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Old 09-22-2009, 12:19 PM   #1
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I hear very often the message that " we are all one " , "we should forgive and forget ' ,"we shoudl reconcile " .

Oh yes . Reconcile with the Rothschild ,the Rockfeller and other banksters for
having caused many wars that killed millions of people ? In your eye !
Reconcile with the Churches for having butchered millions of people in the name of a fake god and for having enslaved us for 2000 yeras and more .. in your eye !
Reconcile with the crims that have given us this wonderful economic system designed to fleece us with our labour , over and over . In your eye !
Reconcile us with the PTB , that ones that tell us nothing about : real space exploration , UFO , mind control, secret experiments , Programmed life forms , super soldiers , Zero point energy . In your eye !
Reconcile with the Powers That Be the ones that even now are planning to get tid of at least half of the World population . In your eye .

Yes ! Just forgive and forget and reconcile so the same scum can continue in the future with their nefarious activities ....
I say in your eye !
I hereby forfeit my higher vibration BS .
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Old 09-22-2009, 12:28 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by enemyofNWO View Post
Yes ! Just forgive and forget and reconcile so the same scum can continue in the future with their nefarious activities ....
I say in your eye !
I hereby forfeit my higher vibration BS .

Can I have yours then?
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Old 09-22-2009, 12:56 PM   #3
Northern Boy
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Yes ! Just forgive and forget and reconcile so the same scum can continue in the future with their nefarious activities ....
I say in your eye !
I hereby forfeit my higher vibration BS .

Why give away your power again you don`t have to do anything to those who have allowed you to unwillingly and unknowingly give away that which you despise them for. You need to look in a mirror because you are as much at fault as they are . You have voluntarily played right into their hands by doing the things you do every day month and year,

When you vote you consent to be governed. By consenting to be governed you allow a small group of men and women to make rules that they think are best for society as a whole. There by you tell them you are not responsible enough to make those decision`s on your own and require some one to do it for you.

You as a human being have a right to travel any way you see fit. But yet year after year you run out and renew a drivers license and register your vehicle. doing this turns your right into a privilege given to you by the State.

You are told you must fill out a census form and give information to the Cesus Bureau why ? Because you see the word must this word is only a way of getting you to comply it means something totally different than you think. On Any Government form when you see the word Must it is an invitation to participate in the government agency`s name at the top of it nothing requires you to ........ But every one wants to be a lawful citizen . There is a difference between being legal and being lawful.

What i`m trying to tell you is as long as you want to participate in the benefits you get from the system . You are just as much to blame for the situation you are in as those that have imposed it on you . Any failure to realize that negates any argument you have towards your masters. By not raising your vibrational field you remain in theirs and will be a product of what they want form you.

There are enough sleeping people in this world who once they find out the the game that was imposed on them they will take care of the ones running the show you can either join them or sit back and watch what happens when they find them . We are not here to Judge but we are here to learn and those that bring bad karma to them are here to learn that karma has a funny way of biting you in the a*s

Last edited by Northern Boy; 09-22-2009 at 01:06 PM.
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Old 09-22-2009, 01:04 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Myplanet2 View Post
Can I have yours then?
How I can give you something that does not exist ?
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Old 09-22-2009, 02:06 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by enemyofNWO View Post
How I can give you something that does not exist ?
Not to worry. It'll all be there if you should decide you need or want it after all.
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Old 09-22-2009, 02:11 PM   #6
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One other quick thought. I'm sure you've seen the sig line here "the way to have a friend is to be one"?

Same thing goes for enemy. Looks like even from your selected name that you are relishing your game with the NWO. Have fun with that while you can, because they are really and truly done for. Their death throws right now shouldn't be misinterpreted as them having any kind of juice. Their batteries are almost completely drained, and their are hanging on by broken fingernails.

It's just a game. keep it fun!
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Old 09-22-2009, 03:12 PM   #7
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I'm conflicted about all of this. History is filled with good-guys who rise up against the bad-guys...kick the stuffings out of them...and then proceed to become the new bad-guys. Then a new crew of good-guys rise up against these bad-guys (who were the good-guys)...kick the stuffings out of them...and then proceed to become the new bad-guys. How do we STOP this stupid cycle? Are we stuck on f****d???

Would a reasonable level of immunity in exchange for full disclosure, cooperation, and a reasonable level of restitution...be a wise way to end the madness which we are in the middle of presently? The rabbit-hole may be deeper than we think...and if we engage in angry trench-warfare...we just might get our heads handed to us on a silver platter. I don't know. The shadow government knows. But they're not talking. Yet.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 09-22-2009 at 03:22 PM.
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Old 09-22-2009, 03:32 PM   #8
Northern Boy
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Make every one self responsible for their actions we were not to far off that 150 years ago if you can recall the wild west the Sheriff used to allow men to settle their differences by gunfight . That was a contract between two individuals and the sheriff watched too make sure no one else got hurt. You didn`t have to agree to a gun fight but if you did you were bound by contract and the loser got the grave the winner didn`t murder anyone he was merely using self defense as per his right.

In the middle ages nobility used duels to settle differences . Now we don`t need to go to these extremes but you were held accountable for your actions and dealings with others. Even native tribes had there way of dealing with natives that were dishonorable often they would be banished to live by them selves for a certain time to learn the mistakes of their ways. They survived nicely as a society and those that were banished were allowed to come back into the community after learning their lessons. The Petty laws we live by now are meaningless and are a way we give power to the few
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Old 09-22-2009, 04:10 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
I'm conflicted about all of this. History is filled with good-guys who rise up against the bad-guys...kick the stuffings out of them...and then proceed to become the new bad-guys. Then a new crew of good-guys rise up against these bad-guys (who were the good-guys)...kick the stuffings out of them...and then proceed to become the new bad-guys. How do we STOP this stupid cycle? Are we stuck on f****d???

Would a reasonable level of immunity in exchange for full disclosure, cooperation, and a reasonable level of restitution...be a wise way to end the madness which we are in the middle of presently? The rabbit-hole may be deeper than we think...and if we engage in angry trench-warfare...we just might get our heads handed to us on a silver platter. I don't know. The shadow government knows. But they're not talking. Yet.
Greeting Othodoxymoron
I know it is a stupid cycle but this cycle must end .
We know now that even the principal characters of previous revolutions were manipulated by the Illuminati . Now they control both major political parties in most western countries and even fringe " new age groups " .
I know that when the PTB feel threatened the themes of "forgiveness and reconciliation "comes out . Well from my point of view I don't want to know any forgiveness , as far as I know , I hope the people responsible get what they deserve that is : massacred a la Tzar of Russia . That' s my point of view . The crimes are too great . I live within the law and I wish this time that those PTB really get it soon . It's not revenge it's GET EVEN time .

At Northern Boy
Greetings .

A couple of posts before you mentioned "karma " . Where is the karma of the Rotschield family ?
You made a remark that people get in life what they deserve . I do not think it is true . Why do some kids in a third world country deserves to die from hunger or a curable desease ?
Also we decide things every day for example , to work and be good citizens , to be honest and generally stay out of trouble . So we are judges of good and evil . I am a Judge , everybody is .
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Old 09-22-2009, 04:44 PM   #10
Northern Boy
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Have you ever listen to the song By Tool 46 & 2 ?

Your soul can not die it is covered by a meat suit and when its done with the one it is currently using it acquires another. now the big fear that every one has is of dieng . This is the program instilled in us to be afraid of passing on . It is the big control mechanism used against us. Once you understand that you are never going to die what do you have to worry about. How many times have you incarnated on earth only to die and return again How do you know you were never one of those starving children in Africa or another 3rd world country . We are here to experience everything once we have learned our lessons we move on so yes you were put here to experience pain hate love joy all the emotins and actions that go with it. Those that can`t figure it out and tried to subvert the system have missed the lessons and in doing so are bound to repeat them . Should you move on you will at some point run into one of those you hate and despise so much they to return to source it is their destiny you can`t control it. As for being a judge you can only judge your actions and what is right for you not others that goes back to free will
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Old 09-22-2009, 05:01 PM   #11
Humble Janitor
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I think you're forgetting something:

Forgiveness has nothing to do with the NWO.

I think it's an important human trait that allows us to move on and forge stronger relationships with those we know/love.

We already live in a world where people want to kill, torture or imprison others for their mistakes. That is ass-backwards compared to learning forgiveness.
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Old 09-22-2009, 05:44 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post
I think you're forgetting something:

Forgiveness has nothing to do with the NWO.

I think it's an important human trait that allows us to move on and forge stronger relationships with those we know/love.

We already live in a world where people want to kill, torture or imprison others for their mistakes. That is ass-backwards compared to learning forgiveness.

Yes . Forge stronger relationship with criminals .... I live to you guys .
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Old 09-22-2009, 06:02 PM   #13
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Enemy has a right to feel this way. This is where he/she is at right now and I am thinking some of us have been there or sometimes go back there when we feel the powerlessness to change these people or the injustice and suffering they have afflicted upon the masses.
I also believe in reincarnation and the need to balance out karma so part of me thinks this is all part of a perfect universal flow; however, while I'm here in this form right now, i do see with human eyes as well as spiritual eyes and i don't like the inhumanity and lack of real spiritual respect we have for ourselves and others so sometimes I do feel like Enemy. sometimes i don't.
I think it's good for enemy to vent and share his thoughts.
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Old 09-22-2009, 06:33 PM   #14
14 Chakras
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Forgiving others is not about them, it's about you.

As long as you hold a grudge, feel the need to have revenge, feel you need to personally exact justice, then you are karmically tied to whoever and whatever it is you are not forgiving.

The 'offending' party now has power over you. They cause you to be angry, they cause you to be fearful, they cause you to be vengeful. As long as you remain trapped in this state of consciousness, you remain trapped in the endless karmic cycle and you continue to feed the beast, feed the illusion matrix.

It is understandable that we get angry when we figure out what is happening. However, the real problem is not with others, it's with us. Once we take dominion over ourselves, and regain control over our own emotions, thoughts, bodies and consciousness, we will regain control over our world, because God through us will regain control over our world.

As long as we remain caught in vengeful emotions and actions, we remain controlled by lower forces and lower energies and that is exactly what the bad guys want.

The truth is, the 'devil' wins when you fight it. The 'devil' acts through you to fight it. The very act of fighting is the dark forces winning. It is when we laugh at the devil that we win.

However, it is critical to understand that one of the qualities of God is justice. NOTHING, can escape justice. Nothing can escape the laws of karma. Nothing can escape the reality that you will reap as you sew, and when you sew the wind, you will reap the whirlwind.

The arch deceivers of humanity have managed to karma dodge for a very long time. One of their main techniques is to get the people to take on their karma for them because the masses vote for them to do their nasty deeds and continue to allow it, because they remain unconscious to how they are being controlled.

HOWEVER, as Jesus said, it is better for a man to be thrown into the lake with a rock tied to his kneck than to abuse the little ones. Humanity itself, can be considered the little ones.

Those arch deceivers time is up, their day has come. And cosmic justice is being metted out. Revelations is at hand for the dark ones behind the scenes and you personally have nothing to worry about in terms of vengeance. We here need to focus on purification and taking our power back, by remembering who we are and why we came here in the first place, to raise up this planet from the throws of darkness into the reality and abundance of truth and light.

Let us fulfill our mission by shining the light on the darkness and watching as cosmic justice is fulfilled while the power, wisdom and love of God is proven through our own lives.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Last edited by 14 Chakras; 09-22-2009 at 06:36 PM.
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Old 09-22-2009, 06:56 PM   #15
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In order to understand what this forgive, love, light stuff is all about you must first understand how the negative mystery school people (illuminati) operate. They literally metaphysically feed off of fear. The extra dimensional entities that they have aligned them selves with reward the heads of this organization with the power of control so long as they can get the masses to generate negative fear emotions that the extra dimensional entities can feed off of.

Therefore, if you hate them then you are actually making them more powerful like throwing gasoline on a large fire. However, if you go against you instincts and do the opposite of hate them, you can have the effect of cancelling out the negative intentions that they are feeding off of. Without the hate directed towards them they would not have a leg to stand on. They want you to know about all the stuff they have done, this generates a collective intention that makes them more powerful.

Don't fall for the venus fly trap they have set for you.
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Old 09-22-2009, 07:42 PM   #16
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We were put here to experience all of these emotions and feelings not just good ones band ones to that is part of the experienceto use a song By Tool 46 & 2

I choose to live and to
Grow, take and give and to
Move, learn and love and to
Cry, kill and die and to
Be paranoid and to
Lie, hate and fear and to
Do what it takes to move through.

these are all things we have elected to feel in order to experience the whole range of the 3D world . We all experience them in the order we see fit but I have a sneaky suspicion that we are supposed to understand our lessons and be at love and forgiveness at the end
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Old 09-22-2009, 08:21 PM   #17
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VERY nicely said 14Chakras and Tone3Jaguar. I have nothing to add to those statements.

Except that you both touch on THE key shift we need to make in order to really bring it home. If we did nothing but follow the wisdom in the two posts above, it's in the bag.

It's a hard thing to drive by an accident and not look. But that's what we have to do. turn our attention to positive, constructive activities and intentions. What do we want our new world to look like?

Last edited by Myplanet2; 09-23-2009 at 03:12 PM.
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Old 09-23-2009, 04:14 AM   #18
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I have to say that I understand the feelings expressed. I'm not always full of love and light either, but I do try to keep things in check and not give those who do evil more power by harboring grudges. It helps for me to be aware of situations, and you're doggone right, I get mad as fire. I often wonder, if all of the folks who are at all times in a higher spiritual place than I am, if someone came and vaccinated their loved ones with something that causes the death or severe illness of that loved one, would they remain calm and loving and forgiving? I've also experienced bad things happening to me or others that I loved, but the ones who caused those evil deeds did not get their comeupins. I can't tell you if they will eventually get what they deserve, as I'm not the Creator, but I do know that there's a lot of bad folks out there who's main goal in life is the control and manipulation of others, and we need to be aware of who they are and what they're up to. If I don't pay attention to what's going on in the world, that makes me completely unprepared. I made a decision to wake up and stop being part of the sheeple. From that point forward, I intend to at least be armed with and share information, and whatever I do to protect and prepare those that I love, including members of Avalon, is out of love, not fear. I do believe that we have an eternal spirit and that only the shell we inhabit can be killed. That said, I think it would be foolish for me to believe that I'm not supposed to protect this old shell by allowing those with evil intentions to take it by force. And, let me remind everyone that we are all on different paths and at different levels of growth. It's not fair to ridicule others for expressing what they truly feel. I, for one, am glad that the feelings were shared, as growth comes from sharing.
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Old 09-23-2009, 07:42 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by happyhollergal View Post
I have to say that I understand the feelings expressed. I'm not always full of love and light either, but I do try to keep things in check and not give those who do evil more power by harboring grudges. It helps for me to be aware of situations, and you're doggone right, I get mad as fire. I often wonder, if all of the folks who are at all times in a higher spiritual place than I am, if someone came and vaccinated their loved ones with something that causes the death or severe illness of that loved one, would they remain calm and loving and forgiving? I've also experienced bad things happening to me or others that I loved, but the ones who caused those evil deeds did not get their comeupins. I can't tell you if they will eventually get what they deserve, as I'm not the Creator, but I do know that there's a lot of bad folks out there who's main goal in life is the control and manipulation of others, and we need to be aware of who they are and what they're up to. If I don't pay attention to what's going on in the world, that makes me completely unprepared. I made a decision to wake up and stop being part of the sheeple. From that point forward, I intend to at least be armed with and share information, and whatever I do to protect and prepare those that I love, including members of Avalon, is out of love, not fear. I do believe that we have an eternal spirit and that only the shell we inhabit can be killed. That said, I think it would be foolish for me to believe that I'm not supposed to protect this old shell by allowing those with evil intentions to take it by force. And, let me remind everyone that we are all on different paths and at different levels of growth. It's not fair to ridicule others for expressing what they truly feel. I, for one, am glad that the feelings were shared, as growth comes from sharing.
I perfectly share those sentiments . I feel that a lot of people who think that they are on a higher path to illumination are conned with new age poppycock . I think that I am aware and awake enough and forgiveness and love for my enemies is not in my vocabulary . Paraphrasing some saying " Do to others what are doing to you " . I know that every human has a spark of the divine including me but that "forgiveness bit " is not recognized . Everybody has his own way of dealing with things like that and nobody has a monopoly of what is right or wrong . My way is the Get EVEN way if I have the opportunity . Karma is another esoteric fable that cannot explain why people
dies every day of hunger and preventable diseases . High class criminals never get punished in the western world (especially ) , not in this life and probably never . Only the petty crims get punished severely .
We are here in this shell to learn about life and about the world .
If I have to kill to protect myself and my family I will do it with no regrets . The reality is a bit diffrent form the theoretical " santity of life BS . The life of people is of the same value of an injection of vaccine or a bullet from the point of view of the PTB . This is the real world . To explain the theoretical concept of the santity of life to the victims of horrific experimentation like some whistleblowers that appeared at LA is a joke. One has only to look at the wars for oil to judge le value of human life .... I feel that the path to " illumination " , higher vibrations and higher BS is to make people docile so that they will accept slavery without complaining or without trouble . Divide and conquer strategy applied for the more discerning section of the population .
Beside that ,nobody ever explained what this " higher vibration " is .
I know a lot about " vibrations " and frequencies having worked and studied in that field ,(electronic enginering ) . If somebody cares to illuminate me on this subject with formule , texbooks etc . I will will be gratful .
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Old 09-23-2009, 08:57 AM   #20
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What you cannot forgive, you get to live again.

Self defense is not violence.

What "they" have caused is also what we have allowed them to. They know it. This is why they're getting insistent, and soon violent. It's their position which has become tenuous. To explain, I think they've built a "trap" they really can't afford to spring.

It also means there is less reason to fear them, really. Most of that goes away with the knowledge we "let them", and we don't have to anymore.

I will admit at this point, I am still wondering what to do with the fear that "no one else will wake to that".

Gear yourself up for a fight, and you'll probably have one.
Gear yourself up to do something else, and you've built an alternative.
"Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"

Evil cannot be killed. Only redeemed.

Chat us up at: Avalon Chat
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Old 09-23-2009, 06:41 PM   #21
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Forgive. Don't Forget. Keep Digging. Keep Exposing. It's the Real Nice Guys Who Get Their Goat. Isn't That Right Lucifer?

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Old 09-23-2009, 07:18 PM   #22
14 Chakras
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Yes, forgiveness is about taking back your power, not about giving it up.

As long as you seek revenge, or desire something else to change before you can get over your anger, then it literally has power over you. When you forgive, you no longer are drawn into anger etc. and you can just Be, be happy, be truth, be in the Now...

However, don't forget. Forgive, but don't forget that there are those who seek to stop humanities conscious evolution and maintain control over them.

We are here to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. To be wise as serpents means to understand what kind of forces are working against humanity, while harmless as doves because we understand that we are in alignment with the will of the divine and with all that is, therefore, we have infinitely more rights and power than these deceivers who are working against the flow of all that is and against the will of the divine and are ONLY allowed to even be here because we continue to by our own free will enable them to be here.

As long as we seek personal revenge for perceived slights, karmically, they continue to be allowed to be here because there is unfinished business, we must have our revenge...

Unfortunately, that never works out for us, because they truly are the masters of the ego consciousness of the darkness, and when you're fighting on their territory - revenge, anger, hate, etc. we definitely lose everytime...

Forgive, be wise, don't fight them, rather, move beyond them and make them obsolete.
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Old 09-23-2009, 08:09 PM   #23
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14 Chakras: You are so right! Making them OBSOLETE is key! To do this...we all need to be informed and responsible. We all need to be the new elites. We need to invite ourselves to their party...whether they like it or not. Presently...we have a situation where the corrupt rule the stupid. It's everyone's fault!

Consider the following thread in light of this thread: http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...orthodoxymoron
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Old 09-23-2009, 08:21 PM   #24
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All honest emotions are healthy. What you do with them is not always healthy. Harmful emotions are the ones that fester, for failure to properly channel the energy.

Fortunately, there are fewer choices for you when you intend to do the right thing. If you chance upon a child being beaten, you step in to stop it. Perceiving Powerlessness to make change is the usual ingredient that causes the festering and conjuring of the "get even" mentality.

Just because one cannot do something about one thing, does not mean you have no power to do something else that may be totally unrelated.

A very good friend of mine was devastated when his wife was "murdered" by the medical big pharma (long story)... however his rage was recognized inwardly as toxic to self, as something that needed to be channeled somewhere, so he became a holistic doctor and teaches others how to become more healthy.

It works to help another when you are enraged. Forgiveness is meant to release you from the toxic emotions and does NOT mean that you condone whatever is eating your lunch nor does it mean that you would subject yourself to 'that' again.
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Old 09-23-2009, 10:35 PM   #25
Humble Janitor
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Originally Posted by enemyofNWO View Post
Yes . Forge stronger relationship with criminals .... I live to you guys .
I don't see what your point is.

So, if a woman breaks my heart, she is a "criminal" and therefore, I should not forgive her?

What if someone steals from me? Should I not forgive them?

Please, you need to be more clear on what you mean.
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