after that first night.
Now the second time it happened here on 3-3-10 I was not as unsettled as I was before, but I was stille a bit shakey about it. I had memory this time where I did not before. All I remembered was being in darkness and there were dark shapes of ET people moving about. I remembered this while at work.
This is what the sound sounds like.... Close your eyes and block out Vrillon's voice and the TV speakers and listen to the bass pulse sound. In the video at about 1:50 you can start to hear the sound better. Its quiet here. For me on the craft it was much louder and there was no other noises but that sound. You can hear it pretty well again at 4:30.
As I said, I remembered this at work. No one was really around so I had some quiet space to myself. At one point 3 people came in to go to the bar. While at work I channeled this:

"Accustically tuned. Being in darkness helps the effect, there is less to distract you. There is nothing to fear of us or the sound. Please don't be affraid. This boosts your resception signal. It is wakeing up your cells to their potential. So do not be affraid. It is wakeing up your conscieousness. You will be able to communicate better. There is something you must do. You require the proper tuneing to be resceptive to what it is. Your being accustically trained for the job. You are very important to us. (i asked if I was doing good enough for them) You serve us well, for the betterment of humanity, and all of us. You are one of many. You are gifted. There are many more of you.You are a good person and will go far. Educate people. Yes, share your knowledge it will affect the people it is supposed to. Keep learning and keep going. Keep speaking, people hear you. (I asked to do something great for humanity) You are, you will. There is something left for you to do. It is of utmost importance but it will be later. You will know when the time is right but its not right now. You willl know when the time is right. You will know. (I asked what it was that I am needed to do) You are not supposed to know it will disrupt time if you do. Let natural law take it's course and it will happen when it supposed to. (I asked for my memory) You will get your memory when you are suposed to. (I asked to meet the mothers and our children. I also asked to meet with ET people more consciously) We will meet as a family. Your family is waiting. They will join you soon." (2 pokes in the brain) (the bartender came upto me, 3 people came in right after being poked. Maybe pokeing was to wake me up from trance?)

"Everything you have done in your life has been for a purpose. We have guided you since the beginning. Stay connected there is more. Don't shut us out yet. Just sit and listen. Just be still. (has to do with moveing out west) You are going for a reason you will learn much and teach much. We are guiding you out there. You will be ok and taken care of. You will not fail. Just watch listen and learn. You will meet many people like you, learn from them, tell them what you know its important. You must go out there and do what you must do. We will guid you.You will be clearer out there. You mest be cleaned. You will learn more. Learn outo writing (auto writing) and clearavoyance. Learn trust in us and others. Learn auto sight. (Remote veiwing?) This will help us. Just trust. Unify the tauriod. (Unify the 7 chakras?) You will meet them. You are an expert. You are off center. You will center. Harmonize yourself with Earth. You will know when the time comes. (I'm being shown Red Rocks Park in Colorado) Center, harmonize here. Reconnect to Earth. Your connection is loose but not bad. You will be better. This is a good place. Beautiful place. Love this place. Your heart is here. Your love is here. Earth Center. Your time has come to change. And change you will. For the better. You're important. Harmonize yourself. They are disruptive. (refering to the people in the bar) (seeing Red Rocks again) Your heart is here. (being shown a blonde woman at the amphetheater in Red Rocks) Love is here. Go here everyday. You will meet. Love Earth. Love humainty. Love yourself. You will go far. You will be OK. You will see them. (i said I will do my best) We know you will, that is why we hired you. We have been with you always. You are our child. You are our future. You are our frined. Meet the people and go with them they will help you. (humans and ET's?) You are just go. Trust. Love all to eternity. Love to all eternity. (being shown outer space and Red Rocks Park) Go home."

This is a really big thing for me. Up untill about a month or 2 ago I have never channeled. Since I began to do so, it was only a few words at a time to a sentence or two at the very most. Channeling this much is really huge for me. I don't even know if it really is channeling since I don't know how it works. I don't know how to initiate it, but I do know how to stop it. For me it is like telepathy with an ET person but at a great distance. That is the best that I can describe. At one point in the channel I am told that I'm an expert. I didn't really like that too much. I NEVER consider myself as an expert of anything. I am just smart enough to know that there is a whole lot that I don't know. I study extensively but know that there is a whole lot that I don't know. The thing about Red Rocks Park in Colorado is very interesting. I have been out to Colorado 6 to 8 times. Every time I went I have always gone to Red Rocks Park and loved it there. The same goes for Dinosaur Ridge across from Red Rocks Park.
Since this channel I have used those same parting words ("Love all to Eternity. Love to all Eternity."). When I first heard them I had the full understanding of exactly what it means.

I wrote this on 2-11-09
Re-aquired Peace
EBE's (ET's) are just as much a part of nature as an ant, turtle, mouse, or any other animal. The same goes for humans. The universe is an old thing, 14 to 16 billion years old. Our planet is only 4.5 billion years old. The celestial people have been coming here for as long as 3 billion years. This means their star systems, planets, and civilizations are much older than ours, two or three times older for some. This is all just the path of nature. Sentient species grow, evolve, and flourish. This is the way of things. There are other planets with people on them that are younger than our Earth. They had a later start than we did. They may not have even evolved into the humanoid bipedal form yet. There are other planets that are at about the same point in evolution that we are at. They are isolated and are not able to take their place in the celestial community yet. This is the way of things. This is how nature works. This is all how stars, planets, life, and evolution work. Some people are older than us, some are younger, some are about as old as we are. But we are all walking to one destination. That one destination is becoming a part of the largest and oldest community, the community of all of the galaxies, the universe, the multiverse (all planes of existence), and all dimensions. For the most part, this community is established for the betterment of ALL life no matter what form it may take.

9-14-8 Thursday

Tonight I saw another craft outside of my place as I was having a cigarette and trying to wake up. It was just above the tree line. It wasn't very large. Maybe only 300 ft end to end. But this time it was a triangle type ship with white lights at the points. It made no noise at all as it silently glided out of view below the tree line. I saw it for only a few seconds. It was beautiful though! :-) In total I could not have been any further way from it than 500ft! At that point I knew I was going to be visited again.

~~(this is the most magnificent vehicle I have ever seen! This beats my dream car, the DeLorean, any day! Little did I know back then, I may have just woken up from being dropped off and I was looking at a craft that I was just on just minutes before. Guess the joke was on me!!)~~

I came home from work Friday morning and I was right........

I was paid another visit Friday morning. Oddly enough it was at about 8:30am. It was pretty similar to my last 2 visits. The person hissed twice to see if I was awake. One the second and louder hiss I opened my eyes and looked to where I heard the hiss. (right next to my bed about 1 ft 6 in away). I held out my hand, smiled and said "Take my hand friend, I will go with you." My hand felt electrified and it looked like my hand had some kind of almost glowing outline to it. It was really cool! Then the upper body and head started to appear, it was sorta ghost like. The being had an almost confused look to it. I said again "Please take my hand friend, I will go with you." It then disappeared. Maybe it was confused since I wasn't home sleeping when I should have been..... I had to work on a night that I usually do not. Who knows!

~~(It was probably confused because he may have been returning me and I didn't know that. I understood so little back then)~~

Friday Night/Saturday Morning 9-15+16-08
I slept Friday night and again I was visited (~or abducted~). But this time it was more like February and March. It was a gathering of people of different kinds. I really can't remember a lot at all. I remember seeing some of the kind of people that come to me. But I also remember talking to 2 Greys. But that’s all I remember. When I woke up late at night at 1:30am and went outside for a cigarette I fully expected to see a Grey standing there. To me it was strange that one was not there...... I don't know why I expected this, I just did......

Wow!! That’s 2 times within 24 hours. Neither time was I afraid at all. I was very relaxed actually. I guess I'm getting better at this.........

~~(If I remember correctly I was speaking with 3 Greys)~~


I am VERY happy to say that this mornings contact results were freaking awesome! For the very first time I did not flinch. I did not jump. I did not move away. Finally I had the balls to ask "May I please see you all the way?" "May I touch you?" "Can we sit and talk a while?" "Please can you mark me somehow, something obvious, even if it's just for me to see so I know I'm not crazy or full of ****?" "Can I hear what the word 'love' sounds like in your language?"

I did hear a word spoken. I presume it was 'love' but I have no way of knowing. There is no way I can spell it or verbally reproduce it. As for the other things I asked, I was simply told:
"You are not ready yet."
This to me is a lovely thing! I REALLY like the word "yet".

I was trying to fall asleep and I was woken up by some odd tones going through my left inner ear. I was laying there on the left side so my ear was pushed into the pillow. The sound was soooo weird. It was like ringing, screaming, vibrating, reverberating metal of different frequencies and tones. This went on for about 1 to 2 minutes. The one and only thing I can conclude is my implant was either transmitting or receiving...... something.... Some sort of transition or reception of a signal. If you ever saw the movie "Chain Reaction" with Keanu Reeves as a machinist working on a black budget project of cold fusion. There is a part where he plays notes on a keyboard and the notes come out sounding really funky. This is what sounds my head was making.
The bones in our ear used to be part of the jaw when we were reptiles. Pre- dinosaur reptiles first started evolving into mammals loooong ago. This was one of the evolutionary changes. Some bones from the jaw went up and became parts of the ear. The Anvil, Hammer, and Stirrup. After the dinosaurs all died out there was a primitive land walking descendant of the whale called the ambulocetus. This creature had no ears at all. Instead what it did is it would lay down with it's bottom jaw on the ground. The 3 ear bones would pick up the vibrations through it's jaw and it would be able to "hear" that way. I believe that is what happened this morning and a few other sounds I can't explain.... I'm "hearing" through my jaw from the implant.
This is all very very weird...... That’s my best conclusion and explanation. I know I could get a hold of measuring devices and record the signals. But I have no clue what spectrum to use... electromagnetic, radio, microwave, gamma, or even light. I have no idea.... I'd love to figure it out, record it, and mimic it. Could even communicate through it. This is all guess work here obviously. Plus this would be solid proof to the scientific community that they exist. I could dig doing that too, but it's not a priority. There is already physical proof, my stuff would only be an addition to the endless list.
I can remember hearing a voice a few minutes later...... Very very strange

November 1st 2008
I ended up sleeping for 15 and a half hours straight. This was unusual since I didn't really need to sleep that much. It's not like I was awake for an elongated period of time. When I first awoke, I blinked my eyes a few times and saw very tall blurry figures leaving my room. They may have been "Tall Greys". But I can't be certain at all since I fell right back asleep for another minute or two. I remember nothing other than this. I have no idea why they came or if I went anywhere with them. No memory at all.

November 3rd 2008
I came home immediately after work and went straight to bed since I had to be awake for so long. I was awoken slightly when I heard who ever was there announce their presence. I opened one eye, smiled, said hello, and fell right back to sleep. I awoke slightly about an hour later to a click and crunching sound inside my skull/sinus cavity, some device charging up, more pressure in my sinus cavity, another click and crunch or 2 in my sinus cavity, and then the back of my skull at the spine/skull joint cracked. I woke up fully and VERY quickly opened my eyes and saw this....... thing that I can barely even attempt to describe undulating up away from my face all the way to the ceiling. This all sounds very painful and unfriendly. But it sounds a lot worse that it actually was. Half of my face was numbed out. Right now there is minimal discomfort but the right side of my face, its slightly swollen and I have slight internal bruises. It’s not even an ache, no pain really. It just sounded REALLY bad. But when I woke up tonight I heard the thing working. The signal from this is very different from the one in my jaw. Different technology was used to install it as well. I very much believe that this new implant is from some specie different than the first one. This whole procedure dried out my mouth and sinuses. But on a very good note I've had sinus trouble since birth. I no longer have that on my right side. Also, a number of years ago I hit my head hard. It took a while for it to stop hurting but eventually it did. But today, the right side of my skull/spine joint feels better than ever. The left is still the same but now I have a way of comparison between the two. I didn't even know that I've had a slight ache this whole time there. But now it's totally gone on the right side.

~~(After being returned home from the implant I saw this)~~
I'll try and describe what I saw. Dude it was SO STRANGE I can't even relate to it!! Even with all of my back ground in studying all forms of life and various physics I simply CAN'T relate to it!! It was about a foot long and maybe 3 inches at it's thickest. It was all black in color. The first thing that popped into my mind while watching it was that it looked like a pine tree that had no trunk undulating/crawling away like a sea cucumber or caterpillar. It had no visible body to it or head. It was just wispy like appendages everywhere, more dence towards the core of it. But it was nothing but feathery wispy stuff. It moved sorta like a caterpillar, or sea cucumber, or some sort of weird sea worm. I don't even know if it was a living thing or a machine of some sort! I can't even begin to guess at all!! It was soooooooo weird, but incredibly interesting and amazing too. Its so far beyond my ability to understand it.

June 2009
One night at work I was out back looking at the sky. I do this every night. I look for Sirius, Jupiter, Mars, and Luna. As I was doing this a small craft sprung up from the valley about ˝ to ľ of a mile away. The craft stopped it’s rapid ascent and hovered. I stared at the craft and said “Hello! Who are you people?” Astonishingly I got a response. All of a sudden I could no longer see where I was. Instead I was looking inside the craft as if I was there, or as if I was looking through some one else’s eyes. I was looking at a being I call the Crescent Eyed Grey. It looked like he was verbally speaking to some one but I could not hear his voice. I could only see him. After a few seconds of this, the telepathy stopped and the craft shot straight up. This left me dizzy and I stumbled a few times trying to stay on my feet.

September or October 2009?
This is another implant that has been installed. This is a strange one. This one is flat and seems to be made of a white plastic type substance and it had 9 black dots in a grid pattern on it. All I remember was a Short Angry Grey cutting open the skin over my temple, opening it like a door, inserting the implant, and closing me up. I remember the look of his face and remember his breath going over my face. Later that day I took a magnet to my temple and I dam near passed out immediately. I faded in and out of consciousness for a full 24 hours after that and felt like I was going to vomit at least half the time. That was not fun! But I DID learn to never do that again!

Last implant, #14. This one is in my right leg. It is in almost the same location as the one on my left leg. No memory of getting it at all.

Late November 2009
I was called into work. As I was driving down Rt. 263 going passed “None Such Farms” I saw in the far distance (probably out in New Jersey ) a gigantic boomerang shaped craft. This craft was behind a very small one. The smaller craft was about the size of a passenger airplane or possibly was a passenger airplane. They were traveling from South to North along the flight path from Philly towards New York City . At that distance I estimated the boomerang craft to be at least 7 times the size of a passenger airplane. It was brown in color. At least that is how it looked with the setting sun. This happened at about 4:30pm and the sky was very clear. As I watched the craft, I eliminated it from being clouds and a flock of birds. After about 20 seconds of watching the craft both of them disappeared before my eyes. My immediate thought was “Holy ****! Birds can’t do that!”

Early to mid December 2009
As I was driving to work a friend and I saw a small craft with a very bright white light on the leading edge maybe 20 feet long cross over us from Southeast to Northwest. This craft traveled very quickly traversing the observable sky in about 10 seconds or less. We watched it come and when it was almost directly over the car I asked my friend “do you see blinking lights?” He answered “No, I’ve been looking for them.” After it was out of sight we continued talking as if it didn’t happen. This is just because this sort of thing is so common to me now.

~~Memory from when I was about 10 years old......
I would have to say at about 10 years old, I had a dream. I was standing on Jupiter's moon Ganymede. I was accompanied by a man. I don’t remember my height at 10 years old but I came up to the man’s waste. He was at least twice my height obviously. He was holding my hand and we stood there looking at the 2 planets. Jupiter was on the right and it was GIGANTIC. To the left was Saturn. It was in the distance a bit but it was still very easily recognizable and very beautiful. All I could do was just marvel at the beauty and insane size of them. Back then as well as today, I knew I was standing on a moon that belonged to one of those 2 planets. But today, I can’t really say that it was a dream. This may very well have been an abduction.

March 13 1997
I was sitting watching TV that evening. At that time I was living at a friend’s house in Annandale, New Jersey . Outta no where I saw insanely gigantic “Time Flashes” outside. The “Time Flashes” were so bright that they lit up the inside of the house and outside far brighter than day light. I have never seen “Time Flashes” so bright and brilliant before. It was so bright I was dazzled and partially blinded. I ran to the window to see what was going on. I looked outside and saw “Time Flashes” pulses in rapid succession. I think there was 7 to 10 of them. Each of them was the same in intensity. It was so bright I could see Round Valley many miles away. I normally can’t see that far during the day. I stood there at the window for a good chunk of time trying to see what had came through but I couldn’t see anything. As I was standing there a special breaking news report came on TV. There was a baseball game going on and the camera man was focused on the giant boomerang over Phoenix Arizona . My mouth dropped!! I said some thing like “HO~LY ****!!! It was you that came through!!!! Jumpin ******* ****balls!!!” I was glued to the TV all that night watching for anything on that craft. Later, this of coarse became known as the "Phoenix Lights".

“Time Flashes”

OK this is a bit difficult to explain……. I’ll try to define this with out going into temporal mechanics, theoretical physics, and quantum physics. As best as I can sum up, this is what happens when the time barrier is broken. This is somewhat similar to breaking the sound barrier, but you are breaking time instead. Or, may be it’s better to say the time/space barrier. Or, may be it’s easier to understand as breaking the dimensional barrier. When this occurs, naturally something has broken the time/space and space/time barriers and what ever it is has come through. This can be achieved by traveling though a traversable worm hole and probably through other processes. I have seen this before. It looks like insanely brilliant heat lightning but this is done without any noise at all, it is extremely localized, and it is close to the ground. Most of the times that I have seen this were just over the tree tops. Occasionally it is higher but not by much. This does also happen at ground level but I may have seen that only once or twice. Once I saw these “Time Flashes” accompanied by small spherical red explosions of light on the horizon. The flashes themselves are always pale blue…… Uuuuuuummmm…… It just occurred to me that when I have seen these, some of them may have actually been abductions. I have seen that same color that I see when the light comes down from some craft and picks me up. OK! That’s REALLY weird!!! Anyway, try to imagine being in a totally dark room and firing off the flash of a camera directly into your eyes. Time flashes are brighter than this.

Well.... with this entry and what I have posted before is about 75% of my journal. The rest is early stuff and me freaking out about what I see now as the smallest of things. When ever I read through my journal a question always pops up.... "Who or what the Hell am I!?" This is aot and it just looks crazy. I know I'm not crazy because I do have some physical proof. I'm also astounded when I hear some one tell me. "Oh! I've heard of something like that! Thats happened to such and such." Or some one will tell me "You got that implant from this or that specie of people." When I hear things like that it is very reassuring.

Love all to Eternity. Love to all Eternity.
Take care and be well everyone
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Old 03-26-2010, 10:03 AM   #17
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Warminster Pa
Posts: 14
Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

Hey everyone,

Sorry I have been gone so long. I have been upto my eyeballs in work and research. I do that sometimes. I go through research storms. Over the past week I have been doing research all night at work and when I get home it continues untill 3:00pm. I work nights and have a wierd schedual.

I really do thank you all for your warmth in your replies. A few weeks ago I was offered some time to speak at a convention by a friend of mine. She offered to call on me and speak, sharing her time with me. This is a huge and humbleing honor for me. This is my first time speaking publically. This will be at the Alamo Conference at the end of May. I hope that this leads to me being called on to speak more in different places. I have many things that I feel are important and that people should know. Most pointedly, the healing substance that smells like fruit, how far back our history actually goes with ET people/civilizations, and my model of how all life evolves. That model isn't different from what is understood of coarse. But few scientists are willing to work on and speak of multiple diciplines of science. This is all that I am doing. I have renamed "Extraterrestrial Evolution 101" to the "Unified Evolution Theory". It sounds more professional and it is summed up better with that title.

I'm going to avoid takeing up a whole lot of space on this thread and respond to everyone on this entry instead of making multiple entries.....

After I'm done responding I'll post a few more experiences, thank you. People have different presceptions on abduction and rightfully so. There are people who are affraid of ET people and the unknown in general. Long ago when I did occasionaly read about other's experiences I would think to myself "WOW! I'd love to go through that! Why is this person so affraid and traumatized?" In my personal veiw (I can be wrong) it is the presceptions of the people being taken. If they have fears about the whole thing to begin with they will be affraid, traumatized, and thus have a bad experience. People who are open to things won't be traumatized as much or not at all. This is my personal veiw and idea. Like I said, I can be wrong. But than again, there are some things that happened to me that were tough to deal with. Knowing that I may have 2 children isn't easy. Facing that fact that I have left this planet threw me for a ride. Faceing the fact that I know how to pilot one type of craft was very jarring. And in the beginning, I saw things quite differently and was affraid at times. Still in rescent months one thing was a bit scarry but when it happened again and asked questions I understood and was not only fine with the whole thing but happy and thankful. The rescent thing was being "Accustically Tuned". I'll go into that in a little while.

I have had proceederes done on me, shots, injections and such. Some did indeed leave marks on me as well. If any of you would like to see, I did take pictures of one such occasion. This was one of my implants being installed. It left an impossible bruising pattern and a triangle of 3 injection sites that went into the pores of my skin. On facebook look up Abductee ElectroMagneto. Here is the link:
This is me. I have 2 albums one is of the implant pics and the other is 14 pics of ET people I have met. I found the ET pics on the net. Some should be familiar because it is some of the same ones here. One of my new friends there on that account told me about a device that you can get from Radio Shack that oddly enough can detect implants. He told me the frequency that many seem to give off. I'll be getting that device very soon!
A few others have told me that I have experiences that are unique. I honestly don't know why this is. I tend to think that there are many other people who are more important than me and have ways of public speaking so that they can convey messeages. The many people who have been interviewed by Project Camelot, in my mind, would be better targets. These people are spiritual leaders, scientists, historians, and military people. They have more credentials that I do. It would make sence to me that these people would be exposed to these experiences and not me. But don't get me wrong, I am NOT COMPLAINING AT ALL! I love it. But I am not a person who seems to be very important in a big picture sense. I honestly don't know why mine are so unique.

I have not read Lou Baldwin's book yet. He sould like a person I should look up.
I can come up with only 1 reason why I might have so many implants. I asked for them. I did so because I thought I was going to be moving to Colorado from Pennsylvania and I wanted the project to keep going. I wanted all of them to know where I was so that the whole thing could keep going. Unfortunately I had to put off moving for a year. So this year in September I'll be moving. That is my only idea. After I asked, I received 4 within one month. Two of them were only 3 days apart.
Please go on with your book Carol!!! I for one would love to read it!!! Please do it!! I am very curious about their cultures and who they are as people. If you know anything about the animals and plants that they have on their planets, could you some how include that as well?

Thank you. By reading your response I was able to remember a picture of an elf that I saw abour 5 years ago. It was a picture of her face. It is pretty close to how these people look. I have never been able to adequitely describe what they look like untill reading your response. Thank you VERY much. Here is the pic:
The eyes of the aquatic woman was a bit larger and her hair wasn't in her face, so a little imagination is still needed. But the general facial structure is pretty similar. This aquatic specie of people are tall and slender. They have large circular and slightly bulgey eyes. The skin looked to have the texture and feel of a shark. The skin color was greyish with hints and shades of green and blue. The whole body structure is kind of elven. Slender but very beautiful. I do remember both the male and female being taller than me. Maybe about 6 feet to 6'6". I do not remember noticing any fins of gills. Sometimes my memory is not perfect and sometimes I am not able notice some things due to the situations.
I do not think that the feeling of happieness is programmed in. Of coarse I could be wrong. I feel that it is a result of just being around them. Maybe a good example of this is what you felt from me. Its a similar tpye of thing I think. I feel a very similar thing from you that you feel from me. I feel a great warmth from you.

This was my most recent thing that happened:
3-3-10 The Sound.....
Before this time I was exposed to this sound. When that happened for the first time, it was very unsettleing. It was scarry. So bad in fact that I didn't want to be alone or in the dark. I had to go to work though and most of the time at work I'm alone so I kept my mind busy research and watching Project Camelot interveiws. This sound was deeply rooted into my psychie. I was OK after that first night.
Now the second time it happened here on 3-3-10 I was not as unsettled as I was before, but I was stille a bit shakey about it. I had memory this time where I did not before. All I remembered was being in darkness and there were dark shapes of ET people moving about. I remembered this while at work.
This is what the sound sounds like.... Close your eyes and block out Vrillon's voice and the TV speakers and listen to the bass pulse sound. In the video at about 1:50 you can start to hear the sound better. Its quiet here. For me on the craft it was much louder and there was no other noises but that sound. You can hear it pretty well again at 4:30.
As I said, I remembered this at work. No one was really around so I had some quiet space to myself. At one point 3 people came in to go to the bar. While at work I channeled this:

"Accustically tuned. Being in darkness helps the effect, there is less to distract you. There is nothing to fear of us or the sound. Please don't be affraid. This boosts your resception signal. It is wakeing up your cells to their potential. So do not be affraid. It is wakeing up your conscieousness. You will be able to communicate better. There is something you must do. You require the proper tuneing to be resceptive to what it is. Your being accustically trained for the job. You are very important to us. (i asked if I was doing good enough for them) You serve us well, for the betterment of humanity, and all of us. You are one of many. You are gifted. There are many more of you.You are a good person and will go far. Educate people. Yes, share your knowledge it will affect the people it is supposed to. Keep learning and keep going. Keep speaking, people hear you. (I asked to do something great for humanity) You are, you will. There is something left for you to do. It is of utmost importance but it will be later. You will know when the time is right but its not right now. You willl know when the time is right. You will know. (I asked what it was that I am needed to do) You are not supposed to know it will disrupt time if you do. Let natural law take it's course and it will happen when it supposed to. (I asked for my memory) You will get your memory when you are suposed to. (I asked to meet the mothers and our children. I also asked to meet with ET people more consciously) We will meet as a family. Your family is waiting. They will join you soon." (2 pokes in the brain) (the bartender came upto me, 3 people came in right after being poked. Maybe pokeing was to wake me up from trance?)

"Everything you have done in your life has been for a purpose. We have guided you since the beginning. Stay connected there is more. Don't shut us out yet. Just sit and listen. Just be still. (has to do with moveing out west) You are going for a reason you will learn much and teach much. We are guiding you out there. You will be ok and taken care of. You will not fail. Just watch listen and learn. You will meet many people like you, learn from them, tell them what you know its important. You must go out there and do what you must do. We will guid you.You will be clearer out there. You mest be cleaned. You will learn more. Learn outo writing (auto writing) and clearavoyance. Learn trust in us and others. Learn auto sight. (Remote veiwing?) This will help us. Just trust. Unify the tauriod. (Unify the 7 chakras?) You will meet them. You are an expert. You are off center. You will center. Harmonize yourself with Earth. You will know when the time comes. (I'm being shown Red Rocks Park in Colorado) Center, harmonize here. Reconnect to Earth. Your connection is loose but not bad. You will be better. This is a good place. Beautiful place. Love this place. Your heart is here. Your love is here. Earth Center. Your time has come to change. And change you will. For the better. You're important. Harmonize yourself. They are disruptive. (refering to the people in the bar) (seeing Red Rocks again) Your heart is here. (being shown a blonde woman at the amphetheater in Red Rocks) Love is here. Go here everyday. You will meet. Love Earth. Love humainty. Love yourself. You will go far. You will be OK. You will see them. (i said I will do my best) We know you will, that is why we hired you. We have been with you always. You are our child. You are our future. You are our frined. Meet the people and go with them they will help you. (humans and ET's?) You are just go. Trust. Love all to eternity. Love to all eternity. (being shown outer space and Red Rocks Park) Go home."

This is a really big thing for me. Up untill about a month or 2 ago I have never channeled. Since I began to do so, it was only a few words at a time to a sentence or two at the very most. Channeling this much is really huge for me. I don't even know if it really is channeling since I don't know how it works. I don't know how to initiate it, but I do know how to stop it. For me it is like telepathy with an ET person but at a great distance. That is the best that I can describe. At one point in the channel I am told that I'm an expert. I didn't really like that too much. I NEVER consider myself as an expert of anything. I am just smart enough to know that there is a whole lot that I don't know. I study extensively but know that there is a whole lot that I don't know. The thing about Red Rocks Park in Colorado is very interesting. I have been out to Colorado 6 to 8 times. Every time I went I have always gone to Red Rocks Park and loved it there. The same goes for Dinosaur Ridge across from Red Rocks Park.
Since this channel I have used those same parting words ("Love all to Eternity. Love to all Eternity."). When I first heard them I had the full understanding of exactly what it means.

I wrote this on 2-11-09
Re-aquired Peace
EBE's (ET's) are just as much a part of nature as an ant, turtle, mouse, or any other animal. The same goes for humans. The universe is an old thing, 14 to 16 billion years old. Our planet is only 4.5 billion years old. The celestial people have been coming here for as long as 3 billion years. This means their star systems, planets, and civilizations are much older than ours, two or three times older for some. This is all just the path of nature. Sentient species grow, evolve, and flourish. This is the way of things. There are other planets with people on them that are younger than our Earth. They had a later start than we did. They may not have even evolved into the humanoid bipedal form yet. There are other planets that are at about the same point in evolution that we are at. They are isolated and are not able to take their place in the celestial community yet. This is the way of things. This is how nature works. This is all how stars, planets, life, and evolution work. Some people are older than us, some are younger, some are about as old as we are. But we are all walking to one destination. That one destination is becoming a part of the largest and oldest community, the community of all of the galaxies, the universe, the multiverse (all planes of existence), and all dimensions. For the most part, this community is established for the betterment of ALL life no matter what form it may take.

9-14-8 Thursday

Tonight I saw another craft outside of my place as I was having a cigarette and trying to wake up. It was just above the tree line. It wasn't very large. Maybe only 300 ft end to end. But this time it was a triangle type ship with white lights at the points. It made no noise at all as it silently glided out of view below the tree line. I saw it for only a few seconds. It was beautiful though! :-) In total I could not have been any further way from it than 500ft! At that point I knew I was going to be visited again.

~~(this is the most magnificent vehicle I have ever seen! This beats my dream car, the DeLorean, any day! Little did I know back then, I may have just woken up from being dropped off and I was looking at a craft that I was just on just minutes before. Guess the joke was on me!!)~~

I came home from work Friday morning and I was right........

I was paid another visit Friday morning. Oddly enough it was at about 8:30am. It was pretty similar to my last 2 visits. The person hissed twice to see if I was awake. One the second and louder hiss I opened my eyes and looked to where I heard the hiss. (right next to my bed about 1 ft 6 in away). I held out my hand, smiled and said "Take my hand friend, I will go with you." My hand felt electrified and it looked like my hand had some kind of almost glowing outline to it. It was really cool! Then the upper body and head started to appear, it was sorta ghost like. The being had an almost confused look to it. I said again "Please take my hand friend, I will go with you." It then disappeared. Maybe it was confused since I wasn't home sleeping when I should have been..... I had to work on a night that I usually do not. Who knows!

~~(It was probably confused because he may have been returning me and I didn't know that. I understood so little back then)~~

Friday Night/Saturday Morning 9-15+16-08
I slept Friday night and again I was visited (~or abducted~). But this time it was more like February and March. It was a gathering of people of different kinds. I really can't remember a lot at all. I remember seeing some of the kind of people that come to me. But I also remember talking to 2 Greys. But that’s all I remember. When I woke up late at night at 1:30am and went outside for a cigarette I fully expected to see a Grey standing there. To me it was strange that one was not there...... I don't know why I expected this, I just did......

Wow!! That’s 2 times within 24 hours. Neither time was I afraid at all. I was very relaxed actually. I guess I'm getting better at this.........

~~(If I remember correctly I was speaking with 3 Greys)~~


I am VERY happy to say that this mornings contact results were freaking awesome! For the very first time I did not flinch. I did not jump. I did not move away. Finally I had the balls to ask "May I please see you all the way?" "May I touch you?" "Can we sit and talk a while?" "Please can you mark me somehow, something obvious, even if it's just for me to see so I know I'm not crazy or full of ****?" "Can I hear what the word 'love' sounds like in your language?"

I did hear a word spoken. I presume it was 'love' but I have no way of knowing. There is no way I can spell it or verbally reproduce it. As for the other things I asked, I was simply told:
"You are not ready yet."
This to me is a lovely thing! I REALLY like the word "yet".

I was trying to fall asleep and I was woken up by some odd tones going through my left inner ear. I was laying there on the left side so my ear was pushed into the pillow. The sound was soooo weird. It was like ringing, screaming, vibrating, reverberating metal of different frequencies and tones. This went on for about 1 to 2 minutes. The one and only thing I can conclude is my implant was either transmitting or receiving...... something.... Some sort of transition or reception of a signal. If you ever saw the movie "Chain Reaction" with Keanu Reeves as a machinist working on a black budget project of cold fusion. There is a part where he plays notes on a keyboard and the notes come out sounding really funky. This is what sounds my head was making.
The bones in our ear used to be part of the jaw when we were reptiles. Pre- dinosaur reptiles first started evolving into mammals loooong ago. This was one of the evolutionary changes. Some bones from the jaw went up and became parts of the ear. The Anvil, Hammer, and Stirrup. After the dinosaurs all died out there was a primitive land walking descendant of the whale called the ambulocetus. This creature had no ears at all. Instead what it did is it would lay down with it's bottom jaw on the ground. The 3 ear bones would pick up the vibrations through it's jaw and it would be able to "hear" that way. I believe that is what happened this morning and a few other sounds I can't explain.... I'm "hearing" through my jaw from the implant.
This is all very very weird...... That’s my best conclusion and explanation. I know I could get a hold of measuring devices and record the signals. But I have no clue what spectrum to use... electromagnetic, radio, microwave, gamma, or even light. I have no idea.... I'd love to figure it out, record it, and mimic it. Could even communicate through it. This is all guess work here obviously. Plus this would be solid proof to the scientific community that they exist. I could dig doing that too, but it's not a priority. There is already physical proof, my stuff would only be an addition to the endless list.
I can remember hearing a voice a few minutes later...... Very very strange

November 1st 2008
I ended up sleeping for 15 and a half hours straight. This was unusual since I didn't really need to sleep that much. It's not like I was awake for an elongated period of time. When I first awoke, I blinked my eyes a few times and saw very tall blurry figures leaving my room. They may have been "Tall Greys". But I can't be certain at all since I fell right back asleep for another minute or two. I remember nothing other than this. I have no idea why they came or if I went anywhere with them. No memory at all.

November 3rd 2008
I came home immediately after work and went straight to bed since I had to be awake for so long. I was awoken slightly when I heard who ever was there announce their presence. I opened one eye, smiled, said hello, and fell right back to sleep. I awoke slightly about an hour later to a click and crunching sound inside my skull/sinus cavity, some device charging up, more pressure in my sinus cavity, another click and crunch or 2 in my sinus cavity, and then the back of my skull at the spine/skull joint cracked. I woke up fully and VERY quickly opened my eyes and saw this....... thing that I can barely even attempt to describe undulating up away from my face all the way to the ceiling. This all sounds very painful and unfriendly. But it sounds a lot worse that it actually was. Half of my face was numbed out. Right now there is minimal discomfort but the right side of my face, its slightly swollen and I have slight internal bruises. It’s not even an ache, no pain really. It just sounded REALLY bad. But when I woke up tonight I heard the thing working. The signal from this is very different from the one in my jaw. Different technology was used to install it as well. I very much believe that this new implant is from some specie different than the first one. This whole procedure dried out my mouth and sinuses. But on a very good note I've had sinus trouble since birth. I no longer have that on my right side. Also, a number of years ago I hit my head hard. It took a while for it to stop hurting but eventually it did. But today, the right side of my skull/spine joint feels better than ever. The left is still the same but now I have a way of comparison between the two. I didn't even know that I've had a slight ache this whole time there. But now it's totally gone on the right side.

~~(After being returned home from the implant I saw this)~~
I'll try and describe what I saw. Dude it was SO STRANGE I can't even relate to it!! Even with all of my back ground in studying all forms of life and various physics I simply CAN'T relate to it!! It was about a foot long and maybe 3 inches at it's thickest. It was all black in color. The first thing that popped into my mind while watching it was that it looked like a pine tree that had no trunk undulating/crawling away like a sea cucumber or caterpillar. It had no visible body to it or head. It was just wispy like appendages everywhere, more dence towards the core of it. But it was nothing but feathery wispy stuff. It moved sorta like a caterpillar, or sea cucumber, or some sort of weird sea worm. I don't even know if it was a living thing or a machine of some sort! I can't even begin to guess at all!! It was soooooooo weird, but incredibly interesting and amazing too. Its so far beyond my ability to understand it.

June 2009
One night at work I was out back looking at the sky. I do this every night. I look for Sirius, Jupiter, Mars, and Luna. As I was doing this a small craft sprung up from the valley about ˝ to ľ of a mile away. The craft stopped it’s rapid ascent and hovered. I stared at the craft and said “Hello! Who are you people?” Astonishingly I got a response. All of a sudden I could no longer see where I was. Instead I was looking inside the craft as if I was there, or as if I was looking through some one else’s eyes. I was looking at a being I call the Crescent Eyed Grey. It looked like he was verbally speaking to some one but I could not hear his voice. I could only see him. After a few seconds of this, the telepathy stopped and the craft shot straight up. This left me dizzy and I stumbled a few times trying to stay on my feet.

September or October 2009?
This is another implant that has been installed. This is a strange one. This one is flat and seems to be made of a white plastic type substance and it had 9 black dots in a grid pattern on it. All I remember was a Short Angry Grey cutting open the skin over my temple, opening it like a door, inserting the implant, and closing me up. I remember the look of his face and remember his breath going over my face. Later that day I took a magnet to my temple and I dam near passed out immediately. I faded in and out of consciousness for a full 24 hours after that and felt like I was going to vomit at least half the time. That was not fun! But I DID learn to never do that again!

Last implant, #14. This one is in my right leg. It is in almost the same location as the one on my left leg. No memory of getting it at all.

Late November 2009
I was called into work. As I was driving down Rt. 263 going passed “None Such Farms” I saw in the far distance (probably out in New Jersey ) a gigantic boomerang shaped craft. This craft was behind a very small one. The smaller craft was about the size of a passenger airplane or possibly was a passenger airplane. They were traveling from South to North along the flight path from Philly towards New York City . At that distance I estimated the boomerang craft to be at least 7 times the size of a passenger airplane. It was brown in color. At least that is how it looked with the setting sun. This happened at about 4:30pm and the sky was very clear. As I watched the craft, I eliminated it from being clouds and a flock of birds. After about 20 seconds of watching the craft both of them disappeared before my eyes. My immediate thought was “Holy ****! Birds can’t do that!”

Early to mid December 2009
As I was driving to work a friend and I saw a small craft with a very bright white light on the leading edge maybe 20 feet long cross over us from Southeast to Northwest. This craft traveled very quickly traversing the observable sky in about 10 seconds or less. We watched it come and when it was almost directly over the car I asked my friend “do you see blinking lights?” He answered “No, I’ve been looking for them.” After it was out of sight we continued talking as if it didn’t happen. This is just because this sort of thing is so common to me now.

~~Memory from when I was about 10 years old......
I would have to say at about 10 years old, I had a dream. I was standing on Jupiter's moon Ganymede. I was accompanied by a man. I don’t remember my height at 10 years old but I came up to the man’s waste. He was at least twice my height obviously. He was holding my hand and we stood there looking at the 2 planets. Jupiter was on the right and it was GIGANTIC. To the left was Saturn. It was in the distance a bit but it was still very easily recognizable and very beautiful. All I could do was just marvel at the beauty and insane size of them. Back then as well as today, I knew I was standing on a moon that belonged to one of those 2 planets. But today, I can’t really say that it was a dream. This may very well have been an abduction.

March 13 1997
I was sitting watching TV that evening. At that time I was living at a friend’s house in Annandale, New Jersey . Outta no where I saw insanely gigantic “Time Flashes” outside. The “Time Flashes” were so bright that they lit up the inside of the house and outside far brighter than day light. I have never seen “Time Flashes” so bright and brilliant before. It was so bright I was dazzled and partially blinded. I ran to the window to see what was going on. I looked outside and saw “Time Flashes” pulses in rapid succession. I think there was 7 to 10 of them. Each of them was the same in intensity. It was so bright I could see Round Valley many miles away. I normally can’t see that far during the day. I stood there at the window for a good chunk of time trying to see what had came through but I couldn’t see anything. As I was standing there a special breaking news report came on TV. There was a baseball game going on and the camera man was focused on the giant boomerang over Phoenix Arizona . My mouth dropped!! I said some thing like “HO~LY ****!!! It was you that came through!!!! Jumpin ******* ****balls!!!” I was glued to the TV all that night watching for anything on that craft. Later, this of coarse became known as the "Phoenix Lights".

“Time Flashes”

OK this is a bit difficult to explain……. I’ll try to define this with out going into temporal mechanics, theoretical physics, and quantum physics. As best as I can sum up, this is what happens when the time barrier is broken. This is somewhat similar to breaking the sound barrier, but you are breaking time instead. Or, may be it’s better to say the time/space barrier. Or, may be it’s easier to understand as breaking the dimensional barrier. When this occurs, naturally something has broken the time/space and space/time barriers and what ever it is has come through. This can be achieved by traveling though a traversable worm hole and probably through other processes. I have seen this before. It looks like insanely brilliant heat lightning but this is done without any noise at all, it is extremely localized, and it is close to the ground. Most of the times that I have seen this were just over the tree tops. Occasionally it is higher but not by much. This does also happen at ground level but I may have seen that only once or twice. Once I saw these “Time Flashes” accompanied by small spherical red explosions of light on the horizon. The flashes themselves are always pale blue…… Uuuuuuummmm…… It just occurred to me that when I have seen these, some of them may have actually been abductions. I have seen that same color that I see when the light comes down from some craft and picks me up. OK! That’s REALLY weird!!! Anyway, try to imagine being in a totally dark room and firing off the flash of a camera directly into your eyes. Time flashes are brighter than this.

Well.... with this entry and what I have posted before is about 75% of my journal. The rest is early stuff and me freaking out about what I see now as the smallest of things. When ever I read through my journal a question always pops up.... "Who or what the Hell am I!?" This is aot and it just looks crazy. I know I'm not crazy because I do have some physical proof. I'm also astounded when I hear some one tell me. "Oh! I've heard of something like that! Thats happened to such and such." Or some one will tell me "You got that implant from this or that specie of people." When I hear things like that it is very reassuring.

Love all to Eternity. Love to all Eternity.
Take care and be well everyone
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Old 03-26-2010, 10:39 AM   #18
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

There are some other miscellanious memories that have no real time freame reference. But I do know that they happened within the last 6 to 8 months.

Like one thing, I remember standing outside and looking up at the craft directly above me. I remember seeing the central ligth of a Triangle Craft (I think) and the pale blue light coming down on me.

Another thing I remember is being at a space port somewhere (I think) and stepping off of a craft. I looked across the space port about 200 feet away and seeing people of a few different species getting onto a different craft. The craft's propusion system activated and it started to rise. I felt the heat come off of it and the gentle breeze went by my face and through my hair. I smiled really big and my heart lightened. I was so happy to be there. It felt like home to me. I know I have been there before, but this deosn't seem to be anywhere on Earth but I could be wrong. the craft the other people were getting on seems to be like a "Tall White" scout craft. At least this is what it seems like from Charles James Hall's descriptions....

Another thing I remember is being outside some where and seeing REDICULOUSLY GIGANTIC craft. They were the size of clouds! There were many many miles long! I just stood there astounded at the size. I have seen this sort of thing 2 or 3 times as best as I can remember.

One other thing I remember is being outside some where at night in an ET city. A huge craft the size and look of a skyscraper came in and landed next to another huge building near a small body of water. I could reasonably conclude that these buildings in the city could possibly be craft that look like buildings. Its kinda weird but I can understand why this is too....

~~Sorry about the double post guys. I reported this to Gareth.

Last edited by Valkyr; 03-26-2010 at 10:45 AM.
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Old 03-27-2010, 04:14 AM   #19
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

Originally Posted by Valkyr View Post
I have had proceederes done on me, shots, injections and such. Some did indeed leave marks on me as well. If any of you would like to see, I did take pictures of one such occasion. This was one of my implants being installed. It left an impossible bruising pattern and a triangle of 3 injection sites that went into the pores of my skin. On facebook look up Abductee ElectroMagneto. Here is the link:
This is me. I have 2 albums one is of the implant pics and the other is 14 pics of ET people I have met. I found the ET pics on the net. Some should be familiar because it is some of the same ones here. One of my new friends there on that account told me about a device that you can get from Radio Shack that oddly enough can detect implants. He told me the frequency that many seem to give off. I'll be getting that device very soon!
A few others have told me that I have experiences that are unique. I honestly don't know why this is.

Love all to Eternity. Love to all Eternity.
Take care and be well everyone
I asked because I often find things like what are in your pictures on places of my body, of course I don't know how they would get there.
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Old 03-29-2010, 05:17 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by jacody View Post
I asked because I often find things like what are in your pictures on places of my body, of course I don't know how they would get there.
That is really cool Jacody. Sorry I mispelled your name before. How many have you had? This is not the only marks I get. I also get some permanent skin discoloration. The discoloration is usually drown. I have 2 of them. One is on my left cheekbone and the other is on my right shoulder blade. Have you tried holding magnets to those areas or small metal objects? Stamples and small paperclips work well for me. Trust me, its REALLY wierd when you do it for the first time. Also, if you try this, don't be surprised if a nerve in that area gets all weird or it maybe stightly painful. It goes away after a while. But I highly suggest not doing this if you may have one in you head. Holding a magnet to that area can mess you up and you might knock yourself out and feel very sick. I did this once and learned my lesson. I'll never do that again! I felt like crap for a full 24 hours after that.

Implant #15??
I've had a lump on my left calf muscle for about a month or 2. Friday morning I finally took a magnet and a paper clip to it. They both stick and it freaked out a nerve in my leg. I can't wait to get that device so I can see what ones are implants and what are not!
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Old 03-31-2010, 07:38 PM   #21
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Wow! It's truly fascinating to read all of this. It's like a whole different world out there that I'm not aware of for some reason.

I was thinking about the this a while ago and I figured that if I for some reason created beings and wanted to be able to research them without them seeing me, I'd just program them to not be aware of me. This could be done either through some kind of signal that triggered the beings in a way that they wouldn't be aware of my presence or it could be an artifact or something else that sort of put me outside their awareness.

I think it's so cool that there actually are people out there who's awareness is wide enough to be able to perceive things like this. It's a joy and a bliss to see that there are more to this reality than meets the eye, a fraction of it I have experienced in some way, most of it I haven't which means it's still out there for me to enjoy and experience! I just need to develop some more. Awesome!

Cheers and thanks for everything!

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Old 03-31-2010, 08:42 PM   #22
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

I have an honest question for the Contactees and Abductees here. Have you ever tried to make audio or video recordings of your encounters? If so, why do you think no one has come forward with such evidence so far? Also, with the proliferation of security and traffic cameras in modern society why do you think there aren't any CC camera footage of abductions?
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Old 03-31-2010, 09:01 PM   #23
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

I have an honest question for the Contactees and Abductees here. Have you ever tried to make audio or video recordings of your encounters? If so, why do you think no one has come forward with such evidence so far? Also, with the proliferation of security and traffic cameras in modern society why do you think there aren't any CC camera footage of abductions?
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Old 04-05-2010, 04:41 AM   #24
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

Originally Posted by trainedobserver View Post
I have an honest question for the Contactees and Abductees here. Have you ever tried to make audio or video recordings of your encounters? If so, why do you think no one has come forward with such evidence so far? Also, with the proliferation of security and traffic cameras in modern society why do you think there aren't any CC camera footage of abductions?

Here is something on security camera:

I saw this video in August of 2008. I was still very new to the whole thing and still affraid to a fair degree. Immediately after watching this back then I contacted Yvonne Smith's group. They answered me less than 24 hours later. With in 2 or 3 days I was put into contact with a woman who helped me tremendously. At the end of May this year in Nevada, that same woman I was put into contact with is donateing some of her speaking time in a conference to me, and I'll be speaking about a few things. I don't know how much time I'll have but there are 3 things I'd like to go over. This will be my first time speaking publically I am very humbled, honored, and very thankful to my friend for allowing me to do so.

As for setting up a camera myself...... I can't even interveiw myself and put it on the net just yet..... I have 3 hours of me speaking so far that I have done myself. Stuff like this is not very easy. But soon I think I could be ready to try and video myself at night and see what I get. I honestly don't know how I'd react to watching myself floating across the floor. But on a more scientific and practical note.... These beings have strong electromagnetic fileds around them at times. There have been times where I have had some electronics in my room knocked out. I do it myself some times when my own electromagnetic filed is too strong. I have fried my car battery and alternator just by checking my oil. :-/ Not fun!
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Old 04-05-2010, 04:42 AM   #25
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Default Re: Lifetime Inductee, my on giong story

Originally Posted by trainedobserver View Post
I have an honest question for the Contactees and Abductees here. Have you ever tried to make audio or video recordings of your encounters? If so, why do you think no one has come forward with such evidence so far? Also, with the proliferation of security and traffic cameras in modern society why do you think there aren't any CC camera footage of abductions?

Here is something on security camera:

I saw this video in August of 2008. I was still very new to the whole thing and still affraid to a fair degree. Immediately after watching this back then I contacted Yvonne Smith's group. They answered me less than 24 hours later. With in 2 or 3 days I was put into contact with a woman who helped me tremendously. At the end of May this year in Nevada, that same woman I was put into contact with is donateing some of her speaking time in a conference to me, and I'll be speaking about a few things. I don't know how much time I'll have but there are 3 things I'd like to go over. This will be my first time speaking publically I am very humbled, honored, and very thankful to my friend for allowing me to do so.

As for setting up a camera myself...... I can't even interveiw myself and put it on the net just yet..... I have 3 hours of me speaking so far that I have done myself. Stuff like this is not very easy. But soon I think I could be ready to try and video myself at night and see what I get. I honestly don't know how I'd react to watching myself floating across the floor. But on a more scientific and practical note.... These beings have strong electromagnetic fileds around them at times. There have been times where I have had some electronics in my room knocked out. I do it myself some times when my own electromagnetic filed is too strong. I have fried my car battery and alternator just by checking my oil. :-/ Not fun!
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