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Old 10-10-2009, 06:21 AM   #1
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Default "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

Can we handle the truth of Alien abduction and their purpose?

The subject of alien abduction has been intriguing me lately, so I recently contacted a friend of mine that had suggested he thought he might have been possibly abducted. He has allowed me to share his brief experience here.

Are you all familiar with Patty Hurst? or the Stockholm syndrome?

Well here is what he experienced...he tried to uncover some of the memories that he knew were blocked...in a process that I can tell you was not only dangerous..but unadvised. First he stated that he should not have tried to uncover these memories by himself. Not recommended..he should have had someone there to help..a therapist or at least another body who was close enough to help him through it. ( So don't try this at alone guys )....anyway

He tried to visualize the first memory of his recollection..and about a day later...he started to have severe physical manifestations of anxiety and marks on his hands. Now here is the part I want you to pay close attention to....He started to get what he called "blocks" of memory..described as pixels...then he wrote in great detail what he was seeing. put it away...and the next day...noticed that what he had written was not his wording...for example he wrote the word "electric body", and he would have worded it "energy field"..and the real tell tale was...these memories had given him the impression that there was a "love " from these aliens.

Stop right there.....A love from the aliens?...he said that the use of blocks and pixels would suggest a computerized sort of memory...so here is the reference to Patty Hurst and the Stockholm Syndrome...

There was some kind of loving bond there..between them...like a family bond.
He felt that these memories were not real memories..but implanted memories...and that the real abduction was so deeply covered by these false memories..that it caused a physical reaction or something like that.

Now here is where you guys come into play...were these memories of "good alien" or were these "bad" aliens putting in false memories?...hmmm
This sounds like mind control to me.

Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in abducted hostages, in which the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker, regardless of the danger or risk in which they have been placed.
The Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological shift that occurs in captives when they are threatened gravely but are shown acts of kindness by their captors. Captives who exhibit the syndrome tend to sympathize with and think highly of their captors, at times believing that the captors are showing them favor stemming from inherent kindness. Such captives fail to recognize that their captors' choices are essentially self-serving. When subjected to prolonged captivity, these captives can develop a strong bond with their captors.

So My question here is, those implanted memories...were they the product of the possible implants? Possible biological/computerized monitors, sensing brain activity?...and if so...the physical reaction..was that due to trauma from uncovered memories?..or the action of the implant controlling the nervous system?... hmmm

Any thought on this guys?

He is very certain the memories were not his...as tell tale clues were the key..such as wording. and the 'block/pixel" formation of the memories.

Are these good aliens or bad?

Last edited by Karen; 10-10-2009 at 08:05 AM. Reason: OP request
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Old 10-10-2009, 01:40 PM   #2
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

I dont buy the alien bravado

for me it is devils demons djinns

supernatural shapeshifters

which will wish fulfill abduct and possess

to collect souls for the black mass

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Old 10-10-2009, 02:29 PM   #3
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

I don't know about that..but here is what Jim Sparks said about his viewing of images.....

I sensed how they screen image,” Jim went on, “meaning they project a visual in your mind—and this is what they do with all abductees—they project something in your mind. First they probe you, every fiber of your makeup, to know what your fears are, what your likings are, what you believe in. If you’re the type, for example, who believes in beautiful angelic beings that help people—when you’re abducted they will project in your mind that you’re with angelic beings. Whatever it takes. . .”
“Yes,” I responded, “whatever it takes.”
Science and nothing else
Jim says he learned to shake off screen imaging after he noticed each image was accompanied by “euphoria. When I got these sensations of euphoria, that triggered in my mind, hey, they’re screen imaging. I’d literally shake my head, hit my forehead and say ‘Bull****.’ Then I would see what was really there. So I think it challenged them to try stronger methods, high tech methods, to throw this individual off and it would challenge me to try to mess it up. What I hung on to all those years was literally anger. And hate. I focussed on anger, and hate, and that this is science and nothing else!”

My view is we can make our way through the litter of real and illusory in abduction reports if we have a central theory of what the abduction experience is about. What plot line or theory does a particular incident fit? Who benefits? What is the motive? My central theory is the aliens have put in place an elaborate program of psychological conditioning which begins in childhood and is applied relentlessly in pursuit of the desired result. The desired result is to get the abductee to accept, embrace, even celebrate, what is happening to him, no matter how exploitative it may be. This is difficult to achieve, which is why it took more than 5 years to break Jim Sparks.

Last edited by BROOK; 10-10-2009 at 02:33 PM.
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Old 10-10-2009, 04:13 PM   #4
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

If I had to guess, I'd say our minds are easily manipulated.

The goal though (speculating) is probably to change our emotions, as they're more powerful. After all, we have brains in our guts. The problem is IMO that the mind rejects a lot of unpleasant things for its survival. Yet, the gut senses horror and knows and records.


The Enteric Nervous System: The Brain in the Gut

The gut has a mind of its own, the "enteric nervous system". Just like the larger brain in the head, researchers say, this system sends and receives impulses, records experiences and respond to emotions. Its nerve cells are bathed and influenced by the same neurotransmitters. The gut can upset the brain just as the brain can upset the gut.
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Old 10-10-2009, 04:56 PM   #5
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

Interesting and informative answer No cast...thank you

I believe that "free will" plays a major part here though...as to how much information is deemed real and not real..perceived by the abductee...?
And how much of the real memory and the implanted memory is contained by the cells...surly there must be a way to distinguish...one from the other...as in the case above..the "block/pixel" clue.
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Old 10-10-2009, 06:18 PM   #6
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

Just adding a little psychological reality check here.

Abductees have been subjected to mind control by their abductors, the greys. What else can one say? The greys are up to no good. It's called the Stockholm syndrome which was also identified as such when Patty Hurst was kidnapped and then became one of the gang.

Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in abducted hostages, in which the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker, regardless of the danger or risk in which they have been placed. The syndrome is named after the Norrmalmstorg robbery of Kreditbanken at Norrmalmstorg in Stockholm, in which the bank robbers held bank employees hostage from August 23 to August 28, 1973. In this case, the victims became emotionally attached to their captors, and even defended them after they were freed from their six-day ordeal. The term "Stockholm Syndrome" was coined by the criminologist and psychiatrist Nils Bejerot, who assisted the police during the robbery, and referred to the syndrome in a news broadcast.[1]

In 2007, a group of scholars studied twelve highly publicized cases of Stockholm syndrome, publishing their results in Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia. They argued that, as the media accounts lacked "access to primary sources" or an "identification of a pattern of features exhibited in Stockholm syndrome," the characterization of any of these events as Stockholm syndrome could have been due to reporting bias.[2]

Psychological explanations

One theory to explain the Stockholm syndrome is cognitive dissonance. Specifically, people don't like being unhappy for long periods of time, but when people are kidnapped for a long period of time, they will be unhappy for that time, unless they come to love their captors. Thus, to resolve the cognitive dissonance, the victim may begin to identify with the captors.[3]

Psychoanalytic explanations

The Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological shift that occurs in captives when they are threatened gravely but are shown acts of kindness by their captors. Captives who exhibit the syndrome tend to sympathize with and think highly of their captors, at times believing that the captors are showing them favor stemming from inherent kindness. Such captives fail to recognize that their captors' choices are essentially self-serving. When subjected to prolonged captivity, these captives can develop a strong bond with their captors, in some cases including a sexual interest.

According to the psychoanalytic view of the syndrome, this tendency might be the result of employing the strategy evolved by newborn babies to form an emotional attachment to the nearest powerful adult in order to maximize the probability that this adult will enable — at the very least — the survival of the child, if not also prove to be a good parental figure. This syndrome is considered a prime example for the defence mechanism of identification.[4]

I will go onto add that there is no such thing as good droids. They are emotionless biological robots doing a job they have been programed for. There is no compassion for the "victim abductees" as painful medical procedures are done with full consciousness throughout the procedure. Memory is screened or blocked later. Why is that? If they were really spiritual they would know that they are to do no harm. This includes severe physical and/or psychological trauma. Unfortunately abductees tend to suffer from PTS as a result of being taken. Children are told they agreed to this and the mind control conditioning begins right from the onset. One of the things that Sleeper revealed is that the grays consider "ALL" human bodies as belonging to them. Somehow I just don't buy this. And why are they into such a active hybridization program? Do they need containers (human bodies) for their own souls (consciousness) to inhabit. Do they need the hybrids for interstellar war where they are soldiers? Who knows? They can't even be trusted to share their agenda and what they hope the outcome will be from what they have been doing.

6 billion people on the planet and 1 billion was reported to have been taken. Kind of scary isn't it?
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Last edited by Carol; 10-10-2009 at 06:33 PM.
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Old 10-10-2009, 06:25 PM   #7
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

Thanks Carol Looks like we read the same article...so you would determine a "Gray" factor here....me too!
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Old 10-10-2009, 06:33 PM   #8
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Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
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Old 10-10-2009, 06:36 PM   #9
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

6 billion people on the planet and 1 billion was reported to have been taken. Kind of scary isn't it?
Very scary
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Old 10-10-2009, 11:22 PM   #10
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

If the greys are biological robots, then does that mean that if we should take one or more "out" that we would only have karma with their engineers? Like in, you destroyed my property? So, if we took out greys in our own self defense, could we just then let the karma ride and see what happens? I'm all for getting rid of any threat to our children, no questions asked. Anybody with me on that?
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Old 10-10-2009, 11:24 PM   #11
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

Originally Posted by lindabaker View Post
If the greys are biological robots, then does that mean that if we should take one or more "out" that we would only have karma with their engineers? Like in, you destroyed my property? So, if we took out greys in our own self defense, could we just then let the karma ride and see what happens? I'm all for getting rid of any threat to our children, no questions asked. Anybody with me on that?
I'm with you Anytime I hear of any kind of child abuse I get very very very ANGRY
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Old 10-11-2009, 02:11 AM   #12
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

As a lifelong abductee I ask how can we be sure they really are not us from the future? That was the information I have been given by them on at least 3 occasions- I realize they act deceptive but I ask honestly how can we not be sure of this?

One friend of mine suggested I read Right Use Of Will books to reclaim by lost will as he says they would not come abduct me if I regained my lost will.
So I am in the process of reading the first book.
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Old 10-11-2009, 02:20 AM   #13
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

Originally Posted by eleni View Post
As a lifelong abductee I ask how can we be sure they really are not us from the future? That was the information I have been given by them on at least 3 occasions- I realize they act deceptive but I ask honestly how can we not be sure of this?

One friend of mine suggested I read Right Use Of Will books to reclaim by lost will as he says they would not come abduct me if I regained my lost will.
So I am in the process of reading the first book.
Write it down...but don't be alone! If the writing is in wording that does not sound like yours...it's probably an implanted memory...but do not be alone..as the realization of it..may set off triggers...this is what my friend experienced
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Old 10-11-2009, 02:31 AM   #14
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

I stopped writing when Dr. Mack died ( I used to work with him as an abductee and some of my accounts are in his last book).

It felt like the truth 4 or so years ago when one appeared in my room and told me we are you- you are us and then turned me into one,that really did flip me out- I wonder if they have done that to other people as well.

I pretty much do not read of others abduction accounts because I don't want it to interfere with my own reasoning around it but when I read the Burisch material (yes I know many don't take Dan's account as truth and truth is maybe he was heavily influenced to believe the same- that they are us from the future) and perhaps they have even told our government that- and they too believe them- maybe they are that deceptive- yes , at times they sure seem like it.

I honestly wish we had solid answers.
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Old 10-11-2009, 02:40 AM   #15
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

So this is very interesting....would lover to hear your story...but if it is too hard I understand.

Dr Mack ..wow..not many can say that!

But I still have to question the memories...as they are so good at making you forget...how hard would it be to implant a false memory? Have you questioned that? Did Dr. Mack question that?
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Old 10-11-2009, 03:56 AM   #16
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

Brooke- too many incidents to go into here since it's lifelong- back then as a child I would see them come through my walls or closet (usually one or 3) at night or during the day when I was playing (outside) but actual memories of what took place was not retrieved until I started working with Mack.
Mack was open to listening to the abductees experiences without coming to absolute conclusions- taking it all in and trying to sort it out later into evolving hypothesis.

They have placed me in *scenario* that may be false (2012 was one and that one occurred around 3 years ago) as well as environmental disasters (mostly ice age scenarios). I say maybe false because we don't know yet even though many allude to this. I have to wonder why they are doing this to me- is it to get the word out? Is it fear? I am not at all scared when placed in these disaster scenarios except the 2012 one did freak me out a bit because they took many on board a huge ship and actually announced it was December 21,2012- I mean come on? Are they just playing with the collective psyche?

My most recent abduction was an ice age scenario. I have had around 3 ice age scenes already.

I've been reluctant to work with anyone else since but may do so in near future (maybe Barbara Lamb).

Edited to add- I can recall a large portion of my abductions now- the actual *transport* I cannot but I know when they arrive in my room- paralyze me and then I remember a good portion of what happens after they transport me to various places. Medical procedures I do not remember at all on a conscious level. I see other people in my abductions as well.
Transport *back* I also do not remember. Numerous times they have been clumsy and *drop* me off on the floor.
I am taken astrally as well as physically although the latter appears less often.

Last edited by eleni; 10-11-2009 at 03:59 AM.
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Old 10-11-2009, 04:21 AM   #17
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

This is some very heavy material. I don't think most of the alien/human interaction is good. I also distrust almost everything and everyone...including myself. I know that sounds neurotic...and it probably is...but it seems that deception is everywhere...politics, religion, business, and aliens. Just keep asking hard questions...and examining everything from all angles all the time. To me...it's almost like starting from scratch every day.
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Old 10-11-2009, 04:30 AM   #18
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

Originally Posted by eleni View Post
Brooke- too many incidents to go into here since it's lifelong- back then as a child I would see them come through my walls or closet (usually one or 3) at night or during the day when I was playing (outside) but actual memories of what took place was not retrieved until I started working with Mack.
Mack was open to listening to the abductees experiences without coming to absolute conclusions- taking it all in and trying to sort it out later into evolving hypothesis.

They have placed me in *scenario* that may be false (2012 was one and that one occurred around 3 years ago) as well as environmental disasters (mostly ice age scenarios). I say maybe false because we don't know yet even though many allude to this. I have to wonder why they are doing this to me- is it to get the word out? Is it fear? I am not at all scared when placed in these disaster scenarios except the 2012 one did freak me out a bit because they took many on board a huge ship and actually announced it was December 21,2012- I mean come on? Are they just playing with the collective psyche?

My most recent abduction was an ice age scenario. I have had around 3 ice age scenes already.

I've been reluctant to work with anyone else since but may do so in near future (maybe Barbara Lamb).

Edited to add- I can recall a large portion of my abductions now- the actual *transport* I cannot but I know when they arrive in my room- paralyze me and then I remember a good portion of what happens after they transport me to various places. Medical procedures I do not remember at all on a conscious level. I see other people in my abductions as well.
Transport *back* I also do not remember. Numerous times they have been clumsy and *drop* me off on the floor.
I am taken astrally as well as physically although the latter appears less often.
Thank you so much for sharing this eleni. This is some very interesting information you share here...and we do appreciate it
Were any of these memories in blocks/pixel form...like my friend?

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Old 10-11-2009, 06:15 AM   #19
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Hi eleni. What an interesting history you have with them. As for being from the future.. there is no time in these other dimensions and indeed they could be from the future as time travel is pretty common within our own shadow government for the past 40 years. However, they cannot alter the reality that they are insectoid hive mind 4 density beings. Humans are 5th density.. more evolved at a different level then the greys. Some greys are authentic but for the most part given other insider testimony, the fetch, carry and medical procedure of abductions is mostly handled by the droids. They are masters at mind control, blocking memories and creating screen memories so just given that i would not trust them. Being turned into a gray could have just been a screened memory to convince you to go along with their agenda. Who you know yourself to be is just that.

I can see how long time abductees exhibit the Stockholm behavior patterns. Yet other abductees still fight them even after years and years of being taken.

There is a big difference between the abductees and the contactees. It appears that many of the contactees interface with the Nordic type of aliens. Abductees primarily interface with the greys. I've read some exceptional books on various testimonies, including the late John Mack and have learned much from what was shared. I hope you choose what will work best for you and that you find what you need.


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Last edited by Carol; 10-11-2009 at 06:19 AM.
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Old 10-11-2009, 06:39 AM   #20
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

Good points Carol...what would be the condition of the alien/human hybrid then? Would they have the same 4th density hive mind?
That boggles the mind What would the attributes of that type of alien experiment? Have you done any research in that area Carol?

That reminds me of Sanni Ceto...is she possible experiencing the "hive mind"?

Last edited by BROOK; 10-11-2009 at 06:47 AM.
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Old 10-11-2009, 09:30 AM   #21
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

I have had a few thoughts since watching the Alex Collier talk. He says that we are basicly food for the reptillian race that lives under ground. That they prefer young children because they have not yet been made toxic by our way of life.

I know and have read the discussions for the swine flu vacine and what it can do to us and its " maybe " intended agenda, but could it be a way to make us all taste bad, to seriously toxify us all in a way where we are looked upon as rubbish food to try and make these ET`s leave to find a better source of food?

Could it even be that we are being used as a poison pill to try and kill these ET`s off?

Just a few thoughts...
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Old 10-11-2009, 12:09 PM   #22
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

Originally Posted by BROOK View Post
Good points Carol...what would be the condition of the alien/human hybrid then? Would they have the same 4th density hive mind?
That boggles the mind What would the attributes of that type of alien experiment? Have you done any research in that area Carol?

That reminds me of Sanni Ceto...is she possible experiencing the "hive mind"?
I would think all hybrids are hive mind. As to Sanni, I would suspect that she is frequently plugged into hive mind when they are near but doubt it when they are not based on some of what she shared during her interviewed.

Next, spiritual beings do not need to put implants into humans or even use space craft to get around. They are able to travel interdimensionally just with intention. So I also suspect the military is involved with many, many abductions. Particularly if the person is from a military family as they consider someone who has signed up as having given away their rights and are the property of the government.

So it stands to reason that in a number of abductee situations the military is involved and working along side with the greys.
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Old 10-11-2009, 03:00 PM   #23
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

It would stand to reason then, my friend is not dealing with the "loving" aliens as supposed in the memories recovered....interesting perspective on the military involvement as well.
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Old 10-11-2009, 05:01 PM   #24
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

Now here is a twist..what if those memories were correct..and there was a genuine bond...and these were really "good" aliens...here to assist mankind in some way?

It makes one wonder.
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Old 10-11-2009, 06:12 PM   #25
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Default Re: "Can you handle the truth?" about Alien abduction

I have had contact with Nordics (and a witness - my ex husband who saw them at the foot of our bed 18 years ago and got up to touch them whereby they vanished- I however was paralyzed with my eyes wide open and my ex husband could not *wake me up*. They appeared friendly to him but then again I don't exactly *trust* them either.

The greys , Nordics (whom may actually be disguised reptoids appearing to be benign entities) our secret govt. all work together.

I've had MILABs my entire life as well and in many abductions I see them all working side by side.

I think there are a lot of hypothesis on their agendas but the bottom line is we are all speculating.

One thing that was discovered with Mack was that I was *tampered with DNA wise* in utero which is unsettling because other *factions* then know and use that to their advantage- leaving one mixed up in a mess of varying agendas.

Beyond that I am not going to say more because it gets dark and I have chosen anonymity and am not likely to come forward with other details (other than K&B whom I've already spoken with so if they release it one day then more details will come out).

I am using the *clearing method* having met an ex scientologist for getting to the root of some memories and clearing them. We have not explored actual abduction memories yet except for one which was a life altering event that took place recently and this involves *the wave*.

Edited to add- I believe there are numerous factions of Nordics, other beings and greys. When I was growing up the *greys* did not appear grey to me at all- they were *moon colored* 3 feet tall and had huge heads and not the huge eyes depicted nowadays.

I see greys less frequently now (only 3 times this past summer for example) but they are taller now, their heads are not as large as they used to be and they are more *streamlined*. The older ones appeared more *biological * to me. Recent one's are more *robotic* in nature .

My children report greys who are 4 feet tall and taller.

The Nordics who stood at the foot of the bed had white *gowns* on. One appeared male while the other two I thought were also male but my ex husband felt they could have been androgynous.

edited to add;
In August 1997 the night after I had a near death experience a similar Nordic being appeared in my hallway (I was in bed and kept my door open) and the feeling I got was that *it* was checking up on me. That brings up questions for myself
because I have to wonder if these beings are put in place as part of the *system* on planet earth- the lock system, reincarnation, etc; what I am trying to say is that because these beings appear peaceful does not mean they are in the higher sense. They may still be part of a control factor and serve a higher source that many new age touting folks see as beneficial while it may be another form of deception.

Last edited by eleni; 10-11-2009 at 06:44 PM.
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