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Old 10-28-2008, 01:00 AM   #251
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Barry during Dr Bill Deagle's latest PC interview he mentioned a RAMBO CHIP, apparently this chip is a "rage control chip" which when flipped can cause a person to fly into a fit of rage, flip it the other way and it reverses the effect. It was created in the 1960s as part of Delgardo's Research.

Bill also spoke about wet-wiring humans' brains with platinum and paladium micro-wires.

He spoke of a custom made CT implant that could implant these micro-wires into specific nuclei in the brain to use super-computers to convert neural-net stochastic firing sequences into particular images to see and hear what the human was perceiving and also to control behavior.

Once again the technology he speaks of resonates with your release of information.

Thought you may appreciate knowing there are others who have information which correlates to your own.

All the Best
Yes glad to hear that. I can directly relate to the rage, yes this is created within the individual in order to literally create chaos and as a very brutal weapon. I have suffered this several times when my chip was activated to release that rage. If unchecked anything and anyone within range is in extreme danger. Often the controllers will initiate the rage in order for the individual to complete a mission fully.

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Old 10-28-2008, 01:28 AM   #252
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I just wanted to say Barry thank you for being you, much thanks from the heart for being here and helping us and the earth and its people in general. I really cannot thank you enough. Kudos to you.

Much love and protection until I see you on the back side
Old 10-28-2008, 02:08 AM   #253
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the time is here to unite each ones abilities. what you decide to do with it is your fate. the time to act is at hand
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Old 10-28-2008, 02:53 AM   #254
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Originally Posted by Tuza View Post
I just wanted to say Barry thank you for being you, much thanks from the heart for being here and helping us and the earth and its people in general. I really cannot thank you enough. Kudos to you.

Much love and protection until I see you on the back side
Thankyou for those very kind words, I appreciate it a great deal

Warmest regards,

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Old 10-29-2008, 11:11 PM   #255
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Barry I was reading through your Voice files yesterday and I came across maps of where bases are in Australia. You've noted on the map that there is a NSA base in the South of Western Australia over a small town called Katanning.

Can you elaborate with any addition information pertaining to this base, it's operations and/or it's operatives please?

All the Best
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Old 10-29-2008, 11:14 PM   #256
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Yes glad to hear that. I can directly relate to the rage, yes this is created within the individual in order to literally create chaos and as a very brutal weapon. I have suffered this several times when my chip was activated to release that rage. If unchecked anything and anyone within range is in extreme danger. Often the controllers will initiate the rage in order for the individual to complete a mission fully.
Is there anyway to block the receiving function of the chip?

All the Best
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Old 10-30-2008, 10:35 PM   #257
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Is there anyway to block the receiving function of the chip?

All the Best
unfortunately there is no way to block this chip, it cannot be disrupted in any way unless a rogue element within the controllers (NSA) decides to

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Old 10-30-2008, 10:36 PM   #258
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Barry I was reading through your Voice files yesterday and I came across maps of where bases are in Australia. You've noted on the map that there is a NSA base in the South of Western Australia over a small town called Katanning.

Can you elaborate with any addition information pertaining to this base, it's operations and/or it's operatives please?

All the Best
I will reply privately but here i can give a few open links to sites containing public data, which might assist too













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Old 10-31-2008, 12:06 AM   #259
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Thanks Barry, very much appreciated.

All the Best
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Old 10-31-2008, 12:34 AM   #260
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unfortunately there is no way to block this chip, it cannot be disrupted in any way unless a rogue element within the controllers (NSA) decides to
Sorry to hear this.

The NSA's stronghold is this Global Super computer system which is itself connected to other Computer Systems Off-World. It controls so many things, from the implants in humans and hybrids, to the programming of the PLFs, to creating living programs for mind-control & mind-programming, to monitoring the thoughts, brainwave patterns of the populace, to monitoring of behavioral patterns, to amassing a global genetic database, to formulating genetic constructs, etc etc etc. (what have I missed Barry? what else does IT control?)

So with so much "power" at their fingertips it places them in a position of absolute corruption. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

With all these "hybrids" being created by all these different groups I ponder why a hybrid hasn't been created which can get into the system itself and take control away from the Ultimate Controllers?

I imagine a System so Advanced would have many checks and balances to pass through before one could get to the core of the system though.

I suppose it would be like going after the Holy Grail wouldn't it?

All the Best

Last edited by Ara; 10-31-2008 at 03:46 AM.
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Old 10-31-2008, 04:13 AM   #261
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Barry I notice those links all refer to interception of Communications. Are they also tracking and intercepting Off-planet craft communications?

Dan Sherman speaks of being bred specifically to be a communications link between Off world intelligences and the military. He would receive coded information from the Off Planet intelligences which he realised were the location of abductees.

When he realised that he was actually getting the information which perpetuated an abduction event he got out.

So why would the Off Planet Intelligences willingly communicate to the military the designation of who needed to be abducted? This would be a case of where the Military (and/or alphabet agencies) and some Off-planet Intelligences are working hand in hand?

Are some factions (human and/or Off Planet Intelligences) spying on other factions via this 'communication interception system'?

If so then there's a maze of spying out there, one 'human' alphabet group spies on another alphabet group, one off-planet intelligence spies on another Off planet intelligence and mixed up in all this are so-called Brotherhoods and Secret Societies.

No wonder they all encode their communications.

All the Best
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Old 10-31-2008, 09:26 PM   #262
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Sorry to hear this.

The NSA's stronghold is this Global Super computer system which is itself connected to other Computer Systems Off-World. It controls so many things, from the implants in humans and hybrids, to the programming of the PLFs, to creating living programs for mind-control & mind-programming, to monitoring the thoughts, brainwave patterns of the populace, to monitoring of behavioral patterns, to amassing a global genetic database, to formulating genetic constructs, etc etc etc. (what have I missed Barry? what else does IT control?)
You are doing very well as it is without my input

So with so much "power" at their fingertips it places them in a position of absolute corruption. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
it does, thats why its difficult to overcome them

With all these "hybrids" being created by all these different groups I ponder why a hybrid hasn't been created which can get into the system itself and take control away from the Ultimate Controllers?
that would be the 'ghost in the machine' scenario, plans put in place should such an eventuality come about

I imagine a System so Advanced would have many checks and balances to pass through before one could get to the core of the system though.
you would not believe

I suppose it would be like going after the Holy Grail wouldn't it?
oh i think the holy grail would be a picnic compared to this

All the Best
My warmest regards

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Old 10-31-2008, 09:37 PM   #263
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Barry I notice those links all refer to interception of Communications. Are they also tracking and intercepting Off-planet craft communications?
that would be within the remit of those facilities especially Pine Gap

Dan Sherman speaks of being bred specifically to be a communications link between Off world intelligences and the military. He would receive coded information from the Off Planet intelligences which he realised were the location of abductees.
yes i have followed his writings

When he realised that he was actually getting the information which perpetuated an abduction event he got out.
problem being, you never fully 'get out', you are always shadowed

So why would the Off Planet Intelligences willingly communicate to the military the designation of who needed to be abducted? This would be a case of where the Military (and/or alphabet agencies) and some Off-planet Intelligences are working hand in hand?
indeed so, some MILABs are a joint collaboration military/alien

Are some factions (human and/or Off Planet Intelligences) spying on other factions via this 'communication interception system'?
the watchers are watched by other watchers yes

If so then there's a maze of spying out there, one 'human' alphabet group spies on another alphabet group, one off-planet intelligence spies on another Off planet intelligence and mixed up in all this are so-called Brotherhoods and Secret Societies.
the complexity of it all can be quite baffling to those outside the loop, even inside it can stagger the mind at times lol

No wonder they all encode their communications.
not too surprising eh?

All the Best
warmest regards

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Old 11-01-2008, 01:05 AM   #264
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Thanks for the replies once again Barry.

Barry I noticed on one of the DVDs there is mention of an interview with Bill Uhouse and a couple of other gents and yourself.

May I ask if you spoke directly with Bill Uhouse?

Just wondering if you and Bill ever had the opportunity to share intel.

Bill Uhouse drew a picture of a "grey" EBE. Have you seen the picture ?

Here it is at a website: http://www.boomspeed.com/joseph2/J-Rod.htm

Is it an accurate representation of the "greys" (real guys )whom you are aware of?

All the Best
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Old 11-01-2008, 02:23 AM   #265
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Are some factions (human and/or Off Planet Intelligences) spying on other factions via this 'communication interception system'?
the watchers are watched by other watchers yes

I imagine that with all these different factions that not all groups' implants are connected into the one system. So are ufo/abductee/starchildren researchers programmed to search for contactees, hybrids and Genetically enhanced humans so their own groups can tag them, implant them and bring them into their system?

Barry you've mentioned that the USAF/NSA is working in collaboration with certain Off Planet Intelligences (OPI). You've also mentioned that some of the experiments they are doing are worse than what the Nazi Scientists performed.

You've mentioned previously that the OPI have continual monitoring of USAF/NSA people.

Are USAF/NSA Personnel & Operatives under the Control and Influence of Off Planet Intelligences?

Just trying to work out where the buck stops. Does it stop with the USAF/NSA or are they minions of OPI?

Did the OPI give this technology and information to the USAF/NSA (via Treaty negotiations ) with no conditions attached?

Do the USAF/NSA have free reign to use the OPI's information and technologies in any way, shape or form as long as they abide by their part of the agreement and that is to create a viable Human MK2?

All the Best
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Old 11-01-2008, 08:49 PM   #266
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Thanks for the replies once again Barry.
my pleasure

Barry I noticed on one of the DVDs there is mention of an interview with Bill Uhouse and a couple of other gents and yourself.

May I ask if you spoke directly with Bill Uhouse?
no wanted to but Miles never got around to arranging a meet

Just wondering if you and Bill ever had the opportunity to share intel.

Bill Uhouse drew a picture of a "grey" EBE. Have you seen the picture ?
yes i have his full story on file

Here it is at a website: http://www.boomspeed.com/joseph2/J-Rod.htm

Is it an accurate representation of the "greys" (real guys )whom you are aware of?
being a number of species re greys, yes its representative

All the Best
My best regards

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Old 11-01-2008, 08:56 PM   #267
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
I imagine that with all these different factions that not all groups' implants are connected into the one system. So are ufo/abductee/starchildren researchers programmed to search for contactees, hybrids and Genetically enhanced humans so their own groups can tag them, implant them and bring them into their system?
no there is some splintering and that is why certain groups seek others outside of their usual control and bring them into their control

Barry you've mentioned that the USAF/NSA is working in collaboration with certain Off Planet Intelligences (OPI). You've also mentioned that some of the experiments they are doing are worse than what the Nazi Scientists performed.
yes, the work of the 1940's German (and Japanese) scientists was continued and has evolved into hideous experimentation

You've mentioned previously that the OPI have continual monitoring of USAF/NSA people.

Are USAF/NSA Personnel & Operatives under the Control and Influence of Off Planet Intelligences?
some are, some have defied the controlling protocols and have entered dangerous roads in trying to assist non agency personnel with intel

Just trying to work out where the buck stops. Does it stop with the USAF/NSA or are they minions of OPI?
good question, i ask that myself often

Did the OPI give this technology and information to the USAF/NSA (via Treaty negotiations ) with no conditions attached?
conditions attached, you probably know of one or two

Do the USAF/NSA have free reign to use the OPI's information and technologies in any way, shape or form as long as they abide by their part of the agreement and that is to create a viable Human MK2?
not exactly free reign, a degree of monitoring goes on which in the past has caused direct intervention, resulting in loss of life unfortunately

All the Best
hope thats helped, regards

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Old 11-01-2008, 09:01 PM   #268
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Hi Watcher. Were you born in Essex UK - above or below ground? Thanks
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Old 11-01-2008, 09:09 PM   #269
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Originally Posted by Ngai Te Rangi View Post
Hi Watcher. Were you born in Essex UK - above or below ground? Thanks
LOL above ground I can assure you, i have date, time and exact location if it helps?


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Old 11-01-2008, 09:12 PM   #270
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Due to the large response I received, requests for copies of the various discs are being worked on as quick as possible but slight delays due to numbers and the annoyance of computer having to have its operating system reinstalled twice in last 24 hours. Please be patient, all those requesting discs will receive them asap. Thanks

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Old 11-02-2008, 02:27 AM   #271
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Did the OPI give this technology and information to the USAF/NSA (via Treaty negotiations ) with no conditions attached?
conditions attached, you probably know of one or two
LOL. Thanks Barry! Yes I am sure I can put one or two together in my mind.

I imagine that with all these different factions that not all groups' implants are connected into the one system. So are ufo/abductee/starchildren researchers programmed to search for contactees, hybrids and Genetically enhanced humans so their own groups can tag them, implant them and bring them into their system?
no there is some splintering and that is why certain groups seek others outside of their usual control and bring them into their control
Barry what do they do when they come across people they can't control?

Do the USAF/NSA have free reign to use the OPI's information and technologies in any way, shape or form as long as they abide by their part of the agreement and that is to create a viable Human MK2?
not exactly free reign, a degree of monitoring goes on which in the past has caused direct intervention, resulting in loss of life unfortunately
In what manner have the USAF/NSA used Off Planet Intelligence's (OPI) information and/or technology to cause the OPI to directly intervene?

Just trying to ascertain how far the OPI allow the use of their information and technology. I would imagine if the USAF/NSA try to use the OPI's own information and/or technology against them they wouldn't be too happy.

All the Best

Last edited by Ara; 11-02-2008 at 03:39 AM.
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Old 11-02-2008, 09:54 AM   #272
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Thewatcher bravo bravo!!
I have just spent the best part of my day off reading this thread, while my Boggvillian family watch Funnest Home Videos oblivious to what may be going on and not wanting to know. But for me some questions from Boggville if you don't mind.

Is the sole purpose of the ptb to use the developments outlined for military purposes only ( I suspect not)

If not what implications do you foresee?

Is there a Faraday box of sorts that Boggvillians can employ to negate the intrusions of psi. implants ect.?

Do you have any knowledge of agendas that are programed to be applied.
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Old 11-02-2008, 05:57 PM   #273
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
LOL. Thanks Barry! Yes I am sure I can put one or two together in my mind.
yep, you will with no problem

Barry what do they do when they come across people they can't control?
easiest option is character assasination, ruining the individuals life with phoney charges, worst case scenario, elimination

In what manner have the USAF/NSA used Off Planet Intelligence's (OPI) information and/or technology to cause the OPI to directly intervene?
when operatives have tried to use technology or data exceeding the agreed parameters, OPI have disabled/disrupted projects, eliminated individuals

Just trying to ascertain how far the OPI allow the use of their information and technology. I would imagine if the USAF/NSA try to use the OPI's own information and/or technology against them they wouldn't be too happy.
as far as necessary

All the Best
Warmest regards

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Old 11-02-2008, 06:02 PM   #274
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by AussieG View Post
Thewatcher bravo bravo!!
I have just spent the best part of my day off reading this thread, while my Boggvillian family watch Funnest Home Videos oblivious to what may be going on and not wanting to know. But for me some questions from Boggville if you don't mind.
Hi there, of course please ask away

Is the sole purpose of the ptb to use the developments outlined for military purposes only ( I suspect not)
if there is a weapon system capability with acquired technology then yes that is first use. Very little is utilised for betterment of mankind

If not what implications do you foresee?
until this technology is in the hands of civilians there is no hope nor control free future

Is there a Faraday box of sorts that Boggvillians can employ to negate the intrusions of psi. implants ect.?
only if you can access one of the many secure facilities

Do you have any knowledge of agendas that are programed to be applied
there are many agendas in the pipeline, paths to different directions, changeable all the time.

Hope thats helpful, regards

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Old 11-03-2008, 04:27 AM   #275
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Very little is utilised for betterment of mankind
Doesn't this go against the Treaty Agreement then?

From the information shared so far I understand the Off World Intelligences have stated that if the human race is to continue that a new re-engineered, genetically modified and enhanced form must be created- the Human MK2. (And this mandate was given to the Nazi's during the Second World War which initiated their desire to create a Master Race.)

Are you saying the Off Planet Intelligences only want super-soldiers, genetically enhanced humans, hybrids etc to be created as long as they have a 'military application' to them?

(I understand that mandate is applicable to the USAF/NSA)

Barry, I must be missing something here.

If the creation of Human MK2 is a necessity for the continuation of our race, and the OPI's agenda is an altruistic one then why aren't they intervening to prevent the militarization of the Human MK2?

Where do they intend colonizing humans in the future? In the middle of battlefields?

All the Best
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