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Old 02-09-2010, 03:27 PM   #1
pineal-pilot-in merkabah
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Default looks like teapartys are now officially dead.

sarah palin speaking at them ect. totally co-opted and now politically dead. surely all tea party people left when they realised it was being infiltrated by glen beck and others? are there only a few braiwashed droolers left attending? now they appear to be turning against ron paul lol.. anyone involved know if its just th infiltraters that are left ?

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Old 02-09-2010, 03:38 PM   #2
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Arrow Re: looks like teapartys are now officially dead.

haha, I can't believe that was on Msnbc. This is a change in the paradigm of the

way in thinking of the people of the world. Once you wake up a sheep it is

almost impossible to put it back to sleep. America is just know seeing the

beginning of this movement taking off and I doubt it is going anywhere

but up.
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Old 02-09-2010, 03:46 PM   #3
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Default Re: looks like teapartys are now officially dead.

They were the dead from the moment that they were conceived of as "tea parties." I'm sorry to say it, those of you who participate(d) in these things, but you made a mockery of your own cause when you chose not to use your imaginations and decided to ride on the 240 year old coattails of the actual tea party. I realize there was symbolism there, but symbolism doesn't cut it. It threatens no one, and in fact, it caused demon-possessed toolbags like Glenn Beck to get involved.

Next time, "tea partiers," try doing something that actually sticks it to someone, rather than some BS symbolism that doesn't stick anything to anyone anywhere.

Rant completed.
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Old 02-09-2010, 03:52 PM   #4
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. I can't wait to see were this movement is by 2011. The NWO is being

exposed and the paradigm of planet is shifting.
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Old 02-09-2010, 03:56 PM   #5
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Default Re: looks like teapartys are now officially dead.

What the vid looked like to me was the usual hit-piece done by the MSM, crowing about the death of anything it neither supports, or understands.

Sarah Palin is a complete waste of time, IMO.

Aligning her with some form of "freedom movement" is either dimentia, or an attempt to scuttle said movement.

From a piece, this morning, by one of my fav people, Karen Swiatowski:
The chatter this weekend relates to something Sarah said on FoxNews. As Gomer Pyle would say, "Surprise, surprise, surprise." It’s more war.
In figuring out how Obama could be a better, more popular President, Palin suggested, "[He could decide] to declare war on Iran or …to come out and do whatever he could to support Israel, which I would like him to do."
Some will say she’s ignorant, others that she is genius. Certainly, the Christian right and the Israel lobby together demand that statements like this be made early and often, and it is they who help make $500 a plate dinner speeches possible. But I think that the problem with Sarah is simply that she just hasn’t thought enough about the state, how it lives (parasitically) and why it survives (redistribution and fear). Growing up as a member of the great publicly employed in Alaska is probably the worst way to critically understand the welfare and warfare state; no matter how bad they are, you always love your Mommy and your Daddy.

She learned that freedom looks like government protecting you. She learned that liberty means doing what is good for the state. As a Republican (in Alaska, there are mostly libertarians, independents and Republicans, and she gravitated to the most statist option), she likes the idea of small government and non-interference. But as a child of the warfare-welfare state, she will build bridges to nowhere at home, and repeatedly blow them up overseas, without a hint of irony.
Sarah Palin has said publicly that she loves to read C.S. Lewis. Lewis, a believer, posited the state and the individual through a lens of Christianity. He wrote,
"…Christianity asserts that every individual human being is going to live for ever, and this must be either true or false. . . . And immortality makes this other difference, which, by the by, has a connection with the difference between totalitarianism and democracy. If individuals live only seventy years, then a state, or a nation, or a civilisation, which may last for a thousand years, is more important than an individual. But if Christianity is true, then the individual is not only more important but incomparably more important, for he is everlasting and the life of the state or civilisation, compared with his, is only a moment.
~ C.S. Lewis

BTW, if you want a very good take on who K. Kwiatowski is, try:

In Rumsfeld’s Shop: A senior Air Force officer watches as the neocons consolidate their Pentagon coup.

By Karen Kwiatkowski

Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski recently retired from the U.S. Air Force. Her final posting was as an analyst at the Pentagon. Below is the first of three installments describing her experience there. They provide a unique view of the Department of Defense during a period of intense ideological upheaval, as the United States prepared to launch—for the first time in its history—a “preventive” war.

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Old 02-09-2010, 06:36 PM   #6
pineal-pilot-in merkabah
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Default Re: looks like teapartys are now officially dead.

yes it looks like controlled opposition to me. anyone stating a case for war is stomach churningly sickening.. maybe my vibration has raised or whatever cos i now find statements like these intolerable.
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Old 02-09-2010, 06:46 PM   #7
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Default Re: looks like teapartys are now officially dead.

The Tea Party is now a cluster****. I don't feel anything good coming out of a movement that now embraces Fox News, Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, Tom Tancredo, and apparently every racist they can find across America.

The Tea Partiers were infiltrated and taken over before they even realized what was happening.
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Old 02-09-2010, 07:34 PM   #8
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Default Re: looks like teapartys are now officially dead.

Well I for one am watching the tea party movement and do support the ground up movement to be aligned with no one party or individual. To run the lines of the constitution and stand up freedoms of america and LIMITED GOVERNMENT which is how are founding fathers set up this country.To the republic for which it stands-remember. Not a bunch of politicians who think I need to be protected and spoon fed my entire life and then send me a bill for whatever they feel like in the form of taxes.

By the way if you think many independent voters of america are dying out, consider this, 9 days before the Mass. race , Browns campaign was recieving 1 million dollars a day in contributions over the internet. That was for 9 consectutive days. My hundred dollar bill was included in that too along with many I know around the country.

All the tea party is there for is to get this government's direction back in line with what made us so prosperous for so many years. Limited Government based on the rule of law. That is what has made this country such a success for over 200 years.
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Old 02-10-2010, 12:58 AM   #9
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Default Re: looks like teapartys are now officially dead.

Palin and Beck are both Israeli shrills.

The Tea parties were a distraction. A convenient way of directing attraction away from the Goldstone report.

The NWO is also a Israeli shrill campaign. NWO was coined decades ago and referred to the USA being the sole superpower of the "free world." This was all in regards to oil.

One reason why Israel became our unofficial 51 state is because they served as beach head for the middle east. This was the same purpose Hitler had in mind in the 30's when he started to send the founding families and settlers to Palestine. This is and always has been a war for oil.

I have reason to doubt the official holocaust story. Only 1% of claims can be verified. A host of "survivors" have turned out never to have ever been in Germany at the time and the red cross cannot verify the holocaust and they had access to many camps prior to the fall of the Nazi regime. I do believe the images of starving people in camps were real...but the starvation was the result of allied bombing thus causing no supplies to shipped into the camps. The shaved heads were to fight lice. The clothing confiscation was to fight typhus. The gas canisters were for the same purpose. Forensics prove that some so called gas chambers were indeed air raid shelters like the Germans had claimed.

Back to modern day...Israel has their state now. The middle east had not been fighting for centuries either but rather for the last 100 years when the theory of Zionism came into play with the Jewish.

The middle east supplies 70% of the world's oil. Whoever controls those pipelines controls the world. Though Israel is trying to claim "holy-land" the USA is trying to claim oil pipelines.

Since oil companies, banks and Israel all have a vested interest in the middle east they came together to form an alliance. These fractions are run by Zionist friendly CO's.

It makes more sense to claim the Illuminati or NWO is some secret group of powerful men are controlling the country through banks and such than to admit the Zionist the real reason and divert attention from what is now a Nazi state that the USA alone supports.

our government is controlled by a foreign government. Out of mutual interest in the middle east our people have allowed this to happen. matter of fact some people are so brainwashed they would rather see Israel actually appoint leaders here...not knowing they already do.

As the truth in the middle east is revealed and the truth about Gaza and west bank come out the blame is diverted to some mysterious group of men and women who know one ever sees as the boogie man.

Reality is simple. The USA is compromised by another country. this country runs our media, out government our domestic and foreign policy. It also has control in our economy. The NWO will emerge as total Zionism.

this will eventually back fire though for people are getting pictures and truth about the holocaust of the Palestine people and rape of their lands for oil. The 911 connection to Israel is also gonna be an elephant they cannot ignore much longer.

if Bush was pressured enough, if he was about to go down, I'm sure the Israeli government will go with him.

Then maybe the people of Israel and Palestine can finally live together in peace. And the USA can stop being an empire.
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Old 02-10-2010, 01:57 AM   #10
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Smile Re: looks like teapartys are now officially dead.

I love Sarah Palin. She is the best thing to happen to the Republican party. She made me change parties. Obama has failed us in a big way. Sarah is the only hope we have now. She speaks the truth. She wants us to return to the Constitution. What could be better than that?
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Old 02-10-2010, 02:54 AM   #11
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Exclamation Re: looks like teapartys are now officially dead.

Originally Posted by joe2288 View Post
haha, I can't believe that was on Msnbc. This is a change in the paradigm of the

way in thinking of the people of the world. Once you wake up a sheep it is

almost impossible to put it back to sleep. America is just know seeing the

beginning of this movement taking off and I doubt it is going anywhere

but up.

I agree, but there is a gap. If the NWO attach the people with limiting rights; then we will be one step forward, two steps back! Just saying this as a warning....
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Old 02-10-2010, 03:07 AM   #12
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Default Re: looks like teapartys are now officially dead.

Originally Posted by voltron View Post
I love Sarah Palin. She is the best thing to happen to the Republican party. She made me change parties. Obama has failed us in a big way. Sarah is the only hope we have now. She speaks the truth. She wants us to return to the Constitution. What could be better than that?
Are you f***ing serious???? Where do you get your news from? She is the biggest phony and LIAR politics has ever pooped out! Palin hasn't the first CLUE about the constitution OR GOVERNING, she just uses that word as a talking point. The woman is uneducated, has absolutely no idea what America stands for and is only out for herself to make money. Wake-up!!She could care less about you or anyone else and is one of the biggest hypocrites in Washington!

She even bought 64,000 copies of her own book to swindle more royalties out of the publisher! She accuses Obama about using a teleprompter when she talks from a stack of cards and writes crib notes in her hand! This has to be the most vicious, ignorant, self-serving puppet to appear in politics since....actually I think she takes the prize!

I'm sorry and am not trying to mean but you need to wake-up, I honestly can't believe that you're even on this website if you understand so little about politics that you actually believe that. Palin is nothing but a tool for the ruling elite and if you don't understand that you have a lot of work ahead of you. I'm not trying to criticize you I'm trying to get you to see through the rhetoric and propaganda she spews out.

Just listen to her when she talks, it's a bunch of gobblygoop that has no substance. It all sounds good, but that's it she doesn't really SAY anything. It's all meant to invoke an emotional response. She has no solutions, no ideas it's all calling names, criticizing the other side, lies, race baiting, more lies, hate mongering, even more lies to keep you in fear and more talking points that all sounds so American, but when you take a look at her actions it's all about serving the elite.

How can she care about Americans when she did EVERYTHING in her power for the insurance companies, to destroy our opportunity to get decent healthcare with outright lies about death panels! She is NOTHING but a tool for the very same corporate elite that is destroying this country and people like you need to wake up and stop idolizing her. She is a phony, a fake who never finishes anything she starts and has also turned around to destroy the very people who helped her get into power.

You need to do your homework on Ms Palin and start learning about the person instead of the politician, she has an absolutely horrendous track record in Wasila. Do research on people that know her and you will be shocked at how horribly she treats people. All that make-up, nice clothes and pretty smile of hers is blinding you to the monster behind the manipulative wink and a smile. There is a whole PR campaign behind the packaging of Palin and it's very deceptive because she's packaged to be something she's not. She's also been caught in sooo many lies that she literally appears to be a pathological liar.

I have a particular dislike for her because my stepmother has fallen into the same trap as you and is extremely misinformed on the facts because she listens to The Palin too much - I can hardly talk politics with her anymore because she's so out of touch with the facts. Are you guys drinking some kind of Republican koolaid that's affecting your judgment...or what? I don't get it...

But you can't be a bad person if your here on PA, just misinformed and bedazzled by the palin. Get over it...and wake up, she's a very dangerous woman and trust me, the last person we need in the Whitehouse. She would literally be a puppet...a total figure head, others would control everything she would say and do, besides they would never let a bimbo have power like that....the Fascist take over would be complete with Palin for Pres. Which is what frightens me, is there are too many people like you who haven't seen thru the dazzle by 2012. Just hoping she has enough rope to hang herself with now...so you can wake up on your own before it's too late for the rest of us and something like Bush 2000 happens again, we know who our Supreme Court works for - the Conservatives, they're working hard to put the CON in CONservative.

Oooo she makes my teeth itch, ok I'll get off my soapbox now...
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Old 02-10-2010, 07:41 AM   #13
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Default Re: looks like teapartys are now officially dead.

Calling people such names may be an unhealthy way of exlplaing your frustration while in the forum...

shouldnt we be past political issues...

the answer to the mess of a government????.... it can only be something better...
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Old 02-10-2010, 08:51 AM   #14
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Default Re: looks like teapartys are now officially dead.

Hi pineal-pilot-in merkabah,

I'm not too sure if the tea party movement is dead per se, however I think it was a mistake to allow Sarah Palin to give a speech there as it is absolutely clear that she will be the next presidential candidate for the Republican party, which I think would be a grave mistake, and it's clear that the Republican party is more important to her than doing the 'right thing'.


It seems that the Republican party is trying to take over the tea party movement. A few weeks ago it suggested that some of the leaders of the movement could enter in politics, as Republicans.

Tea Parties should be independent and the minute that they become party liners that would be the end. It is okay for them to be Conservative, but they must remember that the mission is to do the right thing and not belong to a political party, which many politicians haven't got to grips with yet.

Best regards,


Originally Posted by pineal-pilot-in merkabah View Post
sarah palin speaking at them ect. totally co-opted and now politically dead. surely all tea party people left when they realised it was being infiltrated by glen beck and others? are there only a few braiwashed droolers left attending? now they appear to be turning against ron paul lol.. anyone involved know if its just th infiltraters that are left ?

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Old 02-10-2010, 09:33 AM   #15
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We had one of the first tea bag rally's here in Sacramento last year...

There were alot of people upset with the recent extension of Furlough Friday's, Lots of students, lots of democrats..... No agenda really just the people not happy with all the new taxes and the continuing bail outs...

Now sara palin... and ron paul can forget about it... lets hope someone can figure something out... But i see a 2 party system being the game for now.
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Old 02-10-2010, 12:38 PM   #16
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6. teabagger
A misinformed, right-wing corporate media consumer who often fails to understand that BOTH major parties represent a corrupt plutocracy that steals from the middle class by taxing labor and profiting from corporate tax subsidies.

A teabagger also often fails to acknowledge that George W. Bush and his neo-conservative minions perpetrated one of the boldest and most egregious executive power grabs in the history of the United States. Furthermore, teabaggers mistakenly continue to blame a newly elected President Obama for all that ails the United States of America, based on a grossly flawed perception of reality (including latent racial prejudice) and despite the fact the U.S. economy collapsed on the previous administration's watch.

Teabaggers are also known to base their misguided, right-wing-media-inspired beliefs about President Obama on stupid conspiracy theories about totalitarian takeovers, FEMA camps, etc., despite the fact these very same theories have been circulating around on the Internet for years, and were originally ascribed to neo-conservative cabalists at a time when Barack Obama had not even entered national politics. Teabaggers also are known to be particularly paranoid, xenophobic and intolerant, especially with regard to immigrants and anyone who isn't white.

Additionally, teabaggers generally echo stupid myths about entitlement spending (it actually only accounts for about 1% of federal budget spending), have no idea that most poor people in America are not lazy, actually do work and don't want to be on welfare, and have no idea what socialism actually means or that socialist reform in this country is actually what allowed a middle class to flourish and ultimately make the U.S. one of the most prosperous nations in human history.

Furthermore, teabaggers incorrectly equate socialism with Stalinism, think a system that rewards greed (capitalism) is the divine preference (despite Gospel evidence to the contrary), and are shameless champions of a misguided belief in American exceptionalism. Teabaggers also fail to recognize the inherently unpatriotic nature of their failed every-man-for-himself ideology that ultimately vilifies anyone who supports public policy aimed at reaching out to fellow Americans in need. They celebrate an exploitative corporatocracy (holy creator of jobs, blah blah blah) while denigrating the little guy for being "weak."

Interestingly, teabaggers uphold an immoral, morbidly obese, twice divorced, draft-dodging, college dropout and known drug addict as their de facto leader, and are even known to advocate burning books. Of course, teabaggers fail to recognize the blatant hypocrisy within the GOP and tend to oversimplify all political debate and social issues, much like their pseudo-intellectual, fat-ass leader.

Finally, incredibly, teabaggers fail to recognize the hysterical double entendre associated with their proudly adopted teabag moniker.

Every village has its idiots, of course, but it's sad when citizens of any nation allow themselves to be whipped into a frenzy en masse by a state-run propaganda machine masquerading as a legitimate, fair, balanced and independent news organization. Teabaggers are right to believe the future of the U.S.A. is in jeopardy, but sadly they have not yet correctly identified the real enemy. Perhaps when teabaggers finally grow up and mature into thinking adults, they will see the right-leaning power establishment for the oppressive and cunning beast that it is.

Teabagger: We don't care that George Bush tripled the deficit and lied us into a war. The new administration only cut taxes for 90% of the population... fascists. Let's go throw some Lipton tea bags into a fountain!
Wow! You don't even want to know the other meaning...
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Old 02-10-2010, 01:17 PM   #17
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My question for all of the Teabagging-Palin-loving people: if you hate socialism so much, are you going to refuse social security and tell your grandparents to stop accepting it? Before you wish to stop socialist programs, you should research the meaning of same.
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Old 02-10-2010, 01:36 PM   #18
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Looking at politics from a left/right, democrat/republican paradigm is flawed.

These labels are window dressing for the permanent government. Just look at the lack of change from the Bush admin to the Obama admin, despite all the election rhetoric.

The Tea Party followers (hate the term teabaggers) unfortunately have hitched their wagon to more-conservative republicans instead of becoming a true third-party.

This decision will lead to more of the same, thinking change will occur when in fact status quo will reign supreme.

The zionists' agenda continues despite who is in White House or Congress.

Neocons Irv Kristol, Norman Podhoretz, Paul Wolfowitz and William Kristol were the drivers of the zionist's agenda in the Bush years.

They were replaced with Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod and Larry Summers for the Obama team.

This agenda drives not only our foreign policy but our domestic agenda as well.
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Old 02-10-2010, 03:00 PM   #19
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Finally, incredibly, teabaggers fail to recognize the hysterical double entendre associated with their proudly adopted teabag moniker.
That made me LOL and milk came out of my nose! If that doesn't underscore the mentality of people who participate in this nonsense, I don't know what does!!
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Old 02-10-2010, 03:28 PM   #20
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Reality Report Gary Franchi

Tea Parties been co opted by Neocons!!

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Old 02-10-2010, 08:59 PM   #21
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Default Re: looks like teapartys are now officially dead.

some people have missed sarah palins recent statement obviously, she said obama should go to war with iran it would be good for his presidency.. she is a moron , seems like americans are being lulled back to sleep.. lets hope not.
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Old 02-10-2010, 09:10 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by pineal-pilot-in merkabah View Post
some people have missed sarah palins recent statement obviously, she said obama should go to war with iran it would be good for his presidency.. she is a moron , seems like americans are being lulled back to sleep.. lets hope not.
That statement alone proves that she's a puppet for the NWO Elite.
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Old 02-10-2010, 09:34 PM   #23
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Arrow Re: looks like teapartys are now officially dead.

Originally Posted by pineal-pilot-in merkabah View Post
some people have missed sarah palins recent statement obviously, she said obama should go to war with iran it would be good for his presidency.. she is a moron , seems like americans are being lulled back to sleep.. lets hope not.
Had John Mccain won the presidency we would already be at war with Iran. I

watched every time he gave a speech and he was very suttle at hinting on

going to war with Iran. It doesn't surprise me Sarah Palin is wanting the same

thing considering they were running together. I still like Sarah, though I do

not believe she could become president and she is not the leader of the tea

party movement as much as Fox news is wanting her to be.
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Old 02-10-2010, 09:56 PM   #24
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Default Re: looks like teapartys are now officially dead.

Originally Posted by TruthWillSetUFree View Post
Reality Report Gary Franchi

Tea Parties been co opted by Neocons!!

Thanks TruthWillSetUFree,

Ron Paul was interviewed by Rachel Maddow regarding the takeover of the Tea Parties by the Neocons and mentions without naming names how the new supposed Tea Party leaders are not supporting the original Tea Party ideals.

Ron Paul on MSNBC

On Tuesday, 2/9/2010, Dr. Paul appeared on MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show to discuss the Tea Party movement.

(Included at the following link VIDEO (5:04): Congressman Paul on Cavuto's Fox Business show in the 6 pm eastern hour.)

[B]VIDEO (7:38):[/B] http://www.campaignforliberty.com/blog.php?view=32350

The Tea-Party Split

Posted by Anthony Gregory on 02/10/10 1:08 PM

See Jane Hamsher http://fdlaction.firedoglake.com/201...e-tea-parties/ on the tension between libertarian, non-interventionist and traditional America First small-government conservatives that make up much of the grassroots Tea Party movement, and the socially conservative pro-war, pro-corporatism neocon wing of the movement, typified by the GOP establishment.

ARTICLE: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/bl...cpg=1#comments

Also here is a recent Mises Institute Speech where he also comments on the takeover of the Tea Party Movement.

Ron Paul at Mises Circle: Prepare for the Worst

Posted by minnesotachris on 02/06/10 12:04 AM

Presented by Congressman Ron Paul at "The Failure of the Keynesian State," the Mises Circle in Houston, sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis. Recorded Saturday, 23 January 2010. Includes introductory remarks by Mises Institute president Douglas E. French, and by Institute founder and chairman Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

VIDEO: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/blog.php?view=32222

Last edited by peaceandlove; 02-13-2010 at 12:38 AM.
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Old 02-10-2010, 11:02 PM   #25
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Default Re: looks like teapartys are now officially dead.

Originally Posted by Jonah View Post
Calling people such names may be an unhealthy way of exlplaing your frustration while in the forum...

shouldnt we be past political issues...

the answer to the mess of a government????.... it can only be something better...
I apologize, but in this case some people need calling out for exactly what they are and I'm personally sick to death of the lies surrounding Palin. People need to see her for exactly what she is and if you listen to Rhandi Rhodes on progressive talk radio I haven' t said anything that hasn't been said to millions over the air.

And playing nice doesn't get anywhere when up against Republicans or the GOP, these people are vicious liars that have deceived millions of people with their lies, fear mongering and race baiting. They got into power with lies and the liars need to be exposed for who they are and what they've been doing to this country.

My stepmother used to be a very loving, compassionate, well informed person and she's also a card carrying Republican who idolizes the Palin and listens to FOX News 24/7. In the last few years I hardly recognize her anymore she's turned into a fearful, confused, materialistic person who is fighting for the corporations and against her own best interest. I keep looking for the Koolaid....can't figure out what happened to her.

So it's very apparent to me how dangerous these people are because I personally can see how misled their victims are and I don't believe I said anything that wasn't true, or repeated on the air. These people need to be called out for who and what they are, they are not nice people and they don't think like we do. Sociopaths have no compassion, no conscious or feel no guilt - do we want people like that as our leaders? The thing is these types are extremely deceitful and until people start speaking out against them...we stay deceived.

Last edited by AscendingStarseed; 02-10-2010 at 11:07 PM.
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