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Old 12-16-2009, 10:40 PM   #1
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Default Love: That's how I contact'em

Hello all,

I've always known that they are out there, the space brothers & sisters. While meditating I made contact via telepathy. Except it was like hearing them through a distant AM radio station that you couldn't tune into properly. They told me that I needed to be more love in order to have a more clear communications with them.

I already knew what that meant and went to work reforming my whole being into more love or oneness. While around friends, family, co-workers and strangers I learned how easily I did not let their negative energy affect or "be" part of my being. I also (time & time again) saw how all of them, in one way or another, wanted nothing to do with more possible positive solution(s) concerning them and/or our worlds challenges. I stopped watching all TV shows, movies, reading books, new papers and internet.

If it continued to promote more low frequency such as any form of selfishness, greed, lust, hate, anger, ignorance I would not let it "be" part of my whole being.

I also changed my diet to raw organic foods & pure clean water and exercised regularly.

The next telepathy/meditation I had with them (the ones I call Beings of love) was so much more clear, it was more than clearest telepathy. I could now see their faces and they looked like the most healthiest & attractive humans I ever saw. They were also beyond love, like more oneness but so much more. I wanted to meet them in person, but they would not specifically tell me how I could meet them.

They just said, "We will meet you soon, be patient Kevin." Few weeks later around 1 am they contacted me. I was already awake and knew some how that they would be contacting me. Mainly because I wanted to physically see them. They then asked me to meet them some where and I did but they were not on the ground. They were in a ship about 3,000 feet above ground. Or maybe their consciousness was being projected from that light or ship. The object glowed a bright white and gold color.

When I asked if that was really them they said, "Yes". I was about to ask them to move their ship or object for me when the object moved maybe 50-100 feet to the right. It then jiggled or bounced some how. Hard to explain. Like the object was in this reality and another reality at same time.

After a few minutes my good old fashion ego decided to step in and force itself upon all of us. I now wanted more. Especially more information concerning a female of the group that I was communicating with. Ah yes, my lust was now stepping in as well. Me being a single man is no excuse either. I then tried (maybe forcing?) pressing the issue of me seeing more of what this female looked like (big mistake!). Next came my greed or selfishness? Because I also wanted to show a friend of mine (here on earth) that a space ship or object was up in the sky. That must of been the last straw for the beings of love. Before I could contact my buddy I heard them say, "We must go now and we love you". My heart dropped. I realized what I had done and knew if I just would of continually chose more love, peace, harmony, compassion, happiness, they would of stayed longer for me. I watched their ship slowly move up into the air then in the blink of an eye the object was gone.

I made video that explains some of that event and another UFO experience I had as well. I call the video, "Mass scale alien visitations: What's happening?" Here is the link...


Kevin aka Clarity of Awareness
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Old 12-16-2009, 10:51 PM   #2
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Thank you for sharing your experience ClarityofAwareness and for putting that lovely video together.
I believe the Heart is the portal to cross to be in contact with these higher vibratory beings for the heart can see what is blinded to the eyes.

Keep that Love in your heart.

Love from me
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Old 12-16-2009, 10:53 PM   #3
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Now that was awesome
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Old 12-16-2009, 10:57 PM   #4
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Wow! That was wonderful. Thank you for sharing that and also for your understanding of why they withdrew at that time.


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Old 12-16-2009, 10:57 PM   #5
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Thanks mudra I am definitely keeping & being more higher frequency in my life.

Thank ye Shadowstalker, anyone can do what I can do and I am no more special than anyone.
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Old 12-16-2009, 11:06 PM   #6
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Hi Carmen, thank you for your comment and understanding. Anyone can do this as well, to contact such beings. It is a wonderful experience. Being more oneness itself is an amazing experience in itself! I found that I had absolutely no worries, no problems no low frequency in my whole life (memories included). For starters, it's like having a huge 10,000 ton rock lifted from ye shoulders (to say the least).
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Old 12-16-2009, 11:08 PM   #7
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That was a beautiful video. You seemed to have learned a lesson in your contact which is a positive thing and enable you to grow.

Again, thank you for posting that video.
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Old 12-16-2009, 11:11 PM   #8
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I know, i have had a visitor or 2 in my day as well
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Old 12-16-2009, 11:22 PM   #9
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Hi Clarityofawareness,

Since you have contact with some beings. It is a good time to ask some good questions.
Where are they from?
What is there message to us?
What do they know about earth history?
Like what happen in the last 12000 years?
How many civilization did we have between that period? rise and fall of them?time line?

You always have to think about it that any one of us do not know who we are and there for do not know who they are. And what are there intension for contacting you?
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Old 12-17-2009, 12:34 AM   #10
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Hi Shairia, yes every experience is a needed one. No matter how much or little one likes the experience. So I learn from it all and do what I can to be more oneness. Very challenging indeed because no one around me (people I see everyday) desires more love for our whole world and all life.

lol Shadowstalker. Maybe they will come again for a visit?

Hello mu2143. Good questions you have. None of which I have the answers for and none I can ask any such beings. Mainly because my contacting them is much more than such. It's about me "being" with them. Challenging to explain and I hope you understand. Also, I am not here to "make" anyone believe in such experiences as mine. I will say that I'd hope folks would at least continually evolve their awareness more & more. That is a fantastic way to possibly meet up with some space folks at some point maybe.
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Old 12-17-2009, 01:16 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Clarityofawareness View Post
Also, I am not here to "make" anyone believe in such experiences as mine. I will say that I'd hope folks would at least continually evolve their awareness more & more. That is a fantastic way to possibly meet up with some space folks at some point maybe.
Sounds good! Thanks for sharing. A term I have herd is psychic pollution! I believe that our space friends can see it on earth like a weather radar map. Different levels of vibration or consciousness I guess. I was told that there are heavy pockets in the middle east and the usa. Surprise surprise! I am also to understand that this psychic pollution is causing problems in other dimensions.
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Old 12-17-2009, 01:25 AM   #12
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Thanks for your excellent post. You have a real knack for communicating abstract concepts and making the whole thing clear and obvious. I really liked your description of the your thought process as the contact progressed. I've done a bit of this myself, although my ability to "see" the beings I'm contacting in meditation is not as good as yours, I have seen objects in the sky respond to my thoughts many times. I agree with all of your comments about what it takes.

It is also my experience that they are not here at this time to answer all of our questions. It is more a matter of expanding our awareness, simply letting us know that there is more out there, and that if we approach our neighbors in the spirit of love and peace, they will respond. And yes, anyone can do this.

I look forward to more of your posts in the future.

Last edited by Jnana; 12-17-2009 at 01:29 AM.
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Old 12-17-2009, 02:13 AM   #13
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JesterTerrestrial, I send you energy of love and hope that you continue expanding more awareness concerning the "pollution". You've definitely got what it takes (along with some here) to help our world and put very huge dent into the low frequency global plans, from such low frequency beings involved. I commend you!

Hi Jnana, nice to meet you as well. I am such a deep person, you may have no idea (yet). Sometimes I get so deep that I get lost in what I was doing, lol. For example, onetime I was trying to make a video series about language. My goal was to try and show people how most language are forms of seperation, not oneness. *Although everything is "oneness". I think you know what I mean? Anyways I failed in making that video series. Mainly because it goes from physical explanation and perspectives to nonphysical and much more. How does one explain something that can not be expalined with such limited language as ours? lol. Oh well, our journey continues!

All of you are special & something very good for me and our world. Very emotional I am sometimes and after say that I almost have tears . just gla d to be here
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Old 01-05-2010, 09:45 PM   #14
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Jnana, thanks again for recommending this thread. I guess I'll repeat what I posted in the other thread.

I had been practicing meditation for a couple years and one night decided to try to project my mind to the space nearby the earth. I had read something somewhere about doing this yet still wasn't sure what I was doing.... After some time went by I got more relaxed still projecting and all of the sudden i saw a flash of a "face" kinda thrusted right up in my face! It startled me and it snapped me right out of the meditation like someone slapped me in the face. The feeling it gave me was, GO AWAY! I know, not such a nice story but wonder what people thought... thanks
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Old 01-05-2010, 10:14 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by G9211 View Post
all of the sudden i saw a flash of a "face" kinda thrusted right up in my face! It startled me and it snapped me right out of the meditation like someone slapped me in the face. The feeling it gave me was, GO AWAY! I know, not such a nice story but wonder what people thought... thanks
This is pretty normal from what I read.

I interpret it as "get back in your box little human, who do you think you are?" - it worked didnt it.

If you decide to try again, ensure you remember to do your normal protection protocols - when you are there and the next time you see that face, talk to it - its a good idea to ask questions - retain control, remember who is in charge - if it doesnt want to talk, its only choice is to go away.


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Old 01-05-2010, 11:21 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
This is pretty normal from what I read.

I interpret it as "get back in your box little human, who do you think you are?" - it worked didnt it.

If you decide to try again, ensure you remember to do your normal protection protocols - when you are there and the next time you see that face, talk to it - its a good idea to ask questions - retain control, remember who is in charge - if it doesnt want to talk, its only choice is to go away.


YES! "get back in your box little human, who do you think you are?" is exactly how I felt! Yes, it worked very well. I think it worked so well because it was my one and only experience of this nature. Honestly, I thought I may have just imagined it or it was my mind fantasizing. But part of me knew better....which is why I crawled back in my little box.

If it happens again, I am not sure I can keep from being so startled and jumping out of the meditation so involuntarily. I will do my best and continue to practice. Thank you for the advice.
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Old 01-24-2010, 03:12 PM   #17
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Thanks so much for this thread. It is helping me to see that I must be more mindful of practicing my meditation time. I do try and stay in a state of meditative awareness throughout the day, but taking concentrated time to go deeper, well, thanks for the reminder.

I too have had some faces and messages coming through my dreams lately. Guess it's time to do some work and make the loving contact more "intentional" from my end

Thanks again!
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Old 02-21-2010, 05:10 AM   #18
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Thank you for posting this clarity, it was enlighting
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Old 02-21-2010, 07:36 AM   #19
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Hello all, thanks for your encouraging replies here. I had been away for a little while, trying to search for more meaning to something for which I have know no name for (sorry). Some of which concerns the rest of the reply (below) here.

Below is off topic. Maybe I will start a new post some where for the below because there is just too much to talk about concerning it.

Speaking of the english language (me not having any name for what I was trying to describe above), like most languages today are sooooo limiting. In fact, I've been researching (the limitations of languages) this for awhile now. It's amazing just how we use our languages to not only communicate but so that we can experience most of our reality. It's also amazing that it takes us all so many words for us to describe our feelings/emotions. Our emotions are instant when they happen for us. Why shouldn't our language, which we all use to express our emotions, take so much of our time and energy?

It's also amazing just how powerful some words and phrases make some of us feel. Words like hope, graduation, rape, kill, sweet's or candy or cake, murder, love, peace, anger, harmony, molest, death, happiness, economic melt down. It's none of those words or any other words that makes or "forces" you into "being", feeling or acting the emotional definition(s) of such words. It's YOU who decides what words "do what" to you or for you in life. Another secret concerning language is that it can be changed by you in order to change your reality... like in some very amazing ways. This method is part affirmation but but more. Because like all reality, language is not only physical or conscious but nonphysical or unconscious as well. Oh and one of the main things concerning language is it's origins like Greek, Roman and Latin. Much of which doesn't seem to have a very cheerful past concerning humanity.

There is nothing wrong with continuing any languages in anyway, so long as your comfortable. I myself am not but that doesn't mean that I am here to change any language for anyone or every one. I at least hope that humanity would learn more about it all while not taking several lifetimes doing so.

As I continue to work on all this I am still looking into how I will present it publicly. This is one of those things that may seem more important to fewer people than the majority maybe. There are unlimited ways to reach and experience more oneness and this possible method could also be one of them. That is one of my main goals for that project.
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Old 02-21-2010, 09:28 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by G9211 View Post
Jnana, thanks again for recommending this thread. I guess I'll repeat what I posted in the other thread.

I had been practicing meditation for a couple years and one night decided to try to project my mind to the space nearby the earth. I had read something somewhere about doing this yet still wasn't sure what I was doing.... After some time went by I got more relaxed still projecting and all of the sudden i saw a flash of a "face" kinda thrusted right up in my face! It startled me and it snapped me right out of the meditation like someone slapped me in the face. The feeling it gave me was, GO AWAY! I know, not such a nice story but wonder what people thought... thanks
Yeah, never get "cutesy" with disembodied beings is my basic policy. I simply ask them what their role is, they give me an answer, and then I run a simple process on them that helps restore them to their divine nature/source. Everyone wins.
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Old 02-24-2010, 10:36 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
Yeah, never get "cutesy" with disembodied beings is my basic policy. I simply ask them what their role is, they give me an answer, and then I run a simple process on them that helps restore them to their divine nature/source. Everyone wins.
This is the exact kind of possible solutions that people need to understand, in my opinion. especially if they are attempting to contact any beings, or they have already made contact. This goes for all beings as a whole.
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Old 02-28-2010, 04:55 PM   #22
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It does have to do with us, our hearts, the nature or clarity of the contact changes with our efforts at self improvement, to raise our frequency and universal love, our view of nature and equality. For many of us,with our different types and durations of contact, we're not all the same, and different mixes of efforts still are rewarded with contact. In other words, someone who is out under the stars, not asking for anything for self, save to report for duty, and ask how they can help, who absolutely desires a world of telepathy with others and nature, without money, jury duty leadership grassroots, looking within for our leaders, can receive contact.

I'm wondering if the contact is continuing. The area of human sexuality is interesting in relationship to this contact because in some ways, they do enhance their impact by communicating female to male, male to female, often. At the same time, when we become enamored with them, often tests are done to ensure our neutrality. A knowledgeable friend told me, after I had described an experience of feeling alone, and stepped into the field where they were, instinctively, joining family (I was in a state of remembering others at the time, and not merging with higher self, but cosmic self ???). He said this was called the Universal Understanding. Individual but connected.
We would need to be in perfect control of self, and very clear. Tests can be done.

You have a wonderful message. I've tried to share that this is what it takes online, raising our consciousness would lead to many more receiving contact and perhaps change timelines into the advancement we wish.

There are ways to increase telepathy. Working on self and the technique of ho'onoponopono is one way.

Also binaurals, and music with frequencies such as era (they also have cosmic language, a very interesting kind of pre-latin that some mistake as psuedo latin. The words are the same as a walk in friend uses).

Very importantly mediations, for hours, and listening to whales and dolphins on an mp3 player for extended periods of time. This can your freqs so high that you have a hard time grounding.

Sirius Dolphin


To practice telepathy, go out into nature, even your backyard. Put out an apple piece and connect to the insects that gather, to their energy field. Send light and love and peace always. And practice. Be them, feel them, talk to them. Listen. Do this with trees, flowers, birds, and mother earth. With mother earth, say how sorry you are to be a part of the problem and listen for solutions to help. All are sentient.

To increase pineal, well there are many ways. But sungazing. Blink into the sun, close your eyes, and let him (for he is sentient) code you with colors and rods, that allign to your chakras. Do this for 10-20 mintues. Thank him for his assistance. Your forhead will soon start to tingle, if this is routine.

To practice telepathy with another, see yourself looking into their eyes, into their soul, and feel them. Be one with them. And project a loving message. Practice.

Heart Chakra meditations can do the same in increasing telepathy when you focus on sending love and healing to another in this.

With increased telepathy, postcard contact, pictures with words, energy signature recogniton, and activation of psi skills should also begin to occur for many.
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Old 02-28-2010, 07:30 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by mystiq View Post
@Clarityofawareness: The area of human sexuality is interesting in relationship to this contact because in some ways, they do enhance their impact by communicating female to male, male to female, often. At the same time, when we become enamored with them, often tests are done to ensure our neutrality. We would need to be in perfect control of self, and very clear. Tests can be done.
Your right about experiencing more perspectives of nature, the self, oneness and life path of education. It ye can't or don't do that then you most likely will not experience more of your telepathic being or maybe more of your whole being (like other psychic abilities) as well.

I wonder if other beings (aliens) approve of human's sexual attitudes and traits. For example, I don't know of any homosexuals who are in contact or whom have ever contacted other beings (aliens). Never seems to be a question when ever contactees are interviewed. Then again why should it? See? That's the kind of mentality that UFO investigators need to reform in to more open awareness. Because our sexuality does play an amazing and bigger role in it all. As a heterosexual I, at this point, believe that aliens would rather communicate with humans who chose natures way of sexuality and conception. I can't explain how or why this is. I have not meditated on it either and doing such can bring more truth concerning what one does meditate on. Does not mean that I disprove of homosexuals because we all have our own life path of education to experience.
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Old 03-01-2010, 09:27 PM   #24
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I think our quick responses and allowing ourselves transitory feelings is considered childish, primitive, though we have yet to reach full fledged telepathy as a race, or the Universal Understanding, yet alone learnt to discipline our thoughs and feelings, and remain clear and positive.

In an experience that involved a checkup, and patroling, the grey portion was curtailed and stopped, in a postcard connection I was shown images of his family, very tall blond male, very tall, over 7 foot, tall blond female, children, natural clean setting. And then when I wondered where others were, instantly a very wholesome, positive, interconnected, city, windows looking out everywhere, rounded buildings, connections to others very important. Later a knowledgable experiencer friend suggested he had shown me his family portfolio and that family was the circle of life.

We want to live like they do. In some ways, while awareness of the world, waking up, needs to grow locally. That was a message as well I was given, to do the work locally, spiritual focus, meditation, and information about the world. We also need to think what we wish, be for eden, not anti anything, but grow this from our wishes. Moneyless, equal, high education, culture, connectiveness, telepathy, volunteering, like linux open source, giving and taking, but caring for the vulnerable. And, sharing responsiblity for leadership, no politics, taking turns in groups, all people do their share of leadership, grass roots. This is how telos is by the way according to a book I read.
And it fascinates me because the one who did the patrol said he was from Taurus 65 light years away, and from Telos.

The couple that flew over for months and my son kept calling me out. I remember them from childhood, and my son pointed to an orb at the tree. I have energy recogniziton, and when I was watching Steven Greer show his videos/pictures of various crafts, lights that responded to the lazer, orion tones, and orbs at Mr Shasta, I recognized the energy from the orbs, identical to that couples energy.
And the way I have always thought of a moneyless world, not a scarsity model, jury duty leadership, is apparently what telos lives like. Well the telepathy helps.

Telepathy also turns relationships, love, sexuality into something different for advanced people. Nothing like we experience I imagine. Your inner most thoughts are known and understood.
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Old 03-01-2010, 09:37 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by mystiq View Post
Telepathy also turns relationships, love, sexuality into something different for advanced people. Nothing like we experience I imagine. Your inner most thoughts are known and understood.
Yep thats mystiq alright.

Hi mystiq !
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