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Old 11-14-2008, 10:42 PM   #1
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Default Bush's False Flag Finale? (A Vigilant Shield Alert Update)

November 14, 2008 at 14:59:23


In our 15 Oct “Vigilant Shield and Jokers Gone Wild!” article we issued a “Red Alert” for the 12-18 November Vigilant Shield exercise period, and a “High Alert” for the remainder of the Bush presidency until 20 Jan.1 We explained why false flag events tend to coincide with major exercises, and what major federal entities will be involved with this event.

Golden Guardian 2008, integrated with the Vigilant Shield group of exercises, will be the largest emergency exercise in the history of the state of California, and the largest earthquake drill in U.S. history.2 Taking place from 13-18 Nov, it will involve an estimated 5 million Californians, or roughly a seventh of the entire state population. The scenario focuses on a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in the southern San Andreas fault, with the major impact on Los Angeles.
From the perspective of anticipating a potential false flag event, we are concerned about the following possible “indicators.”
a) The play of the exercise includes “surprise injects” that can include a terrorist weapon of mass destruction (WMD) event. In fact, in certain years since Golden Guardian exercises began in 2004, the annual exercise has featured a man-made disaster. False flag operators can easily insert a real man-made disaster into any natural disaster scenario while still controlling the military and national media response.
b) California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will spend a full day on 13 Nov in a command center actively “war gaming” this scenario. This could potentially replay the suspicious activity associated with “Cheney in the bunker” or Rudolf Giuliani in his WTC command post on 9/11.
c) A USNORTHCOM Situational Assessment Team (NSAT) of about 20 members will be sent to California from Ft. Monroe, VA. Their mission is to assess nuclear, biological, and chemical-related disasters. Ft. Monroe conducted a nuclear terrorist exercise in 28 July 2005 when an explosion rocked the British Petroleum refinery in Texas City, Texas on the same day. Captain Eric May reported a sham nuke atmospheric event probably involving HAARP. 3
d) Several countries will send observation teams to California, to include the Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Canada, Mexico, and Israel. In addition, Homeland Security Czar Michael Chertoff, the American-Israeli dual loyalist who released the “dancing Israelis” and “art students” back to Israel following 9-11,4 has been invited to attend this exercise. Anything involving Israelis, who could be working undercover for the Mossad, is suspicious.
e) Local police, firemen, and medical personnel will be heavily involved. In prior alerts we have discussed the trend towards the increasing federal control and militarization of local first responders in possible preparation for martial law, particularly in light of NSPD-51, the Bush Administration dictatorship directive still kept secret even from the U.S. Congress. In fact, in July 2007 the White House stonewalled questions by Oregon Rep Peter DeFazio when asked about NSPD-51, prompting DeFazio to say “Maybe the people who think there's a conspiracy out there are right." 5

Outrageous conspiracies, just like the proverbial “Big Lie” technique, often stand a greater chance of success for their perpetrators than ordinary terrorist events. Sometimes when evil gets large enough, ordinary people can no longer comprehend it.
In his works The Judas Goats and Final Judgment, Michael Collins Piper provides convincing evidence that the Oklahoma City bombing as well as a number of prior terror events and assassinations in America were in fact inside jobs perpetrated by a Mossad-CIA team that tried to use Arab terrorists, the American militia movement, and other “usual suspects” as patsies.6
Mr. Piper’s more recent writings, along with articles published in his flagship paper The American Free Press, provide convincing evidence that 9-11 was also a Mossad-CIA inside job. Articles making a similar case have also been published by The Lone Star Iconoclast. 7

Article cont.on link above.
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Old 11-14-2008, 11:35 PM   #2
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Default Re: Bush's False Flag Finale? (A Vigilant Shield Alert Update)

Another false flag operation?

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Old 11-14-2008, 11:45 PM   #3
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Default Re: Bush's False Flag Finale? (A Vigilant Shield Alert Update)

Well,feeler from the reading of the article it tends to point at exercises, major ones before a false flag and there've been a few over the last month all over the world,in the U.K. all of wales,Russia did a massive one fully armed and there was operation brimstone off the eastern seaboard of the U.S. and recently the one in california regarding the firefighters and suchlike i suppose there are always exercises somewhere but these have been major ones-they're making comparisons from past events,like reading parallels from history to indicate what may happen in the near future.I don't know but i posted it for a read to draw your own conclusions and discuss.
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