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Old 06-03-2009, 03:05 PM   #1
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Default What Should We Be Doing?

When I say that, I'm referring to the tyranny we face.

What can we do? How can we make any difference at all in the outcome?

Is meditation the answer? Is trying to spread the word the answer?

Are we only responsible for ourselves and our loved ones?

Is it all too big for any of us, so we might as well not worry about it?

Your thoughts?
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Old 06-03-2009, 03:51 PM   #2
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Default Re: What Should We Be Doing?

Originally Posted by seashore View Post
When I say that, I'm referring to the tyranny we face.

What can we do? How can we make any difference at all in the outcome?

Is meditation the answer? Is trying to spread the word the answer?

Are we only responsible for ourselves and our loved ones?

Is it all too big for any of us, so we might as well not worry about it?

Your thoughts?

I know how you feel. And as with you it seems, I don't think that just sitting back thinking positive thoughts and meditating will fix everything. As I said before in other threads the amount of negative energies we have to overcome is massive, and it will take more than just passive thought to do the trick.

In actuality, we need to be doing much of what you said on a daily basis to truly make a difference. Below is a list of things that can be done.

Firstly, have a positive attitude at all times and never get discouraged or fearful for the future. This does nothing but feed the negative energies out to control the world.

Meditation is very important, though not the only answer. Not only will it help you keep a calm mind at all times, but it will add positive energies to the global consciousness and aid in the healing of our planet and peoples. It will also help your body stay in healthy condition so that in the event things to take a turn for the worse, you are prepared to take any challenge with your full strength.

Try to open the eyes of EVERYONE you know or meet. Whether it is something small or large, it matters not. The goal is to find that one fact that makes that individual start to question the world around them and spark that desire to learn and know the truth. Their heart will take them the rest of the way.

Is there anything you are good at that can be utilized in the spread of truth and wisdom? Perhaps write a book or even a small pamphlet to hand out to people. Create art or music that relates these subjects to others. If you don't possess these talents, support someone who does. I personally am working on a book, TV show, music, and artwork. I am also thinking of doing a documentary style movie to try and open peoples eyes.

Perhaps you can start a focus group in your community. Find somewhere that can donate a room to you for an hour or two a week in which you can hold meetings. Discuss current events, politics, finance, or any other topics that are effecting our society today. The sad fact is that most people spend their time watching American Idol instead of the news and have no idea what is going on in the real world. The more people whose eyes are opened to the truth, the more people that are likely to stand up to the PTB if/when that decisive moment comes.

To answer your one question... No, we are not only responsible for ourselves and loved ones. It is that exact mentality of separation and isolation that has lead our civilization to the point it is now. We are ALL responsible for EVERYONE, for in reality we are all one in the same. I am reminded of that movie from a few years ago called "Pay It Forward" where the boy started the movement where you would do something nice for someone with the understanding that they would in turn do something nice for someone else, and so on.

Whatever you do, DO NOT EVER think that it is all too big for you and give up. That is what they are counting on. For too long we have behaved like good sheeple, giving in to whatever insane restrictions upon our freedoms and lives they have placed upon us.

Can you imagine what would happen if millions of people, finally awakened to the insanity that is our world, just stopped being bullied around? What if we as a nation said with one firm voice "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore!" (everyone should watch "Network" btw)

What if everyone all at once just stopped paying income taxes?

What if millions of people marched on Washington and told them we wouldn't leave until the influence of special interests, lobbyists, banks, and every other nefarious group was removed from our capitol?

We as a nation, or as a world even need to have a revolution. Not a violent one, but a peaceful one in which we all stand up and say that we are sick of it all. We are sick of the wars, sick of the death and destruction, sick of the lies and secrets, sick of the poverty and famine, just sick of it all. What we need to do is help awaken those that are asleep and get their lazy asses of their couches to actually care about the future of our planet. And that start with you, with me, with every one of us.
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Old 06-03-2009, 04:49 PM   #3
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Default Re: What Should We Be Doing?

Originally Posted by Lorien View Post
Meditation is very important, though not the only answer...
I am new to meditation. In fact, I was excited about the Nexus project and tried to participate but it didn't work for me at all. However, I'm still open to learning. I am impressed with the information that is out there about the power of consciousness.

Lately I've been simply closing my eyes from time to time and listening to what's inside--not worrying about how I'm breathing or what I'm thinking or not thinking, or how I'm sitting... Just listening to what's inside.

Originally Posted by Lorien View Post
Is there anything you are good at that can be utilized in the spread of truth and wisdom?
I am a dancer and I use this to connect with people through my YouTube channel, where I link to the website MassiveAwareness.com and I have posted the as a Favorite.

I'm thinking other Avalon members can do the same thing I'm doing, with singing, playing an instrument, how-to lessons, stand-up comedy, you name it...

Originally Posted by Lorien View Post
I personally am working on a book, TV show, music, and artwork. I am also thinking of doing a documentary style movie to try and open peoples eyes.
When you complete a project, please post your info about it on this thread!!

Originally Posted by Lorien View Post
The sad fact is that most people...have no idea what is going on in the real world. The more people whose eyes are opened to the truth, the more people that are likely to stand up to the PTB if/when that decisive moment comes.

Originally Posted by Lorien View Post
We are ALL responsible for EVERYONE, for in reality we are all one in the same.

Originally Posted by Lorien View Post
Can you imagine what would happen if millions of people, finally awakened to the insanity that is our world, just stopped being bullied around?

Originally Posted by Lorien View Post
We as a nation, or as a world even need to have a revolution. Not a violent one, but a peaceful one...And that start with you, with me, with every one of us.
Thank you so much!!

Last edited by Seashore; 06-22-2009 at 08:41 PM. Reason: Update website link
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Old 06-03-2009, 05:10 PM   #4
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Default Re: What Should We Be Doing?

Originally Posted by seashore View Post
I am new to meditation. In fact, I was excited about the Nexus project and tried to participate but it didn't work for me at all. However, I'm still open to learning. I am impressed with the information that is out there about the power of consciousness.

Lately I've been simply closing my eyes from time to time and listening to what's inside--not worrying about how I'm breathing or what I'm thinking or not thinking, or how I'm sitting... Just listening to what's inside.
As far as it "working for you" I'm not sure what you mean. In a situation such as the Global Meditation you really aren't meant to get anything from it. And since you are new to meditation it would be difficult even on a personal level to really get anything out of it or "feel" it working. Not to say you should give up on it though.

Doing what you said, stopping and closing your eyes once in a while is a wonderful start. Too few people do this in life even outside of meditation. If we all just stopped every once in a while and got to know ourselves, I think the world would be a better place. Unfortunately we are forced to live in a world of perpetual work, stress, and hardship, unable to really take the time to reflect on our lives and the world around us.

And yes, the power of the consciousness is astounding. We as humans either individually or as a group are capable of much more than we believe. And it's amazing that more people are not aware of this. Keep learning, focusing your energy, and turning inward to learn about your self and also the world around you.
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Old 06-03-2009, 05:15 PM   #5
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Default Re: What Should We Be Doing?

Originally Posted by Lorien View Post
As far as it "working for you" I'm not sure what you mean. In a situation such as the Global Meditation you really aren't meant to get anything from it.
I mean that I was doing it to try to make a contribution to healing of our troubled world, and I couldn't stick with it, I couldn't do it, I stopped participating in the synchronized meditations...
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Old 06-03-2009, 05:17 PM   #6
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Default Re: What Should We Be Doing?

Originally Posted by seashore View Post
I mean that I was doing it to try to make a contribution to healing of our troubled world, and I couldn't stick with it, I couldn't do it, I stopped participating in the synchronized meditations...
Ahhh... gotcha! Well, meditation is something that takes practice. It's definitely not for everyone though.
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Old 06-03-2009, 06:49 PM   #7
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Default Re: What Should We Be Doing?

Originally Posted by seashore View Post
When I say that, I'm referring to the tyranny we face.

What can we do? How can we make any difference at all in the outcome?

Is meditation the answer? Is trying to spread the word the answer?

Are we only responsible for ourselves and our loved ones?

Is it all too big for any of us, so we might as well not worry about it?

Your thoughts?

I ask these same questions some times. Some times i feel I'm stuck, like "OK, I know the truth how do I get a across with out anyone saying I'm crazy or to optimistic". Every day it feels like we know something new and we can say anything about it.

All we can do is use our best judgment share it with a few folks.
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Old 06-03-2009, 07:03 PM   #8
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Default Re: What Should We Be Doing?

Originally Posted by MastaYoda View Post
All we can do is use our best judgment share it with a few folks.
Yeah... Do the best we can.
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Old 07-11-2009, 06:27 PM   #9
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Default Re: What Should We Be Doing?

Is this what people are thinking? "There is no sense in trying to stop the growing tyranny we face, because the coming 'earth changes' are going to end the New World Order agenda and civilization as we know it anyway.

"The remnant of population that survives will then start from scratch to build a new civilization (or whatever it is that it will be called)."

Is that it in a nutshell?
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Old 07-11-2009, 08:31 PM   #10
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Default Re: What Should We Be Doing?

Originally Posted by Lorien View Post

I know how you feel. And as with you it seems, I don't think that just sitting back thinking positive thoughts and meditating will fix everything. As I said before in other threads the amount of negative energies we have to overcome is massive, and it will take more than just passive thought to do the trick.

In actuality, we need to be doing much of what you said on a daily basis to truly make a difference. Below is a list of things that can be done.

Firstly, have a positive attitude at all times and never get discouraged or fearful for the future. This does nothing but feed the negative energies out to control the world.

Meditation is very important, though not the only answer. Not only will it help you keep a calm mind at all times, but it will add positive energies to the global consciousness and aid in the healing of our planet and peoples. It will also help your body stay in healthy condition so that in the event things to take a turn for the worse, you are prepared to take any challenge with your full strength.

Try to open the eyes of EVERYONE you know or meet. Whether it is something small or large, it matters not. The goal is to find that one fact that makes that individual start to question the world around them and spark that desire to learn and know the truth. Their heart will take them the rest of the way.

Is there anything you are good at that can be utilized in the spread of truth and wisdom? Perhaps write a book or even a small pamphlet to hand out to people. Create art or music that relates these subjects to others. If you don't possess these talents, support someone who does. I personally am working on a book, TV show, music, and artwork. I am also thinking of doing a documentary style movie to try and open peoples eyes.

Perhaps you can start a focus group in your community. Find somewhere that can donate a room to you for an hour or two a week in which you can hold meetings. Discuss current events, politics, finance, or any other topics that are effecting our society today. The sad fact is that most people spend their time watching American Idol instead of the news and have no idea what is going on in the real world. The more people whose eyes are opened to the truth, the more people that are likely to stand up to the PTB if/when that decisive moment comes.

To answer your one question... No, we are not only responsible for ourselves and loved ones. It is that exact mentality of separation and isolation that has lead our civilization to the point it is now. We are ALL responsible for EVERYONE, for in reality we are all one in the same. I am reminded of that movie from a few years ago called "Pay It Forward" where the boy started the movement where you would do something nice for someone with the understanding that they would in turn do something nice for someone else, and so on.

Whatever you do, DO NOT EVER think that it is all too big for you and give up. That is what they are counting on. For too long we have behaved like good sheeple, giving in to whatever insane restrictions upon our freedoms and lives they have placed upon us.

Can you imagine what would happen if millions of people, finally awakened to the insanity that is our world, just stopped being bullied around? What if we as a nation said with one firm voice "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore!" (everyone should watch "Network" btw)

What if everyone all at once just stopped paying income taxes?

What if millions of people marched on Washington and told them we wouldn't leave until the influence of special interests, lobbyists, banks, and every other nefarious group was removed from our capitol?

We as a nation, or as a world even need to have a revolution. Not a violent one, but a peaceful one in which we all stand up and say that we are sick of it all. We are sick of the wars, sick of the death and destruction, sick of the lies and secrets, sick of the poverty and famine, just sick of it all. What we need to do is help awaken those that are asleep and get their lazy asses of their couches to actually care about the future of our planet. And that start with you, with me, with every one of us.
Couldn't have said it any better myself ...Thank you for putting that so succinctly Lorien!

Like I said before Seashore, if this is the only life I get as me then I will do my damndest to do what I can for the world and everyone in it!

Love & Light to all

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Old 07-12-2009, 07:07 AM   #11
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Default Re: What Should We Be Doing?

Originally Posted by Lorien View Post

I know how you feel. And as with you it seems, I don't think that just sitting back thinking positive thoughts and meditating will fix everything. As I said before in other threads the amount of negative energies we have to overcome is massive, and it will take more than just passive thought to do the trick.

In actuality, we need to be doing much of what you said on a daily basis to truly make a difference. Below is a list of things that can be done.

Firstly, have a positive attitude at all times and never get discouraged or fearful for the future. This does nothing but feed the negative energies out to control the world.

Meditation is very important, though not the only answer. Not only will it help you keep a calm mind at all times, but it will add positive energies to the global consciousness and aid in the healing of our planet and peoples. It will also help your body stay in healthy condition so that in the event things to take a turn for the worse, you are prepared to take any challenge with your full strength.

Try to open the eyes of EVERYONE you know or meet. Whether it is something small or large, it matters not. The goal is to find that one fact that makes that individual start to question the world around them and spark that desire to learn and know the truth. Their heart will take them the rest of the way.

Is there anything you are good at that can be utilized in the spread of truth and wisdom? Perhaps write a book or even a small pamphlet to hand out to people. Create art or music that relates these subjects to others. If you don't possess these talents, support someone who does. I personally am working on a book, TV show, music, and artwork. I am also thinking of doing a documentary style movie to try and open peoples eyes.

Perhaps you can start a focus group in your community. Find somewhere that can donate a room to you for an hour or two a week in which you can hold meetings. Discuss current events, politics, finance, or any other topics that are effecting our society today. The sad fact is that most people spend their time watching American Idol instead of the news and have no idea what is going on in the real world. The more people whose eyes are opened to the truth, the more people that are likely to stand up to the PTB if/when that decisive moment comes.

To answer your one question... No, we are not only responsible for ourselves and loved ones. It is that exact mentality of separation and isolation that has lead our civilization to the point it is now. We are ALL responsible for EVERYONE, for in reality we are all one in the same. I am reminded of that movie from a few years ago called "Pay It Forward" where the boy started the movement where you would do something nice for someone with the understanding that they would in turn do something nice for someone else, and so on.

Whatever you do, DO NOT EVER think that it is all too big for you and give up. That is what they are counting on. For too long we have behaved like good sheeple, giving in to whatever insane restrictions upon our freedoms and lives they have placed upon us.

Can you imagine what would happen if millions of people, finally awakened to the insanity that is our world, just stopped being bullied around? What if we as a nation said with one firm voice "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore!" (everyone should watch "Network" btw)

What if everyone all at once just stopped paying income taxes?

What if millions of people marched on Washington and told them we wouldn't leave until the influence of special interests, lobbyists, banks, and every other nefarious group was removed from our capitol?

We as a nation, or as a world even need to have a revolution. Not a violent one, but a peaceful one in which we all stand up and say that we are sick of it all. We are sick of the wars, sick of the death and destruction, sick of the lies and secrets, sick of the poverty and famine, just sick of it all. What we need to do is help awaken those that are asleep and get their lazy asses of their couches to actually care about the future of our planet. And that start with you, with me, with every one of us.
-stay neutral... the time to "act" will show itself.
-nobody knows the future, anybody and everyone can change it.
-However, some things are just to late to change
-Not enough are awake, and those who are are ultimately consumed with the shock of WTF is happening
-we cant help others until we help ourselves. By helping ourselves, others will be helped.
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Old 07-12-2009, 07:19 AM   #12
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Default Re: What Should We Be Doing?

Hey Sammytray, could not have said better myself.
-stay neutral... the time to "act" will show itself.
-nobody knows the future, anybody and everyone can change it.
-However, some things are just to late to change
-Not enough are awake, and those who are are ultimately consumed with the shock of WTF is happening
-we cant help others until we help ourselves. By helping ourselves, others will be helped. __________________
You must be the change you want to happen. Continue to talk to people.
I come across lots of people in my job (Touring coach driver) that know what i'm talking about, but need the reassurence from another person to know that they are on the right path. Then i know i have helped someone.
But as Sammytray said,
-stay neutral... the time to "act" will show itself.
Thoughts are boomerangs,
returning with precision to their source.
Choose wisely which ones you throw.
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Old 07-12-2009, 08:23 AM   #13
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: What Should We Be Doing?

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say, live life to its' fullest.

Don't worry about swine flu, politicians and other minor inconveniences.

In time, they will be swept away, like dust in the wind.
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Old 07-12-2009, 08:46 AM   #14
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Default Re: What Should We Be Doing?

Originally Posted by seashore View Post
Is this what people are thinking? "There is no sense in trying to stop the growing tyranny we face, because the coming 'earth changes' are going to end the New World Order agenda and civilization as we know it anyway.

"The remnant of population that survives will then start from scratch to build a new civilization (or whatever it is that it will be called)."

Is that it in a nutshell?
Still hoping someone will address this...
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Old 07-12-2009, 09:59 AM   #15
no caste
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Default Re: What Should We Be Doing?

Originally Posted by seashore View Post
Is this what people are thinking? "There is no sense in trying to stop the growing tyranny we face, because the coming 'earth changes' are going to end the New World Order agenda and civilization as we know it anyway.

"The remnant of population that survives will then start from scratch to build a new civilization (or whatever it is that it will be called)."

Is that it in a nutshell?
Nope, not me {no way, no how}

So, if I go down, it's OK. I'm going down with earth ship, since we're a team. I have a few pet peeves about the hijackers on board. There's enough for everybody. Meditation is a way to train oneself to BE in the moment, like children do naturally, or maybe like you already do in dance. Humans can enjoy living, and do it often. It's not hard to stretch the imagination - to consider doing it without harming others in the process.

I'm OK with dying trying


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Old 07-12-2009, 10:52 AM   #16
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Default Re: What Should We Be Doing?

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
Nope, not me {no way, no how}

So, if I go down, it's OK. I'm going down with earth ship, since we're a team. I have a few pet peeves about the hijackers on board. There's enough for everybody. Meditation is a way to train oneself to BE in the moment, like children do naturally, or maybe like you already do in dance. Humans can enjoy living, and do it often. It's not hard to stretch the imagination - to consider doing it without harming others in the process.

I'm OK with dying trying


Thank you so much for taking my question seriously and responding thoughtfully.

I hope to hear from others...
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Old 07-30-2009, 02:40 PM   #17
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Default Re: What Should We Be Doing?

Originally Posted by seashore View Post

Is this what people are thinking? "There is no sense in trying to stop the growing tyranny we face, because the coming 'earth changes' are going to end the New World Order agenda and civilization as we know it anyway.

"The remnant of population that survives will then start from scratch to build a new civilization (or whatever it is that it will be called)."

Is that it in a nutshell?
Regarding earth changes, there was a time when I was investigating moving to a higher elevation. But I have two grown sons who live near me who would not have been moving with me.

I'm still tossing ideas around, and still working on educating my sons.

But in the meantime, there is the second problem: tyranny and threats to health originating from the powers that be.

We don't know what earth changes are going to happen when or where.

But we do know about the here and now. We can see what's going on around us.

If I survive whatever earth changes, I don't want to survive closer to the New World Order than we have today. And I certainly don't want this for my children or humanity.

I welcome the efforts of other Avalonians who think the way I do!! I hope to see your posts.
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Old 07-30-2009, 03:02 PM   #18
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I feel your frustration, and having the knowledge of what is really going on in the world requires so much patience, I know one of my lifes lessons! Keep doing what you are doing, inspiring people, being a truthseeker and you will make a change, I dont know how to do anything else except keep on sowing the seed with people, and they will awaken.
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Old 07-30-2009, 03:16 PM   #19
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Default Re: What Should We Be Doing?

Originally Posted by mel View Post

Thank you for bringing a tear to my eyes, which is exactly what I needed.
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