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Old 10-26-2009, 02:56 AM   #51
Ross H
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Default Re: Experiences since a toddler - all my life.

Dear M1,

I have 2 friends with very similar experiences, One has always had presences in his room at night, physical pressure, ticking sounds, (not clocks) visions, dreams ect,

My other friend was going through a very rough patch and my girlfriend, at the time, gave him a very large crystal,(cant remember the type) to put in his shirt pocket over his heart. He was driving through a storm, had his window down about 100 mill when a bolt of lightening came through the window straight into the crystal over his heart!!! (TRUE STORY) He stopped the car, was in a daze, gathered himself together as best he could and drove home. He did not sleep for 1 week, his energy levels were through the roof...

After a week or so he seemed to retreat in-to himself, I performed with him 4 nights a week in a band for 15yrs and have known him for 35yrs.

I could see something was very wrong with him but he was reluctant to talk...

He finally came clean and told me what was happening to him...

Entities, voices, remembering past lives and I mean all over the multiverse's, he experienced profound things that would of put most in a state of "looneyness" He could see the dead, he could feel things about to happen...

I tried my best to help him and after 7 years he got to a place of understanding...he can remember sending himself here to this time-line on earth from the 9th dimension, He was warned by fellow 9th beings "are you sure you want to do this" He said yes and I will forget everything when I'm there...so...he now see's for himself what he wanted to do, that was to experience this 3d reality and to be of service to others, He has been my best teacher because of this! He is now in a place of peace opposed to how he was when he first started to remember, He often chats with his 9th dimensional self!!! yes he does...took me a long time to understand this...
The lightening was the catalyst for his awakining, tho he calls it his "remembering"

Anyways he taught me this: if and whenever you are being or feel threatened by other beings/entities you say this:


Now this works for him whenever he finds himself amongst other beings/entities when he feels THE ENERGY DOES'NT RESONATE WITH HIM! My other friend (as wrote above) adopted this veiw point and the first time he said those words he was left alone.

I will say this: you are not alone M1, there are many who are trying to grasp "WTF', I wanted to share with you my dear friends experience's, hope this is of some help???

Much love to you always

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Old 10-26-2009, 05:36 PM   #52
Peace of mind
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Default Re: Experiences since a toddler - all my life.

Shortly after my uncle won the lottery he passed away from complications due to asthma. This tore me up because he was a true family guy. This dude kept everyone together. I doubt if he was into religion but he would always do old jobs such as electrical and carpentry work for this well known church in the area. He even donated a sound system to the church (this was before winning the lottery). Out of honor, the church took care of the funeral arraignments and did the same for my grandmother who passed away shortly after her son (my uncle). After the wake I went home and cried, my tears were not so much for my grandmother and uncle but for humanity. I started seeing images of so much pain and sorrow that it eventually overwhelmed me and caused me to shout out about the injustices in life. I demanded to know what this place was we called life. The more I demanded to know what this place was….the angrier I became and the more tears streamed down my face. I ranted for about an hour then fell asleep.

A week or so passed and I became numb to the people around me. I can recall laying in bed thinking about any and everything when suddenly my head started acting weird. My vision became distorted / blurry, as if I was having some trippy dizzy spell or something. I remember hearing a whole lot of static and felt my brain moving around in my head. It felt like something was either growing inside of my brain or it was shriveling up. The feeling and noise was sounding like something frying in grease. I think this lasted for about 1 minute or 2. When it was done I felted as if nothing ever happened, except that I felted clean and energized the whole day. When I went to bed that night the strangest thing happened. I woke up bouncing off of my bed and landing on the floor. I landed far enough from the bed scraping the side of nose on the radiator…leaving a small gash on my face. I was like wt..!?! I never was known for sleep walking or anything like that so I don’t know what happened. What I do know….the gash on my face healed mysteriously fast. A few months later I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. On my way to work, a drive by shooting claimed the lives of a few guys standing on a corner. I remember picking myself up off the ground and feathers were flying everywhere. That’s when I realized my goose down jacket had 9 bullet holes in it. I immediately took it off and was amazed to find no blood or wounds. A cop at the scene said it must be my birthday and joke about angels saving me. But wait….months later I go thru the same thing again. The bullet holes lined up in the exact same places on my shirt as it did on my jacket. This time I was hit in my elbow and suffered a broken arm. It was as if I had 2 joints on one arm and I had to hold my arm to stop it from bending in the broken area...eww. What was strange is that I felt very little pain and the cast was off in less then 2 weeks. Ever since then....I’ve been laying low and pondering the existence of this reality.

I know something is up, but I’ve trained myself to enjoy the ride without worrying…Everyone should…just buckle up.
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Old 10-26-2009, 06:50 PM   #53
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Default Re: Experiences since a toddler - all my life.

Hello m1*. I have a question if I may. Do you feel like belonging to Earth or you feel like a misfit here on Earth, and if you do, is this feeling lasting from a long time ago?

Namaste, Steven
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Old 10-26-2009, 07:24 PM   #54
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Default Re: Experiences since a toddler - all my life.

Thanks m1 for your reply to my post. Always nice to get a reply.

With regard to what you believe regarding the person of Jesus Christ
and the power of his name - well, it is experience that counts,
isn,t. it? You have proved that having a personal faith in Jesus
and using his name WORKS!!

It has been so gratifying to me to have you and Beren stating
so well what I too believe! I guess I was a bit cowardly in
coming out and stating it as you have done, because, as you say,
it doesn,t go down too well does it?

I believe that the fact that this is being discussed now on this Forum
and people like you and Beren are putting the case for Jesus
Christ as Lord, is giving more and more people the opportunity
to look into this- the whole scenario of evil - how the purpose of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus was to "destroy the works of
the devil" - and see if this is not a rational explanation for the
situation we are in at this present time. "Then cometh the end,
when he (Jesus Christ) shall have delivered up the kingdom to God
(and) hath put all enemies under his feet."

I am sure you are on the right tract, m1, in looking to God, and
asking for his help. I pray it may come speedily.

God bless.
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Old 10-26-2009, 09:00 PM   #55
Ross H
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Default Re: Experiences since a toddler - all my life.

Originally Posted by Noela View Post
Thanks m1 for your reply to my post. Always nice to get a reply.

With regard to what you believe regarding the person of Jesus Christ
and the power of his name - well, it is experience that counts,
isn,t. it? You have proved that having a personal faith in Jesus
and using his name WORKS!!

It has been so gratifying to me to have you and Beren stating
so well what I too believe! I guess I was a bit cowardly in
coming out and stating it as you have done, because, as you say,
it doesn,t go down too well does it?

I believe that the fact that this is being discussed now on this Forum
and people like you and Beren are putting the case for Jesus
Christ as Lord, is giving more and more people the opportunity
to look into this- the whole scenario of evil - how the purpose of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus was to "destroy the works of
the devil" - and see if this is not a rational explanation for the
situation we are in at this present time. "Then cometh the end,
when he (Jesus Christ) shall have delivered up the kingdom to God
(and) hath put all enemies under his feet."

I am sure you are on the right tract, m1, in looking to God, and
asking for his help. I pray it may come speedily.

God bless.
I also know of a guy who was having trouble with a naughty entity...he tried lots of things to banish "it" from his home. In the end he said:

IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, LEAVE THIS PLACE!! he had no further trouble.

So in using his name, for him it worked!

peace always
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Old 10-26-2009, 09:36 PM   #56
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Default Re: Experiences since a toddler - all my life.

Originally Posted by jross View Post
I also know of a guy who was having trouble with a naughty entity...he tried lots of things to banish "it" from his home. In the end he said:

IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, LEAVE THIS PLACE!! he had no further trouble.

So in using his name, for him it worked!

peace always

That is very good to know!
However I want to make a point here, by saying that what the person said above is looking like a throwing spells on that entity.
What I meant is that we should not use Jesus`s name like a magic thing or you know if nothing else worked then I have a final solution-IN THE NAME OF CHRIST BUZZ OFF!!!

I think the key point is that we should know Christ as a person and get to know him deeply. Get to know God ,his father deeply... Only then those entities would definitely flee. Well Jesus `s name really helps but what happens tomorrow? If you do not wish to listen Jesus`s advices or be close to him and God what is then your true stand? I mean you do what you wish, you play with fire (spiritism,occult ,and all rest in "light" form) and then when you`ve been attacked you cry Jesus HELP ME !!!

I am afraid it does not works like that. People can not fool other people and other people very quickly see them through and shun them. Do you think that Jesus and God would not see when someone is not serious when asking help?
Yes they will help MANY times but do not be surprised that one day a help IS not there because someone who asked help was fooling around with all mentioned above without a desire to really know what is really happening and who`s been attacking them.

We often forgot that when we ask for help from God and Christ ,from whom do we ask that help . God and Christ can not be mocked around . They are not there living 24/7 just in order to instantly send their angles to help "poor" us! So meanwhile we can do as we please. I mean sure we can do all that we please but with our deeds comes responsibility . It means if we play with spiritism surely we will invoke entities and they are evil! God will help us many times in that things but there is a line in that. How many times do we need to play with fire so that we can finally learn not to???

On the other hand the things that M1 is living all days is something very heavy. I can not tell why exactly they are attacking him because they would find a slightest reason to attack somebody.
They would lean on to somebody and will be especially furious when that somebody is searching help from God and Christ as M1 do.

Be strong and always ask guidance and God`s help. This is war my friend and in war against this enemy, there is no mercy ! We will not have mercy for them as they have no mercy for us. We have King of Kings and Lord of Lords a name that has been lifted above any other name but God`s own and he is our helper with holy spirit too.
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Old 10-26-2009, 09:55 PM   #57
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Default Re: Experiences since a toddler - all my life.

Originally Posted by Noela View Post

I believe that the fact that this is being discussed now on this Forum
and people like you and Beren are putting the case for Jesus
Christ as Lord, is giving more and more people the opportunity
to look into this- the whole scenario of evil - how the purpose of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus was to "destroy the works of
the devil" - and see if this is not a rational explanation for the
situation we are in at this present time. "Then cometh the end,
when he (Jesus Christ) shall have delivered up the kingdom to God
(and) hath put all enemies under his feet."

I am sure you are on the right tract, m1, in looking to God, and
asking for his help. I pray it may come speedily.

God bless.

Noela, thanks for honesty!

One thing is on my mind, the space is so vast that we can not comprehend it.
There is a strong possibility of ET life out there. Civilization who are way higher than ours or even lower than ours.

The thing is that we DO NOT KNOW that for sure. We can speculate, hear stories about that, "evidences" and many other stuff, but it always comes blurry. Enveloped in a thick mist and not clear.
I believe one day it will be revealed to us everything we want to know, but that comes when we finally prove before God that we will use our free will to do good and to share love,wisdom,peace,and divine knowledge of our creator.

We as humanity are far away from that but as individuals are somewhat close.

One of the things that people do not understand is that actually God-Yahweh has allowed Satan to prove his allegations. You find that in book of Job. Satan basically claimed that we as humanity are serving God selfishly and that he is nurturing us like babies. But as soon as he remove that ,we will like spoiled brats desert him.

God allowed Satan to prove that theory so he can then forever show in universe that he rules with justice, love,wisdom,power. And that his rule is not dictatorial as Satan claimed.

Surely many people chose to abandon God but some chose to love him and stand on his side.

The ultimate evidence that a man can chose God`s side was Christ in flesh.
Bible state that even that he was perfect he had to become as one of us to learn humility and really understand through what do we pass through our earthly life. His temptations were harder than we could even imagine because he was carrying all humanity`s life on a stake. Imagine that he failed, Satan`s point would be valid and all other creatures in the universe would ask the question why should they serve God and why should not they them self choose new paradigms.

Not only Jesus but many showed that they love God honestly without terms...
unconditionally .
And when all this finish up and when all wicked deeds of Satan and his crew are null filed ,all should be made new in entire universe because who knows how many worlds did Satan infected , how many sorrows he sowed in the universe. Pretending to be the one he is not in every different world where he sowed his wickedness.
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Old 10-26-2009, 10:48 PM   #58
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Default Re: Experiences since a toddler - all my life.

It's my feeling that the entities/ET's/IT's etc; are the *Gods*(meaning they posed as God and people fell for this deception) who came to earth eons ago- spiritually misaligned peoples......and they have inflicted their will on the populace- only by raising our core vibratory levels do we have means to change this all around and I feel Beren is correct in that just using the name of Jesus may backfire due to intent etc; if the entities know one is just throwing that name around- they are likely to catch on as Beren said.

However there is a chapter in Jim Spark's book which talks about a police officer trying to help Jim by using Jesus and it did not work.

Also Betty Andreasson was a devout Christian.

Not saying it doesn't work- I have no experience with it- I'm paralyzed and can say nothing.
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Old 10-27-2009, 12:02 AM   #59
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Default Re: Experiences since a toddler - all my life.

Gee, so much to respond to here! Let me go through it all..


Let me explain something. Earlier in my life, although I had began to read the Bible, I didn't fully comprehend what I was reading. There was a time when I was just learning, and developing a relationship with God, through prayer, didn't blossom until later. But let me assure you, and anyone else, that there was a time where I tried to fight these things off "myself".

Let me assure you (and my intent is not to glorify the power of demons), but they are POWERFUL and they do NOT mess around. They can read your mind. They know what you're thinking. They are masters of telepathy and can create feelings and emotions with the energy it takes for us to blink. Telling one of these monsters to "go away" or to demand that "you are sovereign" will do as much good as standing before a vicious dog and saying: "I am sovereign over you". The dog wont care! It will still be intent on tearing out your throat if it can! More to the point, there's not much you can do about it!

The ONLY thing you can do is call on the name of the OWNER of the dog. Then when the owner yells to the dog to get away from you the dog will listen. So in this analogy, rest assured -- the ONLY thing that will work is to call on the name of Jesus Christ.

I didn't fully understand this until my late 20's But since I found this out (and developed a relationship with Jesus, through prayer), I have MUCH less to deal with these days. The name of Jesus always works.

However, let me give you another analogy (for those who claim that the name of Jesus doesn't work). And I am quite sure that for some reason the name of Jesus does NOT work! But here's why..

..let's say that you were at the "owner of the dog's" house the prior day, while he was at work, out the front of his house screaming to the neighborhood: "This guy in here isn't real. he doesn't really live here. look, I can tear up his flowers and kick his letterbox. Did he come out? NO! Because he isn't here I tell you!".

Now he gets home and he is told how disrespectful you were by some neighbors. Now lets say that later that day, you go into his front yard again, and this ferocious dog is about to attack you -- and you call him. Maybe he wont call the dog away? Maybe he will think that you're getting your just deserves? Think about it.


Hello m1*. I have a question if I may. Do you feel like belonging to Earth or you feel like a misfit here on Earth, and if you do, is this feeling lasting from a long time ago?
Let me tell you the truth. I most certainly do feel like a misfit here on this earth. I have great trouble relating to other people. I have felt this way since I was a toddler. I can't say why -- I don't know. Am I from somewhere else? I doubt it. Am I here "on a mission to save the world"? No. There are a lot of people saying such things about themselves. This is ego driven if you ask me. I just basically believe that each person has a bit different spirit, just like we have a bit different personalities that's all. I simply have a spirit and personality that is more different from other people than normal. I am most assuredly very different, but I am still a human, I am still here for the same reason as everyone else -- and that is to learn and grow. Until someone proves to me any different (which I don't think is going to happen), that's how my view will remain.


With regard to what you believe regarding the person of Jesus Christ
and the power of his name - well, it is experience that counts,
isn,t. it? You have proved that having a personal faith in Jesus
and using his name WORKS!!
The name of Jesus Christ most certainly does work. However, it works by faith. It works because I have developed a relationship, through prayer, with God. I would say to anyone, that if you want to call on Jesus for help, you should have a relationship with him and display trust in him and love. Otherwise, maybe he will not hear you? Or, if you've been extremely egotistical and self serving, maybe he will decide that you need your just deserves? Jesus isn't in the business of watching people mock him one day and then come to their rescue the next. People should remember that.


I also know of a guy who was having trouble with a naughty entity...he tried lots of things to banish "it" from his home. In the end he said:

IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, LEAVE THIS PLACE!! he had no further trouble.

So in using his name, for him it worked!
Of course. I believe it!


I agree with you wholeheartedly -- in everything you said. Jesus isn't a special word people can just use when they feel like it. Jesus is our Lord, and he is the Lord of all Lords. For those that mock him or deny him -- and for those who claim that they ARE gods and that they are sovereign and do not accept that he is Lord, they should not expect any help by calling his name. If they DO receive help, they should be THANKFUL of his grace and patience with them; because although his grace and patience is bountiful, it's not endless. if it were, that would make him unrighteous.


However there is a chapter in Jim Spark's book which talks about a police officer trying to help Jim by using Jesus and it did not work.
Jim Sparks does not recognize Jesus as Lord. I do not doubt that Jim is speaking the truth about his experiences, because much of what he has stated could have come from MY mouth verbatim -- and as for what he's saying, you can't make that stuff up! I don't know of he is exaggerating for attention, but he has most assuredly said many things that made me sit up in my chair and say: "He's not lying here". Nevertheless, I do not agree with all that he says. I don't trust what he says, even as much I do not doubt for a moment that he has most certainly experienced many things. I personally believe that Jim has lost the plot a little. I'd really like to talk with him, but that wont happen any time soon. I've has a coupe of short conversations with him, but I am left the impression that he's after money and not to interested in finding out more information or sharing it (unless of course, there is some sort of remuneration or benefit for him). I would really like to have befriended Jim, but it's not going to happen.

Last edited by m1*; 10-27-2009 at 12:05 AM.
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Old 10-27-2009, 02:00 AM   #60
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Dear M1:
After reading all those stories I'm amazed about how much some people have endured, I have never had experiences like that,just a few "minor" incidents which I think are not worth to talk about.
Anyway, a few days ago I was reading the last Mrs. Dolores Cannon interview in Coast to Coast; she is a very experienced regresionist who has been working on the subject of ET for many years and has written several books, one of them, "Keepers of the Garden" relates the story of a young guy who definitely felt he didn't fit here and after regresion sessions he started to discover why he was here.
Mrs. Cannon says she developed a technique which allows her to go directly to the supraconcious mind or collective mind where the concious mind can't interfiere, this contact -which she can access in every person she hypnotizes- allows her to ask about everything, ever aspect of life and she can get the most honest answers because in this very deep level exist all the knowledge and it can't lie.
In her last interview she talks about three different "waves" of people that have come to earth to help the planet to raise its vibration just by them being here, she explains that these people or their souls have not had lives in earth before so for some of them is very hard to adjust to this harsh environment, they're regular human beings as the rest of us but they are on a mission to help the planet. I don't want to make this too long but somehow I feel that you, Jross friends and others that have replied to this thread are this kind of souls, perhaps you'll find it relates to you, her work is amazing and very extensive in regards all these subjects, her books "The Convoluted Universe" are incredible and the 4th one is going to be out pretty soon, in this one she'll be talking about these souls who are here to help humanity.
I also have some of her titles in pdf form, if you are interested I can send them to you.
This is the link for her interview, when I listened to it I thought what a "coincidence" as I think you could be one of those gentle souls.

God bless you.

Last edited by cloud9; 10-27-2009 at 02:06 AM.
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Old 10-27-2009, 02:13 AM   #61
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Default Re: Experiences since a toddler - all my life.

Originally Posted by cloud9 View Post
Dear M1:
After reading all those stories I'm amazed about how much some people have endured, I have never had experiences like that,just a few "minor" incidents which I think are not worth to talk about.
Anyway, a few days ago I was reading the last Mrs. Dolores Cannon interview in Coast to Coast; she is a very experienced regresionist who has been working on the subject of ET for many years and has written several books, one of them, "Keepers of the Garden" relates the story of a young guy who definitely felt he didn't fit here and after regresion sessions he started to discover why he was here.
Mrs. Cannon says she developed a technique which allows her to go directly to the supraconcious mind or collective mind where the concious mind can't interfiere, this contact -which she can access in every person she hypnotizes- allows her to ask about everything, ever aspect of life and she can get the most honest answers because in this very deep level exist all the knowledge and it can't lie.
In her last interview she talks about three different "waves" of people that have come to earth to help the planet to raise its vibration just by them being here, she explains that these people or their souls have not had lives in earth before so for some of them is very hard to adjust to this harsh environment, they're regular human beings as the rest of us but they are on a mission to help the planet. I don't want to make this too long but somehow I feel that you, Jross friends and others that have replied to this thread are this kind of souls, perhaps you'll find it relates to you, her work is amazing and very extensive in regards all these subjects, her books "The Convoluted Universe" are incredible and the 4th one is going to be out pretty soon, in this one she'll be talking about these souls who are here to help humanity.
This is the link for her interview, when I listened to it I thought what a "coincidence" as I think you could be one of those gentle souls.

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 22 Oct 2009 - 'Volunteer' Souls & Lost Knowledge part 1/11

God bless you.
In all honesty and sincerely, cloud9, I feel that I am just a regular guy - just like everyone else on this planet, doing what I can to understand who I am and who we are, and where we're all going and how to get there. I believe that we're all children of God and that we must look to him for answers. So that's what I do, through prayer, a lot of thought, researching the world - and of course reading the Bible.

I don't personally believe that any one of us have chosen to come here, or are from anywhere else in particular. If that's the case, I would suspect that we're ALL from somewhere else - or none at all. In one respect, I would agree with others to say we're all "one" -- to a point. We're all brothers and sisters on this earth. We're all meant to help and encourage each other, and even give each other a kick in the backside if it's necessary.

I do not subscribe to the new age philosophies that we can create realities. Not in the respect that it is often promoted: that we can just "think stuff up" by being positive and visualizing. We were put in a "physical reality" for a good reason. That's what I believe. If we want change, we need to live the change and use our physical bodies as a tool to create that change. We must use our "lips" to encourage others. We must use our "hands" to bandage the injured. We must use our intellect to solve our problems.

Having said all that, I really know next to nothing. I have diligently researched and studied all my life. I have experienced many things. But I don't know the answers to some very basic questions which still have me stumped. Where was I before I was born? Did I exist? Where am I going? WHO am I?

Many people get over excited and declare that they were a knights templar back in the day, or that they've lived 30 times before, or are from other planets and all kinds of things. At the risk of offending those people, I really must be honest -- I think they're just trippin' for the most part. Maybe there is validity to what they're saying - in one form or another, but for the most part, I sincerely believe that we're simply all children of God and we're here to learn and grow and help each other along the way.

For anyone to declare or say anything more, I believe, is jumping the gun and not overly constructive. I think a lot of people get over excited about things. I have an open mind, and I do take everything into account, but I do put in a GREAT effort to remain as grounded as possible. I think that's what most people should do.

But, of course, that's just me. Someone else might say that I'm the one that's lost the plot. And that's ok -- but the main thing is that we love and respect each other, and treat each other as more than ourselves. We should try not to let our ego rule us.

Last edited by m1*; 10-27-2009 at 02:18 AM.
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Old 10-27-2009, 02:45 AM   #62
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I honestly feel great respect for you and all others participating here. I just want to say that I'm a little bit disappointed that you didn't even mention anything about the link I posted; of course I'm not trying to imposse anything unto you but I thought that perhaps you would be a bit interested in findind out if your experiences have purpose and meaning. I do believe you are a regular guy, all of us are "regular" humans but the fact you have memories, visions and experiences so different from the mayority of us is something worth to comprehend.
Your visions are related to humanity as a whole, perhaps you are given a message that is to be shared and understood. Well, perhaps some day you want to look deeper and discover who you really are, all I can say is you are here in this planet and this reality because is very important it is so.

God bless you.
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Old 10-27-2009, 02:54 AM   #63
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Default Re: Experiences since a toddler - all my life.

Originally Posted by cloud9 View Post
I honestly feel great respect for you and all others participating here. I just want to say that I'm a little bit disappointed that you didn't even mention anything about the link I posted; of course I'm not trying to imposse anything unto you but I thought that perhaps you would be a bit interested in findind out if your experiences have purpose and meaning. I do believe you are a regular guy, all of us are "regular" humans but the fact you have memories, visions and experiences so different from the mayority of us is something worth to comprehend.
Your visions are related to humanity as a whole, perhaps you are given a message that is to be shared and understood. Well, perhaps some day you want to look deeper and discover who you really are, all I can say is you are here in this planet and this reality because is very important it is so.

God bless you.
The video has 11 parts. I will watch it. I will comment on it after I watch it. I just wanted to give a response for the time being based on your response. If someone shows me something, I will almost always watch it - to see what they're trying to point out.

And yes, I do have a lot of dreams, visions and experiences which I have great difficulty explaining. I even have (what appear to be) memories of other times and places. However, I don't go around telling people they ARE "memories" because I don't know. Maybe I'm just picking it up off other people? Maybe some entities are placing it in my head? Maybe I am possessed? WHO knows? I don't. I'm just battling along trying to make as much sense of things as I can.
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