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Visions of the Future Visions of the future, What are you seeing? Thoughts, Dreams, Intuition....

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Old 10-20-2008, 07:58 PM   #1
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Default Real Answers

Hello friends,

The future is right here and now in this most present moment.

What we do in this moment determines what we will do in the next moment.

We all want the same thing. Every human being on Mother Earth wants the same thing.

What is that?

Just to love and be loved. To work with their own two hands and build something life giving and uplifting for their children.

That's how simple it is.

So, in view of that I offer you two things to accomplish that end.

1) Meditate. Join in with the others who are already so doing. You can find out if you want to. Here at Project Avalon there is ongoing meditation. It is called "The Mass Consciousness Coalition."

Here is a good one I use daily:


2) Rethink energy.

We have the very present opportunity of creating an entirely New Paradigm on this planet. A New Paradigm based upon cooperation and creativity rather than competition and division.

Understanding and utilizing the infinite energy and intelligence which exsits ALL around us, is an important key to this.

Many folks have no idea what is already being done and so I challenge you with two websites which are at the forefront of the New Paradigm.

First, here is the already proven theory behind the working model.


Second, the practical engineering already well underway. This is open to ANYONE on this planet. ANYONE. We will no longer rely upon governments, experts and the selfish dupes of the military/industrial complex nor our poor educational system, nor the constipated thinking of falsely so-called "science" which, in reality, is nothing more than a religion full of dogmatic priestcraft controllers.


Some of you reading this have an inner vision. Let's create together.

Peace be on earth and among all beings!

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Old 10-22-2008, 07:15 PM   #2
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Default Re: Real Answers

Here is a video concerning Bidini's School Girl Over Unity Motor. People all over the world are builing this and taking measurements to prove the principle:

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Old 10-25-2008, 07:09 PM   #3
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How about some of you who know a little something about transitors, capacitors and resistors building one of these and helping to prove the principle?

This is a proven repeatable scientific experiment that will solve the entire energy crisis on Mother Earth. How about ceasing all the arm-chair pontifications and doing something really practical that will be of service to every being on this planet?

Many of you say that you wish to serve the highest good of humanity on this planet. Here is something practical that anyone with a little determination can do right now.

We really do need to overcome our dysfunctional propensity to sit back and let others do our thinking for us. The results of that are all around you in this present crisis brought on by the abdication of our own power over to those who wish to control the minds and souls of others.

Arise sleepers! Drop all your doubts and worries and get busy. We have an infinite Universe to explore and appreciate and a beautiful planet that is severly in need of caretaking!

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Old 10-25-2008, 08:18 PM   #4
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Right on Nestingwave! Great post!!! Yeah, now is the time!!!
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Old 10-25-2008, 09:18 PM   #5
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Default Re: Real Answers

This is a proven repeatable scientific experiment that will solve the entire energy crisis on Mother Earth. How about ceasing all the arm-chair pontifications and doing something really practical that will be of service to every being on this planet?
Uhm, NestingWave, I'm not trying to pick on you, really, but do you see the hypocrisy of this statement? Even if you have no electronics background, you can learn, can't you? Why ask others to do this and then complain about arm-chair pontifications?

I completely agree with your observation, by the way. Every time I read "we" should do this, or "we" should do that, I cringe. It's just an excuse for nobody doing anything. I call it the "activist we", because so-called activists like to use it so much in editorials - as if by expressing an opinion it will somehow spark SOMEBODY ELSE into taking action. There is no such "we" that can get anything done, there are only highly motivated individuals who decide to make a difference. Like, oh, Bill and Kerry. Enough arm-chair pontificating from me - for now.
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Old 10-26-2008, 02:41 AM   #6
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If the Bedini motor worked we wouldn't have an energy problem. This is old stuff, been on the internet for years and years, and no one that I've heard of or read of has yet gotten it to do more than (perhaps) power itself.

Here's a really simple one that Nikola Tesla patented in 1901

Tesla radiant energy receiver

I don't know of anyone actually building one, but the theory seems sound.

If you are going to rail about free energy, and you think it's some simple thing that someone else should do, perhaps you should spend some time educating yourself. It's quite a subject with quite a long and involved history.
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Old 10-26-2008, 06:28 PM   #7
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Jnana, I am already taking action and invite you or anyone else to follow.

That's why I wrote this.

Begin by reading the many papers and come to understand them. Then order one of the kits to assmeble the SSG motor and purchase some testing equipment. Keep careful notes of your results.

So far, the equipment I have been working with is very sparse but I have seen the far more sophisticated work of others that does indeed prove the principle.

One idea I have is to build an orgone box and place the charging battery of the SSG inside of it while introducing ELF frequencies. This should greatly enhance the process of charging the battery.

The principle of this is already being proven all over the world and there is at present much discussion going on over it by folks actually involved in DOING IT -- not armchair skeptics who do not know what they are talking about.

Tom Bearden's MEG absolutely WORKS. There are several patents on it already. It does what it claims to do. In its latest version it produces COP100:1 That is produces 100 times MORE energy than is put into it. I.E. OVERUNITY. Kawai even has an overunity motor. Any HEAT PUMP is an overunity machine. The MEG and the SSG does use Tesla's principles and what he called "Radiant Energy." There are MANY names for it. "Quantum vacuum energy" Zero-Point Energy" "Orgone Energy" and on and on. It produces NEGENTROPY and is the basic energy from which ALL other energy is derived whatever it is.

Bedini's SSG motor IS already proving the principle and Tom Bearden's MEG has already refined it from COP4 to COP100.

This, of course, is being done with private funds since NO government will do the right thing and recognize it because of the enslavement of populations they so desire.

If anyone doubts the veracity of this, it is because 1) they know nothing about it 2) they never tried it and 3) they have no idea about how their own life is continually energized via the infinite energy in the ambient quantum vacuum between each quanta of all the matter in the Universe including their own body.

This technology has been greatly SUPPRESSED folks because it would totally FREE us from the ancient and highly vulnerable electrical "grid." Instead, several governments have WEAPONIZED it to destroy their perceived "enemies." Scalar weaponry is real and makes nukes look like a firecracker. These are not "Weapons of Mass Destruction" but "Weapons of Total Destruction."

They will not be allowed.

Let's use Tesla's principles to uplift mankind on planet Earth instead. Of course many are waiting for the so-called status quo "experts" to tell them its real and okay. Go ahead and hold your breath.

The propensity of folks to let others do their thinking for them is exactly why our beautiful planet is in such a mess at the moment.

So, I say, let's do something practical to clean it up and take some personal responsibility. The proper use of the infinite energy at our very fingertips is a very good start.

Those wires bringing electricity to our so-called "civilization" are completely unneccessary and always have been, like our criminal financial and political systems. "Energy" has become yet another system of control over the minds and souls of men. However, all these illusory control paradigms are now perishing forever.

Good riddance.

However, those who have bought the lie and believe in these frauds and cling to them are perfectly welcome to do so. Go down with them, if you choose.

However, many are now seeing a far better way and an entirely NEW vision is presently arising. Those who wish to take this opportunity will do so. Others will not and that is to be expected. Some still think they can heal a sucking chest wound by putting a bandaide on it. However, they will soon discover otherwise for themselves.

What is required is an entirely NEW paradigm and it is already getting up and operating, although still in the wings out of view from those who still get their information from CNN, FOX and the controlled news media.

Last edited by nestingwave; 10-26-2008 at 06:35 PM.
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Old 10-27-2008, 01:42 PM   #8
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NestingWave - thanks for a more grounded response. Naturally, I have no way of knowing what you are doing or not doing and I did not mean to imply that you were doing nothing, my complaint was more about the language used - a pet peeve of mine - the imaginary "we" that never gets things done.

I am familiar with the various technologies you referred to and I agree that there is a real science of unlimited energy that is being suppressed. I am a supporter of The Orion Project and encourage others to look into it. Bearden seem to be in the lead technically with the MEG, and I hope he finds a way to get into production. Also, Camelot interviewee Gordon Novel seems to have something in the works, but he is playing his cards close to his chest.

If you are going to attempt to replicate Bedini's work, I would suggest also looking at Gray's Motor if you have not already done so. Some of the principles are similar. It seems to me the trick to these devices is a pulsed rapid onset high voltage that yields Dirac Sea Holes (Bearden's term - see his book Energy from the Vacuum), aka cold electricity. Gray describes this phenomenon, as does T. H. Moray. The reason cold electricity is important is that it has characteristics that are the opposite of conventional electricity. For example, resistors become negative resistors. A negative resistor is effectively a battery of unlimited capacity - a current booster.

I have yet to be convinced that "orgone" is real. How is it produced? What are the characteristics? What is the physics of orgone? Everything I have seen on it so far seems like a bunch of fuzzy minded BS.

To make this stuff easy to reproduce, this physics behind these devices must be made explicit down to the equation level, with diagrams of forces and effects just like in any standard physics text, and simple experiments that any high school student can do. I was disappointed with Bearden's book referenced above because he only talks in generalities. With any luck, I will have a chance to help in this department.

Anyway, that's as far as I've gotten in studying this stuff. Any other insights from people with practical experience would be highly appreciated!
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Old 10-29-2008, 07:26 PM   #9
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Default Re: Real Answers

Thanks for you great input Jnana!

I have spent several years studying Bearden's work and, not being a scientist, have had to really dig into each concept.

Do you think that an orgone container for the Bedini charging battery would enhance the charging process? Perhaps in an evironment of EFL frequencies? This concept came to me in a dream and I feel there may be something to it. Perhaps I won't know until I try it, eh?
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Old 10-29-2008, 07:33 PM   #10
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One other question Jnana. Do you think those "Dirac sea holes" are mini "worm holes?" That is direct vorteces into the time domain?
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Old 10-29-2008, 08:23 PM   #11
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I'm not comfortable with the whole "orgone" concept. I can't make any sense of the information out there, so I wouldn't know how to use it in a design. Please keep good records and let the world know what you find out!

Without doing some real science, we can only speculate on what a Dirac Sea Hole "really is". For that matter, science is still working on what an electron "really is". Still, you can get a lot of engineering done if you know how the things behave, and Bearden has provided some initial insights there.

Best of luck in your endeavors.
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Old 10-29-2008, 09:53 PM   #12
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Thanks you again for you fine input Jnana.

There is actually so much good information out there. I know this WILL be done. The sooner the better. People all over the world are so greatly inspired by this and I have something good here for anyone who has not seen the reality and potential of what is sure to be:


This article should make it clear to anyone why we haven't had infinite energy already for the past sixty years.
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Old 10-30-2008, 07:20 PM   #13
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Default Re: Real Answers

Originally Posted by asteram View Post
If the Bedini motor worked we wouldn't have an energy problem. This is old stuff, been on the internet for years and years, and no one that I've heard of or read of has yet gotten it to do more than (perhaps) power itself.

Here's a really simple one that Nikola Tesla patented in 1901

Tesla radiant energy receiver

I don't know of anyone actually building one, but the theory seems sound.

If you are going to rail about free energy, and you think it's some simple thing that someone else should do, perhaps you should spend some time educating yourself. It's quite a subject with quite a long and involved history.

I am not going to "rail" about anything, only experiment and invite others to do likewise. If you have been keeping up with what has been going on, OVERUNITY has been absolutely proved in many many cases. In fact, Kawai has a motor and every heat pump in your refrigerator is an overunity devise, although a very inefficient one.

Dr. Bearden's MEG is prehaps the best example having in the last six years acheived COP>100. It has now been replicated by many across this planet.

People are even doing COLD FUSION experiements in their garages. Yep. That was another bit of suppression as Infinite Energy Magazine has so well documented and proven.

I suggest everyone read the following article. It will explain exactly why we do not have this free energy up and operating right now. We should have had it SIXTY years ago.


Thanks for that VERY important link, asteram. Herein is how radiant energy (the energy from the quantum vacuum all around us) can be tapped.

I studied your link and was also led to the Crooke's Radiometer and Plausen's Converter. These, along with Tesla's patents are the basic principles of understanding and utilizing the unlimited free energy of Mother Nature.

ALL of Tesla's patents are avaialable on the net as well as many many folks who are doing experiments from them.

Several things come to mind. 1) how simple it is, 2) how inexpensive it is 3) the traditional and often very complicated mathematics developed since then can easily bog one down because a large amount of that mathematics is assumptive and theoretical such as the terrible mistakes made (but now corrected) with the misnamed "Maxwell" equations which actually were the simplifying adjustments of Heaviside and Lorentz and have and still do dominate our antequated electromagnetics. 4) the people of the earliest Tesla era believed that the "aether" was a "physical" fluid which was later proved untrue by the Michaelson/Morley experiment done later on. The radiant energy is "virtual" and comes from the TIME DOMAIN as Dr. Tom Bearden and physicist David Bohm and many others have proved since the futher development of the understanding of quantum physics. 4) ANYONE can experiment with this and that is exactly what is happening world wide at this moment. 5) The control of the circuitry via SWITCHING is a key factor and that is exactly how the Bedini principle works with the "school girl motor" now being replicated in many countries and PROVING THE PRINCIPLE. Such replicable scientific data cannont be reasonably refuted. 5) the chemical and fractal geometrical characteristics of CRYSTALS including quartz, germanium, silicon and others, is a key factor in prefecting this technology. 6) attention should be paid both to WATER FLOW AND COMPRESSION as well as OPTICS in understanding how this quantum vacuum energy behaves because it can both be compressed and also focused.

Understanding and experimenting with this does require quite a bit of creativity and out of the box thinking. Holonomic thinking, in fact, in contrast to our traditional linear thinking which has resulted in the dysfunction you now see all around you.

We are on the very threshold of transformation and unlimited free energy is a very important element in the New Paradigm because it will change EVERY aspect of our world and mean the final demise of the dysfunctional societal systems. That's exactly why the status quo has been so frightened of it. They fear the inevitable LOSS of their control paradigm.
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Old 11-03-2008, 12:48 PM   #14
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Default Re: Real Answers

Practical demonstration:

http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...35190736&hl=en <-- anyone ever built a simple electronic kit?

The simple project and experiment you see in this video is being done all over the world right now and when enough people begin to understand the principle behind this, the world will have all the free energy it will ever need.

The many years of dogmatic petrified thinking which has led to the world's slavery to fossil fuels and the chains lashed around those who are in bondage to an electrical power grid must now be undone. This present civilization is no longer sustainable without innovation and creativitiy.

Find out why the inventors and creators, such as Nicola Tesla, have been suppressed and ridiculed by the status quo of selfishness and greed.

The answer is EDUCATION. That is SELF-EDUCATION rather than continuing to buy the propaganda of world totalitarian mind control enculcated into us from the cradle, which dulls our thinking and quenches our creativity.

Now is the time to learn the truth and be set free for the sake of our children and the planet upon which they must live.
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Old 11-03-2008, 08:55 PM   #15
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Someone may be interested in what people around the world are already doing with this Bedini project.

Here are about 4 pages of short videos on U Tube concerning people's experiments:

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