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Old 01-09-2009, 10:44 PM   #26
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 345
Default Re: You Must Choose Soon part 2

What is money?

On the surface it sounds like a simple question.
Many think it is paper in our pocket called Federal Reserve notes.

Are you active in "End The Fed"? "End The Fed" is a nice slogan but it is missing the .....by line.

"End The Fed"..... by what? By shooting the Federal Reserve Chairman? That wouldn't work, another would take his place.

"End The Fed" ..... by protesting inside fenced in protest zones, then go for coffee after the protest? Oh yeah don't forget your demonstration permit.

"End The Fed" .....by telling the legislature to not allow the Fed to "loan" America 750 billion dollars plus? THAT REALLY WORKED LOLOLOLOLOL.

"End The Fed" .....by having a great American strike day? hmmm? That's come and gone but we still have the Fed.

"End The Fed"..... BY DOING WHAT?!..... by first knowing what they do, then second...


Who are these guys, and what are their plans? Andrew Jackson said they are a bunch of organized crooks.

Who are the men behind our money system?

Is it time to join the militia and help them round up traitors in congress along with Paul Volcker, Alan Greenspan, and Ben Bernanke, just to start?

In the meantime if you don't want to join the militia and help round up the traitors you can join the money revolution, by first knowing who they are.

In recent years knowledge of our fiat money system has become fairly well known and understood, but has it?

Do we really know what the Federal Reserve is?

These and many other questions are better understood when one knows the history of current money system.

You might want to go through this series about the the Federal Reserve and their current fiat money system.

Fiat Empire One

Fiat Empire Two

Fiat Empire Three

Fiat Empire Four

Fiat Empire Five

Fiat Empire Six
Pay particular attention to the free market solution!

And second "End The Fed".... by dumping the dollar and joining the money revolution!

The introduction of another money system by the free market does not have to happen within a state, it can start within a community of people willing to participate in it.

Then again, you can wait till this spring when you will be offered the new international monetary system by the same wonderful people that run the Federal Reserve.

Let's hang 'em this Saturday at high noon EST.

Lynching details below;
Silver Round Table - conference call
Saturday 3pm EST (yes this is a schedule change)
The call in number is 646 727-1307 or you can participate via internet by going to the following link;

Last edited by Waterman; 01-10-2009 at 06:59 PM.
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Old 01-10-2009, 05:39 PM   #27
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 345
Default Re: You Must Choose Soon part 2


If you called in for the meeting and the was no meeting .... there still is.
When it was scheduled for 12 noon EST, I verified it and had someone else re-verify it.

When I get on BlogTalkRadio today to start the meeting the time had changed for two hours later.... we were both taken back how it was changed!

So we shal press forward anyway and the conference call meeting will start at 3pm EST.

Check the post right before this one for phone numbers and website.


Last edited by Waterman; 01-10-2009 at 06:58 PM.
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Old 01-10-2009, 07:07 PM   #28
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: You Must Choose Soon part 2

Originally Posted by Waterman View Post

If you called in for the meeting and the was no meeting .... there still is.
When it was scheduled for 12 noon EST, I verified it and had someone else re-verify it.

When I get on BlogTalkRadio today to start the meeting the time had changed for two hours later.... we were both taken back how it was changed!

So we shal press forward anyway and the conference call meeting will start at 3pm EST.

Check the post right before this one for phone numbers and website.


Waterman the change took place after 10am this morning. I went to the site to check it out prior to the scheduled time and noticed it was still 12:00. I'll be there.

This should really be a closed door meeting. You know that they will be monitoring.

Last edited by PartOfOne; 01-10-2009 at 07:13 PM.
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Old 01-11-2009, 05:34 AM   #29
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Default Re: You Must Choose Soon part 2

Today (01-10-09) we had our first "Silver Round Table" meeting. I wonder if someone could do some numerology and tell us more about the date....

The show was to start 11am my time and I had trouble getting on so get this I couldn't get on till guess what time ..... yep 11:11. But only to find out that I had two hours to wait. The technical stuff is not important but what we did was.

I happen to have access to a transcriptionist and they are going to transcribe the meeting. Hopefully if there is enough interest we can start a special section in Avalon to promote this community open currency project.

So look for a complete transcript of the 90 minutes soon. In the meatime I will be gathering up my notes and post a summary of the event. Here on this thread.

In the meantime please feel free to go to the archive and listen, here is the link.

We got a chance to have Razor as he likes to be called join us in our talk about an open currency project.

It was a start. I hope you will take the time to listen to the archive. In the meantime I will put together a brief "who, what, where" of the conversation I had with Razor after the call.

There are some very exciting things on the horizon, and this could be one of the many was so dearly deserve.

Until later.... HOLD FAST

Last edited by Waterman; 01-11-2009 at 05:36 AM.
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collapse, economy, monetary system, money

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