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Old 01-31-2010, 11:40 PM   #51
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

I'm sure some people reading here understand my comments. It's of no concern that you do not. It just takes a slightly higher perspective. More of a 5D view instead of a linear 3D perspective. If you feel hunted, you won't stray too far from the behaviour of a prey animal. A higher perspective transcends hunt or be hunted, fight or flight mentality. You'll see. Or maybe you won't. Your choice. Mine is made. I choose to see.
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Old 02-01-2010, 01:14 AM   #52
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

Originally Posted by Myplanet2 View Post
I think if you just eat right, take your vitamins, keep good company, and stay happy, you'll be fine.
Agreed and you can stay happy and I can stay happy but the people who lack that ability will do well to take their Vitamin D. I take vitamin D when I feel like it.

"O" blood types have more tendency to very aggressive immune response.

Due to a thyroidectomy in the 70's I find MMS abhorrent -- my body thinks it is poison, but hubby takes it regularly.

If I really want to stay happy I should stop reading threads like this :-)

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Old 02-01-2010, 01:17 AM   #53
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

Originally Posted by Myplanet2 View Post
I'm sure some people reading here understand my comments. It's of no concern that you do not. It just takes a slightly higher perspective. More of a 5D view instead of a linear 3D perspective. If you feel hunted, you won't stray too far from the behaviour of a prey animal. A higher perspective transcends hunt or be hunted, fight or flight mentality. You'll see. Or maybe you won't. Your choice. Mine is made. I choose to see.
Agreed, a higher truth, and spiritual clearing work is just as, if not more, practical approach to warding off bad vibes, including diseases.
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Old 02-01-2010, 01:23 AM   #54
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

Originally Posted by She-Ra View Post
Thanks mu2431, I'll look in to Zeolite, Schindele's powder (which might be beneficial for former vaccinations...) and the links you've posted. Also I agree that the healthier the body gets, the more it stops 'wanting' things it doesn't need, shedding the layers of toxins it's gotten used to over time.
Coincident with my clearing work I went on a 60-day "Long Fast" and it was one of the best wholistic things I have undertaken. And it was free and I felt great the whole time with only a few bad body days :-)
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Old 02-01-2010, 02:22 AM   #55
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

Stay connected up with some very good healers who help you work with the higher energies that allow or disallow disease. The body energies are very very low on the totem pole or hierarchy.

Here is one good healer: http://angel-light-love-healing.blogspot.com/

Denis Healy recently helped me help my mother-in-law and he is also very powerful in his approach


I do not know of any healing approach that cures everything at once and I find for myself I need multiple sessions before I'm able to get to the basic cause of my "disease".

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Old 02-03-2010, 07:39 PM   #56
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

A lot of fear mongering is possible, as long as the real facts are unknown. One significant number, which is published weekly on Fridays by the CDC is the percentual part of deaths in the overall number of deaths occurring for the previous week. This number gives a very clear indication of the direction we are heading to. The graph from last Friday is this:

You might notice that the pandemic declaration of the CDC in June 2009 is not at all based on the number of P&I deaths occurring in the USA.

I personally would not be alarmed until the graph would look something like this:

The above graph had been modified by me for demonstration purposes only.

The upcoming future graphs are likely to be available under these addresses:

http://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/weekly...10/bigpi04.htm 4th week
http://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/weekly...10/bigpi05.htm 5th week
http://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/weekly...10/bigpi06.htm 6th week
http://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/weekly...10/bigpi07.htm 7th week
http://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/weekly...10/bigpi08.htm 8th week
http://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/weekly...10/bigpi09.htm 9th week
http://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/weekly...10/bigpi10.htm 10th week
http://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/weekly...10/bigpi11.htm 11th week
http://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/weekly...10/bigpi12.htm 12 week
http://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/weekly...10/bigpi13.htm 13th week

You might have noticed that you have to change in these URLs only the number of the week you would like to look at.
For week XY you have an URL of


In this way you can make up your own mind, how serious the situation really might be.


Last edited by bashi; 02-04-2010 at 12:32 AM.
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Old 02-06-2010, 11:51 PM   #57
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

Originally Posted by halebox View Post
Im feeling sick and I inhaled my homemade silver and after my lungs got mucus and Im coughing up phlem. Maybe I need a finer kind for inhaling like a poster said earlier in thread. I took 13 drops of MMS without building up yesterday. I can handle it but if feel kinda weird today so I will skip a day and start slower if Im not feeling better.
Hale: How were the results? Have you gotten Herxheimer?
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Old 03-08-2010, 07:16 PM   #58
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Exclamation Re: Swineflu : The next wave

Perhaps you might want to see a YouTube Clip about Swine Flu. Just paste it into your browser.

This is it :-


Or look up Cecil Jones Swine Flu on YouTube.

Comments would be welcome.

Sent in love and light.
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Old 03-08-2010, 08:37 PM   #59
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

There are a lot of good posts on here, from both sides of the spectrum. The balanced path is to place your intent on the positive energy overcoming outcome, all-the-while using your learned wisdom to prepare for other possibilities. If I err I choose to err on the side of caution. Therefore I shall be prepared for whatever tiger may come at me.

Last edited by HORIZONS; 03-08-2010 at 09:16 PM.
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Old 03-08-2010, 09:15 PM   #60
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
Agreed and you can stay happy and I can stay happy but the people who lack that ability will do well to take their Vitamin D. I take vitamin D when I feel like it.

"O" blood types have more tendency to very aggressive immune response.

Due to a thyroidectomy in the 70's I find MMS abhorrent -- my body thinks it is poison, but hubby takes it regularly.

If I really want to stay happy I should stop reading threads like this :-)

If you are taking supplements - unless they are of an extremely high quality vita/mineral complex - most of it is just passing through your body. Vita-mineral intake is best ingested through super-foods (not GM foods), in our modern times. Do your research and do not just assume, and trust, your vitamins are good for you. BTW .. we need to take care of our "whole" being, not just part of it. Spirit, soul and body need our assistance for true wholeness.

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Old 03-08-2010, 10:31 PM   #61
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

I think Jones is right on the spot.
The virus is most likely man-made with all the subsequent agendas as intent for doing so. The genetic make-up, the Mexican distribution pattern of the initial infection, the simultaneous appearances of unlikely recombinations in different parts of the world, all this is a smoking gun for manmade/intentional interference.
The danger now is that the resurrected 1918 strain has millions of infected people as human bio-labs to figure out some nasty mutated strain by natural recombination. It can jump into animals and use the DNA for its recombination, with no vaccine containing animal DNA required. These new recombination-strains can cause severe havoc.
That’s not fear mongering, but viro-logical reality, which Jones only mentions briefly in Part 1.
The very dangerous D225 mutation could not establish itself as the next dominant strain, actually – at present - there is NOT ANY dominant strain existing and there is no any new wave in sight.
So the 1918 strain is lurking within mankind: It will either peter out or come back with renewed vigour.
In any case, by following the guidelines of this thread, there is no threat.

Gnosis5: I do not recommend MMS on a regular basis. It’s only for an “emergency”, because it depletes the body of all the free radical ‘catchers’.

I follow this advice: “Do your best, and let GOD do the rest!”
This motto calls for a proper preparation…

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Old 03-08-2010, 11:39 PM   #62
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Staying happy and in touch with our higher spiritual vibrations will certainly make us much less susceptible to any disease. But it won't work 100.00% of the time. We still need to protect ourselves in a practical, physical way. Surely, as long as we are in a physical body we're not expressing our spirituality optimally unless we're practical about physical realities.

I get ill about once every 10 years, and because I'm a natural psychic healer I'm usually over that and back to normal within a few hours. But it still happens.

I really like Bashi's statistic that the intake of vitamin D alone reduces the flu infection rate by a factor of about 20. Maybe that would mean that if there's an epidemic with a mortality rate of 40%, presumably that rate might drop to about 2% in people who've been taking sufficient vitamin D? If so, taking that one precaution alone would make the epidemic 20 times less scary. If we also prepare properly, as Bashi has so clearly and precisely explained, any epidemic will no doubt become thousands of times less scary.
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Old 03-09-2010, 02:58 AM   #63
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

I've been taking vitamin D (cholcecalciferol derived) at about 3000 IU per day since roughly Christmas, after being sick for the whole holiday season. I was sick all the time before that, once a month at least I felt like crap, and now not only have I not been sick since I started the vitamins, I've also felt more "up" in general. I've been diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder (i.e. not enough vitamin D / sunlight causes depression) and it seems that this stuff has worked wonders for me. I've got my wife and daughter onto it now too in anticipation of the next wave of flu - None of us got vaccinated and none of us are going to.
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Old 03-10-2010, 07:09 PM   #64
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

Thank you, trainee.
Basically your calculation is correct. Although the database is too small to have a statistically relevant calculation.
The statistic shows the effect of a daily intake of 2000 IU, and I think with 5000 IU you will be even more comfortable.
In your example of 40% mortality, it is then not the flu you have to be worried about, but the Mad Max scenario around you, as civilisation falls apart. Even with a 5%....

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Old 03-11-2010, 06:09 PM   #65
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

it's just been reported today on www.eircom.net that two people have died from swine flu in ireland, it's the first mention of swine flu here in a few months.
Lets hope this crap is not starting all over again.
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Old 03-11-2010, 08:31 PM   #66
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave


it's all very simple
like the truth usually is
there is no dangerous swine flu virus
it only exists on TV
so relax
give yourself a break


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Old 03-11-2010, 09:05 PM   #67
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

Originally Posted by aloha View Post

it's all very simple
like the truth usually is
there is no dangerous swine flu virus
it only exists on TV
so relax
give yourself a break


Lankas website in Germany has been banned for long. With good reasons...

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Old 03-12-2010, 06:43 AM   #68
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

two q.'s by Gandhi :

"an error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody see it"

"even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth"

last year I put forward a question to Lanka :
"where on the net can I find some sensible articles/truth about the 'swineflu' ? (in english)"
and his answer was :
"There is no sound information in english at all. Only scratching the surface, thus stabilizing the construct."

Last edited by aloha; 03-12-2010 at 06:57 AM.
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Old 03-12-2010, 02:37 PM   #69
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

aloha: This thread is based on the reasonable assumption that the existence of bacteria and viruses is a FACT !
If you want to proof that millions of scientists around the world are busy deceiving themselves, then you can start another thread. I can assure you of being a poster on your thread.
You should not try to negatively “debunk” something, without positively proofing your view first. In this way you might find somebody else, who might share your view.
I am trying to be polite here, but don’t push me… OK?

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Old 03-12-2010, 07:01 PM   #70
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave


I leave this thread and wish the writers/readers here happiness and AWARENESS


"almost everything you have been taught is round backwards"

"all the popular information you receive is a lie, or it is sold to you backwards"

"it's all backwards"

"it's all sold to you backwards to make sure you never figure it out"
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Old 03-12-2010, 07:58 PM   #71
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Amen to that! and being Conscious is not enough. Even Consciousness is a scam, a substitute for "KNOW". Work up to or decide to KNOW and then maybe you have a chance to back out of this spiralling wormhole.

Envision/imagine a spiral hanging in the void of "outer space" and imagine yourself as the creator standing on the outside looking at it. Imagine the details of how you might have constructed it to prevent beings from leaving out of it except through the short end.

There is more but that can help to restore the KNOW ability of oneself.
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Old 03-12-2010, 08:10 PM   #72
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A "problem" such as Swine Flu is an apparency and will recede or indeed go away as soon as one decides to take on a problem or problems or much greater magnitude. In other words, decide to have bigger "problems" than one is having now. All "problems" are apparencies.

I speak humbly, because personally I know it is easier said than done and cannot be intellectually understood, but has to be processed through or practiced to a "win point", a personal realization.

Everything I have problemsized on this forum I have worked through and gained some higher ground. Thank you everyone for allowing me to dramatize. It was part of the process of seeing what next to process.

I am learning to never abruptly cut someone's dramatization, but to give them a way to process it. Perhaps this is why we don't like forum trolls -- they are trying to break our "truth du jour"
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Old 03-14-2010, 11:54 AM   #73
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
A "problem" such as Swine Flu is an apparency and will recede or indeed go away as soon as one decides to take on a problem or problems or much greater magnitude. In other words, decide to have bigger "problems" than one is having now. All "problems" are apparencies.

Have these "apparencies" now triggered a contemplation to leave this forum ?
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Old 03-14-2010, 12:36 PM   #74
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

Thankyou for your extensive research and effort Bashi
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Old 03-15-2010, 01:25 AM   #75
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Default Re: Swineflu : The next wave

Originally Posted by bashi View Post
Have these "apparencies" now triggered a contemplation to leave this forum ?
Lol, yes, there are OTHER apparencies that am liking better now
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