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What Does It Mean ? What does this all mean for the Ground Crew ?

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Old 09-08-2008, 08:56 PM   #51
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Originally Posted by Event_Horizon View Post
My friend, you need research Obama if you think he has "Positive forces" on his side. He is a 33rd Degree freemason, a member of the CFR and his backed by the same people that are backing the rest of them! Obama was only put in there too destroy Hillary. The election is nothing but a PR show to make you believe that there is actually democracy at work! I think McCain will win. He is just the latest figurehead and will follow the Wolfowitz doctrine. Obama is an Illuminati puppet as well, not to be trusted so is McCain. Ron Paul has no chance of winning this time around and he said he wont run anyway. And as a Republican he would run with 'Democrat' Obama even if this wasn't all a big lie.

But Ron Paul is teaching young people about the constitution which is sending the shivers up the spine of the Illuminati!

And Avid, yes they did turn on the electronic vote machine and it cast all the votes, with a McCain win. Check it out on Youtube

so wait, you are telling someone to do more research, then you tell someone to go to YouTube?

Last edited by notkuroda; 09-08-2008 at 10:38 PM.
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Old 09-09-2008, 07:34 AM   #52
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Thanks you so much for all the info and for sharing what youve learned. Its impossible to find the truth in the media and you can see the internet changing daily. It is an extreme souce of anoyment for those that would crontrol every aspect of information.

So on Dan B's site he and Marcia state that something very positive is about to happen. This is the absolute hardest part I think. Determining which course of action to follow depending on the majority of ones sources.

I kinow we should all be prepared but while I would love to positive thought myself and family to Costa Rica or where ever is safe, I just cant seem to get everyone lifted off. So im stuck with such earthly concerns as the whole money thing and precious little of it. Lets face it, the coin is handy in an airport.

Im reading survival manuals, always have. For some reason I find them intruiging. I know how to pioneer live if I have to, but some things just cant be manufactured. Even Laura Ingalls got to go to town every once in a while for heavens sakes.
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Old 09-09-2008, 12:37 PM   #53
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Old 09-09-2008, 04:08 PM   #54
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Well I know one thing for sure…

As scary, uncertain, and convoluted as it may seem to some NOW

Just wait a few months! HAH!

Call me the "strange laughing one" but don’t forget to have fun!

You waited in line to get here…

Have a FUN apocalypse!
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Old 09-09-2008, 05:11 PM   #55
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Unhappy Re: The next six weeks

I have been researching the NWO and their agenda since the mid 90's, and I am filled with dread about the next 3 months. I don't want to live my life in doom and gloom, I have to keep reminding myself of the spiritual dimensions and the helpers from other dimensions etc.

I see that I am not alone in my thinking, but over the past 4 weeks I have been going from survival mode to trying to think it wont be that bad, you know maybe the sane people in the Military will prevent these people for the sake of the future of humanity.

I really don't know what to do, I feel like running off into nature and sitting their till everything sorts itself out.

Although reading that Ben Fulford interview on PC, it has given me a reason to hope and to trust in a world that seems to be on the brink of insanity.

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Old 09-09-2008, 07:46 PM   #56
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Well, the 8th has passed. What happened?
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Old 09-25-2008, 04:39 AM   #57
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Originally Posted by jaypierce2008 View Post
...I am filled with dread about the next 3 months....I feel like running off into nature and sitting their till everything sorts itself out.
All fear comes from entanglement. We become so entangled we fail to realize the extent of our attachments. We're attached to our comfort, our belongings, the identities we've made for ourselves...and yet we all know they will come and go, and in the end will fall away and become meaningless. We're attached fiercely to our bodies, and fear death above all else...why? It comes to all, it is simply a falling away of the temporary clay shell our spirit has chosen to remain in for a spell. We fear loss of our loved ones and we fear on their behalf, and we all know too that ultimately it's just our contacts with others that makes us fully real.

I'm not a good enough liar to tell you I'm fearless. I'm not sure I'd want to be. I can tell you that I fear less than I ever did before. I've just begun to glimpse what lies beyond this mortal world, and I know it's just as "real" as "here,"
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Old 09-25-2008, 08:44 PM   #58
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Wow well time to buckle up its gonna become a bumpy ride. im not as prepared as i would wish to be, not even close in mind or body or spirit but here it comes and here i am. I guess we will all make due with what comes with what we have and hold presence best we can .... but still... Anyone know where the pause button is?

speaking of latest stuff have you seen the new benjamin fulford vids that came out just now with alot of upto date info im about to listen to them now. the new vids are on yourtube look for fulford by list date they just put them up. ya know i like the guy, why cause he believes that deep down there is good in everyone even in the worst of them, and that hearts can change. And lately i so wanna beleave that, beam out the love to warm the cold hearted.

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Old 09-25-2008, 09:18 PM   #59
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Its darkest before dawn.

Through the darkness the light will shine.

Light up the darkness.
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Old 09-25-2008, 09:49 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Nate View Post
Its darkest before dawn.

Through the darkness the light will shine.

Light up the darkness.

yes this is the thought that i hold fast too. i put my mind there in the golden light of the comming dawn as often as i can.

Inbetween getting my mind blown lol
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Old 09-25-2008, 11:18 PM   #61
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I've been following the world events for years now. This has been the first time I have ever felt the need to go out and fill up the gas cans, buy food, water and issue formal warnings to people around me that something BIG that will effect the entire country is about to happen. Y2K didn't phase me, either did 9/11 etc. This is "the official beginning" and the first ascension gate opens the first week of October. Of course, a perfect time to create Chaos.

Listen up, I hope some of you are following your heart and your gut here and taking the precautions you feel are necessary. This is coming from a person who is very "pro-positive" thinking. Remember though, that ignorance is a negative state of mind, and so is paralysis. Shake the stun from your body, mobilize yourself to do something and do it now. We're only a few minutes away from mid-night.

Get ready. Get set...
Adam K.
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Old 09-25-2008, 11:45 PM   #62
pineal-pilot-in merkabah
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Exclamation Re: The next six weeks

Originally Posted by ADAM KADMON View Post

I've been following the world events for years now. This has been the first time I have ever felt the need to go out and fill up the gas cans, buy food, water and issue formal warnings to people around me that something BIG that will effect the entire country is about to happen. Y2K didn't phase me, either did 9/11 etc. This is "the official beginning" and the first ascension gate opens the first week of October. Of course, a perfect time to create Chaos.

Listen up, I hope some of you are following your heart and your gut here and taking the precautions you feel are necessary. This is coming from a person who is very "pro-positive" thinking. Remember though, that ignorance is a negative state of mind, and so is paralysis. Shake the stun from your body, mobilize yourself to do something and do it now. We're only a few minutes away from mid-night.

Get ready. Get set...
Adam K.
you speak the truth sir
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Old 09-25-2008, 11:46 PM   #63
Frank Samuel
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Default Re: The next six weeks

I concur this next six weeks are going to be a blast !!! Is hard to run for cover when there's 1000s of spy satellites monitoring your every move. Yes even our e-mails , telephone conversations, etc.. The patriot act is a reality.
the Military Intelligence job is to monitor the conversations of any aledge goverment threat. What do you think we are doing here ? We are awakening the minds of all. The more that people know the easier it is to hide and survive. The most powerful survival tool you could use is your mind and your heart. Live each moment as if it was your last day on earth. Make preparations but use your common sense. A satellite can read a soldiers name tag from 1000s of miles in space. Just a thought from an old soldier.
Free your mind !!!
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Old 09-26-2008, 12:33 AM   #64
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Default Re: The next six weeks

I love this website and the posters here !!!!!

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Old 09-26-2008, 06:37 AM   #65
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Now I am completely bumfuzzled-- one interview too many and I'm throwing up my hands and saying, 'fuggedabout it-I'm outa here'.

After listening to the phone conversation with Deagle, where he mentions three major events (and that's the short list) coming 'any time now' poised to wipe all life off of the face of the planet: the solar flare-major earthquake-instant ice age (somehow the melting polar ice caps that raises the sea levels that drowns half of us has slipped into obscurity or been cancelled due to lack of interest); the pole-shift (I'm envisioning being shaken off the earth's surface like a flea getting shaken off a dog); the return of Planet X/Nibiru/Annunaki (never got a read out on what will actually occur to us garden-variety humans if that happens--will beings with snake-headdresses point energy wands at us and reduce us to vapor so that they can move in? Why would they pay a visit just as all these catastrophes were occurring, by the way?)

So if not one, but several Earth-shattering/reshaping events are about to occur, WHY would the PTB be bothering to wipe us all out with pandemics, poisons, wars, roundups and so on and so forth if the universe is poised to do it shortly anyway? That's a reasonable question, I think. If the only way to survive what is coming is by burrowing under the Earth's surface (that they've been funnelling all our money into for years), there's no need to waste resources on the poor schmucks they plan to abandon on top of it, unless it's just to keep us from storming the doors to the underworld to clobber the heartless weasels... Between you and me, I would sooner be trapped in a spider hole with every dastard, demon, and vile creature ever birthed on or off the planet--which is what going down there with them would have to be.

Thanks, I'll take my soon to be non-chances up here. So I'm sure no threat.

And from the perspective of us who cannot take up residence on another part of the planet or under its surface, why worry about WW3 if being instantly nuked will save us from being drowned, shaken-not stirred, freeze-dried, starved or taken out in a multitude of unpleasant 'natural' ways? Bad enough learning that the people we've blindly trusted our whole lives have robbed and enslaved us, but then learning THEY are being manipulated by mysterious, apparently soulless multi-dimensional beings too powerful to contemplate being subdued by the likes of us fledgling beings...well, what's a human to think? Too much a newbie to wield a light-sabre or what force I've scraped up with all my seeking against the army of ultra-tech, shapeshifting so who knows what the h-they are Darth Vaders... Nope, doesn't add up.

Well, too 'dumbed down' to think my way past it, I can always fall back on the comforting concept of being an 'immortal being having a 'human experience'. But MY human experience has been so totally absorbed by the melodrama laid out in front of me by the Project Camelot interviews this past year or two I've severely neglected my life to the point it isn't running very smoothly, anyway. No insipid entertainment ever dreamed up on TV, movies, books or by campfire ghost story teller has been able to compete. I only keep working enough to keep my life going so I can live a little longer to see what the story is going to be TOMORROW. (Remember the final scene in "The Last Wave" where Richard Chamberlain steps out of the dark cave out onto a beach to face a tsunami wave just cresting thousands of feet above him? I didn't know real life could match that...).

Someone tell me why should one bestir oneself to address any of the shadow peoples doings if it's all going to be moot according to the scientists. These moral bottom feeders have already designed a hell for themselves in retribution for their foul acts without any help from us, if even SOME of the gurus and wise men I've studied my whole life are correct. Why bestir oneself to outfit for survival when all our puny human efforts will be as nothing to universe-sized events? Are we feeling like Dinosaurs-take 2, yet? Hey, maybe we ARE the dinosaurs, reincarnated in less clunky bodies trying to be more group and cooperation oriented so we can avoid the iceage/meteor/flood annihilation THIS time.

How about I just shed this body however it is most painless and convenient, and reincarnate when the dust has settled? Maybe on a less drama-inclined planet? Or better yet, opt to reappear in a snappy new all-light vehicle that can't suffer the sort of assault being dished out by good ol 3D world these days?

In short...why worry about any of this?
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Old 09-26-2008, 11:17 PM   #66
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Couldn't agree more Sunnyrap, great post. By the way, loved your artwork.
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Old 09-26-2008, 11:58 PM   #67
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Default Re: The next six weeks

mmmm mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmm don't worry be happy.
You are quite right . Is good to be aware but if you make yourself sick over the overload of negative dooms day info, then brother you might as well press the nuke button. Boom !!! Well tomorrow is another day, what can I do to make it better. What world you say ? Well my world , my reality. I am that I am. One with all that surrounds me, enjoying every single second.
Make your life better, for who really knows what will happen tomorrow, follow your heart and mind wisely , whatever you do may you always be happy. Even in the prison cell we all are in, you have the key to unlock the cell door.
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Old 09-27-2008, 02:29 AM   #68
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Originally Posted by Heretic View Post
Well I know one thing for sure…

As scary, uncertain, and convoluted as it may seem to some NOW

Just wait a few months! HAH!

Call me the "strange laughing one" but don’t forget to have fun!

You waited in line to get here…

Have a FUN apocalypse!
Amen brother!
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Old 09-28-2008, 04:53 PM   #69
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Hello all. I'm new here, so I hope that you'll bear with me ...

This was the first thread that i was drawn to, and I'm learning to trust my "instincts". Ever since I was a child, I have known one thing with absolute certainty: that there would come a time in my life when "something" would happen that would change the world forever. That although this event would by huge in scale - and challenging beyond imagination - at the other end was a better place. I also know that I, and many, many others have a part to play in this. I've always felt a sense of mission.

These past few months, that lifelong feeling of an impending event (or a series of events) has become so profound that it's nearly physical. So, it's no surprise that I'm reading the posts on this page. I no longer believe in coincidence.

Yes, something is coming. Within the next month or so. I wrote about this feeling on my blog in August. Although my voice is far smaller and quieter than those here, I have a site where - as much as time will allow - I've been stepping forward to share. If you are curious, the site is Cosmic Bridges. To get beyond the first few sections you will need - USERNAME: bridge, PASSWORD: link08 because this site contains some personal information, I felt that it was prudent to lock that part.

Thanks for listening.

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Old 09-28-2008, 05:29 PM   #70
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Originally Posted by MarkM View Post
Hello all. I'm new here, so I hope that you'll bear with me ...

Yes, something is coming. Within the next month or so. I wrote about this feeling on my blog in August. Although my voice is far smaller and quieter than those here, I have a site where - as much as time will allow - I've been stepping forward to share. If you are curious, the site is Cosmic Bridges. To get beyond the first few sections you will need - USERNAME: bridge, PASSWORD: link08 because this site contains some personal information, I felt that it was prudent to lock that part.

Thanks for listening.

Hi Mark

I can feel it too. And even my husband, who is a non 'believer'. Will we become translucent and find our Camelots like Stuart Wilde claims or we will jump into another reality? Do you know the work of Ananda Bosman?

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Old 09-28-2008, 05:43 PM   #71
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Re: Sunnyrap--Why Worry?!

Your analysis is brilliant! Your critical-thinking questions cut through all the fear-focused B.S. !
Thank you for your summary.

I am Kayak.
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Old 09-28-2008, 06:25 PM   #72
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Thanks Bill for the valuable message. We all have to be ahead of the game, that`s what this forum is about for sure. The current situation can be overwhelming if one is not prepared, and I think all of us here have been given a valuable edge that, if used properly, can insure our safety and well being. I do have a few questions about different courses of action to take in some very particular situations. Just to name a few, George Green tells us to get gold and then relocate to some other region south of the border... My question is, how do one travel with gold, for example, in a safe way without running the risk of being confiscated by airport security, customs etc? If George Green could address this question, it would be greatly appreciated. Also, anyone here has any info as far as Cargo Ship Travelling??
Thank you, much love
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Old 10-02-2008, 03:14 AM   #73
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Don't Panic.

In my experience in the past ~five years of intense research and meditation, I have found that the best thing to do is maintain "observer mode" and do your best to face things that make you uncomfortable without taking it too personally. This is a different process for everyone, and I myself definitely struggle with mood swings and all types of emotional upset, but part of me is always observing what IS. That part is my true being.

There have been many periods of time in the past two decades when big important dates or seasons or months were looming on the horizon. The more material you read, especially stuff from the '90s, the more you will observe pronouncements of "first contact is imminent! In 1996!" or "Martial Law has a 75% chance of being declared in Fall of 1994!". There have been dates and periods of time when MAJOR SH*T was supposed to go down in the past five years, and nothing happened, and my parents called the next day totally oblivious to anything wrong in the world at all. One time in 2004 my girlfriend and I even left the Bay Area and went camping for the weekend with a bunch of supplies in our car because there was a SERIOUS TIP that martial law was going down and it was time to get out of the cities. Of course we had to go back to work on Monday.

People like Stewart Swerdlow (promoted by David Icke) have been predicting a pending MASSIVE EARTHQUAKE almost every week since 2003, just look back through his news. Meanwhile many channeled sources say that nuclear attacks, major terrorist actions, major weather catastrophes, etc are being constantly PREVENTED by our space brothers & sisters. Who do you believe?

Many sources have details that contradict other sources. Even sources that I hold in high regard, like Cosmic Awareness Communications, have stated that there is a margin of error involved in the transmission of higher consciousness material, like 15%, which is significant.

Then you have to factor in the issues of mind control perpetuated by our government using people with trauma-induced dissociative identity disorder. This means, just about ANYONE could be someone entirely different than what they appear to be publicly.

This is not to discount any particular viewpoint, but rather to hopefully let you "off the hook" in a sense for not knowing what the hell is going on exactly and feeling totally unsure about the future. In my own life I live day by day and things are changing constantly.

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Old 10-02-2008, 03:37 AM   #74
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Here's my final answer. If I don't get one of these five things by the end of this month, I'm quitting Avalon/Camelot for good. Because what good is all of his speculation w/o some verification?

1. Fulford's Ninjas
2. Aliens
3. A Depression
4. Martial Law
5. A Nuclear Strike on the U.S. or Iran

We've been talking about and warning us for 2 years now about these things. I've grown tired of being "let down". About wanting to have inside information that never comes through to fruition. So there it is, my declaration of independence from these speculation / doom communities if one of the preceding five things do not transpire. If our E.T. big brothers keep saving us from all this, they will keep saving us and I need not worry any longer. Maybe I'll switch time-lines now to something more peaceful...

Adam K.
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Old 10-02-2008, 05:09 AM   #75
Frank Samuel
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Default Re: The next six weeks

The rift of time is constanly changing as the conciouness of the Hu-mans
change. Remember the PTB cannot control your internal essence, therefore history on the long term basis is not yet written. The whole of the globe
will have a say on how the final chapter of the end and beggining of our history unfolds. It is a great to be alive at this time. You have all the tools you need to change your history. It is the lied of the PTB to make us believe that you are limited to a 3rd dimensional reality where doomsday is real.
The truth that doomsday is real for them, for they are powerless to continue
on this path of destruction. The recreation of our world and global conciouness is self evident and it cannot be stop. The warriors of light will prevail, we are magnets by which all the darkness of the cosmo will diminish.
Keep your Light ON !!!
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