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Old 12-03-2009, 09:24 PM   #1
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Default Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

Representative Candice Miller, speaking on the House floor about Climate Gate, Cap and Trade legislation and the whole scam:


Gore cancels on Copenhagen lecture — leaves ticketholders in a lurch (Despite paying $1200 us per ticket, yes thats how much he charges to 'save' the world)

Climategate Crooks Recast Themselves As The Victims


And here are some brave souls who have done much to expose these arch criminals.

Vid 1.
30,000 Scientists, 5000 of which are PHDs Sue Al Gore and the Global Warming fraud:
John Coleman, Founder and former owner of the Weather Channel, Meteorologist, and Scientist explains this law suit:
And more from Coleman here:

Vid 2.
EU President Vaclav Klaus - Global Warming Being Used As A Vehicle To Suppress Human Freedom:

Vid 3.
Lord Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, a British politician, business consultant, policy adviser to Margeret Thatcher, writer, columnist, and inventor.
For the full Rundown on this scam:
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Old 12-03-2009, 10:58 PM   #2
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

The dominoes are falling, one by one. Its about time.
Tks Phta for the post.
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Old 12-03-2009, 11:03 PM   #3
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

It's exciting!!
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Old 12-04-2009, 12:22 AM   #4
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

So, is the problem that Climate Change isn't happening?

Or just that it isn't being caused by man like they say it is
and the fact that they tried to profit from this lie?
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Old 12-04-2009, 12:45 AM   #5
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

Originally Posted by FIIISH View Post
So, is the problem that Climate Change isn't happening?
I'm not certain of this but I believe the evidence shows we are headed for an ice age. I believe this is simply mother nature and not man-made.

And what we should be focusing on is lowered oxygen level in the atmosphere which needs to be remedied by planting green plants.

And there's a problem with the magnetosphere - but I'm not sure why or what needs to be done...

Does this sound right?
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Old 12-04-2009, 04:58 AM   #6
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

Ideas like not driving gas guzzlers and bringing your own grocery tote bag to the store and other 'green' ideas are still good ideas though.
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Old 12-04-2009, 05:10 AM   #7
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

Does this sound right?
My understanding is gleaned from information presented by David Wilcock.

He points to Interplanetary Climate Change as evidence that what is happening on our planet is also happening to the other planets in our solar system due to the energy of the this particular area of the galaxy that we are moving into.

Apparently, NASA is well aware of this but has not publicly disclosed this information, yet.
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Old 12-04-2009, 05:58 AM   #8
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

Yah many people consider denying climate change means that we care little about the planet. This has nothing to do with it. Of course we need to stop polluting our lakes and rivers and everything else. But a carbon tax hardly helps with that or anything else for that matter. The most important thing we can do for our Earth is become aware that she is a living thinking being that we can communicate with and work together to create harmony or Heaven on Earth.

Originally Posted by TheObserver View Post
Ideas like not driving gas guzzlers and bringing your own grocery tote bag to the store and other 'green' ideas are still good ideas though.

I'm not a fan of Willy but really he is just talking common sense, that is if we can get around the idea that climate change is natural, it happens every day where I live.

Originally Posted by FIIISH View Post
My understanding is gleaned from information presented by David Wilcock.

He points to Interplanetary Climate Change as evidence that what is happening on our planet is also happening to the other planets in our solar system due to the energy of the this particular area of the galaxy that we are moving into.

Apparently, NASA is well aware of this but has not publicly disclosed this information, yet.
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Old 12-04-2009, 10:09 AM   #9
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

Originally Posted by FIIISH View Post
My understanding is gleaned from information presented by David Wilcock.

He points to Interplanetary Climate Change as evidence that what is happening on our planet is also happening to the other planets in our solar system due to the energy of the this particular area of the galaxy that we are moving into.

Apparently, NASA is well aware of this but has not publicly disclosed this information, yet.
That rings a bell with me from a few years back when we did have warming but so did other planets.

I like the idea of looking at the big picture of earth in the galaxy. It's always good to look at the big picture!
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Old 12-04-2009, 10:20 AM   #10
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

Originally Posted by Phtha View Post
Yah many people consider denying climate change means that we care little about the planet. This has nothing to do with it. Of course we need to stop polluting our lakes and rivers and everything else. But a carbon tax hardly helps with that or anything else for that matter. The most important thing we can do for our Earth is become aware that she is a living thinking being that we can communicate with and work together to create harmony or Heaven on Earth.
I hope we can seize the moment of this scam becoming known to more people to turn things around, take control of public discussion, and start having an honest exploration of environmental issues and creative solutions.
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Old 12-06-2009, 01:41 AM   #11
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

Updated December 05, 2009

Obama Ignores 'Climate-Gate' in Revising Copenhagen Plans


The scandal has prompted calls for Obama from global warming skeptics to skip this month's climate summit in Copenhagen -- instead, the White House is doubling down on its commitment

The controversy swirling around the leaked e-mails of climate scientists apparently trying to downplay data and exclude dissenting opinions has led to calls for President Obama to skip this month's climate summit in Denmark until the e-mails can be investigated.

Instead, the White House announced Friday that Obama was doubling down on his commitment to the summit's goals and moving his visit later in the month, hoping it will secure a "meaningful" agreement.

The scandal being referred to as "Climate-gate" has rallied global warming skeptics, who say the threat is exaggerated -- let alone caused by humans. In some of the e-mails stolen by hackers and posted online, scientists at Britain's University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit appear to discuss hiding or deleting data that may contradicts global warming claims. Others discuss ways of keeping competing research out of peer-reviewed journals.

Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is the most prominent figure to call on Obama to boycott the conference in Copenhagen in the wake of the e-mails' release.

Continues: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/wire.php?view=9113
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Old 12-06-2009, 02:08 AM   #12
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

Here is CBC's Rex Murphy speaking up on Climate gate.
The only one to have the courage.

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Old 12-06-2009, 07:21 AM   #13
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Our problem isn't global warming...it's global weirding...the summer's are getting hotter around the globe, yet the winters are also getting colder with more extreme snow events. It's a proven fact that glaziers around the world are melting at very a rapid rate and the permafrost in Siberia, Alaska and Canada is melting, potentially releasing dangerous amounts of methane into the atmosphere. Water levels are rising on islands around the world, has anyone seen pictures of Venice lately?! If you didn't know better you'd think it was sinking into the water...

Wilcock and other scientists have all said that planets around the solar system are experiencing warming effects from the part of the galaxy we're entering, so have the scientists and politicians known this all along? We're they using it as an excuse to profit from corporations? Most likely...

But even so, that doesn't dispute the fact that Earth is choking, gagging and about to vomit and go into convulsions from ALL the damage we've done to her OVERALL. The Earth's atmosphere is so filthy they have to cover new cars on semi-trailers to protect the paint from acid rain.

You can go to gotmercury.org to learn how contaminated the type of fish you eat is with mercury. Unfortunately it doesn't tell how much pcb's, lead or a long list of toxins that comes down in the rain all over the world polluting lakes, rivers, oceans and ponds where fish eat and live. There isn't a body of water in the world that's 100% clean from toxins because the pollution gets into rain around the world from the atmosphere.

One of the reasons I personally sense that 2012 will be a time of cataclysm is the Earth needs to heal and replenish herself from the physical destruction and psychic negativity we've been putting out for so long. The Earth is a live being, a living organism that humans have totally and completely ignored and disrespected. The Pacific ocean has a garbage dump the size of Texas floating on it, which is killing fish and marine wildlife. Where is that going to go? Who's going to clean it up? No-one...and that's the problem.

There are literally countless areas around the world totally uninhabitable due to irresponsible behavior from industry...chemical and radio-active waste oozing out of containers into the environment and aqua-firs. Sometimes contaminated sites even get buried and built upon by unscrupulous contractors. What's going to happen to all these sites? Maybe 1% get cleaned up worldwide.

Humanity has been terribly irresponsible in the manner in which we have treated the Earth, at some point the Earth will revolt and shake us off like flies, that is if She is to survive in the long run. That seems to be what 2012 is about as well...giving the planet the time it needs to heal and get well from 150 years of destruction since the beginning of the industrial revolution. If you live your life in respect and harmony with the planet, then she will guide you thru the cleansing period. If not...lets hope you know someone with connections to underground cities, because you can't escape the Earths karma - she always knows where you are.

Seems we have to do a lot more than reduce carbon emissions to turn things around, the carbon tax has always seemed like a ploy for profits. The politicians weren't looking at the whole picture and have only been focusing in on this one area. Unfortunately that's what the "Green Movement" is all about...making money, not saving the planet. And capitalism is the problem, it's a corrupt system that ALWAYS puts money over the needs or well being of the planet...or the individual. What ever happened to doing the right thing?
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Old 12-06-2009, 09:22 PM   #14
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

Many people seem to have amnesia now-a-days, but how many of you remember that archaic term called "Global Warming?'
The fact that this movement had to be renamed to 'Climate Chance' rather then 'Global Warming' is all the proof I needed to see this is nothing but a sham fueled by propaganda.
It's time to arrest these arch criminals and put them on trial. They are not above the law. And if they think they are they will have some serious surprises, if not this life time, then another.
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Old 12-06-2009, 09:34 PM   #15
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More and more truth is coming out...the Mayan calendar predicted that....
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Old 12-06-2009, 09:36 PM   #16
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

Originally Posted by Phtha View Post
Many people seem to have amnesia now-a-days, but how many of you remember that archaic term called "Global Warming?'
The fact that this movement had to be renamed to 'Climate Chance' rather then 'Global Warming' is all the proof I needed to see this is nothing but a sham fueled by propaganda.
It's time to arrest these arch criminals and put them on trial. They are not above the law. And if they think they are they will have some serious surprises, if not this life time, then another.
I like that kinda talk.
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Old 12-07-2009, 01:30 AM   #17
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

Originally Posted by Phtha View Post
Many people seem to have amnesia now-a-days, but how many of you remember that archaic term called "Global Warming?'
The fact that this movement had to be renamed to 'Climate Chance' rather then 'Global Warming' is all the proof I needed to see this is nothing but a sham fueled by propaganda.
It's time to arrest these arch criminals and put them on trial. They are not above the law. And if they think they are they will have some serious surprises, if not this life time, then another.

If Vikings post is true, then we may not have to wait much longer....I hope.
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Old 12-07-2009, 06:45 PM   #18
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

A new interview with Lord Monkton is up:
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Old 12-07-2009, 06:58 PM   #19
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

i am surpirsed there isn't more of a reaction actually. it turns out that leading scientists are lying to the world about such a hot issue, i would expect people to be flipping out! maybe its too early, but i mean this is big. "what else is the world lying about?" should be the question from the mainstream, which i would hope would lead to the mass questioning of swine flu, the questioning of terrorism in general and who the real enemy is. just a mass questioning of accepted truths really. i just cant believe that a movement so big as climate change with so much money and persuasion involved, i mean i learn about this stuff in biology class for crying out loud, that people arent screaming for an explanation for this!

Last edited by carriblu; 12-07-2009 at 07:37 PM.
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Old 12-07-2009, 07:21 PM   #20
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That is a good point carriblu and I too hope this will make the avg cnn watcher question many other things as well, right down to the fact that we will never be free with something called a govern ment.

I have noticed quite a turn in events though, I think ALOT more people are now questioning things then a few weeks ago thanks to all of this.

For example, on our main news source here in Canada, cbc.com, the attitude of the readers has changed drastically. I often post comments on stories with links to the alternative views, and will generally have 4 thumbs up and 40 thumbs down on my comments.
Now myself and others like me are actually getting more thumbs up then down. Pretty amazing to see for me.
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Old 12-07-2009, 07:43 PM   #21
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to carriblu:

its because most people dont understand the implications of the treaty once signed..

lord muncktons russia today interveiw

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Old 12-07-2009, 08:02 PM   #22
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

The Copenhagen Treaty meetings are being featured as front-page news in our local newspaper The Democrat and Chronicle. It basically is talking about all the nations attending the meetings and how urgent it is to come to an agreement since, as they say, "time is short".

Unbelievable that they are still pushing this forward.

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Old 12-07-2009, 08:07 PM   #23
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yea so in the last few years its gone from global warming to climate change and know today i noticed htere calling it climate shift
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Old 12-07-2009, 08:12 PM   #24
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

Originally Posted by joe2288 View Post
yea so in the last few years its gone from global warming to climate change and know today i noticed htere calling it climate shift

Well at least climate shift is closer to the truth. Now all they need to do is remove the letter 'F' and attach that word to their research.
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Old 12-07-2009, 08:15 PM   #25
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Default Re: Climate Gate Updates: The Global Warming Scam is Being Exposed

Originally Posted by Phtha View Post
A new interview with Lord Monkton is up:
No mixing words with this brave man.

He is a real hero and I hope that he makes a real impact at the conference, he is going up against people like Barbara Boxer who thinks the "hackers" s/b prosecuted like Gary.
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