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Old 12-10-2009, 09:25 PM   #1
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Default Astrology in December 2009

Hi there.

I've been studying Astrology more and more over the past year,
not sure if there are any threads covering this right now,
[so apologies if this is covered elsewhere]


Astrology in December 2009 - We're In the Heart of Mars, Saturn, and Pluto Octile Series Aspects

by Robert Wilkinson

From now through the end of December, we have a number of stressful aspects being made that affect multiple areas of our charts. Things are being dislodged, corners turned, breaks from the past, finality achieved. Who does this most affect?

Just about everyone. No kidding. The entire month Saturn is still very much square Pluto, accompanied by Mars forming a tight sesquisquare to Pluto and an equally tight semisquare to Saturn. These are all part of the "Octile series" of aspects, which include 45, 90, 135, and 180 degree relationships. These are considered frictional, and put pressure on whatever planets and houses they fall in.
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Old 12-10-2009, 09:59 PM   #2
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Default Re: Astrology in December 2009

Originally Posted by dayzero View Post
Hi there.

I've been studying Astrology more and more over the past year,
not sure if there are any threads covering this right now,
[so apologies if this is covered elsewhere]


Astrology in December 2009 - We're In the Heart of Mars, Saturn, and Pluto Octile Series Aspects

by Robert Wilkinson

From now through the end of December, we have a number of stressful aspects being made that affect multiple areas of our charts. Things are being dislodged, corners turned, breaks from the past, finality achieved. Who does this most affect?

Just about everyone. No kidding. The entire month Saturn is still very much square Pluto, accompanied by Mars forming a tight sesquisquare to Pluto and an equally tight semisquare to Saturn. These are all part of the "Octile series" of aspects, which include 45, 90, 135, and 180 degree relationships. These are considered frictional, and put pressure on whatever planets and houses they fall in.
Can you tell us more?

Question......will all astrology be null & void after Dec. 2012? Will we have to develop a new charting system?
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Old 12-11-2009, 07:38 AM   #3
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Default Re: Astrology in December 2009

Hi there..

Well, first off, I'm not an authority on this, and won't pretend to be,
astrology is a bit of a gragantuan subject, and I'm relatively new to it...

That's a really excellently good question.

From what I understand, yes, astrology itself will have to change
as our relationship with the cosmos changes....and how big that change will
be and exactly how it will all manifest is still a work in progress....

but, importantly, this is not in the time period of 2012, the changes take
a much longer timescale, a few generations, say, but with an especially intense time recently, presently, and increasing on till, like, 2017 or so......
I find this information good, as it helps me envisage the future on a far grander scale than simply the immediate future we so often think about.

i think this is has great symbolism - that astrology itself will have to change.

Mr St Clair has recently done a very good new interview with Regina Meredith on CMN about the current and future astro alignments and what they mean, and he's very good on explaining long-term astrology,

I find I have to keep reading and listening over it all,
it's a discipline that's for sure! I'll post some of the tools that I'm
finding useful as well as sources i have been reading..and watching...
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Old 12-11-2009, 07:59 AM   #4
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Default Re: Astrology in December 2009

From Ralfee Finn

For the Week of December 10, 2009

Love songs replace Christmas carols this week, as Barry White’s Love Unlimited Orchestra provides the musical score to celestial interactions. The planets are more interested in telling the tale of Cupid and Psyche than Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer, and as fiery sparks fall from the heavens, burning desires are ignited here on Earth. Expect you or those you love to be inclined toward dynamic as well as dramatic declarations of love. And while many of those emphatic statements are likely to be amorous, with mistletoe providing plenty of opportunities for nonverbal communication, many other of those sparks are sure to inspire lively artistic expression. Anticipate multidimensional love stories that span cities, states, nations, continents, and ... yes … even galaxies. Also be ready for deep internal processes. We are, after all, at the end of another long year of relentless intensity, and these last days before the solstice are always best spent in quiet contemplation and preparation for what lies ahead.

The source of love is a Venus/Mars trine. Technically, this trine doesn’t fully possess minds and bodies until the weekend. But the ongoing Sun/Mars trine, which is a powerfully vital current, pulls Venus into its flow, and as it does, human consciousness turns toward love, creativity, and the power of attraction. Venus symbolizes the feminine principle. Mars, the masculine principle. And when they unite in any alliance, but especially a positive one, strong emotions and/or sexual longing tends to permeate even the dullest of atmospheres. This trine offers support for confident romantic displays, as well as support for those of us who are normally too shy to express heartfelt sentiments. Just be aware, the beneficent quality of this interaction doesn’t guarantee mutual admiration. Also anticipate that those seasonal office parties might be more than a little overwhelming as previously smoldering feelings turn into bonfires of adoration.

The Sun/Mars trine lasts until December 20, when Mars goes retrograde, which means as Mars “retraces” its path, some of what’s put in motion during the next two weeks will be revisited. So there’s no need to hurry love. The Venus/Mars trine lasts until December 21, which means there’s also plenty of time to spend in the rapture of romance. The Sun/Venus conjunction lasts until the end of the year, which is the best news of all, because this is a harmonious configuration capable of sustaining a loving atmosphere, as well as stimulating deep creative expressions of the soul.

And soul contemplation would be completely in keeping with the seasonal signatures of this time of year, when the Solstice reminds us of the eternal cycle of the Sun. In the Northern Hemisphere, the days will soon grow light again. In the Southern Hemisphere, the opposite will occur. From an astrological perspective, the Sun represents the life force—the spirit—which makes this is one of the best times of year to think about how you want to spend the very precious gift of your life, as you simultaneously acknowledge the precious gift of all life.
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Old 12-11-2009, 08:06 AM   #5
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Default Re: Astrology in December 2009

Ralfee Finn is very very funny..

"Just be aware, the beneficent quality of this interaction doesn’t guarantee mutual admiration."

love it.

These guys, Rick Levine & Jeff Jawer are also fantastic, now providing not only an amazing website -
StarIQ [join here to get regular personal updates and an interactive chart, all free] but monthly video astro talks for the month ahead.

I can't seem to embed anything at the moment, so here's the link to their
Youtube December forecast, part One...

Last edited by dayzero; 12-11-2009 at 08:11 AM.
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Old 12-11-2009, 10:39 AM   #6
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Default Re: Astrology in December 2009

"Question......will all astrology be null & void after Dec. 2012? Will we have to develop a new charting system?"

Hi there waitinginthewings
- here below is what Michael and also Clif High
recently speculated about the astrology changing.

Note that Clif is suggesting that the change is around 2013,
but Michael is not saying that exactly per se.
I think he's saying that it will change, but over a more flexible timescale.
We shall see!

> > >

Conversations with Clif High #2
Nibelungen Talk
Reinheim, Germany
1 September 2009 - Excerpt

Clif; Because, bear in mind, that we are not part of the Milky Way
galaxy until sometime in 2013. We've been in the process these
past millennia, of being in galaxy Sagittarius dwarf B, and that
has been...... that whole galaxy is being consumed by the Milky
Way it's merging into it..... So we indeed are going into a more
energetic period of time, whereas, in the past,
Earth has gone into these periods of
high magnetism and then come out of it.

There's some suggestion that we may not
come out of it this time.
We also have to have all of the other stuff within there
about humans, and the other entities seem to have a corresponding or parallel trainof thought that humans indeed are subjected to vast quantities of energies that wewould not normally otherwise get and that they're there in perpetuity.
So the idea ofsay the golden cycle that people talk about and some of the other things in the past, it all kind of makes sense that the long count may end in December of 2012, because shortly thereafter, we're in an entirely different galaxy and the Mayans may indeed have known that that would be the approximate point at which we would become captured forever by the Milky Way, and that alters everything as I understand it, from
my reading with some of the Russians, even astrology will change for us after that period of time, because if they are correct, and we never ever proceed beyond that point and we stay part of the Milky Way galaxy,
then no star arrangement that has ever existed in the past, will occur beyond that point and we'll be into an entirely
different astrological realm.

Michael: This is really highly interesting, because I have looked at that myself, when I wrote my book Light Seeds and I agree with it and this is why it's even for me as an astrologer now pointless to point beyond that time, although I've just linearly continued to say if it was so, as the ephemeris says, we have Pluto in Aquarius past 2025, and so on.
But these things may make absolute no more sense, so I agree with
you here, we have to be very open in our quest, and again, like Krishnamurti said, keep in mind that the unknown cannot be measured by the known.

So we are right back at that beginning point where we were.
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Old 12-12-2009, 11:42 AM   #7
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Default Re: Astrology in December 2009

Spiritual Astrology in December 2009
and January-February 2010 part 1 -

The Grand Irrationality and Forks in the Road for All Signs

- An Overview
by Robert Wilkinson

Neptune and Pluto are still in septile, anchoring what I have termed The Grand Irrationality. This long wave global activating influence began in the mid-1990s and will manifest for years to come. It explains why things are constantly weird, why people can be obsessive-compulsive and make strange choices, and why irrational behaviors that make little sense pervade our world. It's why we are all under frequent pressure to make life-altering choices and changes as we stand at forks in the road of Destiny.

....To recap, The Grand Irrationality is a septile-driven configuration, and creates an "energy field" of strange, irrational, obsessive-compulsive energies. If you want to know more about these very important, "destiny producing" non-rational angular fields, at the end of this post I've included an article elaborating on these aspects. It may help explain how these aspects work their influence within the larger energetic field in which "we live, breathe, and have our being."

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