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Old 03-21-2010, 06:44 PM   #51
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Wink Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Hi Nostrovia, I can imagine that you don't agree with Jordan Maxwell, that's a matter of opinion I think. The conclusion about the Project Camelot being not trustworthy is a whole other issue. Bill and Kerry have a mission statement on the PC site, wherein they mention not to publish the content as truth. They offer information, as in a library, from all kind of whistleblowers and it's up to you and me, if we go along with the stories told. Are you going to the staff of a library and blame them on having certain books in stock? I believe you have an expectation, towards Bill and Kerry, they cannot live up to, don't you think? Truth is in the eye of the beholder.......
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Old 03-24-2010, 12:35 AM   #52
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Great thread, I was dying for a thread that offered something of value.

I see a few replies in this thread tackling what I think is the real issue, which is that exposing the problems in our society are one thing, but no one ever offers any solutions.

I myself have found myself angry about the same thing. I can listen to hours of Jordan Maxwell, countless more hours of Alex Jones and others until I'm wound right up. I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!!! But now what?

Well, I don't think we should be quite so hard on ol' Maxie and Jonsie as this is the hardest question facing our species and to say they offer no solutions is like saying you're angry at science for not figuring out how to split the atom earlier than they did.

I can sit here and say:
Step 1 to Civil Revitalization and Liberty: Remove the Federal Reserve from power and restore the gold standard.

Does that help anything? Can you do that? Can I do that? Can I do anything to influence that aside from the butterfly effect of talking about it to my friends?

It's a tough game. Maxwell is by no means a perfect person, in fact I don't even like him much, same with Jones, but they expose the problem in ways you and I simply have not done to the masses and so they deserve credit. Now it's up to us to ponder the solution because quite simply, no one knows what it is.

I'd like to add one more thing: Almost as annoying as a lack of solutions from really great problem exposers like Jones, are the people who spout "It's up to US to change! We are the solution!" because that doesn't say anything either on any kind of practical level. I know I kind of said that myself, but I'm saying I DON'T have the solution either, and that I'm still looking.
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Old 03-24-2010, 12:39 AM   #53
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Great thread, I was dying for a thread that offered something of value.

I see a few replies in this thread tackling what I think is the real issue, which is that exposing the problems in our society are one thing, but no one ever offers any solutions.

I myself have found myself angry about the same thing. I can listen to hours of Jordan Maxwell, countless more hours of Alex Jones and others until I'm wound right up. I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!!! But now what?

Well, I don't think we should be quite so hard on ol' Maxie and Jonsie as this is the hardest question facing our species and to say they offer no solutions is like saying you're angry at science for not figuring out how to split the atom earlier than they did.

I can sit here and say:
Step 1 to Civil Revitalization and Liberty: Remove the Federal Reserve from power and restore the gold standard.

Does that help anything? Can you do that? Can I do that? Can I do anything to influence that aside from the butterfly effect of talking about it to my friends? I'm not even American for chrissakes.

It's a tough game. Maxwell is by no means a perfect person, in fact I don't even like him much, same with Jones, but they expose the problem in ways you and I simply have not done to the masses and so they deserve credit. Now it's up to us to ponder the solution because quite simply, no one knows what it is.

I'd like to add one more thing: Almost as annoying as a lack of solutions from really great problem exposers like Jones, are the people who spout "It's up to US to change! We are the solution!" because that doesn't say anything either on any kind of practical level. I know I kind of said that myself, but I'm saying I DON'T have the solution either, and that I'm still looking.
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Old 03-24-2010, 05:34 AM   #54
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Well you hit the ol nail on the head then. The ones who just spill doom and gloom without solutions would be the disinfo people.

Face it, these people are getting so popular if they wanted to raise a group and create noise they would. Never once have I heard any them begin a program for solutions not even one. They are all to be angry and aggressive AJ uses his bullhorn to yell at buildings this also keeps his crowd of people in fear of control.

I think it is more the way Cliff High had it. He called them "refusenicks" or those people who refused to go along with the program. At the time he was stating this regarding the vaccinations, but if all of us refused what 'they' are doing, it would be a massive change of consciousness

Anyway this is my take on it.

Peace to you
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Old 03-24-2010, 04:12 PM   #55
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I've listened to Jordan Maxwell a number of times and have come to the conclusion that he always says the same stuff so why listen again. Next, after the fiasco with Greer's interview (and I had people who were at that conference fill me in on the behind the scenes action who are close personal friends of Greer), that was it for me watching any more interviews. I just refuse to support slander and character assignation.

Then I looked at the world news this morning and thought how incredible tragic. One gruesome story after another all over the planet. If one were to take all of that negative information in on a daily basis it would make one ill for life. This stuff is positively dreadful.

So I have come to the conclusion that I intend to focus on creating the type of world I want to live in. I'm only just one little candle here blowing in the wind. Just one person... but you know what? Some of the beauty I have gathered together has touched thousands of lives and lifted many, many spirits. For example, my Angel thread has had over 35,000 hits and constantly receives compliments from folks about how it makes them happy. This thread was created by just one little candle flame and then happily joined by many other candle flames... brightening this little cyber corner of the world.

For what it's worth I truly believe that it is our own personal responsibility to bring, create a bit of heaven here.. where we are on this planet, in our home, in our yard, in our cyber space each and every day by adding a bit of beauty, a bit of music, a bit our our inner glow to the things that we participate in and create. I'm done with the disclosure effort at this particular level and have moved on. Now I want to know about those human type alien entities and other-worlder's who are helping humankind. I want to focus on growing things in my garden and creating beautiful food for the eyes and stomach. I want to bring a bit of light and happiness into the lives that cross my path. I want to focus on the goodness which resides in the depth of our 'beingness' and encourage it's growth in all humans. I want to share how wonderful it is to experience "god" consciousness and transcend the limits of ego driven obsessiveness. Yes, my goal is to inspire each individual to reach for their own heaven within and allow it to take root in an ordinary life in an extraordinary way. And it is because of this I prefer to bring a gift of beauty as compared to oppressive gloom. What Jordan had to say was interesting.. yet, I refuse to allow this type of negativity to impair my own creative spirit.

So, it is with great sadness I have viewed these many tragedies of human spirit that are brought to our attention (and deservedly so for we should not be unaware and ignorant), and have chosen to refocus attention on that which makes my spirit sing. Good-bye Jordan. Hello light.
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
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Old 03-24-2010, 04:46 PM   #56
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Perhaps the problem is too big for solutions. I've worked in the system and from my personal experience I seriously doubt solutions are not going to happen in ways people expect. The only way I see solutions to manifest is via a major change in human consciousness. Perhaps a galactic superwave would do just that. Who is to say how the golden age will truly manifest itself spiritually for humankind
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
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Last edited by Carol; 03-25-2010 at 01:57 AM.
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:40 PM   #57
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re solutions -- there IS a feeble start at a movement for a USA national strike day -- you could get behind that

& -- i know i sound like a broken record w/this -- tho i am not so big on the 'Oneness' thing [sounds a lot like the 'integration' that the ETs are talking about -- a Oneness soup of bred-down microchipped humans], i feel i have to remind people that you are privileged if you can choose to focus on the ordinary good things of life -- many human beings on the planet right now do not have that choice -- & it appears that pretty soon we here in the USA may not have that choice -- the FEMA camps will be a good place to test out our various spiritual paths

personally, i pray a lot, & not just for myself

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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Old 03-25-2010, 12:18 PM   #58
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Oneness means that we are one in substance with all things, which we are. Oneness is the truth, it has nothing in common with chips. Those who would want to simulate the oneness artificially will get nowhere because if you try to simulate godliness, you will end up creating a false, artificial god, because the real godliness or oneness is intristic therefore you only come to it by substraction of experience, not by addition.

That means, if the E.T.s are not stupid, they won't do it. Unless they want to conquer and control us, but if they really wanted that, there are much more efficient ways, and chances are, conquerors won't have "all the time in the world" to wait till some 2012. They'd just achieve space superiority if they wanted and tell each city to surrender or to die and then they'd chip and lobotomize and clone etc. the survivors.

I mean, our official technology is on the verge of being able to do that, not just the black projects, the negative E.T.s who are supposed to be 25 000 years ahead of us must be able to do it seven days in the week, practically.

Last edited by MichalPtacnik; 03-25-2010 at 01:04 PM.
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Old 03-25-2010, 03:03 PM   #59
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Michal, i know what y'all mean by 'Oneness' -- the idea seems to be a radically new & different one for some of you -- i got part of this concept 40 yrs ago when i recognized my 'Oneness' w/the Earth & the animals & stopped poisoning the one by my buying habits [no toxic chemicals in my home -- no microwaves -- no cellphone, more recently-- etc, etc], & w/the other by not eating them

i recognize my 'Oneness' w/other humans & have done what i could in my life to at least speak out against war [like my country's war on the Iraqui & many other people], against torture -- i could go on & on -- lately my 'Oneness' efforts have been directed to getting humans to recognize that the controllers of this planet have their own idea of the 'Oneness' & it's not kind to humans

how do you manifest your 'Oneness'?

sometimes it seems that the Oneness y'all write about is a return to a comforting womb, where you are free of the painful resposibilities of individualized consciousness

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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Old 03-26-2010, 01:27 AM   #60
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Originally Posted by wynderer View Post

sometimes it seems that the Oneness y'all write about is a return to a comforting womb, where you are free of the painful resposibilities of individualized consciousness

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
Great point. If you are aware of oneness, then you should be aware of the fact that you chose to be in the state that you are in in 3d, experiencing all the pain and frustration that comes with it.

Truth is, this reality is stark. It's intense. You'll never get this experience in 5d, or 4d..you get it here now, and never again anywhere else. For that reason I enjoy it, I'll go back to oneness eventually, but right now I'm in 3d and that's where I want to be. It's challenging and fun. Adventure and experience.

For that reason I look for 3d solutions to 3d problems, not looking to how soon I'll merge with another reality. If I wanted that I'd just die.
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Old 03-26-2010, 02:21 AM   #61
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Hi Seafury -- my experiences of higher dimensions are that they are much more 'intense' than this extremely constricting 3D level -- also much more 'challenging & fun' --

good for you, that you like adventure & experience -- unless you are a hybrid or a clone or a sell-out human serving the nwo, my take is that you & the rest of the masses are soon going to be getting adventure & experience up the wahzoo -- starvation, Earth changes, plagues, FEMA camps [most of which are underground, imo -- easy access to food/energy supply for our reptilian/grey/mantis/etc nwo controllers] -- not my personal idea of fun adventures & experiences, but to each his/her own

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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Old 03-26-2010, 02:21 AM   #62
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Hi Seafury -- my experiences of higher dimensions are that they are much more 'intense' than this extremely constricting 3D level -- also much more 'challenging & fun' --

good for you, that you like adventure & experience -- unless you are a hybrid or a clone or a sell-out human serving the nwo, my take is that you & the rest of the masses are soon going to be getting adventure & experience up the wahzoo -- starvation, Earth changes, plagues, FEMA camps [most of which are underground, imo -- easy access to food/energy supply for our reptilian/grey/mantis/etc nwo controllers] -- not my personal idea of fun adventures & experiences, but to each his/her own

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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Old 03-26-2010, 09:36 AM   #63
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Michal, i know what y'all mean by 'Oneness' -- the idea seems to be a radically new & different one for some of you -- i got part of this concept 40 yrs ago when i recognized my 'Oneness' w/the Earth & the animals & stopped poisoning the one by my buying habits [no toxic chemicals in my home -- no microwaves -- no cellphone, more recently-- etc, etc], & w/the other by not eating them

i recognize my 'Oneness' w/other humans & have done what i could in my life to at least speak out against war [like my country's war on the Iraqui & many other people], against torture -- i could go on & on -- lately my 'Oneness' efforts have been directed to getting humans to recognize that the controllers of this planet have their own idea of the 'Oneness' & it's not kind to humans

how do you manifest your 'Oneness'?

sometimes it seems that the Oneness y'all write about is a return to a comforting womb, where you are free of the painful resposibilities of individualized consciousness

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
Very, very true. And you are correct in part about the returning to the womb. We all long for that, inside, and for a good reason: We are, as we are now, experiencing separation from the Oneness, unable to make a good decision safe by the works of chance; we simply can not know all the circulmstances, therefore we always do guesswork. From this point of view, wanting to get rid of the painful responsibilities of an individualized consciousness is a good thing, indeed, a natural tendency; because we were not meant to be completely individualized, because there has never been anything else than the Oneness and we just chose to willfully ignore it.

Now let me say this, according to my experience, if you return to the "pleroma," "relationship with God," or "oneness," you will lose some small portion of your individuality (the one that hurts the most because it is in denial), but will gain others you never knew were there, and you will gain a sense of purpose and, ideally, you will actually find yourself to be able to make good decisions, because you will be connected to All There Is and will KNOW what is according to the Divine Plan. That is a great reward, if you think about it, and it is well worth the sacrifice of your so called "personality," because it will reveal your true self you never knew was there and you will stop living in denial and illusion. It is also what most religions hint at with their teachings, and especially Christianity if you look at it correctly.

By the way if you say that "if you follow your heart you can't make a bad decision" or something to counter my first argument (that you are unable to make a good decision in the present state), it is obvious that you are able to do this because your heart-compass is still connected to the Oneness; what I propose is reconnecting the rest of your being and experiencing a life renewed in accordance with the rest of Creation and the Creator.
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Old 03-26-2010, 12:49 PM   #64
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Originally Posted by wynderer View Post
Hi Seafury -- my experiences of higher dimensions are that they are much more 'intense' than this extremely constricting 3D level -- also much more 'challenging & fun' --

good for you, that you like adventure & experience -- unless you are a hybrid or a clone or a sell-out human serving the nwo, my take is that you & the rest of the masses are soon going to be getting adventure & experience up the wahzoo -- starvation, Earth changes, plagues, FEMA camps [most of which are underground, imo -- easy access to food/energy supply for our reptilian/grey/mantis/etc nwo controllers] -- not my personal idea of fun adventures & experiences, but to each his/her own

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
Sounds like it's not very fun being you.

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Old 03-26-2010, 01:40 PM   #65
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i did not come here to have 'fun'

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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Old 03-26-2010, 03:30 PM   #66
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

I just have this to say about Jordan Maxwell. He has gone through a lot. After many (and I mean, many) requests to have him on my show, I finally did after one year of trying.

At the end of my show with him, I included a portion of audio that was from an off-line conversation he and I had. I included it so that people who don't know of his situation were exposed to a different perspective.

Even a friend contacted me to say someone wrote to him/her saying I had "Jordanus Maximus" (same words used as the OP). The person also said "I changed direction" and that "I was now doing shows on aliens (I always have) and the metaphysical (always have) and that I've turned anti-religion by having Jordan on. I respect everyone's beliefs and cover all areas.

Just because we (Project Camelot included) interview people does not mean we agree with their positions. We simply feel what they have to say is interesting enough and deem it important that people listen. That is all.

I remember getting flooded by e-mail from people who said my shows were turning too religious. That's when I had Ralph Epperson and Dr. Leonard Horowitz on. Go figure.

If Jordan was working for the Illuminati, ask yourself why he lives in a very small one-bedroom apartment? You can save the same about Michael Tsarion (he will be Veritas next week). I even said "What do you say to the people who say you're too negative?" If you listen, you'll hear his honest response.

In any event. I know many people have a problem listening to Jordan, but if you were more perceptive than many and thought you knew more about what is really going on, I tend to believe you would become very frustrated too.

Just my two cents on this.


P.S. If we only interviewed people who had the same opinions and viewpoints, could we really get to the truth? No. Besides, how boring that would be.

Last edited by manticore; 03-26-2010 at 11:26 PM.
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Old 03-26-2010, 06:47 PM   #67
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Quote from Manticore: P.S. If we only interviewed people who had the same opinions and viewpoints, could we really get to the truth? No. Besides, how boring that would be. (end of quote)
Thanks, Manticore! I think that's exactly to the point and it resonates with my reply on this thread on Jordan Maxwell's integrity. Let's not shoot the messengers!
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Old 03-26-2010, 07:58 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by manticore View Post
I just have this to say about Jordan Maxwell. He has gone through a lot.
You are correct in your statements about Maxwell being pretty much destitute and not profiting greatly from his "work." Sometimes people aren't the agents of anything but their own imaginations.
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Old 03-27-2010, 12:52 AM   #69
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Let's not forget that Jordan says this too: "People mostly support what they want to hear...not necessarily the truth, and the truth is not for everybody by any means."

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Old 03-27-2010, 02:30 AM   #70
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I don't necessarily agree with Jordan Maxwell...but I think that the man has done his homework and paid his dues...and agonized over how much trouble the human race is really in...for a long, long time. Listening to Jordan won't make you happy...but if you want the truth...you just might learn something of great value. Go Jordan!
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Old 04-03-2010, 06:12 AM   #71
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This is where I have a different opinion. Just because Jordan Maxwell believes something to be true doesn't make it true. He has done a lot of research up to a point. And what he believes is limited by the research he has done. And then there are numerous other layers that take one in another direction then the one Jordan is pointing too.

I've found this to be true for a number of whistle blowers. They only have one piece to the puzzle, one viewpoint or perspective based on the current information they've accumulated.. yet again that perspective is limited in scope, range and comprehension when examining the bigger picture.

There is a battle for souls. Folks make choices. There are consequences for each choice made.. a butterfly effect is put into motion where someone they may not know is negatively affected by a thoughtless, self-centered choice. There are multiple influences (good and bad) affecting ones individual choice. The goal is to grow beyond duality, beyond positive and negative polarity and to integrate all aspects of self including ego, the shadow, the spiritual and to transcend limited consciousness into cosmic consciousness.

In some sense one may consider Jordan Maxwell a scholar and he may well be one. Yet, from another perspective is he living a life where spirit is directing him? Indeed his personal situation is sad. And I wonder what tasks he has set out for himself at a spiritual level before this incarnation and this life being lived. However, what I see is a man who has imprisoned himself within the walls of his own mental constructs. Why?

From a purely personal perspective I've been in some pretty grim situations both personally and professionally. The goal was not to get lost but instead to find a way through it and out to the other side. Irrespective of the many, many challenges each may face it is with our heart, our mind and our spirit that we learn to fly. The key? Don't give up and believe ~ accept there are multiple alternatives to ones life and it takes personal responsibility to ensure that one moves forward and not get stuck.

My sense with Jordan from listening and watching him is that underneath it all is that perhaps he has a defeatist attitude. Meaning he feels defeated before he has even gotten out of the gate. And it is that particular quality which leaves a lingering impression of great sadness that he is stuck within the walls of his own mental constructs. Yes, maybe what he shares is true.. maybe it is false and he just is on the wrong track. I'm not here to verify it one way or another. I'm just adding that he lost me a long time ago because of this quality that appears to be dragging him down.

Here is an example of another type of man. He works with patients who are dying. His whole focus is on making that person's life the best it can be given the situation. These are real life issues with real life families. He is not dragged down where he feels powerless to do anything. Instead, he brings comfort to others and is greatly loved by the families he works with. His attitude is uplifting and brightens people who are really sick day. He gives them confidence and empowers them to take charge of what they can and is encouraging. This person only once realized there was something that he couldn't do and that had nothing to do with him personally, it just had to do with running out of time. I raise this story to illustrate how an attitude can make or break a man. One man can see the worst that life has to dish up and yet have a very happy life while another man just reads about the worse life has to offer and gets emotionally stuck and be depressed. It's a choice. We all get to choose who we are going to be every day, every moment.
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Old 04-04-2010, 04:28 AM   #72
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Jordan identifies the problems...and focuses on them. He provides a valuable service...but one must look elsewhere for inspiration and solutions. If a doctor does not properly identify the problems...he or she cannot properly formulate solutions. Glossing over the problems with a big smile (and a big bill) doesn't solve anything...really.

I continue to be puzzled by the early termination (pretty much interrupted mid-sentence) of Jordan Maxwell's lecture at Awake and Aware...while he was waxing eloquent regarding the dark-side of the Vatican...particularly regarding the Vatican being the biggest enemy of the United States. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIDU9...eature=related David Wilcock followed this apparent plug-pulling...and was given much more time than Jordan. David was also present during the Camelot interview of Jordan Maxwell. Is this normal operating procedure? Did I get my facts straight here? I'm relying on my very faulty memory.

I'm not making a blanket endorsement of Jordan Maxwell...but he has validated a lot of things which I was already aware of...and he has taught me a lot of new things. One more thing. I'm tending to think that the Vatican, the City of London, Washington D.C., Jerusalem (and probably others) take orders from a key Deep Underground Base (possibly in the United States). In other words...there has been a continuity of power going back into ancient Egypt, Babylon, Atlantis, etc...if the theory is at all correct...and I don't know that it is. This power might be the biblical Babylon. 'Babyon is fallen, is fallen...because SHE made the nations drink the wine of the wrath of HER fornication." Could this be supportive of a Lucifer/Eve/Hathor/Mary hypothesis of centralized power on Earth...going back thousands or even millions of years? Bill Cooper said that it wasn't the Jews or the Vatican...but he pointed toward secret societies and mystery schools...and to the 'Brotherhood of the Snake'. Perhaps this was the 'alien presence' which was so elusive to Bill. Once more...I have zero animosity toward anyone or any organization. I think I could have a cordial conversation with any of them...including the Devil Himself or Herself. Siriusly.

With all of my threads and posts about the Vatican...it wouldn't surprise me if get involved in this sort of a situation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bxvGy1Uy70 Actually...I feel sort of a warm connection with the Jesuits...because I think they probably understand me better than anyone else. But they'd still probably chase me...

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 04-04-2010 at 03:43 PM.
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Old 04-04-2010, 04:37 AM   #73
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

An excellent post Carol. I agree with you.


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