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Healing Spiritual and Alternative Healing

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Old 12-10-2009, 10:30 PM   #1
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Default Orgone energy: More oneness experience?


Few years ago I took what Dr. Emoto does with words like love, peace, harmony and placed them into the orgone devices I was constructing. The results were pretty good.

I construct orgone devices to help promote more oneness or balance energy. All energy (life & things) within the orgone devices operating range has two choices, leave the operating range or "be" more oneness/balance energy as a whole.

I believe that properly constructed orgone devices can help to heal the locations and life that is in the orgone devices operating range. This is also based on the perspectives and experiences from others whom I've given such orgone devices to.

There are so many other ways to heal from anything, in my opinion. It all depends on what you believe are your limitations and non limitations. Orgone devices are just one way to do this.

I agree more with anyone who says that what ever brings them more peace, harmony, love, compassion and oneness evolving is really & truly what does it (helps them) for them.

Kevin aka COA - Clarity of Awareness
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Old 12-10-2009, 10:58 PM   #2
unlimited mind
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we have an orgone social group here on avalon, kevin. it was started just a few days after this community began. the social groups have been a mess for a while now, but they can still be accessed to communicate ideas, etc. to those that have been interested.

i too construct these devices and have literally peppered them all over the US and 3 other countries at this point. some amazing feedback has been given to me from those people who i have gifted a device. this subtle energy technology is real and does have real effects on the energy field.

thank you for what you are doing with your devices. i have had many dreams (and experiences) where i see a blue dome-like field where the orgone has been placed, and have had one person who was in a hurricane report back to me that the houses on either side of hers (plus her house) was not damaged, where every other house in the neighborhood sustained damage.

this kind of feedback is priceless, in knowingness, when we pass them on to people. we KNOW that the device is activated by the negative energy that is generated, thus the field of the orgone expands and transmutes that negative force. such a wonder.full wonderful gift.
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Old 12-13-2009, 12:51 AM   #3
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Hello, yes I found and joined that social orgone group as well here. Glad to be among like minds!

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Old 12-13-2009, 01:35 AM   #4
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Default Re: Orgone energy: More oneness experience?

Nice posts, COA & UM! What would you recommend for someone new to working with such devices? I have seen a few YouTube vids on making orgonite with metal shavings & epoxy: is that what you did?
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Old 12-13-2009, 03:30 AM   #5
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Default Re: Orgone energy: More oneness experience?

Well I can tell you it is what I did. Also crystals and copper spirals,also gifted several towers in my area. My next project I want to make an accumulator. Girlfriend thinks I'm goofy but then she always did
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Old 12-13-2009, 03:53 AM   #6
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What do you think about Sherri Shriner and http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/ ? I regularly listen to Sherri's weekly show...and I have learned a lot...but I continue to be skeptical regarding some of her theological views (but I do agree with her about Paul) and skeptical regarding orgone. She claims that orgone burns aliens and causes their ships to catch fire and crash. I have never used orgone...and don't plan to anytime soon...but I remain open (perhaps too open) to just about anything.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 12-13-2009 at 04:01 AM.
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Old 12-13-2009, 04:20 AM   #7
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I have not heard of sherry but will give it a go,I too remain open.For the real scoop on orgone one should study Wilhelm Reich's work. IMO
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Old 12-13-2009, 05:00 AM   #8
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Check out her 12-07-09 show at the left of the screen. http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/ I'm not endorsing any of this...but I find it very interesting.
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Old 12-13-2009, 04:19 PM   #9
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Default Re: Orgone energy: More oneness experience?

Hi again orgonauts,

For understanding orgone energy spent time
with James DeMeo...

He is an academic and scientist from US. whos hands are bound so speak,
notice that after long and enthuciastic presentation about cloudbusters when asked why is this not in the headlights he just shook is head.

history and life work of Wilhem Reich, present day research,
orginal cloudbusters used in Africa and amazing results...

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Old 12-14-2009, 03:55 AM   #10
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At one time I attempted to begin a way for people to become certified orgone engineers at no cost, completely free. However I found that most people involved with that venture also wanted more greed and control or what I call "low frequency". They desperately desired their business names and their orgone devices to be sold instead of helping others constructing orgone devices and helping our world.

So the only way to learn more about constructing orgone is to do some foot work (research and more research). Unless one can meditate in order to get one's orgone engineer degree. Still those new to the orgone engineering (learning to properly construct & utilize orgone) must go by ideas of other orgone engineers say so. This is ok but it doesn't seem to be as solid or complete in my opinion. Yet it does seem to work for many people, like me.

Is there or should there be a proper way to construct orgone devices or does it really matter? One could say that constructing any orgone device means that is the proper way in doing so. Then again, we have good & bad orgone. So one could accidentally make bad orgone if not careful maybe.

I believe that all orgone I construct as part of my being or energy. If I am really negative then that energy also goes into my orgone devices. Being advance psychic and more oneness understanding I help transfer that same energy into all orgone devices I construct. Kinda like when a organ donor gives a heart or liver to another person, who then begins to either sense or feel that organ donors life experiences soon after having the organ transplant.

The following are a few video's I made concerning orgone research I experience and my perceptions. Orgone Engineering part 1 is an extremely detailed video series that continues as my work in progress. The goal of which is to help almost anyone become a basis orgone engineer.

In the near future I may try to make a more advance orgone engineering video series. It will go into non-physical orgone devices, which are so much more versatile in so many ways. For example, imagine constructing non-physical highly advance orgone devices from you being (mind/imagination only). The placing those devices anywhere in the world, galaxy or universe. Kinda like remote infuencing, astral travel and more. Yet is also more than possible to accomplish. Mainly because I experience such "experiences".

Orgone Devices: How & Why

Orgone Engineering part 1

Orgone devices that attracts orbs part 1

Orgone Devices & Whole Being

Oh How nature loves positive orgone energy!

Orgone attracts fleet of black helicopters & more (video proof)

It's really great to be here. I sense so many of you who are what I call "Higher Beings" or more aware. Kinda like old souls, which I definitely am.

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Old 12-14-2009, 04:02 AM   #11
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Default Re: Orgone energy: More oneness experience?

Originally Posted by Clarityofawareness View Post

It's really great to be here. I sense so many of you who are what I call "Higher Beings" or more aware. Kinda like old souls, which I definitely am.

Im glad your here too! Great post! Thank you for sharing! This topic is worthy of much research. I have done some investigating into this myself. I have built some small devices and will take the time to review the links you have posted! Keep up the great work peace JT
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Old 12-14-2009, 04:03 AM   #12
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Default Re: Orgone energy: More oneness experience?

Hi Kevin...this was shared with me once...I have posted before but thought you might like to see it here. I can not verify this info at all.

The Science of Orgone

Some interesting explanations from fellow Orgone Warriors on the Science of Orgone that were posted on the orgone list. Thought I would share:

It seems that some people in the group want to know why orgone works, so I'll do my best to describe it.

First we'll start with the energetic properties of a quartz crystal. A quartz crystal consists of a uniform structure of Silicone Dioxide molecules(SiO2). The pattern these molecules create is always the same throughout the entire crystal. When a crystal is rubbed or squeezed, the pressure is dispersed throughout the entire crystal, which in turn releases a measurable and uniform energy science has termed "piezoelectric energy".

There is a simultaneous drawing in of less-uniform energy from around the crystal as this piezoelectric energy is being released by squeezing the crystal. The piezoelectric energy is uniform like the crystal it was just released from. When crystals are cast in polyester resin, such as in an orgone blaster, they are constantly being squeezed from the pressure of being inside the resin.

This means they are always releasing uniform energy while drawing in less-than-uniform energy from the surrounding environment so that it may be made uniform and released (this is an ongoing cycle). This uniform energy is initially neutral.

The addition of a clockwise copper coil helps to harmonize the neutral energy into a positive wavelength, like setting the frequency. The direction in which the coil is wound plays a large part in how the frequency of the energy is set. The piezoelectric energy is attracted to the metal in the shavings and coil like electricity. The copper and aluminum shavings help the energy move from the crystals to the coil, and the spiraling shape causes the energy to spin to match the coil's shape.

When I pray on how the energy moves, Yah tells me that energy comes in through the bottom of the coil, gets processed by the constantly-squeezed crystals, then leaves out the top of the coil as positive healing energy. All of this is happening simultaneously. The rising of this positive energy is what helps to eat the chemtrails and neutralize "cell phone" tower radiation, and it accumulates over time to combat negative energies. I hope this may help others understand better how orgone works. It truly is a gift and a blessing to work with orgone. I know in my heart that what I am doing makes a difference in fighting evil forces in this world. It truly is the gift that keeps on giving...

And for the physics of Orgone..

Another explanation from a fellow warrior:

...in the quantum make up of the chemicals in the chemtrails, is the ducting material for the energy weapons/matrix, the quantum spins of the binding energies determine how they are pinning (binding to and suppressing) down earths and our "life force" energy or orgone...

the spin direction and polarity of the quantum characteristics of the chemicals determine the way they latch on to earth biologics' binding energies...

nature does show that the life force spins in both directions, however there is an "over abundance of the one direction" and not enough in the clockwise direction to counteract the double spin quantum binding mechanism of the chemicals involved...

this direction (clockwise) of spin helps better to unlock the quantum grip..unlocking the quantum binding allows not only the orgone to flow from the device more readily but also the life force from life around the device will have less binding suppression on their life force spins

......as well as the thought that the fallen freaks my have gained enough knowledge of the counterclockwise direction to have been able to program their genes so that they would not be harmed as much...but Yahweh at the end decided to throw in a different spin...ha...that's a funny..when I heard of the direction difference I went to the mat in prayer and bugged Yahweh for understanding on this...first out of faith, peace and discernment He gave me peace what Sherry was saying was right, even if she could not give all the specifics...that is what walking in faith and trust is...you know in your heart and spirit from years of knowing the voice and character of the Most High, then you do your best to obey and along the way conformation comes. the clockwise spin direction is a major part of unlocking the binding energies of the chemtrails from us and our environment...

in short....without the chemicals present the other energy beams have nothing to lock onto and track or cause cymatic junctures in....hope this helps
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Old 12-14-2009, 04:12 AM   #13
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Default Re: Orgone energy: More oneness experience?

Hi JesterTerrestrial and thanks for the good read indeed.

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