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Old 02-24-2010, 02:45 PM   #1
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Default Working free energy device

This one looks real and working. Claims to scale up to any level of power.





Other claimed technologies in the works:
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Old 02-24-2010, 02:57 PM   #2
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Default Re: Working free energy device

Interesting comment the inventor made about the fact that this science is going full speed ahead in China nad Japan in this video, and that the US may be the last to jump on the bandwagon:

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Old 02-24-2010, 05:19 PM   #3
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well having it be illegal to work on in the US is a big part of it.

Schools are threatened to lose Grants and Funding, heads of companies threatened, or...

Friends and colleagues of three Tesla Motors employees who died Wednesday during a plane crash in East Palo Alto are remembering the trio today as men who used technology to make the world a better place.

The Mercury News has learned through sources close to the company that the deceased are: Doug Bourn, 56, of Santa Clara, a senior electrical engineer; Andrew Ingram, 31, of Palo Alto, an electrical engineer; and Brian M. Finn, 42, of East Palo Alto; a senior manager of interactive electronics.

The National Transportation Safety Board should have some results in five days as to what caused the Cessna to clip a PG&E power line and crash on Beech Street in East Palo Alto, said aviation accident inspector Joshua Cawthra. What will help, he added, is East Palo Alto's "shot spotter'' system, the city's high-tech sensors that detect gun shots. The noises from the plane's engine were detected on the system, and could help explain why the plane crashed moments after taking off in heavy fog for a trip to Southern California.

The inventions are out there, but not allowed to move forward.

I've been invited to bring mine over seas and put it into full production, but I keep waiting for the day that the US will wake up...

I'm getting very tired of waiting...
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Old 02-24-2010, 05:22 PM   #4
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Default Re: Working free energy device

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
I've been invited to bring mine over seas and put it into full production, but I keep waiting for the day that the US will wake up...

I'm getting very tired of waiting...
If you have free energy technology that someone somewhere on this planet is willing to put into production you should jump on that asap.

World changing events don't have to originate in the US. In fact I'm sure the best ones won't.
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Old 02-24-2010, 05:31 PM   #5
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Default Re: Working free energy device

Originally Posted by Seafury View Post
If you have free energy technology that someone somewhere on this planet is willing to put into production you should jump on that asap.

World changing events don't have to originate in the US. In fact I'm sure the best ones won't.
If I had an offer from Scandinavia or Australia I would most likely say yes.

GM built a Quarter Billion dollar research facility offshore and is going to start producing vehicles not available in the US...

General Motors, the largest vehicle producer in China, last week officially launched a wholly owned science lab in Shanghai, its latest move to strengthen local research and development (R&D).

The lab, the first of its kind in China by a global automaker, will focus on advanced propulsion technology, battery cells, mega-city safety research, advanced vehicle development and light materials, GM said.

It is expected to employ up to 100 staff during its early stage of operation.

GM did not reveal cost details.

The move comes 12 years after GM set up Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center Co, a 50-50 R&D joint venture with partner SAIC Motor Corp. Pan Asia, which has 1,200 employees, is responsible for car R&D for GM's China and other Asian markets.

GM's vision for the new science lab calls for "a world-class R&D organization that will help drive GM's automotive business into the future", said Alan Taub, the US auto group's vice-president for global research and development.

Kevin Wale, president and managing director of GM China Group, said that the science lab will enable GM to leverage China's research talent using the company's extensive resources to develop innovations that will benefit of vehicle users around the world.
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Old 02-24-2010, 05:41 PM   #6
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One Professor I spoke with says the US Education system is forced to teach the laws of impossibility instead of allowing creativity to allow the possibilities...
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Old 02-24-2010, 08:10 PM   #7
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Default Re: Working free energy device

Thanks for starting this thread.

Okay, based on the fact that absolutely no real free energy devices are operating in the majority of all homes in the world, only proves one thing. What makes this particular fact so sad and so very "true" is that it completely and immediately and most importantly "continuously" involves YOU and me and everyone else. This very sad fact and it doesn't have to be that way. Just what is this fact? It's the fact that WE ALL don't seem to want to realize that WE ALL are completely responsible for helping to make free energy a part major part of our lives.

Gossiping about free energy, no matter how good it looks and feels to us is our own fault. Actually doing something about it all, like "physically doing" one or more related things each and every day is the key factor here. YOU chose to either do this everyday or not. For example, you probably agree that more is better, like more money in your pocket is so good hu? How about the more people being "more and more" active concerning free energy?

You really desire free energy right? Well, based on what your doing right now and what you've done in the past... I seriously doubt it. *Unless of course you have at least "attempted" to promote free energy to your neighbor, family, friends, strangers, co-workers and others. Maybe you actually still do this every day or maybe once per week, I dunno. That's all "ok" because I too have been up to know good as well, so I'm no saint. Because I am talking to myself here as well, telling myself that there's so much more to our world and that I too am a reason why it all exists.

All these internet campaigns concerning free energy almost make me physically sick. I guess that the websites who advertise free energy 24/7 are "ok". It's the fact, that at this time right here right now the majority of us (me included) some how believe that we can't make a difference. Let's change all that right now and take our "free energy gossip" off line as well. How?? For starters, wake up and know that your eternal and unlimited. Next, well you could write eye catching words in caps, such as "FREE ENERGY! ! !" on paper and then post it inside your vehicle, where your new ad is facing the world for all to see. When ever you drive around your advertising something that shows others that you actually care. Especially to people like me and you! Don't you ever wonder who else out there is so interested in free energy as well?

You've got to be kidding me that your actually that ignorant to believe that it's someone else challenge to bring free energy into our world and not yours as well?? If so then your just the kind of cattle that your handlers desire. Break free from them and "Be the change that you want to see int the world" (Mahatma Gandhi).

It's not the fact that your internet service provider, movie industry, gov., school system, music industry and so many other mass population organizations are either waking up or trying to stop free energy for what ever greedy and ignorant reason(s). It's the fact that all of those organizations exist because of YOU.

You seriously wanna continue worrying about how, when, why, where and who will bring free energy to every family and person in the world? Well.. then your only helping to continue what your handlers love and expect from you each and every day of your whole life. Which is your own doing and operates extremely well, like a free energy device. Like the gift that keep's on giving, accept you don't realize that your not getting anything in return.

I don't personally don't know any of you. Yet we all are the same race called humans. What you read is based on my 38 years of existence on mother earth. If any of it offended you then I am sorry you haven't decided to awaken and see the truth or at least other perspectives concerning the truth of it all. Again, I too and in the same boat as you and don't think that I am any better than any of you, ever. That's not my point here anyways. We all must work together and the current establishment has no interest in helping us all do that at this point.

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Old 02-24-2010, 10:23 PM   #8
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Default Re: Working free energy device

There's a related thread on the same company: http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=17493
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Old 03-12-2010, 07:03 PM   #9
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Default Re: Working free energy device

The Witts device is in direct contraction to itself. They need donations to get ramped up but the government represses the technology from betting put into production. If they had a solution, why not simply make it available by schematic and video building instruction? Oh the government will shut them down. Well put a pdf/zip out there and see how fast it gets around. The government can't stop anything. 99% is bluff. Yes they can intimidate a few but not stop the real thing. These people could sell thousands/millions of how to kits and benefit their "ministry".

If they had "Faith' they would put out the zip file with a request for donations and get the income they want from the millions of people that would build the device, see it works, save money. They're coercion approach doesn't indicate they have much faith, only a gimmick.

Liked to be proved wrong.
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Old 03-12-2010, 09:09 PM   #10
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Default Re: Working free energy device

Originally Posted by Realview View Post
Well put a pdf/zip out there and see how fast it gets around. The government can't stop anything.
I thought of that too... plus the fact that it takes "paid for" electricity to get it started...
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Old 03-12-2010, 11:57 PM   #11
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Default Re: Working free energy device

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
If I had an offer from Scandinavia or Australia I would most likely say yes.
Rocky that's really interesting...I have a friend here in Australia who is in the energy business, and I know they have been having a glimpse into the possibility of diversifying their traditional core business with "over unity" devices. I don't know much more but I could check what their interest level is and more details on the tech they may be looking for.
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