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Old 10-17-2008, 01:21 PM   #26
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

If following the insructions there you will find i instruct no invokation or evokation. I had lost my pictures a while ago relating to the hand postures. So i had to find them on the net.It wasnt hard to find but they had photoshoped them and added words on the pics. I do not have photoshop on this comp so i couldnt do anything about it.
As i said i did not state at any time during this to say anything while doing the exercise.

Originally Posted by Ali Quadir View Post
Without wanting to add more fuel to the fire, could you state in simple terms what the intended effect is of invoking the name "Sahtahnah" before the rest of the meditation?

It's identical to Satana.. Whom most of us know as the bad guy. As you may know the lucifer experiment is opposed to developing a natural Merkahbah. Invoking a name that has become so associated with this principle seems at first sight to be rather counter productive.

Can you explain?
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Old 10-17-2008, 03:40 PM   #27
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Thank you for your dedication to this work, and for your courage in being honest about your past. The path of your past has led you and equipped you to be here, now in this moment offering your knowledege, your energy and your time to help those who would receive.
Love is the message I feel from your work, and that is the most important for me, so Thank You.
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Old 10-17-2008, 08:22 PM   #28
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

my post was not to accuse ama-gi of being satanic or anything like that...

merely pointing out the same knowledge filtered through different beliefs which then the knowledge becomes distorted...resulting the same knowledge being taught in different ways...

im sorry if i caused anyone any confusion...
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Old 10-17-2008, 08:53 PM   #29
Frank Samuel
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I rspect the views of all even if for me sometimes it sounds far fetch, the mistake we commit in ridiculing others or putting labels on them is that this encourages negativity , the world is fighting a war of ideology, how many more people have to be kill by ideologies who we claim in our righteous minds to be true. I have a lot to learn in this world, if my view of life was the only view in the world it would be very boring. Throw rocks at me, label me to any classification you want , I want to raise myself and my children above that. Forgiveness, humility, compassion, tolerance,love, I ask you if these things are new age.I want to start a new label for myself, ""common sense". A big hug to all, may we become inclusive and help each other to grow.
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Old 10-17-2008, 09:11 PM   #30
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i used it as the geometry of vacuum equilibrium and the tetrahedron/spherical fractal
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Old 10-18-2008, 12:25 AM   #31
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Looks like a great meditation. It will take some practice, but I am going to learn this one for sure.
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Old 10-18-2008, 01:29 AM   #32
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

Originally Posted by Jenny View Post
Anything, everything, I choose to use or feel or think or write is my free will choice.
It is always my personal responsability to discern or not to discern.

The information on energy work, whatever the exercises are , whatever the label or results that are promised or experienced,
it is always a personal responsabilty.

With the rise of the internet all this information is out in the open and part of the public domain.

Labeling a neutral thing evil or divine, satanic or form god, is tapping into the state of fear which is feeding the current status quo of the wolrd.

It is shifting and changing , yes.

But all who are stuck in labeling neutral things good/bad. all who are stuck in extreme duality, will prevent themselves to be part of the shift and will stay stuck in the old world.

Balance, allowing all free sentient beings to make their own choice and walk their own personal path, is what takes us to the next level of evolution.

Jenny ( this is a personal post )

well said Jenny!
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Old 10-18-2008, 04:09 AM   #33
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

Having been a practioner of meditation since 1970, there are a few thoughts I'd like to share here.

My first spiritual teacher was a master from India who initiated me and gave me a mantra to practice daily. Being a neophyte, I knew nothing about meditation and thought it about as useful as sitting in the broom closet, but all my friends were doing it and it was "the thing" to be learning and it seemed something inside me wanted to travel this particular spiritual path.

Some of the initial meditations with my first yoga teacher (who had also studied with various Indian Masters) was very simple where we would focus on a candle flame or at a rose and work at maintianing that image at the 3rd eye level. Meanwhile, we would silently do our repititions (which would involve a spiritual name that was given to us). My spiritual name was Karuna. I thought it an ugly name and wasn't too impressed with my teacher for giving me this name. I had hoped to get something that sounded lyrical and lovely, whereas, to my way of thinking all those years back, the word karuna seemed masculine and boring.

Needless to say, I was the doubting Thomas type and didn't take anything anyone said at face value as I needed a good solid practical explanation and proof. Well I stuck with my repititions for years.. and also engaged in a variety of meditations. In fact, I would even lock myself in the sensory deprivation room at the University to practice and would also work at projecting consciousness out beyond my physical body during some of these meditation periods.

Well, the long and short of it is after years of teaching yoga and meditation practice I had a very major kundalini opening, which I was not prepared for because by this time all of my teachers had moved out of the state or were back in India. Those who have had kundalini awakenings know what that is all about. Heat streams up from the base of the spine and one feels as if they are standing with their back to the fireplace and can't escape. Of course various psychic centers open and one is inundated by the emotions of others. Even the simple task of going to a grochery store was emotionally painful as I was flooded with the feeling emotions of others.

I had read where some who have this experience have to retreat and have someone care for them as they are just too sensitive to function in normal society. And of course there is a breakdown of boundaries as one merges with the "oneness" of it all, but the "oneness" at the lower levels of spiritual growth and expereince can be somewhat painful until one learns how to raise their inner vibrational frequency.

Needless to say no one in my immediate circle had a clue as to how to help me deal with all this heat energy which was running through and lasted for years.

So as a means to help myself I stopped meditating, figuring I was in deep water without a guide and without a means to traverse this river. However, just because I had stopped the practice of meditation didn't mean that the kundalini experience stopped. If anything, any spiritual blocks are magnified and karma can be intense as these energies trigger unresolved past life issues as well.

I waited for about 10 years until I found a Sant Mat Master and again practice this style of meditation for two years before being initiated. This form of meditation was very different than what I started out with. Sant Mat is a scientific approach to meditation. One is to focus on the image of the master at the third eye level, so that when they spiritually transcend the physical body, and find themselves on the spiritual plane the master is there waiting to help guide them in these upper spiritual realms. The other focus of attention is on the upper chakras above the head, not in the body as this by-passes having to go through the various karmic blocks that may exist in the the unconscious of the practioner.

A true spiritual master also can assist with karma and may even take some of the student's karma onto himself whereas he is now the one working the student's karmic energy through to resolution/balance.

The practice of Sant Mat is much simplier then what has been put forth here. One sits and does the reptitions as a means to give the monky mind something to do. The repetitions are the names of the masters who dwell in the upper spiritual realms so if one accidentially pops into an upper realm, the guide for that particular realm is available to the meditator. However, when on this particular spiritual path, one is asked not to eat meat, not to use drugs, not to intentionally hurt anothers heart and not to drink alcohol. Instead, one is to meditate for a 2 hour period daily.

In the past, I've have been in the midst of thousands of Sant Mat practioners and it was an incredibly peaceful experience. One isn't trying to do anything.. ego is very small and the focus is having an environment which supports the meditation practice. As the meditiation is in the upper chakras there is not the same experience with kundalini as there is in other types of meditations. And with Sant Mat, if one is really working with it by doing the daily practice, the repetitions help to reduce karma as one is not attached to outcome, but instead is attached to the repititions and seeking the teacher within.

Needless to say there are many forms of meditiation with just as many types of spiritual outcomes (popping into various spiritual heavelnly realms) and physical side effects. And it is also very helpful to have a teacher handy, willing, and knowledgable to help one through the spiritual rapids should they appear.

Be responsible. Be willing. Be at peace.
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
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Last edited by Carol; 10-18-2008 at 04:15 AM.
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Old 10-18-2008, 12:49 PM   #34
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

When the pupil is ready the master will appear.

Pupil and teacher are two of many forms of intelligence and love that we , as a human species, experience.

It all is inside me
Inside me as an individual and inside me as a collective humanity.

Personal responsability and discernment , a heart that is connected, will teach me.

In staying souvereign and responsable , connected to the heart, I know what course the process takes.


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Old 10-18-2008, 02:38 PM   #35
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this is very different
from the Mer Ka Ba taught by Drunvalo Melchizadek and the flower of life workshops.....

which you first build your pyramid from below, grounding you
and the pyramids are interlocking
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Old 10-18-2008, 02:41 PM   #36
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

There are thousands ways of working with energy and meditate.

You choose what you feel is fit for your development at this moment in time.

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Old 10-18-2008, 02:55 PM   #37
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I omitted something that I just thought of upon waking. It tis a little thing and also very important. Think of it as the key to the car.

When one meditates and uses a mantra, the mantra aslo sets the intention of the "type" of spiritual experience one is likely to have.

For example, if one were to do the rosary on a daily basis that is also a form of meditation and the spiritual experience one has is more likely along the path of an inner vision of the Virgin Mary.

As several of my mantras were composed of Sanskrit Indian words the same applied. My name "karuna" translated means "ocean of compassion" and those were the spiritual manifestations I experienced after many years of dedicated meditation. Another time, with a different mantra, I had popped into a Hindu heaven where they were all dancing and singing. I suddenly experience myself as the observor standing at the back of the room. I remember being a bit startled and then thinking, how boring. This was not a heaven I would want to hang out in.

When I prayed the rosary I had inner visions of Our Lady... and when I practice Buddhism I had inner visions of Buddha and Kuan Yin.

When sitting in church meditating I had an inner vision of Christ which rocked my world. So ones intention upon meditation directs ones vibrational frequency as to which spiritual realm one may end up in and which spiritual entity one may meet on one of the inner spiritual planes.

Remember the teaching, "in my kingdom there are many mansions?" The "kingdom of god" is within and so therefore, when one steps upon their own personal spiritual path, this journey is a path that takes one inward. The repetitions used to still the mind and set intention (the direction one travels upon spiritually), be the repetition a mantra, chanting or prayer are all effective in elevating ones vibrational frequency if done with a open heart and great love.

As for Mer ka Ba? What is still unclear to me is where one ends up when spiritual experience unfolds and whether there is a spiritual guide, teacher, master, Christ at the other side to assist the aspirant once they have adjusted their vibrational frequency to a particular spiritual plane.

I will add that in my personal experience, Christ is the living inner Master of our era and the safest, most spiritually rewarding vibrational compassionate frequency I've ever personally experienced. All the other spiritual teachers/masters were rewarding, but experiencing Christ within was the key to the kingdom. Being flooded with that type of loving compassionate vibrational frequency resonates all the way into every nano particle of one's physical and inner spiritual being. One experiences a connection directly to Divinity/source.
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
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Last edited by Carol; 10-18-2008 at 03:42 PM.
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Old 10-18-2008, 05:34 PM   #38
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

Hi Carol,

I was an initiate of Thakar Singh, one of the 3 self proclaimed successors of Kirpal Singh of the Sant Mat path. My husband and I were living on the Big Island in North Kohala when Thakar came to visit in 1980 and we began a 7 year practice of the diet and meditation. It only took me a couple of months to begin leaving my body and I did so at least 3-4 times a week.

Almost right away I dismissed the rules and went my own way in the other dimensions. One is supposed to repeat the mantras, to be wary of various powerful beings with agendas and basically follow a certain protocol. I found that I didn't need or want anyone elses rules in order to deal with other beings, both benevolent and malevolent, but was better off being mySELF and learning my lessons in my own way. It took me about 6 months and many adventures which were blissful, extremely scary, and everything in between, to discover the ultimate weapon and incorporate it into mySELF and my travels. After that nothing ever scared me again and there was no further danger. The weapon was to surrender to love. The words do not really give a full explanation or feeling of what it is, but that is the only way I can describe it. This love is not the emotional human love, but is far beyond that, and nothing can defeat or even threaten it on any dimension. It gives one absolute power. Of course that "power" is not used as a normal weapon, but it defeats all weapons. It does not destroy, but it does change other beings, so in a way it destroys evil (which is not really evil but imbalance).

After leaving the practice of Sant Mat I totally stopped using the inner meditation method and in fact TRIED to stop meditating completely, but my kundalini became very activated to the point where I had to take several showers a day to "cool off" and I felt like I was constantly breathing fire. I had to develop my own form of "meditation" or focus for these energies and it was quite an interesting experience for a few years. Also the practice of kung fu helped me greatly.

I used pranayama but in a strange sort of way, through jumping on a mini trampoline and speaking different intentions or "blessings" out loud. I used to laugh a lot about the absurdity of my "mini trampoline meditation method"! Afterwards I would sit with open eyes until my sight expanded to the point where I saw the energy of my surroundings. I suppose I was raising my vibrational frequency enough that I saw much of what is always going on but that we don't normally see. Interesting beings would often appear, sit in my living room or walk into my bedroom. I could see very far away in great detail, which I called farsight. It was sort of like having a very powerful telescope except that not only could I see across several miles but I would also feel the energy of what I was looking at. I saw many "UFO's", balls of light, rifts in space/time looking into scenes like monks chanting and other things, and also had some experiences of merging with the earth, telepathy, etc.

This lasted for about 3 years and probably wouldn't have ended if I had not met my present husband. Without going into any detail I will just say that our relationship was so intense for the first 6 months, that somehow it managed to put the fire out or at least dampen it for the last 13 years. I had many things to do in the world and I did them.

Now it is beginning to come back again. It is a process of focus and unfocussing at the same time. Difficult to explain but easy to feel.

Letting go of any belief systems and in fact most beliefs, including believing what anyone says about almost anything, is a great aid to empowerment. I have found that when I was engrossed in politics, conspiracy theories, judgements, ANY BELIEFS, any attachments to outcomes, that it has disempowered and limited me. I do not disbelieve but I do not waste my energy believing, nor will I allow a group mentality, group fear and group judgements to affect me. Beliefs are a trap which create hope or fear. Both emotions are equally limiting, keeping you in a cage of your own making.

There is no evil, no guru, no saint, no christ, no god more powerful than you.

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Old 10-19-2008, 05:25 AM   #39
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What a delight your post is Nancy. Traveling to the other dimensions is indeed "enlightening." The key is to put fear behind oneself and resonate at the "Christ""Buddha""Quan Yin" frequency of total compassion. I do accept that they, along with many other Saints and spiritual teachers appear along the path of inner spiritual growth and development and then one can go beyond the realms of teachers into direct awareness experience. I just find words far to limiting when attempting to describe the indescribable.

It appears from what you have written that you've had many unique and rewarding experiences. I also discovered a deeper sense of essential beingness in these other realms that seem far more real and rich then this particular dimension. It's not to say that this dimension isn't real or rich... it is just to point out that we are interdimensional beings with far more awareness and abilities that extend way beyond the normal physical beingness of one's human existance.

I love your stories. Thank you so much for sharing them with us.
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
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Last edited by Carol; 10-19-2008 at 05:31 AM.
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Old 10-23-2008, 06:48 AM   #40
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:47 AM   #41
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

Originally Posted by Carol View Post
What a delight your post is Nancy. Traveling to the other dimensions is indeed "enlightening." The key is to put fear behind oneself and resonate at the "Christ""Buddha""Quan Yin" frequency of total compassion. I do accept that they, along with many other Saints and spiritual teachers appear along the path of inner spiritual growth and development and then one can go beyond the realms of teachers into direct awareness experience. I just find words far to limiting when attempting to describe the indescribable.

It appears from what you have written that you've had many unique and rewarding experiences. I also discovered a deeper sense of essential beingness in these other realms that seem far more real and rich then this particular dimension. It's not to say that this dimension isn't real or rich... it is just to point out that we are interdimensional beings with far more awareness and abilities that extend way beyond the normal physical beingness of one's human existance.

I love your stories. Thank you so much for sharing them with us.
Thank you, Carol ! I very much enjoy your posts also.

I don't think this dimension is any less or more important that the fantastic dimensions one can experience beyond the physical. In fact I still tend to think there may be a very good reason for us being here right now. I don't know what that reason is yet, but I'm patient. I may find out before I die, and if I don't, I'll find out later! LOL...

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Old 11-05-2008, 02:03 AM   #42
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Thumbs up Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

My wife is shy of two weeks of having a baby girl, I am very nervous yet in my meditations I had many conversations with my unborn baby girl. My wife name her about 5 yrs ago. Mothers by instinct talked to their babies while in the womb. It is a very moving exprience, this world of the unseen if more real than we think. For me is the source of my inspiration, thank you all for sharing your hearts in this forum. A big hug to all.
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Old 11-05-2008, 02:10 AM   #43
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

Originally Posted by P4BL0 View Post
There are no words that can describe that which is impossible.

I remember closing my eyes during meditation and a Buddha appeared floating,
it sprayed me with golden rays of loving energy.
It felt so amazing..!
I think I must have entered into another dimension.

Another time I entered into Egypt but the whole landscape was painted like a cartoon.
The funny thing is that I felt/knew that it was alive.

In another meditation I sat outside and right away I felt a blanket of darkness engulf me.
It cover me completely.
I felt so good and a perfect sense of peace arose in me.

Another time I was meditating in the forest,
I opened my eyes and a blue orb appeared in front of me.

Meditation is such a powerful art.
But I feel it must be balanced with purity of heart and honesty.
I also feel that the best path for me personally is the middle way.
By that I mean.. acknowledging that there are good and bad forces out there.
And yet maintaining the point of view of an observer.
So there is no need for me to become involved or preoccupied with either side.
Letting go of everything and I mean absolutely everything during meditation.
It's how I approach it.

The problem I find is that things can get very opened very fast..
Many times I became really scared.
But looking at it now, I think it's because I was not ready at the time.
It must be a gradual process..
You've had some wonderful experiences Pablo! It's completely normal to be scared at times. There are very powerful beings in the other realms and they all have agendas, some of them are scary.

The ultimate thing you must let go of is your "life". When you feel that you are dieing, accept it, let go and surrender to death. Then you will awaken to the ultimate power. Even Jesus said "I die daily". Maybe that was a clue.

Giving in to or surrendering to what I thought might be my death was what finally gave me the ultimate power on other dimensions. It brought about bliss, love, joy, humor, compassion and intense power. I think I just surrendered to God or the Source and said "I can't handle it, so it's up to you, now I will happily die (whatever that is) in peace and contentment". Before I finally did that I was REALLY scared! So it wasn't easy, but I was pushed to the point where there was no other choice left.

I don't think it will ever get easier until you finally do this, but then that's just my opinion and experience. There are undoubtedly different processes other conscious beings go through depending on their particular need for certain lessons. Surrender might have been my most difficult lesson because I am the type who never goes along with any accepted philosophies or theories just because people I respect are promoting them. I have never accepted that anyone has any authority over me, including my parents and teachers since I was born, and have always been a rebel. Obviously one can get very invested in the rebel image and carry that too far. It has probably helped me in being more fearless, but it has most likely limited me in other ways. I also like being a loner, which may also have limited me in some ways.

But I have discovered and experienced that we are all ONE at some level, so each of our individuated consciousnesses is not often aware of it's true state of being in Oneness with all that is. We tend to have parts of the whole in our personalities here in 3D, and a lot of the fun comes when we are able to merge with other consciousnesses, including the earth and living things on the earth, and become more of ourselves.

I wish you great joy in your travels.

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Old 11-06-2008, 07:51 PM   #44
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

My question is for carol. If I read one of your posts correctly, during a meditation exercise your kundalini opened up and you felt overwelming feelings of emotion, warmth. etc. You then decided to stop your meditation for a period of time because you were not sure how to deal with what was happening. During this period of time, how did you deal with these influx of emotions? I am just now learning about meditation so am quite a novice.
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Old 11-08-2008, 12:21 AM   #45
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

Thank you Carol, Nancy, Pablo and Frank Samuel.

I had a chuckle to myself at the synchronicity Carol, that your first post was #33.

I would like to see your post and those that followed in their own thread. They have beautiful messages and it would lovely to read more of others' wonderful spiritual experiences.

Harmony and peace to all

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Old 02-22-2010, 06:58 PM   #46
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

I agree with many posts, that one must be discerning to the most advanced degree, when exploring the energy system of our Time Matrix. Until one can understand the context for the struggle of this planetary system and the corresponding Angelic( Guardian)Human DNA template, one will not understand the motivations of the vast majority of the " New Age" movements It is my sincere opinion, that until one reads the Voyager Books by Ashayana Deane, and explores the information on the Azurite website, regarding the MCEO teachings, they will not truley "get' what is taking place during this unique time in human history. This information is utterly unique in its scope and detail, and leaves no room for interpretation.

For example the following excerpt from an open letter to the keylontic science e-group, from Guardian representatives, can give one an idea of the scope of this drama.
note 1* (the UIR is the United Intruder Resistance, comprised of several ET factions that have joined in an attempt to control earths Time Matrix for their own purposes.)
note 2* One can google "Open letter 2002" to get author.

"In December 2002, following our November 2002 confirmation that Level-6 Hetharo would ensue, the UIR became more aggressive in attempts to discredit our works, as evidenced through the “Open Letter” web-posting series initiated in December 2002 by another prominent teacher in the New Age field, which contained outright lies, cleverly orchestrated distortions of information and intentional dis-information directed at both MCEO teachings and Speaker-1. The UIR know that we, the Eieyani, have the information through which their agenda and the mechanics by which it is being orchestrated can be fully exposed, and so perceive our knowledge as a threat to continuation of their agenda. They also know that we release to our earthly Speakers only the portions of this information that are directly essential to the immediate safety of Earth’s populations and to the Christiac work at hand, for our intention is not to antagonize war with the UIR through aggressive public attack upon their paradigm and its representatives. To do so would be spiritually immature, as well as futile, for much of their agenda can no longer be averted even if it were fully exposed in great detail, and furthermore, if we were to take such an approach of overt aggression, such expose’ could cause the UIR to feel threatened sufficiently to launch an overt “Official Disclosure” Planetary Invasion and “lock down”, a drama that would cause rapid and unspeakable pain and chaos to the global populations of Earth. We will not facilitate manifestation of this scenario; our Speakers understand this and the corresponding present format of data release on a “need to know” basis. UIR discrediting attempts began acceleration in early December 2002, as the UIR were aware that, as they progressed toward Hetharo with their “Blue Fire Sword-BeaST” agenda, we would be obligated on behalf of public safety and people’s right to free will choice, to progressively release to our Speakers, and thus to the public, more detailed data pertaining to the mechanics of the Fallen One’s Metatronic science as it pertained to Hetharo events.

The UIR, already nervous about recent declines in their earthly “numbers”, hoped to “sweetly but firmly” use their covert disinformation tactics to manipulate public sentiment, particularly within the earthly collectives they had already seduced and “harnessed”, toward dismissal of the quality of MCEO teachings via planting disinformation focused directly upon our Speaker-1; one small but blatant example of this, among others, is found in the December 2002 “Open Letters” in which the statement “She even thinks Jesus is evil” was made in reference to our Speaker-1 Ashayana, which is an utter statement of intentional disinformation, for it is clearly revealed in our published materials that the MCEO teachings are precisely the original CDT-Plate teachings that were translated in the past by the man known as Jesus Christ, a fellow Eieyani “Indigo Child” in his generation. Also contained within the December 2002 Open Letters were statements inferring that Speaker-1 and our work stood against “every known religion on the planet”, which again represented a gross misrepresentation of fact pertaining to the MCEO paradigm, for within our published materials we explain that each of Earth’s major religions emerged from the original 12 Sacred Religions known in Atlantean times, which were legitimate spiritual education paths built upon direct translations from the MCEO 12 CDT-Plate records that were entrusted to the Indigo and Angelic Human “12 Tribes” of Earth, the texts of which were progressively distorted, edited and compromised by Leviathan Illuminati factions following the Atlanean period. We have encouraged peoples of all faiths to embrace the sacred within their chosen doctrines, and to explore all doctrines, while developing skill through the personal Inner God-Source in differentiating between the original truths and the hidden distortions there within. One of the most interesting aspects of the December 2002 Open Letters was that acknowledgement of our Speaker’s claimed MCEO source of our teaching materials was entirely concealed in an attempt to mislead readers to the false conclusion that our Speaker-1 had “come up with this paradigm on her own”, inferring that the MCEO teachings represented only the ideas of one individual and thus carried less significance than teachings claiming “angelic” / interdimensional “masters” authorship. "
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Old 02-22-2010, 07:56 PM   #47
Avalon Senior Member
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Posts: 897
Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

It is a bit to late to fix what happened in 2003 but for your perusal I am enclosing the ancient sacred salutations which are the correct way to run the first level of merkaba


I want to say that there is a lot of information about the 55 reversed merkaba and the effect it will have in the planet and ourselves in 2012, this information can be found at www.azuritepress.com new comers, summary 1 and 2 that are the official disclosure 1 from the Guardian Alliance

Addiionally, I must say that to transmigrate to Higher Earth, which is what asencion implies we need now the Transharmonic Merkaba (Sliders 6) because the little one is not powerful enough.

The little merkaba was used to go from density 1 to density 2 (4th dimension) but regretfully that avenue is no longer viable because Tara was invaded in 2005

More info about what happened since 2003 here http://www.azuritepress.com/faq/faq1.php

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Old 02-23-2010, 03:26 PM   #48
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

I too am a follower of Drunvalo's Mer ka Ba meditation so I was quite shocked to see Ama-Gi label it as disinformation.

Ama-Gi, you may be trying to help but I don't think you can achieve that by virtually calling Drunvalo's work, and everyone else's in this field, a waste of time and by making such sweeping statements as "99.9999% of all magic/meditation knowledge available to the public is dis-information", which is plainly an unprovable claim. My own belief is that people who use such generalizations don't usually know what they are talking about.

You seem to have taken the stance that you are the fount of all knowledge but how do we not know it is you who is providing dis-information? I don't wish to be unkind but your postings are generally written in poor English, badly spelled and, to a certain extent, rambling. You keep talking about your past, as if you are apologizing for it, but I doubt if anyone here knows what your past involved. I certainly don't but it sounds to me like you are implying you've done something bad.

You may not think any of these criticisms are important but, in my opinion, someone who starts off by virtually saying he is the only person who knows anything about meditation really should demonstrate by his actions that he has some knowledge or ability that others would wish to obtain. Humility is a good trait to achieve. Overcoming the ego is another.

Meanwhile I am impressed by Drunvalo so I shall be continuing with his version of the Mer ka Ba, although I hasten to add he is not my guru - simply someone who seems to me to know what he's talking about.

Last edited by justpeter; 02-23-2010 at 04:13 PM.
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Old 02-23-2010, 04:52 PM   #49
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

I tried the Drunvalo one and it made me sick, so I stopped. Then I started using the azurites one and oh boy my cells started to sing

Now I am working with their Transharmonic one and it rocks

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Old 02-23-2010, 06:22 PM   #50
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

Excuse the long post, but I trust it will shed light on the topic.
note1* UIR stands for Ynited Intruder Resistance, which is a collection of races determined to control the use of the Earth Templar( and her Angelic Human Guardians) for their own agendas. They have a vested interest in Angelic humans to run reversed, or distorted merkaba fields. They have been quite successful (through the New Age Movement), but the truth is comming out.

note2* The OPen letter 2002 can also be googled to identify the author.

We Are Truth.
The following is an excerpt from a letter from Ma'a and Mashara of the Eiyani Ecka Council

“Open Letters”, Escalation of the UIR Disinformation Campaign and Secrets of the UIR
Should we have been forced, in our commitment to the safety of Earth and its peoples, to expose sensitive information concerning “Wormwood” and inevitably related details of the original UIR plan, the UIR would have viewed this public exposure of their immediate involvements as an “act of war against them” (which was not our, nor our Speakers’, intention) and the UIR would have launched an aggressive covert harassment assault against the Indigo and Angelic Human races of Earth, in attempt to discredit our information to protect the success of their intended agenda. Many of you whom participate in your Keylontic Science Internet Discussion Group have witnessed the beginning escalation of this covert UIR attack, with more frequent infiltration of the group by various individuals, some knowingly, others unknowingly, whom are motivated by the UIR to spew malice, rhetoric, unfounded accusations and confusion among KS Group members. The UIR attempts to cause chaos, bickering, anger, fear and division among people interested in the MCEO work in order to further their long-standing campaign of attempting to generate public suspicion, fear and rejection of the MCEO teachings. The UIR has a vested interest in dissuading public interest in and exploration of MCEO teachings, as we have progressively, since they issued their September 2000 War Edict, had to expose, out of concern for public safety, the manipulative and harmful motivations being orchestrated beneath the veneer of their public teaching forums.

In December 2002, following our November 2002 confirmation that Level-6 Hetharo would ensue, the UIR became more aggressive in attempts to discredit our works, as evidenced through the “Open Letter” web-posting series initiated in December 2002 by another prominent teacher in the New Age field, which contained outright lies, cleverly orchestrated distortions of information and intentional dis-information directed at both MCEO teachings and Speaker-1. The UIR know that we, the Eieyani, have the information through which their agenda and the mechanics by which it is being orchestrated can be fully exposed, and so perceive our knowledge as a threat to continuation of their agenda. They also know that we release to our earthly Speakers only the portions of this information that are directly essential to the immediate safety of Earth’s populations and to the Christiac work at hand, for our intention is not to antagonize war with the UIR through aggressive public attack upon their paradigm and its representatives. To do so would be spiritually immature, as well as futile, for much of their agenda can no longer be averted even if it were fully exposed in great detail, and furthermore, if we were to take such an approach of overt aggression, such expose’ could cause the UIR to feel threatened sufficiently to launch an overt “Official Disclosure” Planetary Invasion and “lock down”, a drama that would cause rapid and unspeakable pain and chaos to the global populations of Earth. We will not facilitate manifestation of this scenario; our Speakers understand this and the corresponding present format of data release on a “need to know” basis. UIR discrediting attempts began acceleration in early December 2002, as the UIR were aware that, as they progressed toward Hetharo with their “Blue Fire Sword-BeaST” agenda, we would be obligated on behalf of public safety and people’s right to free will choice, to progressively release to our Speakers, and thus to the public, more detailed data pertaining to the mechanics of the Fallen One’s Metatronic science as it pertained to Hetharo events.

The UIR, already nervous about recent declines in their earthly “numbers”, hoped to “sweetly but firmly” use their covert disinformation tactics to manipulate public sentiment, particularly within the earthly collectives they had already seduced and “harnessed”, toward dismissal of the quality of MCEO teachings via planting disinformation focused directly upon our Speaker-1; one small but blatant example of this, among others, is found in the December 2002 “Open Letters” in which the statement “She even thinks Jesus is evil” was made in reference to our Speaker-1 Ashayana, which is an utter statement of intentional disinformation, for it is clearly revealed in our published materials that the MCEO teachings are precisely the original CDT-Plate teachings that were translated in the past by the man known as Jesus Christ, a fellow Eieyani “Indigo Child” in his generation. Also contained within the December 2002 Open Letters were statements inferring that Speaker-1 and our work stood against “every known religion on the planet”, which again represented a gross misrepresentation of fact pertaining to the MCEO paradigm, for within our published materials we explain that each of Earth’s major religions emerged from the original 12 Sacred Religions known in Atlantean times, which were legitimate spiritual education paths built upon direct translations from the MCEO 12 CDT-Plate records that were entrusted to the Indigo and Angelic Human “12 Tribes” of Earth, the texts of which were progressively distorted, edited and compromised by Leviathan Illuminati factions following the Atlanean period. We have encouraged peoples of all faiths to embrace the sacred within their chosen doctrines, and to explore all doctrines, while developing skill through the personal Inner God-Source in differentiating between the original truths and the hidden distortions there within. One of the most interesting aspects of the December 2002 Open Letters was that acknowledgement of our Speaker’s claimed MCEO source of our teaching materials was entirely concealed in an attempt to mislead readers to the false conclusion that our Speaker-1 had “come up with this paradigm on her own”, inferring that the MCEO teachings represented only the ideas of one individual and thus carried less significance than teachings claiming “angelic” / interdimensional “masters” authorship.

The UIR have anticipated that we, the Eieyani, would progressively reveal levels of CDT-Plate technical data as Hetharo approached; data that would in comparison inevitably incriminate and cast doubt upon the legitimacy of their public teaching paradigms. The UIR also knew that we had been kind thus far, and had not made aggressive attempts to expose specific venues or representatives propagating UIR paradigms. Through the December 2002 Open Letters and subtle escalation in their already existing public disinformation campaign against MCEO teachings, the UIR hoped to deter public interest in the MCEO paradigm before we released more technical data, in order to deter public interest in comparative data analysis between the paradigms through which discrepancies within their own teachings would become more obvious, once we released further technical information. In response to the December 2002 Open Letters attempted covert assault, our Speakers, on our behalf, invited an open, free to the public, Friendly Debate of subject matter with the initiator of the “Open Letter” platform, which was expectedly declined in a March 2003 “Open Letter” response to our invitation. Interestingly, our invitation to publicly discuss the paradigm differences between MCEO knowledge and other exiting paradigms was dismissed as our attempt to engage “polarity consciousness”, when in fact we had presented the invitation as an attempt to promote unity consciousness by allowing the public opportunity to openly explore all available facts, and to initiate an open co-created communication toward the objective of mutual understanding between the representatives of various paradigms that already existed in polarity to each other. Once again, the UIR found need to intentionally misrepresent the MCEO objective in a manner designed to further deter public interest in exploring MCEO teachings.

In the same March 2003 Open Letter, statements were issued that again attempted to misrepresent through inference that MCEO teachings were concerned with “which races were better than others”, when in truth, as our published materials explain, MCEO views all races as equally loved and blessed, and originating from the same God-Source. MCEO teachings further acknowledge that some interdimensional and earthly races have both genetic mutation damage and resultant distortion in consciousness that presently prevent them from actualizing their original Christiac Eternal Life potentials, and that these mutations can be healed through specific internal Christiac Spiritual-Science technologies, to restore the natural genetic Christiac Divine Blueprint and return the Christiac Eternal Life Heritage. Following the September 12, 2002 UIR War Edict, it was necessary for us to release CDT-Plate historical data pertaining to which interdimensional and earthly races were most affected by these Finite-life (“Anti-Christiac”) mutations, as some of the mutated and misguided races were aggressively involved in attempting to force these genetic mutations, through various means of deception and manipulation, upon unsuspecting human populations within the contemporary drama, thus denying Earth populations the right of free will choice in regard to their continued evolutionary path. Though revelation was necessary to public safety, we have also provided in-depth Inner Christ healing technologies that ALL races could use to regain their original Eternal Life Christiac potentials, and we made these technologies available to ALL races in hope that they would use them for self-healing. Our disclosure of “Who’s Who” within the interdimensional spectrum was necessary to reveal the historical affiliations of specific races with specific interdimensional agendas, some quite harmful to continued evolution of Earth human races, so that the contemporary public would not fall to the deceptions presently being orchestrated by these interdimensional races in their present contact with Earth humans. Our revelations are not about “who is better”, they are about “who needs the greatest healing” and “who is running deception” in order to deny present races their right to choose their evolutionary destiny. Again, in the March 2003 Open Letter, this loving intention of ours was intentionally misrepresented by the UIR, in order to deter public interest in MCEO teachings by falsely misrepresenting them as if they were racially “elitist”, when nothing could be further from the truth.

The March 2003 Open Letter was indeed a masterful “piece of work” in manipulative writing, to which, if sufficient movement on the “potential UIR shift events” had not occurred, we, the Eieyani, were intending to respond before the May 2003 Hetharo Peak. One of the most interesting and blatant disinformation tactics employed within the March 2003 writing was to build a commentary based upon the “fact” that our Speaker-1 had “misquoted” an aspect of the writer’s paradigm in our book, then to assign public confusion to this “misquote”. We found this tactic sad but amusing, and a classic example of “text book” audience manipulation tactics, because the truth of the matter is that our Speaker-1 never quoted this writer at all, or any aspect of his teaching paradigm, within our books. Material derived solely through CDT-Plate translations, which contained a few similarities and many differences to this, and several other, writer’s teaching paradigms, were briefly included, and no mention of any of such earthly writers were included in our book. The most clever aspect of this item of disinformation is that once the writer had planted in the readers mind the falsehood that a “misquote” had been issued, the writer then attempted to negate the accuracy of the related information in our book by “correcting” our Speaker’s “misunderstanding” of his “misquoted” paradigm. Very clever indeed, quite a “performance” in slight of hand maneuvering, but sadly, members of the public who are not familiar with both paradigms would be unable to detect that a “performance” had been given, and would be unaware of the fact that no “quote or misquote” existed and that the material in our book was indeed accurate and consistent within the MCEO paradigm. Nor would the public be aware that they had just been “duped” by a classic disinformation tactic.

In the March 2003 Open Letter the subjects of “Vortex Mechanics”, “Natural Science” and “Merkaba”, and rather blatant distortions of related technical facts and information pertaining to these subjects, were also included as further persuasion to motivate public dismissal of the MCEO paradigm. We were quite prepared to lovingly respond with the appropriate, and complete, technical information on Vortex Mechanics, Natural Science and Merkaba, which would inevitably include UIR-sensitive information pertaining to Wormhole Mechanics, the Metatronic Code and origins of the “21/34” Merkaba ratios, through which the technical distortions and other overt disinformation tactics contained within the data of the March 2003 Open Letter could be clearly shown. Fortunately, by later April 2003, positive movement occurred within the interdimensional political arena pertaining to the “potential UIR shift events” we had been monitoring since January 2003. In respect of this potential progress toward a more peaceful passage for all through the Hetharo-Hethalon Cycle, we and our Speakers postponed issuing an earthly public response to the March 2003 Open Letter until the post-Hetharo period, when the status of the “potential UIR-shift events”, and thus the degree of our necessary response to the UIR-agenda and paradigm technical discrepancy exposure, would come more clearly into view. A sampling of this UIR-sensitive CDT-Plate technical information, pertaining to the Metatronic Code, the “21/34” ratio, Wormholes and related history, was revealed within the May 2003 Hetharo workshops, sufficiently enough for the UIR to understand that we would release the entire corresponding CDT-Plate record to the public if exposure of this data became necessary to assist in planetary and public safety during the August 2003 Hethalon passage.
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