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Old 12-27-2008, 08:59 AM   #1
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Default Push For Fluoride in Bottled Water!!!

Push For Fluoride in Bottled Water!!!

I have just read this article in the NZ Uncensored Magazine by Kelly Burke and am shocked by this!

"Bottled water may soon contain an additive the beverage industry and health experts have lobbied for in unison: fluoride.

After concluding there were no public health and safety concerns, Food Standards Australia New Zealand has called for submissions to show why the authority shouldn't approve an application by the Australian Beverages Council to add fluoride to bottled water.

The move has the support of the peak dentists' body. the Australian Medical Association, and the Public Health Association of Australia among others.

Approval of the voluntary addition of fluoride is being considered with the proviso the maximum level of one milligram per litre is adhered to, in line with the existing level for fluoridated tap water. The bottled water would also be subject to mandatory labelling.

Here is their website should you wish to contact them for further info or to object or to make a submission. http://www.foodstandards.gov.au/
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Old 01-06-2009, 09:00 PM   #2
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Default Re: Push For Fluoride in Bottled Water!!!

Hi All.

Just found this very interesting article!!!!


23 published studies report an association of reduced IQ
with high fluoride exposure

Print version (pdf)

In the summer of 2008, the following two reports reviewed the published studies reporting an association of high fluoride exposure and reduced IQ. The fluoride levels in water in these studies range from 0.88 – 9.4 ppm......

rest of article at above link and by the way the Fluoride Action Network website looks like an amazing resource here:


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Old 01-06-2009, 09:11 PM   #3
Jacqui D
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Default Re: Push For Fluoride in Bottled Water!!!

This is terrible news!
I for one only drink bottled water, the drinking water in my area of the UK is very hard.
I have used various filtered water jugs but this does nothing for the hard water.
I have a condition called simply burning tongue, it's just that my tongue feels like it's burning all the time.
I have tried various medications and at one point was put on anti-depressants for this condition.
The only way i have of controlling it is by drinking bottled water, we also have a high copper content in our water, this gives me problems also.
I hope they do not implicate this.
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Old 01-06-2009, 10:11 PM   #4
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Default Re: Push For Fluoride in Bottled Water!!!

Well as you are in the UK you will probably be ok.

Get yourself a reverse osmosis water filter, or a distiller. Then you can take all the **** out the water and only put back in it what you chose. Love is recommended

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