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Old 09-14-2008, 05:37 PM   #1
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Seattle
Posts: 22
Default Neptune (video)

Neptune (video)


(Description text accompanying video)
I sat down with my guitar the other day and this song came out of nowhere. But as we all know that nothing just magically appears out of nowhere. Our subconscious, the underlying awareness of our higher-self, is always discreetly dropping clues & hints to our biological selves, usually in the guise of our thoughts and creativity, as well as our songs and poems, our paintings and drawings or other strange occurrences such as looking up at the clock on the wall as it displays some extraordinarily 'significant number'. Synchronicity I like to call it...others say that it's just a matter of coincidence. (Looking a little closer at the word coincidence...or to 'coincide':
1. To occupy the same relative position or the same area in space.
2. To happen at the same time or during the same period.
3. To correspond exactly; be identical.
.......anyways....The circumstances surrounding my death. My mortality or immortality as it were...Well this 'coincidental' theme has been popping up a lot lately in my writings, has it is often running through my mind (my mind, that 'interminable chatter' going on in my head which I like to refer to fondly as my 'thoughts'). To die...it's all terribly gloomy and a bit frightening...at 1st anyways. This whole idea of 'shuffling off ones mortal coil' is definitely enough to give me pause. Yes the 'after-life', that journey into the 'unknown country' (I've heard the terrain can be extremely unkind). This is really what it's all about...to me anyways. But let me just state right here and now...for the record. ("Is there a bible or book that I can swear on?")...as I was stating, for the record....I, for one, believe wholeheartedly in the existence of an 'after-life'...or the 'continuation of consciousness'. Furthermore, I believe that KARMA ,this wonderful woman, has given us this 'wheel of time' in which to 'work out' our own fate...(over millenniums as it were). So has to be held responsible for our actions (and intentions)...Ultimately meaning that we are responsible for our selves. For if we are all one, then to inflict hurt upon another is, in essence, to inflict hurt upon our selves, given that someday, we will be held accountable. (If you hurt another, you'll never truly know what it is to feel this pain, until you walk in the shoes of the one who carries this burden of your deed.) This gives credence to The ethic of reciprocity or "The Golden Rule". The fundamental moral principle which simply means "treat others as you would like to be treated." It is arguably the most essential basis for the modern concept of human rights.
*Note: I've been fascinated with the tarot and numerology all of my life. As some of you may know, I was raised as a catholic. Yes, I was an altar boy...(just the term 'altar boy' gives me the creeps) the Latin still sticks with me to this day. So I remember thinking that it was just so naughty to delve into the practices of the occult as a boy. (Nothing like that ole' catholic guilt). The occult is just a word. A word that means "hidden". There's nothing inherently wrong with occult knowledge. In fact I think I was even the more fascinated because this particular knowledge was considered 'forbidden'.
Now...over time, certain truths are beginning to emerge. This so called 'forbidden knowledge' is just another example of the how the church forcibly silenced any attempts of advancement or progress of knowledge or ideas. Time and time again our greatest minds and achievers were persecuted for their efforts. Why is that? I think we all know.
As far as the phenomenon of 'religion' and 'war' goes.... Words-words-words these are just words. Out of the word 'good', personalize this and you have 'god'. Out of the word 'evil', personalize this and you have 'devil'...
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2012, consciousness, love, planet x, song

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