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Old 05-13-2009, 09:27 PM   #1
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Default Something is bothering me - Very Important

On Mr. X's first interview, when asked about what the Extraterrestrials held for
our future he said that there would be a MASS landing in 2012 at the end of the year and they would make themselves known to humanity whether the gov.
wanted it or not.

You can listen to it for yourself at http://www.projectcamelot.net/mr_x.mp3
around 18:15 (18min 15 seconds)

In Mr. X's second interview, he was asked if he came across anything that
states the ET were going to make themselves known. This time he gave the answer: They would make themselves known only in the event of nuclear conflict.
You can listen to it for yourself at
around 6:16

I don't ignore things like this; but it's sad because PC recently announced that Mr. X had passed.

That's a significant inconsistency and I feel as though i`m tip-toeing on eggshells here.
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Old 05-13-2009, 10:02 PM   #2
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Default Re: Something is bothering me - Very Important

Originally Posted by sforce View Post
On Mr. X's first interview, when asked about what the Extraterrestrials held for
our future he said that there would be a MASS landing in 2012 at the end of the year and they would make themselves known to humanity whether the gov.
wanted it or not.

You can listen to it for yourself at http://www.projectcamelot.net/mr_x.mp3
around 18:15 (18min 15 seconds)

In Mr. X's second interview, he was asked if he came across anything that
states the ET were going to make themselves known. This time he gave the answer: They would make themselves known only in the event of nuclear conflict.
You can listen to it for yourself at
around 6:16

I don't ignore things like this; but it's sad because PC recently announced that Mr. X had passed.

That's a significant inconsistency and I feel as though i`m tip-toeing on eggshells here.
It could indicate that he was not perfectly honest in the first or last statement. Or both.

Someone telling different versions and being inconcistent of a scenario SURELY is a BS-indication IMO.

But I haven´t seen or heard the interviews, I will when I get the time.
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Old 05-14-2009, 12:01 AM   #3
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Yea, I know! And even though I want to believe Mr. X (he seemed like a genuine guy). The evidence says otherwise
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Old 05-14-2009, 12:27 AM   #4
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He might have been genuine but could have been used. It wouldn't be the first time.
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Old 05-14-2009, 01:59 AM   #5
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I've said over and over that in the fields of ufology, paranormal, cryptozoology, etc, etc...I listen to everything openly...yet critically. Most of the information may not be correct. Insiders may have to mix disinfo with the good stuff...or they can be so compartmentalized that they don't see the big picture. Like Richard Hoagland says 'the lie is different at every level.' Researcher beware.

Could Mr. X have been referring to benevolent et disclosure as contrasted with malevolent et disclosure? He might not have recognized this distinction. He may have simply been reporting what he viewed. Without more information, and the big picture...what he said might have seemed to be contradictory. The malevolents may stage a 'benevolent' disclosure event(2012?)...and then at a later date...the real benevolents may show up and kick the snake-**** out of the malevolents...but up to that point in time...not make themselves known unless it involved a survival threatening emergency, etc. Just speculation. I relistened to both recordings...and the disclosure comments are contradictory. Did someone tell him to shut-up about disclosure...did he forget...or did he make up one or both of the versions?

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 05-14-2009 at 02:15 AM.
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Old 05-29-2009, 01:34 AM   #6
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: Something is bothering me - Very Important

Originally Posted by sforce View Post
On Mr. X's first interview, when asked about what the Extraterrestrials held for
our future he said that there would be a MASS landing in 2012 at the end of the year and they would make themselves known to humanity whether the gov.
wanted it or not.

You can listen to it for yourself at http://www.projectcamelot.net/mr_x.mp3
around 18:15 (18min 15 seconds)

In Mr. X's second interview, he was asked if he came across anything that
states the ET were going to make themselves known. This time he gave the answer: They would make themselves known only in the event of nuclear conflict.
You can listen to it for yourself at
around 6:16

I don't ignore things like this; but it's sad because PC recently announced that Mr. X had passed.

That's a significant inconsistency and I feel as though i`m tip-toeing on eggshells here.
Also, I read on here that one of the calendars (possibly Gregorian) is off by 3 years. That means that technically, this is the year 2012.

Nuclear conflict with North Korea.

Could this be what Mr.X was talking about?

(sorry, I love to speculate sometimes)
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Old 05-29-2009, 04:26 AM   #7
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We have to guess and speculate in this field. We just need to make it very clear that this is what we are doing...when we do it. The PTB keep us guessing. They always forget to brief me!

An insider may need to inject disinfo to stay alive. They can be more easily discredited, if necessary. So much of this forbidden knowledge is so potentially volatile...that there may need to be a safety mechanism to reign in whistle-blowers. Factions of the PTB seem to be informing us little by little...in unofficial ways...which seem to lack credibility at times. They can't be too direct. They don't want us to stampede...so to speak. Sources also have to be protected. I don't really know. I don't even know someone who knows someone. I don't think much of anything would be revealed if high-placed people didn't give some kind of unofficial green light...and provide some kind of protection. Secrets are being revealed...little by little. Our responsible responses will probably result in a more rapid dissemination of information. Disclosure is occurring everywhere. Official disclosure may be anticlimactic.
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Old 09-12-2009, 10:12 PM   #8
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Old 09-12-2009, 10:45 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post
Also, I read on here that one of the calendars (possibly Gregorian) is off by 3 years. That means that technically, this is the year 2012.

Nuclear conflict with North Korea.

Could this be what Mr.X was talking about?

(sorry, I love to speculate sometimes)

I also read that because they had Jesus's BD wrong. I do believe that this is supposely 2012.

Its funny but I have seen many things indicate that certain things will be "no more" in January 2010..makes me wonder myself if this is the year they will make themself known as Mr X was stating.

Look what is happening in China right now.
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Old 09-13-2009, 05:04 AM   #10
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sforce: That's a significant inconsistency and I feel as though i`m tip-toeing on eggshells here.
Things change all the time Pete Peterson stated that the economy was supposed to go down in 2001
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Old 09-13-2009, 01:58 PM   #11
Unified Serenity
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Originally Posted by Northern Boy View Post
Things change all the time Pete Peterson stated that the economy was supposed to go down in 2001
You know, I think they wanted to bring it down, but the militia movement was too strong and there would have been a massive revolt. The ptw spent a lot of time demonizing the militia movement and many fell away. They have become very quiet, are not talking in an organized way on the radio or holding public meetings as they were on the build up to Y2K.

Now, there is less organization, all the zombification from chem trails has made for a sleeping people, and just trying to spread factual information is pretty hard. If they are going to try a massive overhaul of the world's economy this is a better environment for the ptw than 2001 was.
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Old 09-13-2009, 02:10 PM   #12
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I'm glad U.S. you brought up the Militia once again. I had forgotten and you know there are so many of them this time around.

I send them all Peace and Love that they will suceed with the help of our Creator and visitors that do care
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Old 03-07-2010, 12:11 AM   #13
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The threat of nuclear attack has been with us ever since I was in grammar school back in the 50s diving under the desk for the bomb drills. Also, ever since the 40's and the military Philadelphia experiment, time travel has also been explored by the shadow government and a variety of timelines have been altered - including the nuclear option. Why? Because with the combination of the atom bomb and the rip it created in time and space, ET decided it was time to intervene and has been very active at multiple levels monitoring or interacting with the human race. They will not tolerate a nuclear strike because they see the planet as too valuable a resource and have been know to scramble the codes of various nuclear site computers.

The nuclear threat is a card that is often played by governments to manipulate the populace but a nuclear strike is not going to happen. The same with the whole astroid/comets that miss earth. The ETs also deflect those for similar reasons. For the most part there is non-interference. However, there are some alien groups that are out to exploit humans and the resources of the planet.

According to Roberto Pinotti, General Secretary of the Italian CUN and long time contactee, "Ummites, Bahavians, Elta V and UTI, the ones physcially similar to us, now dwelling on our planet had been worming their way into our society (since the mid fifties), infiltrating themselves into undercover roles in Italy, both in the industry and in areas of similar relevance. Their organization is said to have been active in France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Argentina, and the former Soviet Union.

Had some alien had the need to "go home" after a while, a deadly accident would be staged (for instance an aircraft crashing into the ground), and in this way he would have been able to get offstage. Others, assigned to settle for a long time within our environment, had even gotten married to Earth people, creating new children and families. This is possible because they are totally compatible, from a biological point of view, with ourselves.

Among the alien peoples visiting out Earth there seem to be aseptic nature lovers who would look after the evolution of living beings upon our planet, while restricting themselves only to monitoring. Then there are the "merchants," looking only for the easy ways to get raw materials, ethnologists studying the evolution of different cultures on this planet, missionaries caring for the future from an ethical point of view, military oriented (alien) people overseeing national structures, aiming to maintain inter-stellar routes, and to protect us from assaults from outside, and many more....

It's easy to acknowledge that our off-world visitors wish to protect their own safety. Therefore they often make use of "biological robots," which are human clones, built and used as workers, expendable to be lost, if necessary, to spare their own creators from harm. Even more, such androids should have been the automatic pilots, with a physical build representing at the very least, or, on the contrary, accurate copies of Earth people, imitated for various purposes. It is important to recognize in this viewpoint what one Col. Philip Corso has stated about Greys being subservient to "Nordic" aliens.

In order to monitor our environment, the aliens were making use of miniaturized probes (orbs) to recored images, sounds, even the thoughts of the people being observed."
Mass Contacts by Stefano Breccia bits taken from pages 11-13

The reality is that earth has its own off-world population looking out for it and some of these other issues ~ are really non-issues ~ when viewing them from a different, broader perspective.

The aliens have already made themselves known to various humans for years and continue to do so on a regular basis. They have engaged in mass contact on multiple levels for decades.

The next issue has to do with the solar event and mega gamma rays from the galactic center. I've had a number of different contactees share different stories. Some will be taken underground, some to the future and who knows where else. The issue is this. We don't know when or how, just that this will happen. Also keep in mind that Camelot whistle blowers said the Mars base is located in the future so I suspect other humans will be transported off planet into another time and possibly onto another timeline. These other beings appear to have more insight into the what and when, then the human contactees. The reality is that there are just some things we cannot prepare for other then to keep an open mind and be ready when the time comes to step forward, or not, depending upon one's own inner spiritual promptings.

It really isn't worth the energy to worry about a possible nuclear attack. I just don't see that happening, ever. Mega solar event.. very likely. So the best one can to is to come into alignment with their own inner spiritual core. The next step may be a long step down or just a short transition. Attempting to second guess it is futile. That is why it is wise to focus on self-sufficiency and learn how to produce one's own food from seeds. Be here now in the world you live in and learn how to really care for yourself and loved ones from the ground up.
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Old 03-07-2010, 01:13 AM   #14
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I have herd from several people 2012 is the end of the quarantine that has been

placed on our planet and there very well could be more of a presence of ET's.
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