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#1 |
Avalon Senior Member
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I normally do not create threads in economy. Economic systems are disturbing to me. But I felt I had to share this with you, in case you were unaware that there is a website and a television advertisement going around that is asking for jewelry and giving you cash. I am not an affiliate to this program. And this is not spam or an advertisement for this website. Instead, this is a reminder that the rich are taking advantage of the economic turmoil and taking everyone's gold.
The website is www.cash4gold.com. If you haven't heard of it, it is a company that conveniently asks you to put your jewelry into an envelope and mail it off. In return, they send you a check. Why does this bother me? Because we all know the dollar is worthless and who ever is running this company knows that the public is ignorant of what is really going on. And it is taking all the gold from the people. Gold is at an all time high. The economic warfare continues. Peace, Surial |
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#2 |
Avalon Senior Member
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What I find odd is that most people think gold and silver is worth something as well. There is a general flawed premise behind this.
1. Yes, gold has been used as a means of exchange for the last several millennia, but if you noticed during September and October, the price of precious metals was artificially manipulated. There was little if any physical metal to be found yet the price dropped like a rock. 2. Gold jewelry in America is usually 10Kt or 14kt; that is 42% and 58% respectively. Most people don't carry around a scale and a calculator or have access to the spot price readily unless they are near a computer. If they don't wear it or it's broken, let them sell it. Besides, you can almost never make a profit on jewelry selling it for the metal content unless it was bought a long time ago. 3. If the economy crashed substantially to the point that fiat (paper) currency was no longer usable, how long do you think your gold is going to last? How many Maples or Eagles do you have stashed? And if you're going to buy anything, do you really want to lug that all around? The stuff is heavy. 4. If the powers that be want to be really nasty, they can pull a Roosevelt like they did in 1933 and confiscate all the gold before the impending crash. But if they do that, they would have to alter the second amendment so they wouldn't be prying it from the "cold dead fingers" as so many gold bugs like to say. 5. If something drastic happens, how do you know that anyone is going to take it as a means of exchange? I, personally, would rather have a bag of beans or rice than a hoard of gold. You can't eat it remember, nor can you take it with you. 6. It is only worth something because you say it is. Think what would happen if an entire state stopped using the US dollars one day and instead started using buttons. Your paper is now worthless and you have to go out of state to buy things, unless of course you have a stash of buttons for just such an emergency. If everyone decided that the US dollar was no longer what they were willing to trade overnight, it would become worthless. Same scenario is applicable for gold. Once again, you can't eat it and it won't keep you alive. I can understand where you are coming from, but this seems, whether you wish to acknowledge it or not, one more post half-way based on fear and not on what you want. Remember: life is temporary. Everything you see around you will eventually return to nothingness. Last edited by TtC; 02-23-2009 at 08:46 PM. |
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#3 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Good points TtC, and I was thinking the same thing. Let's say we do get a heavy crash and paper money is useless, I don't see where having gold or silver will do anybody any good. That's why I don't agree with buying either one.
Let's say I'm a farmer who has lots of fruits and vegetables and people come to me in need and they have either gold or silver to trade for food, eventually I trade out all my food for gold and silver, well now I have a pile of metal and no food! I think the only thing that will be worth anything in a severe crash is the ability to barter. To barter in either trade skills or basic knowledge that another could use will be more valuable than anything. In the beginning, trading gold or silver might work until people catch on to the scheme of things. Like you said, you can't eat gold or silver, and in the end you really only need two things, and that's food and water. |
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#4 |
Avalon Senior Member
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when tshtf, i think that you would be further ahead with a stash of tools, shovels, axes and such, than gold or silver. at a barter meet, you could feed your family if you had tools to trade for food.
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#5 |
Avalon Senior Member
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I agree with you TtC. I would rather have food than gold. Most people do not have that much gold anyway. I know I don't.
It will be interesting to see how this all turns out. Globalization may try to introduce a new currency to help alleviate the economic woes. Or more of the same will occur and everything will get taxed. Prices do continue to rise. We are definitely witnessing a huge moment in history. Thank you for responding. I look forward to more opinions on the economic conditions. How does gold currency relate to our future? Is it something that will be used only through the elite few? Or is this a way to depopulate the Earth by killing our currency (starvation)? I'm sure many of you have more knowledge in economics and I look forward to your responses. Peace, Surial - Messenger of Light |
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#6 |
Avalon Senior Member
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I have always thought that these sites and companies were nothing but scams intended to take gold and silver from clueless people.
I hate the commercials and the people in them make me sick. |
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#7 |
I dont need a label !
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Gold and silver will only be of use if/when they start a new currency, then you could cash your gold/silver in for that. Otherwise it will rapidly become worthless.
The ability to produce safe drinkable water is the best thing you can invest in, with out that you'll be dead pretty quickly, we aren't like Africans that can drink from dirty puddles (no offense to them) their bodies can cope with what me or you would die from after a few sips. |
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#8 |
Avalon Senior Member
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The points raised do not cover all the reasons why (some) people like to have silver and gold in uncertain times, depending on their situation.
1.Someone I know just retired last year, and got a lump sum payment of $50,000 for his pension. He knows that the paper money is becoming worthless, so he bought some gold a few months to maintain his worth. At this point, he has increased his dollar worth by 30%. 2. He can also buy food, but the most food you can buy before it goes bad is a few years, and even if he did that, he will still has a lot of money left over. 3. If the dollar becomes worthless (which looks likely), the government will introduced a new currency, and this is bound to be backed by gold. The TPTB know that they could not get any credibility by printing money because that's how they got into this mess in the first place. The value of gold (or gold backed currency) is that it stops the politician's from "playing" around; the exact reason why they prefer a fiat currency. A society can not be better than the people that exists in the society. Past history and experience shows that a society eventually gets corrupted. It's because there is an accumulated corruption that gets passed on from generation to generation. You see this in terms of the increasing size of the tax code, the desire of special interest groups to push for their interest. At this point, everyone sees it in the news. 4. Pure silver has value as it kills germs and viruses on contact (probably gold too, but it is too expensive). I want to keep some just to make colloidial silver. 5. As mentioned by someone else on this forum, the government has to find the gold before they can confiscate it. So, in the end, if you've bought food, tools, all the stuff you'll need for a few years, putting the rest of your worth in gold and silver is a pretty good strategy. |
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#9 |
Avalon Senior Member
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1. Gold does not have antimicrobial properties. Silver does, but is does not kill them on contact. It interrupts their ability to divide.
2. There is not enough gold in the world to back all the world's currency, which is what has to happen, if such a thing happens. 3. The government would have no trouble finding the gold. Look up what Roosevelt did. He had agents there when safety deposit boxes were opened and how are you going to cash it in, or do you think you will be bartering with it? Bullion houses would be required by law to report you and the only people allowed access to bullion would be jewelers. 4. Since there are few with gold, they would most likely be singled out and dealt with. 5. All currencies die. Even the Roman empire used gold; it was not fiat but is was gold nonetheless. After the empire expanded, Caesar ordered the coins to be rimmed (made smaller by removing gold from the outer edge) but to keep the same value. Once again, even if it is gold backed, what is to say that they won't tell you they have more than they do and keep running the presses? 6. Metals are a good investment strategy, provided you know how to trade them properly as well as a hedge against inflation, but that, too, was proven in September and October to be an outright lie with the obvious market manipulation. If something big eventually happens, metals are worthless beyond silver's antimicrobial properties and use in electronics and chemical catalysts. Figure out how to get clean water, grow your own food, and stop worrying about everything and hating it. You just perpetuate the cycle. Last edited by TtC; 02-24-2009 at 12:55 AM. |
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#10 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Once you have prepared yourself, gotten debt free, and organized your life appropriately for what you personally know is coming, then if you have any money left, buy gold and silver. Not before.
A.. |
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#11 |
Avalon Senior Member
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A thread I've been longing for. Thank you guys and a warm welcome to some of you fresh joiners.
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#12 |
Avalon Senior Member
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What I'm saying is that there is a place to have some gold/ silver. The currency doesn't have to be fully backed by gold/ silver. A percentage would be a lot better than a fiat currency, and stop the politicians from playing around. At this point, it is an academic discussion.
I'm based in Canada, so don't have the confiscation that occurred in the US. In actual fact, it's the older countries that have a history with gold more than the US. No strategy is a hundred percent fail proof. I always find it ironic, that in more primitive times, say a hundred years ago, fresh water and air was free and available almost everywhere, but it was not valued. So now, it is rare enough that we have to pay for it, and only the rich can afford to go to places where the air and land are relatively clean. We are not on opposite sides, but having read your posts, I can't help feel that you have the energy and impatience of youth. It's easy to talk about the end goal, but planning and making the transition from here to there is the challenge. I haven't bought any significant amount of gold/silver (a few thousand dollars). I bought 100 acres of land in the mountain 7 years ago, with running streams clear enough to have trout, to build a community for these times. Life is temporary, but what you take with you is your experience. I just have to grow food, and I'll have what you are talking about, but for many people, it is not easy to make that transition. The people on this forum already represent the leading edge of awareness, yet few communities are being form at this moment.. the transition is the hard part. Peace & Light, ![]() Wayne |
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#13 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Politicians will never stop playing around with the currency and those who actually play with it are usually not politicians either. If it is only a percentage back the rest is still fiat, and the first viewpoint in now overturned. There are ways to fix it, but that is another discussion.
I spend a fair deal of time in Canada as well, but if they really want to confiscate it, do you think a border and another pawn government is going to stop them? You are right, I am younger, but that, too, is subjective. I am, on the other hand, very patient. I just see a lack of forethought in many areas. Transitioning is the greatest challenge, indeed. How much pain are people willing to experience before they say enough and make an actual push instead of lurking in the dark? I have physical precious metals that I can hold and touch and I trade them on paper as well for short-term day trading and the like. They do have their place, but it takes a bit to do it right. I also own a ten thousand acre cattle ranch and farm that is both a viable business and a safe haven for people to retreat to. That is one of the primary reasons I came here: to see how open and prepared people really are. But as I said before, talk is cheap and there is a lot of that going on. If something happened a year from today, are you prepared? I came along this quite some time ago: A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. -Robert A. Heinlein I'm going to be very blunt: How many people can your land support? Have you run the numbers? Is it sustainable beyond five years? Can the buildings and land take a blow from a nearby earthquake or flooding? Is this all talk or are people actually doing things? Last edited by TtC; 02-24-2009 at 03:59 AM. |
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#14 |
Avalon Senior Member
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The purpose of this forum is to help people form communities to transition through the coming changes. If you have a proposal, then it's your choice to propose it. With a 10,000 acre ranch, and a business, then you have a great capacity to make a difference.
My resources are much less, so I cannot start in the same way. But that is not important. We each have our own path, and we only need to be true to that. The land I have is in a good location to survive earthquakes and floods, but the limiting factor really is food production, and the problem I see there is energy, or lack of it (I'm looking at aquaponics). Without some breakthrough in energy production, the number of people that it can support is limited. It's probably more important that you give your proposal, considering your greater resources; what your expectations are for people to get involved. Do you expect people to be able to do all things? as in the quote by Heilein? |
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#15 |
Avalon Senior Member
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I'm going to start a new thread for the proposal as this has gotten off topic.
As for the quote, yes and no: change a diaper - yes plan an invasion - no butcher a hog - yes conn a ship - no design a building - maybe write a sonnet - no balance accounts - yes build a wall - yes set a bone - yes comfort the dying - yes take orders - yes give orders - yes cooperate - yes act alone - yes solve equations - yes, basic ones, not calculus by any means analyze a new problem - yes pitch manure - yes program a computer - yes, within reason, not rebuild windows from scratch cook a tasty meal - yes fight efficiently - yes, if it comes to that die gallantly - yes Last edited by TtC; 02-24-2009 at 05:06 AM. |
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#16 |
Avalon Senior Member
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You're 22 and going to school for your Phd. and you have a 10,000 acre cattle ranch?
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#17 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Well, you have interpreted incorrectly. You have read part of my site, yet you do not know how old I am, nor do you know when that piece was written. Posting dates and modification dates say nothing.
Last edited by TtC; 02-24-2009 at 05:03 AM. |
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#18 |
Avalon Senior Member
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That wasn't an accusation, it was a question!, hence the question mark! And back at you, because you sure as hell no nothing about me otherwise you wouldn't have made your little Abraham Lincoln quote.
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#19 |
Avalon Senior Member
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No to the first and second, and yes to the third. Last edited by TtC; 02-24-2009 at 05:05 AM. |
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#20 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Same here, I should've worded it differently but was really just being curious! On the other hand you could've said something like "oh I've had that old ranch for years" HaHa, it's all good!
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#21 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Quick resolution on both our parts is a good way to keep the peace. We could have started a war. I'll trade you Tibet for France?
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#22 |
Avalon Senior Member
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I need to redirect this forum back to its original topic. The subject is: the importance of gold and how it will affect the future of economics. the cash4gold website triggered this thread. I find it important for people to understand that tensions are high due to the global economic problems we face today. It is always good to learn more about our situation and get a clear view on where gold is going. Because if gold is important to create a system to take people's jewelry, I would want to know a larger truth if it is out there.
This thread is strictly for educational purposes. In my opinion, I feel it is getting quite interesting on how history is progressing within this year. Gold coins have value. And it is also interesting how the Romans went through a similar pattern. I also notice that the wealthy people are taking quite an interest in this currency. Is there something we need to learn from this? So far I have received some good answers on this topic. Lets try to be more productive in learning from this situation. Thanks again for your participation. Peace, Surial |
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#23 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Cash 4 Gold
Posted: 2008-10-27 by Ms. Know Too Much [send email] Cash 4 Gold is a SCAM CONFIRMED Complaint Rating: Company information: Cash 4 Gold Pompano Beach, Florida United States cash4gold.com I am a former employee of Cash 4 Gold. I did not know much about the company before being hired. On my first day of being hired, I was taught the "Cash 4 Gold Scam" from beginning to end. 1. The "refiner's pack" that is used for you to put your jewelry is "insured for UP TO 100 dollars, " according to how much they feel your items are worth, NOT appraised at 2. We receive your "Refiner's Pack" within 3-4 days, but we are instructed to tell you that it takes "7-10 business days, for us to receive your pack, ALTHOUGH your package has already arrived. 3.Your jewlery gets appraised by hand/magnifying glasses/ a small weight pad, and a bottle of mystery fluid, which your items are then give a value for. Not million dollar equipment or specially trained jewelry experts. 4. Although the payment (check) for your item is dated within 24 hrs of testing your jewelry, we sometimes DO NOT actually send out the check until up to 3-4 days later. 5. We claim a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee or your jewelry returned, BUT THE CATCH IS, that the guarantee is contacting us within 10 DAYS from when your check is DATED. (This begins with the time it takes for the accounts payables dept. to issue the check and also including the transit time for you to receive your check in the mail. **** NOTATE THE COMMERCIALS THAT STATE U GET YOUR CHECK IN 24 HRS.*** 5. IF you are lucky you will receive your check around the "7th-10th" bus iness day, AND more then 97% of the time Customers are outraged when they lay eyes on the amount of the check. Some Customer's even receive a check for 0.01 cents. (TRUTH) Thats including items of great value (Diamonds, Platinum/ Gold and Sterling) 6. They sometimes even receive your valuables and like them so much THAT we CLAIM to not have received the items just so the "TOP" people or even "FAVORED" people can get first dibs on your items. From which point we issued an INSURANCE CLAIM for UP TO 100 dollars. GOD FORBID your items are worth more then a 100 dollars, and when you call in to check on the status of your items, we tell you " YOU SHOULD"VE ADDED EXTRA INSURANCE ON YOUR ITEMS." We do not have an actual Insurance company, they use customer service reps as the claim department agents. 7. For those who receive there check within the 10 day frame, GOOD LUCK with trying to get in touch with a cust. srvc. rep before your 10 days are up. Which after your 10 days, your items are "ALREADY MELTED" or NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR RETURN." 8. For the "LUCKY" people who do get in touch with us within the alloted time frame, we already know what you are calling about. Customers want their items returned, because there check amount is so insultingly LOW. The first thing a Rep will ask you is "HOW MUCH WERE YOU EXPECTING TO GET BACK?" This way we can know how much to "BONUS" you. Definition of a BONUS: We issue low checks just to have you call us back if you are smart enough to realized that you just got scammed. For the smart one's we are paid to offer u a bonus up to 3x the original amount of your check and you accept. For ex: Sally Smith receives a check for $27.86 for a rolex watch(which we dont issue value for), a class ring, a ring with diamond chips, a pair of earrings with emeralds, as well as a few sterling silver pieces, and maybe a few items that were really of no value. Now Sally Smith calls the cust srvc dept, where she speaks to a rep who seems so concerned and will see if she can do better with the amount by speaking to a "SUPERVISOR". We then place the caller on Mute, and speak to our neighbors or doodle on a sheet, or twiddle with our hair for about 45 seconds, while we are supposedly speaking to our supervisor about Ms. Smith's complaint. We then come back with an offer to "BUMP UP YOUR MELT DATE or any other lies the cust srvc reps can think of, and offer you a total amount of $53.20 which is a little under double the amount of your original check. In which case if you accept, the cust srvc rep makes a 15.00 bonus off of your transaction. If the cust srvc rep offers you under triple the amount of your orig check, she makes 10.oo in bonuses. 9. If you accept the offer, the deal is done, and you are told that the call is recorded(which most of the time, the record button does not work.)Just a way to make your feel binded by a verbal contract. IF you do not accept the deal, you have to return your check, and it takes sometimes up to a month to receive your items back after we receive the check. 10. If you only want the items that we do not find of any value back, you have to pay a 10.00 shipping and handling fee to have your own items returned, which varies depending on sales for that week. IF sales are good, there is no fee, when we are slow, you must pay. Cash 4 Gold is definitely not a trustworthy or credible company to do business with. You are almost better off taking your items to a local pawn shop or shopping around for other companies. With the economony the way it is, Cash 4 Gold seems to be a way out of financial stress for some, but in actuality becomes a stress of its own. I would advice you to think twice before sending in valuables or items inherited and of sentimental value. Its not worth it. I am not doing this as a way of Bashing their money making process ![]() http://www.complaintsboard.com/compl...d-c115287.html Last edited by Dantheman62; 02-24-2009 at 05:35 AM. |
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#24 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Whatreallyhappened.com: The PRE-PLANNED Financial/Economic 911 of 2008
(and we now know how they plan to get your GOLD!) GOLD STANDARD RETURNS!!!!--Indiana State Senator Files Gold Money Bill! CONSUMER ALERT! Selling Gold? Read this First. Panicked investors send gold demand up 56% Banker Manipulation Of Gold And Silver Prices Further Exposed Gold Climbs in N.Y. as Investors Seek Haven From Falling Shares Gullible Consumers May Get Gored on Gold Price: Sellers Beware Why Gold Is Dropping When It Should Be Rising What's a Numismatic Coin ...and Why You Should NOT Buy Them! China considering dropping U.S. Treasuries and Buying Gold Instead During a financially troubling time as was the case with the Great Depression, the last thing you want to do is let go of something that has monetary value. Gold is and always has been the basis of all finance, commerce and society. What many of the companies that give cash for your gold don't tell you, is they know the value of gold is increasing almost daily. Not only that, but you don't get retail (or even wholesale) value for your gold, no...you get 'scrap' value instead of it's actual worth. Instead of trading your precious gold for fiat money that will very soon have little or no value, hang on to it! History will show that this troubled economy is only going to get worse, rising gas and food prices will lead to hoarding, riots and price gouging. You can avoid the pitfall of society by retaining one thing that will never lose value...GOLD! Don't fall for one of these Cash for Gold Scams! So remember this one thing.... HOLD ONTO YOUR GOLD! http://www.cashforgoldscams.com/ |
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#25 |
Avalon Senior Member
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Gold may be important because, in my opinion, besides that fact that nearly every currency in the world is fiat, all of the spending of the USA for firstly, the "Bailout" and secondly, all of the social programs Obama wants to implement will seriously devalue the dollar making gold a hedge against inflation.
Look at it this way: The Bailout has taken so far about five trillion dollars after including some of the previous things added like Freddie Mac, etc. The implementation of Obama's "plans" will likely cost another three to five trillion, provided he keeps those promises, which is doubtful. Where did all this money come from? Nowhere; it was created out of nothing. You just devalued the US dollar by at least fifty percent in less than two years. They are adding zeros to the governmental bank accounts and running the printing presses 24/7. If you trade currency or look at the charts on a regular basis, you will notice that the US dollar compared to say, the Euro, GBP, CDN, CHF, is moving within a somewhat moderate range of support and resistance. Essentially it is moving sideways. The reason the US dollar is still relatively high is because foreigners are buying US dollars to pay off US debts, because they see huge liability in the American market, which is correct. The same is happening with the Yen. The Japanese want their money back, thereby driving up the price. If you look at the other, more stable currencies, such as the CDN, GBP, and the CHF and compare them on charts, you will notice that they are relatively stagnant, but not absolutely unmoving, compared to the USD. I will say that the CDN is a commodity based currency mostly, and the CHF is actually partially backed by gold, but you have to allow for some leeway when it comes to trading and spot prices. Another thing that must be understood is that most people who trade are not professionals, most of them are actually computers that are programs to by and sell based on current pricing. A lot of real people who trade will sell at a loss in order to be out of the market, skewing the actual curve. To make a long story short, the US dollar will most likely go to hell, and in order to preserve such wealth, a lot people are fleeing to gold and silver. But as I said before, the metal markets are subject to manipulation as well. I still see no reason to be overly concerned about people selling their old and broken jewelry for cash because if something happens, it is hard to refine it without some sophisticated equipment and risk mercury or chlorine poisoning. I don't think it is a ploy from the powers that be to steal people's gold. I think it is someone taking advantage of the market, and the lack of physical metal so they can make a profit. |
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cash4gold, dollar, economy, gold, wealth |
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