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Old 09-23-2008, 11:39 PM   #1
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Default ASTROLOGY by St.Clair

Dear Friends

First of all be aware we are just about to enter the Mercury retrograde phase in few hours which will last into october 15th, adjustments are being made.

Due to the fact that my threads now are "read only", and some professionally skilled astrologers had wanted to comment and add certain things, I was asked to open this thread so you can participate here again, but bear in mind I am really short of time.

This topic here has to be astrologically high level material only, and not a space for arguments or debates please.

My NEW BLOG is here
Astrology by St.Clair

Below you can continue to post astrological materials that are of interest to others - related to current developments - and keep an eye to "solution-orientated" materials.

Zjenny had said she would perhaps contribute an assessment of Obama based on the chart we have online.

Later maybe I might add the birth chart of Krishnamurti to explain why he was the emissary of a High Culture who came here to explain The Future of Humanity & The Ending of Time.


We can also discuss here the functioning of Radiant Zones Networks (RZNs) through the lens of astrology, since it is via this tool and the Guidance of The Nordics that i came up with this concept. It seemed pretty obvious, we cannot carry on in the manner we did before.

Essentially, as Uranus passes my Mercury of birth in Pisces, and Saturn opposes it now, it is the applied relevant contribution I brought to the table as it involves a certain amount of Uranian Utopia combined with a frugal practical Saturnian focus in Virgo. The astro-aspect indicates that rigidity of thought would defeat the idea, and we have to flexible to see it through.

One could say that "The Radiant Zones Network" is a result of the Saturn-Uranus opposition, or at least it will manifest during this signature lasting until mid 2010 as a globally sane solution.

When Uranus passes a natal Mercury there is some sort of a moment of enlightenment or inspiration that hits home. When Uranus passed the natal Mercury of Al Gore, he produced his DVD "The Inconvenient Truth" and got an Oscar for that. Some of the stuff he said in that DVD are seriously misguided, but i respect the fact that at least he woke some people up. He did not have Saturn guiding his Mercury at that time, so he is forgiven, whereas this time around we have to come thru.

On my end my advisors said to me: "What will you come up with when Uranus passes your Mercury?" I said we will do some "other" DVD. For Free. It s in the works, as Uranus takes two passes over my Mercury i get two match balls. With Saturn across my Mercury I have to make sure i deliver timely dispatches to my clients. So my job has priority one, and Utopia is priority two.

So... The Radiant Zones is something you can now go do in your own... Astrology says the time is right for this. My book describes how to do it and what it entails...

Moments ago this link http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...ead.php?t=3182 worked and connected to my read only threads, but at the moment all witness threads seem gone, so I am not sure at what point the link will activate again.))

The old first thread is still active and here:
Update links to stay in touch will also be shown.


Last edited by StClair; 09-24-2008 at 04:31 PM.
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Old 09-24-2008, 03:12 AM   #2
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: ASTROLOGY by St.Clair

A question, for the executives/or moderators
of project avalon

approx 2 weeks of work went into to building
all the threads, in St.Clair's section,
he emailed me, asking, what happened to them ???

he said...
"all my threads just disappeared
so i dont know where to post
anyway, 2 weeks of work gone"
nevermind ...M

well, as, i read this,
i realise, that never_mind,
perhaps, does need some minding...

i also have numerous emails,
and, private emails,
and, even a couple of telephone calls,
from people, wondering why all these threads
just vanished--there was some info on them,
that was very valuable,
and, stuff we did NOT keep copies of,
but, would have, if, we knew,
it would all go poof, and, vanish.
NEVER to be seen again ???

I am certainly,
willing to man/or woman,
the fort, or, edit it,
so, at least some of it,
that was quite valuable,
might still remain, intact.

i am aware St.Clair,
has communicated that,
to the executives at Project Avalon,
i am NOT certain what to tell people,
as MANY people subscribed to threads
within those sections...
a few are asking,
what happened to The Exchanger's Thread???

anyway...let us know

thank you

the eXchanger
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Old 09-24-2008, 03:31 AM   #3
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Default Re: ASTROLOGY by St.Clair

Hi there.

A suggestion which you've probably already checked out
but it's better to sound stupid than be silently clever
or something like that.

Is the info in the history section in statitistics?
Perhaps it could be pieced together
although I'm sure the boffins at Avalon could
rescue it from Avalon Hades.

Maybe then the info might be better protected in a social group
for the more more knowledgeable whilst
maintaining a thread for folks like me who like to read
the more accessible parts.

Best of luck.
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Old 09-24-2008, 04:03 AM   #4
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Default Re: ASTROLOGY by St.Clair

As we move together figuring out what needs to be done. Are there areas of the country that are better than others based on birth dates. If so is it general enought to publish.

Or is it individualized?

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Old 09-24-2008, 07:20 AM   #5
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Default Re: ASTROLOGY by St.Clair

Yes when it is based on charts it is of course very individualized, but as to general ideas of criteria where is best, that is discussed in my book, i.e. outside of large cities, inland, and higher up, in forested areas.

I am sorry I cannot find my threads and had not backed up all my astrological work, which was now going to be mirrored by my web master into my main web site.

We asked Kerry to look into this, I am sure it is only a technical problem, and I hope we hear soon back how we can reinstall the archives for read only, because I was going to reproduce here at least some of the main astrological material.

The only astro materials recently backed up for now are here.

2 0 0 9 - 2 0 1 1
This is the years ahead astrology thread

Let me know when my threads "Radiant Zones" and "Economy", "Astrology", and "Situation Zone" are back online, and also I am missing the eXchanger thread and the wingmakers thread.

Then we can start again. Mercury is retrograde now so we would assume that during the next three weeks now we are going to have some adjustments made. Time permitting I will try by heart to recreate the massive work that went into all this during the past weeks.

Here is the new Radiant Zones thread in this sup topic of "Spirituality."


Here for those who wish to use their time well
is the FREE BOOK by Krishnamurti and David Bohm

Here the video series featuring the two men:
This is the most fascinating dialogue series.

Post Script

A FORUM MODERATOR HAS JUST INFORMED ME that someone has illicitely deleted all the witness areas and they are looking into things, but everything had been backed up, so no worries.

I told you we are in Mercury retrograde and glitches are to be expected. Stay tuned here while everything comes back alive soon. As the anchor man says: "Dont go away! We'll be right back."

You are seeing astrology now in its applied version.
Please send good thoughts to this venture at Avalon.

Networks eXpanding at "the eXchangerS" here

Michael St.Clair

Last edited by StClair; 09-24-2008 at 06:06 PM.
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Old 09-24-2008, 09:39 AM   #6
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Default October Outlook

Threading together here a digest of the take by many other colleague astrologers... and my summary for the months ahead.

As stated, Mercury has just turned retrograde and we are seeing its first ramifications right here in this forum, mirroring the meaning of this, as some confusion might surface - the best is to move intellectually backwards now for three weeks and retrace one's thoughts, reconnect with old friends, and close some loose ends.

The Messenger's backward turn in ambivalent Libra makes it tricky to get straight answers from others or make up your own mind. Three weeks of uncertainty can be difficult for action-oriented individuals, yet in this polite dancing around issues we can develop a much more sophisticated radar for reading between the lines.

What we see may not be what we get, so we are challenged to look more carefully to find the truth. And this is also underscored by the fact that Venus has just entered Scorpio, mirroring a predominant feeling where one wants to know the hidden side of things.

Colleague astrologer Ralfee Finn wrote:
She captures the mood of our time very well.

"This week is the first week of a three-week push/pull planetary pattern that could make even the calmest among us antsy with agitation. On one hand, Mercury Retrograde, from September 24th-October 15th, demands a deliberate pace, a pace some are likely to call glacial, especially as Mercury slows daily routines to a crawl and insists on reading the fine print.

On the other hand, the Saturn/Uranus opposition begins in earnest and as it does, an unmistakable sense of urgency intensifies the already agitated air, a condition that’s sure to make lots of us balk against Mercury’s devotion to detail. Nervous systems are already shot from the first tremors of this opposition—and we’re only at the beginning.

The keyword for the Saturn/Uranus opposition is “a challenge to the status quo,” but don’t let that fool you into thinking this opposition only symbolizes a struggle between the powers that be and the powers that wanna be. This opposition operates on a personal as well as a collective level, and that translates into all kinds of shifts.

Saturn represents authority. Uranus questions authority.

And approximately every 45 years, as they oppose one another, we struggle with structures and foundations, individual and collective, in need of a serious overhaul. Notice what’s stagnant in your life, and be prepared to transform your situation, even if that means being uncomfortable—very, very uncomfortable.

Within a Saturn/Uranus opposition cycle, there are five actual exact oppositions. This current cycle will occur from November 2008-July 2010. The first direct contact is exact and separating on November 4th, Election Day in the United States, but while this election can easily be seen as the perfect symbol for this opposition, it would be wise not to think in terms of a single event. Think of the coming two years as a period of rebellion against stagnant systems that no longer work but are resistant to change, individual and collective.

The two most recent cycles of this opposition occurred from 1918-1920 and 1965-1967. During the 1918-1920 cycle, Mussolini founded Fascism in Italy, women in America and Britain got the right to vote, the Communist Party was born in China, Gandhi became India’s leader for independence, and Gertrude Stein coined the term “lost generation.”

During the cycle of 1965-1967, Betty Friedan founded NOW, Chairman Mao launched the Cultural Revolution, Martin Luther King, Jr. led the march in Selma, Malcolm X was assassinated, 50,000 people marched on Washington to oppose the Vietnam War, Miranda rights became mandatory, Indira Gandhi became prime minister of India, and the counterculture revolutionized nearly every aspect of life.

Of course it can be argued—and rightly so—that upheaval is a constant part of our earthly situation. What astrology offers is the ability to identify patterns within that existential flux so we can better understand the forces at work in our personal and collective experience. Notice where you are determined to hold on to the status quo and why, and then see if you can open to the possibility of change. Remember, we co-create the outcome through out individual efforts."

Here a aquick outlook
If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that too.

Aries - March 21-April l9

The focus shifts toward relationships, but not just romantic involvements, all sorts of partnerships, personal and professional. As you work your way through the variations, try to stay open to the possibilities.

Taurus - April 20-May 20

While you may be surprised at how easy it is to recall important details, you’ll still have to pay attention. So rather than get carried away, keep your feet on the ground and continue to stay disciplined.

Gemini - May 21-June 21

As you watch events unfold, try to stay as objective as possible. For while it feels as if personal history is repeating itself, it isn’t. And you still have the power to create what you want.

Cancer - June 22-July 22

Serious conversations with significant others will help to clarify the next step. Listen carefully to all that’s said and take your time processing the information.

Leo - July 23-August 22

You’re doing a lot of talking and while some of what you say is repetitious, you’re feeling too good to complain. And others won’t mind because what you’re saying is completely engaging.

Virgo - August 23-September 22

You’ve got money on your mind, and while money is important, it might be wise to think about why it matters so much to you. The more you understand its role in your life, the better you’ll handle it.

Libra - September 23-October 22

Give yourself permission to speak your mind without hesitation or fear. I know that sounds like an “easier said than done,” but if you stay in your integrity, you’ll naturally come from the heart.

Scorpio - October 23-November 21

You must choose: Compulsively chew on the same information in the hope of discovering a new bit. Or learn to quiet your mind so you can make sense of the existing data.

Sagittarius - November 22-December 21

Old friends may make a repeat performance, and while you’re tempted to dismiss the entire situation as coincidence, think again. There may be something valuable hidden in the randomness.

Capricorn - December 22-January 19

Increased responsibilities at work demand even more attention, so rather than resent the workload, make the most of it. In time, it will pay worthwhile dividends.

Aquarius - January 20-February 18

Your eye is on the big picture, and that’s good, because even if you don’t accomplish every goal, you’re operating from an expanded awareness, and that will have long-term positive benefits.

Pisces - February 19-March 20

It looks like it is about money, and while money may be a part of the picture, what you’re really looking at is a process of transformation. So stay with it and remember, awareness is priceless.

Now as to the progression of the weeks ahead into October look at the planetary moves to estimate or intuit what moods are ahead:

Venus just entered the determined and focused sign of SCORPIO now as Mercury turned retro in Libra, and this has totally switched the tonality of relating, and some people aree getting very suspicious now. Venus rules barters and realtionships and brings a turn to the darker and deeper side.

Needs are not negotiable, in spite of the Sun in Libra's penchant for putting smiley faces on failing enterprises. Still, the mysterious side of Scorpio can stoke desires that will simmer below the surface until pressure forces them to rise or nature allows them to fade away. Others' feelings may not be obvious now, yet if you care enough for someone, finding the courage to inquire can enrich a relationship.

For the astrologically inclined, here is the NEW MOON in LIBRA -
setting the tone for October, as of Monday September 29, 2008

This moment accents social grace and bridge building. That moon is ruled by Venus, which as we just read has entered Scorpio, making things quite intense. Invetigations are key now. It is a time to find balance in our lives and within our relationships.

Fairness, compromise and contributing to the harmony of others are some of this sign's positive qualities. Indecision, I think, is maybe, could be, perhaps, one of its shortcomings. A stressful 90-degree square from expansive Jupiter to this Sun-Moon conjunction signals the possibility of overdoing things a bit.

This will also show in our world economy when we watch how the markets open on that Monday. The week ahead sees a very important change with Jupiter high lighting a very ambitious desire for new structure - on all fronts, personal and collective.

Weigh generous impulses and big promises carefully to avoid making commitments that will be difficult to keep. And keep in mind Mercury is rettrograde and thus it is not well indicated to make any binding decisions really - until at least mid October. Aspiring for more from personal and professional partnerships is helpful when good intentions are grounded with realism.

The major NEW upcoming transit is MARS into SCORPIO, sign classically still also co-ruled by Mars, as of October 3rd. Assertive Mars' entry into its watery home sign intensifies actions that can turn minor disputes into enduring points of conflict. However, this is also an empowering pair, enabling us to streamline life by ruthlessly casting away unnecessary activities and objects. Growing passion mobilizes hidden resources that make it possible to overcome stubborn obstacles and transform seemingly intractable situations. Focusing Mars' potency in productive ways will increase efficiency considerably during its six-week stay in Scorpio.

And here the photo a fortnight later in FULL MOON October 14th.

The spontaneity of the Aries Full Moon urges us to be free and live in the moment as opposed to the Sun in Libra's need to maintain the peace at all costs. Impatience can arise from the fatigue of having to make too many compromises and decisions in an awkward momemt - so maybe best wait until after October 15th or 25th, when the air clears. Mercury retrograde standstill station, is also a point of stagnation. Recalibration may be required to balance respect for individual desires within a relationship. Compassionate Neptune's harmonious aspects to the Sun and Moon enlarge our understanding of cooperation, making it possible to fulfill both personal and collective interests.

October 18th, Venus moves into Sagittarius - setting a totally new tone of relating. Venus needs more space to play in outgoing and adventurous Sagittarius. Fun and excitement are worth more than safety and stability now, which could put some relationships at risk. Rewards are earned by seeking new forms of pleasure instead of staying within the boringly familiar boundaries of the past. Pushing the limits in pursuit of money, approval or a good time makes this a high stakes period in which greater returns and greater losses are likely.

Most importantly... as of October 24th, Chiron switches direction right in line of the North Node of Collective Destiny. The Wounded Healer's direct turn may rouse the forces of compassion when we need it the most. The end of its five-month retrograde cycle shifts attention from tending to our inner vulnerabilities to addressing the damage we suffer as a community. Caring is more than a personal act; it can become a political reality. It can show that shamans, healers, teachers, and sages and seers are to come together and implement the Radiant Zones Network.

This above picture sets the stage now for the month ahead as we move into this super opposition between Uranus and Saturn - as explained in the more larger picture here,as it develops over time:

2009-2011: The Astro Outlook Ahead

It is clear that we enter right now - as stated in my outlooks of last weeks (and in my book) - a time of profound transformations where everything comes under scrutiny, and where indeed we want to question everything,astrology included. We also want to keep in mind what Krishnamurti pointed out in his timeless teachings - we have to leave the world of thought, and go into a SEER mode, where the art of seeing leads to right action,without thought - in direct seeing of what is - and is yet to be...

As 2008 becomes 2009... the paradigm of perception is seriously shifting gears - towards new realizations, new needs, and new opportunities.

Last edited by StClair; 09-24-2008 at 10:39 AM. Reason: additions
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Old 09-24-2008, 10:53 AM   #7
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Default Back up & Future

If there are questions or issues about where to find my MAIN work, or how access the most important news I present worldwide, the best is really to go to - http://Light-Seeds.com/New.html - where all my new work is contantly announced and backed up.

Mirror sites will be produced in due course, and over time, with the new video coming out in 2009, since my manner of work is more timeless now and solution orientated, giving advice globally and suggesting new networks as well as offering private consultations and coaching meetings for those serious about enacting the changes needed.

Again, the weeks ahead lend themselves well for a review, rather than for an urge to move forward. Keep that in mind.
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Old 09-24-2008, 11:20 AM   #8
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Default Re: ASTROLOGY by St.Clair

While I was working in the Obama chart I got the information he was NOT born in Hawaii but in Kenya. That would make the work I did so far of no value at all as a chart is only as trustworthy as the birthdata at hand.

So I did some research and this is what I came up with;
I know; it is Wikipedia stuff but it is backed up by articles and research from other which you can find at Wiki in the footnotes.
Early life

Ann Dunham was born in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas[3] (some say Wichita, Kansas),[4][5] She was named after her father,[3] who reportedly gave his daughter and only child his name because he had wanted a boy; however, she was referred to as "Ann."[6] while her father was in the military.
Her parents, Stanley Armour Dunham (born on March 23, 1918, raised in El Dorado, Kansas died February 8, 1992—buried in the Punchbowl National Cemetery) and Madelyn Dunham (née Madelyn Lee Payne) (who was born in 1922 and raised in Augusta, Kansas and is still living in Honolulu, Hawaii), met in Wichita, Kansas and married on May 5, 1940.[7]
After the Pearl Harbor attack her father joined the Army and her mother worked at a Boeing plant in Wichita.[3] At the end of World War II she moved with her parents to California, Texas, and Seattle, Washington, where her father was a furniture salesman and her mother worked for a bank. The family moved to Mercer Island, Washington, in 1956 so that 13-year old Ann could attend the Mercer Island high school that had just opened,[6] where teachers Val Foubert and Jim Wichterman taught the importance of challenging societal norms and questioning authority. Dunham took the lessons to heart; "She felt she didn't need to date or marry or have children." A classmate remembers her as "intellectually way more mature than we were and a little bit ahead of her time, in an off-center way."[6]. One high school friend described her as: "If you were concerned about something going wrong in the world, Stanley [Ann] would know about it first ... We were liberals before we knew what liberals were." Another called her "the original feminist."[6]

[edit] Move to Hawaii and first marriage

In 1959 Dunham's parents moved to Hawaii to pursue further business opportunities in the new state. She soon enrolled at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where she studied anthropology. There she met Barack Obama, Sr., a graduate student from Kenya and the school's first African student, in a Russian language class.[2] When they became engaged, both sets of parents opposed the marriage, with Obama Sr's father in particular objecting. Nevertheless, the couple married on February 2, 1961 in Maui, Hawaii, after discovering she was pregnant.[6][1]
On August 4, 1961, at age 18, she gave birth to her first child whom on the birth certificate she named Barack Hussein Obama II.

So, IF Barack Obama IS born in Hawaii...THIS is his correct horoscope.
Please, is there someone who knows better?
If so I would be gratefull to receive the correct data.
If not, I will go ahead with this chart and take it as the correct chart.

Thanks, Zjen

Last edited by Jenny; 09-24-2008 at 11:50 AM.
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Old 09-24-2008, 11:48 AM   #9
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Default Obama

Dear Zjenny

Very many thanks for your time and effort in this whole thing. I know only too well it takes a lot of energy to do this kind of work, and I can imagine you have already donated hours of study to this matter.

As we see now with Mercury retro - and Venus in Scorpio - we tend to dig deep into stuff to find the truth indeed.

For now I guess we accept there is some mystery around this matter, and for arguments sake we just proceed with what we have - which is the chart everyone works with - and again many thanks for your time and devotion to this.

Looking forward to what you say...

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Old 09-24-2008, 01:52 PM   #10
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Default Re: ASTROLOGY by St.Clair

Barack Obama relocated to Chicago Illinois and so his energy configuration changes.
In comparing the two charts you can see how the pattern changes.

His relocation chart; RC, is giving him much more freedom to express all the qualities of his birthchart; BC, to a much greater extend.

Obama is right when he states that the US was a liberating force in his life and yes...he is convinced of the opportunities the US is advocating.

ok. Back to his BC;
Bare with me, english is not my 1st language and normally I do this kind of work in a setting of counseling..healing, one -on -one, not politics.I would appreciate it if you take that into account when reading my analysis.

B.O feels fulfilled in the sense of living up to his potential when he sees his visions come true. Pars in Sag. 10th.
Sabian Symbol;
A Mother Leads Her Small Child Step By Step Up A Steep Stairway
His Aquarius Ascendant gives an impression of a remarkable man with a lot of charisma that is appealing to many. He always can think of different ways to catch a rabbit in an open field.
Sabian Symbol for 19th degree Auq;
A Forest Fire Is Being Subdued By The Use Of Water, Chemicals And Sheer Muscular Energy.

His core issue is how to make things happen in a way he will get the approval and admiration he feels he deserves. Sun Leo 6th.
Sabian Symbol;
A Human Soul Seeking Opportunities For Outward Manifestation.
He is willing to push the frontiers , go on an adventurous trip to find recognition from first of all his loved ones..his wife. She is most important to him as are his children. Moon Twins 4th.

7th house in his chart is most important;
He will communicate...on all and everything with all and everyone.
He thinks twice before he speaks..his mind is a scientific mind. Mercury in opposition to Saturn is a guarantee for his well conceived thinking and planning. He knows how to make things work and how to communicate his goals.

He is not a person to make deals that would cost him his integrity.
With Black Moon in 7th house making deals is no option not just for himself but also to his opponents. They refuse making deals with him or cooperate in a rational way.
He wants to stay in charge, pulling the strings.
He dedicates himself to others...he feels the pain people are in and he is unable to look away. This awareness is what could make him a great healer in mmany ways.

His ability to keep on going , his high energy, perseverance and faith in himself and a Higher Being is what he will need if he is taking on a challenge as he is doing now..he will never give up.

The Saturn/Uranus opposition that is stressing all of us now is particular stressing to B.O as it affects his expression in ways he can not foresee. He needs his intuition to anticipate what is coming and yes! he is a very intuitive man who feels what is coming to him.

I looked up 4 nov, electionday, the planet positions for him and ..elections are Uranic..11th house issues.

He will do all he can in any and all ways he feels he is maintaining integrity.The last few weeks, days , before electionday he is really charismatic and convincing.

This chart is a chart of a man trustworthy. He may be misleading himself as to what really is going on.
He is confident he is a leader who can heal what is wrong, like Kings were in the midieval times.

"The hands of a king are the hands of a healer," said Ioreth, wisewoman of Gondor. In recalling this bit of lore from her country¹s past, Ioreth helped to save the lives of some of the most prominent characters of The Lord of the Rings. She also voiced a belief which was once widespread in some areas of western Europe as well as in Middle-earth.


Once upon a time there was a little duckling....
Who does not know the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen?
As an archetypical image it covers a lot of B.O..
The difference is that B.O is not merely a little duckling growing up but a mature man who wants to take his rightfull place in society because he earned it.

Ok. That's it for a start, let's discuss a bit more together..all who are into astrology?



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Old 09-24-2008, 05:47 PM   #11
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Default Obama Jupiter rising

This is a very thoughtful analysis and it shows that a relocated chart can make all the difference indeed. Jupiter & Saturn on the rising in the east do change totally the dynamics of what we are looking at indeed.

Jupiter in transit (now soon) reaches this all-important "9 o clock" position in the relocated Obama Ascendant in the opening days of 2009 and surprises of all kinds are possible.

It did strike me as a very odd thing to hear Bill Clinton at "The View" (TV Talk Show) make what amounted to a "quasi-endorsement" of McCain. With many birth planets in Libra Clinton was amazingly making a case for BOTH Obama and McCain, only to finish with a stunning last sentence: "McCain is ready to be President" said Clinton ex President of McCain, pointing out that McCain has something no one of us can match.

I was a bit stunned - to say the least.
Here is the video out-take top of page:


Here Bill Clinton exclusive with CNN http://edition.cnn.com/2008/US/09/24...bal/index.html

Back to Obama... The question is what the transit of Saturn on the natal Mars of Obama will do now as the hour of truth approaches. This whole thing is a scoop. No one had the presence of mind to relocate the questionable birth chart of Obama into his center of operation. Chicago.

A relocated chart changes many aspects of how the dynamics of time work on a certain place. This astrological spiritual and quantum-physical statement might at first sight make no sense to a reader inclined to understand astrology at work.

BUT - Think about it... You might be born in some place - and yet you might function in a totally different time zone, continents away, and here Zjenny scooped everyone. This is a fabulous take on Obama of Chicago. A HEALER.

Very grateful for this NEW Obama chart take.

More videos in context at http://www.youtube.com/user/NewMindTech <<<

Wishing all the men and women who run for office the best of luck...


Last edited by StClair; 09-24-2008 at 06:51 PM.
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Old 09-25-2008, 04:48 PM   #12
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Default The Emerald Tablets of Toth the Atlantean

Hi again -

This is beyond Astrology

Fascinating. Way out there.

The Emerald Tablets
Thoth The Atlantean


Tablet I - The History of Thoth, The Atlantean

Tablet II - The Halls of Amenti

Tablet III - The Key of Wisdom

Tablet IV - The Space Born

Tablet V - The Dweller of Unal

Tablet VI - The Key of Magic

Tablet VII - The Seven Lords

Tablet VIII - The Key of Mysteries

Tablet IX - The Key of Freedom of Space

Tablet X - The Key of Time

Tablet XI - The Key to Above and Below

Tablet XII - The Key of Prophecy

Tablet XIII - The Keys of Life and Death

Supplementary Tablet XIV - Atlantis

Supplementary Tablet XV - Secret of Secrets

Doreal's Translation

My web master saved it and made a nice presentation of it:
Start here - http://Earthstar.de/Contact/Thoth/Contents.htm
In my book I quoted what I found to be the key passages

Also way beyond astrology is this little story some of you may remember now as Mercury is retrograde

Socrates on: The Cave Dwellers

SOCRATES: And now, let me give a parable to show how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened. Imagine human beings living in an underground cave with an opening upward towards the light, which filters into the depths of the cave. These human beings have been here since birth, and their legs and necks have been chained so that they cannot move. They can only see what is directly in front of them, since they are prevented by the chains from turning their heads to either side. At a distance above and behind them is a raised path. And if you look closely, you will see a low wall built along the path, like the screen used by marionette players to conceal themselves from the audience while they show their puppets.


SOCRATES: And do you see men passing behind the wall carrying all sorts of objects, such as figures of animals and humans made of wood, stone, and various materials, which they are holding above the wall? Some of the men carrying these objects are talking, while others are silent.

GLAUCON: You have shown me a strange image, and these are strange prisoners.

SOCRATES: They are similar to us. For, initially, how could they see anything but their own shadows, or the shadows of each other, which the fire projects on the wall of the cave in front of them?

GLAUCON: That is true. How could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to turn their heads?

SOCRATES: And wouldn't they see only the shadows of the objects that are being carried by the men?

GLAUCON: Obviously.

SOCRATES: And if these prisoners were able to talk to each other, would they not suppose that the words they used referred only to the shadows that they saw on the wall in front of them?

GLAUCON: Of course.

SOCRATES: And if one of these prisoners was able at last to free himself, and explore to the upper world, would he understand what he saw?

GLAUCON: Not immediately.

SOCRATES: He would have to grow accustomed to the sights of the upper world. First he would be able to see the shadows best, next the reflections of men and other things in the water, and then the things themselves. Afterwards he would be able to gaze upon the light of the moon, the stars, and the spangled heaven. Would it not be easier at first for him to look upon the sky and the stars by night than upon the sun or the light of the sun by day?

GLAUCON: Certainly.

SOCRATES: Last of all he would be able to see the sun, not merely as it is reflected in the water, but in its true nature and in its own proper place.

GLAUCON: Absolutely.

SOCRATES: He will then begin to conclude that it is the sun which causes the seasons and the years, which is the guardian of everything in the visible world, and which, in a certain way, is the cause of all the things that he and his fellows have formerly seen.

GLAUCON: It is evident that he would first see the sun and then reason about it.

SOCRATES: And when he remembered his old habituation, and the wisdom of the cave and of his fellow-prisoners, do you not suppose that he would be happy about his change and pity those who were still prisoners?

GLAUCON: Certainly he would.

SOCRATES: And if they were in the habit of honoring those who could most quickly observe the passing shadows and decide which of them went before others, which came after, which occurred simultaneously--being therefore best able to draw conclusions about the future--do you think that he would care for such honors or envy the possessors of them? Would he not say with Homer, "Better to be the poor servant of a poor master," and to endure anything, rather than think as they do and live after their manner?

GLAUCON: Yes, I think that he would rather suffer anything than accept these false notions and live in this miserable manner.

SOCRATES: Indeed, imagine what it would be like for him to come suddenly out of the sun and to return to his old place in the cave. Would he not be certain to have his eyes full of darkness?

GLAUCON: Most assuredly.

SOCRATES: And while his eyes were filled with darkness and his sight still weak (and the time needed to become re-accustomed to the cave might be very considerable), if there were a contest in which he had to compete in measuring the shadows with the prisoners who had never been out of the cave, would he not be ridiculous? Men would say of him that his ascent and descent had destroyed his eyesight, and thus that it was better not even to think of ascending. And if they caught anyone trying to free another and lead him up to the light, they would put the offender to death.

GLAUCON: Without question.

SOCRATES: You may append this entire allegory, dear Glaucon, to what I have said before. The prisonhouse or cave is the world of sight; the light of the fire within the cave is the sun. And you will not misapprehend me if you interpret the journey upwards to be the ascent of the soul into the intelligible world, which, at your request, I have described. Only God knows whether or not my description is accurate. But whether true or false, my opinion is that in the world of knowledge the Form of the Good appears last of all, and is seen only with an effort. When seen, however, it can only lead us to the conclusion that it is the universal author of all things beautiful and right, that it is the origin of the source of light in the visible world, and the immediate source of reason and truth in the intelligible world. Without having seen the Form of Good and having fixed his eye upon it, one will not be able to act wisely either in public affairs or in private life.

GLAUCON: I agree, as far as I am able to understand you.

in an offer to show you how to leave the cave, and the cave in the cave...
i opend this for friends - http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...ead.php?t=3364
"The StClair Blog Zone!" at Avalon in the topic "Preparations / Advice"

If you like these kinds of subjects as hints how to PREPARE for what is next up, I have loaded stuff here at http://stclairzone.ning.com/forum where we can discuss it. For instance I also show the new modern version of The Tao. PLUTO in Capricorn will see a rebirth of the Tao in 2009.

Last edited by StClair; 09-25-2008 at 06:48 PM.
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Old 09-26-2008, 06:42 AM   #13
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Default Prophecies on Russia

In one of my old threads I had analyzed the birth chart of the 1990 gemini Russia and I had noted that in 2012 the transit planets, Uranus, Pluto, etc. will make a potentially explosive impact on Russia, and in a peaceful manner, once Russia discovers the Hyperborean cultures beneath the Elven lands under the melting Arctic ice...

So here I found this today:

Prophecies from Russia. Legendary Bulgarian prophetess Vanga

Vanga was born at the turn of the 20th century and died 12 years ago at the age of 84. Her gift of prophesy made her popular, and soon politicians visited her to have their fortunes told.

Among her most shocking predictions is what she had predicted in 1980: In August of 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be covered with water and the whole world will be weeping over it. Twenty years later, the nuclear submarine "Kursk" perished in an accident.

In January 1988 she said: We are witnessing events of paramount significance. Two big leaders shake hands. But we have to wait for a long time before the Eighth one will come forth and sign a final peace agreement on Earth. The first part of the prediction made reference to Gorbachev and Reagan, and the second to the fact that Russia joined the Group of Seven, now the G-8.

In the same way, she predicted some other events of world history. In 1989: The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel bird. The wolves will howl in the bush, and innocent blood will flow. It happened as predicted: The "Twin" towers of the World Trade Center in New York collapsed apparently because two commercial planes - "steel birds" - were flown into them. She predicted lots of things - the Chernobyl disaster, Boris Yeltsin's election win and so on. It is even said that Adolf Hitler left a visit with her looking very upset.

“The trains will start flying in 2018.
They will be powered by the Sun.
Earth will take a rest since they will stop extracting oil.”

One of the popular predictions about Russia is that when the permafrost thaws and the floods come, nothing will survive on Earth but Russia. The climate will change and Russia will occupy the best inhabitable zone. Plus, Russia is predicted to herald in world peace and flourish in the face of good fortune.

Vanga also once said: "Everything melts away like ice yet the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia are the only things that will remain. Russia will not only survive, it will dominate the world."

Let us envision this is done peacefully.

Last edited by StClair; 09-26-2008 at 06:47 AM.
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Old 09-26-2008, 07:40 AM   #14
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Default Re: ASTROLOGY by St.Clair

This is interesting to read considering I sent two emails to Vladmir Putin last week. All I had to do was google his email address and the Russian Government site came up where you can write your letters to the President. I know very well it goes through channels and he might not even see it, but as they were both in a very positive light I would not be surprised if he did not get to see them.
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Old 09-26-2008, 07:41 AM   #15
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Default Re: ASTROLOGY by St.Clair

Why do I hear the sound of Jack boots coming to my door. If I go missing you know what has happened.
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Old 09-27-2008, 08:57 AM   #16
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Default Re: ASTROLOGY by St.Clair

Greeting's Mr. St.Clair,
Thank you for the insight and info. I find myself more understanding of the respones and actoins of Putin's Russia, than that of my own country's government (US) lately? Maybe this is due to the wiring of a light minded individual's instinct to flow with the stars, instead of ignoring or even turning off one's astrological radar. I love my country, and feel very fortunate to have been born here, but, I find myself, morphing more into a citizen of Mother Earth rather than a nationalistic pon in world chaos. giovonni
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Old 09-27-2008, 11:50 AM   #17
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Default Re: ASTROLOGY by St.Clair

Dear Friend

yes me too, been inside USA for many years, it was a very special time in my life, and of course I have many friends there, feeling much concern for them while they are there, subjected to some difficult times.

Yes and I am somewhat "American" in spirit, and have friends also in Russia, and everywhere in Europe and in other "faraway" places, in Japan, in Australia, Tasmania, South America, and born Swiss I am a world citizen - Some US friends of mine have gotten themselves a "World passport" which does exist and is acceptable in most places.

We are moving to Cosmic citizenship. This nationality thing is archaic old paradigm stuff, and I feel we want to be friends with and have good relations with everyone. The Libra new moon now in two days indicates this is the way to go.... Putin is a Libra, thrives on good relations with many.

In a way I am of the opinion that the particularities, pecularities and customs of each root race or "tribe" or "nation" can still exist, and even thrive, while we all move towards what it is we have in common, rather than to focus on what separates us, is my view.

It is important we do not feel "bad" or "too good" about our nationality, it is just what was given to us at birth, or for some, by choice. Where we come from is in that sense not important. Where we are wanting to be headed to, I feel is what metters.

When we succeed with our idea, we will be Radiant Zones Network citizens... as opposed to be trapped in the existing matrix of the energy depletion zones.

best wishes

Last edited by StClair; 09-27-2008 at 12:03 PM.
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Old 09-27-2008, 08:35 PM   #18
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Thumbs up Re: ASTROLOGY by St.Clair

Thank you, Mr. St.Clair,
I'm enjoying your recommended sites and your uniquely diverse outlook. Giovonni
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Old 09-28-2008, 07:39 AM   #19
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Default NEW Focus - by St.Clair

Dear Friend/s

Yes we are now beginning in retrograde mercury to re-assemble all my posts from this Forum (those that were important) and all my old web sites, mining it all, going through many years of timeless presentations, and we are putting it all up at a more central and inter-active location here:

Here you will find also other like-minded friends who had read my work, and who are sharing a lot that is more in line with the way I like to present things.

Check it out, and if you like what you see there, you can join there too and post. It is easier for me to handle it from there, but I will post here also if it is of interest.

We enter new moon now - any moment soon. LIBRA - A new beginning in building good & balanced relations all around... seeking Harmony in my Zone.


Last edited by StClair; 09-28-2008 at 10:31 AM.
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Old 09-28-2008, 10:21 AM   #20
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Default Re: Prophecies on Russia

Originally Posted by StClair View Post
In one of my old threads I had analyzed the birth chart of the 1990 gemini Russia and I had noted that in 2012 the transit planets, Uranus, Pluto, etc. will make a potentially explosive impact on Russia, and in a peaceful manner, once Russia discovers the Hyperborean cultures beneath the Elven lands under the melting Arctic ice...

So here I found this today:

Prophecies from Russia. Legendary Bulgarian prophetess Vanga

Vanga was born at the turn of the 20th century and died 12 years ago at the age of 84. Her gift of prophesy made her popular, and soon politicians visited her to have their fortunes told.

Among her most shocking predictions is what she had predicted in 1980: In August of 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be covered with water and the whole world will be weeping over it. Twenty years later, the nuclear submarine "Kursk" perished in an accident.

In January 1988 she said: We are witnessing events of paramount significance. Two big leaders shake hands. But we have to wait for a long time before the Eighth one will come forth and sign a final peace agreement on Earth. The first part of the prediction made reference to Gorbachev and Reagan, and the second to the fact that Russia joined the Group of Seven, now the G-8.

In the same way, she predicted some other events of world history. In 1989: The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel bird. The wolves will howl in the bush, and innocent blood will flow. It happened as predicted: The "Twin" towers of the World Trade Center in New York collapsed apparently because two commercial planes - "steel birds" - were flown into them. She predicted lots of things - the Chernobyl disaster, Boris Yeltsin's election win and so on. It is even said that Adolf Hitler left a visit with her looking very upset.

“The trains will start flying in 2018.
They will be powered by the Sun.
Earth will take a rest since they will stop extracting oil.”

One of the popular predictions about Russia is that when the permafrost thaws and the floods come, nothing will survive on Earth but Russia. The climate will change and Russia will occupy the best inhabitable zone. Plus, Russia is predicted to herald in world peace and flourish in the face of good fortune.

Vanga also once said: "Everything melts away like ice yet the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia are the only things that will remain. Russia will not only survive, it will dominate the world."

Let us envision this is done peacefully.
Dear friends,

regarding prophetess Vanga, she also foresaw the destruction of Europe in a war supposed to start in 2010. As the consenquence of chemical and nuclear weapons used most of Europeans will perish.


Even more disturbing is that Miriam Delicado in her last interview mentioned the year 2010 as extreemly dangerous, adding weight to Vanga's prophecy.
Any thoughts?
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Old 10-19-2008, 01:39 PM   #21
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Default Re: ASTROLOGY by St.Clair

As can be seen in all his work Michel knows a thing or two about astology and its most ancient of origins! But astrology is very accessible today and you don't need to be an intuitive genius to get the best from this most ancient of spiritual tools. My view is that by knowing something about the energy signature of your own chart you learn about the grand Universal patterns AND you own place in the scheme of Creation. Knowing Thy Self is so important today especially as the coming Age asks us each to be One with others!
Esoteric astrology is perhaps unique insofar as prognostication is not its primary purpose - understanding who we are, why we are here and what we can offer the world is this branch of astrology's remit. I would like to encourage more people to take a peep [or dive straight into] the esoteric waters of karmic astrology and learn to recognise the individual Dharma which carried us here. Once a person knows their potential, their strengths and vulnerabilities they become a hugely potent force for good in the world. So, come on folks - be wowed by your own natal signature as well as the brilliant works of Michel St Clair! By learning about your self, you learn about Creation, its rythymns and patterns and your unique place within the Universe.
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