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Old 11-21-2008, 01:58 AM   #1
Professor Nordheim
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Fellow Avalonians!

Here is a little bit of information regarding the historical basis for the King Arthur legend
and the connection between Camelot and the ancient Isle of Avalon.


The name Avalon has become associated with Glastonbury to a point beyond question. It is everywhere: in house-names, businesses, a school, and more. It has long had a sort of vague acceptance among the local people as something to do with legend, King Arthur and the Grail and all that sort of thing. But to dig deeper, to try to find out why this is so, or how it happened, is to get into a very complicated area indeed.

There is little doubt that Glastonbury was a pagan centre long before it became the prime Christian shrine of the West. In ancient times it was a tidal island, a sea-shore place, and, as Geoffrey Ashe has suggested, may have been venerated as one of the 'Isles of the Dead' from which souls passed on into the other world.

In Celtic lore Avalon is the entrance to Annwn, the Underworld, where hidden realities become visible.

There are two linked traditions at Glastonbury. The first is that Christianity came to Britain immediately after the crucifixion, with Glastonbury the chosen site of its foundation. The second is that Glastonbury is the ancient 'Isle of Avalon' where, as legend has it, King Arthur and Queen Guinevere lie buried. The two are connected by the story of the Holy Grail. One tradition has it that the uncle of Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea, brought the Cup of the Last Supper with him to Glastonbury, and disposed of it by either, as some say, burying it on Chalice Hill (near Chalice Well), or delivering it to the safekeeping of a secret priesthood. In time its location was forgotten, and this was deemed the cause of the many misfortunes that befell the Kingdom. In the Arthurian romances, the Quest of the Knights of the Round Table is for the recovery of the vessel leading to the restoration of the Waste-Land to life and fecundity. The trouble is that none of these stories comes into any kind of focus before the chronicles and other literature of the eleventh and twelfth centuries. It is not before this time, either, that there is any reference identifying Glastonbury with Avalon.

During the nineteenth century, an awareness gained momentum of what might generally be called 'The Matter of Britain'. Precisely where this revival began, if it had ever wholly died, is debatable. Possibly with certain poets; possibly within certain Masonic, Rosicrucian groups; certainly with William Blake. In his writings Blake foresaw a spiritual destiny for Britain, personified as the giant Albion, and the birth of a new awareness in men and women.

The idea that the sleeping Arthur might return, and that this represented something, took hold. Tennyson was the most notable exponent of the Arthurian myth, and its connection with Glastonbury, in his Idylls of the King. There was also a bevy of socialists and 'New Thought' radicals who saw it all as an allegory of the birth of the 'whole man', unexploited and emancipated with nature in useful toil.

This period saw the emergence of new occult and esoteric movements which taught that myth has meaning for our inner evolution. Initially, the impulse was from the East and the Theosophy of Madame Blavatsky, but first with Anna Kingsford, then with Rudolph Steiner, and finally with Dion Fortune, a sense of an indigenous western 'mystery tradition' saw light of day, giving credence to both Pagan and Christian elements.

These developments bore in an interesting way upon aspects of the Celtic revival being witnessed in Ireland and Scotland at that time. While much of this had to do with politics and the overthrow of the English oppressor, there were, within the cultural engine of the endeavour, key figures who were fellow-travellers with our fore-mentioned occultists. We can think here of William Butler Yeats and George William Russell (aka AE) in Ireland, and William Sharp (aka Fiona Macleod), Lewis Spence, Patrick Geddes and the painter John Duncan in Scotland. All had connections with the Theosophical Society.

Map of the Ancient Landscape around Glastonbury


In the beginning, when the legends of mystical Avalon began, Glastonbury, a small town in Somerset, cradled in a cluster of hills in the south of England, was thought to have been a site for pre-Christian worship. A powerful natural phenomenon, visible from many miles away yet imperceptible from nearby, and the highest of these hills, the 500-foot Glastonbury Tor, rising shear from the Somerset levels has inspired spiritual speculation.

Was the Tor a centre for fertility rites based on legends of the great Mother Earth Goddess? Was Avalon a centre for ley-lines--routes of spiritual energy? Around the sides of the Tor is a strange system of terracing. Much weathered and eroded, but still well-defined, it has been interpreted as a maze following an ancient magical pattern. If the maze on the Tor is real, human labor formed it four or five thousand years ago, during the period of the vast ritual works that created Stonehenge. There are also grounds for thinking that the Tor might have been a sanctuary of Goddess-worship.

Two thousand years ago, the sea washed right to the foot of the Tor, nearly encircling the cluster of hills. The sea was gradually succeeded by a vast lake. An old name for it is Ynys-witrin, the Island of Glass; "island" because, from most angles of approach, it would have looked like one, but it is from Celtic legend that the name Avalon has its true origin - named after the demi-god Avalloc or Avallach, who ruled the underworld. In Celtic lore Avalon was an isle of enchantment.

Ancient myth has it that Avalon, where the sea met the land, was the meeting place of the dead; the point where they passed to another level of existence, and the Tor was the home of Gwyn ap Nudd, the Lord of the Underworld, and a place where the fairy folk lived.

Glastonbury Tor - Chalice Hill - King Arthur - Giants

King Arthur and Glastonbury
with links to Arthurian websites

The Goddess in Avalon

Avalon Druid Order (ADO)

The Avalonian Catholic Church


Extract from The Ancient Moshiach Prophecy Fulfilled in 2015
by Clinton Ortiz

The New Age Movement is not defined by any singular religion. It is by all definitions, a movement, yet one that is having severe implications for both its followers and the rest of humanity. The force behind the New Age Movement wants to define it as essentially the fusing together of religious-based eastern-influenced metaphysical ideologies with western Occult, and more recently, a much more overt Celtic and Wiccan-based theology. Celtic Druidism and Witchcraft itself falls under its many divisions, as well as Satanism, Kaballah, and Demonology. The New Age Movement is bound together by notions of “universal tolerance” and the left-wing, liberal versions of Anti-Christianity and moral relativism. The New Age Movement is the natural progression of humanism taken to its next step, teaching that humans have evolved biologically, and must now evolve spiritually to survive what is coming in 2012. Its belief systems are many, synchretic, and believed to be widely diversed, however, they all serve their purpose in bringing in what is called the Age of Aquarius. According to them, we are currently moving away from the present Age of Pisces which is defined and symbolized by Christ (upon which they've attached every evil of mankind by attaching to Christ all of Catholicism's wars, inquisitions, witch-hunts, cover-ups and murders) to an Age of peace, harmony, understanding and global/personal enlightenment that they say will define the coming new Age of Aquarius, hence the term *New* Age. Varying in everything from what's called synergy and synergistic principals, to the concepts of personal Christ consciousness (without the acceptance of Christ's Divinity), energy, global unity, oneness, harmony, transformation, 11:11, "the one," spirit growth, human potential, awakening, networking, purification, cleansing, holistic medicines and other non-medical "miracle healing" approaches. Truly the New Age as a movement has moved itself into every single area of modern life, and yet, where is it going next? What is the truth behind it? What is the actual agenda of the New Age?

The origins of the New Age Movement date back to at least 1875 with the Theosophical works of Henry Olcott and Helena Blavatsky. The Theosophical Society, as it was called, espoused the abolishment of Christianity and Judaism while promoting the total unity of other world religions in their place, even as they claimed that their teachings were revealed by demons in the guise of so-called spirit or elemental guides. They emphasized heavily the evolution of a self-deified, master Aryan society, and a One World “New Age” religion and social order. In 1877, Blavatsky wrote the book 'Isis Unveiled' which sold out its very first day in print. In 1879, she launched 'The Theosophist' a monthly magazine started in India. By 1887, she launched 'Lucifer,' a monthly magazine started in London. The following year, in 1888, Blavatsky wrote 'The Secret Doctrine,' her master work. It was this book which put forth Blavatsky's Aryan (and anti-Semitic theories) on Atlantean and other 'Root Races' which later influenced Adolph Hitler and his own ideas about Luciferian Aryan supremacy. Pushing the New Age agenda further, British-born Alice Bailey founded the “Lucifer Publishing Company,” in 1922 which printed and distributed their own similar teachings which became increasingly singular in their intent and goal toward the concept of a Luciferian New World Order which was to be accomplished through various degrees and steps toward its ultimate realization in the 21st Century. Bailey’s teachings established the "Luciferic Initiation," a pledge of allegiance to the 'Christ' of the New Age and to the New World Order. As such, Alice Bailey discussed extensively the plans for a religious war between the forces of Good and Light (New Agers; "Lightworkers") and the forces of Evil and Darkness (Christianity), as well as forced redistribution of wealth and the world’s resources, mass planetary initiations into the Movement, world-wide disarmament, a new theology with Lucifer as its God, and the complete elimination of "obstinate religions" namely Christianity and Judaism. Bailey even discussed the sacredness of a future New World Leader’s number (666) as well as the Solar Symbol which would symbolize his reign.

Included in the metaphysical categorical subtext and soon after the work of Bailey came Margaret Murray of whom is believed by many experts and authors on the subject of Satanism and Witchcraft to have "made the single greatest impact on the idea of Witchcraft in the twentieth century." It wasn't until the 1950's however that her ideas found the audience she sought, she rightfully believed Witchcraft to be organized Devil Worship [Witchcraft Out of the Shadows p. 98-99]. Gerald Gardner and his own brand of Luciferian Witchcraft which he named Wicca in the 1950's which has rapidly evolved since if first came to public attention over a half century ago. Gardner was heir to ceremonial groups such as the Golden Dawn and the O.T.O as reformed by Crowley. In the 1960's, Wicca became commonly associated with the Goddess Diana and Rex Nemorensis (Satan in one of his many guises as World-King). At the time, Wicca very much appealed to the peace-loving bohemians dubbed hippies largely for its seemingly new approach at viewing the world as well as its seemingly strong ecological message. During the 1970's, Wicca moved toward a focus on Celtic religion in addition to the writings of Dion Fortune, Aleister Crowley, and the teachings of the Qabbalah which began to merge with Wiccan beliefs and practices. The 1980's brought Occult teaching into the mainstream under the newly-named category "New Age" while the 1990's witnessed a virtual explosion of new believers including the usual peacenik liberal leftovers from the bygone hippie era at the lower end of the metaphysical spectrum to the heads of major corporations worldwide in its increasingly organized cultish Craft.

Adding to the Luciferian idealology of such aforementioned New Age proponents has come a new generation of Occult metaphysical idealists in league with preparing the world for antichrist after them, such as David Spangler, Levi Dowling, Norman Cousins, George Trevelyan, Carlos Castaneda, Abraham Maslow, Ruth Montgomery, Jeremy Rifkin, as well as Marilyn Ferguson who seem to lay the blueprint for the modern New Age Movement with her 1980 book "The Aquarian Conspiracy." Benjamin Creme and his mysterious Messiah-creation living in London, Lord Maitreya (whose name conveniently adds up to 666), has caused not a few international sensations proving how completely gullible New Age adherents truly are. Today, as we near the looming event scheduled to happen in 2012 that forcibly brings in the New Age on a global scale, which in turn sets the perfect foundation from which enters the Antichrist himself on the world scene, modern Occult (New Age/metaphysical) authors are intent on warping the minds of as many people as possible in preparation for their Satanic Utopia. The authors now number in the thousands with some being more propagated than others on American talk shows such as Larry King and Oprah. They include Eckhart Tolle, Shakti Gawain, Barbara Marx Hubbard, J.Z. Knight, Deepak Chopra, and Elizabeth Clare Prophet to name a relative few. Some authors have even linked quantum mechanics to New Age thinking to form a new sub-genre known as Quantum Mysticism which has also received much popularity of late, along with The Secret (Law of Attraction), and other offshoots related to Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle which cites the physical world is only what one believes it to be, again, very dangerous things to believe in at a time when the world is entering that prophesied age of great falling away and global Satanic deception. At any rate, with such media savvy among them, as well as the post-modern and increasingly globalized neo-culture itself being re-geared toward New Age thinking, the Movement has actually achieved nearly every single one of its intended goals beset by its founders, and now only awaits the final completion of all their collective work culimating in the events that bring in the New Age worldwide, that is the meticulously-timed cataclysmic "earth change" of December 21, 2012.

In advance of this, the New Age Movement, through its many tentacles, i.e, books, films, seminars, and personal growth retreats, teaches that one can have one or many so-called "Spirit Guides" to help them along their path toward ascension and enlightment, which is strinkingly familar in its spiritual intent to the 'ascension-by-degrees' method taught behind the closed doors of Masonic lodges and other such Luciferian Societies the world over. Do not be deceived, the New Age Movement is a conspiracy toward bringing the entire world into the 'One Mind' concept, a New World Order under its secular "God," Lucifer, with our world ultimately to be governed by "the One," which by this point, you know exactly where that is heading toward. With the followers of such a movement all preparing for this New Age timeframe, many of them not your average bohemian-type, but holding prominent positions in business and finance, there is no doubt you who read this have been infected by its many tentacles and tenants along the way, perhaps without you even knowing it. Somewhere in your life the New Age mindset has affected you, either by close personal contacts such as through friends or family, or even by the programs you watch, the films you see, or in the books you read. It is everywhere, literally, all around you, increasingly surging its way into the minds of billions globally. In fact, "Globalism" and the "Green" Movement themselves are only two more ways the New Age is attempting to ready the planet and this generation for the many changes to come by year 2013.

Knowing that New Age Movement is already setting the Pagan foundation for the future One World Church, its also becoming quite clear that the current New World Order itself with its Oil Wars, Zionist policies, and rampant misjustice, playing the role of 'bad cop' in their sick Satanic vision, will after 2012 begin playing the role of the 'good cop' making the world believe that one corrupt Order is fallen, while a new one begins, under the Universal Laws of a risen Avalon. The youth of the world are perfectly primed and ready for such a change, as their far left-wing and liberal views have tainted them well enough to want to bring about that revolutionary change toward the New Age Order. Radical and violent "Anarchists" wanting to see the complete abolition of traditional government have been spawned by the millions as a result of the current New World Order, never realizing that they are in fact one of the desired results that the New World Order wants to bring about: future footsoldiers of an even greater, evil, future World Order that has been duped to think future ideals of their World Order is in any way better than the current one. As the New Age Movement continues to infect the reprobate minds of those ignorant enough not to even see it, its rank and file numbers will only increase as the world is given "signs" which seem to declare that the New Age belief system is "right" as the planet experiences even more destructive natural disasters as we approach 2012, which will be increasingly touted by a new pack of loud voices from the New Age left, as being the by-product of a world lashing out against its host, mankind. These same loud voices will call out for global change, a mandate, for the entire world to shake off its current mindset (including religious mindset), in favor for the New Age Global Mind(set), in order to save our One planet.

In the modern New Age belief system, the world is a living entity which is either equal to us, or dominates us, depending on which New Age author you are reading. They all say they believe the earth is a living entity needing to be nurtured and cared for, something which is blatantly obvious, yet that single and obvious belief has done more to capture people into accepting all the rest of the New Age agenda, therefore much of the New Age's own trappings of world peace, global healing, and everything else that is obvious we need in the world is acting as the well-manicured front, a cover to mask its real sinister intentions while bringing into its fold countless millions, just as it was originally designed to do. Now while the New Age Movement does espouse honesty, integrity, love, peace, etc, it also wants to assimilate all those same Godly ideals into the context of a very Anti-Godly belief system. A disproportionate amount of New Age Movement books, articles, and texts contain the word “self” or self-help, etc. This is because man, either in the singular sense, or the allegory of collective mankind, is always the central figure (as he is the one Satan is trying to deceive) for example, one must constantly ascend, achieve the next higher degree and improve one’s “self” to become one with nature and god (or Goddess). They deny God because the New Age 'god' is impersonal with no specific requirements as to morality, belief, and behavior, or judgment. This is why the eastern mysticism and now New Age incorporated idea of reincarnation appeals so much to them. With it, there is no judgment, there is no eternal punishment. In so doing, they have fallen for Satan's oldest and most well known lie, that we can become our own God's if we simply deny God and instead accept Lucifer who alway seems to have man's own interests and desires at heart, yet only later does man discover it was all to promote Satan's own agenda of death and destruction, against man.

In fact, the Bible predicted the attributes of today's New Age adherants with the following found in 2Timothy Chapter 3 "This know also, that in the Last Days perilous times shall come, for men shall be lovers of their own selves, having a form of Godliness (desiring peace, unity, and love for all) but denying the Power thereof. From such, turn away." In other words, in the Last Days, along with Antichrist there will arise those that have a form of Godliness and Godly attributes, yet deny God. Does not the same Scriptures teach us that denying God, as the Father and Son, is the spirit of Antichrist? Therefore, what the Scriptures are actually telling us is that the New Age Movement today and all its current followers are, in effect, the very spirit of the Antichrist, as they will be the ones to formulate and work for his future globalized religion, even as they are already doing. From such we are to turn away from, yet what if someone were to effectively show them the Hell they are going to bring upon our children, and upon us all, what if we resisted this coming New Order? The Bible actually tell us that there will be an effective Resistance Movement countering the Antichrist Order at the time of his reign. This prophecy is found in the Book of Daniel 11:32-35 and details how it is mostly comprised of newly converted Israeli/Jewish Believers in Christ, who despite how the Antichrist openly mocks the God of the Bible during the latter half of his reign, shall then become acutely aware of and 'know their God,' performing great exploits in the Name of God. However, as the prophecy goes on to explain, many of them will be hunted down and killed by forces of the Antichrist, and die as Christian martyrs. These forces of the Antichrist will certainly comprise all facets of the global New Age Antichrist society, offering up Christians to be executed thinking they are doing their 'god' a service. This proves that while the New Age Movement and its followers might believe in the attributes of love, tolerance, and spirituality today, it is all an empty sham and counterfeit of Satan without the power of God behind it.

In time, Satan's Antichrist will have so twisted the minds of that future "Utopian society," many of its New Age citizens that once expoused tolerance and peace will eventually outright hate, hunt down, and murder anyone professing Christ as their King, believing them to be the final hindrance to world peace. Christ Himself prophesied of this, that they shall hate us who bear His name, as Christians, delivering us up to the magistrates, killing Christians who live outside of the global Beast system. In this, we are to remain steadfast in the Faith as evil and its lie to the world will be summed up in less than a decade from the time it begins to its final end, until their time to commit every evil act against their own souls is accomplished. Because they rejected God's Word, they rejected His Will for their lives, as they rejected His plan for their own Salvation, even as they rejected the words of the Son being the only Way back to the Father, the only Truth for the saving of souls, the only path to eternal Life, and so the choices they've made are entirely their own. From such, remove yourselves, in their own insolence are they given over to the same curse as the Devil they worship.

Therefore from the most radical New Age believer to those caught somewhere in between, in time everyone will see what this New Age Movement is bringing upon the world - Final Armageddon at the hands of the Antichrist, period. There is no amount of space given to which I cannot stress that one single point enough. Satan and his seed upon this planet are quickly rounding up and infecting an entire army of people in order to stand with him both at the time Antichrist appears, as well as when Christ returns to judge the world at Armageddon, seven years later. Of course, being that the adherents of this New Age generation have unwittedly followed Lucifer himself, God is ready, even certain, to judge accordingly every one that has chosen the Fallen Angel Lucifer over the Risen Lord Christ. Verily, our Creator has set before us Life (Christ) and Death (Satan/Anti-Christ), telling us to choose Life (Deuteronomy 30:19), yet just as it was for the Angels before us at the time of Lucifer's War against Heaven, it is still, as then, ultimately our choice alone. Satan can only counterfeit what God has in store for the world, global peace, unity, and eternal life prosperity, therefore his attempt at counterfeiting that true New Age in Heaven with his false "New Age" on earth is merely the counterfeit all that God has prepared for us, upon making the right choice between the two Morning Stars, Lucifer or Christ. In conclusion, even the the New Age Movement is difficult to define spiritually speaking, as it has its many tentacles into everything, the modern New Age Movement has a clear definitive agenda which has been agreed upon by their constituents, by which the manifesto of the New Age movement calls for:

1. One World Leader
2. New World Order Gov't
3. World Food authority
4. World Health Authority
5. World Water Authority
6. Universal ID System
7. Universal Financial System
8. Abolishing Christianity
9. New Global "One" Religion
10. Destruction of Jesus Christ

Last edited by Professor Nordheim; 11-21-2008 at 10:59 PM.
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Old 11-21-2008, 04:26 AM   #2
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

So....what are you trying to sell?
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Old 11-21-2008, 04:58 AM   #3
Professor Nordheim
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

Originally Posted by David View Post
So....what are you trying to sell?
The question is.... what are we buying?
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Old 11-21-2008, 05:52 AM   #4
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

hmmmm. wow professor, i guess you had a few things on your mind there.

i'm thinking this might not be the right playground for you. maybe try this?

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Old 11-21-2008, 06:31 AM   #5
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

I like the pictures!
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Old 11-21-2008, 07:23 AM   #6
Bill Ryan
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

Originally Posted by Professor Nordheim View Post
The question is.... what are we buying?
Thank you for this interesting historical treatise!

As many people who've been following our work will know, the idea for Project Camelot came when we were visiting Tintagel in Cornwall in April 2006 (one of the potential ancient sites of the real King Arthur’s Camelot), very soon after we’d met.

Very best wishes, Bill
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Old 11-21-2008, 07:37 AM   #7
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

Originally Posted by Professor Nordheim View Post
...the modern New Age Movement has a clear definitive agenda which has been agreed upon by their constituents, by which the manifesto of the New Age movement calls for:

1. One World Leader
2. New World Order Gov't
3. World Food authority
4. World Health Authority
5. World Water Authority
6. Universal ID System
7. Universal Financial System
8. Abolishing Christianity
9. New Global "One" Religion
10. Destruction of Jesus Christ

Source: grailcode.net
i'm not gonna lie. i didn't read most of your post. but what you feel are ten major problems with the new age movement i don't know that all 10 are necessarily bad.

1. i don't know of anybody calling for a one world leader. in fact, it seems a council chosen by the people (i don't mean politicians, more like philosophers) would be a much better fit. we've tried individual leaders. they don't work out too well.

2. it really depends on what kind of one world government your talking about. we are many people living on one planet. once we get away form the idea of being american, italian, japanese, etc we will instead say 'i'm from earth.' it seems to me that a single world government elected by the people of the world would be appropriate when dealing with global problems. things like food shortages, global warming, animal extinction, etc are not isolated cases. we can longer treat them like isolated problems because they affect us all. i'm not saying we should abolish local government, but it seems to me that a single world government would be useful for many things that must be treated at planetary problems.

3, 4, and 5. there are many billions of people around the world who need food, water, and healthcare. surely you don't expect any single particular government to help all of these people. again, a group of spiritual, philosophically minded people from all around the globe would be my best recommendation to helping those in need who cannot help themselves.

6. i don't know of anybody who is pushing for world ID cards or ID chips besides the negative elite and those who have been brainwashed enough to believe the negative elite are our benevolent friends. and that group is falling apart in front of our eyes anyway.

7. yes, a universal financial system would be best (not paper money or zeros on a computer screen) but something tangible and has actual value. like i said before, the people who currently control the worlds finances are falling apart. once they have completely fallen, a world currency would be more appropriate. when anti-gravity technology is finally a reality, i don't want to have to exchange my american dollars for euros if i decide to go to europe for dinner.

8. as far as abolishing christianity...i take it your a christian considering you forgot about the jews, muslims, buddhists, etc, so i'll keep my mouth shut.

9. as far as i can tell, new age people don't believe in any religion. if i don't like watching football, i'm not going to get rid of all the current football teams just to create a brand new one. so no, they have no desire to create a new world religion. in fact, most of the new age people i know see religion as a positive, uplifting thing. they don't care what people believe because they realize we're all free to believe whatever we want to believe and there's nothing wrong with that.

10. destruction of jesus christ? hunting down all those who worship jesus and killing them? that's a pretty bold statement. i thought new age people were a peaceful, open-minded crowd. my mistake
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Old 11-21-2008, 07:55 AM   #8
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

The name of the project has nothing to do with anything except this:

Hi, Karen:

The idea for Project Camelot came when we were visiting Tintagel in Cornwall in April 2006 (the fabled ancient site of King Arthur’s Camelot), very soon after we’d met.

Warmest wishes, Bill
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Old 11-21-2008, 09:58 AM   #9
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Red face Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

I don't see your point. Do you mean that we shouldn't love our Earth, the nature because Satan want us to do it (in his great plan to set up a NWO)???
I would say I'm agreeing with a few notions of the New Age culture. But I won't follow people who tells me they've found the truth. New Agers or not. Because the truth is in ourselves.

Furthermore I won't accept anything like ID cheaping and that kind of stuff nor abiding by rules that I don't find fair. Even if it's in the name of a New Age era.

But I may be wrong, as I didn't read the whole post...

Have a nice day! Love
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Old 11-21-2008, 09:58 AM   #10
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

What's in a name?
The Avalon Forum is a chosen name, not a chosen cult or religion.

No reason to jump to conclusions. I.e: What is Christianity or what are Christian beliefs and dogmas? How many different versions of the truth of the Christian religion can you list? Each and every one of them claim to hold the one true version of Truth, and that their group/sect will be victorious in the end and everyone else will see the light the way they see it.

All major religions, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, and so on, are fragmented in this way, and they generally tend to fight all other versions of their own religion with equal fierceness as they fight all the other major religions.

New Age is equally fragmented and not a cohesive movement.

Last year I started to research 'Wholism'. It took me to the Gaia religion which has been brought to world attention through the Green Movement and hailed at the green summit in Rio in 1992. Maurice Strong, the main organisor of the Rio summit, is attributed with this attempt of making the green agenda a religious agenda. He is also a main proponent of the NWO. This is yet another attempt to usurp personal power and wisdom and replace it with a totalitarian agenda with limited personal freedom.

Is totalitarianism our goal? If so, we may use any set of dogmas, - religious, political and/or scientific - , and make it the exclusive choice for mankind.

If, on the other hand, personal choice and preference is a value we like to promote, unity in diversity is the name of the game. We may fight for our truth without fighting each other.

Ideally, the Avalon Forum could be a case in point if we can muster this much unity in diversity

The quest for truth and wholeness goes on. When it leads to each person realizing the true identity of a human being, we may also freely state how we see God.

Last edited by Josefine; 11-21-2008 at 10:39 AM.
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Old 11-21-2008, 10:08 AM   #11
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

Looks like a copy and paste job to me.
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Old 11-21-2008, 10:55 AM   #12
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Last edited by dayzero; 11-26-2008 at 11:10 AM. Reason: bad feeling
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Old 11-21-2008, 12:26 PM   #13
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

I looked up the relevance of the name Avalon when I first came here, and before I got bored out of my mind I stumbled across "the avalon project at yale university - documents in Law, History and Diplomacy".....

Yale is where skull and bones started as we all know....

I just thought it was an interesting parallel.
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Old 11-21-2008, 01:49 PM   #14
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

Originally Posted by Professor Nordheim View Post
The question is.... what are we buying?
Are we even buying anything?

The original post is one of the most retarded things I have ever read. It's effectively painting the Christians as the good guys, despite what they have done to mankind over the last few centuries.
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Old 11-21-2008, 02:01 PM   #15
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

Regardless of where it comes from, I'll take all the best from Christianity, islam, New Age, pagan beliefs, shamanism,etc. if it resonates with me and if it agrees with my conscience. The name is not important.
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Old 11-21-2008, 02:25 PM   #16
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

Originally Posted by goody8504 View Post

9. as far as i can tell, new age people don't believe in any religion. if i don't like watching football, i'm not going to get rid of all the current football teams just to create a brand new one. so no, they have no desire to create a new world religion. in fact, most of the new age people i know see religion as a positive, uplifting thing. they don't care what people believe because they realize we're all free to believe whatever we want to believe and there's nothing wrong with that.

goody, hi,

Your breakdown response above is quite reasonable in my opinion except for your section 9 response which really fails, badly, to have any grasp at all of the point.

Try having another think about it.
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Old 11-21-2008, 02:29 PM   #17
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The Battle Of Evermore by Led Zeppelin

one of my fav songs.

bring the ballance back!!!! Bring it back - bring it back .

hay goody8504

all take what normans having.

Try having another think about it.

Last edited by dagon; 11-21-2008 at 03:17 PM.
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Old 11-21-2008, 03:15 PM   #18
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

It's no bad idea to investigate some aspects of the New Age movement.

I was pretty pro......now, after investigating with an open mind.... I'm less sure. I was thrown a little and had to re-think my views. When you've been pretty 'pro' something, that's not easy.
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Old 11-21-2008, 03:36 PM   #19
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

Originally Posted by QueenOfLeon View Post
I looked up the relevance of the name Avalon when I first came here, and before I got bored out of my mind I stumbled across "the avalon project at yale university - documents in Law, History and Diplomacy".....

Yale is where skull and bones started as we all know....

I just thought it was an interesting parallel.
I've used the documents through the Avalon Project via the Yale servers. It was pretty cool - most of the major documents of our history were digitized for all to see. I used it to read a lot of Indian treaties. Anyway, somebody threw a fit about something, sued the departments that sponsered it (law, history, and some others, and now it is shut down.

So much for the all powerful "Skull and Bones"!
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Old 11-21-2008, 04:21 PM   #20
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

Originally Posted by karen View Post
the name of the project has nothing to do with anything except this:

Hi, karen:

The idea for project camelot came when we were visiting tintagel in cornwall in april 2006 (the fabled ancient site of king arthur’s camelot), very soon after we’d met.

Warmest wishes, bill
and ?
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Old 11-21-2008, 04:56 PM   #21
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

Originally Posted by becky View Post
i'm thinking this might not be the right playground for you. maybe try this?

Thanks, but I like it here! Always find lots of good information shared between helpful, friendly people here
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Old 11-21-2008, 05:15 PM   #22
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

I have visited both tintagel and the fields of avalon in Glastonbury, the stone circle and the tree that was aparently manifested when one of jesus' disiples threw his staff in the ground. It really is a very nice place, I witnessed a sunrise inside the circle, it was beautiful.

peace and love my fellow earthlings
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Old 11-21-2008, 06:48 PM   #23
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interesting stuff, i think the majority of the text is not really a very balanced because whats wrong with spreading love and unity in the wrong name, it has to better than the hatred that is spread now. But the list at the end that is definately the goals of the TPTB/(N)NWO. thanks for the iinteresting post. peace
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Old 11-21-2008, 08:22 PM   #24
Professor Nordheim
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

Originally Posted by Bill Ryan View Post
Thank you for this interesting historical treatise!

As many people who've been following our work will know, the idea for Project Camelot came when we were visiting Tintagel in Cornwall in April 2006 (one of the potential ancient sites of the real King Arthur’s Camelot), very soon after we’d met.

Very best wishes, Bill

Thank you Bill!

When I joined this forum I was not aware of the mystic isle of Avalon and its important role in the new age movement. A very interesting subject I think. Project Avalon, however, has in my opinion turned out to be a really great and most inspiring place to share information and connect with like-minded people.

Thanks again!
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Old 11-21-2008, 08:27 PM   #25
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Default Re: How many of you are familiar with the Avalon Cult?

sweet! sign my weak little mind up for the cult baby!
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