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Old 09-16-2008, 10:24 PM   #1
Bill Ryan
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Default Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Hi, All:

Kerry and I listened to this very recent Zeph Daniel interview with JOHN MOORE (1 hr) last night. Click here to download:


This is heavy stuff and needs to be heard. We'd welcome intelligent debate.

Here are the issues:

* Moore (whom we don't know) has talked with three USN submariners and independently they have referred to a classifed USN map that shows dramatic rising sea levels and changes of coastline. A hand-drawn map which we believe is similar to the map Moore refers to is below.

[Moore said - compellingly - that for submariners, knowing where the bottom and the surface of the ocean is is "mandatory".]

* Moore claims that recently (earlier in 2008) important moves were initiated such as the transfer of libraries and the planned relocation of the CIA to Denver.

* Moore claims that the Queen of England has a prepared underground facility near Crestone, CO. [We can confirm this from a source we know in CO.]

* Importantly: we reported in our major article 2008: The Future is Now that

One source, which we have not yet reported, has told us that on 5 November, 1971, using a device called a chronovisor, the US Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC, was observed "under about a hundred feet of brackish water".

We do NOT know the date of the event which was observed here, nor what the incident was determined to be that had caused this event.

We're still in close touch with this source, whom we've not yet met - but have talked with for over eight hours on the phone. In time, we hope to do an interview to help release this man's astonishing story.

I asked him where all this water could possibly come from. The melting of icecaps could not account for it. He did not know.

But John Moore has an explanation: the equatorial bulge, in which sea level is over 400 feet higher (i.e. further away from the center of the Earth) - held stable by the equilibrium of gravity and centrifugal force.

There are hundreds of cubic miles of 'extra' water there. A small wobble in the Earth's axis, he states, could trigger giant tsunamis that could cause unimaginable devastation.

This scenario SEEMS to be part of what Dan Burisch called the "T2" catastrophic timeline (on which future humans experienced a pole shift in or around 2012). He has clearly stated - and we believe him (see our major report on Timeline 1, variant 83) - that the 2012 pole shift has been averted.

John Moore, however, SEEMS to be saying that recent secret moves for preparedness appear to indicate that the Powers Thet Be are STILL preparing for something. Moore argues that the timeline for this looks to be sometime round about end 2009 or 2010. (Note: what Boriska said about a major catastrophe involving water.)

We are cautiously skeptical about Moore's information, but feel it's important enough to open a discussion about it. Our view (and intuition) remains that this level of catastrophe WILL NOT HAPPEN.

Very best to all, Bill

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Old 09-16-2008, 10:28 PM   #2
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Thanks for this Bill-i raised a question about remodelled world maps after the raising of sea levels-Have you got one of Europe including U.K.? Crikey Charles!lol.
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Old 09-16-2008, 10:36 PM   #3
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Strange that you bring this up today, over the last year, year and a half, I have had a dream of a friend and I paddling in a boat past rooftops in an area that is 50' above sea level.

That would mean a rise of up to 75-100 feet...

This morning while the site was down, I was reading through George Green's transcript from April and he is saying they foresee a major quake happening in California.

Instead of water rising is it possible a section of California could sink that far from a quake?

If that much land was suddenly pushed into the ocean, what type of rise would occur around the world?

Could a quake that size cause the wobble you mention allowing the band of water around the equator to spread?
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Old 09-16-2008, 10:38 PM   #4
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Its quite strange that you bring this up Bill.

Just the other day i was watching the british news, I cannot fully remember what the topic matter was but it was irelivant.

What did strike me was the map that was displayed in the top left backround for about 4 seconds.

* It showed England with a much reduced coastline. It also appeared to have 3 large lakes which i estimated to be about 200 miles in diameter.

* Ireland was shown beside it. The coast line was receeded roughly about 100 miles and all that it appeared to be was a roughly circled much smaller Island.

This striked me as very strange indeed, and im not quite sure why it is they displayed it. I felt it had some relevency in this thread which is why i posted it.

I'll do my best to find the video on youtube. It will be like looking for a needle in a haystack because i cannot remember the exact date this was aired and unfortunatly i was that busy that i forgot all about it until you mentioned it here.
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Old 09-16-2008, 10:42 PM   #5
John aka#404
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

I have always wondered about the Canary Islands volcano and its effects.
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Old 09-16-2008, 10:43 PM   #6
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Lock n load try and find it mate!I'm very interested in rising sea levels and i mean abrupt rise!I want a map of Europe that represents a potential rise to see if my area is safe i'm curious even if this doesn't occurr.Could that map on the news have been a subliminal message like they use in advertising the winged dove in flight etc.?
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Old 09-16-2008, 10:52 PM   #7
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Originally Posted by Antaletriangle View Post
Lock n load try and find it mate!I'm very interested in rising sea levels and i mean abrupt rise!I want a map of Europe that represents a potential rise to see if my area is safe i'm curious even if this doesn't occurr.Could that map on the news have been a subliminal message like they use in advertising the winged dove in flight etc.?

I will try my best. Its kind of difficult because it was sometime in the last six days and i just cant remember which one. I cant even remember what time it was on it just struck me when Bill mentioned it and i remember the map perfectly.

I could draw it for you if you like to give you some idea, for some reason i have a photographic memory of it.

Also, im going to do a google search for it. Someone else is bound to have noticed it as well and hopefully the done what i should have and followed it up straight away.
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Old 09-16-2008, 11:00 PM   #8
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

perhaps there could be some source of upward pressure from beneath the sea bed/ocean floor?

I didn't know about the bulge due to centrifical force. That makes sense, and I can visualize the chaos if the earth should take on a wobble.

This sounds possible.

A Tsunami doesn't sound like it would account for a changed coast line, because it should naturally recede again.

This should be interesting. I used to like amusement park rides. Getting a bit old for it now.
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Old 09-16-2008, 11:03 PM   #9
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

I recall seeing a coastline calculator based on rise in feet. I didn't bookmark it unfortunately, but Michael St Claire has a small animation on his lightseeds sight that shows England and some of Europe shrinking as sea level rises.
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Old 09-16-2008, 11:05 PM   #10
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Originally Posted by Number 404 View Post
I have always wondered about the Canary Islands volcano and its effects.
Yellowstone National Park - Super Volcano - blows & splits the US continental shelf in two maybe?

I remember watching a documnetary about this possible event some time last year..

Tektonic (sp?) plates forced wide apart after the eruption causing massive water displacement..

I really need to move away from the coast
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Old 09-16-2008, 11:10 PM   #11
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Ok guys i cannot find a copy of that news broadcast anywhere. If you know anyone who archives BBC and ITV broadcasts please tell me and I will do my best to root it out.

In the meantime i got a normal map of Britain and Ireland and edited to the best of my memory.

This is very similar to the map that was displayed on either the BBC or the ITV news for a very brief moment of time.

[edit] - Looking at this now, Ireland appeared to be much thiner then i have displayed in this picture. But im sure you get the idea.

Last edited by lock'N'load; 09-16-2008 at 11:12 PM.
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Old 09-16-2008, 11:14 PM   #12
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Musado have a look at this!Docu drama there are 6 different end world scenarios in the whole vid.
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Old 09-16-2008, 11:19 PM   #13
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Thanks Lock n load i'm on the edge of the central lake but i'm at a far higher altitude than Cambridge which is fenland below sea level! and London is about 5 -a10 mets I realise it's a generalisation though.

Last edited by Antaletriangle; 09-16-2008 at 11:24 PM.
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Old 09-16-2008, 11:23 PM   #14
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Originally Posted by Antaletriangle View Post
Lock n load i'm on the edge of the central lake but i'm at a far higher altitude than Cambridge which is fenland below sea level! and London is about 5 -a10 mets I realise it's a generalisation though.
That map isnt 100% accurate mate, but its the best i can do with only my memory.

I'll make it my business to find someone who archives them news broadcasts, theres bound to be someone.

Unfortunatly im currently in an area that was submerged in that map close to the west coast.

Lets not take this too seriously ehh , if it happens it happens but im sure we will get some kind of warning well in advance. My prayers and best wishes are with ya.
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Old 09-17-2008, 12:04 AM   #15
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Just edited a download in photoshop to illustrate a 350 feet rise in sea level and the effect in the Brit. isles from a relief map.
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Old 09-17-2008, 01:40 AM   #16
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Ramtha talks about this scenario of a 3 degree axis tilt, I think saying it's caused from the melting of the ice caps, which act like anchors on the earth. With the result being as discussed, water being sloshed around the earth like water in a bathtub.
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Old 09-17-2008, 01:50 AM   #17
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Bill; Thanks for the topic. There is evidence that this has happened before, several years ago I sailed to Santa Cruz Island 20 miles southwest of Santa Barbara, California Santa Cruz is about as pristine as you can get in that part of the world, Dr. Stanton owned most of it until his death in 1987, and kept visitors to a bare minimum. with the proper permits our group went for a Hike on the Island and found Beaches with sand, shells, etc at the 150 foot elevation, these were not just on one part of the island, but in many other places. The higher altitude beaches we found were above Prisoner's harbor.
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Old 09-17-2008, 05:00 AM   #18
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Reminds me of Gordon Michael Scalion's predictions of what Earth will look like.
Bill "the Doctor"
P.S. Nyssa? Companion to the 5th Doctor Who?
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Old 09-17-2008, 05:03 AM   #19
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Please do not forget to factor in the web bot project global
coastal event.

Deb & I have been listening to JR Moore for several years now. We're very fond of him and believe him to be a sentimental dork (lovingly intended) caught in a 007 time warp.

JR's mantra is a home at least 500 ft ASL minimum. His archives are available at RBN and his website
is http://thelibertyman.com/

Mr Moore has been monitoring the move of government infrastructure away from the beltway to higher
ground for at least three years. Google CIA Denver is an example from his knowledge base. He claims that Al Gore's inconvenient truth is correct, but the time line is a lie and is much shorter. The move of critical government agencies is scheduled to be completed by January of 2009 to give you a frame
of reference for the actual time line.

He also gave advance warning from his good old boy special forces network of the mobilization of 25%
of the available reserves back in June. His source knew the number, but not the make up of units in
this mobilization. He's a nuts and bolts kind of a guy. Very believable. He will not mislead you unless
he has himself been misled.

Last edited by Baggywrinkle; 09-17-2008 at 05:24 AM.
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Old 09-17-2008, 08:38 AM   #20
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Some nice pictures, also about the sea level changes, you find on this thread

If temperatures raise, polar caps melt, but also water grows bigger (don't know how to call it in english? expand?)
If the polar caps melt, a lot of water flows to other places. So a lot of weight disappears. The weight on the polar cap disappears.
Is this enough to make tectonic plates tilt a little or something like that? I don't know if this question is already addressed here somewhere, but does anyone know an answer?

If tectonic would tilt, wouldn't it be nearly impossible now to make proper charts of land, after sea level has risen?

Bill, says here, the polar shift have been averted. How does one avert a polar shift? Seems to be a job for Superman, or Hercules But seriously, how can it be averted, if a shift was realy on it's way?
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Old 09-17-2008, 09:40 AM   #21
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Hello co-creators,
A 'thankyou'to Bill & Kerry for the interview.
I wanted to share this with you all.
In the CD set that I recommend below, Ramtha discusses the rise in sea levels and a 3- Degree Axis Shift.www.ramtha.com
Ramtha gives a very thorough and valuable description of the times to come(that are already here!)
The CD I recommend is a 3- part CD set named 'CHANGE'.'THE DAYS THAT ARE HERE'. From The Prophecy Series.
In this cd set Ramtha talks about the Earth being a 'living being',Global Warming, 3- DEGREE AXIS SHIFT, placement of countries from the shift,solar flares,the 'poles' past,present and future,THE GREAT OCEAN CONVEYOR BELT,The science of HAARP and the demise of technology,countries most affected by the coming Earth changes,preparation for self-sufficiency,and the other side of the changes.These are to name just a few!
This cd set is packed full of really good solid information.It has certainly helped me to educate myself.This information combined with Project Camelot's material has proved to be absolutely precious.
I also really recommend taking a look at www.beyondtheordinary.net
This fantastic radio website is absolutely awesome!! It's packed with wonderful interviews and fabulous information very relevant to the times to come.I recommend listening to 'Gregg Simmons' in the ARCHIEVES,also Pam Pazis from The HAPPY HOVEL(Pam talks regularly about food storage).Uncle Richard from THE SURVIVAL CENTRE www.survivalcenter.com is also providing essential information on Beyond The Ordinary. There is an abundance of information on all of these websites.
One of the most beautiful quotes I heard from BTO recently was
Good Luck, and may all your manifestations be 'wonderful'!
Love & Unity

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Old 09-17-2008, 10:09 AM   #22
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Here's the Flood Map Calculator that was referred to earlier:

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Old 09-17-2008, 11:06 AM   #23
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Hi Bill, Thanks for the info and the map.

It is really nice to be able to send you a direct message, combined with the knowledge that it may possibly help others on the forum too.

Regarding sea level rises, there is a neat little mod for google earth that lets you set the sea level rise from 0 to 100m.

I am not sure how accurate it is but I hope it will give most people an idea of what could possibly happen in their planned ground crew areas.

The link to download the mod is:

It was created by Zoltán BÜKI from Budapest. His website is here:

Have a play with the mod and see what you 'all' think.

Thanks for all the Hard Work that you and Kerry put in everyday.

Very best, LackOf_Funds
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Old 09-17-2008, 11:10 AM   #24
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

The map shows the disappearance of the North West Highlands, some of the highest points above sea level in the UK!
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Old 09-17-2008, 11:20 AM   #25
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Default Re: Potential sea level rises - and where does the water come from?

Originally Posted by lock'N'load View Post
Ok guys i cannot find a copy of that news broadcast anywhere. If you know anyone who archives BBC and ITV broadcasts please tell me and I will do my best to root it out.

In the meantime i got a normal map of Britain and Ireland and edited to the best of my memory.

This is very similar to the map that was displayed on either the BBC or the ITV news for a very brief moment of time.

[edit] - Looking at this now, Ireland appeared to be much thiner then i have displayed in this picture. But im sure you get the idea.


I wonder if what you glimpsed was just a map of the UK showing the Storm areas.

When there is storm or rain, they sometimes show this with a blue colour overlaid onto the map.

An example of this can be found here: (About a quarter of the way down the page titled: Major Flooding in June 2007)

As you say the map was only visible for 4 seconds. This may be what you saw.

LackOf_Funds - but lots of love!
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