09-22-2008, 04:55 AM | #1 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Location: las vegas
Posts: 18
For Ecuador
Hi there all in Avalon,
And to you there in Ecuador I will be there soon. Me and my wife and baby will be in quito and plan to be a large part of what will be going on in terms on sustainablility and spreading some info there in quito and some other places. I have some info on some special means of breaking down soil into more readily availble nutriants, this info I know could do wonders, not only will reduce the amount of work, fert., water, time but I can fix contaminated areas. This is very improtant for toxic areas and more for soil degragation due to not properly rotating crops and toxic plants to like say for example tobbaco really dose a number on soil, but we can grow anything and to its full potential anywhere given a few simple methods. What I would like to know is who to contact when I get out there, Anybody need help. Im not looking for money Im looking for like minded people. Im coming from America and have been involved with these many subjects for many years and have much to share and need a way to aply these methods with the purpose only to help my community. My name is Derek I dont speak much spanish but my wife is Bilingual. We work together quite well teaching, so thats never a problem. I have lots of jobs under my belt and seek ways to put them together and do somthing bigger. Me and my wife have been planning on leaving for quite some time. We are getting all the odds and ends taken care of. I have to much to give to be sitting around when I get out there. So I will be organizing talks and setting up some farms or farmers with the means for large yeilding crops with means of mycology. I want to help also by doing repairs on some things to help save some money for people, and we will be opening a small restraunt to searve cheap healthy food. I want to network with some folks to kind of get the idea of what or where' Im getting myself into. I have lots of family there but I want the communities perspectives this is where I want to be. A participant thank you Derek and Ana. And thanks to all those who make avalon work..... |
09-22-2008, 06:13 AM | #2 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Santiago de Chile
Posts: 47
Re: For Ecuador
hola, solo paso a avisar que he creado un blog en español con el objetivo de difundir información (mayoritariamente documentales, todos con subtítulos en español) y crear conciencia. Están todos cordialmente invitados a ingresar, comentar y debatir: http://www.proyectoignis.blogspot.com/
09-24-2008, 08:00 PM | #3 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Proyecto Mundo Unido -Magnum Astron Eco-Aldeas
Hola a Todos!
Muchachos, ayudemos al Gran proyecto de Magnum Astron, las Eco-Aldeas!. Un proyecto de redes humanas un poco diferente a los demás... hay varios puntos: Para que conozcan a Magnum: Primero, Magnum astron es un genio moderno (se pagó los estudios de matemáticas, física e ingienería eléctrica tocando música -7 instrumentos maneja- y pintando retratos!). Este hombre trabajó para multiples empresas y es reconocido en los círculos cientificos mainstream (o sea, en todos los círculos científicos oficiales). La cuestión interesante es que un día, hace 35 años tubo un contacto con supuestos "extraterrestres" que le dejaron varias tecnologías alternativas a las terrestres reales que las va mostrando en su página. La cosa es que él dice que pueden tomar la historia de como obtuvo estas tecnologías revolucionarias como novela o experiencia real, da lo mismo, la cuestión es que Existen e incluso ya ha hecho el primer auto Astron sin bencina y prácticamente sin energía que se use. El punto es que en 35 años no hizo nada con esas tecnologías, las tubo guardadas hasta que un día, el año pasado, se le acercó una señora que le dijo que tenía que dar todas estas tecnologías al mundo entero por que podrían ayudar a la civilización, lo que hizo. -Ahora lo extraño es que nunca mencionó estos descubrimientos a nadie y de hecho la señora hizo un libro sobre el contacto con estos "alienigenas buenos" que le dijieron que lo que tenía Astron podía ser útil para el futuro-. Interesante, pero No es el Punto. El punto es que estan los profecionales, los terrenos y mucha voluntad para hacer el gran proyecto de una Eco-Aldea con todas las tecnologías Astron disponibles, pero necesitan nuestra ayuda urgente! Para conocer más acerca de este gran proyect con base en Colombia actualmente dirijanse a la página. Lo que les puedo decir es que hay unas reglas básicas que son totalmente aceptables en la comunidad, super sencillas y no invasivas; es prácticamente tener buena voluntad y saber convivir. La Eco-aldea está sumamente bien pensada, de una forma científica e incluso está fabricada de un nuevo material -que es como plástico pero aislante y se corta como madera pero pesa como un décimo de ella-, bueno, pueden ver mas del concepto de ecoaldeas AQUÍ y en la página. Los descubrimientos pueden cambiar nuestro mundo pues es una tecnología paralela no contaminante y sin efectos secunarios! Es Real la tecnología. Pueden ver estas entrevistas a Magnum y a Amanda Ramirez (la señora que fué contactada y le dijo a magnum que diera la tecnología a la humanidad) dirijanse a los siguientes links: Entrevista a Magnum Entrevista a Amanda Magnum habla de sus inventos Www.MagnumAstron.Org El proyecto necesita nuestra ayuda, de toda clase, no sólamente buenas vibras! Unanse! Publicitarlo, ofrecerse como voluntario, etc. Es tan importante lo que está haciendo que vale la pena! Saludos amigos y el proyecto funcionará con nuestra ayuda! (Pensar positivo y actuar es la clave!) Así que Va A Funcionar! Last edited by Ashatav; 09-25-2008 at 05:23 AM. |
10-16-2008, 05:34 AM | #4 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 61
Re: For Ecuador
Is Ecuador fluoridated?
10-28-2008, 01:55 AM | #5 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Posts: 9
Re: For Ecuador
11-13-2008, 01:50 AM | #6 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 5
Re: For Ecuador
11-14-2008, 04:19 AM | #7 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 61
Re: For Ecuador
So its in the tap water? Has it made its way into the river and well water yet? I am bummed about the flouride. Thanks for the response. I just found your website the other day I will respond to your other thread.
11-22-2008, 03:44 PM | #8 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Myrtle Beach
Posts: 6
Re: For Ecuador
You need iodine in your diet, it will actually reverse the fluoride effects if i remember correctly. Iodine helps your thyroid maintain its stability, so it does not get under active, so you dont gain weight.
11-25-2008, 12:32 PM | #9 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 5
Re: For Ecuador
Iodine same as many other chemicals comes in many different compounds formulas. Take water as an example, clear water vs. dirty, or distilled vs. spring. All waters are not the same. The same is true for most chemicals, gasoline, oil, vitamins, etc. Same with Iodine, the one put in the salt is the wrong one; the one that will make you sick. Natural sea salt contains close to a hundred minerals, that is all you need. Stick to natural sea salt. The Iodine story as told is yet one more of the lies we have bought into. If you so feel you need Iodine then eat a few mangoes a year. The real Iodine problem where the story comes from only applies to folks living in extremely remote areas with an extremely limited diet and for very prolonged perioids. The story of Iodine added to the salt is NO different than the Fluoride story. Only difference is that you have learn the truth about Fluoride and not yet about Iodine.
The same people who came up with the bright malicious idea of putting Fluoride in the salt are the same who are putting the Iodine. What really makes you think one is better than the other? Why would you trust them with Iodine and not Fluoride? Both of these form of Fluoride and Iodine are not good for you. Fluoride and Iodine found in natural foods is, processed into the wrong compound is not. Do you think nature really needed us to come up with Iodine as an additive in the salt? Of course not. If we simply stick to eating natural unprocessed food, we will not have a need for most if any of these additives. For those of you interested in ingesting natural unprocessed minerals, take ORMUS, better yet make your own. ORMUS is precipitated/concentrated minerals made from pure sea salt. Lab result shows that it contains 80+ minerals. For a list of vendors go to: www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/tw/sources.htm To buy it in Ecuador contact www.stemtechlab.com |
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