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Old 09-14-2008, 02:14 AM   #1
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Default Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

I keep saying Yes, I want you to come, PLEASE, come and help us to the Utube message - Do you want us to come - Yes, I Do. Now if there sitting all around the planet and billions down here have souls, and soul knows everything and resonates with the truth and guides us to the truth and the right path or helps to do that - then all our collective souls which are part of the one should be asking for them to help the planet and us who are being controlled - so if what I have put forth to you is true - wouldn't these ETs have at least one million souls saying yes for everyone's sake come, please help, crying out for that. Then why this message - Do you want us to come. I cant understand it, maybe you can help me understand this. Can you see what I am getting at here. Michael St Clair said the next few months will be relatively quiet - can anyone tell me here what he thinks - I thought he said he didn't hold to this October coming.
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Old 09-14-2008, 03:08 AM   #2
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Default Re: Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

They'll beam you up when the cataclysm hits the fan, if you wish.
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Old 09-14-2008, 03:19 AM   #3
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Default Follow your heart

Tuza I feel you on this. Everyone has different opinions on this matter and that is fine because we are all creating different realities for ourselves.

The important question is how do these messages from the federation of light resonate with YOU. Do you feel uplifted? Do you feel joy and happiness and love resonating from these messages? If so what else matters... you're too busy in love and light to worry. =)

I too am very excited at the prospect of this re-union. Dear one, trust in your heart that you will attract these experiences to your reality and leave doubt behind. Love and light

ps. I have heard there are already millions of them waiting for the right opportunity to start assisting us. If you like I can send you some links, let me know.
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Old 09-14-2008, 08:35 PM   #4
Juho William Tauriainen
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Default Re: Galactic Federation and the Pleiadians

I always felt kind of uneasy in the back of my mind about the whole deal. Now, having read the message of the Allies of Humanity, I seriously think we risk losing our sovereignty if we rely on the ETs to solve any of our problems for us.
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Old 09-14-2008, 08:39 PM   #5
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Default Re: Galactic Federation and the Pleiadians

Originally Posted by Juho William Tauriainen View Post
I always felt kind of uneasy in the back of my mind about the whole deal. Now, having read the message of the Allies of Humanity, I seriously think we risk losing our sovereignty if we rely on the ETs to solve any of our problems for us.

ahhh now you are starting to understand what a non-binding election means...

but if the other choice is utter obliteration, what choice do we have?
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Old 09-14-2008, 09:38 PM   #6
Citizen Zeitgeist
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Default Re: Galactic Federation and the Pleiadians

First Contact or Project Bluebeam:


Not long after posting this playlist I received the following email:

Commander Adama's Confirmation Message About October 14th 2008

Guio e tiso! For those who know, there has been quite a commotion about October 14th 2008 being the day an ET ship will appear for the world to see like never before. Many channelers and psychics have already put their two cents in, in confirming this day and event. Now it is my turn to emit a message that not only confirms this but explains it with further detail.

For those who don't know, I am Commander Adama. I am a Galactic Federation of Light representative of Planet Earth and have daily contact with these higher dimensional beings from our galaxy and Universe. For quite some time I have been told about an event of this magnitude happening, but until now was not permitted to write about it publically. Anyway, let me get right to the information you all wish to hear.

I am confirming to an extent that on October 14th 2008 there will be a Galactic Federation of Light ship stationed for a period of three days over the southern-most parts of the United States of America. Exactly where is still unknown. This IS an event that is planned to occur. What is important for everyone to remember is that this is a prediction of an event for your future. Since it is impossible to predict the future, this event is in no way shape or form concrete in happening on October 14th 2008. Simply put, it depends upon the energetic signature of this event and its fluidity within the flow of manifestation between now and this date. It is important to not set up expectations solely upon this date as it is dependent upon the fluidity of the energies flowing through this planet, and events planned to manifest into your reality due have a tendency in changing the relative linear time as to when it will concretely happen. So basically what I am saying is that this event may happen on October 14th 2008, but there are also infinite possibilities that it may happen sooner or later than expected. These facts are key to understanding this event and its manifestation into your collective reality.

"Okay, so whether it happens on October 14th 2008 or sooner or later than expected, what can we expect to see and hear?"

When this event does occur, one of the Galactic Federation of Lights ships will appear within the southern-most parts of the United States of America; somewhere within the southern states. The reason why this is planned within the United States of America is due to the power structures that have the most amount of planetary control which is in this country. The Illuminati stronghold exists here which is why the GFOL is focusing on it to do two things. To create an event in which the whole planet can see the truth about life within your Galaxy and Universe and that it in fact does exist, as well as showing the Illuminati that their time is over as controllers and manipulators, and a new era of life is ready to be born! This event is what will jumpstart the proverbial ball to start rolling downhill symbolizing the process' of extraterrestrial beings getting ready to assist humanity in transforming into a new reality.

"Okay, so let's get to the actual event. I want to know how big this ship is, and what it will do if anything? Will it interact with us?"

The ship will be anywhere from 2,000 - 5,000 feet in length. It will be big enough to not deny but small enough to not create a lot of fear. What will it do? It will do two particular things which are significant.

1) It will emit a series of energies to both the world and the surrounding areas to limit the levels of fear or chaos that may erupt within some people. Large levels of these feelings and emotions will not occur.

2) It will emit telepathic messages to people within the surrounding areas but may be heard by a larger amount of the planets population depending upon what is needed and what is the most beneficial. These telepathic messages will tell people about the event, who they are, that they come in peace, as well as other things.

This event is planned to happen over a three day period in which the ship itself will not move at all. It will blip into your reality, and exit the same way. It will do this within the medium to higher aspects of the level of atmosphere known as the troposphere.

"But when this event occurs, won't the Illuminati try to make the world believe that this is an alien invasion? And what if they try to censor this from the world's media?"

Very good question! This is a question thought by a lot of people. The simple answers are NO for both questions. Why? The GFOL has planned this event in such a way that it will have a positive major impact within humanity as well as the dark. The Illuminati's power is dwindling as each second passes. They do not have the power they once had. Will this stop them from trying to do what was asked? Probably not. But when an event of this magnitude happens, it is something that cannot be denied by anyone, even governments. This ship which is going to appear cannot be quickly debunked as some type of atmospheric phenomena or some other gaseous event, or even a "weather balloon." When tens of thousands, if not more, are also saying that this ship has communicated with them in a peaceful benevolent manner, what is the world or its governments say to cover this up? There is nothing!

"So if October 14th comes and goes, and this event does not occur, what should we do or think?"

This is exactly why it is important not to set sole expectations upon this date. If this event does not happen then, then all that means is that there has been a slight shift in the energies of this event which has prolonged its manifestation. If this in fact does occur, a time frame you could expect to have it manifest is from October 15th 2008 until February 1st 2009. Know that whatever happens, the GFOL are always approaching their plans to assist in a manner that is the most beneficial for the planets humanity as a whole collective entity.

This event is real, it is planned, and it will happen no matter what, whether it is right on schedule, or sooner or later than expected.

Please spread this message as far as possible to better educate everyone about this event!

Love and Light,

Commander Adama

Two UFO's have flown over my house in a week but this message just doesn't resonate.
It could almost have been written by a lawyer!

Peace, freedom, love and light,

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Old 09-14-2008, 10:01 PM   #7
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Default Re: Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

so they haven't decided which ship is being sent yet?

somewhere between 2000' and a mile is quite a difference...

they are so advanced they can cross a Galaxy in a blink, but yet can't predict within 4 months of when they are coming?

starting to sound more and more like BlueBeam all the time, they need to wait for a three day cloud for projection, which would also affect the size depending on how high or low the cloud cover is...
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Old 09-14-2008, 10:25 PM   #8
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Default Re: Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

Don't hold on to your breath, springs to mind.
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Old 09-14-2008, 10:29 PM   #9
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Default Re: Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

You can look at it both ways. Remember that these words are the best interpretation using the receivers understood terminology as opposed to being planned in advance by them. The message would be slightly different from each receiver if you see what I mean. Any receivers correct me if im wrong.

We know from other sources that many factors need to pass. Even looking glass and other technology could only create future possibilities rather than solid facts.

I agree its suspicious and if it turns out to be false and a PTB creation then it means they have control over information sent to mediums.
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Old 09-14-2008, 10:47 PM   #10
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Default Many are confused about this subject...

They have no control over Mediums because mediums speak with Spirits.

Mediums would communicate with ETs if a Spirit was standing next to the ET passing on the message, that's how channeling works...

most people are psychic and use it daily whether they know it or not, that is easy for the government to control, they only need a psychic communicator under their control to send messages. Distance doesn't matter in P.C. and someone strong enough could be heard by everyone.

Perfect example would be a gifted Illuminati wanting to discredit psychics by sending false messages...

That is why it is so important to know where the messages are coming from. If this guy is strong enough to talk with anyone on earth, then he would be heard by most of us.
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Old 09-14-2008, 10:56 PM   #11
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Post Re: Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

the race you speak of are good willed and our brother.

They are awaiting a turning of events.

They cannot intervene and solve our problems.

But they can infuse idea into our minds.

Sometime next century, we shall know them and they shall guide/teach us.
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Old 09-14-2008, 10:56 PM   #12
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Default Re: Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

Originally Posted by Tuza View Post
I keep saying Yes, I want you to come, PLEASE, come and help us to the Utube message - Do you want us to come - Yes, I Do. Now if there sitting all around the planet and billions down here have souls, and soul knows everything and resonates with the truth and guides us to the truth and the right path or helps to do that - then all our collective souls which are part of the one should be asking for them to help the planet and us who are being controlled - so if what I have put forth to you is true - wouldn't these ETs have at least one million souls saying yes for everyone's sake come, please help, crying out for that. Then why this message - Do you want us to come. I cant understand it, maybe you can help me understand this. Can you see what I am getting at here. Michael St Clair said the next few months will be relatively quiet - can anyone tell me here what he thinks - I thought he said he didn't hold to this October coming.
And yet many other sources are pointing to mass hysteria...
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Old 09-15-2008, 12:30 AM   #13
alice goes nuts....
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Default Re: Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

seriously, u belive in this???? ****ty youtube psyco message of low quality....it will never be about some saviour from outside....everything is about wake up in your minds....not some infame spaceship...get real.....u cant even manifest this with a crappy hologram....i think if u see this u lost your mind.....or had bad accident with the autums mushrom-collection....
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Old 09-15-2008, 12:49 AM   #14
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Default Re: Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

Greetings...All who want to know the truth of what is happening in the world and why, visit www.thealliesofhumanity.org . I have read most of the information presented in "The New message" and "The Allies of Humanity." This is real and the truth. The simplicity and resonance of the information is confirmed in your "gut". We need to wake up, unite, and seek guidance form our inner voice. There is no chance of further intervention by the alien races when we say and mean "NO." Destiny is for us to find.

Strength and Knowledge for All
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Old 09-15-2008, 01:07 AM   #15
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Old 09-15-2008, 01:08 AM   #16
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Default Re: Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

Bus ted
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Old 09-15-2008, 01:18 AM   #17
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Default Re: Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

Originally Posted by Chris Parson View Post
Bus ted

well he might have lots of things to share with us, being tied to air defense he might know lots about UFOs...

maybe Bill and Kerry would like to interview him...

I have his direct number...
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Old 09-15-2008, 01:51 AM   #18
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Default Re: Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

I will be shocked as hell if aliens do appear like that, but come on people, who are these youtube videos trying to kid, their is a good story behind them but there foundation is based solely just that, a made up story. We would know by now if aliens were coming. If you want to see aliens, go and rent the movie "V" and the mini series and see hovering spaceships.........but don't be watching for some aliens to come on Oct. 14. They are already here and don't need to appear in the sky.
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Old 09-15-2008, 07:58 AM   #19
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Default Re: Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

Say what you will about Erich van Daniken, but I believe that he is probably right when he asserted that the most likely form for intelligent life to manifest is a humanoid, so we probably wouldn't know the difference between an extra terrestrial or a human unless we actually saw them climb into their flying saucers and take off into the night sky. Even then I'd make sure you check for U.S. Air Force badges on their shoulders before jumping to any conclusions

On another note...It just seems to me that if some benevolent group of extra terrestrials were really trying to give you the low-down on the reality of visitation on your planet...they wouldn't be selling books for $10 a pop.

Just a thought
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Old 09-15-2008, 08:55 AM   #20
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Default Re: Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

I also think that this would be a positive thing, them showing up and all, also there is too much misinformation gonig on so its hard to see what is the truth and what not. Guess we will just have to wait and see.

On a more personal note, there is something that just dosent feel right about this, but thats just my opinion.

Or, maybe im just jelouse because they wont be stoping by europe
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Old 09-15-2008, 12:31 PM   #21
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Default Re: Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

One thing that came to my mind is how do we know that project blue beam is not dis-info? maybe the PTB want us to think its a hoax, by them, so that we dont trust the intervention. I would initially be inclined to think any ship is a hologram *even though i do believe in ET's* but now im thinking well maybe PBB is disinfo too?!! Im confused!!
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Old 09-15-2008, 01:04 PM   #22
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Default Re: Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

Commander Adama sound a lot like BSG(Battlestar Galactica) to me... Where were they when WWII was on, where were they when innocent children got slaughtered in Iraq... where are they now while more and more children die each and everday around the world because of hunger and wars( not even mentioning adult deaths)....get real please... Now they wanna come out and release a peace message...sshhh!!! Think of these telephatic messages delivered before major wars or crisis to avoid further destruction and innocent deaths...

If this event happens, remind me my word; I will take my pants off and scream like crazy in the open public.

PS: Yes extra-terrestrials exists, NO, they will never come out to the open. This playground is ours and ours only. We are the ones to evolve here. They're just visitors watching us pets growup to their standarts.

Last edited by Midnight Oil; 09-15-2008 at 01:14 PM.
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Old 09-15-2008, 02:30 PM   #23
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Default Re: Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

i been to alot of these sites and forums on matters such as alien beings and government cover ups etc,,,with that being said:

I do believe in life other then humans. I will even say that I'm sure some are living among us. There is way too much evidence from our own government concerning UFO's and such,,,etc...But how many time s are we going to see dates of alien beings coming to help humanity. And at the last minute, the energies aren't right, or there was a problem on planet "frick frack" and our alien friends need to postpone their earth visit. Not saying it won't ever happen, but I can't see higher form s of beings marking their calendars,,,"October 14 to 17,,,visit earth"


Not dissin nobody, I would love too see this happen, but it won't.
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Old 09-15-2008, 02:42 PM   #24
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Default Re: Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

I just wanted to add another hypothetical situation here that I think is helpful for this topic.

First off, a real situation....every day millions of lab rats, guinea pigs, monkeys, and a smorgasbord of other animals are used for medical/scientific research all over the world. Granted there are many of us who find this practice disgusting, but of those few who find it appalling, even fewer actually put forth any effort to stopping the practice...and we are only slightly more intelligent than, say, chimpanzees.

Now for the hypothetical. Imagine that you are from a civilization that is so much further down the evolutionary path that you've mastered intergalactic and interdimensional travel, you have cured all disease and subdued entire solar systems harnessing every available energy source...now imagine that you come across human beings with their beautiful planet which they are rapidly destroying, and their seeming inability to cooperate unless it serves their own interests. What would you think of them?

Would you be jumping up and down eager to help their plight? Would you even consider them "intelligent" beings?

Just a thought...
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Old 09-15-2008, 07:05 PM   #25
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Default Re: Galatic Federation and the Pleidians

Originally Posted by novicemonk View Post
I just wanted to add another hypothetical situation here that I think is helpful for this topic.

First off, a real situation....every day millions of lab rats, guinea pigs, monkeys, and a smorgasbord of other animals are used for medical/scientific research all over the world. Granted there are many of us who find this practice disgusting, but of those few who find it appalling, even fewer actually put forth any effort to stopping the practice...and we are only slightly more intelligent than, say, chimpanzees.

Now for the hypothetical. Imagine that you are from a civilization that is so much further down the evolutionary path that you've mastered intergalactic and interdimensional travel, you have cured all disease and subdued entire solar systems harnessing every available energy source...now imagine that you come across human beings with their beautiful planet which they are rapidly destroying, and their seeming inability to cooperate unless it serves their own interests. What would you think of them?

Would you be jumping up and down eager to help their plight? Would you even consider them "intelligent" beings?

Just a thought...
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