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Old 12-22-2009, 04:38 PM   #51
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

Originally Posted by Northern Boy View Post
Scarab I find it strange that you would post some thing like this after what you Claimed in this thread about myself


I believe this was the post I`m referring to


When I asked for clarification as to why or what gave you reason to think there was am issue of mistrust between you and I you never gave a reason

So you made a claim and didn`t back it up but then attack another member over the same thing . I never attacked your non response to my request out of respect for your decision to do what you wished . That being the case here do you not think others should enjoy that same respect from you ? Maybe an apology to Susan for your behavior might be in order..............but I`ll leave that to your discretion
You could have just said "Thank you - I didn't know Fox News and the Bush family controlled C2C". But no. The lack of trust continues.

I will not apologize to Susan. I did nothing wrong.
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Old 12-22-2009, 04:43 PM   #52
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so be it I will abstain from your little games then

You could have just said "Thank you - I didn't know Fox News and the Bush family controlled C2C". But no. The lack of trust continues.

I did say thank you to the person that told me Fred you decided not to respond with the answer much like here. You seem to have the trust issue not I but enough said you continue you jorney and I`ll continue mine

Last edited by Northern Boy; 12-22-2009 at 05:01 PM.
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Old 12-22-2009, 04:51 PM   #53
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

Originally Posted by Scarab View Post
I didn't know Fox News and the Bush family controlled C2C".

i didn't know either.....
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Old 12-22-2009, 04:58 PM   #54
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

Originally Posted by Scarab View Post
I have questions and 'Gaia Love' asked me to make a new thread so here goes.

(I have no criticism, only questions)

1. Can you go into a hospital and heal the sick? Do you? If not, how come?


2. It's been stated that:

Has anyone ever turned down a 'healing' request?

I can't answer that

3. What is your success rate? Is it verifiable? Can anyone here provide a doctor's independent verification of their healing abilities? Are their specific diseases you can cure and others you can't? Will you list them?

Once a nurse just stared at me and asked me what I had done. I said nothing.............Its none of her business. I simply calmed my daughter in law down and made her labor easier. I got my sister off her deathbed and brought her home and its been 3 years now last Thanksgiving. Me, myself and I was completely healed of all these terrible deseases I was dianosed with RA, Fibro, Carpal & Tarsal tunnel, COPD, and I'm in great shape now except I still have ashma but thanks to chemtrails. ( I am still off oxygen after 4 years) and I can dance once again without pain or weakness

4. Someone said:

Are you aware that Heinrich Himmler was the chief proponent of changing the concert pitch to A440? How does this relate to healing?

Soffegio tunes have had a great inpact on my life but that is not the tune that I use. 528Hz 396 Hz and others but not 440

5. If you can heal, can you control nature in other ways also? In what ways and to what extent?

NO, never tried....but I think that one no doubt can by asking Jesus the proper way. Such as asking without preconditions and feelings. Then walking away feeling as if it truly happened. I never tried it but heard Gregg Braden describe it and I do believe

Those are my questions for now.

Please don't take this as 'criticism' or 'negativity'. They are honest questions which I would like to have answered. Being a 'healer' is a serious claim with serious implications. Anyone who makes this claim should be required to back it up with some verifiable proof and should welcome these questions.

People who put their lives in your hands deserve to know. If (and I do mean IF) anyone here is NOT really a healer, then posing as one is a cruel fraud.

So, in the spirit of full disclosure, will the 'healers' please check in here and put the rest of us at ease about their abilities?

We all have the gift and we were all told this by Jesus. Ask and ye shall recieve......the problem is that when tptb got ahold of this information they distorted and took out some of the words. They re-wrote the bible and kept certain information out so to keep us dumbed down.

I am not saying I am anything special.........because I think we all are. You have to believe
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Old 12-22-2009, 05:00 PM   #55
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
We all have the gift and we were all told this by Jesus. Ask and ye shall recieve......the problem is that when tptb got ahold of this information they distorted and took out some of the words. They re-wrote the bible and kept certain information out so to keep us dumbed down.

I am not saying I am anything special.........because I think we all are. You have to believe
How are you doing on the kids with cancer? Any update yet?
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Old 12-22-2009, 05:14 PM   #56
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

Originally Posted by Scarab View Post
How are you doing on the kids with cancer? Any update yet?

No I mostly work with my family

You see if you have a child or know someone with cancer...........You can do it yourself with your heart and the help of Jesus

I firmly believe that what is in our food, medication and water contribute so much into our systems that brings on all cancers and deseases.

I tried to help more in my family and slowly they have believed me. I was raised in a roman catholic family and my sisters think im possessed sometimes. LOL

We all can heal ourselfs, you dont need a crowd around you.

About 10 years ago my friend who is a reiki healer started to show me when my grandson was born too soon. He could fit in the palm of my right hand. He had so many tubes hooked up to him that I just wanted to cry. She prayed and sent to him..............(we can all do this from any distance, she lives in Brampton Canada at the time, I'm in Minnesota )

He is going to be 10 in Feb and I still didnt get it. I just recently figured out how to use this gift a few weeks ago. You see I had it, we all have it, we just have to apply it and believe

I almost got shoved into a mental ward because our world is not ready for us to show them the "gifts" we all have.

I heal those around me and within my family. I never tried elsewhere
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Old 12-22-2009, 05:21 PM   #57
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

Originally Posted by Scarab View Post
How are you doing on the kids with cancer? Any update yet?
Seriously, why all the negativity and sarcasm? If the topic is not one in which you believe, why attempt to derail those that do?

I personally understand your questions, I have never had a first hand experience in this matter and the same type of questioning has been raised in my mind too. I feel there is a much more tactful way of asking the questions you seek answers to. Instead you seem to be on the offensive against those that do have first hand experience with healing. It is always the same, there is no proof that one can see to a healers/healed defense BUT one has to remember there is also none to the contrary.

This thread had promise for me, I was hopping to find answers myself, but it seems you may have dispersed the ones with some insight with your preconceived notions and interrogation techniques. Oh well, hopefully those like me can find answers elsewhere....
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Old 12-22-2009, 05:24 PM   #58
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
No I mostly work with my family

You see if you have a child or know someone with cancer...........You can do it yourself with your heart and the help of Jesus

I firmly believe that what is in our food, medication and water contribute so much into our systems that brings on all cancers and deseases.

I tried to help more in my family and slowly they have believed me. I was raised in a roman catholic family and my sisters think im possessed sometimes. LOL

We all can heal ourselfs, you dont need a crowd around you.

About 10 years ago my friend who is a reiki healer started to show me when my grandson was born too soon. He could fit in the palm of my right hand. He had so many tubes hooked up to him that I just wanted to cry. She prayed and sent to him..............(we can all do this from any distance, she lives in Brampton Canada at the time, I'm in Minnesota )

He is going to be 10 in Feb and I still didnt get it. I just recently figured out how to use this gift a few weeks ago. You see I had it, we all have it, we just have to apply it and believe

I almost got shoved into a mental ward because our world is not ready for us to show them the "gifts" we all have.

I heal those around me and within my family. I never tried elsewhere
It sounds like you're saying you could heal them, but you won't do it. Let someone else do it.

I do understand your fear of the mental ward.
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Old 12-22-2009, 05:27 PM   #59
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

Originally Posted by Scarab View Post
It sounds like you're saying you could heal them, but you won't do it. Let someone else do it.

I do understand your fear of the mental ward.
No up until last month, I was carrying around an oxygen tank which limited my stay anywhere. I am finally free of it

I am not anywhere near a sick child. When my grandson just had the flu a few weeks ago, I asked for healing from this site. I never gave all that I was doing a second thought.

You see, what I am trying to tell you, is we all are healers. I can't just go up to some parent and say, throw out those drugs and stop the chemo. I have no license to do this. You as a parent, if you have a sick child can do this yourself and with the belief you will heal that child
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Old 12-22-2009, 07:29 PM   #60
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The problem I have with this thread is the fact that it doesnt matter If the subject matter works or not. It the fact you are trying to discredit the methods in question though innuendo. I personally think there are a lot of science that remain answered(un-answered I meant). My main problem is not the fact that this works or not its the fact that you are trying to take anyway something. I.E If a placibo works no who has the right to take that any from anyone for your own gratifacation, this is wrong.


If somthing makes someone feel better than thats what counts. No matter weather its proven to work or not. No one has the right to try and take that away its just plain and simply wrong

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Old 12-22-2009, 07:51 PM   #61
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

Originally Posted by ewhite View Post

...This thread had promise for me, I was hopping to find answers myself, but it seems you may have dispersed the ones with some insight with your preconceived notions and interrogation techniques. Oh well, hopefully those like me can find answers elsewhere....
Oh sure, you can find some answers here on this forum as well...just take your time, maybe you can start here...http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...ad.php?t=15358... there are some great things there...and look for some testimonials on other threads too...

Now back to the topic:

I will not write anything here about me being able to heal...but I will try to clarify some things.

First, alone the fact that the word 'healers' in the thread title has been wrapped simbolyse a disrespectful approach to this whole matter. So no need to answer any questions here...

Second...and I can tell from my own expiriences...don't doubt anything until you have seen what a healer(s) can do. And it takes an open heart and open mind to accept some things about us and what we're able to do.

If you would ask me a honest question about how I do (if I do ) healing, I will honestly answer: I don't know how it works. I only know it works. We all have this powers and each one of us will discover her/his own approach and methods.

Third...I would never heal (if I can ) for money...which means I would never make my living from healing. MY reward has already been given to me...I don't need to be paid for healing (if I can )...I would just DO...and you will understand that I can't speak for any other...

And last, about the question:

How are you doing on the kids with cancer?

Well, IMO, we don't need a second Jesus Christ here and now, to take the burden on his shoulders our own disability to exist properly...so no need of any hypocricy here...

Any update yet?

...oh, WE're all doing pretty fine. At least WE try to do something...even with these limited powers given to us as a human race...

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Old 12-22-2009, 08:14 PM   #62
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

Originally Posted by Scarab View Post
Comforting the sick and healing the sick are two different things. If certain members here offered to 'comfort' those who aren't well, that would be honest.

BUT. Some people here are making healing claims which are dubious.

Others have set up shop and are charging money to 'heal' the sick. It's a cruel fraud and I think it needs to end.
Call it hypothetical: Comfort has a unique energy signature.
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Old 12-22-2009, 08:17 PM   #63
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

Originally Posted by Malletzky View Post
Oh sure, you can find some answers here on this forum as well...just take your time, maybe you can start here...http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...ad.php?t=15358... there are some great things there...and look for some testimonials on other threads too...

Thank you malletzky. I have been slowly making my way through that thread. I appreciate the link!
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Old 12-22-2009, 08:19 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by ewhite View Post
Thank you malletzky. I have been slowly making my way through that thread. I appreciate the link!
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Old 12-22-2009, 11:35 PM   #65
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

Originally Posted by Scarab View Post
... set up shop and are charging money to 'heal' the sick. It's a cruel fraud and I think it needs to end.
Now this is a principle I do agree with - but I am not accusing anyone here.

When the line crosses between the from "unconditional" to "conditional" (ie: exchange of money) then the waters get muddied.

Of course it is possible, but it would require perfect integrity on the part of the professional healer.

On another point in reading this thread, it has been pointed out that healing takes place on many levels of "being".

Why disease and unhealthiness?

Ultimately the life experiencing the distortions toward disease and less than perfect health is undergoing those experiences for a reason, maybe pre-incarnational choices; or distortions toward diseases and unhealthiness can be reactions from actions taken by an entity during its incarnational experience - "instant karma".

In some cases it is believed that karma can take more than one lifetime to resolve, and this may also condition the path that the entity is taking through the current incarnation with respect to health. (Personally I think that is less likely in the case of awakening individuals at this point in time -because past life karma is mostly resolved).

My understanding is that the basic key to resolving this "Karma" (in all cases) is forgiveness. I have written about this before on this forum - I have used the relevant law of one quotes to support my argument - but I think it holds even without that.

When healing occurs it is for one reason alone - the healed entity is accepting a new state of beingness. The role of the healer is simply to aid and assist in bringing about the changes necessary for that new state to be made manifest in our incarnational matrix of reality.

Doing that professionally with any consistent degree of effectiveness would be extraordinarily complex because in a world tainted by money power lies greed and commercialism it is very easy to fall from a perfect state of unconditional love and acceptance necessary to aid the entity to be healed.

That is why in my opinion, most healers pick thier targets. There is nothing wrong in that. It is the normal operating of the law of attraction. You simply cannot force the issue.

Originally Posted by Scarab View Post
How are you doing on the kids with cancer? Any update yet?
You may offer the opportunity for healers to focuss their attention on a given set of sick children or people on a healing list - as in your example above - but hectoring them for results is not fair and I dont think it is really going to work.

I also want to add one final point: If you want to, you can heal yourself.

The actual mechanics of healing: words, touch etc all irrelevant. The core thing that is required from which all the rest stems is focussed intent.

When one does such a thing, one is creating. It is an awesome responsibility and is never without consequence.


Last edited by Anchor; 12-23-2009 at 12:42 AM.
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Old 12-22-2009, 11:42 PM   #66
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
.Why disease and unhealthiness?
Why life and death? Light and darkness?

Can you have one without the other?
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Old 12-22-2009, 11:46 PM   #67
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

Originally Posted by 371 View Post
Why life and death? Light and darkness?

Can you have one without the other?
A whole new subject - probably deserves a thread on its own.

I am about to break for the holidays - if you want to start a new thread on that, I might be able to give it a go over the break. Its a subject that is complex and simple at the same time it seems - depending on how you look at it at the time

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Old 12-22-2009, 11:48 PM   #68
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Ok, fair enough
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Old 12-23-2009, 12:13 AM   #69
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We are not here to create miracles but rather to let them happen through us.
We are all carriers of Love . Being compassionate and caring for others is our sacred heart's gift .
Love is the healer. Love has no bounderies.

Love from me

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Old 12-23-2009, 12:15 AM   #70
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

You may offer the opportunity for healers to focuss there attention on a given set of sick children or people on a healing list - as in your example above - but hectoring them for results is not fair and I dont think it is really going to work.
Why would they let ego get in the way of helping a sick child?

This has been an opportunity for the 'healers' here to collectively or individually step up and show the rest of the world what they can do. Most are curiously silent.
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Old 12-23-2009, 12:31 AM   #71
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

Originally Posted by Scarab View Post
I don't understand why 'healers' can't heal in a hospital.
Reiki is now availble in limited areas within the NHS in the UK BUT it is not classed as healing. I think it is used to 'relax' people and relaxation has been proved to help healing of the person when stress levels are lowered the body can self heal.

Would I go to hospital to offer Reiki or healing? No. If the system recognised it and had days where people could come in and lay hand on people to help would I consider it... if people were confortable and wanted it. yes I'd do it.

I've given distant healing from UK to a friend and her daughter (Switzerland) she used to post here. Can I prove it? no. Do I feel the need to prove it? No. Did I get good feed back from them both. yes. Both felt it strongly and appreciated it at the time. The daughter just said turn it up! She didn't know it was coming... How did I do it? Intent and thought... I seem to be pretty good at it. I think it is better if I've met the person and can tune into their energy. Can I cure people of illnesses? Not sure. I don't make claims. (In my Dad's case no, did it help to relax him and show him how much I loved him - You bet ya). If the person doesn't want to get better there isn't much anyone can do.

Also 440 Hz is not a good frequency I feel it is deliberately tuned away from the original A frequency. Also 528 Hz is a good frequency. Google 528HZ.

Do a search on here about loving and healing frequencies...

As for proof with healing I think there are references within the book "The Field" by Lynne McTaggart.

Good luck with your quest for getting answers... With regards the kids with cancer there are many threads on here for cancer therapies: MMS, iodine, NO fluoride, No GMO foods, no aspartame, etc etc. Then if it is a sick scared adult person with cancer convincing them to use alternatives will be extremely difficult. If it means convincing a scared parent to try alternatives for their loved child this will be equally or more difficult still. IF someone has had 30+ years of mind control to trust the doctors it is unlikely someone with "alternatives" whether healing or a life style/diet changes will win the battle, until they are turned away to die by the doctors.

I'd also like to think the research I and many on here do and post threads about offer a kind of healing.

Have I recieved healing? Yes. Did I pay for it? Yes. Was it worth it for me? yes. £30 an hour.

Did my Late Dad recieve healing for his cancer? Yes. Did it work? No. Was it expensive and with a well reknowned healer who in her book made many claims? Yes. Do I think it was value for money? No. It was v. expensive. But my Mum and Dad were in a state of shock and fear and it was very agressive lung and 2nd brain cancers. Do I think the healer I saw could have helped? Maybe but my parents weren't in a space to listen they wanted the lady who wrote the book with the £££ fees in the centre of London.

At a recent all angels day there was a talk by a PhD who used to work in the drugs industry doing trials on drugs and placebos. In trails the placebos (compacted chalk dust with a logo) gave results which equated to ~78%. A international best selling heart drug in the same trails scored 82-83%... For me this is criminal. Based on these results this person left the drug industry and now researches the effect the brain has on healing.

More infoon his website:

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Old 12-23-2009, 12:45 AM   #72
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
When healing occurs it is for one reason alone - the healed entity is accepting a new state of beingness. The role of the healer is simply to aid and assist in bringing about the changes necessary for that new state to be made manifest in our incarnational matrix of reality.

Doing that professionally with any consistent degree of effectiveness would be extraordinarily complex because in a world tainted by money power lies greed and commercialism it is very easy to fall from a perfect state of unconditional love and acceptance necessary to aid the entity to be healed.

i am a professionally trained bodyworker. i have at least 3000 hours of formal training in massage therapy, anatomy, physiology, and a host of various energy therapies. i have worked on thousands of clients over the course of two decades. i don't call myself a 'healer'. i do have a good understanding of how the physical body works. i also have an understanding of how energy seems to work in relation to the human body/mind/spirit. i know techniques for working with them...some that i learned in formal training and some that i have figured out while working with clients.

in my experience, healers don't heal. healers participate in a healing process using their skills, knowledge and/or gifts. some of my clients have had profound results, but they were the client's results, not mine. the techniques i use are intended to help the client find a place of dynamic equilibrium in their body/mind/spirit from which they can heal. i may help them find and release blocked energy. i may manually manipulate soft tissue into a more balanced state. either of these things may release emotion. or not. depends on the client and the issues they bring into their state of dis - ease. i do not bring expectations into any interaction with a client. i do what i know how to do. it is up to the client to accept the process or not. (and just because they come to me and are willing to pay me does not mean they are necessarily ready to let go of whatever the issue is. could be they still have things to learn from the issue, but desire that the intensity be eased a bit along the way.) sometimes a person needs a long process to get from where they are to where they want to be, rather than a miracle cure in one session. sometimes saving someone's life isn't part of the process....a client who dies is not necessarily a failure of the healing process.

i DO receive compensation for the work i do. generally money, as that is the most commonly accepted form of exchange in our society. i am as worthy of making a living to support myself and my family as anyone else working an honest trade. i have also been willing to accept a fair trade when it felt appropriate. and i do give my work to the universe in cases where that seems appropriate as well. what i do has value, and deserves compensation. paying it forward is valid compensation, but until the landlord will accept bodywork in trade for rent (or offer it as a pay it forward sort of thing), i do need some cash coming in as well.
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Old 12-23-2009, 12:51 AM   #73
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

@morganlilith, connecting with sauce

I am not directing these questions toward people who give physical treatments outside normal AMA guidelines.

I am addressing the individuals who say that they can heal a stranger from a great distance with (or without depending on who you ask) a first name, basic location and permission from the patient using only the power of thought or love.
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Old 12-23-2009, 12:55 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by Scarab View Post
@morganlilith, connecting with sauce

I am not directing these questions toward people who give physical treatments outside normal AMA guidelines.

I am addressing the individuals who say that they can heal a stranger from a great distance with (or without depending on who you ask) a first name, basic location and permission from the patient using only the power of thought or love.

i DO do healing work over a distance. and all the things i said about my work apply to distance work as well as in person work.

much of the distance work i do is on a pay it forward basis. but i have also worked as part of an online venue where people do schedule appointments for distance work, and pay for it.
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Old 12-23-2009, 12:59 AM   #75
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Default Re: Questions for the 'Healers'

Originally Posted by morganlilith View Post
i DO do healing work over a distance. and all the things i said about my work apply to distance work as well as in person work.

much of the distance work i do is on a pay it forward basis. but i have also worked as part of an online venue where people do schedule appointments for distance work, and pay for it.

I misunderstood. Thank you.
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