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Old 11-06-2008, 07:12 PM   #1
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Talking "My Message"

a couple weeks ago i was contacted by starseed1947 and was given a dvd that was to be put up on youtube a while ago ...well it took some time and a couple of friends help but i put it up, you can view "my message" by starseed 1947 here:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbvdY2O4aho part 1-6
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGFuO...eature=related part 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWc9b...eature=related part 3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nU5N...eature=related part 4
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muIqN...eature=related part 5
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scs3s...eature=related part 6

video quality is okay .... hope you enjoy the information. + her close encounters she depicts via drawings are really cool....

ok gl hf!

starseed originally posted this in the thread "please release my video bill and kerry.

-- --------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Bill and Kerry,
You should have received my video on 10-21-08. I would like to discuss it on this public forum after you have viewed it.

I am giving copies to some of your members on this forum in case I suddenly 'disappear' for them to post in case you won't.
I apologize that it is not a professional video, but I had to come forward in a hurry because we are at a critical stage on this planet.

Everyone needs to know the truth about what we are dealing with. You are my last hope. Others have either ignored me or have threatened me. As I said on the video, I not afraid of anyone or anything, because I am not afraid of death.

I am a woman who has awakened and who has also been able to videotape objects that are not of this Earth.

I was born in June 1947 and have had hundreds of sightings since I was an infant. I've had at least 10 sightings with credible witnesses.
On June 21, 2000 I viewed one that was huge and had my friend who is a famous international dance celebrity drew it for me. I included this drawing on the video along with others that I had viewed with witnesses.

I have been to over 50 countries. I've had supernatural experiences while I was in Egypt, New Zealand, New Mexico and in other places.

I dropped out of society several years ago for good reason and to try and understand what I was seeing and to understand my dreams. I've kept journals for years and after looking at them now, it all makes sense.

I've have OBE's and NDE's throughout my lifetime. One of the events I discussed on the video can be verified by newspaper articles while I was in Los Angeles. I discussed many things on this video to try and make sense of what is really going on.
I filmed some things that I have collected during my travels that are very meaningful. Especially the ones from Egypt

I recently contacted some of my reliable sources who will come forward to vouch for my credibility. They are worried for me. But I am not concerned because I know that there is something else besides what we experience on this planet.
I discovered the truth about what we are dealing with. It is a spiritual war. My grandfather was 100% Mixtec Indian and I recently became aware of many things.

Please respond to me on this forum, not in private emails and let me know if you received my video. I think it is only fair to allow everyone to follow our discussion after you have time to view it.
I gave you my name and address. I am for real. "They' know who I am. Believe me, I have been investigated, spied on, threatened and followed my whole life.

Please tell me what you think and please ask me any questions that you may have. Sorry for the poor quality of the video. If I knew how to get it up on the Internet, I would have. I hope someone will help me get it out to the public ASAP. People need hope.

It's not fair that all we get are stories about fear. We need to understand what to do.

People are scared and they are searching for some answers. They are now ready to understand the truth about so many things.
I don't want anyone to be afraid anymore. There is a presence here. Ancient souls are watching.

Sincerely, Linda
San Diego
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Old 11-06-2008, 09:28 PM   #2
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Okay..... I was genuinely interested up until part two.... at around 6:42 in the video.... when the obviously fake "U.F.O." zipped it's fake little self into the frame, and swooped up up and away....

Thanks for the entertainment....lol.
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Old 11-06-2008, 11:27 PM   #3
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I think Linda has good intentions and has experienced some unusual events, like many people on this forum. Please don't judge her harshly just because you don't agree with her interpretation of what her video recordings are showing. She is doing her best to make sense of things, as are the rest of us. Some of the best parts of the message are in later sections. I think there is an interesting story here, although it would probably come across better in the hands of someone more skilled in telling such stories. Interviewing yourself is a difficult thing to do - it's too easy to pass over things the audience really wants to hear, and to focus on things the Avalon crowd is already familiar with.

Linda - thanks for you effort.
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Old 11-07-2008, 09:40 AM   #4
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Default Re: "My Message"

Originally Posted by Jnana View Post
I think Linda has good intentions and has experienced some unusual events, like many people on this forum. Please don't judge her harshly just because you don't agree with her interpretation of what her video recordings are showing. She is doing her best to make sense of things, as are the rest of us. Some of the best parts of the message are in later sections. I think there is an interesting story here, although it would probably come across better in the hands of someone more skilled in telling such stories. Interviewing yourself is a difficult thing to do - it's too easy to pass over things the audience really wants to hear, and to focus on things the Avalon crowd is already familiar with.

Linda - thanks for you effort.

I said nothing harsh in my post. I simply don't buy the cheap effects that were used in the video.... now if I were to have called her a **** *****, I could understand the need to reply in the manner in which you have, but I simply stated that I was GENUINELY interested in seeing her video, due to the "amazing" things she's repeatedly stated capturing on film, but then when I viewed said video, it was evident that NOTHING was there. Was it entertaining, listening to her go on and on about things she's seen, places she's been.... with only self-drawn pictures to back up her claims, ect? OF COURSE IT WAS.... but did her material hold any real value, or evidence that cant be chocked up to cheap effect and hoopla? I think not....

Several people on here are WAY too easily steered into believing anything someone says, without doing any investigating, or even simply thinking about it in full, before signing up as a devout follower.... Sheep amongst the slaughterhouse.....

In closing, don't you DARE accuse me of judging someone, just because I don't buy into whatever they are trying to sell me. I got a laugh out of her video, I didn't condemn her to eternal flame and brimstone because I wasn't in agreement....

And in response to your "I'm sure she had good intentions." I'm going to let you in on an old saying my preacher used to tell the congregation. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions.". I think that's about right....

Have a nice day....
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Old 11-07-2008, 09:09 PM   #5
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Sorry to rub you the wrong way - I did not think my wording was as strong as you seem to have taken it. My bad. The clip in question has been discussed extensively in another thread (or threads), as have other clips from the same person. Probably not much point in going over all of that again here.

My point is simply that experiencers who have the courage to come forward should be treated with kindness. The reason is simple - if we scare off the ones who don't dazzle us, what's that going to do to those watching in the wings? Do you want to know what they have to say or not? People can apply discernment, believe or disbelieve as they wish. But if there is no new information presented, there'll be nothing here to apply discernment to.
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Old 11-08-2008, 12:09 AM   #6
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Vanlom, I can see why these videos and starseeds message don't fall into the realm of other whistleblowers.
For me, it was easy to see that the quality of the video and pictures was poor, and I have already recommended that Starseed seek training in photography through a community college or equivalent. What she produced could easily be imitated by hundreds of amateur photographers using various lighting and out of focus lenses.
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Old 11-08-2008, 12:50 AM   #7
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Default Re: "My Message"

Originally Posted by Jnana View Post

Sorry to rub you the wrong way - I did not think my wording was as strong as you seem to have taken it. My bad. The clip in question has been discussed extensively in another thread (or threads), as have other clips from the same person. Probably not much point in going over all of that again here.

My point is simply that experiencers who have the courage to come forward should be treated with kindness. The reason is simple - if we scare off the ones who don't dazzle us, what's that going to do to those watching in the wings? Do you want to know what they have to say or not? People can apply discernment, believe or disbelieve as they wish. But if there is no new information presented, there'll be nothing here to apply discernment to.

Again.... I'm not seeing your point. I simply stated my opinion, thanked her for the entertaining video, and went on about my business. I'm fully aware of the other thread, and I've seen things said by others that are FAR more offensive than anything I said.

I'm not trying to scare whistle-blowers/contactees/people with information away at all, but treating every single piece of material that's presented to us as genuine, when it's clearly evident that said material is questionable at best, is absurd.

I welcome all information/experience/knowledge that anyone wishes to share with me, but it's my God given right to come to my own conclusion as to whether or not I place any value into it or not. Being that this is a forum of open discussion and interaction, I have a right to voice my opinion when I see fit, as long as it follows the guidelines set by Bill & Kerry/Project Avalon/Camelot, respectively.... and that's exactly what I've done.

I DO understand the point you are trying to make.... heck, I even appreciate it.... but you're coming at the wrong person here. Good luck, God Bless... have a nice day.
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