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Old 09-10-2008, 08:42 PM   #1
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Default Orgonite

Although I have seen it mentioned a few times in several posts, this thread is meant to be a landing place for all things related to orgonite, orgone generators and the like.

If you are not familiar with what orgonite is, here are some resources:

In a nutshell, there are a myriad of effective tools one can make that protect from the negative effects of ELF and EMF, psychic attack, implants and mind control.

This is pertinent because all of us can easily erect defenses to counteract some of the negative energy, intention and control that is so pervasive today.

The experiences I have had with orgonite have been quite astonishing. Pm me if you have questions for me personally regarding orgone generators or post here to glean some of the wisdom from other orgonite aficionados.


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Old 09-12-2008, 12:22 AM   #2
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Default Re: Orgonite

Orgonite - good stuff, and still evolving in design and effectiveness. Will post more on this later. No time right now.
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Old 09-12-2008, 12:24 AM   #3
unlimited mind
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Talking Re: Orgonite

http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/group.php?groupid=3 here is an orgone group on the forum
thanks for the thread!

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Old 09-12-2008, 01:43 AM   #4
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Default Re: Orgonite

OK, this is a timely thread for me as I am experimenting right now on something new, well at least, I think its new...I have not come across something like I want to do.
In the spirit of sharing, I will give out a bit of the stuff I have put together.

So, in working with orgone, you can build a number of items that pertain to either transfering dead orgone or bad energy to good energy, these are the Holy hand grenades. You can also build some "Tower busters", all this info is easily found on the net.
Michael St-Clair has his own way of producing what he calls Resonators, they are beautiful works of art but are also very powerful "personal energy creators".
What I am trying to do is to put together a combination of elements to purify and vitalize dead water.
All the water that is sold in plastic bottles have the same problems, first, if the water has been in the bottle for a while, it looses its vitality and life, the oxygen gets dilluted. Also, it most certainly has emanations from the actual plastic bottle.
That is why I always use a glass jar to hold water.
Now I won't go in great details about everything that Im doing but basically, I am using a combination of Mandelas, crystals,minerals, and intentions thru written word to form a base that you put your glass jar on.
The Orgone part of the equation is handled like a traditional hand grenade, then the Mandela and written word/prayer work on the other part that can be related to the work of Masaru Emoto on the effects of thought and positive energy on water.
As far as selling these, well like my healer friend always said
"True healing does not have a price", so I will give these in exchange for a donation of your choice.
I am only in the begining phases of this, so I have nothing to offer right now, but I should in a month or so.

Last edited by Olam; 09-12-2008 at 01:45 AM.
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Old 09-12-2008, 02:17 AM   #5
unlimited mind
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Default Re: Orgonite

Originally Posted by Olam View Post
OK, this is a timely thread for me as I am experimenting right now on something new, well at least, I think its new...I have not come across something like I want to do.
In the spirit of sharing, I will give out a bit of the stuff I have put together.

So, in working with orgone, you can build a number of items that pertain to either transfering dead orgone or bad energy to good energy, these are the Holy hand grenades. You can also build some "Tower busters", all this info is easily found on the net.
Michael St-Clair has his own way of producing what he calls Resonators, they are beautiful works of art but are also very powerful "personal energy creators".
What I am trying to do is to put together a combination of elements to purify and vitalize dead water.
All the water that is sold in plastic bottles have the same problems, first, if the water has been in the bottle for a while, it looses its vitality and life, the oxygen gets dilluted. Also, it most certainly has emanations from the actual plastic bottle.
That is why I always use a glass jar to hold water.
Now I won't go in great details about everything that Im doing but basically, I am using a combination of Mandelas, crystals,minerals, and intentions thru written word to form a base that you put your glass jar on.
The Orgone part of the equation is handled like a traditional hand grenade, then the Mandela and written word/prayer work on the other part that can be related to the work of Masaru Emoto on the effects of thought and positive energy on water.
As far as selling these, well like my healer friend always said
"True healing does not have a price", so I will give these in exchange for a donation of your choice.
I am only in the begining phases of this, so I have nothing to offer right now, but I should in a month or so.
very nice. i look forward to hearing more about this.

i have been experimenting with making small devices for necklaces or pockets, and also for pets. do you have any experience with using the rare earth magnets in your devices? i think this would be a really great way to form energy loops between the crystals and minerals (as a way to move the energy within the device).

i say this because i would like to make more or a sculpture shaped like a dna spiral, with more than two helix. i have someone that will make me the mold, but he hasnt decided on barter, he wants 1200.00 for the mold.

i was thinking that where the helix meet you could add a mineral/crystal sphere at those intersecting points. within this same device place small coils made from twisted copper wire with these magnetic circuits described above between them. not very easy to explain this, hehe. the base of it could be something like one of your plates but maybe on a bigger scale.

i had 3 dreams about this device before a Peru trip.

thanks for sharing what you can about your device. look forward to more discussion about this.
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Old 09-12-2008, 12:33 PM   #6
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Default Re: Orgonite

Unlimited mind, here is a link, check out the spiral with gems attached to it....do you want to make something like that?

Yes I thought about the magnets, I can't find the link, but there is a webstore that sells powerful neodenium magnets that could do the job. Im thinking of combining this with copper spirals directly on the crystals.
The challenge for me is that the whole item has a low profile, so I have to figure out a way to have the spirals go vertically within a low profile. I maybe will try to start the spiral horizontally on the crystal and lead it vertically at the end. The vertical alingment is crucial I think the project the energy up to the jar containing the water.
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Old 09-12-2008, 02:34 PM   #7
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Default Re: Orgonite

Very interesting OLAM look forward to this and the results-it's a therapy within a therapy,sculpting a positive energy system.
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Old 09-12-2008, 02:44 PM   #8
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Default Re: Orgonite

Originally Posted by Olam View Post
What I am trying to do is to put together a combination of elements to purify and vitalize dead water.
All the water that is sold in plastic bottles have the same problems, first, if the water has been in the bottle for a while, it looses its vitality and life, the oxygen gets dilluted. Also, it most certainly has emanations from the actual plastic bottle.
All you need to do is put the water under a 4"-6" pyramid making sure one the pyrimid sides is facing magnetic north (not true north). Its already been proven.

Here'a a little bit of info I already posted under 'sharing resources' :

In recent years, Pyramidology has experienced a resurgence in popularity.
The pyramid shape itself is being seen as a supernatural source of power or energy.
The pyramid power has become the primary focus of everything from veterinarian concerns to extraterrestrial messages.

You can build a pyramid of your own
but you must be sure it is built to the correct proportion and angle,which is 52.606º
It is a lot of fun to try experiments with it, to see how things grow inside the pyramid.

Some of the effects are:
food kept under the pyramid will stay fresh for two to three times longer than uncovered food.Artificial flavorings in food will loose their taste, but natural flavors are enhanced.
The taste of foods change; they become less bitter and acid.
When we take a spectrographic reading of the treated item, it will show a change in the molecular structure.
The pyramid will dehydrate and mummify things, but it will not permit decay or mold to grow.
There is also a slowing or complete stopping of the growth of microorganisms.
Kirlian photographs of human sublects show the aura to be significantly brighter after a 15-minute exposure period.

Reactions to pyramid environments.
Persons living inside of a pyramid home; working within a pyramid building, or those who meditate within or sleep under a pyramid framework; or those who sleep above small pyramids aligned in series placed under the bed, generally feel positive, immediate reactions. Reports sometimes include temporary, energy nausea; apparently due to excess body toxins.

Creatures are magnetically attracted to Pyramid replicas.
Testimonials from several sources, demonstrate that pets of all kinds thrive under, or within open-frame pyramids. Dogs and cats are observed to respond to this unique,
form-energy environment in harmonious ways

Pyramid alignment.
Briefly, a celestial (Polaris north star) alignment for one pyramid side, is preferred to that of magnetic north determined by a compass reading, because a substantial magnetic correction must be accounted for, according to the geographical location involved.

Symbols placed on a pyramid's sides.
Symbols and mandallas decorating a pyramid's sides, produce a positive result variety of positive responses.

Pyramid research :
Bill Kerell is a pyramid researcher who has been doing experiments with pyramids for about 17 years.He has done many experiments using brine shrimp. Brine shrimp usually live 6 to 7 weeks; but under the pyramids,Bill has kept them alive for over a year. He also noticed that pyramid-grown shrimp grew two to three times larger than normal. Bill has also done a lot of work with humans.
One of the things he and his associates have found is that hypertensive individuals become tranquilized, but lethargic people become energetic again.
A lot of work has been done with individuals who meditate.
It has been found that the theta and alpha brain waves are increased.
These frequencies are also higher and the signal strength is twice the amplitude of normal.
Dr. Carl Benedicks (a Swedish scientist) discovered that the pyramid produced a resonance or frequency inside.
Two German scientists, Born and Lertes, also discovered that this frequency was in the microwave range.
Researchers say that items placed under the pyramid stay "charged" for various lengths of time after being taken from under the pyramid.
It has been found that water keeps its "charge" longer than anything else.
Pyramids have also been experimented with by doctors.
Bill has been told by a doctor from a Canadian hospital that they tried using a pyramid in their burn ward.
The results were that after being under the pyramid for a few minutes, the patients' pain started to go away.
They also found that the burn areas healed much faster.
One of the most interesting accounts of Pyramid power was cited by Serge King in his book, Pyramid Energy Handbook. In this book, King speaks of ways people can help their dogs, cats, fish and fowl. He explains, "One of my researchers recently reported that she placed a pyramid over the cage of an excitable bird. The bird immediately flew to the top of the cage in an apparent attempt to get as close to the pyramid as possible and has since remained far more calm than before"

The most common effects that meditators say happen to them when they are under the pyramid are:
a sense of weightlessness; a time distortion, both of speed and slowing down; a tingling sensation on the skin,similar to that of mild electricity; an increase in the skin temperature; a tranquilizing effect on the nervous system; a deeper "dropping off " in the transcendental state; and finally, very graphic dreams in vivid color.

Pyramid Power frequency:
The pyramid puts things back the way they are supposed to be; it makes things more perfect. The one frequency that is common with all elements is the carrier wave. The vector angle of energy formed by the carrier wave frequency is 52.606º. This pyramid we have built is both a transmitter and receiver in one. This is why we can build a pyramid out of any material, and it will work. The elements in the material used for the pyramid start to oscillate

Placing objects in the Pyramid:
They are also good conductors of electricity, which means that they transfer information better than others.
When an object is placed inside the pyramid, it receives the information that makes
it up on a stronger or amplified basis. It makes no difference what is put into it. The razor blade will stay sharp because the information that makes up those microscopic metal crystals will try to remain in their original shape by trying to move atoms to the areas worn away. This frequency raises the potential of the elements and, so to speak, "charges them." When the water is being charged, it is actually the oxygen molecule that is being charged, since the oxygen molecule is the element in the water that forms the octahedron crystal. The oxygen vectors realign themselves when under the pyramid.
The use of Pyramids in amplifying crystals, herbs and essential oils etc, is quite simple,place the artical inside the pyramid for at least 2 -24 hours Flower essences are greatly amplified
Scientists have confirmed this; they see a change in the molecular structure of the water,but they don't know why.

The same explanation can be applied to the plants and the food placed under the pyramid.
If the plant is growing under the pyramid, it is receiving amplified information of its self.
The stronger the signal, the more energy the plant has.
The more the information it receives about itself, the less chance for-imperfections in its construction, which would cause disease,, mold, or other organisms to attack it.

Water will loose its chlorine taste and generally tastes better.
Plants grown under the pyramid grow about twice as fast, in their early life, than do plants that are not grown under it.
The treated young plants look healthier and have less insect damage.

It has been found that a copper pyramid has the best effects and intensifies the effect on organic materials.
The pyramid also has an effect on inorganic items.
It is well known that razor blades are kept sharper longer if placed under a pyramid between uses.

Thought I'd share.

Last edited by Trickyfingers; 09-12-2008 at 04:46 PM.
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Old 09-12-2008, 05:05 PM   #9
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Default Re: Orgonite

TrikyFingers, yes I am aware of the power of pyramids, there was this man here locally that built a big one with the same dimensions as the ones in Eygpt. Big enough to hold 10 people inside...he claims it cures cancer ans other serious problems. I also saw maybe 10 years ago someone selling small pyramids to conserve fruits longer than anything else available.

So yes that works, the thing is Im trying to be practical using a base instead of a pyramid shape.
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Old 09-12-2008, 05:08 PM   #10
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Default Re: Orgonite

OK, I just finished gathering the elements for my project....so far I have invested about 80 dollars!...this is much more expensive than I though.
I did it anyways as this is my first one.
If anyone can point me to a good online store for crystals with good prices, then I could do more of them.
Also, as far as copper is concerned, I have a money collection with very old copper coins, I will use them in there instead of having them sit in a box.
At least, Im sure its going to look good!
Ill be posting pics soon.
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Old 09-13-2008, 02:13 AM   #11
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Default Re: Orgonite

You all just gave me an idea; wouldn't a pyramid-shaped greenhouse be great? I'm talking about something that you could put up and take down relatively easily. Anyone handy why metal and plastic?
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Old 09-13-2008, 05:56 AM   #12
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Default Re: Orgonite

My chemtrail buster. I have built three so far the air in our town is much clearer. I am so glad I built them my wife has noticed a calming essence that they produce also. I have built some funnel shaped ones that we have buried around the house. I am 100% sold on them. We need a chemtrail buster in every yard and we would foil their plans. I also think that they are a beacon to call in higher life forms, or make your own personal vortex. Happy building!! Oh our garden did the best this year with orgonite near by.
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Last edited by Dominic; 09-13-2008 at 06:24 AM.
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Old 09-13-2008, 01:59 PM   #13
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Default Re: Orgonite

Originally Posted by Debugged View Post
You all just gave me an idea; wouldn't a pyramid-shaped greenhouse be great? I'm talking about something that you could put up and take down relatively easily. Anyone handy why metal and plastic?
That would definately work and if you watered the plants from some water that was from inside the pyramid, that would be the ultimate!!! The water would be charged!!!

Think of the type of vortex that could be created if someone put a pyramid over a running stream of water (having the energy from the water running, plus the energy from the pyramid).

Thought I'd share .
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Old 09-14-2008, 02:25 AM   #14
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Default Re: Orgonite

This is just the kind of exchange I was hoping for!!!

Olam, the best place I have found for orgonite supplies (mainly crystals) is here:
Great prices.
If you need a source for Lemurian seed crystals, I can direct you to a guy on ebay. PM if interested.
unlimited mind - The website above also sells magnets.

What I find so exciting about orgonite, with or without the addition of magnets, coils, minerals, sacred geometry, etc, is that the possibilities are virtually endless.

Also, up to 70% of orgonite's effectiveness comes from how it is cured. Using intention, crystals to charge, frequency generators, energy work, etc greatly increases the strength of your new creation.

There is a fantastic ebook that covers the basics plus a bit more. IMO It is a must read if you are making orgonite:
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Old 09-14-2008, 02:55 AM   #15
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Default Re: Orgonite

This site has some of the most beautiful (and expensive) orgonite devices I have found:


The Hootens have made orgonite an art form.

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Old 09-14-2008, 02:59 AM   #16
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Orgonite

sleep on it ,

also purple plates - were developed (i believe)
by telsa

i have slept on a big one of those
since the 80's

i also carry one, on me

i also wear a thing,
around my neck,
that protects me


i am susan
white lotus star
the eXchanger
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Old 09-15-2008, 02:31 AM   #17
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Default Re: Orgonite


Wow! Followed your link to Hooten's site and then spent the next two hours drooling over their art/devices. Absolutely stunning!

Thanks for the link!

I can learn alot from their site.
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Old 09-17-2008, 04:43 PM   #18
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Default Re: Orgonite

If people are struggling to make a mold for pyramids please check out the blog post my father and I put together:


We have just put up this orgone site of ours and have had a seriously great response to it. It seems like many are willing to think a little outside the box with this stuff.
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Old 09-17-2008, 05:06 PM   #19
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Default Re: Orgonite

The most comprehensive webpage available about orgonite online is definitely:


Its like this guy has access to higher knowledge or something.
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Old 03-23-2010, 04:26 AM   #20
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Default Re: Orgonite

I hope this isn't a dead thread. I've been mainly lurking here since I sighned up when the forum started. I have been making orgonite for about six months and think they are a tool to assist in the changes were all going through. If you'll haven't found www.orgonecrystals.com they have great prices on stones and minerals dennis also sells some metals if you don't have a good source. www.uscomposites.com has clear polyester casting resin for about 35 bucks a gallon which is the cheapest I've found. And www.fibreglast.com has a hardener called #69mkep that is free of a chemical that causes all sorts of side effects. I think its phalate ill check the spelling but most hardener has it and its a toxin similar to ddt so its worth getting a cleaner chemical to work with.
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Old 03-23-2010, 04:33 AM   #21
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Phthalates is the spelling. Here's the wikipedia link. Look in the health exposure section. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phthalate
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