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Old 05-14-2009, 11:24 PM   #1
Edward Alexander
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 158
Exclamation Contacting your inner Guide - Change yourself, change the World

Lately I have been experimenting with a somewhat different approach in my meditations on how to get in contact with my inner guide. Before I get on to the technique itself, I would just like to say a few related things.

We are the creators of our own World, what we see around us and experience in our lives are the results of what we ourselves project out into the world and everyone and everything there. In a sense, every person is his own walking Universe, where everything is structured according to His or Hers "Inner Self".

Thus, as have been mentioned before, making changes Within Oneself will make changes in what you perceive as the "Outer World". The more balanced and in harmony you are with your True Self within, the more harmony and balance you will experience in the "outside world" and your Life.

This can easily be seen in the World itself by looking at other people and their Lifes. For example, you may find something extremely negative and completely dislike it, while another person really enjoys the same thing and loves it with all his heart. So the question then is not if the "object/thing/event" in question itself is "good" or "bad", "negative" or "positive" - it is why you perceive it as you do, and why someone else can perceive it differently.

The answer goes back to "We create our own World" - what we encounter that we dislike or find bad, negative and so on, are our own responsibility, same for anything we find likeable, good and positive. We have within ourselves, deep in our unconscious level, energies working that are projecting these "experiences" into our world.

One example is the person who always fails at everything he tries, never manages to get a job, is constantly poor and may even live on the street. Most others will look at him as a "failure" and categorize him as that, thinking negative things about him, even if they are thinking compassionate feelings they are often more destructive than helpful, as those who care may think "Oh poor old man who has to live on the street. Hopefully he will get himself together some day" etc - such a thought will only continue to manifest that current reality both for you and the man in question -of him being a poor beggar on the street-, as your image of this person is of one that is poor and living on the street, thus this is the energy you are sending out to the Universe you live within and maintain this creation through your own unlimited powers of your Mind.

Of course many people will just pass the person and barely even notice him or give him a thought, while once in a while there is a person that is somewhat different, and gets the person back "Up and going" so to speak. You could be that person - You could be a person getting YOURSELF "up and going" properly, and thus in turn get others "up and going" in a positive way by influencing everything and everyone around you in a proper and positive way.

When YOU are properly in balance, harmony, at peace and One with yourself, so will the World around you be, and the experiences in your life will flow freely and smoothly in your favor, making things better not only for yourself but for everyone around you and anyone you meet as well.

There is a depth to ourselves that few are aware of, a self deception so grand it is hard to believe and comprehend, but it is possible for us all to understand our true being, and eachother, by gradually working with ourselves and our INNER selves.

Hardly one living person on this planet is their "True Self", they are just a mixed up mash of various other people, the opinions and beliefs of these other people, other energies existing within that in turn CREATES those other people whom affect us and make us do certain things in life and have certain experiences.

Existence is thus in a way "inside out" from the point of view most of us have, thinkink that what we see "out there" is Reality, and that we are Individual Selves making our own decisicions, and to some degree many believe themselves to have a soul deeper within that basically is "Themselves" just as they are now but in spirit form.

Experimentation, testing and experience have shown things to be differently though - it seems that creation is in fact going "backwards" - We are not simply a soul that gets put into a body and then pops out in an already predetermined world. Instead it seems from my experience that we are the Creators of the World we find ourselves in, thus we are responsible for everything happening there to some degree, BUT we ourselves are the creation of Inner Energies, our Ego, which is being maintained and manipulated by other forces and energies, so we do not experience our True Self.

And that is where the Inner Guide can be of great assistance, your Inner Guide is the deepest truest part of yourself, so different from yourself that you will experience Him/Her as some external (or in this case, "internal" being). Your Inner Guide is what has been termed the Holy Guardian Angel and many other things throughout the ages, and its work is to keep your inner Center balanced and in Harmony - as long as you approve it and ask for it.

Once in contact with your Inner Guide, you can change yourself and your experience of the world dramatically - people have been healed from diseases, gone from poor to rich, been getting the gifts to heal others, having all negative influences in their life disappear and much more.

Even within yourself there are many forms of Life and Conscious Beings - for lack of better terms. I will call them energies, and these are the ones popularily called Archetypes, which channel different feelings and emotions, resulting in Causes and Effects both in your Inner World and your Outer World.

These Archetyptical energies we all share, they are part of the Human Collective Unconsciousness, which in turn explain how these energies can affect the world as you perceive it, through the Collective Unconcsciousness.

They are a natural part of us, just like our Soul is, our Mind, our Physical body, they are there within us all perminating all of our existence at all times, just like other things within and without us that we usually do not perceive yet still is there, such as the living cells in our body , the air we breath etc.

Now the good thing is that once you get Consciously Aware of this, you can start working with and exploring these energies to create Inner Changes which in turn will manifest changes in the "Outer World", or your Perceived Reality.

Regarding your Inner Guide, this one is unique to every living person and not "shared" in the way the Archetypes are. Your inner Guide will help you get to know these archetypes, and protect you on your inner journeys, and will be able to assist you in figuring out what archetypes or other energies are affecting a situation in your life, and how you can work with that Inner Energy form to project your situation in a new and better way.

We also have a Shadow Self, deep in our unconcious mind, which consists of your ego with your supressed and repressed feelings, ideas, emotions, beliefs etc - and your Shadow continuously project itself upon everyone in your life, and in turn what you experience back from these other people in your life is an effect of the Shadow you have projected upon them in the first place.

So getting to know your Shadow self, and bring it towards harmony with yourself, along with harmonizing with the Archetypes and other energies within, will result in profound changes both in yourself, as the person you are - going beyond your Ego, discovering your True Self, and help you manifest a new outer projection of Reality.

Within yourself you also have your Center, your inner "Sun", that force which is always there giving life and love, and finding your Center , the Inner Sun, and working with it with your Inner Guide is of great value.

No further introduction is needed for the moment, so I will now descrive the method itself, how you can get in touch with your OWN inner Guide and work with these different energies.

First of all find yourself in a comfortable position either in a nice chair with both feet on the ground, separated not crossed, and your arms by your sides - or simply lie down in bed or on your coach to relax there.

During this meditation it is important that you do not "drift away" or get into a "trance state", you have to be conscious throughout the whole procedure and be aware of everything you do and experience.

Thus you should try to do this when you are fresh and awake and not when tired or sleepy.

Once in your position, mentally imagine yourself somewhere else, such as in a cave. Feel and sense yourself there, and experience yourself as being INSIDE your body looking out from your own eyes - this is also crucial for this meditation, you need to experience yourself as "being there" and NOT as if you are watching yourself on a film screen. To "anchor" yourself more within yourself it can be good to touch your surroundings, feel your feet on the ground, notice the details - is the ground flat or bumpy, rocky and solid or sandy, how does it smell in there, do you hear any sounds, how does the walls feel when you touch them with your hands, look at your hands and see what they look like, look down at your body and see what your body and legs look like - how are you dressed?

Make this as vivid and clear as you can in your mind, really sensing yourself as being there and able to have a solid image of the place you are experiencing yourself to be - always go back into "your body" in any place you go during the meditation, should you suddenly see yourself from the outside in the cave, simply slip back inside yourself and make sure you look out through your eyes and see the surroundings as you would in real life, as clear as you can.

Work on this first part for a while so you really get it as strong as you can visually and in your imagination, sensing it as clear and powerful as possible.

If you for some reason do not like caves, you can imagine yourself somewhere else, such as in a room, or in a garden etc, just make sure to keep to the same procedure described above.

Now once in your cave, look around and see a door in front of you. This can also simply be a passage, a open portal, or any other sort of opening leading forwards from where you are at, and with an exit behind you from where you came into this cave - similarly imagine such things if you imagine yourself anywhere else than in a cave.

Walk forward, while walking notice the feet stomping on the ground, let your hands touch the surroundings, the rocks, when by the portal touch it, look at it, study it for a while. Then continue forward and through it.

Once you have either gone through it, or if you are walking in a passage, immediately turn to your left and now find yourself in a new landscape, as if you have found your way out of the cave and now are outside the mountain the cave is in. Or out of the house, garden, or whatever else place you may have preferred to imagine yourself.

In either case, after moving forward, and then turning left, notice the landscape your are now in. In the whole process let the images come to you, dont try to force it or create it with your mind, just be open like a blank piece of film where the image is slowly becoming clearer and manifesting itself.

Study these new surroundings, where are you? Inside or outside? Is it hot or cold? Dry or wet? Is the ground hard or soft, is it any smells there, touch your nearby surroundings with your hands and look around.

Then ask for an animal to appear - your power animal - this one can come in any form but it should not be a fantasy animal or any animal you know personally such as your pet. It could be anything from a great eagle, to a frog, to a kangaroo, to a snake, and so on. As soon as your animal arrives look at it, and ask it to lead you towards the RIGHT and to your true Inner Guide.

Follow the animal where its going, if you have problems keeping up with it just let yourself have the ability to move faster, or simply fly above the ground after it. Soon you should be by your Inner Guide that your animal have lead you too.

Start by looking at the feet of your inner Guide, what is he wearing? What kind of footwear, what does he have on his legs, if anything, and continue up through his body noticing every detail of how he looks and what he wears. When you come to the face it may for many be hard to see the face clearly, this is something that is usual for the true Inner Guide, while false guides usually are crystal clear and have faces that are easy to see.

In either case, whether you see his face or not, greet him, and grab both his hands in yours and check how his hands feel, are they soft or rought, cold or warm? Give him permission to let YOU feel how HE feels about YOU.

The feelings from a true Guide should be that of deepest love, acceptance, goodness and kidness in any way. Do you not feel this, call on your True Inner Guide and ask him to appear before you and test again.

Once you have found your Inner Guide, ask him so if he truly is your Inner Guide, and if he can protect you in your Inner World. If he doesnt answer anything but yes to this do the process over again, calling upon your True Inner Guide to be there with you.

The next thing and last test is to ask your guide to point in the direction of your Inner Sun. A false guide will not be able to do this, or stagger or try come up with something else. Once he has pointed at your Inner Sun, look at it, and ask it to come down in a human-like form for you to interact with.

Once the Sun is down, notice the appearance, is he male or female, what does he/she wear, old or young, etc. Take both of the hands of the Sun and ask to be sent as much Light and Love as you can physically handle.

At this point most people will feel themselves overwhelmed with amazing love and sensations that can even result in tears of joy, and blockages and energies are cleansed. Should you not feel much, ask the sun to clear any blockages you have so that the energy can flow freely.

After you have done this, ask the Sun what you need to do for him or in your life to be more in harmony and friends with him. He will usually tell you something which will be beneficial in your general life or the inner work. Then ask him what he has to give to you. He might tell you something, or give you an object with a specific purpose, ask him if unsure what the purpose of the object is and where in your body it will be placed. If the function of the gift is uncertain to you, ask your Inner Guide for clarification.

Then you may ask your inner Guide about the two same things. Then ask him for his name.

At this point I recommend that you return to where you came from, enter the cave, and get out of the meditation bringing with you everything you have learned and write down the whole experience in some sort of log book, which you always should have by your side when doing your meditations.

If you have problems in your life, go and meet your Inner Guide and ask him to explain to you what is causing the problem, or if he can symbolically bring up an image with the solution to the problem. If you are working on issues with other people, then ask the Inner Guide to bring the person you have a problem with to you in your meditation, and then ask him to transform the person to the true form the energy represents in you, this could turn out in many ways such as your angry husband turning into a barking dog etc. Then ask the energy form which you now see in its true form what you can do with it and in your life to be friends with it and harmonize things - ask your Guide if he agrees. You may also ask this energy form if it has a gift for you that you can use similarily to how you asked the Sun and your Guide the same.

Always ask your Guide if the information you receive from other energies/entities are truthful and if advice should be followed or not. Your Guide knows everything about you and what is best for you, always consult him lastly before making any choices.

The energy form mentioned above is one of the inner energies you project outwards to the person that makes him behave the way he does with you. Or if in the case of a specific situation, it is the energy projected out on to the situation itself that make the situation be the way it is for you etc.

These energies do NOT represent the persons or situations themselves, they represents INNER energies that YOU project outwards that causes these behavior and effects in people and events towards you. Thus always work with the Energy Form and never with a Person themself, and NEVER perform healing or anything else on other people unless you have asked them for their permission to do so first.

There are so many more things you can learn, experience and do with this type of meditation that it really has no limits, this is just the tip of the iceberg so to speak. If you get to know, meet and befriend the various archetypes (usually represented by the 22 cards of the Major Arcana in the Tarot, also called the "22 Faces of God" and 22 paths of the Kabbalah etc) you will experience your outer world and your inner self changing and transforming greatly towards the better and deeper understandings of Existence and Creation and Life.

I highly recommend anyone interested in this meditation, whom want to learn more and explore it further, to get the book "The Inner Guide Meditation" by Edwin Steinbrecher. It contains a wealth of information on this topic, goes into details about the 22 Archetypes, Tarot and the Horoscope, and how you can find out your relation to anyone in your world, and how to solve basicially any problem you have and get closer to the Inner Guide, Yourself and God. For more information on the book click the link below:

Blessings and peace , may you find this information useful!

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ascension, new age, spirituality, tarot

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