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Old 11-02-2009, 05:32 PM   #1
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 13
Default Looking for professional advise for buying land.

Hello Project Avalaon,

We are a group of people situated in Netherlands but from multi nationality who by luck of the universe got granted a sum of money enough to buy a piece of land. We are all still young aging from 18 till 28 and our mission is to buy a piece of land to begin cultivating it and building earth ships.
We would like to ask here if there are any people who could advise us as to where we can buy land as this is completely new for us.
We are ready to travel trough europe to meet the right person and sit and discuss our wishes with him.
Any advise is very welcome!

Thank you,

Love and Light,

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Old 11-12-2009, 05:23 PM   #2
Mystic Pilgrim
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Default Re: Looking for professional advise for buying land.

There are several people on the forum which are also organizing the same thing that you are doing. Get in touch with Northern Sanctuary. He's organizing a radiant zone somewhere in Canada and have experience organizing a community.

It would also be good to get in touch with some of the forum members organizing in the UK. I believe Mudra, our Sanctuary keeper, is somewhere in Europe. You might want to check with her through the forum.

Likewise, you might want to start searching for an area which is at least 3,000-5,000 feet above sea level; are not prone to earthquakes, flooding, landslides or near a dormant or active volcano or in the middle of colliding tectonic plates; have some form of natural shelter against the elements, and can sustain a self-supporting community.

Likewise, you might want to read up on George Green's "Handbook for a New Paradigm". It will be mighty helpful spiritually, as we need to strenghten ourselves for the changes in the future. Kindly see link below:


Good luck and Namaste!

Mystic Pilgrim

Originally Posted by ypestis View Post
Hello Project Avalaon,

We are a group of people situated in Netherlands but from multi nationality who by luck of the universe got granted a sum of money enough to buy a piece of land. We are all still young aging from 18 till 28 and our mission is to buy a piece of land to begin cultivating it and building earth ships.
We would like to ask here if there are any people who could advise us as to where we can buy land as this is completely new for us.
We are ready to travel trough europe to meet the right person and sit and discuss our wishes with him.
Any advise is very welcome!

Thank you,

Love and Light,

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Old 01-02-2010, 07:24 PM   #3
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Default Re: Looking for professional advise for buying land.

"Likewise, you might want to start searching for an area which is at least 3,000-5,000 feet above sea level; are not prone to earthquakes, flooding, landslides or near a dormant or active volcano or in the middle of colliding tectonic plates; have some form of natural shelter against the elements, and can sustain a self-supporting community."

Totally fabulous advice! I'd love to tell this to a normal real estate agent and see his/her face!

I just want to add to KEEP AWAY from CERN (I think its near the French/Swiss border) and what ever you do, DON'T listen to real estate agents (many will say anything to get their commission). You will need to decide on ownership - how people can buy or sell in the future (e.g. form a company and owners can sell their shares to a new person). What you will build or grow (hard to get everyone to agree), etc. - its really not an easy process!
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Old 01-29-2010, 10:04 PM   #4
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
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Thumbs up Re: Looking for professional advise for buying land.

Hi Ype, just read your request for professional advise for buying land.
I am from Holland too and, to be honest, I am not experienced in buying land.
I would like to live in nature though, to make a living.
Friends of mine own land in the South of France and some are dreaming of living off the land and I have a practical advise regarding survival skills. There's an organisation called Kamana, teaching the North American Indian way of life, offering lessons all over the world. Tom Brown is a writer of books, titled "Grandfather" and "The Tracker" and "The Vision" His father is the founder of Kamana. The English organisation Bushcraft is a branch. Besides, if you're interested in setting up a Mongolian tent, I have a book that explains how to make and build one. The man who wrote the book is Dutch and his name is Froit van der Harst. You can find him on www.nooitmeerhaast.nl Verder ken ik Hans Roverts, die bouwt aan een ruine in Frankrijk. Kijk maar eens op www.denatuurlijketijd.nl
Good luck!
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