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Old 02-25-2010, 08:27 PM   #1
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Default Alex Jones Show- Elite insider spills

25th of Feb 2010, dont have a youtube link as im listeing to it live but when it gets uploaded im sure ull be able to find the clip. Its towards the end of his show.

The guest of the show is Lyndsy Williams, he claims to be in with many of the elite, specifically an 89 yr old elite on his last legs and has decided to spill the beans with him.

Very interesting Interview, worth a listen.

summery of the Elites plans

-this year, Value of the dollar will drop 30% to 50%
-Food will be on the shelves, you just wont be able to afford it
-Price of oil will rise by 50%
-No war with Iran for at least a year and a half, though they are planning it.
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Old 02-25-2010, 09:38 PM   #2
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Actually he said that the price of Gas will rise 50% but oil will be at around $50 (so they can make their large profits).

-Opec countries will start to default like Dubai.
-Do not hold anything in financial paper i.e bonds, stocks, t-bills, cash
-Gold and silver is the currency the globalist trust and use.
-Health Care bill is really a Gov't take over bill to mark you and take control of you.
-No war on Iran just yet, unless Israel goes for it.
-Dollar will loose 30-50% this year gradually so people don't notice much...but by 2012, it's dead.
-He knew about Israel's involmement of taking out the mossad leader..

Hope that helps
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Old 02-26-2010, 01:12 AM   #3
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Default Re: Alex Jones Show- Elite insider spills

Originally Posted by Truthseeker512 View Post
25th of Feb 2010, dont have a youtube link as im listeing to it live but when it gets uploaded im sure ull be able to find the clip. Its towards the end of his show.

The guest of the show is Lyndsy Williams, he claims to be in with many of the elite, specifically an 89 yr old elite on his last legs and has decided to spill the beans with him.

Very interesting Interview, worth a listen.

summery of the Elites plans

-this year, Value of the dollar will drop 30% to 50%
-Food will be on the shelves, you just wont be able to afford it
-Price of oil will rise by 50%
-No war with Iran for at least a year and a half, though they are planning it.
After coming back from the supermarker this afternoon, I can attest to that statement. I was muttering under my breath as I saw the prices on some items I needed. Everytime I go shopping now, the prices have gone up again. A loaf of grain bread is now $4.59.......think I will have to become a breatherian. I already cannot afford food.
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Old 02-26-2010, 01:15 AM   #4
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Default Re: Alex Jones Show- Elite insider spills

Originally Posted by Julius View Post
Actually he said that the price of Gas will rise 50% but oil will be at around $50 (so they can make their large profits).

-Opec countries will start to default like Dubai.
-Do not hold anything in financial paper i.e bonds, stocks, t-bills, cash
-Gold and silver is the currency the globalist trust and use.
-Health Care bill is really a Gov't take over bill to mark you and take control of you.
-No war on Iran just yet, unless Israel goes for it.
-Dollar will loose 30-50% this year gradually so people don't notice much...but by 2012, it's dead.
-He knew about Israel's involmement of taking out the mossad leader..

Hope that helps
I assume this means the "chip"? If so, then its seriously time to opt out of the entire system. Off the grid I say
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Old 02-26-2010, 04:33 AM   #5
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I know what you mean about the price of food and bread. The loaf here is over $5. I bought a 25 bag of bread flour for around $8 at Costco and can bake a loaf using 3 cups flour, 1 1/2 cup water, 1/4 teaspoon yeast and 1 1/4 teaspoon salt. Let rise for 19 hours and bake at 500 degrees in a covered pyrex casserol dish for 30 minutes. Hard crust tastes like french bread and is delicious. Be sure to heat baking dish in oven when preheating.

This saves a bundle on bread. I also store the flour in one of those large plastic dog food containers to keep it fresh.

Gas is already up at $3.50 a gallon and I refuse to buy a $7 gallon of milk.
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Old 02-26-2010, 01:11 PM   #6
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Default Re: Alex Jones Show- Elite insider spills

I agree that prices are up, maybe is time to flex our "materializing" muscles and focus on what we want to see.

I know it is not as simple as that but it helps a lot

Lateral thinking and changing habits also help because many of the things we buy are consumer driven products that we certainly do not need for a healthy body

I have been revising my supermarket lists and made menus and realized that I could save 20 pct in my food bills just by being efficient and avoiding waste

There is also a very deep concept related to "treating" oneself with junk food which is a bit of a contradiction. Why would I want to congratulate myself by giving poison to my body? Advertising, very clever

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Old 02-26-2010, 01:36 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by waitinginthewings View Post
I assume this means the "chip"? If so, then its seriously time to opt out of the entire system. Off the grid I say
From what I remember it is the chip and it's included somewhere in the health reform bill - someone went through it with a fine tooth comb and found it buried inside. According to the document, the chip is meant to make things much cheaper for the medical establishment when it comes to doing various blood tests etc as the chip would be able to give them that info immediately.
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Old 02-26-2010, 02:22 PM   #8
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Gita: Your right on! It is buried in the bill and the gov has the ability to inject you with a micro chip...

Carol: Thanks for the tip on making bread..I'm not much of a baker but I think I should start soon.
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Old 02-26-2010, 02:22 PM   #9
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Default Re: Alex Jones Show- Elite insider spills

Here you can find all the videos from the horses mouth, I mean Lidsey Williams


One thing, probabilities are real, I have seen them changing and we are in the midsts of a big leap so chins up, keep your energy high

Believing that miracles can happen takes the same effort that of believing the fear monguerers

The fear monguerers need our emotional energy to crystalize their plans

Engage detachment is the win win attitude

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Old 02-26-2010, 03:54 PM   #10
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that would mean $5.50/gal gasoling on $50/bbl oil. hardly any manipulation there

Especially since:
$50 per barrel oil means:
$1.6711 per gallon (un-taxed).

Calculator available here.

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Old 02-26-2010, 05:48 PM   #11
pineal-pilot-in merkabah
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the uk is the same, although prices not rising as sharpley here.. still im struggling to eat now. so im gonna start stockpiling rice, oats, pasta,lentils, tea bags ect..
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Old 02-27-2010, 03:56 PM   #12
Truth Vibrations
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Default Re: Alex Jones Show- Elite insider spills

Republican/Democrat in the US. Conservative/Labour in the UK and no doubt the same global elite controlled party political fail-safe mechanism to keep the people of every other nation on earth distracted with the sham party system of Punch & Judy politics there as well.

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Old 02-27-2010, 04:26 PM   #13
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Default Re: Alex Jones Show- Elite insider spills

I have lots of people who wonder how they are going to make it out there with heat and hydro and such with out thinking about who they are and what they have .

Robert Menard has explained this in A VIDEO but let me do it here you own a berry bush in your garden. You don`t pick the berries so they just fall off and rot. Now your neigbor see`s this and decides hey I could make jam and sell it but I`ll give you a cut of the sales or even free jam because they are your berries. Same could apply to an apple tree and your neighbor was making pies he rould give you free pie or a cut of his sales

Now this all makes sense doesn`t it ... But ask your self now who owns the wind the sun or for that matter the rivers ? Most would saY THE GOVERNMENT wrong answer they cannot own anything for they have no power least you give it to them/ You are the rightful owners of the rivers . you elect governments to due your bidding and represent your wish`s or at least its supposed to .

So one day the government allows your rivers to be damed for the production of hydro electricity . THis hydro company then begins to sell you this new product at top dollar you think hey this is great without realizing that all along they took your resource and gave you nothing for it but a bill when you should have gotten it for free.

Here is another blunder we keep making when we buy land why do we only get the topsoil and the mineral and oil rights stay with the government .Not saying we should start digging for gold but who are they to try and control the worlds resource`s and cut you out of what is rightfully yours. Here is an other roads have been built all over the worlds nations using tax dollars and some have tolls on them . Now it is common knowledge that you don`t need a license to travel using your method of conveyance (drive a car ) and when you try to explain this to some people they jusy clam up or tell you fine but then you can`t use the roads to travel . Why not I ask them ? They explain that tax dollars went into the construction of these roads and part of paying for car registration and licensing fees went into it as well . But it comes down to who owned the land? We did and part of anything done on it must allow the owners us free accessso why are we still paying for some things we should be getting for free ? Because we have been conditioned though the years to accept that that is just the y way it is

Getting back to the thread in tough times one needs to open their minds to who they are and what is truly their`s and act to recover it , Hydro and heat belong to you as do the roads and waters let no one tell you different
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Old 02-28-2010, 01:36 AM   #14
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I am sort of making a priority list...

1) get a (magnetic starter to electric output) free energy generator/engine ( I have just GOT to do something to cut expenses on electricity and gas heating)... anyone know where I can get one of those?

2) get a water oxygenator machine

3) use the money saved from the heat/elect bills to get seeds and hydroponics tubs (for apartment living)

4) change diet to start eating fresh (*non-contaminated) produce and foods... until garden gets going

5) get a solar panel grid set up

6) start dehydating and storing foods from the hydroponic garden

* hope we an stall THEIR plans long enough to get all this done in time
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Old 03-05-2010, 04:53 AM   #15
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Default Re: Alex Jones Show- Elite insider spills

Originally Posted by waitinginthewings View Post
A loaf of grain bread is now $4.59.......think I will have to become a breatherian. I already cannot afford food.
I went yesterday 2 loaves for 5 bucks in Ontario
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Old 03-05-2010, 05:07 AM   #16
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move into a tipi / and, back to the reserve
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Old 03-06-2010, 07:09 AM   #17
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Even here in NZ a reasonable loaf of bread is $4 NZ dollars a loaf (!!) but you cna buy the BUdget branded budget loaf for $1.50 per loaf. ANd if as a couple you go thru say 3 loaves a week, which is the difference of $624 per year on bread versus only $234! Or better still, learn how to make your own.
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Old 03-06-2010, 07:38 AM   #18
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"The fear monguerers need our emotional energy to crystalize their plans"

I agree, detachment deprives them from feeding off of our emotions.
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Old 03-06-2010, 07:41 AM   #19
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: Alex Jones Show- Elite insider spills

More fear! I'd rather have MORE BEER!

Regardless, who can even afford gold? I wonder if we can survive in a society that doesn't depend on money. Fudge it, I *KNOW* we can.
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