04-23-2009, 07:19 PM | #1 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Our multidimensional reality - My observations and experiences
Here is some information on our multidimensional existence and our various bodies, both physical and nonphysical, astral, soul, etc - originally posted on my website http://pleiadiantalk.blogspot.com but as I have now decided to "go public" as mentioned elsewhere, I think it is appropriate to share this information here as well and see what other people have to say about it, if they agree and have had similar insights and experiences, or if they disagree, or have other input to the discussion of this following topic.
The first part here deals about out multidimensional reality, and shortly touches on dejavu and other "densities" as put forth by others. Here is the information I received on that by an Ascended Master of the Great White Brotherhood: Do not worry about the new age interdimensional split theories. Rather look at your own interdimensional being and discover that it is of no importance in the long run - you are already there in several of the so called "densities". When it comes to dejavu it is the effect of different causes. One of them can be a connection with one of your other selves which again relates to your interdimensional being, and this is most often the cause. For a short moment of time you receive input from one of your other experiences. There's many other causes for dejavus too but they are not really significant or important. These experiences are going on simultaneously even though "time" seem to separate them. As someone once said "Call me Legion, for I am many". And that saying goes for all of us. Reality is that we are more than "one" physical and spiritual being. This is in a way that I can explain as a myriad of parallel alternate versions of yourself, exists in the same moment and their development unfolds together with your own, and that all of your other selves are connected to a "higher self" or "soul" and that which these physical bodies have within them is only a portion of that complete soul, such as our astral bodies etc, like branches of a tree and leaves on the branches. Ultimately, we develop ourselves inwards, and not outwards, meaning that each of your own selves will not "expand" in consciousness and physical and spiritual development, but rather "implode" into that "higher soul" or "true being" that you are - and that the experiences of all your alternate selves will at some moment merge with this "higher soul" and create a Oneness where you will experience yourself from a completely new perspective and see yourself as the being you really are. Then, you will as this new "Oneness" become "free" from the current location where you are (or rather where the "higer soul" is located) and "ascend" to higher realms and be free of all physical bonds and continue the spiritual and mental development and understanding. But there is more after this "Oneness" is achieved too, higher "realms" and new things to discover about reality of Being and Existence. In other words, to give you a better idea, there are alternate versions of ourselves in alternate (parallel) worlds/dimensions (whatever you want to call it). And each of them contain a soul-fragment, or astral body and various other energy bodies, which are connected to the "true" soul (or "higher soul"). I would say it goes a bit further up than our "higher self", as our "higher self" is basically being aware of the highest aspect of our current incarnation here and being our best in this single plane and do not necessarily include the knowledge of these "other selves". And yes they are unique, and they consist of all time-frames, meaning past, present and future, in other words all earlier incarnations and future reincarnations is out there already enfolding their experiences and existence on their own, without general knowledge of the other selves which all gradually develop towards the Oneness with the Higher Soul, or True Self - and once that is reached, all of these alternate versions of oneself will merge with ones Higher Soul and become the Oneness and progress towards further development, understanding and insights, as well as experiences on a higher level of existence. I guess you can say the "Higher Soul" is the "host", and all the alternate versions of ourselves down "here" (on the lower planes) are the "clients". Sort of like a tree, it has branches with many leaves, and at certain points such as winter the tree (host) will suck in all its resin so the leaves withers and falls of and dies, yet the tree itself stays alive. So, in that sense, you can compare your body here with that of a leaf of a tree, a leaf that is not aware of the tree it is connected to, and at a certain point the life force will be sucked out of the leaf (you) and back to the tree (higher soul) and become one again. But it do not sprout new leaves (bodies) but instead evolves to another state of being (The Higher Soul as Oneness). That was my first understanding of this complex nature of our being. After looking further into the matter and gaining more experience, I will have to add the following: As I addressed above we consist of a Higher Soul, with various Soul Fragments spread out in different physical bodies both in this world and in other alternate worlds. This means that YOU, the one sitting there reading this line now, is one such Soul Fragment of your true Higher Soul. And at the same time there exists different other soul fragments in other bodies spread around in time and space living their own separate individual lives, not being aware of each other or their connection. It is however necessary to expand some on this and give some further explanations. Our Higher Soul may in fact be a Higher Soul Fragment of yet another Higher Soul - and our Soul Fragments may become equal to Higher Souls on ascension after physical death, meaning they too get the ability to spread new Soul Fragments into new bodies. What does this mean practically, you may ask. Let me explain: You, the person you are living as now, are a soul fragment of a Higher Soul. At the same time other soul fragments are spread around that have been spawned from the same Higher Soul, meaning that several people living at the same time are parallel and simultaneous versions of each other. This further means that if any of these connected soul fragments, or parallel selves, did a past life regression to the life prior to the current one, all of them would experience the Higher Soul that they have spawned from as their last life before this. And this explains many things, and actually makes a lot of sense if you look at it - for example many people claim to have been various famous historical people in the past. Most people would think that only one of them could be telling the truth, and the rest either lie or be imagining it. But with the concept of the Higher Souls and Soul Fragments, and the Soul Fragments being able to turn into the same state as the Higher Souls at ascension after Death, and that Higher Souls may very well be Soul Fragments of yet other Higer Souls again, it means that it is indeed quite possible for several people to have been the same person in the past. This is explained by the person whom they all were in a past life having ascended and spawned new Soul Fragments into new bodies, thus creating several new parallel people existing at the same time, as well as in different times and locations in space, meaning that all those current people whom are the Soul Fragments of this Past Person would go back in the same incarnation line to this Past Person when doing a Past Life Regression simply because this Past Person in a sense was the Higher Soul of these current living Soul Fragments, or Parallel Persons. Thus, we exist as Soul Fragments of a Higher Soul which in turn may have been a Soul Fragment of another Higher Soul in its time, and so on into the long gone past, all the way up to Higher and Higher Souls, up to the very level of the Ultimate Soul - God - The Source of the First Higher Souls and Soul Fragments. When it comes to reincarnation, this also solves the problems some would face when trying to mathematically calculate how many souls are present now, and how that would be possible if we keep reincarnating from previous lives, from a time when there were a lot fewer people around than we have now - in other words, there would have to be new souls coming in for the expanding population, and this is what the purpose of the Higher Souls is - to spawn new Soul Fragments for the new people that are born and expanding the population of the Earth. At a deeper level, this of course also mean that we ALL are the SAME and ONE, considering that after all we all have been spawned from Higher Souls back to the Origin, to the time when there were only One Source - God. Love and blessings be with you all -EA |
04-23-2009, 07:36 PM | #2 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Re: Our multidimensional reality - My observations and experiences
wow lovin this stuff
thanks .... so good to see this thread ... to remind me of course what iknow already , but in a fresh vase , inspiring and so well put tooo.... |
04-23-2009, 10:02 PM | #3 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Re: Our multidimensional reality - My observations and experiences
Takin this to the top no
excuses chance for others to take a look ..... |
04-23-2009, 11:02 PM | #4 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Re: Our multidimensional reality - My observations and experiences
wow, i love this... thanks soo much bro!!
im going to have to read it again, but i got chills while reading and also my right temple started twitching like it does when something of substance is presented... lol good stuff bro, many thanks. <3 |
04-23-2009, 11:35 PM | #5 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 158
Re: Our multidimensional reality - My observations and experiences
I am glad you enjoyed it as well as understood it, there are many whom simply can not absorb this kind of knowledge as it goes rather deep. I was rather amazed myself when I first discovered these things.
As said, the rabbit hole goes deep, veeery deep.. And we are all falling down into it eventually. Blessings and love -EA |
05-17-2009, 09:37 AM | #6 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Re: Our multidimensional reality - My observations and experiences
im reading this yet again
such rich and usuful informaton as are all your threads in appreciation rhythmm ... |
05-17-2009, 10:37 AM | #7 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Re: Our multidimensional reality - My observations and experiences
makes you think, makes you wonder, makes you go deeper...
05-17-2009, 10:57 AM | #8 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Re: Our multidimensional reality - My observations and experiences
This makes a lot of sense for me. I love reading and thinking about this subject.
Similiar to Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts. |
05-17-2009, 08:29 PM | #9 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Re: Our multidimensional reality - My observations and experiences
You're an interesting soul, Edward Alexander.
Excellent information. I hadn't thought of many experiencing the same past life in this exact way before. Simply mind-opening... and sensible. Thank you for the work you do. |
05-17-2009, 10:35 PM | #10 |
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 386
Re: Our multidimensional reality - My observations and experiences
Well done in your findings!
You are correct and i only hope others experience this too so they can realise the true reality - not just our earth 3D. 10/10 - top marks! |
05-18-2009, 05:11 PM | #11 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Re: Our multidimensional reality - My observations and experiences
Thanks for sharing your experiences and understandings, great stuff... I really like the visual of the leaf and the tree, that the individualization's of the higher Self are like branches or leaves on a tree, and that's the role we're currently playing, and the higher Self is the tree itSelf, and maybe it's part of an even bigger tree or forest... that's cool
Do you think it's fair to say that the individualization just thinks that they are the leaf or the small branch, but when they break through the illusion they see clearly that they are truly the whole tree? Meaning, do you think that the individualization can remember that it is the higher Self and actually be the higher Self below as the higher Self is above rather than just playing like it's the separate self, the leaf or the branch? Can the leaf realize that it's the tree? Whatayathink? |
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ascended masters, multidimensional reality, spirits, spirituality |
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