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Old 12-05-2009, 12:02 AM   #1
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Default BOB CHAPMAN ~ "The International Forecaster" UPDATES

Since Bob Chapman has updates at his website Wednesday and Saturday, and with global financials errant, I thought it would be a good idea to contain them under one thread starting 12/2/2009.

We Are Not Yet Buying Into The Idea Of Recovery

By: Bob Chapman
Posted: December 2nd, 2009

Dubai faces bankruptcy, profits coming from cost cutting, growth not what it is claimed, profits for offshore profits remain in tax-free havens, Fed in Congress crosshairs, stimulus package not reaching small business.

This past week was one of utmost turmoil in world markets. In the midst of an American holiday, Dubai faced bankruptcy for some $100 billion. Another unsuspected untoward event. The exposure of the Dubai event coming as it did could have been discovered at any given time, thus, we question the timing. We can understand why the London market was off some 300 Dow points, but exposure to Dubai was very limited in Europe, the US and in Asia. Could it have been an excuse to take down the US and European markets and gold and silver? We do not know, but we have come to question everything that happens.

We are predicting a very damaging year in 2010 for both stocks and bonds. One of the big questions is the implementation of Basil II and III and the FASB. If their stricter accounting practices are enforced the corporate world is in for a heap of trouble. Financial firms are in particular danger. In this past 3rd quarter non-financial corporate profits fell 12%. The result was that $97 billion of $123 billion in profits came from the financial sector. This is not a balanced performance. It is very disturbing because most of corporate profits come from cost cutting – that is firing employees. That method of fattening the bottom line cannot continue indefinitely. Lending is not supplying those profits, because loan origination is off 16.2% yoy. Loan defaults were up 10% and a record 5% of loans were not current. Lending fell $2.8 billion, the most since records began in 1984. Ninety percent of loans go to consumers and business, which means consumers consumption of GDP, has had to fall. It’s currently 69.3%, down from 72%. Loans to businesses have fallen 6.5% and small and medium-sized businessmen create 70% to 80% of all jobs. That means improving the employment situation is going to be very difficult. The exceptions are transnational conglomerates, which continue to offshore our production and outsource service jobs. Their profits are up 29%, but they have caused unemployment of 7 million good paying jobs over the past nine years. If you remove the financials, profits are up 7% off their lows. The financial stocks have appreciated 135% off their March lows, which we believe leaves them very vulnerable. Industrials are up 80%. While this was going on business profits fell 0.4% in the 3rd quarter with no relief in sight. Growth rates are falling at the highest rate in decades. We are hard pressed to believe that 3rd quarter growth was 2.8%. What growth there was came from the federal government. Not only is employment falling, but wages have been at a standstill and have been for two years. The government says inflation is 1.2%. We say it is 7-1/8%. Without higher wages buying power is falling 5% or so – hardly inducive for consumer consumption.

Continues: http://www.theinternationalforecaste...ea_Of_Recovery

Home Page: http://www.theinternationalforecaster.com/

Last edited by peaceandlove; 12-31-2009 at 07:22 AM.
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Old 12-06-2009, 08:48 PM   #2
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Default Re: BOB CHAPMAN ~ "The International Forecaster" UPDATES

Wealthiest Plan on Surviving Financial Chaos

By: Bob Chapman
Posted: December 5th, 2009

Incredulous ideas about the economy from the mouths of the captains of industry, wealthiest have jump on gold accumulation, gold has been ping ponged

We have been reporting on economics and finance for over 40 years, and we thought that we had seen and heard it all. That is, until we heard that Lloyd Blankfein, the CEO of Goldman Sachs, stated that he and his firm were "doing God's work." While we were attempting to process that statement (and indeed we are still attempting to process that statement over a week later), our brains started "smoking." We're still not sure if the "smoke" was on account of seething anger, total perplexity, or both. In any case, before we proceed to tell you what we think about this warped whopper, we ask that you indulge us for a moment as we are all still a bit queasy in the aftermath of hearing this disgusting and disgraceful comment!

Please excuse us while we all collectively barf! --------- Ah, that's better!
Now, without any hesitation or doubt, we can categorically say that we have definitely seen and heard it all. This statement, by such an evil, criminal miscreant, is the living, freaking end. We can only vaguely imagine what God is going to do to this slime-ball in the hereafter. One thing is for certain, whatever God has in store for the CEO of the Vampire Squid would raise chills up and down your spine!

Continues: http://www.theinternationalforecaste...inancial_Chaos
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Old 12-09-2009, 11:08 PM   #3
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Forecasting Instability For The Year To Come

By: Bob Chapman
Posted: December 9, 2009


"An Inconvenient Truth," a film based on a climate-change speech that Gore developed, won the Academy Award for best documentary feature in 2007. (Coincidentally, the next day, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research uncovered that Gore’s Nashville home guzzled 20 times more electricity than the average American household.)

That same year, the Academy elevated Gore's PowerPoint lecture, helping him to snag a Nobel Peace Prize as well.

The academy members' request that Gore return his statue is happening as preparations are under way for next week's United Nations climate change meeting in Copenhagen, where 16,500 people from 192 countries will fly in using private jets, consume 200,000 meals, and produce an estimated 41,000 tons of carbon dioxide, roughly the same as the carbon emissions of Morocco in 2006.

Complete Article: http://www.theinternationalforecaste...e_Year_To_Come
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Old 12-10-2009, 12:12 AM   #4
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PROOF NEGATIVE interviews BOB CHAPMAN 12/8/2009

VIDEO Part 1 of 6 (10:21): http://www.youtube.com/user/TheBobCh.../5/cNL4I9SVlqs
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Old 12-10-2009, 04:22 AM   #5
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I like Bob. Thanks for posting.
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Old 12-10-2009, 07:39 AM   #6
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Default Re: BOB CHAPMAN ~ "The International Forecaster" UPDATES

Originally Posted by ramallamamama View Post
I like Bob. Thanks for posting.
Your welcome ramallamamama (boy, that's a mouth full) ,

Just after I posted the last interview, this one came up on the same channel. Many great questions were asked of Bob. He does 10 or 11 interviews a day, so he is busy and there are many interviews to choose from!

He will be receiving new information next week, so I will try to keep track of when that comes out.

This is 12/9/2009 Discount Gold and Silver Trading Interview ~ Valuable Information

VIDEO Part 1 of 5 (10:48): http://www.youtube.com/user/TheBobCh.../4/muOLgXEbWlQ

Last edited by peaceandlove; 12-12-2009 at 12:23 PM.
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Old 12-10-2009, 08:02 AM   #7
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Rama is fine, peaceandlove.

I usually catch him on Tuesdays on John Stadmiller's show on RBN. He's been right about a lot of things, I think he's very credible.
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Old 12-13-2009, 02:11 PM   #8
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Hi Rama, yep RBN too does good interviews.

BOB CHAPMAN interviewed many times during the day on various shows.

See shows that are posted regularly at:

The Bob Chapman Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheBobChapmanChannel

Figures Indicate Declines In Net Worth And A Difficult Path To Recovery

By: Bob Chapman
Posted: December 12 2009

real property value losses and a recovery hindered by more foreclosures and higher interest rates, employment to remain flat, figures indicate record losses, continued worries for the economy,

Congressional appropriators agreed Tuesday night to give civilian federal employees a 2 percent pay increase -- which includes a locality pay increase President Obama didn't want.

Government workers will get a 1.5 percent nationwide increase in base pay and a 0.5 percent average increase in locality pay. The final agreement goes against the wishes of Obama, who called for a flat 2 percent jump and no locality increase.

Locality pay helps address the gaps between federal pay and private sector wages in high-cost areas of the country. The Federal Salary Council estimates the current private-public gap is about 26 percent, on average. Locality increases mean a federal worker in Cincinnati might get a smaller increase than a worker in Washington, D.C., because of local costs of living. [Why aren’t Social Security recipients and disabled veterans receiving their COLA raises for the next few years as well?]

US homeowners have lost about $5.9 trillion in value since the housing market’s peak in March 2006 as mounting foreclosures and the recession weighed on prices, according to Zillow.com.

Continues: http://www.theinternationalforecaste...th_To_Recovery
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Old 12-16-2009, 01:48 AM   #9
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Bob Chapman interview last hour of Coast to Coast AM tonight 12/15/2009

First 3 hours:


Executive Director of the world renowned Monroe Institute, Paul Rademacher will discuss the Institute’s exploration of human consciousness, and various mystical experiences including OBEs, NDEs, and how dream states and intuition can maximize creativity.

In the fourth hour, editor and publisher of The International Forecaster, Bob Chapman, will discuss the latest developments in the economy.

SOURCE: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2009/12/15

I will post the interview here when I see it up on youtube, unless someone sees it before me, feel free to post.
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Old 12-16-2009, 07:27 PM   #10
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December 15th 2009 Coast to Coast AM Bob Chapman Interview

VIDEO Part 1 of 4 (10:36): http://www.youtube.com/user/TheBobCh.../3/K3uzLZ4Dago
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Old 12-16-2009, 10:42 PM   #11
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Default Re: BOB CHAPMAN ~ "The International Forecaster" UPDATES

The Greatest Outpouring Of Money And Credit In History

Posted: December 16 2009
By: Bob Chapman

12.7 trillion donated to bankers, solving a problem they created, buy bonds, or gamble in the markets? Inflation on the way, could the US default on its debt? Food aid and unemployment rising together, yet another bank collapse, Dubai bailed out.

The past two years have seen the greatest outpouring of money and credit from central banks and governments in history. In most countries interest rates cannot fall much lower being presently under 1% or close to zero. You might call this an attempt at fiat money recovery. As a result of pump priming for the past six months or more investors have returned to the same gambling and risk taking they engaged in before, the losses of which caused the world economy to come to the edge of the financial abyss. All sectors of investment are again affected by a casino mentality.

We see $12.7 trillion donated without their consent of the lender taxpayers to the top world economies, or about 20% of world GDP. These funds, a good part of which will never be retrieved, have been stuffed into the pockets of bankers, Wall Street, insurance companies and GM and AIG. 80% of the problems we have had to face were caused by these very same entities, which along with the Fed, propose to solve the problem they created. It is as if they are the only ones in the world who know best what is good for our system and for us. They as well continue to play in the giant casino as if nothing ever happened...

Continues: http://www.theinternationalforecaste...dit_In_History
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Old 12-17-2009, 03:33 AM   #12
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For those interested in money and the world's financial mess i'd really encourage looking into: www.marketoracle.co.uk There are always articles on here that tell you how it really is. and i like their newsletter too:
Weekly Newsletter of Featured Analysis and the most popular reads...


Other good sites are www.webofdebt.com and Ed griffin's work too.
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Old 12-17-2009, 03:54 PM   #13
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Hi all,

Just my opinion..
Bob Chapman is very good in his analysis what IS happening. :thumb_yello
But he dosent offer any real solution to better economy.
Only thing he offers to common people is buy gold or silver if economy collapses.
But quess what ? There is no gold and silver for everyone.
Nor people have enough money to buy if there would be.
Or mayby they can buy a 0,000000000000000000001 grain nugget and live forever with that.

Ellen Brown has something to say for those who want know about history and problems of monetary system that are facing today.
I recomend warmly articles in her web side...

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Old 12-18-2009, 01:27 AM   #14
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I believe both Bob Chapman and Ron Paul are defenders of Austrian Economics http://mises.org/ and not Keynesianism.

For Civilization, It Is Mises or Bust

Mises Daily: Thursday, December 17, 2009 by J. Grayson Lilburne


Central Banks and Social Retrogression

The Austrian business-cycle theory, first formulated by Mises in 1912, teaches us that in a developed economy, artificial expansions of the supply of money and credit (which now are the exclusive prerogatives of central banks) temporarily lower the rate of interest, which leads to mass error. It causes people to think, like the hunter with poor rope-measuring skills, that they are wealthier than they truly are, which leads them to overconsume and to invest in production processes which are too ambitious given the capital goods available.
Complete article: http://mises.org/daily/3917

Had anyone listened to Bob Chapman or Gerald Celente many years ago, they would have already divested any earnings into gold or silver or other precious metals, protecting themselves from inflation.

If a person has no money or assets to protect, than they would have no need to purchase gold, because it is not about speculation nor about making money, it's about protecting your savings from disappearing as the devaluation of the dollar continues.

I believe Bob Chapman has suggested people buy food first and essentials for security (long term revolving storage) before purchasing gold (long term divesting).

"You must have at least a 6-month supply of freeze dried and dehydrated foods, a water filter for brackish water, and assault weapons with plenty of ammo and clips. You should put as much of your wealth as you can in gold and silver coins and shares. You should not own any stocks in the stock market except gold and silver shares…"
So too, on this forum, the suggestion is to find like minded people and establish ground crews where people can join together, contributing time and resources as opposed to doing it on their own. That alone will help protect what assets they have now, as community is stronger than individuality.

The solution to this crumby economy is to wake people up, return to the constitution and stop outsourcing our jobs...get active, stop accepting what they tell us on mainstream news and stop watching TV!

Change begins with us, with demanding change in our local governments and with continuing efforts to enlighten those that are still hypnotized.

Remember it is Corporatism and Crooks that are destroying America, not Capitalism.

In Bob Chapman's interview today at Discount Gold and Silver, he has made the following comments at the start.

I think as each day goes by, people worldwide, particularly sophisticated people, are losing more and more faith and confidence in the central bankers and the governments.

And I think that's going to keep stock markets from going up any higher (they shouldn't be where they are, but they are) and that is starting to seep down into the upper and into the middle class.

Big firms are turning into a casino, they're front running, naked shorting, all the things they are not supposed to be doing and our government does absolutely nothing about it. It's really tragic, unfortunate...but they'll pay because this whole edifice in time is coming down and we're going to be frog marching these idiots from the courthouse to the jail, because that's where they belong. Especially the ones who tell us that they're doing God's work.

Looks like, so far, that Copenhagen meeting has really turned into a real losing situation for the, we'll call them the 'climateers'. I hope it stays that way. It's dreadful what they're going to do or intend to do. And I hope they're very unsuccessful and I think they are.

Hopefully this will shoot down cap and trade.

Next is we got to get Ron Paul's bill Auditing the Fed through the senate.

Then we got to get rid of Bernanke.

Then we got to expose what the Fed is doing.

Then we got to get rid of the Fed.

Then we have to find a way to stop the revolving door between wall street and the treasury department.

And then I think we got a shot at it.

The mainline media on the Copenhagen issue and Cap & Trade; they've just about blotted it out totally from the American media and it's not working. Talk radio and the internet has just taken them apart and they're loosing ground every day.

We're doing a good job, but we got to do a better job. We've got to get more people interested in writing to their congressman about the different issues...we got to get more people at these different sort of events such as tea parties and meetings...anything that brings people together, particularly bringing people from what used to be the left/right paradigm together. It's really, really, really important.
Wednesday 12/16/2009 Interview at Discount Gold and Silver: http://libertyarchives.com/farlive/FS2_WED.MP3

Last edited by peaceandlove; 12-18-2009 at 10:38 AM.
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Old 12-18-2009, 01:47 PM   #15
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Default Re: BOB CHAPMAN ~ "The International Forecaster" UPDATES

Dear peaceandlove.

I am quoting you:

"because it is not about speculation nor about making money, it's about protecting your savings from dissapearing as the devaluation of the dollar continues".
"So too, on this forum, the suggestion is to find like minded people and establish ground crews where people can join together, contributing time and resources as opposed to doing it on their own. That alone will help protect what assets they have now, as community is stronger than individuality.

If this is why you keep sending this forecast then fine..

However I think that you are totally, completely, utterly, absolutely, irreversible (enough yet?) wrong by saying that capitalism has nothing to do with our present day crisis in economy and society.

Capitalism today promote global freedom in production, trade, investment and banking. Also any involvement by government to economy is considered as crime by these “freedom schools”.
Look what is happening !

Gold based money is also “artificial expansion of money” or fiat money and who creates it sets a rule how much and when we have it. Now its created as debt and “gold buggies” create it as debt also.

Since in modern system money returns to its owner as an asset we can ask
were is democracy and freedom of individual when minority can rule the one of the most important aspect of our life?


Ps. peace and love sounds good
but i lose it when you say Austrian school
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Old 12-18-2009, 03:35 PM   #16
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There can not be capitalism when you have central banks, manipulating money supply.
It's called socialism and it doesn't work.
With austrian school of economics every penny you save now is worth more in the future.
People all over the world are being robbed blind throu infaltion and it's root cause of many things, i.e. black projects, with hard currency it would be much harder to hide.
If the system we operate in is at it's core corrupt, than it penetrates everything, cause it's not honest.
While true capitalism with hard money offers honesty, transparency, it's rewards hard work, people are more independant and self responsible.
Current system treats people as children, in order to get to a point we have no money anymore, gold and silver are the way to go.
What I don't like about Bob Chapman that his language and expertise is very narrow, without any other options (couple a weeks ago he firmly stated that eur/dol will go streight to 1,57 and than break to record low in $, no pullbacks, what happend is the opposite, he let him emotion take over), so I would take everything that he says with a grain of salt.

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Old 12-18-2009, 05:52 PM   #17
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Default Re: BOB CHAPMAN ~ "The International Forecaster" UPDATES

hey peace and love what do you think of the information from joel skousen? i heard some info from him on jeff rense and he seemed to think chapman was being disinfoed from his insider. he had an alternative view on the status of the dollar.
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Old 12-20-2009, 12:16 AM   #18
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pineal-pilot-in merkabah, I hope you received my PM, just checked Rense website to see if there will be a rebroadcast tonight, but there is no mention yet of what the rebroadcast will be.

For those interested in Bob Chapman's most recent forecast.

Two Years Of Failure In Directing The Economy

Posted: December 19 2009
By: Bob Chapman

Dollar mini rally to end soon, look forward to low interest rates and mega monetization, we dont buy into the claimed recovery, Fed and Wall street cover up their problems, 124 banks failed this year to date, tax break for bailed out Citigroup, Banks manipulating their own books, an economic situation created by design

As we look back and this year comes to an end we find two plus years of failure. Even government admits to 1-1/2 years of negative growth - a sorry record after having poured trillions of dollars into the economy. The recent 3rd quarter results supposedly broke that record. If it did it was the result of government stimulus and Fed monetization. If you look back further you will find a stock market that rallied 54% just to reflect the highs of 1999. House prices have decline to 1990s levels as well. Both markets, which were bubbles, next year will fall again. Americans opened their markets to products of Communist China’s slave labor and China became the world’s biggest exporter. Via free trade, globalization, offshoring and outsourcing, transnational conglomerates have stolen America’s destiny and handed it to China. This is what corporatist fascism is all about.

Continues: http://www.theinternationalforecaste...ng_The_Economy
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Old 12-20-2009, 09:56 PM   #19
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ERSKINE interveiw of BOB CHAPMAN 12/19/2009

Informative interview.

VIDEO 1/4 (10:48): http://www.youtube.com/user/thebobch.../3/qmad2anlzmM

Last edited by peaceandlove; 12-21-2009 at 08:03 AM.
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Old 12-30-2009, 08:06 AM   #20
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Just listening to this interview now, Bob mentioned about 10 days ago he was going to share some new information.

The International Forecaster will publish a new article tomorrow, so there will be some text to read then.

I enjoyed a recent interview by Marines Disquisition on 12/24/2009, same youtube channel.

Hi Rama,

Did you listen to this RBN interview yet?


Dec 29 2009 Republic Broadcasting Network Interview

"LAST RBN Broadcast of the DECADE"

VIDEO Part 1 of 9 (10:53): http://www.youtube.com/user/TheBobCh.../8/sNTEPREZzY4

In the Part 7 of 9 Video they reference a Ron Paul, Ben Stein crazy moment on Larry King Live yesterday.

Paul and Stein talking over each other...LOL

Here is the complete Larry King LIVE broadcast moment.

VIDEO (9:08):

Last edited by peaceandlove; 12-30-2009 at 09:14 AM.
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Old 12-31-2009, 07:15 AM   #21
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The Rotten Underpinnings Of Our Financial System Exposed

Posted: December 23 2009
By: Bob Chapman

Money supply narrows, troubled banks still on life support, debt and problems will cascade through bond and stock markets, little or no criminal charges against banks and other lenders who bought up toxic waste debts, political influence helps poor banks, profits don't stop Goldman Sachs from generous bailouts and debt forgiveness.


We have to chuckle when the world is concerned with financial events in Dubai, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Italy, when all of Europe’s and America’s banks are insolvent. Who is kidding whom? We cannot leave out the brokerage houses and insurance companies. We must admit that the Fed and other central banks have done a good job covering up the mess they deliberately created by deceiving the public, as they prepare for stage 2 of the credit crisis. The only way these companies can continue to “survive” is to continue to keep two sets of books. Decisions by the FASB and the BIS have guaranteed that the charade will continue unbeknownst to the public and professionals alike. We are long past moral hazard and into criminal enterprise. They will operate in a one-world of in reality until they all simply collapse. Each and every day their underlying assets deteriorate. Next to fall over the years 2010 and 2011 will be the stock market and bond market. That should expose the rotten underpinnings and bring about the demise of our financial system. The only question is will we look like Weimar, Zimbabwe or Argentina?

Complete Article: http://www.theinternationalforecaste...System_Exposed

Forward With Caution After Exposing The Fed

Posted: December 30 2009
By: Bob Chapman

Currencies to continue to fall against gold, dollar rally unsustainable, Fed audit a good move, credit crisis for America and England, small gains in some places, plunges elsewhere,

The rally in the dollar and the problems for other currencies prove what we have been saying and that is all currencies will continue to fall vs. gold. The impetus for the dollar rally originates as usual with the government and is added to by the disarray in the economies worldwide, particularly in Europe. One of the things central banks have never learned is that financial engineering only works for a short duration, after that the problem worsens. Even the world’s strongest currencies, the Swiss, Canadian, Aussie and Norwegian, are only holding their own versus gold. The reason why is almost all central banks have done the same thing and that is create money and credit recklessly at the behest of the US government. The US and British financial systems are insolvent. The euro is under severe pressure, because of problems in Greece, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Italy, and every other central bank is jockeying for position via competitive devaluation. The public may not notice it but the situation is really chaotic. As you can see, the US is never allowed a level playing field, but that is part of what comes with being the international reserve currency. Banks in Britain, Europe and the US continue to take losses, sometimes-severe losses. There is no intermediation going on with the dollar. Its rally is founded on manipulation. We suspect in the future we will have an interesting phenomenon and that is a fall in the dollar, pound and the euro, as gold moves higher as the only viable alternative. The world is going to be shocked when the euro collapses. It won’t happen overnight. It will take a year or two, but it has a good chance of happening. The US dollar cannot and will not for some time to come be a safe haven for wealth. That is because the dollar and the US economy have been deliberately destroyed.

The flight into gold that we have seen has not been sparked by anticipation of inflation, but by a flight caused by a lack of confidence and trust in central banks. If other major governments have monetary problems they cannot be buyers of US Treasuries. They will have to be sellers of dollars. That will drive the dollar lower, further reduce the demand for US funding, force the Fed to further monetize and create more inflation. That in turn drive the dollar lower, but more importantly it will give gold a life of its own. We have found that this is something the public ad professionals refuse to accept. There is going to be a devaluation of the dollar no matter what people think, or want to think in their world of denial and fantasy. Other letter writers who disagree have recently attacked us. They can disagree and that is fine, but we might remind them that we are the ones who have been correct in our predictions 98% of the time, not them.

Continues: http://www.theinternationalforecaste...posing_The_Fed

Last edited by peaceandlove; 12-31-2009 at 07:30 AM.
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Old 01-04-2010, 03:09 AM   #22
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2010 Full of Uncertainty But Economic Knowledge Can Help

Posted: January 2, 2010
By: Bob Chapman

Rewards for incompetence again, few writers bearish anymore, unprecedented borrowing, conditions for business not improving, Wall Street backed up for next time, duties on steel entering China, Blackwater trial whitewashed, back to Glass-Steagall to bring order to the markets

US Markets

The move to give Fannie, Freddie and GMAC unlimited funds and outrageous salaries and bonuses as rewards for incompetence is disgusting, but to be expected from our government. This was the brainchild of our esteemed leader Mr. Obama.

The Hulbert sentiment tracking system shows bond sentiment has collapsed from 23.35 to minus 33%.
Stock pessimism among newsletter writers fell to its lowest level since April 1987, six-months before the equity crash known as Black Monday on October 19, 1987. Those bearish fell to 15.6%, which is a very strong contrarian indicator.

The seven-year note auction had a bid to cover of 2.52 to 1 versus an average price of 2.76 to 1. Indirect, foreign central bank participation was 44.7% versus 62.5%.

The White House is borrowing unprecedented amounts for spending programs. Debt has increased to a record $7.17 trillion in November from $5.80 trillion at the end of 2008.

For the past decade general equities were the worst investment. Gold and silver mining equities were the best performers. The Dow will finish the decade flat, but the dollar has lost 30% of its value rendering stock and bond investments as big losers. The dollar lost 75% of its value versus gold.

As of September 30, 2009, Goldman Sachs posted $42 billion in derivatives and had $115 million in assets. JPMorgan had $79 billion versus $1.7 billion in assets. Both are accidents ready to happen.

The federal government said Wednesday it will take majority control of the troubled auto lender GMAC, providing another $3.8 billion in aid to the company, which has been unable to raise from private investors the money it needs to staunch its losses. GMAC, which already has taken $12.5 billion in direct federal aid along with other forms of government support, is the largest lender to General Motors and Chrysler dealerships and to their auto-buying customers.

Continues: http://www.theinternationalforecaste...ledge_Can_Help

Economic Forecast 2010 ~ Coast to Coast AM

Saturday January 2, 2010

Ian Punnett welcomed experts in finance and the economy, including Gerald Celente, Joseph Meyer, Catherine Austin Fitts, and Robert Chapman, to discuss the outlook in 2010 for markets, commodities, and the U.S. Dollar.
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest(s): Gerald Celente, Joe Meyer, Catherine Austin Fitts, Robert Chapman

Robert Chapman Interview LAST HOUR:

VIDEO Part 1 of 4 (10:56): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVm0N_oxsuU
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Old 01-04-2010, 05:01 PM   #23
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Default Re: BOB CHAPMAN ~ "The International Forecaster" UPDATES

Excellent.. thank you.
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
Images to nourish the spirit: http://mistsofavalon.invisionplus.ne...&showtopic=198
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:47 AM   #24
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Default Re: BOB CHAPMAN ~ "The International Forecaster" UPDATES

Blessings Carol,

I am in agreement about excellent information coming from Bob Chapman.


A NEW DOLLAR: an insider from the fed banks meeting

Bob Chapman talks to Melody Cedarstrom about the new dollar and the coming devaluation
recorded on December 28th 2009

VIDEO (2:12): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHadp...layer_embedded

Last edited by peaceandlove; 02-27-2010 at 05:01 PM.
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Old 01-08-2010, 04:57 AM   #25
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Default Re: BOB CHAPMAN ~ "The International Forecaster" UPDATES

Still In A Credit Crisis, New Liquidity Threatens Inflation

Posted: January 6 2010
By: Bob Chapman

Market manipulations never fail to shock us, 13 trillion spent into a pit of debt and no relief in sight, unemployment numbers probably higher than they appear, crooks bailed out, taxpayer pays for it, bank lending way down, inflation predicted


The result of this tremendous infusion of money and credit has been the survival of banking, Wall Street and insurance, and a fall in household net worth of almost $7 trillion. We’d call that an uneven, unbalanced performance. The culprits have been bailed out and the public has paid for it. The next natural question is what will the Treasury and the Fed do for an encore? The treasury is running a $1.7 trillion deficit, and is the go to source for employment. The Fed says it is going to withdraw liquidity from the system and that they intend to raise interest rates in July or there abouts. If this is the case you had best prepare for a deflationary depression. We do not believe the Fed for one second. Do they really believe this will save the dollar? We do not think so.

Continues: http://www.theinternationalforecaste...tens_Inflation

Recent Interview:


January 10, 2010

VIDEO Part 1 of 5 (10:53): http://www.youtube.com/user/TheBobCh.../4/ISvqPPivKzw

Last edited by peaceandlove; 01-08-2010 at 05:00 AM.
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