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Old 01-28-2009, 02:12 PM   #1
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Question Syncronisities, Mystical experiences, and Zeitgeist

Greetings Fellow Earthlings,

Last month there were two incredible syncronisities that will, perhaps, trigger others to share similar experiences. The mere visuals of both of these events seemed surreal with their surrounding circumstances and the various beliefs about these creatures.

Synchronicities can be quite amazing when you type the characters or symbols contained therein into your favorite search engine.

Several weeks ago, while driving my lumbering RV onto an on-ramp, the front blanketed with large windows, a giant white bird was noticed flying just outside the drivers side. It appeared to have been tracking me through the curving on-ramp that led to the freeway. It went unnoticed until the right bending turn had straightened for the final approach; it was actually quite startling due to it's close proximity and size.

It's giant white wings contrasted against the darkness of night added to the effect; it appeared to be a Great White Owl, but perhaps the night or the extreme excitement masked the darker colors. "Look, Look!", I called out to the friend in the passenger seat, and it immediately flies across the front wind-shield so we both could share its majesty, and apparent lack of fear.

It could have more easily thrown down it's flaps and passed over the top of the relatively short statured RV. This one decided to dart across the front turning the large panes of glass into an experience we'll neither forget. What was it doing flying so low and in an urban area where cars are zooming by at 60+ miles per hour? There are no fields within a half mile of this particular on-ramp.

I've always had a great fondness for all living things and have a house that is blessed by being situated on a boundary where mother nature intersects civilization. Our lives were abundant with quail, fox, deer, red-tailed hawks and punctuated with an occasional flock of turkey vultures; considering we lived in an urban area this was a rare blessing that provided balance in an overly complex world.

Within a month, and due only to what on the surface were awful circumstances, landed another magnificent creature. This time not nearly as close physically, but one that would, within one hour, lead to that which could not get any closer: the the Cathars of France, then to "Gold of the G-ds", or the Holy Spirit.

When walking out of my hotel room a large bird is spotted in the field across the road. My camera was nearby so the creature was carefully approached using some bushes that separated us as a shield.

It was quite large, and from the distance seemed to be wearing a black mask with a very long neck attaching to its light gray body. It's legs too were quite long and from my perspective its height appeared to be in excess of three feet. Several pictures were taken and I returned to my room for my daily fix of intellectual pornography, Internet style.
The great luck of these two magnificent birds gracing me with their presence within the short period of just one month was amazing in an of itself. Or was it luck at all?

It was a fascinating story of a unique Christian culture in which it was considered the sacred bird of light. The Cathars "Church of AMOR" and the greater philosophy into which it fit, Christian Gnosticism, also happened to provide a framework and philosophy that's a close match with personal experience and extensive readings. Their philosophy provided the least cognitive dissonance in the history of world, theology and archeology. It clearly dates back much farther than the Roman conquest of Jerusalem and it would not surprise me to learn that it pre-dates history. Could they be the first true non-denominational philosophy with Christ Jesus being the most recent and most widely known; at least in the western world?

It also provided the best explanation for all the other Christ-like figures in history.

One much more logical than that provided by the producers of Zeitgeist. The latter also lied, via omission, about the date of Jesus' birthday and then 'corrected' it on their errata page. It took 5 minutes to learn the truth as per biblical 'scholars', but as the birth date of Jesus broke the pattern Zeitgeist was intending to show, it was conveniently relegated to a page most would not read.

If the shoe does not fit bury it? The irony that one the primary beliefs of the Cathars, that materialism is a root cause of evil in the world, is certainly at play here and in more than one way. (eg. December 25: Jesus' very profitable non-birthday.)

The "Zeitgeist" agenda was clear, but one wonders for whom were they working?

Could it have been the current generation from the same group that edited our 'Dot 1' version of G-ds' Words as seen through the lens of businessmen? ie. To allow polarization of "The People", and business, though not necessarily in that order. In practice it's used in the exact opposite order as we're polarized at the end of the business cycle. Unfortunately, we shall all soon see how this polarization of "The People" phase manifests and I've no doubt the mainstream media will play a central role.

What I found most interesting with the Cathars is the tie-in with the similarities and exact inversions, [behavioral, literal, symbolic], within the Catharic Church of AMOR, the Catholic Church of ROMA symbols and the many apparent connections with both to Egypt.

The "Zeitgeist of Religion" conclusion that multi-Christ = MYTH is easily seen to be a logical fallacy, but was initially very unsettling to learn that the history presented is largely true; it shook my foundations and sent me scrambling.

However, the alternative
'False G-d' solution too seemed a little too easy, as did the uppercase "G" versus lowercase "g" explanations in apparently supporting scripture; in fact it had the scent of double-talking sophistries.

Can you picture Jesus walking around claiming to be a Deity or was that too ad-libbed for polarization purposes?

Was Christ a uniter or a divider, an equalizer or a polarizer? Was He arrogant or humble?

Could getting as close to His truth be as simple as removing or inverting all polarizing statements?

Did you too not wonder why a beneficent G-d worth knowing would essentially play favorites and reject perfectly good Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Janes, etc.?

Why would G-d would wait until just over 2000 years ago to reveal his Word, through JUST Christ Jesus? Is it just coincidental His message had been given thousands of years earlier in other cultures?

The way in which I was led to them was almost mystical and involved one of the most magnificent birds I've seen: the Great Blue Heron, the bird of light.

The coincidence of the inversions and polarizations illuminated by the Cathars were uncanny. Polarizations that have only grown over the millenia and appear to be peaking in our current generation.

When one reads of the 'heretical' Gnostics in "WIKIPEDIA" being associated with the Nazis and well known Satanists, like Crowley, one must wonder who is behind their agenda.

[The emotive power of subtle meta-communications can never be understated and I've learned whenever a media resorts to their use you've found a useful red flag of a topic or person to further investigate. The snickers, eye rolls and loaded questions used against Ron Paul were a very good example.]

I've studied the Nazis, Mayans, Egyptians, Aztecs, Satanic cults and numerous other groups. Most of them have influenced me, some positively others not.

Does that mean I'm defined by them?

"Bird of Light" to the "Church of AMOR" brought down by the "Church of ROMA"

Considering the Gnostics insisted on consistent behavior and ethics Western culture associates with the Christian writings, their connection to the Puritans of New England, and others that rebelled against Christian behaviors being inverted by those claiming to be Christian leaders, it's surprising our American educations exclude them.

It's curious these apparently very pious people, almost by definition, had no name for themselves other than good men, good women, good Christians. Somewhat odd for a group that some references allege thought of themselves as Deities. Or can they be defined by their goal to become as close as possible in behavior?

The name 'Cathars' appears to have been a slang term used by some Catholics as an insult.

A group
so respected by their
Catholic neighbors the latter were willing to fight an die for them.

A people so unique, relative to the earlier victims of the inquisitions, the knights sent to slay them were so shaken by the their lack of fear and pain, many 'converted', on the battle fields, and also gave their lives by attempting to protect them.

When one also learns of their other belief, that to connect to, and have a relationship with the Holy Spirit, one needs no church or priest, but only a good heart and behavior, also to avoid the material temptations, it becomes clear why they represented such a great threat to the papacy and their supporters.

Last edited by taadev; 02-17-2009 at 08:43 AM. Reason: Sizing changes made to CSS & conflict w/'Minty'
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Old 01-28-2009, 08:30 PM   #2
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Default Re: # WIP: Syncronisities, Mystical experiences, and Zeitgeist

You have no idea, this post brought me into tears with joy!

It confirms what I have hoped, it is happening, one by one will we remember everything!

Nothing is exactly new to me in 'Gold of the Gods', but the way it is put together makes all the difference. I had a real deja-vu. I understand more of my own deep pain and my deep joy at the same time.

Yes, we can do it, yes, we will do it. THIS time we won't be stopped.

Thank you, taadev. You made me turn a corner!
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Old 01-28-2009, 08:56 PM   #3
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Exclamation Re: # WIP: Syncronisities, Mystical experiences, and Zeitgeist

I have ordered the book 'Gold of the Gods', in fact more than one copy.

THIS should be the No. 1 book for the Ground Crew!

Last edited by Josefine; 01-28-2009 at 09:04 PM.
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Old 01-28-2009, 08:58 PM   #4
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Default Re: # WIP: Syncronisities, Mystical experiences, and Zeitgeist

I see that this has not been moved to active threads. How come?

This is easily the most important thread so far on this forum, IMHO!

It has made me understand the deeply buried pain of my partner, who has been a Cathar, but who has been shielded from seeing it all.

I am glad you brought it out as it is, right away. I am sure it will catch the attention of others, quickly!

Last edited by Kathleen; 01-28-2009 at 10:17 PM. Reason: oops, clicked wrong button
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Old 01-28-2009, 09:40 PM   #5
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Default Re: # WIP: Syncronisities, Mystical experiences, and Zeitgeist

I'm not sure what to make of this just yet, but something resonates a lot. Thanks for sharing.

(Josefine!? You're alive! Hvorfor forsvandt alle titaner? Mjelk og Mjel er borte også.)
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Old 01-28-2009, 09:56 PM   #6
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Default Re: # WIP: Syncronisities, Mystical experiences, and Zeitgeist

U make me blush

You know, we have to catch our breath. I want to use pictures in my post.
and my Photoshop 6.0 from 2000 is installed in another machine and we have no instructions and so forth. A new Photoshop is quite expensive.

I like to start some threads with illustrations.

In the above OP you got to go to the link where the book is. That is where it is at!


Last edited by Josefine; 01-28-2009 at 11:18 PM.
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Old 01-28-2009, 10:09 PM   #7
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Default Re: # WIP: Syncronisities, Mystical experiences, and Zeitgeist

your experience with the white bird reminds me of something I read in one of Dolores Cannon's books, right now I don't remember which one but it was one of her regresions where under hypnosis the person recalled seeing a big white bird (an owl) so perfect and magnificent flying just in the same way tyou described it. Under this deep hypnotic state, the person could see that behind this bird was an extraterrestrial-angelic being so perfect and luminous that she couldn't move, she was awstruck, she talked to this being but the point is that she only could see and remember the experience under the deep hypnosis, the story has a lot more to it but the circumstances are very similar to yours. You can check Dolores' books on books.google.com, they're really amazing.
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Old 01-31-2009, 07:55 AM   #8
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Thanks for this!
After all these incredible circumstances I too have wanted to explore dreams. It was unreal and what's stranger is it happened in real life; especially the white owl. My mom recently passed and another friend from Hawaii told me they believe their recently departed come back as white owls. The location was what made it strange; by a freeway on-ramp?

Originally Posted by cloud9 View Post
your experience with the white bird reminds me of something I read in one of Dolores Cannon's books, right now I don't remember which one but it was one of her regresions where under hypnosis the person recalled seeing a big white bird (an owl) so perfect and magnificent flying just in the same way tyou described it. Under this deep hypnotic state, the person could see that behind this bird was an extraterrestrial-angelic being so perfect and luminous that she couldn't move, she was awstruck, she talked to this being but the point is that she only could see and remember the experience under the deep hypnosis, the story has a lot more to it but the circumstances are very similar to yours. You can check Dolores' books on books.google.com, they're really amazing.

Last edited by taadev; 01-31-2009 at 08:00 AM.
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Old 01-31-2009, 04:54 PM   #9
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Default Re: # WIP: Syncronisities, Mystical experiences, and Zeitgeist

Taadev - we can feel your quickening, reading this post.

Czymra had a threat about symbols, so yours can tie into that in a Big way.

We know that the Divine will deliver to us living creatures who carry the living representation of Itself. These experiences, I believe, are meant to be recognized as synchronicities, are meant to have us interact with them, to bring them internally/eternally to life within us.

Such are things ordinary to the making of the Mystic...Thank you!
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Old 02-01-2009, 02:20 AM   #10
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Default Syncronisities, Mystical experiences, and Zeitgeist

A friend was asking me 'what does it mean?' You left that out! My reply was I was not sure what it meant and that it was just amazing in and of itself. Could the owl have been my recently departed mother coming back to say, "Things are great! Don't worry!" as some believe, Who am I to say no?

Are not events in life whatever we make of them?

But, as it pertains to my first hand experiences of children [and adults] being used like so many cattle, someone said 'This was the path they chose.' This presupposes we're getting the option to come back into lives and experiences that we choose. That everthing is predetermined and that suggests we really do not have choice. This does not make sense to me.

If anyone could be so kind as to point me to some literature or videos that explain this it would be greatly appreciated. Why would G-d create such negativity as the world and peoples thereon have experienced if our creator is so beneficient?

I'd really hoped everyone was having things like this happen to them as they were quite exciting, breathtaking in a world that can be, at times, somewhat less so.

If we can share these situations/events with others perhaps we can raise all our 'vibration levels', positive energy, whatever you want to call it.

One does wonder why everytime I look at the original post the size of the characters change. Today they were quite large and looked like they needed to be edited AGAIN.
When originally writing I had, on my own accord, and wanting to emphasize certain parts, ended up with somewhat of a Chistmas tree effect. When I stood back and looked at the whole it was not good, but I fixed that straight away. Then when the notification of your message came in and was paging down the font size had grown to a size much larger then when it was written.

Who on avalon's web site is playing with font sizing and what's the purpose?

Originally Posted by Dakini View Post
Taadev - we can feel your quickening, reading this post.

Czymra had a threat about symbols, so yours can tie into that in a Big way.

We know that the Divine will deliver to us living creatures who carry the living representation of Itself. These experiences, I believe, are meant to be recognized as synchronicities, are meant to have us interact with them, to bring them internally/eternally to life within us.

Such are things ordinary to the making of the Mystic...Thank you!
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Old 02-01-2009, 05:30 AM   #11
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Hi Kathleen,
I HOPE I've got it fixed by removing all the fonts and colors. Because of all the discrepancies b/t default and minty.

The MINTY sizing 'bug' cannot be fixed except by your web developer. (Note size 2 in minty is SMALLER than size one.)

default (no size)
size 1
size 2
size 3
size 4
size 5

It's too bad the attempts at emphasizing cannot be transparent to the post writer. (At least the sizing should be consistent, but graceful conversion in color emphasis too would be nice.)

This was such an incredible experience I hope it's not one of those 'you had to be there' type situations.

The polarities and inversions given to me on the real meanings in the Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes now have even more of a foundation.

Our culture has twisted things around to the point we've become lost beings having no idea as to what we're really about; mere slaves to our education, culture, and of course jobs to survive in this 'civilization'.

Originally Posted by Kathleen View Post
If you're using Minty (as I do) ... Just highlight the parts you cannot see.

Works like a charm!
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Old 02-03-2009, 12:30 AM   #12
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Smile Re: # WIP: Syncronisities, Mystical experiences, and Zeitgeist

Originally Posted by Kathleen View Post
<snip>.....you are very fortunate to have seen either of those birds close up...a gift!

(questions about font/sizing etc can be directed to Colin or Gareth.....our admins)
There's no doubt about this! I had hoped others too would be having similar experiences with animals and/or birds; I can see and feel their quickening.
It feels like they're coming to life in more the human sense; I've witnessed this in more than one animal recently. (ie. Dogs that can understand entire sentences.)

The Great Blue Heron was not close, but it quickly lead to something very close to my heart and experience. Have you noticed the more you read the more questions you have, the more stupid you feel? The Cathars and their beliefs solved almost every single question or uncomfortable feeling had about my own faith.

The answer to all my questions about the beneficent G-d/Holy Spirit of which most of us are taught and know in our hearts exists. It tied my questions of history and G-d from the world theology together.

The font issue was directed and a message back received; it seems like the author of the style scripts might be no longer around, but I offered to take a look, if the .css scripts that are output by the php can be plucked out and forwarded.

Always with love,
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Old 02-03-2009, 02:59 AM   #13
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Oops, this is not the same author/book!

Here's a link to an online version of 'Gold of the Gods".

Gutenberg rocks and is filled with so many pearls!

Originally Posted by Josefine View Post
I have ordered the book 'Gold of the Gods', in fact more than one copy.

THIS should be the No. 1 book for the Ground Crew!

Last edited by taadev; 02-03-2009 at 07:21 AM.
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Old 02-04-2009, 06:21 PM   #14
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Default Re: Syncronisities, Mystical experiences, and Zeitgeist

Originally Posted by taadev View Post

Who on avalon's web site is playing with font sizing and what's the purpose?
I used a changed size before I figured out how to quote others here - I'm kind of a dummy sometimes. Sorry if you thought I was diminishing anything said - to the contrary, I wanted to address certain things bc it felt very important. So I finally figured out how to quote ppl properly!
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Old 02-05-2009, 04:37 AM   #15
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No, no, no; this was nothing that was done by you or anyone else on the front lines. The control scripts used to control the sizing appeared to have changed from day to day in the background.

Perhaps it was a browser bug, but one day MY text looked readable and the next day like it way over sized. I removed most sizing and all colors when I saw how bad it looked in minty.

I know the feeling like a dummy sometimes very well...

(Like when doing a 'search and rescue' on my car keys.

Do you ever get the feeling we've too much info to manage in our world?
(Then the turkeys that post baloney that scares people out of their mind.)

Originally Posted by Dakini View Post
I used a changed size before I figured out how to quote others here - I'm kind of a dummy sometimes. Sorry if you thought I was diminishing anything said - to the contrary, I wanted to address certain things bc it felt very important. So I finally figured out how to quote ppl properly!
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