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#1 |
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: On a boat in Tacoma, wa, usa
Posts: 394
Norval L. Cunningham
57, born 1950 Formal education 10 years, I went to 17 schools in 11 years before entering the US Army and getting my GED. Having lived in all aspects of living conditions from city to town, to country and on the edge of the wilds gave me quite the varied back ground. There was farm machinery, trucks, cars, boats, and I learned to fly by the time I was ten. I was interested in all the sciences and had all the kid's experimental labs, scopes, and apparatus, besides subscriptions to all the science magazines. Well, till I met girls and played in a rock and roll band. The Army experience, and yes I was in Viet Nam for about ten months. I have an honorable discharge for my reinlistment and an "Undesirable" one from my discharge after Nam. Learned to kill, maim, and destroy, went around the world, came home and I couldn't even buy a beer or a pack of smokes, as I wasn't old enough. I wasn't 21 yet. My search for the "truth" began on a beach in Viet Nam. I realized that looking all around me at the life in the sky, on the land, and in the sea, showed me that "this" could not have "just happened". I wanted to meet this incredible engineer and designer that created all this. I also sent off for a $10.00 mail-in Minister Certificate. At the time I thought it would give me access that I wouldn't get otherwise and it did. Strange notion at the time. After coming home from the service I stayed at a friend's home where he introduced me to the Jesus Freak movement of the late 60's and early 70's. I read the New testament before I turned 21, and had read the Old Testament a few months later. This was a Standard King James Version of 66 books. Over the years I learned much more about the bibles and what books are in what versions and why. To earn a living I have worked at numerous jobs from restaurant to photography, from home designing to electronics repair, minister to construction, taxi driver to bible research, many walks of life, and finally settled into boat repairing, building, and design work. I retired from that about 15 years ago in 1995 and have been intensely researching the bible and it's predictions full time since then. Now and then I do some odd job here and there to help with the bills or get moorage for a reduced rate. Some of what I have is donated by people I have met over the years and thought it worthwhile to help out in this kind of research and investigations in any way they could. Now I look back on the past dozen years and I am grateful for this quiet life here on the water. After settling into Olympia and getting this boat built, for the most part, I also dove into the world of computers and after moving into this marina 11 years ago, the internet. Some times I am a slow learner. Or, so it seems. It took a few years and a bunch of experiences to realize that we are not alone and that there are basically two kinds of opposition on the net. Those we call IAC agents (Information Acquisition and Control) and those that are not human. Duh, huh. Even our keyboards are best suited for a hand with six digits. Even before I tied the bible, UFOs and ETs and all the ancient writings together about 18 years ago, I knew we were not alone. Yes, I too have seen a UFO, unidentified because I was very interested in aircraft and knew we didn't have anything like that. I have seen three that I can't explain as anything else. Many say it is only a recent event in modern times. The fact is, those craft have been with us from the beginning. Besides the levels of lies down here, there are levels of knowledge and technology amongst the ET's, both here and up there. Since Gale and I started working together in this research some 8 years ago, we have seen some remarkable developments take place in the world. Her side of this story follows and then I will finish the story with our conclusions. Gale Smart 51 born 1957 Gawd I hate talking about myself. I would rather just state, the path is the same for everyone just the scenery is different. Looking back, the trials of my integrity were fierce, I failed them but I learnt, that was the main thing. I tried university, Child Psychology but the second year requires a self evaluation, I failed because of a simulation example of a child molester without remorse or regret that would do it again and again I would have no patience for, I would not be able to conform to the requirements enforced by social and science discipline. I remember as a child playing outside, hearing the church bell on Sunday and going over to the church to see what was going on. They rustled me off to the Sunday school to play and colour pictures. One picture sticks in my mind, it was Jesus sitting with a little girl on his lap, leaning to take a flower or something from a little boy kneeling in front. I coloured that picture, ran home, gave it to my mom and said, “look mom, that’s me”, pointing to the little blonde girl. I have discovered that many out there have a similar memory or experience like that one. Jumping forward, in 1998 I bought a computer and discovered the Internet. Because of life stresses, wanting someone to talk to, I joined a chat room. Oddly enough, Norval was a member of that room, the same group of chatters moved to another chat interface after the original one closed down. In 2001 when getting advice from one chat individual Norval entered the chat room, after a while Norval spoke up, I don’t even recall what his statement was or advice was but a few words floored me. Kingdom, gathering, calling. From that point on and my inquisitive nature has pushed me to want to know more, I would rather know than not know. Norval told me at one point, just read the damn book, it took me some time to do but I did. Then all new questions needed to be answered. I remember asking him, “what is this about signs in the heavens”, his response was “well basically anything over your head, go look”. The link he sent me was the Astronomy Picture of the Day. The August 5, 1998 image caught my attention, I pondered it then just finally posted Norval the url and asked“13 strikes in a row, what are the mathematical odds of that?” The investigation into crater chains followed; then craters and all those bodies in our solar system. I am originally from Ontario, Canada; my children and I moved to Newfoundland, Canada and it was from there that I was doing this research with Norval who was on the west coast. In 2002 I felt I had to meet Norval and determine for myself just who is this guy. So I put the house up for sale, was told by the real estate sales man it would take a year to sell but amazingly it sold in 2 weeks. So the kids and I were off to the west coast, travelled across Canada to British Columbia, then down into the United Sates and were waved through border customs without any hassle. We spent a couple days in Tacoma, not site seeing but the kids did get to unwind in the pool at the Days Inn after spending the day on Norval’s boat watching movies or playing their Game Boys while Mom and Norval discussed research. The ferry ride to Vancouver Island was nice, got to see a pod of whales, mountain goat on one of the small islands and fed seagulls from the deck of the ferry. What we had learnt was real; the research was real and where to go from there. After the kids and I got settled in Sooke, British Columbia the next task was to examine what the S.E.T.I. protocols were, contact them, contact the science communities, contact the disclosure project, Hoagland, the media and even contacted a Scientist at NASA. The NASA scientist requested a copy of the research, which I did fax to him and his reply was as Norval has previously posted, those who run the fastest run the loneliest, they didn’t believe Louis Pasteur either, this research bridges the gap between religion and science and to submit the research for funding with the instruction where to submit. Needless to say our funding submission was hit with a virus and the report wording was scrambled. The next few years was spent discussing this information online, discovering the online forums, discovering who is posting at the forum and why. Discovering who is hijacking the information highway, their roadblocks, their methodologies, their attitudes, and techniques and identifying them; all the while raising three kids and maintaining a home. An interesting side note, my son’s grade 8 teacher was a theologist not a teacher, looking back now I can see she did her best to screw up his grade 8 learning, even sending me homework nightly, needless to say she is not teaching anymore. That brings us up to Avalon, disclosure, Norval and I posting this research and seeing responses from posters that are of like minds, understanding and actually helping despite the agents and disrupters. But we know who and what they are, some are very good at mimicking us humans (some are human traitors) but these ones will trip themselves up to inadvertently reveal their true nature. I hope this is helpful to satisfy any questions and curiosities about myself. Conclusions BIBLE Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth This was posted by Bennycog here. http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...3&postcount=12 We have told much of what we have learned in our research already in the threads we have started and a bit of it in other's threads. So we offer our posts here for most of the story and information needed to understand the bible UFO/ET connection. Is it the truth as some ask? All of you have to be the judges of that for yourselves. What we do know is that the US government knew about that war in our solar system but probably didn't know for sure when it all happened. There are those of mankind in the world that have known about the bad ETs (fallen angels) amongst us all along. Just like there have been the good ETs (angels) helping us at times. Those strangers that show up unexpectedly, help out as needed, then are gone. What the governments and people of our world working with these ETs down here didn't know was that these ETs were the cast down losers of that war. Gale and I know that since September of 2002 they knew because we told everyone we could all about it. What we find truly amazing is that we are now putting the whole story out there in the public domain; or that possibly even this forum is a blind or hoax. We have done our part in investigating and researching what we have presented. We have blown the whistle, or as some would call it, blown the horn of warning. At this time, amongst mankind, are some very important humans. They have been selected to help all who want to understand what I and Gale are saying. No, not everyone is going to understand, many will actually be prevented from understanding, even if you explain this to them in detail. Thus, as it is written, only one third will come through this alive. This has been stated before. How many of the bad ETs here on and under earth will survive, we do not know. It is only stated that those that survive, of the bad ETs, will be locked up for a thousand years. As for the Called Ones amongst you now that know these things to be true, that we are saying, they will help you with all the rest of the story of how to understand the bible. We can help them come up to speed about what they have been given to know already and they, in turn, will be helping many others. Why here, why now? We have no idea. Yet, isn't that what Camelot / Avalon are all about? The discovery of information and then preparation based on that information? Well, here is some information that has been in our hands for over two thousand years and could only be understood in our modern times. There is also all the necessary knowledge for those that will live through this coming disclosure and subsequent "cleansing" of unwanted bad neighbors here on earth. Yes, there is a lot of information for "The Ground Crew". Think of it like getting the whole world ready to greet the King of the Universe. The bible is coming true, just not quite like the religions said it would. This forum works two ways and possibly three. Sort of like tri-level chess. There are three kinds of posters here. Those that will live and enjoy life restored to their youth and many of them will get to go out amongst the stars. Those that will die in the coming vengeance by our King as not the kind we would want for neighbors. And finally those that will be locked up for the next thousand years that survive our King's wrath. (And no, they will not have access to any communications devices.) We have stated before how to identify these bad ETs amongst us here at the forum. Simply stated it is by psychologically profiling them. The same way as we can tell who amongst you are what we call the Called Ones. Those that the bible says are called to be Saints, Chosen, or Elect. And then there are the ones that do not have the calling and are just good human neighbors Norval L. Cunningham Gale Smart This ends our self made interview for Camelot and Avalon. Last edited by Norval; 10-22-2008 at 02:32 AM. |
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#2 |
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: On a boat in Tacoma, wa, usa
Posts: 394
Now if yah all don't mind, taking a bit of time off, ,
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#3 |
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 89
That was wonderfull, thanks for the insight, Norval, is there a Bible available that is easy to understand, I have read and re-read many parts of the Bible and it just doesn't go in my thick head? I found 2nd Esdras very difficult this week!
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#4 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 68
Thank you Norval and Gale for all your hard work, and for time you have lost researching, time that you could have spent with your family/loved ones, and thank you for being so kind as to share it with us all, and thanks be to Jesus for bringing us all together at such an important time.
Now have a well earned rest Norval and gale. |
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#5 | |
Avalon Senior Member
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Here you can do all kind of searches and compare versions ... E.g. Job 38:31 , only "The Message (MSG)" is mentioning Venus and the others are not .... (Does it mean something ?). It's very interesting how subtle difference in formulation can make a BIG difference ! Cheers |
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#6 | |
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#7 | |
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Thanks for the hard work and patience Norval & Gale. I hope you'll be around from time to time because your information sans religionism is good medicine.
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#8 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Location: Mooroopna Victoria
Posts: 113
Many Thanks Norval and Gale - I hold your message(s) in very high regard -
I too was born in the same year as you, Norval (this time around) Your knowlege has filled many gaps in the big picture. Message for the Ground Crew - If you stay calm, while all around you is in chaos.... then you probably haven't completely understood the situation. ![]() Regards Paul R |
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#9 |
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: On a boat in Tacoma, wa, usa
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Part Two begins with this;
The Bible, as a Legal Case EXOPOLITICAL This is a "Whistle Blowing" exposure of the fact the great nations of earth are now aware of When the gift of sentient intelligent awareness is given to one it becomes the responsibility of the creator of that life form, to include the actions of that created life form, towards all other life forms. That is the core meat of the matter that we are now faced with in this legal and just case against the nations and people of earth. There is a legal case against the nations and the people of this planet. It was filed with the people of earth over two thousand years ago and is readily available to almost everyone today. Especially to those in power in the most powerful nation on earth today. They swear into their offices on the bible. Even their legal tender says, "IN GOD WE TRUST". As the bible states that we are a created race, our creators then have a legal and just reason for responsibly governing all mankind. We are not being given a choice in the matter and method of our governance. As stated we are to live by the codes of this Kingdom of the Galaxies just as those living in those galaxies have agreed to. All of those living on, or under, this planet have been given the choice of living by the codes of the Kingdom, both ETs and mankind that are now here. This coming ruler ship of the Kingdom of the Galaxies that the bible also presents as a legal document is in your hands. Those that opposed the Kingdom, for what ever reason of jealousy or greed and ego, have been defeated are are now humbled by being thrown down to earth. The war that defeated these ETs that were in opposition to that government of the galaxies is now at your doors. These losers here are now trying their best to keep everyone away from this important message of the bible. Their methods are always the same and are easily seen in this and all other forums that concern mankind. Denial of this exopolitical position, as stated in the bible, is no excuse. Think of King Jesus as far more than King Arthur of Camelot was. ![]() |
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#10 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Newcastle, Oz
Posts: 177
Norval, I don't think you even realise what a negative force you are promoting upon the people of this forum.
I have opposed your ideas several times on Avalon. I respect that you want to see the bible through non-religious eye's. That's my goal too. All myths and legends have something to teach us, and often record things we moderners just couldn't believe would actually be true - but they saw with their own eye's... I understand how you came to your conclusions about war in the solar system. Your photo's are pretty unexplainable to conventional modern science but, I've shown you several alternate explanations based on the Electric Univese theory. Something supported by verifiable, repeatable science. You don't like to face it though - and yet continue to gather naive supporters around you. Yet I see from your first post above why this is so. How can all that lifetime story have been headed in the wrong direction? There's too much effort made, too much time invested, to drop it all. Too big a pill to swallow - that you were wrong. Too many people you've convinced, followers in your wake, to have to turn and say, "woops". So just plough on, despite the new understandings arising in the world around you. When I joined this forum I was excited to 'be there at the start' of a new place, a new community - formed around the idea's in Camelot and Avalon. Maybe it was naive of me, but I didn't expect there would be self-appointed guru's arriving, self-styled 'whistleblowers' bringing their cultish followers with them, making claims over this planet and all it's occupants, themselves somehow more "important people" than any who would oppose - of course. So, does that make me a 'human traitor' to you? Am I an 'IAC'? Or must I not even be human? Just a 'bad' ET? Does that make it easier for you to ignore the things that I say, because I'm just a 'disruptor', fit to "Die in the coming vengeance of your King"? Dehumanising ones 'enemies' is how all tyrants operate. It's how holocausts are driven. How soldiers are led to commit attrocities... So is it the 'bad' ET's that are going to destroy two thirds of humanity? ...or the supposed 'good' ET's led by 'King Jesus'? In Revelation 19 it says he will "rule with a Rod of Iron", and slay all, "free men and slaves, small and great". Doesn't that make him 'bad' - at all? If that is 'good' then what does good even mean? Does Might = Right? Should I kneel before King Jesus just because he's the biggest and the infinitely toughest and he'll kill me if I don't? ...No, I should just put my free will to obeying him... it's better for everyone that way... Yeah, it's not a prison - until you've tried the door. ![]() I'm an honest man. That's all I need to stand before any judge. In fact I'd say judge not - lest ye be judged... I've presented my reasons for doubting this King Jesus story, with evidence and science. Yet even if I'm wrong I still can't be held accountable against it, because I have honestly investigated it and am convinced by the reasoning. Honesty. I may be yet deceived, but not through any fault of my own. I have done all that I honestly can and still 'somehow' I end up doubting your King Jesus and his supposed authority. Am I worthy then to be punished? Locked up for a thousand years, with no communications? Or just killed? Hardly. Shouldn't the one's doing the deceiving be the one's punished, not the honest people who have just tried to understand what they've been presented, from several different views - even if they fail? So, even if your 'King Jesus returning' story is true, I still am justified in resisting him. I can see no other moral thing to do. Have you done a psychological profile of me, as you say you do? Am I worth it? Do you let Avalon forum members know that you've decided to draw up a psychological profile on them when you do? When King Jesus arrives will you turn us in? Do you see that I'm just a full spectrum rebel? I don't like the idea of submitting to anyone, reptile or angel, supreme being or mother nature, man or beast, ET or internet pos(t)er. So, I deny your strange cult's, or anyone's, supposed 'legal' claim over me and my personal sovereignty. I never signed any contract to any authority, creator or not, granting them rights over my fate. I am inherently important, if to noone else at least to myself. Anything breaching that is bondage - and has no justification. I will not submit to any king, or lord, or authority (bar the mods ![]() Really, ultimately, no 'story' matters, galactic or personal. I'm here to understand the Universe and how it works, what we are and our true spiritual nature, not just the galactic soapy of who owns what or who, or who did what to who and is going to get payback. Freedom. ![]() |
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#11 |
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I will give you a thought experiment and I hope you'll consider it honestly. Let's say you created something. Or, better yet, let's say you clone yourself. You want to have some help with your work, or help you around the house. So you bee-bop on down to the genetecist and order three little 'mini-me's created to help you. Your three clones arrive. Clone 1 knows that without you he wouldn't exist. So he appreciates you and does what you ask - knowing that you wouldn't ever ask him to do something that wasn't in the best interest of you and the other clones. He's happy to help wherever his help is needed. Clone 2 is disrespectful. He thinks he's better than you and wants to be the guy calling the shots. He talks smack about you and doesn't like Clone 1. He's always stirring up trouble in your home. Clone 3 just does whatever he feels like doing. He doesn't have an opinion about you or the other two clones. He doesn't take orders from you or anyone - he just does whatever he wants and doesn't care about anyone or anything except himself. One day Clone 2 decides that he's had enough of Clone 1 doing whatever you say and showing you proper respect. You walk into a room and find Clone 2 with a knife at Clone 1's throat. Clone 3 is just standing there watching, doing nothing to help. You decide that the clones aren't really working out the way you had hoped. What would you do? Last edited by arcora; 10-25-2008 at 03:35 PM. |
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#12 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Posts: 46
Because of life events that are now unimportant, I dug into the Bible, other sacred books and almost every -ology on this planet. I have been at it for over 45 years.
The most faithful biblical translation is the Pe****ta by Dr. George Lamsa, an Assyrian scholar, because it is directly from the Aramaic and bypasses the major difficulty proposed by using another language as an intermediary. I have read many different translations. The Pe****ta is different and better. http://www.aramaicpe****ta.com/George%20Lamsa.htm For anyone who has read the Bible once, twice and even more than that, it would serve a most important purpose to read a book by a document expert (the ones courts rely on for veracity and authenticity of texts, etc.) entitled The Holy Virus, an excellent dissertation of where and when the Bible was altered with numerous texts to support his studies. Lional Parkinson's website: http://holyvirus.net/ There is a 10,000 challenge there to anyone who can prove Jesus was a sacrificial offering. I think people should pay to read his book. But, the author considers the topic so important that he told the publisher to relay a free copy to me to distribute as I see fit when I made a comment in reference to his book. I have it as a pdf file. Contact me if you so wish. To the ones who read et's in all of this, please reflect on the issue that all is subjected to a most benevolent force in the Universe who has nothing to do with the messes we get ourselves into. The Bible, not a book but a collection of manuscripts, was narrated in a primitive way, so that primitive and uneducated people could relate to a story. If one wants to read 100% infalliblity in it, the ones who do not think so have a lot of ammunition. To those who think energies whether magnetic, electrical or otherwise can exist just because, dig some more. No offense intended is intended in any of the words in this post. Times are too important for anything but the truth without an agenda may it be Christian, gnostic or atheistic. The fact that the Bible and other religious books have been used by those with an agenda, does not take away from their contribution. The fact that these books have been distorted throws a light on the whys. There are a lot of young minds in this forum. My advice is to steer away from ad hominem attacks. They serve no purpose. Just try to find out why the idea of a vengeful god was placed in front of our eyes. A distraction... No one can teach us anything. We take ourselves through a journey. And most importantly, the only thing that really matters is what we have within our hearts. |
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#13 |
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: On a boat in Tacoma, wa, usa
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Monkey, for the One Hundredth Time
We have stated, several times, the outcome of ones actions is what judges ones self. So, your choice, is it not? You live under the laws/rules/codes, of Australia, do you not? It will be your choice to accept the coming governance by an intergalactic King, will it not? Personally, myself, after having studied the codes of the Kingdom as stated in the bible, have agreed to what it says and will lay down my life for that government. The government, of which I live under here in the usa, bestowed upon me diplomatic immunity, by reason of impartiality, as a representative of the Kingdom of the Universe. It was not my call, it was by decree of the usa government. We pose no threat to them and do not condone any physical action against the governments of this world at this time, and they know that. Gale and I are only investigators, researchers, someone that wanted to find out what was going on. We did. Everyone has the choice to decide for themselves when events happen, what to do. You, your neighbor, the ones down the block, and across town. All will decide for themselves. ![]() Thank you Esther. |
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#14 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Last edited by broken arrow; 11-01-2008 at 04:23 AM. |
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#15 |
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Thank you broken arrow.
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#16 | |||
Avalon Senior Member
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![]() ![]() I think you've actually only replied to me once before, but anyway, paint me as an ignoramus if you must... Quote:
Honesty is what gives me the right to be wrong ...and not be punished for it. Quote:
Except you are saying that anyone who chooses anything different to what King Jesus wants will then be killed or incarcerated. ![]() Why do you assume that is justified? To me it's no better than any Illuminati, NWO, Reptilian, whatever Fascist regime you can think of, horror story. It boggles me how you are so accepting of it, even to the point of giving your life for it...?! Quote:
Anyone who disagrees with you gets 'psychologically profiled'? You define all the 'types' of people here on the forum, dividing us up into good or bad. 'Good' is anyone who goes along with what you declare and submits to King Jesus. 'Bad' is anyone else, fit to be killed in vengeance, or just locked up? I'm just repeating your words. Pardon me if I don't accept that. I know I'm none of those enemies you declare. I assure you, you can trust me as a 'good neighbour' (I'm quiet in real life), and yes your kids and your anus are safe around me - and I'm sure most others on this forum are the same, regardless their level of acceptance of your message... Yet your categories make me one of those you consider less than human, fit to die, etc. ![]() ![]() |
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#17 | |
Avalon Senior Member
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![]() ![]() If they don't want to be with me I'd set them free, actually before it got to that level. If you want an answer related directly to the immediate situation, Clone 2 has a knife at Clone 1...? Maybe I'd step in and try to protect C1? I don't know, it's hard to predict a pressure situation. If you're talking about the ethics of it all. I would never expect the clones to be my slaves in the first place. They are sentient free-will beings, just like me. Clone 1 wants to help? Great. Clone 2 and 3 don't? Okay, go live your lives. If I had made mechanical robot helpers, then maybe I'd dismantle them, but not thinking, feeling, sentient free will beings. So, which clone am I? Is there a Clone 4? I'm not Clone 2. I'm not going to randomly attack without personal provocation. I'm not Clone 3. I do have opinions, and I do care about my effect on others. If I knew the guy who made me was a nice guy, not prone to fascist control or manipulation, I might well be inclined to go the way of Clone 1. I don't mind helping out for a worthwhile cause - as long as I'm not forced, or guilted, into it (a system that forces all to comply would not be considered a 'worthwhile cause' by me). Is that enough for you? |
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#18 |
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#19 |
Join Date: Sep 2008
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If indeed you are as you say you are Monkey, then
![]() It is the ones that are not good neighbors and will never be good neighbors that are to be destroyed, forever. Personally it does not settle with me to lock any sentient intelligent life up for wrong doing. If you don't work, you don't eat. I for one will not feed any that have to be locked up to protect the rest of us from them. The ones that do bad in our community will either repay the bad they did, or they will not be given the chance to ever do it again. The attitude of the perpetrator is what governs the outcome for them. You failed to acknowledge your current governing authority you live under, and all it's "laws". Compare that to the codes of the the Kingdom. No more political BS, no more religious BS, and no more legal BS. True justice would be very refreshing, at least to me. |
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#20 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Posts: 110
I always keep an eye out for your input Norval. Absolutely right as always. Thanx for the great thread. Enjoy your time out.
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#21 | |
Avalon Senior Member
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All concepts of 'Justice' are artificial and none have any real right to impose their own judgements upon others. For most people, it's not their fault that they've been deceived all their life and led into a life of ignorance and 'folly' by the PTB. If someone was to just come along and wipe out all those that don't yet fit the perfect mould then mankind's spiritual evolution will not only have been stunted, but hijacked. I'm just having a hard time seeing the difference between the 'good' society a 'King Jesus' would impose - through purges of those 'undesirables', as described in the gospel according to Norval - and the 'good' society of someone like Hitler, who also purged those that he considered undesirable, all for the ideal of a 'perfect society' - from his perspective... The ends doesn't justify the means. If it's so heinous for something like the Georgia Guidestones to plot the elimination of billions of humans, why is it okay for King Jesus to do the same? They're the same people getting killed off, are they not? How are we supposed to be falling over in love with this guy? ![]() |
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#22 |
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 696
"His perspective" [God's] is that he created us and, as such, we belong to Him. He makes the rules. It isn't our place to judge Him. It is our place to be judged by Him.
It would be a wicked judge that allowed the wicked to go free and further opress the righteous. He is sending a just, fair and incorruptible king to govern us - perhaps because we have proven ourselves unable to govern ourselves properly. Anyone who is ardently opposed to being held as chattel or doesn't want to abide by the new rules can opt out of the system. Last edited by arcora; 10-27-2008 at 03:29 PM. |
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#23 |
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Vancouver Island
Posts: 120
There are some that no matter how hard you try to explain the facts they will never understand. They have been blinded. II Thessalonians 2:11
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#24 |
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 696
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#25 |
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Vancouver Island
Posts: 120
Arcora don't forget it's
![]() It is about: Part Two begins with this; The Bible, as a Legal Case EXOPOLITICAL.............. |
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angels, bible, demons, exopolitical, ufo's |
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