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Old 09-02-2009, 06:10 PM   #1
14 Chakras
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Default Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

The story of Jesus is that he was resurrected and did not die. Therefore, according to the story we understand, he is very alive today. He is not confined to a book, or whatever beliefs have come up around him in various religions and societal agreements. He is the Living Christ right?

Also, consider that when Jesus showed up in Jerusalem to start his mission, he came on a donkey. He didn't exactly shout "it's obvious here I am!" with a big fire works display.

In fact, during his mission, only a few hundred people really followed him everywhere. In the end, the people even shouted for him to be killed and we're willing to set a murderer free to make it happen! Even his own disciples abandoned him to one degree or another on the last day and only one or two disciples made it up on the hill to be there while he was put up on the cross.

The point is, to see that Jesus was the Christ, it came down to discernment. Only a few had the right discernment to recognize the living Christ. This was the test that people faced when they met Jesus during his mission.

Consider today, that the same kind of test exist. Consider that Jesus message is not being shouted out like fireworks quite yet , and it is up to the discerning to connect with his true message and his true teachings.

Consider Jesus is very much alive and has given the people of planet earth access to his inner teachings for this very important time we are in. However, consider the teachings are similar to Jesus coming in on a donkey, not obvious and it takes your own Christ discernment in order to see if you recognize the voice of Master Jesus and truth.

Here is a link to ONE of Jesus messengers work. My discernment strongly tells me, within these letters are the true teachings of Christ from 2000 years ago and updated for today.

Note, my discernment also tells me Jesus has more than one messenger on planet earth. This messenger gives Jesus teachings from a more meditative perspective rather than a linear western perspective. They are very good and well worth contemplating. I do believe if we can truly connect to the inner message, to the reality behind the words, then we will indeed find the truth that will set us free.

I hope you consider giving these letters a chance and if you already believe in Jesus, connecting with him and asking him to you show the truth as you read these letters. Names have power, so calling to Jesus Christ to help you discern will be of benefit.

If you currently do not believe that Jesus is legitimate, then consider asking God, or your highest Self to help you discern the reality of these teachings.

My personal belief is we should also make protection calls to help us discern anytime we are faced with something of importance. Consider calling to God, Jesus, Archangel Michael or your highest Self, to cut you free from any entities, dwellers or opposition to you hearing the truth and ask for help seeing through any illusions that may be blocking the Way of your discernment. You can also call for the binding of any opposition to your divine plan.

It's important to ask not to confirm any pre-conceived beliefs, but rather to show us the truth of the inner teachings that will set us free, even if it means surrendering beliefs that are hindering our spiritual progress in truth.

I hope you enjoy!


P.S. There are nine letters, they are meant to be read in order, from letter one through nine. They are fairly long and I recommend considering purchasing them in book format if the first letter or two speaks to you. I personally found them easier to read and contemplate in print (especially considering the different kind of fonts and formatting that the messenger has chosen to use). Alternatively, if you would rather read them in print, but for free, you can print out the letters and put them in a binder as they are available in PDF format on the above link.

Here is a link to the book, which is all the letters combined, available on Amazon:

P.P.S. These letters are not so much about exposing the outer linear life of Jesus, rather the inner message of the teachings of Christ. As I stated above, they are from meditative perspective and are meant to be read in a meditative, intuitive Way.

Last edited by 14 Chakras; 09-02-2009 at 09:10 PM.
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Old 09-02-2009, 08:28 PM   #2
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

Thank you for sharing these.

I am very interested in what they have to say
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Old 10-24-2009, 07:08 PM   #3
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers


My discernment has led me to believe these letters contain the inner teachings that Jesus tried to teach his disciples 2000 years ago, but which they were not yet ready to understand at that time.

These letters are not meant as a history lesson, rather they are there to showcase the true teachings of Christ through Jesus.

I'm actually reading for the second / third time off and on nowadays (in book form which you can purchase from Amazon).

My discernment tells me there are other messengers that are bringing forth teachings from this level, all of which so far are very undercover, very unknown.

But those who are Jesus sheep hear his voice, the advance troops are being directed now to come up higher, and teachings like these are there for those who seek and find.

These letters are written more from an eastern perspective, they are meditative in that regard. Not easy for the western mindset to grasp the inner meaning, but from my perspective this should be the goal.

Meaning, behind the words there are concepts that can only really be experienced rather than fully understood by the linear mind.

This adds to the difficulty in all honesty, but also to the potentials and the rewards (the ultimate reward - the Christ consciousness) for those who are willing to put forth the effort, and to spend time meditating and connecting to the inner truths behind the outer words and to the Living Jesus Christ.

I believe these words carry his vibration, so they will help sincere students get in contact with the Living master that Jesus is Now.

I recommend spending some time with them, you may find a pearl of great price as you connect to the inner truths of these teachings.

Last edited by 14 Chakras; 10-24-2009 at 07:43 PM.
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Old 10-24-2009, 07:43 PM   #4
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

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Old 10-24-2009, 08:29 PM   #5
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

hey friend!

When I read them all I will return on this post and share my impression about them with you...

Until then,

Love and blessings!
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Old 10-24-2009, 09:12 PM   #6
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

Galatians 4
King James Bible

21 Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law? 22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. 23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. 24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. 25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. 26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.
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Old 10-25-2009, 02:26 AM   #7
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

Which things are an allegory:

the things Paul writes after the colon in v24

Paul likens Abraham's bondwoman Hagar with the Old Covenant of Mosaic Law and Abraham's wife Sarah with the New Covenant of the Christ

For the Mosaic Law will not elevate the children above serfdom to God and the elements but the acceptance of the Spirit of Christ will elevate the children to Sons and Daughters of God and masters of the elements

And God sent Christ to the Earth to teach so the children could recognize the Spirit within and break free from bondage and raise above the Law of the elements and work miracles as naturally as Jesus Himself

Last edited by RedeZra; 10-25-2009 at 02:50 AM.
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Old 10-25-2009, 05:05 AM   #8
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

How about the careful exegesis and tactful homiletic application of the Red-Letter Teachings of Jesus using the accepted norms of grammatical historical hermenutics?
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Old 10-25-2009, 05:27 PM   #9
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

in the Mesopotamian culture it was unheard of that every man woman and child is essentially Divine and that God could descend as a mere mortal

Jesus paid the prize for this Revelation and such teachings and fulfilled the Plan to make mankind aware of our God Given Right as Sons and Daughters of the Most High and we have but to accept it and to live it to be able to utilize the Spirit within for the elevation of ourselves and the mastery of the elements

Every now and again up through history a Soul so soaked in the Spirit performs miracles that defy science
Those are working more or less behind the world scene for the betterment of us all

Last edited by RedeZra; 10-25-2009 at 05:42 PM.
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Old 10-29-2009, 03:20 AM   #10
14 Chakras
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

Yes RedeZra,

I think your above two post are great personally.

Jesus came to help us remember our divine heritage.

We are like princes lost in a foreign land, enslaved and have forgotten our divine heritage, but the master returneth (the Christ consciousness), and it is time we took up our rightful place as Sons and Daughters of the Infinite here and Now on this planet and take responsibility for our own planet, our own experience and our own consciousness by letting the infinite within take dominion over us. To overcome the illusion of the separate self and to be reborn as One with the father mother as Jesus demonstrated, to be reborn into our glorious new Self.

The caterpillar turns into the butterfly and so, those who clean their cup will have the light of the Christ consciousness poured into their entire consciousness being and world and Be below all that we are above.

It's an exciting time to Be indeed....
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Old 11-06-2009, 05:23 AM   #11
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

How can I explain to you 14 Chakras what has happened to me since I read Christ's letters ! And I have you to thank! After seaching for over 40 years seeking the Truth in all things spiritual and earthly, not being part of any religion but considering myself a christian having studied the bible. Being brought up to believe in Jesus and our Heavenly Father, but knowing something was not right. Going through much pain at the suffering of mankind and asking, WHY?

How can there be so much evil in the world, why can't mankind find peace and love. I started seaching and researching all the conspiracy information to see who is behind all of this misery. So I started preparing my grown children for what is coming that might somehow protect them from the calamities of what maybe coming on our beautiful planet.

Except that I have been going about it the wrong way and realising now that we are creating our own reality and the more we focus on the dark side the more the dark will increase and the more power they will have.

So thank you again 14 Chakras for I feel I have been blessed. My time here on earth will be to connect with Divine Consiousness and bring Love, Peace and Abundance to Earth and mankind. I'm now on my spiritual journey and my seaching is finally over.

Christ's Blessings to you

Love and freindship
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Old 11-06-2009, 10:51 PM   #12
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

firefly...that was a beautiful post! This is what Christianity should be! I will read the letters...and comment on them.

14Chakras...what is the source of these letters? I just started reading them...and they seem to be represented as being the very words of Christ...and superceding just about everything else. This is a red-flag to me. I've been burned by some very believable inspired writers. I presently consider everything as being just one more source. This includes the Bible, Whistleblowers, Channelers, Gurus, Preachers, Teachers, Aliens, Spirits, etc, etc, etc. A careful and prayerful devotional study of the Red-Letter Teachings of Jesus is a good place to begin a spiritual quest...but the Christlike Holy Spirit Within All Persons...has veto-power over every other source and authority...to me at least.

I found this to be quite interesting '© No part of this web site may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission from Christ's Way. If wishing to quote from CHRIST'S LETTERS in any form, please first gain written permission from Christ's Way.' I also found the reference to Saturday Sabbath fascinating. I've been there and done that. Every day should be a Sabbath Day. A set-aside special day of rest...with no work permitted...is a remnant of Jewish separatism. One more way to tell the world that they were 'God's Chosen People'...a 'Master Race'...if you will. Finally...the thought that we bring evil upon ourselves because of our consciousness is ludicrous. Bad things happen. Period. No matter how elevated and pristine your consciousness is. The author sounds like an Ex-Adventist New-Ager with a Messiah Complex. Sorry for the negativity...but I'm trying to call things as I see them...right or wrong. I'm not trying to win a popularity contest. I'm presently disillusioned with just about everyone and everything...including myself.

How about the careful exegesis and tactful homiletic application of the Red-Letter Teachings of Jesus using the accepted norms of grammatical historical hermenutics?


Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 11-07-2009 at 12:18 AM.
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Old 11-07-2009, 02:36 AM   #13
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the information presented in the letters is a lot to take in the first or second reading http://www.christsway.co.za. The information resonates more than anything else that I have personally read. It contradicts the statement that Jesus died and then was raised in the flesh as the bible teaches. Jesus states that he died but his consciousness lived on to advance through higher and higher levels of consciousness until he sits on the very edge of oblivion "at the right hand of the father". He chose to descend through all the dimesions to our dimesion to bring us the truth through a now 80 year old lady who was prepared over 40 years to transmit his message as truely as possible.

"the thought that we bring evil upon ourselves because of our consciousness is ludicrous" is just another way of defining the law of attraction. In all the letters I read at the beginning it mentioned if we wanted to quote anything that we just had to supply the url.

At the end of the day orthodoxy, I believe we must take in what resonates most with our inner guidance and let go of what doesn't resonate. otherwise we will go mad trying to let others tell us what is right or wrong. These letters after several readings do resonate with a lot of what resonates through others messages presented on the subject here at avalon. SO, go with what carries the most resonance.


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Old 11-10-2009, 04:37 AM   #14
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

These letters are definitely not meant to be dogmatic. They are designed to help us have non-dualistic contact with the Christ consciousness. I suggest personally, trying reading the first 3 letters before deciding whether there is value in them for us, since at the very least, there is some really interesting and fun stuff in there.

Last edited by 14 Chakras; 03-03-2010 at 09:32 PM.
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Old 11-10-2009, 05:06 AM   #15
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

Should we accept every claim of the true words of Jesus to be exactly that? Billy Meier claims that Jesus survived the crucifixion and was healed by friends of Joseph of Aramethia, and that Jesus then went with Judas Iscariat (his scribe) to live and teach in India, where he married, had children and died at around 112-115 years of age. I agree that one should only accept what resonates within him/herself. The trouble is, this world has been manipulated for thousands of years, even before Jesus' time, through the so-called word of God in the bible. Religions have killed people for not believing their teachings. Who are the "chosen"? The children of Israel? If that be so, where does that leave the rest of humanity? I apologize if I seem to be anti-Christ, I assure you I am not. Until about 15 months ago, I was a bible believing southern Baptist and could not be swayed from my teachings. Then, my eyes were opened and I was shown how deceived I have been for 46 years on this earth. Basically, my question is this; Why do people lead others to believe things that are written about God/Jesus as truth, when they themselves do not know this to be factual? Why not simply suggest something be read and digested and allow for discussion, rather than take the position that these words are indeed true, which may lead someone down another false road, in their honest search for truth? In our search for what is real and what is not, it can be very tempting to believe many new ideas. All that said, I do believe that each of us has the gift of discernment if we only search for it.
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Old 11-10-2009, 05:31 AM   #16
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I think you make some valid observations and ask a good question:

Why do people lead others to believe things that are written about God/Jesus as truth, when they themselves do not know this to be factual?

I'll take a crack at an answer:

1) They are under the mistaken impression that if they convince you of what they believe then it means that it is true and they are saved. If enough people believe what they believe, then it must be right and therefore God must surely let them into heaven.

2) People naturally have an urge to help shine the light on the darkness and help others awaken to a higher reality. Unfortunately, very few of us, if any truly follow the advice, seek first the kingdom of heaven and all will be given unto you, and take the stick out of your own eye before trying to take the sliver out of another. In other words, we may find a morsel of truth, but instead of keeping on searching until we are truly free and can now help others, we turn around and start 'proselytizing' our belief, which more than likely contains only a small piece of truth and a lot of error and illusion.

3) There is a collective ego which has taken on a life of it's own, a beast actually, behind each earthly religion, it grows when people feed it their light by worshipping the God outside of themselves and buying into false beliefs that the power lies outside of us rather than inside of us. This beast is more than capable of working through those who are most controlled within the various religions to try and convert others to the same false beliefs.

That is not to say there is no higher truth, it is also not to say that it is not our job here to shine the light on the darkness and help spread the truth, however, it is to say that until we ourselves have found the truth that will set us free and are no longer limited in this world, then we ourselves are not ready to be teachers, we are still students because we are also still caught in illusion.

With my last post as a response to Ortho, I can see that I partially fell into this trap. It is kind of 'salesy' right? Well that is not the Way and I thank you for sharing that perspective.

Each of us has a piece of the the grand puzzle of truth, and together we are More. I believe though, it is up to each one of us to keep uncovering our own piece by searching for the inner truth that will set us free
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Old 11-10-2009, 06:01 AM   #17
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Hey 14 Chakras! Your response to all of my questions was very heartwarming. It is wonderful to be able to share different ideas with others who are open to look at those of others without condemnation and judgement. The truth shall set you free has been my driving motto. I'm not sure who it was, but someone on Avalon had a signature that said The Truth Will Shall Set Ye Free, But First It Will **** Ye Off. I found that to be absolute truth. The spiritual realm is a collosal subject to pursue, yet we continue in whatever direction each of us is drawn to in our journey for truth, because something inside our being draws us to that knowledge. I hunger for answers daily, and along the way, I meet up with some very special souls. That is my reward for diligence. My sincere appreciation is given you for your courteous reply to my post. This is how people can learn to communicate and become friends, though our opinions and belief systems differ in varying degrees. Best wishes in your search.
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Old 11-10-2009, 07:09 AM   #18
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And gratitude for your gracious response. Yes, we have traditionally been divided by differing beliefs and understandings of truth, and this is how dark forces successfully have controlled us in the past, divide and conquer.

It is time for us now to move into a more unified and true view of things where we more clearly see we've all been like blind men touching different pieces of the same elephant and arguing about what it is, it's an elephant for goodness sake.. truth is infinite and it is One. No one piece is better than another, however, it is time now for us all individually and collectively move past illusions of separation and into the truth that will set us free...
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Old 11-10-2009, 07:28 AM   #19
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

Originally Posted by firefly View Post
How can I explain to you 14 Chakras what has happened to me since I read Christ's letters ! And I have you to thank! After searching for over 40 years seeking the Truth in all things spiritual and earthly, not being part of any religion but considering myself a christian having studied the bible. Being brought up to believe in Jesus and our Heavenly Father, but knowing something was not right. Going through much pain at the suffering of mankind and asking, WHY?

How can there be so much evil in the world, why can't mankind find peace and love. I started searching and researching all the conspiracy information to see who is behind all of this misery. So I started preparing my grown children for what is coming that might somehow protect them from the calamities of what maybe coming on our beautiful planet.

Except that I have been going about it the wrong way and realizing now that we are creating our own reality and the more we focus on the dark side the more the dark will increase and the more power they will have.

So thank you again 14 Chakras for I feel I have been blessed. My time here on earth will be to connect with Divine Consciousness and bring Love, Peace and Abundance to Earth and mankind. I'm now on my spiritual journey and my seaching is finally over.

Christ's Blessings to you

Love and friendship

This is beautiful and powerful. Gratitude for sharing Firefly. Many are called and few choose, it is truly up to each one of us to choose to Be.

Those that are of Jesus fold can (ideally!) hear his voice even when it is on a little ol' Website. That's the beauty of Life. No matter how thick the deception as we have here right now on planet earth, we can still find the truth that will set us free, the truth that is hidden in plain sight (really it's hidden within, but the outer reminders are there for each of us in different ways when we make ourselves ready).

No one book, one teaching, one master are for everyone. There are many paths to the infinite on this planet, however, it is nice to see that these teachings are finding their way to good soil and they will result in good fruit.

We will need to have eyes to see and ears to hear, but it all will be opened unto those who choose to Be Now. For it is now time for the second coming of the Christ consciousness and those who choose to embody it will truly be those who fulfill the prophecies and raise up planet earth into a New Heaven and a New Earth that will surpass all wonders and expectations of all ages come before.

I say, why not join the big celebration of divine love and Be One of them?

Last edited by 14 Chakras; 11-10-2009 at 08:22 AM.
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Old 03-03-2010, 09:29 PM   #20
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

Here is a lovely spoken word meditation that is made available within this book and I try and do on a daily basis (which can be read or spoken from memorization):


Father Mother Life,

You are my Life, my health, my protection, the fulfillment of all of my needs and my highest inspiration.

I ask that you reveal the True reality of yourSelf to me.

I know it is your will that I be fully illumined that I may better receive awareness of your Presence within and around me.

I believe and know that this is possible.

I believe you protect and maintain me in perfect love.

I know it is my eventual purpose to express you.

As I speak to you, I know you are perfectly attentive to me, for you are Universal Loving Intelligence, which has so marvelously designed this world and brought it into visible form.

I know that as I ask you to speak to me, I am sending out a consciousness search light, into your Divine consciousness, and as I listen, you are penetrating my human consciousness and coming ever closer to my increasingly receptive mind and heart.

I commit myself and my life into your care.


There are some nice instructions on how to use it here: http://www.christsway.co.za/members/...lang=eng&cl=go

It is from letter 8 of these beautiful gifts from Christ consicousness found here:



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Old 03-03-2010, 10:54 PM   #21
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

I too will give this a look. Thanks...
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Old 03-05-2010, 04:03 PM   #22
tribe of light
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

thanks 14 Chakras

The link you provided us really resonates with me and is probably one of the best nuggets of wisdom ive ever come across.

Thank you.
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Old 03-05-2010, 04:18 PM   #23
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

My personal belief is we should also make protection calls to help us discern anytime we are faced with something of importance. Consider calling to God, Jesus, Archangel Michael or your highest Self, to cut you free from any entities, dwellers or opposition to you hearing the truth and ask for help seeing through any illusions that may be blocking the Way of your discernment. You can also call for the binding of any opposition to your divine plan.

It's important to ask not to confirm any pre-conceived beliefs, but rather to show us the truth of the inner teachings that will set us free, even if it means surrendering beliefs that are hindering our spiritual progress in truth.
I walked away from "Churchianity" 30 years ago, and have used this as my guiding motivation, ever since. It seemed "illogical" to constantly refer to someone who "lived, walked, and spoke with me" on a daily basis as "dead"... or only in terms of his death.

The toughest part, was separating out the words of Paul, from the words of Jesus. Only recently was I able to close that door, after reading a book I consider to be a great healing: "The Disappearance Of The Universe" by Gary Renard.

I throw in what I consider a good quote:
It should be self evident that if there is only oneness, then anything else that appears to exist, must have been made up. Furthermore it must have been made up for what appeared to be a very damned good reason.

Thus instead of judging the world and everything in it, perhaps it would be more helpful for you to ask what value you saw in making it up in the first place. It may also be wise to ask yourself what would be a more appropriate response to it now.
14 chakras, will write more after I read the linked page,

"Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"

Evil cannot be killed. Only redeemed.

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Old 03-05-2010, 07:12 PM   #24
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Evolution begins with love though sometimes the easiest answers are hardest to grasp even when it is right under your nose...

evoL ution

Love of self as others is the truth of his teachings...
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Old 03-12-2010, 06:46 PM   #25
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

Fiction an fantasy rule the world. Demons pose as adepts and guides. Jesus could not save himself. He's been dead 2,000 years and has certainly reincarnated many times in human and non-human forms.
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