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Old 11-03-2009, 06:16 PM   #626
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Source: http://artnpic.wordpress.com/2008/07...-american-art/
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Old 11-03-2009, 09:59 PM   #627
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artist kirby Satler
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Old 11-03-2009, 10:05 PM   #628
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Aho, Igaagiya!
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Old 11-04-2009, 10:38 AM   #629
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artist - Duke W Sine

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Old 11-04-2009, 10:42 AM   #630
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artist - Duke W Sine

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Old 11-04-2009, 11:16 AM   #631
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Default Re: Pineal Gland Awakening: Star Nations Teachings

artist - Richard Hook
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Old 11-04-2009, 11:22 AM   #632
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artist - Richard Hook
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Old 11-04-2009, 11:25 AM   #633
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artist - Richard Hook
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Old 11-04-2009, 11:27 AM   #634
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artist- Richard Hook
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Old 11-04-2009, 11:29 AM   #635
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artist - Richard Hook
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Old 11-04-2009, 11:51 AM   #636
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found this article and thought to share it .....

take note of how the Sioux were starving and desparate...

where in the world has this also occured?

- in the future we may also face starvation on a global scale...do what you can to be prepared

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Old 11-06-2009, 01:36 AM   #637
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Default Re: Pineal Gland Awakening: Star Nations Teachings

A story shared by my friend Alderberan:

Here's another story, that a little Native American inspiration for me.

As I mentioned, I worked in Washington state for 15 years at a hydro plant. As the plant was situated a little remotely, the company provided housing for it's operators. And for several years, my next door neighbor was a gentleman named Wes Monroe. Wes liked to fish, and so did I, so we were good fishing buddies. Not to mention, just all the backyard get togethers and what not. And if Wes had never told me, I would've never guessed that he was part Indian. In fact, he had enough Indian blood to be on the tribal roll of the Blackfoot tribe.
One day Wes's niece stopped by for a visit. I got to meet her just briefly. She stayed a couple of days with Wes and then headed on back to the reservation. It turns out that Wes is a direct decendant of a white man that lived with the Blackfoot tribe many, many years ago. The man's name was Hugh Monroe, and A book had been written about him in the early 1900's. The book had been long out of print, and Wes's niece had been researching this.

In the early 1900's, there were a lot of weekly perodicals in circulation, like the Saturday Evening Post, and many others. One of them was a magazine called Boys Life. And like the Saturday Evening Post, Boys Life would publish books in their magazine. They would do it in a serial style, just a couple of chapters a week, until the whole book was done. She found out that this book had been published in Boys Life, and had found a copy in Seattle. She had been over there to pick it up, and had stopped by to tell Wes the news on her way back home. She had made a copy of it for Wes.

After she left, Wes came over to the house the next day, with a sheaf of papers in his hand. He knew I loved stuff like this, and he had made me a copy of it and brought it over to me. That's when he told me the story about Hugh Monroe.

Wes was a few years older than me, and seriously thinking about retirement plans. He had bought some property up between Troy and Libby Montana, along the Kootnai river, where he planned to build a house and live when he retired. The company we worked for also had a hydro plant on the Clark Fork River, in Noxon, Montana. An opening came up at that plant, and Wes bid on it and got the job there. That way he would be much closer to his property, and could run up on his days off and work on his house.

This was in the early 90's, and I had bought my first computer only a couple years before. Well I was chomping at the bit to read the rest of that story about Hugh Monroe. I got on my computer and started searching myself. To no avail. But in my searches, I did run across a few websites of people who make their living at searching for old, out of print books. so I e-mailed one of them and told them what I was looking for. They e-mailed me back, and said they would get on it. Some time went by, and then some more time went by. And soon, I had forgotten completely all about it.

And it must have been a little over a year later, I got an e-mail one day, saying that they had found my book. I had no idea what they were talking about. When I e-mailed them back and asked them what book, they told me it was the book about Hugh Monroe. Well, my jaw bounced off the floor a few times and I told them to send it right away. I tried to call Wes, but he had already retired and I never seen him again after that.

The name of that book is "Rising Wolf, the White Blackfoot", written by James Willard Schultz. And a little synopsis of that book, Hugh Monroes father was an officer in the British army, stationed in eastern Canada. They were at a little wilderness outpost, and Hugh Monroe loved it. he had all the wilderness to fish, hunt, play and exploer in. Then war came along and they were moved to Montreal. This was in the 1790's I believe. Hugh hated it there, but soon found that the Hudson Bay Company had a huge warehouse there. And trappers were constantly coming and going, with wonderful tales, so that became his home away from home. I think Hugh was around 13 years old or so, and the manager of the Hudson Bay Co. went to see his parents, and told them that Hugh was old enough to take on as an apprentice, if they wanted. They talked it over and decided if they let him do it, maybe he would get it out of his system and get on with the rest of his life. He was soon packed up and shipped out with trappers going to a trading post located a little south of where Calgary now sits. Every year they would have a huge rendezvous at this trading post. The trappers would bring trade goods and the Indians would bring furs. And there were many tribes that came to this rendezvous, even ones that were at war with each other would lay down arms to get in on this trade. And the Blackfeet actually lived right about where their reservation is today, and they went to it also.

When Hugh got there, there were thousands of Indians there, camped all around the trading post. Hugh was in hog heaven. He went from village to village, seeing everything he could. When he got to the Blackfoot village, he met a couple of kids about his age, a brother and a sister. And you know how kids are, language usually isn't a barrier for very long. He was learning their language and they his, pretty fast. The proprietor of the trading post was observing all of this, and told Hugh, that if the Blackfeet agreed, he would send him with them after rendezvous, and when he came back to rendezvous next year, he would make him his official interpreter. That was right up Hugh's alley. So to make a long story short, Hugh went with them, and never returned. He loved the life so much, he had no intention of ever returning.

Now the man who wrote that book, James Willard Schultz, his story is almost as interesting as Hugh's is. Schultz was born in upstate New York, and his parents were fairly well to do. he was getting a fine education. This was in the late 1870's. The push out west was going strong about then, and a lot of painters and writers were out there, sending their stories back east. Schultz was reading every thing he could about the west and was badgering his folks to death to go out there and see it. They too, talked it over and thought if they let him go, maybe he would get it out of his system and finish his education. They had a friend or relative living in Helena, Montana, and contacted him about sending James out there. He arranged with a friend of his who ran a trading post about where Cut Bank, Montana now sits, to take James on as an apprentice.

Well, after he learned the ropes a little, they sent him along wih a wagon load of trade goods up to the Blackfoot villages. And he was in hog heaven, too. He was going through the villages seeing everything he could. And lo and behold, he ran across a bearded old white man in one of the villages. It was Hugh Monroe, who was an old man by now. But he told James his story, and years later, James wrote the book.

In fact Schultz wrote several books. I have read a few of them, plus his biography. Schultz, too, never went home. He spent his whole life out west. And after they made Yellowstone into a National Park, word started getting back east about the area that is now Glacier National Park. They sent survey teams out to survey the area, Schultz guided several of those survey teams. And the Indians already had names for all the rivers and mountains out there, but you know the white man, he has to rename everything. And there is a mountain named for Hugh Monroe. It's called Rising Wolf mountain, and sits just outside of the Park, I believe. I looked that up once, a long time ago.

And you know, I paid $100 for that book when they sent it to me. And now, it is on the internet. LOL. But it was worth every penny to me. Here it is, if you're interested in reading it:

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Old 11-06-2009, 04:46 PM   #638
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Default Re: Pineal Gland Awakening: Star Nations Teachings

Originally Posted by Oliver View Post
Aho, Igaagiya!
blessings Unalii Yanisa Adanvdo
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Old 11-06-2009, 04:47 PM   #639
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Default Re: Pineal Gland Awakening: Star Nations Teachings

another wonderful story from my friend

Hanta Yo

At the request of 'day', I will relate a story that had a lot of inspiration for me, and hopefully, might even possibly inspire someone else out there, somewhere. There's even a little synchronoicity in the story. I don't know if I actually have any Native American blood running in my veins or not. My grandfather, on my mother's side, was born and raised in Oklahoma. He passed on in 1986, and was 100 years old when he died. So that means, Oklahoma was still the Indian Nation when he was growing up. And he did have the classic looking Indian nose. But even if I don't have any of their blood in my veins, I certainly have it in my spirit, for I have had a great interest and admired the Native American culture for about as long as I can remember. But anyway, on with the story.

There was a book published in 1979 called "Hanta Yo", written by a lady named Ruth Beebe Hill. I read it when it first came out. It is a story of a Lakota family, that spans several generations, from before the lakotas even had horses, until the whiteman was severly pushing into their territory. And even though a work of fiction, it had a profound effect on me. I thought it was very well written and very well researched. And the book I had, there was a picture of an Indian offering a pipe to the Sun. I dabble in art a little as a hobby, and painted that picture and it hung on my wall for many years. Still have it, in fact.

Some years later, I was living in the state of Washington. I worked in the power industry before I retired and was working at a hydro plant about 35 miles out of Spokane. My son had been going to school at the University of Montana, and he kinda got tangled up in his priorities and had to drop out for awhile. He was a music major, and he went to work for a company called "Missoula Childrens Theater". It's a non profit organization, and they go all over the US putting on shows for grade schools, with the students having a big participation in the shows. The way they work, there are two reps from MCT that put on the shows. Everything is booked and scheduled way before hand, and they will pull into a town and on Monday morning, all the students who want to particpate will show up. They audition and pick the students who will participate and rehearse all week, then put on the show Friday evening, then they're off and running to the next town. And generally, they will arrange for some one in the community, who has the room, to put up the two reps while they are there.

Well, my son got the west coast tour that year. They started out in San Diego and worked their way all the way up the west coast, and even went into British Columbia for a couple of shows. By early spring, they had worked their way up to the state of Washington. My son called me, and said that they were going to be at Friday Harbour in a couple of weeks, and that if I could get some time off, it would be a great place to see the show and enjoy the Island. Friday Harbour sits on one of the Islands out in Puget Sound, and is a very beautiful place. I had heard of it, but had never been over there.

So I got some time off, and went over a few days early to get in some sight seeing. On Thursday, one of the members of the school board threw a party for Missoula Childrens Theather reps, and I think half the Island was there. LOl, even I got invited. So I was milling around the crowd at the party, and my son found me, and grabbed me by the arm and said, "Dad, come on over, I want you to meet the lady who we are staying with out here." So we made our way through the crowd, and found her, and it was Ruth Beebe Hill.

Needless to say, my jaw dropped to the ground when I met her. She must have been in her late 70's, but was a very spry and energetic woman. She wound up inviting me over for breakfast with them the next morning, so I went, and stayed the whole day talking to this lady. I have to say, she was maybe one of the most intelligent people I've ever had the pleasure of sitting down and having a long talk with. I asked her how she came to write this book about the Lakota. Here's the story she told me.

She has a Phd in geology, and was working on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota. She didn't say in what capacity she was working there, but she was there for quite awhile. And she made some very close friends while she was there, and had a very keen interest in Native American culture to begin with. Some of the friends she made was with some of the elders, who knew all the stories that had been passed along through the ages. That's where she got the idea to write the book. When she finished writing the book, before she published it in English, she wanted to publish it first in the Lakota language. So she learned Lakota, and did the translation herself. From the time she started writing the book, until she published it, was something like fifteen years, I believe she said.

She said that there were times when she would get hung up on the translation of just one word. So she would call one of her friends on the reservation, and fly out there. Sometimes spending as much as two weeks. They would take long walks together, and discuss how to translate that word.
But she finally got it published. There was even a mini series on TV of that book. I remember seeing that, too, but was a little disappointed in it. I thought it was just a little too Hollywooded up for my taste. The book was much better.

And later she was hired as a consultant on the movie "Dances With Wolves". She consulted on the attire and daily routine around the village life. She got to travel out to where they were filming several times, got to meet Kevin Costner.

The book went into minute detail about the everyday life in a Lakota village. It went into their society's, and clans, and clans within clans. And the status of each one. But not just about the mundaness of everyday life, it's chocked full of adventure. Tales about parties going on raids, by foot, for hundreds of miles. And after they acquired horses, the battles they fought, raids and buffalo hunts. Moving entire villages, following the migration of the buffalo. Trying to survive severe, brutal winters, where many of them didn't make it. And the main characters in the book are holy men, so it delves into their spiritual values, too. Goes into detail about preparing for vision quest.

Even though the book is a work of fiction, I thought it depicted their lifestyle better than any book I've ever read. It was an inspiration to me, as well as getting to meet the wonderful lady who wrote it.
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Old 11-06-2009, 05:01 PM   #640
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Old 11-06-2009, 05:09 PM   #641
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Default Re: Pineal Gland Awakening: Star Nations Teachings

Originally Posted by Oliver View Post
this is a beautiful painting called Prairie Sphinx Woman
The artist Helena Nelson Reed

this painting can be found also at www.firstpeople.us

...deeply meaningful Unalii Thank you for posting and sharing

Prarie Sphinx Woman
The Song: I am sending a voice, deep into the earth I call. My companions gather, and together we form a circle. Together, we greet the high prairie dawn. Together, we dance beneath rising prairie sun, dance in circles like the seasons, a vortex of power, round like the whirlwind. We dance to the chattering chant of Burrowing Owl's prayer and the dry rhythmic rasping of Rattlesnake's shaker. Moth spreads her great, whirlwind making wings, wings painted the color of smoked hides, autumn sunsets, earth and wildflower. The four of us dance and sing of hidden medicines, unexpected gifts and buried knowledge.

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Old 11-06-2009, 05:16 PM   #642
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Originally Posted by day View Post
this is a beautiful painting called Prairie Sphinx Woman
The artist Helena Nelson Reed

this painting can be found also at www.firstpeople.us

...deeply meaningful Unalii Thank you for posting and sharing

Prarie Sphinx Woman
The Song: I am sending a voice, deep into the earth I call. My companions gather, and together we form a circle. Together, we greet the high prairie dawn. Together, we dance beneath rising prairie sun, dance in circles like the seasons, a vortex of power, round like the whirlwind. We dance to the chattering chant of Burrowing Owl's prayer and the dry rhythmic rasping of Rattlesnake's shaker. Moth spreads her great, whirlwind making wings, wings painted the color of smoked hides, autumn sunsets, earth and wildflower. The four of us dance and sing of hidden medicines, unexpected gifts and buried knowledge.

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Old 11-06-2009, 06:21 PM   #643
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"Rainbow Man Emergence"

Source: http://artnpic.wordpress.com/2008/07...-american-art/
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Old 11-06-2009, 06:33 PM   #644
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Old 11-06-2009, 06:52 PM   #645
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1897 Print Native American Gun Horseback Stanley Wood

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Old 11-06-2009, 07:06 PM   #646
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Recurrance of Spiritual Elements
artist - Helen Hardin
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Old 11-06-2009, 08:23 PM   #647
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Old 11-06-2009, 08:29 PM   #648
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Abya Yala

The determining name given to the continents of North & South America.
The name is from the Kuna nation of Panama and in their language means

‘Land that has reached its full maturity; Continent in its totality;
Continent of Life’

At the first International Indigenous Summit at Teotihuacan,
Mexico held in October 2000, the following declaration was made.
‘The Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala hereby reaffirm our principles of
Community, Spirituality and the inalienable right to self determination
as Original Peoples of the continent.'

The Second Indigenous Summit was held in Quito, Ecuador in 2004.

A Continental Encounter of Indigenous Peoples & Nations of Abya Yala
was held in October 2006 at La Paz, Bolivia.

The Third Indigenous Summit was held at Iximulew, Guatemala in March
2007. At this summit the declaration of the Seven Global Currencies was

The seven Global Currencies -
Life Sustaining Systems of Exchange and Reciprocity

The Breath of Life

The air, winds and atmosphere

The Water of Life

The waters, the clouds, waterways, rivers and streams and oceans.

The Giver of Life

The Sacred Species: Buffalo, Deer, Salmon & Eagle

The Sustainers of Life

Corn, Beans, Squash (agriculture)

The Foundation of Life

The land and territory, Mother Earth

The Sharers of Life

Community and Nations

The Seed of Life

Spirit –Light

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Old 11-06-2009, 08:47 PM   #649
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Starry Night
artist - David Nordahl

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Old 11-06-2009, 08:55 PM   #650
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Seven Grandmothers
artist - Jim Nelson
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