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Old 09-13-2008, 12:33 AM   #26
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Default Re: Australian Ground Crew Members?

Originally Posted by Tuza View Post
I live in Lara which is a semi-rural town between Melbourne and Geelong Victoria. Before I even saw the sites re Camelot and Avalon I myself self published a book on Lulu.com called Afternoon with James the Alien. It has some stuff I pick up (without meditating or anything) I just pick it up without thinking about it on what is going on, especially big things connecting aliens, ets, government cover-ups, secret experiments, that type of thing.

I still get that there is more than one possible time line. I also get that there are many, many realms of existence helping us at this time. Everyone we know that has passed over is watching and trying to help - just those alone who love us deeply - without all the others.

I am pretty calm at the moment. Sometimes very rarely I wake up in the middle of the night with a panic attack and that is a problem for me but that hasnt happened recently thank God. I think we need millions of ordinary people to invoke, meaning just ask for help and it will be there. This is what is happening at the moment I keep asking for help from everyone within light and I know it is done. Please, please all of you do this now, it really, really helps. Just a few words with intent, please.
HI Turza
Its Been Calm since 8/8/8 now something has changed since 9/11 perhaps a stir up in the sub consciouss again...
It is so true that we need to gather as group and focus on expanding the Light. invoke or mass consciouness or oversoul.
It Is Time now to focus not on fear but on how we want things to be.
It is our key to freedom
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Old 09-13-2008, 02:10 AM   #27
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Default Re: Australian Ground Crew Members?

channel ten forum UFO story on some morning show.


join this forum and get the message across to the mainstream.
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Old 09-13-2008, 06:01 AM   #28
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Default Re: Australian Ground Crew Members?

Thanks Atama
watched the interview..via your link
great that it was allowed to air.

Have you seen much activity?
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Old 09-13-2008, 08:45 AM   #29
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Default Re: Australian Ground Crew Members?

Hi all, is there anyone from the goldcoast/ brisbane area, just a thought, but wouldn't it be wise to move away from the south australia to somewhere further north. there are 2 commodities that are on your side. Water and heat. Thats 2 less fundamental survival elements we need 2 worry about. they are in plenty supply up in northen territory and further west. I would rather be to warm and have enough water, (which supresses the appetite may i add) than be to cold and searching for food.
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Old 09-13-2008, 12:49 PM   #30
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Default Re: Australian Ground Crew Members?

Hey guys,
Agree with this :
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------
channel ten forum UFO story on some morning show.


join this forum and get the message across to the mainstream.

But hate to put a spanner in the works as I would dearly LOVE there to be 'contact' and some Youtube people say it'll happen on the 14th of October apparently, but if any of you guys are into the 'shadow government' side of things ... this could all be a very dodgy manipulation by THEM, to have a fake landing, fake doomsday war or some attack by the supposed aliens, and then form this so called new world order to 'save' us from the alien invasion in the future ... hence the start of a 1984 (the movie) style era ... Does anyone else get this rambling messag or am I just crazy ? There's just a lot of talk of this on web sites such as P Camelot and Red Ice Creations ... Any thoughts ?
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Old 09-13-2008, 12:52 PM   #31
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Default Re: Australian Ground Crew Members?

Sorry to put another thing in here. Just really liked this link to a talk with David Icke. Thought you guys might be interested if you haven't gotten into the whole new world order thing ...

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Old 09-13-2008, 12:53 PM   #32
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Sorry ... last one ...

And this one's really good too.

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Old 09-13-2008, 02:42 PM   #33
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other cool docos i have found are

THEDisclosure Project lead by Dr Steven Greer ( one of my personal heroes LOL)

out of the blue,

what the bleep do we know?,

billy meier the silent revolution of truth and the pleiadian mission, Must See! ( for at least 15 years i thought this was fake, I thought it is just too incredible a story and too much evidence to be true) now i am convinced otherwise.

Zeitgiest (number 1 internet video of all time i think),

David icke Freedom or Facisim ( he has done soooo much homework its not funny and although my verdict is still out on the very hard to get your head around the reptilian thing, the way he pieces together the Illuminati trails through history is damn near epic) well worth the 6 or 7 hour plus footage lol i sad EPIC!

Jaime Maussan and Santiago Garza - 2006 - Phenomenal UFO Activity From Mexico its in google video and has AMAZING footage in it

missing secrets of nikola tesla Must See!

The Illuminati - 1 of 4 - Blair's Biggest Secret, is he a Freemason (2005).avi
The Illuminati - 2 of 4 - Bush's Brotherhood of Death (2005).avi
The Illuminati - 3 of 4 - The Illuminati (2005).avi
The Illuminati - 4 of 4 - The Illuminati's Tarnished Crown (2005).avi

The New Atlantis Must See

The secret of the sphinx and edgar cayce

Heavy Watergate ( cold fusion doco) Must See

most of alex jones docos like endgame, and others that slip my mind

it could be said i am a doco junkie lol and there just the conspiracy ones :P
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Old 09-13-2008, 11:57 PM   #34
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Talking Re: Australian Ground Crew Members?

Originally Posted by manda View Post
Thanks Atama
watched the interview..via your link
great that it was allowed to air.

Have you seen much activity?
yeh we're seeing lights, nothing big big yet.
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Old 09-14-2008, 12:02 AM   #35
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DON'T BE SOOOO PARANOID. don't worry about the stupid Illuminati, if you have been learning about them then you know it is YOUR FEAR that feeds them.
if you react to these things out of fear then they already control you.

I dare the Illuminati to come and get me... you watch it won't happen.
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Old 09-14-2008, 01:42 AM   #36
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Default Re: Australian Ground Crew Members?

Hi all, if your interested search youtube for Carlos Diaz ships of light, it has about 10 or so parts, is a bit slow to kick off but IMO is worth the watch.

Cheers, Lindsay.
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Old 09-14-2008, 09:13 AM   #37
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Hi, another GC member from NSW, live North Shore, and work in Sydney. Planning to move west next year if I get permenant residence.


I am human becoming, help me to become
We are humans becoming, help us to become.
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Old 09-14-2008, 11:25 AM   #38
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Default Re: Australian Ground Crew Members?

Hi All

I Had the pleasure Of meeting one of our ground crew in person today.

I would encourage all of you to take the plunge and meet each other.

Trust does need to be built between us , I know. Sometimes a great risk brings benefit.

To talk freely is refreshing and rewarding.

Anyway today I met Vesta
What a wonderful Human, warm And Wise.
We Shared a bunch of Stories , and many pieces of puzzles clicked together.

So Thanks Project Avalon
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Old 09-14-2008, 11:57 AM   #39
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Hi Manda,

thanks again for taking the time and trusting in the process to meet with me today.

Can I just say it was such an amazing and rewarding experience that I am sure we will build on it into the future.

Manda you have so many insights, and experience in so many different areas, it was wonderful to spend the time with a fellow ground crew member discussing a variety of subjects face-to-face.

This is how it all begins I guess, tentative steps towards building a wonderful new network. We are not alone and this forum allows us the opportunity to recognise that and work on sustainable relationships.

For everyone, pls do take the obvious precautions in organising any mtg with someone who you have only met online, having said that I also look forward to the opportunities of meeting with more of you in person.

I note many of us will be endeavouring to attend the Nexus Conference next mth.

Blessings to you all,

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Old 09-15-2008, 04:09 PM   #40
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Default Re: Australian Ground Crew Members?

Hello Australien Kin

nice to see you here.

i've enjoyed reading this thread, and hearing our voices.

as i've enjoyed (the bumpy ride) of watching all the Camelot vid's.

i'm acutely conscious of the need to balance a precarious mixture of the survival and the spiritual.

I think they are ok to exist together. It feels true that we need to attend to the realities of our physical existence. this is a necessary step. and we know we don't want to be relying on our governments for this type of thing, or benevolent extra terrestrials. So new structures that can withstand heavy winds, storing food and water, going solar, saving seeds, planting gardens, getting out of the cities and choosing safe places are all high on the agenda.

As well as attending to these survival issues, and for exactly how to attend to these survival issues, we need to listen to the sound of our inner voice, join in group prayer and manifestation (avalon is great for this), and thoroughly attend to our spiritual life and our internal selves. While it doesn't seem right to rely on 'them' to all of a sudden take control of meeting our base chakra needs for food, water and shelter (isn't that the side of things we're supposed to take of?), we are lucky enough to be part of a quickening process that is leading to mainstream awareness of the e.t phenomenon, and a world where real exchanges between us and beings from other worlds and thymes is a daily reality. And so asking for help from the e.t's is fine by me. I join in the prayer for their help, as i simultaneously plan for my physical survival. i've come to believe it's ok to have a base chakra.

Will the human race survive or not? well yeah, Hoagland says we always do, he seems pretty on to it to me. Henry Deacon talks about a few different timeline scenario's, but none of them is total oblivion. So we know that some of us get to carry on in some shape or form. Am I scared? **** yeah. Am I ok with that? yeah pretty much.

I guess my input to this thread is to say that just because someone is organising for their future based on a possible global (on whatever level) catastrophe, and looking to spread this message to help others organise in this same way, it doesn't mean they are acting out of fear. In fact, it might just be the sane thing to do.

I'm talking to me too, as much as you.

I live in inner city melbs and i'm trusting that these connections we are forming here and my own guidance will navigate gracefully and awkwardly to higher ground. pro found.

good threads to ya all

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Old 09-15-2008, 08:19 PM   #41
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I'm Andy and I'm on the Central Coast, up near the Entrance.

I'm not sure how much I'd class myself as spiritual. I was raised Catholic, but ever since abotu a year out from 9/11 I've sensed things slowly changing and getting worse with each passing day- like we were headed for something major. A guy in a chatroom showed me camelot 6 months ago and I've been here ever since, although there'd be alot I haven't read that you guys would have.

I'm not sure how much good I'd be to a community, but if it helps, I've got an Adv. Dip in Electrical Technology and a Dip in Telecomms Technology and I'm currently in the middle of a BA which I'd planned on turnign into teaching qualifications post grad (whether that can still happen though may be a different story). I'd definitely be keen in joining a survival group, provided there's room.
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Old 09-15-2008, 09:12 PM   #42
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Hi Bow,

there's always room for another crew member!

It's not just about the tertiary qual's, though I'm sure those that you have would be gratefully accepted into any of the boards' communities depending on your choice of destination but the fact is you're here and expressing the desire to join up with other like minded ppl and contribute to a group!!!

That says it all friend,

blessings to you and yours,

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Old 09-15-2008, 10:49 PM   #43
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Exclamation Australian Ground Crew Members !!!


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Old 09-15-2008, 11:08 PM   #44
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Default Re: Australian Ground Crew Members?

West Australia. Australia is already screwed because of our PrimeMinister Kevin07.
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Old 09-16-2008, 05:50 AM   #45
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Default Re: Australian Ground Crew Members?

Originally Posted by atama View Post
channel ten forum UFO story on some morning show.


join this forum and get the message across to the mainstream.
thats brilliant i watched it last night and forwarded it around thanks for linking to this. cracks in the wall u rippa.
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Old 09-16-2008, 10:35 AM   #46
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Default Re: Australian Ground Crew Members?

Originally Posted by Global Nomad View Post
Hey guys,
Agree with this :
channel ten forum UFO story on some morning show.


join this forum and get the message across to the mainstream.

But hate to put a spanner in the works as I would dearly LOVE there to be 'contact' and some Youtube people say it'll happen on the 14th of October apparently, but if any of you guys are into the 'shadow government' side of things ... this could all be a very dodgy manipulation by THEM, to have a fake landing, fake doomsday war or some attack by the supposed aliens, and then form this so called new world order to 'save' us from the alien invasion in the future ... hence the start of a 1984 (the movie) style era ... Does anyone else get this rambling messag or am I just crazy ? There's just a lot of talk of this on web sites such as P Camelot and Red Ice Creations ... Any thoughts ?
Thanks for tht Link Global Nomad:

From what Ive heard
the good contacters are coming in, sheilded from sight into 6 point systems, as their is still hostility around..

I have had 'dreams' of a false invasion .. it created so much confusion...

which altimately put everyone into an altered state
and therefore very Very Open to suggestibility.
NWO Robots instantaneously..

Their is heaps of Fake .. But then is it?

Have you noticed How confusion puts you into a place where you need to choose... but if some one offers you a solution to your problem you can deem them wiser than self... slightly more personal analogy to problem/ solution icke ..

See I can ramble toooo
Really REally puts it together well

White Divine Blessings Of Light
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Old 09-16-2008, 10:44 AM   #47
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Default Re: Australian Ground Crew Members?

Originally Posted by Lindsay View Post
Hi all, if your interested search youtube for Carlos Diaz ships of light, it has about 10 or so parts, is a bit slow to kick off but IMO is worth the watch.

Cheers, Lindsay.
Havnt Had A chnce to Watch it yet..
There is so much info out there!!!!

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Old 09-16-2008, 11:39 AM   #48
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I have noticed some people showing doubt in themselves and their potential for contribution to Ground Crews.

If you have come to this forum you obviously care about what's going on in our world, you have probably also got some concern that it's not looking all that good on several different fronts, you may be seeking confirmation of your feelings, observations and instincts by joining in to the dialog, its all good whatever the reason and whatever your opinion is.

If you have the desire to survive whatever is thrown at us in the future you already have IMO the most valuable skill, from that desire alone (regardless of training etc) will come the most productive outcome for individuals and groups, possably even leadership. Your desire to survive will ensure that you make the necessary descisions and take the risks etc when the chips are really down, don't doubt yourselves guys, everyone is valued.

Cheers Lindsay.
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Old 09-16-2008, 12:08 PM   #49
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Thanks Lindsay

Together We stand
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Old 09-16-2008, 10:51 PM   #50
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I'm Tez, found the site - joined - and started to post last night just as the site went down, great to find you all here..
Had posted in another area then found this section so sorry for any double post.
Looks like the site is only days old though, and growing rapidly - hense the problem with going down last night. Looks like i have a lot of catching up to do.

I had been on some other sites as a member, but there was too much in-fighting starting to go on and nothing being discussed so decided to look around for a more cohesive and sharing group which i had been into on the last forum.

Am on NSW North Coast and wanting to shift to the NSW Tablelands in the next 6 to 12 months.
Have been collecting a heap of information and preparing over the past few years, and will share what i have when i find out what is already on the forum.

Cheers to all,

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