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Old 08-19-2009, 11:04 AM   #401
Unified Serenity
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Default Re: pineal gland awakening

I said what I perceive amongst some as a vehement hatred for white people today who as far as I know in large part have nothing to do with the terrible atrocities that were carried out in the past. I did not suggest a cookie cutter approach to anything, and I will continue to learn and appreciate the various cultures and truths they offer.

Those who have sought out this information and abused that trust have earned the feelings expressed about them. It is wrong to try to profiteer off of such things, and for that I am sorry for what was done. As one tradition has it to embrace the wrongs done to another as if it were caused by oneself, to apologize, ask forgiveness, and express love, that is my intent. I do believe we are all ultimately one, and have much to give to one another.

I also want to be clear that when I said, "I care not what culture brought them about, for I love and respect them all." that I was not saying that I don't care about the native American culture, but that I love and respect all of the cultures that have gifted the world with so much. I know that I cannot understand fully what it is to be Native American, but I do believe that I can learn from their traditions and spirituality much as I can of other cultures as well. The "white" culture was not always about psychology, and there are many wonderful teachings in the old ways found in that culture as well.

You also do not know my heritage. As it is, I can trace my ancestry back to at least 2500 bc, and have enjoyed learning about that part of my lineage. We stopped at 2500 bc just because it seemed far enough. I wonder what my dna carries and maybe that has part to do with the spiritual calling I have felt from a young age.

Again, thank you for sharing, and as always, I look forward to any other truths that come from those who have been blessed with teachings that they are allowed to share, much as the Mayans now seem to be officially doing.
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Old 08-19-2009, 03:04 PM   #402
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Default Re: pineal gland awakening

Also, if there are those with 100 percent native blood, then they have a right. That is understood. What about 75 percent? Does that make them less entitled to speak the truth of the tribe from which they are descended? What about 50 percent? Or less? I am not being a smartmouth here, either. It is a question of percentage of dna and entitlement to tradition. A person with half Seneca and half European (Portuguese) with Atlantean blood would qualify, or not? See the conundrum?
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Old 08-19-2009, 05:57 PM   #403
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Default Re: pineal gland awakening

Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post
Let's keep the focus on preserving native traditions and leave Mr.O out of it for once.

I have to agree with Day though. If you post information fro a native that is not yours, please give credit where it's due.

Our people have lost lots of things but we are not going to allow others to pillage our traditions any longer.

wado HJ
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Old 08-19-2009, 05:59 PM   #404
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Default Re: pineal gland awakening

Originally Posted by BROOK View Post
Ahh...but seeking of the truth is exactly what is necessary before you can take these teachings and call them your own. Then steal them and sell them as your own.

Is it not enough that we the white man took their land for our own..then made treaties and broke them over and over again....only to expect them to teach us of their ways handed down for longer then any of our culture could know.

I, a white woman...and US citizen hang my head in shame when I see articles and videos like this...and I only ask forgiveness, and permission to walk this land that rightfully belongs to you and your people Day.
Forgive me for entering this thread with my views..as the ones that you have presented are so much more beautiful, and for that I thank you for sharing them.

The truth in a political modern day statement....

YouTube - Native Americans Against Obama- Ta'Shon's Story

One Big Reservation

A look into the future of the United States, is most apparent on many of our Reservations. To understand what our future holds, we must first look to the past. It is my belief that history repeats itself. In 1830 President Andrew Jackson and Congress passed the Indian Removal Act. In 1835, President Jackson stated that, “all preceding experiments, for the improvement of the Indians have failed”.
Thus, began the socialization of the American Indian. We have become tribes and nations, totally dependent on the government. I have to say, President Jackson's plan has failed. With unemployment reaching some 95% on some reservations, and poverty levels higher than the great depression, we are a people at the mercy of the government.
The experiment began with the taking of our lands, culture and way of life. It was then that we were expected to become “civilized”. The government in return for our land, in most cases, gave us worthless remote land, food supplies and even clothing and housing. Each year, the United States Government allows us funds, as a repayment of stolen lives.
It is true as long as we live on reservations we pay no taxes. But, if we leave the reservation, as many have, we are no different than any other American. When our children need new schools, health care or veterans benefits, we must ask congress for the funds. This in itself shows how deeply socialism is engrained in our society.
The funds from Congress, are far short of sustaining life as most Americans know it. Jobs are almost non- existant as, many reservations in the western United States, are at least 200 miles from a larger town. Health care is the worst in the entire country. There are many examples of children and the elderly being denied health care thinking, why do we not leave? The answer is not as simple as you think. With the nearest town 200 miles away, and no job or car, its not all that easy. We are trapped in a circle of poverty.
The treaties of the past, were signed to help the American Indian. They were promises of health care for our children, and to help build a life more “suitable” for the rest of America. Treaties have been broken and are children are hungry, cold and in many cases have little hope.
Which leads me to the future of this nation. It is clear the socialism of the American Indian has not worked. The path that Obama and Congress are leading this nation, is a clear path to becoming
“One Big Reservation”.

They have taken over the banks, the cars and now want to take over health care. They have attempted to cripple the oil, gas and coal industires. Unemployment is at almost 10%, with the only job growth being in government jobs. Now you childrens health could be in the hands of the same people who control our health care, and veterans. One only needs to visit with a Native American or a veteran to see how this will turn out.
Many would say, we get free health care and benifits, my arguement is that it is not free, it is repayment of a debt by the U. S. Govenment that was promised to us in treaties many years ago. They have not honored there part of the treatie. So, the question is, can the U.S. government be trusted? I am sure the Lakota would say, “No”. They recently succseaded from the union, due to broken treaties.
Socailism will destroy America the same way it has destroyed the American Indian. If we are going to learn anything from the tribes and nations, it should be that the experiment has failed.
I implore all Americans to look at us to see thier future. Do not be fooled into thinking the government will take care of health care, finances or overall well being. This is the mistake we have already made. To see the results, visit Pine Ridge South Dakota.
If the rest of the country does not act soon, and stop Obama and Congress, they will turn this country into “One Big Reservation” The ony difference would be, you will be paying taxes, for this you will recieve, poverty, poor health and hopelessness.



These are present day issues..but have existed for over a hundered years...with no end that I can see.

So when you think you know of the American Indian Culture..think of these truths..and wonder where the desire for mutual respect in culture begins.

Sorry to have broken my silence on these matters..but I could not refrain..this thread is so much more..and I do hope you continue to share these teachings.
wado Brook for sharing this information. I thank you also for the sharing of your family history with me of the spiritual strength and long respectful relations with Native people.

You have a very unique perspective. You and your family can see the 'whole' of the situation, and you are not just talking about 'one's self'

This sharing down through the generations of native people and your family shows many things, that maybe you will share if you feel led too.

Your story could dispel the many myths surrounding native anger and how easy it would be to co exist, something that your family has done and an honor that you continue to uphold.

There have been stories handed down of how europeans and native americans were able to share easily, how each taught the other, how this always involved learning how to listen and have gratitude and appreciation for each other. There have been movies made about this.

You shared information about the future, this I have also seen.

I learned that 90% of native population was killed with small pox, war, starvation, influenza to name a few. I hear also that there may be a possibility of mass population reduction of 90%. I see also what you are
trying to convey.

Native people have shared and shared some more. I have met Grandmothers who come to share their teachings and have had to become very selective because while they want to help everybody, some have stolen their teachings and then charge money for it.

This Grandmother was in spiritual preparation for several years to do this kind of ceremony. She had never sold it, but shared it for the healing of the people.

when people steal these teachings, great harm can come to them. I will share a story next.

Last edited by day; 08-19-2009 at 06:30 PM.
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Old 08-19-2009, 06:13 PM   #405
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Default Re: pineal gland awakening

I met a person who wanted to be a 'shaman'. This person spent a lot of money taking a shamans course online. Then this person went to an ancient place of our ancestors and took, or 'stole' sacred objects.

Then they did 'ceremonies' with other people, who later complained to me.

I had already spoken to this person about the harm that can come from their actions, but was told ...'oh I know this 'sacred object' has a lot of 'power' and it was meant to come to me.

This person has only read a book, paid for an online course, never fasted, or cared to learn the deeper spiritual meaning for any of the this so called 'shaman' teachings.

This has hurt their family, and those that they do 'ceremony' over.
This person also had a life threatening ailment within a short time of having this 'sacred object'
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Old 08-19-2009, 06:29 PM   #406
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Default Re: pineal gland awakening

It is at Day's request that I share a story of the knowing and relationship my family had with the American Indians, and where the teaching of my family and the truth have evolved so far.

I come from a long line of old west settlers, and some rather famous ones at that...but the story and the purpose of sharing it is from the standpoint of the relationship with the Ute Indians of the area they settled in.

You only have to google the name "Queen Ann Bassett" or Josie Bassett to see that I tell the truth here...and on one hand the stories are sensationalized by too many journalists..the truth stands here in what I know and what I'm telling you of that relationship..as handed down from my family..the truth

Sam Bassett..first came to Brown's Hole..now named Browns Park Colorado in 1852. Here is his diary entry

Sam Bassett's diary recorded that event as follows: Brown's Hole, November, the month of Thanksgiving, 1852.

Louis (Simmons) and I "down in." Packs off. Mules in lush cured meadow. Spanish Joe's trail for travel could not be likened to an up-state high lane for coach-and-four. Mountains to the right of us, mountains to the left of us, not in formation but highly mineralized. To the South, a range in uncontested beauty of contour, its great stone mouth drinking a river (Lodore Canyon). Called on neighbors lest we jeopardize our social standing. Chief Catump, and his tribe of Utes. Male and female created He them. And "Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed so fine." Beads, bones, quills, and feathers of artistic design. Buckskins tanned in exquisite coloring of amazing hues, resembling velvets of finest texture. Bows and Arrows. "Let there be no strife between me and thee!"2

The truth...he asked permission to settle there..which gained him great favor and respect from the Chief

They remained there for the next 120 years...Then Herbert Bassett, who my father's middle name is after..came to stay there with his wife Elizabeth.

The Bassetts spent the first year of their residence in Brown's Park with Uncle Sam Bassett in his one-room log cabin several miles north of Lodore Canyon. In this cabin, attended by Dr. John Parsons (father of Warren P. Parsons mentioned above), on May 25, 1878, Elizabeth Bassett gave birth to her third child, a daughter, whom they named Anna. Elizabeth had no milk, and baby Anna's life was in doubt until one of the Brown's Park bachelors - Buffalo Jack Rife - came up with the solution.
A band of Yampatika Ute Indians were camped several hundred yards from Uncle Sam's cabin, and Rife, an ex-buffalo hunter who spoke the Ute language, had a powwow with Chief Marcisco and the medicine man, Muchekuegant Star. Within an hour of her birth, Anna - the first white child born in Northwestern Colorado - was handed over to the medicine man who carried her bareheaded, but otherwise warmly bundled up, through a pouring rain to a Ute squaw who had given birth a few days previously.
Every two hours thereafter, day and night, little Anne was carried by the medicine man to her foster mother, Seeabaka, until the time when the band of Utes moved on, at which time Asbury B. Conway showed up with a milk cow which he presented to the Bassetts.

Here is the full story if you desire to know where it comes from ...jsut remember..it is written by a journalist..and although some thing are very accurate...some are not


Now if you know anything about the Indian Culture..the Chief and Medicine Man are very highly respected figures..and a medicine man does not carry a child every two hours to be fed unless there is a great mutual respect of the family. That tribe was not just "camped" there that was their home..and my family lived there in respect of their neighbors...by asking permission to be there.

Ann grew up playing with the only neighbors she knew..the Ute children. And her Mother Elizaberth learned of the herbs to use in healing ways. They called Elizaberth "magpie" because she was always talking, and very outspoken.

Ann had a very special relationship with the medicine man..as he saved her life..and because my father was a Doctor...a medicine man if you will..she insisted that I be named Brook..an Indian name...no e on the end...and thought my mother thought it silly to name a white child an Indian name...and because Ann always got her way with my dad..I am so named.

Both Ann and my father died when I was three..the stories ended there....but my mother handed down the truth..and

As my family has taught from generation to generation...it is this....these people are to be respected...they did not ask for us to invade their sacred ground...and it is that indeed.

We the white man have taken..and to this very day have not yet stood up to our promise..but swept it under the table.

I think if you are to lean anything of the Native American Culture..it starts from knowing the truth..the harsh cold reality of injustice...and in raising social awareness...then the mutual respect can be had..and the teaching begins.

Last edited by BROOK; 08-20-2009 at 01:13 AM.
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Old 08-19-2009, 06:44 PM   #407
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Default Re: pineal gland awakening

This is my message to the whole humanity !!!

I do not own anything, I only KNOW !

No one owns anything here. It's all ours, given to the humanity by our creator !

What I know, I will reveal, I will share !

I do not charge for sharing my knowledge, I never will !

I am greatfull for all knowledge that you reveal and share !

As soon as I've accepted and learned your knowledge as my truth, it's no more only your knowledge, it is also my knowledge !
The same visa versa !

I do not expect you to forgive me ! I will forgive you if you don't forgive me !

When I share my love with you, take it unconditionally, as I LOVE you unconditionally !

When I give you my heart, take it unconditionally, as I give it to you unconditionally !

Please forgive me, if this is not your truth !

My truth is in my heart ! It's called LOVE !

Day, thanks again for this beautifull thread !!!


Last edited by Malletzky; 08-19-2009 at 06:48 PM.
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Old 08-19-2009, 07:10 PM   #408
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Default Re: pineal gland awakening

These great teachings of Love...have to be shared...and when was the last time any here visited a poor Indian reservation....not much love shared there. Not by the white man anyway

You don't go into someones home and say...oh by the way ..this is where I'm going to live..and forget about your sacred teachings...I will defile and pillage the land anyway I see fit..and you don't matter my friend.

Then to turn around and use those very teachings..flowered with Love..about the great Geia vision after all this time...when the first teaching is that the earth is sacred...water is sacred..and had the white man come to this country and respected the sacred teachings..we could actually drink the water from the great rivers.

Last edited by BROOK; 08-19-2009 at 07:18 PM.
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Old 08-19-2009, 08:41 PM   #409
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Default Re: pineal gland awakening

day I entered your thread with a pure heart.
I infringed the rules by putting a quote out of it's context in my ignorance of how deeply this would touch you in the name of your nation.
This was disrispectfull of me and I am sorry for this .
I love my native american brothers and sisters as I love and respect all beings.
You deep roots on this Earth and boundless Love for nature is a source of inspiration and profound wisdom that we can all listen to .


I 'll leave you now with my own words as they came to me as this thread is about vision.

In my heart there a place ..

[COLOR="SeaGreen"]In my heart there is a place where East meets West
Where left meets right
Where night meets day
Where opposites blend
Where dissonance is resonance
Where energy is synergy

In my mind I see people sitting in a circle around a fire
The native indian is the father, the hindu is the son
The Christian is the brother, the muslim is the nephew
The atheist is the cousin , the boudhist is the grand father
The aborigen woman is the sister , the mayan elder is the grand mother
The space traveller is the step father
and there is plenty of room for more bearers of forms..any forms

They wear the colors of the rainbow
They speak .. some agree and others disagree…
They all hold a truth of their own
Some are offending ..others feel offended
And there comes selfdefence
And there comes separateness and there comes dichotomy
And there comes divergence and there come restlessness

Now the view changes …the mind stills
Until perfect silence is reached ..
From forms they turn into light .
All the lights merge and meet in the center
And there is oneness and there is unity
And there is selflessness and Love
I go back in the mind and I see that the fire they all sit around is their heart
The One heart we all share always and forever

In my heart there is a place where East meets West
Where left meets right
Where night meets day
Where opposites blend
Where energy is synergy
Where dissonance is resonance

In my heart , in your heart , in his heart..
Is the wholeness that we are Now and beyond.
Eternal light ..eternal Love

May your sanctuary be filled with Love and be that place where all are invited to come and learn and share as I believe you are intending it to be .
Thank you for being who you are.

Love and respect to you day always
Until we meet again .


Last edited by mudra; 09-05-2009 at 01:05 AM.
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Old 08-19-2009, 08:52 PM   #410
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Default Re: pineal gland awakening

BROOK: I think if you are to lean anything of the Native American Culture..it starts from knowing the truth..the harsh cold reality of injustice...and in raising social awareness...then the mutual respect can be had..and the teaching begins.

There is no real approach to the Native way if we do not feel how much pain this injustice is causing.

MALLETZKY: I do not own anything, I only KNOW !

No one owns anything here. It's all ours, given to the humanity by our creator !

What I know, I will reveal, I will share !

I do not charge for sharing my knowledge, I never will !

I am greatfull for all knowledge that you reveal and share !

As soon as I've accepted and learned your knowledge as my truth, it's no more only your knowledge, it is also my knowledge !
The same visa versa !

I do not expect you to forgive me ! I will forgive you if you don't forgive me !

When I share my love with you, take it unconditionally, as I LOVE you unconditionally !

When I give you my heart, take it unconditionally, as I give it to you unconditionally !

Please forgive me, if this is not your truth !

My truth is in my heart ! It's called LOVE !!

When the heart speak, there is silence in the mind. Thank you, my friend!

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Old 08-19-2009, 08:54 PM   #411
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Default Re: pineal gland awakening

thank you Mudra

This thread was dedicated to the Creator and our connection to the Creator

This is for all nations

this is respect for all nations

For everyone that begins the journey outside of the box of self,
I wish you all

The warmth of Father Sun on your shoulders
The purity of spiritual waters to run from your heart
The joy of true laughter

it is the box of self that separates us

may we all meet in the Sacred Center

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Old 08-19-2009, 09:12 PM   #412
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Default Re: pineal gland awakening

Originally Posted by Oliver View Post
BROOK: I think if you are to lean anything of the Native American Culture..it starts from knowing the truth..the harsh cold reality of injustice...and in raising social awareness...then the mutual respect can be had..and the teaching begins.

There is no real approach to the Native way if we do not feel how much pain this injustice is causing.

When the heart speak, there is silence in the mind. Thank you, my friend!

Wado Unalii Yanisa adanvdo
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Old 08-20-2009, 12:33 AM   #413
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Old 08-20-2009, 01:26 AM   #414
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Default Re: pineal gland awakening

"I cannot tell you the dreamy Indian story of your
imagination simply because I am not imaginary -
and my story is no dream...."
~ John Two-Hawks


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Old 08-20-2009, 03:58 AM   #415
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Old 08-20-2009, 07:31 AM   #416
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Default Re: pineal gland awakening

Originally Posted by mudra View Post
day I entered your thread with a pure heart.
I infringed the rules by putting a quote out of it's context in my ignorance of how deeply this would touch you in the name of your nation.
This was disrispectfull of me and I am sorry for this .
I love my native american brothers and sisters as I love and respect all beings.
You deep roots on this Earth and boundless Love for nature is a source of inspiration and profound wisdom that we can all listen to .

YouTube - We are all one - www.weareallone-support.org


I 'll leave you now with my own words as they came to me as this thread is about vision.

In my heart there a place ..

[COLOR="SeaGreen"]In my heart there is a place where East meets West
Where left meets right
Where night meets day
Where opposites blend
Where dissonance is resonance
Where energy is synergy

In my mind I see people sitting in a circle around a fire
The native indian is the father, the hindu is the son
The Christian is the brother, the muslim is the nephew
The atheist is the cousin , the boudhist is the grand father
The aborigen woman is the sister , the mayan elder is the grand mother
The space traveller is the step father
and there is plenty of room for more bearers of forms..any forms

They wear the colors of the rainbow
They speak .. some agree and others disagree…
They all hold a truth of their own
Some are offending ..others feel offended
And there comes selfdefence
And there comes separateness and there comes dichotomy
And there comes divergence and there come restlessness

Now the view changes …the mind stills
Until perfect silence is reached ..
From forms they turn into light .
All the lights merge and meet in the center
And there is oneness and there is unity
And there is selflessness and Love
I go back in the mind and I see that the fire they all sit around is their heart
The One heart we all share always and forever

In my heart there is a place where East meets West
Where left meets right
Where night meets day
Where opposites blend
Where energy is synergy
Where dissonance is resonance

In my heart , in your heart , in his heart..
Is the wholeness that we are Now and beyond.
Eternal light ..eternal Love

May your sanctuary be filled with Love and be that place where all are invited to come and learn and share as I believe you are intending it to be .
Thank you for being who you are.

Love and respect to you day always
Until we meet again .


Thank you, loving woman, for this. I know it comes from the bottom of your pure heart.
Listening the voice of the narrator of this video is like real music for me. He doesn`t speak, he sings the timeless song of the deepest love.


Last edited by Oliver; 08-20-2009 at 07:34 AM.
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Old 08-20-2009, 10:21 AM   #417
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Default Re: pineal gland awakening

His music needs no explanation. No words. Peter Kater.

YouTube - Crazy Horse Prayer - Peter Kater

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Old 08-21-2009, 09:20 AM   #418
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Old 08-24-2009, 07:47 PM   #419
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Look how beautiful she is!

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Old 08-25-2009, 09:13 AM   #420
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This is Quanah Parker, the Comanche chief. Look at this man, look well. What do you see? I will tell you what I am seeing.
His eyes: you can’t see them, but you can FEEL them. He is looking down, but actually he is not looking anywhere – he is looking THROUGH the reality around. Together with the expression of his face, he is radiating dignity, responsibility, seriousness, worry for his people, reserved power, unlimited bravery and wisdom in the same time… No proud, just dignity, dignity, dignity.
Look at this gesture of his hands, such a delicacy, equal to the most spiritual move that human body can do, he is an artist too, but also this is a gesture of unquestioned leadership, these are hands of righteous man.
A natural authority is emanating from his being because he brings love also. He doesn’t need to be proud, to prove something. He is total! He is justifying the name Human Being.
How, how did come this kind of people to be destroyed?! How? And why?
Can you see only one of today’s leaders/politicians radiating such a charisma, such a confidence? No way!
This black white photography is very old, but it shines with million colors. I did not find the photographer’s name. Glory to him, also.
Meet Quanah Parker, friends, the Comanche Chief. Learn from him.
Love him.

Yanisa adanvdo
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Old 09-04-2009, 08:58 PM   #421
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I honor your journey Unified Serenity

there is a cookie cutter media portrayal of native people. This has been carried out over the decades. The words squaw, one a word of honor, has been degraded by cookie cutter native portrayal. Injun is another. Once ones eyes have been opened to this you will be begin to see it everywhere, and purpotrated against all cultures. In this sense all cultures including the european culture has had cookie cutter portrayals.

I am glad that you will seek out an understanding. Listen to stories, dont just read them. Native people wish to share the teachings as this is our responsibility. In this sense we also carry out the responsibility to ensure their purity

Psychology has a greater effect than what many people realize. It is blasted every single day, through social programs, tv, education of all grades and institutions, government etc. It has enfluenced us from the very moment we took our first breath. This is because the very structure of our economy has incorporated psychology into it. Psychology has not included the Creator, nor has it acknowledge the soul, or spirit. This not to exclude the many good people who have included this as their experience expanded and they awakened spiritually. However in the mainstream today it does include these teachings. I think everyone can agree to this as soooo many good and caring people have included this now in their personal lives and professions

Last edited by day; 09-04-2009 at 09:09 PM.
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Old 09-04-2009, 09:19 PM   #422
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Nine original Apache containers: baskets, bowls, and jars- picture made in 1907 by Edward S. Curtis.

Love always
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Old 09-04-2009, 09:46 PM   #423
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"Pow-Wow Dancer by James Bama"
from Free Spirit Art!
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Old 09-05-2009, 01:08 AM   #424
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Default Re: Pineal Gland Awakening: Star Nations Teachings

why the thread was temporarily closed

many people, including myself, could feel the negative energy on the forum.
for this reason the thread was locked and I prayed.....I also prayed for the protection of the thread and all those who had contributed to it...these are the Creators teachings and are meant as blessings to us ....which are my wishes for all and all those who contribute to the forum

during my fast I received this message:

We are all in a the crysalis stage and the Creator protects those whose intent is pure

I have great love for all those who i have met and contributed on the thread and know we all will be blessed and protected.

we are all in deep changes now as the fourth world ends and we emerge and transform with the energies bringing about the change and the new fifth world ...I look forward to our new world but realize that the challenges ahead will need the deep strength of our spirit and purest intentions

this is also the reason for the thread to share the teachings to help us prepare for the times ahead by finetuning our spirit and character.

I came back from the sky world or spirit world with a direct message .... we are all blessed with a direct link or as we say connection to the Creator...and so my thread was dedicated and devote to Unalanvhi (Chreator, eastern dialect) which also translate to Friend... the Creator is our Friend and will guide us all to where we need to be and should be doing

our united strength in this will see us through and we will be protected just as the Creator protected the thread and blessed us all who contributed to it.

the Pineal Gland Awakening: Star Nations Teachings thread will remain open while I am away you are all welcome to post to it but I am asking these things to be respected.

Please respect our native tradtions. This thread is created in honor of our Creator and in respect to our native traditions. If you post please post with links to the articles and give credit to our Elders, Medicine People and Storytellers.

please keep your posts about native teachings. Make sure the posting is from a native amercian who has the right by preparation and acknowledgement from native communities to share those teachings.

Native American teachings follow this protocol. It is there for a reason. It is to
ensure those teachings remain pure. People who share these teachings have gone through years of preparations which include fasting, prayer and ceremony.

If you post paintings and photos please give credit to the website where it came from.

Its been 5 years since the day of my vision and I was given the feeling that there was something I had to do. Yesturday I learned that I am called to learn Teachings and it will be a long process - 10 years

I will be going away to learn Teachings and will check back every few days or weeks as I can.

I will go over your posts and question any that are not from those who have the right to share the teachings.

I have only made one post about Drunvelo Melchizadac and would like this to remain at that number. I posted this because the Maya had shared their knowledge with him and he was revealing their knowledge.

It is best to find Native Americans who have been given the right to share those teachings. Honest posting and search will be a blessing to you and you will also discover many things during this process.

Last edited by day; 09-06-2009 at 02:55 AM.
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Old 09-05-2009, 01:58 AM   #425
Retired Avalon Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Default Re: Pineal Gland Awakening: Star Nations Teachings

Ego Teachings: Straight Talk from the Creator

When I was in the sky world, Heaven, or spirit world, the Creator taught me about ego and the history of our Consciousness.

the teachings are copyrighted. Please respect them. If you quote from them or wish to refer to them please respect my teachings. I have fasted and been prepared for 20 years to receive these teachings and have been asked by my elders to share them.

When the Creator first began to teach me about consciousness and the sea of consciousness, He showed me how we draw and create from it. He showed me how our ego is created from this fabric.

I learned what the Creator was showing me and then He showed me something else that I will never forget. Now when the Creator begins to teach you about what happens during a dying person last thoughts ....you are going to pay attention...this is what He showed me

He brought me out to a vast ocean, the movement of the waves was enormous. Each wave threatened to be the one that could take my last breath, and of course i called out to the Creator....The Creator said to me this is a great teaching about our connection to the Creator ...because no one calls out to their self image to save them.

This story is also seen as a allegory for waves of life that can take us over...building an identity or self image does not save us in the end as we face our death..Death is the greatest teacher in learning how our connection to the Creator is our Greatest Gift.

With great love the Creator had shown me the Creation of the universe and our solar system and the first plants, animals and the creation of the First People.

I then was shown the gift of thought and how we are creating from the substance of Creation with each thought.

Our DNA also composed our consciousnessness. It is not all about skin color, height etc, but includes our spirituality and more.

When our DNA was manipulated with the thought of being equal to gods, the ego was born.

since this day, we have been ruled by our egos, although we dont realize this.

Ego is the sum total of our physical experience on this earth from this life, what we add to it in discovery of 'self' is added to our ego.

The way ego operates is to draw energy from everything around it in order to sustain its idea of itself.

Ego is not a reality so much as it is a false one.

When the Creator blessed us all with our connection to him/her, it is also the way out of ego.

Learning to listen to the Creator will gently and lovingly take us out of ego's grip, and eventually to other ways of understanding and loving. We will come out of linear thought and embrace 'round' thinking or experience.

this is the direction we are going in. As the changes happen on the world more and more the energy effecting our solar system, also effects our consciousness, and embracing the connection with the Creator will help this process.

Last edited by day; 09-05-2009 at 05:29 AM.
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native american, nde, near death experience, pineal gland

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