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Old 07-23-2009, 10:10 AM   #26
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

Originally Posted by Noela View Post
Thank you for the synopsis, Seashore - very useful.
You're welcome!
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Old 07-23-2009, 10:55 AM   #27
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

Hmmm, the reports come directly from the linguistics and emotional shifts in the linguistics that are found in many many peer to peer communications on the web, across many countries. I don't think clif deliberately chooses for the words to be so scary, but they are a reflection of the kinds of things that are going around in group consciousness right now. (He filters out sites like Avalon) It's a good thing that what we think/talk about doesn't manifest immediately <G>.

That said, the reports do move to the extreme. (How many of us have said, "If my cat throws another hairball on my bedspread, I'm gonna kill him?" - well, it definitely says you're going to be upset with your cat, but kill them? That might be a bit extreme <G>) That said, there have been incidents (like the banda aceh earthquake and death of 300,000) that they've gotten pretty much right on.

The HPH guys (and I) would love for this all to be wrong - unfortunately I don't think they think it will be wrong -

Interesting comment in it about millions of people in the lower 48 moving up to Canada. Made me think of Sol....
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Old 07-23-2009, 12:40 PM   #28
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

The last part of this latest report describes a test they did on their system to see if it would correctly predict the Cuban Missile Crisis from newspaper reports that preceded and followed it. The result was that they would have only a 1 in 8 probability of being able to correctly forecast that NO WAR would have resulted. In other words (mine, not theirs), the system seems to be good at predicting worst case scenarios based on building emotional tension, but may not be so good with situations that are resolved in other ways. The system is far from infallible, as this test shows.

Right now we should be well into the "summer of hell". There are certainly lots of people having financial difficulties, and some riots here and there, but the language coming out of these reports can be a bit "over the top".

Last edited by Jnana; 07-23-2009 at 12:54 PM.
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Old 07-23-2009, 01:06 PM   #29
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

I think that what we should do is recognize that the over the top predictions are what they are because the powers that be are what they are and yes, this is their agenda.

But every time whistle blowers put out their dreary information, the populace reacts, and the direction we're moving in alters slightly. That's what's important: that whistle blowers keep doing what they're doing and we keep listening and doing something about it.
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Old 07-23-2009, 01:26 PM   #30
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

don't we sometimes express in our linguistics the emotions that were stirred in us by TPTB through their deliberate actions and we talk about things and events orchestrated by them? after watching simple news on TV people talk about things....and we know what news( or rather program) we get.
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Old 07-23-2009, 01:33 PM   #31
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

Here is some of the positive solutions to the negative stuff.

There were some assistance from Russia, China to put pressure on the US not to intervene with the Iran/Israel situatiion mainly because the U.S. citizens are being sound bited to what the agenda is by the Powers That Be, there was also mentioning of average citizens throwing the bankers out of their own homes on the streets who caused all of this, another was the flat out disappearance of the bodyguards of the illuminati who bascially realized the dark side they were serving leaving their little henchmen to fend for themselfs. And in 2013 a re-alliance with russia, brazil and canada for the better with alternative energy.

I am one proud american , not of our elected leaders but of the people of this country, but if I was sitting in another country looking from the outside in at the leadership here and the hypocricy of the words and intentions coming out of the mouths of career people have never held a private job in their life, I would say my ratings of these individuals is very low.

We are going to have many situations, earthquakes, volcanoes, food shortages ect. but in a few years things will emerge for the better, we just have to pull together as a team , the good people of the earth and smash thru the doors of the fake wall that was built around us. As someone who just got elected said "YES WE CAN ". and I'll add to that "AND WE WILL".
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Old 07-23-2009, 02:09 PM   #32
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

Yes, thank you Seashore for the synopsis.

Doesn't sound so bad to me, at least nothing unexpected.
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Old 07-23-2009, 02:14 PM   #33
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

Originally Posted by burgundia View Post
don't we sometimes express in our linguistics the emotions that were stirred in us by TPTB through their deliberate actions and we talk about things and events orchestrated by them? after watching simple news on TV people talk about things....and we know what news( or rather program) we get.
Remember - its the language and linguistics that box/trap/control you. It is THE tool..
I cant stress this enough everyone - Learn the language and free yourself.
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Old 07-23-2009, 02:59 PM   #34
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

Summer of hell starts in France and England, moves ultimately to the US - 2 thoughts. MSM doesn't report (much if at all) on the other countries - to get that information, you'll need to read their media. And MSM is so busy talking about how wonderful things are here that we're not going to know when the SoH hits us until it becomes undeniable.

Just a thought, Jnana.

We can't depend on our media to give us any accurate information any more. We have to search it out.


Originally Posted by Jnana View Post
Right now we should be well into the "summer of hell". There are certainly lots of people having financial difficulties, and some riots here and there, but the language coming out of these reports can be a bit "over the top".
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Old 07-23-2009, 03:02 PM   #35
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

Originally Posted by alyscat View Post
...We can't depend on our media to give us any accurate information any more. We have to search it out.
Excellent point.

I'm so thankful for the internet.
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Old 07-23-2009, 03:35 PM   #36
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

Originally Posted by alyscat
...We can't depend on our media to give us any accurate information any more. We have to search it out.

It might be useful for us to have links to foreign media websites that post reliable information. Suggestions, anyone?
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Old 07-23-2009, 04:11 PM   #37
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

Now were getting constructive, tap the linguistics, use the resources of this site with team avalon around the world, and punch holes in the media's slant.
Ya ya , I like what I hear.
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Old 07-23-2009, 05:14 PM   #38
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

Keeping in mind that the HpH report is all about language found on the internet, here are some links from past "Summer of Hell" stories:

Summer of Hell exacts Heavy Toll

Passengers warned of T5 summer of hell

Summer of Hell revisited

and one from this year

Summer from Hell Meme

It doesn't take total social breakdown and global famine for people to start throwing around terms like "summer of hell". Airline travel problems and hot weather are sufficient.

I'm not knocking the HpH reports. I like to read them and I expect there is some valuable information in there somewhere. I just think people should heed the warnings that the producers of the reports themselves give and apply a great deal of discernment to the information. Around December I'll reread the ones I've got to see how accurate they were up to that point in time.
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Old 07-23-2009, 06:38 PM   #39
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Lightbulb Re: New HalfPastHuman report

From a web-bolt > to an analytical<> jolt of Avalonian discernment

My thanks ~ too all > posting and sharing on this thread

From halfpasthuman too {us} becoming human again!

Last edited by giovonni; 07-23-2009 at 07:02 PM.
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Old 07-24-2009, 05:03 AM   #40
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

what you people worry about so much?

lets face the challange of reality...If its DEATH let it be DEATH...If it's LIFE then so be it...

Always remember one thing WE ARE ALL SPIRTS LIVING IN FLESH...This NWO, TBTB?, ILLUMANATI, MASON etc will never be able to touch our SOUL...never...

Brothers and Sisters lets just breathe and enjoy every living days...

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Old 07-24-2009, 08:19 AM   #41
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

what is missing in the synopsis is that if there is a war against iran by the zionists, there will be CATASTROPHIC deaths, over 200 million bec. the plutonium that will be realeased will circulate around the world 8 or 9 times, all over the northern hemisphere, the west coast first then midwest then the eastern coast, europe, southeast asia due to the jet stream that will carry the airborne radiocative material.

this is all to happen within the year!

we have to stop this war before it ever gets started. i don't know how but if we spread the word, as cliff high is suggesting, we can avert this unbelievable INSANITY!

interestingly RED ELK, a navitve american indian, also interviewed on coast to coast has the exact same vision that cliff high is suggesting on his report.

just google on youtube, "RED ELK prophesy"
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Old 07-24-2009, 09:06 AM   #42
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

Originally Posted by seashore View Post

...* When Israel bombs Iran, they'll use a nuclear-tipped bunker buster that will hit something unforeseen underground. As a result, a radioactive cloud will form that will pollute and sicken Southeast Asia. This will cause much of the world to turn against Israel...

Originally Posted by dolphin View Post
what is missing in the synopsis is that if there is a war against iran by the zionists, there will be CATASTROPHIC deaths...
People in the military need to refuse to obey an order to carry this out. Say no.

People who are not in the military need to support this refusal to obey.

That is what it will take. Saying "no" to the powers that be. It will take some courage.
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Old 07-24-2009, 03:34 PM   #43
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

I've been listening and reading HPH for a year now. It was said that by this time this year, the market would be crashed, the dollar dead, food riots, credit cards not working, rolling electric outages...all for this summer, right now...the summer of hell.

The only way this summer is hellish for me is that it has been very cold and rainy in the northeast. Other than that, my finances have never been better, the power is on, the market is up, and there is plenty of food to buy at the store.

I know that some people are having a harder time of it than I am, but clearly the estimations from last year have not transpired the way they feared. That is a very good thing, and perhaps we are changing the future with our thoughts right now. Just saying.
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Old 07-24-2009, 03:41 PM   #44
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

Hi Reader,

This quote taken from the Global Conciousness Project website, "Please don't strongly interpret the dot!"

Best regards,


Originally Posted by Reader View Post
Check out www.gcpdot.com
The dot is orange to red right now.

Global Conciousness Project
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Old 07-24-2009, 03:41 PM   #45
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

Yup, HPH does get the timing off occasionally. And sometimes spot on, like last Oct 7, but it doesn't appear to affect you personally.

For some, it is a summer of hell - for others it will be later, I'm guessing. If, as you (and clif) have hoped, we manage to change it with our consciousness, so much the better.

That said, I look at George Ure, who moved his family from the San Diego area to rural east Texas back in - what - 2002? based on a bot report that did not materialize (or materialized at the forcasted latitude, but the wrong longitude - something that has happened, too). However, he's seen enough materialize that he's still happy he made that call.
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Old 07-24-2009, 03:43 PM   #46
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

At this moment Blue dot - 95% - something is happening somewhere. Anyone have a newscast? <G> Either that or their software/hardware is malfunctioning. That's the weirdest graph.
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Old 07-24-2009, 03:50 PM   #47
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

Hi Steve,

I hear you. I don't give it to much credence, but it does somewhat tie into the HPH deal

It's getting tougher to know what to buy into these days.......

My wife thinks I've lost it
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Old 07-24-2009, 04:00 PM   #48
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Default Re: New HalfPastHuman report

Originally Posted by Sarahmay View Post
I've been listening and reading HPH for a year now. It was said that by this time this year...
This sounds familiar to me after listening to an archive of a July 23, 2009 interview of former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Paul Craig Roberts on The Global Research Hour.

He mentioned that everything that he thinks is going to happen takes longer than he thought it would.
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Old 07-24-2009, 06:07 PM   #49
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Dot's still blue a couple of hours later. I'm guessing the soft/hardware is down.
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