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Old 12-22-2009, 02:53 AM   #1
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Default Project Camelot and the Conspiracy world.

Hey Folks,

Haven't posted since the forum went paid, back now to drop my 2 cents.

first off i've been researching conspiracy/paranormal/ufo/fringe science etc for a little over a year now and have compiled things into a blog you can check out.


anyhow here's my thoughts on this huge huge topic of conspiracy and the things it mixes with such as metaphysics /spirituality/ religion /politics and general science.

all i can say for certain after many hours of video and many sites visited and pdfs downloaded is

-aliens are real and the gov has known about it for a while
-the illuminatti / masons are a real (and are running plenty)
-paranormal phenomena is real and has been ignored by the science the public sees
-our species origins are clouded in mystery but we clearly originated off planet
-reincarnation is real and there is a mountain of evidence for it

in general that's it.
this field is so clouded with disinfo and ignorance that its hard to acertain anything.

after all this time i still cant figure out if greys are all PLF's (programmed life forms) operating under the military or if they are some sort of bio robotic species under some other species control, or if they are a dying race. really who knows their are so many contradictions.

reptillians-all i can say about this subject is that maybe its true and maybe not and i mean the so called interdimensional ones the illuminatti supposedly worship and have hybrids among them.--honestly this could still be total ********, when you factor in the ufo community the new age community and the genral conspiracy community has been so infiltrated, EVERYTHING is suspect. especially when you add mind control into the mix.

stuart swerdlow says one thing, david icke says another, micheal st clair says his view then you have greer and wilcock saying they don't exist and you have the "hidden hand" saying ickes reptillian info was purposeful disinfo.

really take a gander at the world we live in, mind control and insane tech from back engineered off world tech, the folks in control can make anyone believe anything or see anything then use mind control techniques and phony abductions on top of that, who's to say any of these witnesses is legit.

a ton of scary alien **** is coming out of the media "v" just got re released an updated, the "4th kind" , the day the earth stood still" and on the disaster end 2012 just came out, as well as "the road" my gut instinct is that when the media pumps out something they want you to absorb you should probably seek the opposite.

when was the last time someone watched "starman" with jeff bridges that was a great movie and portrayed alien life in a positive light, as well as ET and Close Encounters, but these are rare examples of positive ETs, again the PTB want a 'fight or flight" reaction to this subject and sadly i see camelot somewhat endorsing a paranoid xenophobic defensive position.

personally even the term "light warrior" seems like new age nonsense, its based in duality and the term 'warrior" implies 'war" as kerry is always saying were in a "spiritual war" you know the most spiritual people i've read never refer to anything in spirit with "war" attached.

when you think how heavily infiltrated new age is you can see this stuff for what it is, "light and love' "angels" blah blah is all pseudo religious talk to me and does nothing for me. krishnamurti is a good exmple of someone who makes sense without all the egyption thoth light being speak.

james of wingmakers makes sense as well, he talk about how these scret groups glorfying the mind and all its godlike power, but ignoring the power of the heart and things like humility kindness forgiveness compassion etc.
the new age "power of mind" is all well and fascinating stuff but i worry about the populace trying to amass the power of the mind when we don't even know how to get along as a species, maybe we should work on that eh?

when looking at info the stuff that excited me is the fringe within the conspiracy realm, the fact that 95% of people in this realm think the exact same thing regarding alien/greys/reptillians/government treaties etc makes me extremely skeptical of it.

also keep in mind all this fear based predicting going on, whether its camelot like last year touting george green ww3 "hawkeye" illuminati roth takeover martial law , concentration camps, etc or dr deagle's LA nuke dreams....this is some serious ******** folks, it gets people to buy a lot of ammo and baked beans, the general vibe is end of the world be scared prepare for a quasi apocalypse, the worst thats happened in all this time is the economy took a hit, but i bet most of you have jobs and and dont have swine flu and none of you are in concentration camps.

look its exciting thinking you have knowledge other people don't, ooooo aliens are real ,oooooo the government is run by crazy pagans its very exciting and interesting stuff but its easy to get caught up in the alex jones-ish fight fire with fire world ending prison planet ****.

camelot has released interesting stuff but i certainly dont take any witnesses as the gospel of truth as does kerry "the world will be out of oxygen" really? you interview one dude who says that and suddenly thats cutting edge research that 100% fact that you can throw around like it should be common knowledge? give me a break. things like Half Past human i take with a grain of salt as well, there "summer of hell" was pretty pleasant for me, why get worked up about all their predictions?

most the witnesses i think are either deliberate disinfo artists or unknowingly so, and who knows who mind controlled in the mix, how would bill and kerry know either? its dangerous for folks to start believing every testimony or the importance kerry and bill give particular witnesses. bill is at least a gentleman and respectful and humble kerry is none of those things and irritates the **** out of me, but thats just me and my opinion of her personality. what i dont like is the taking certain witnesses claims as 100% fact and not challenging them when it fits her outlook, and then debating,mocking or smugly belittling an interviewee when it doesnt fit kerry's spiritual war outlook.

anyhow , long post ....to sum up after everything ive watched and read the only thing thats clear is that you can never stop being critical and seeking other counter views and research that supports other contradictory evidence.

if we really are in the middle of some galactic space spiritual "war" then NONE of them (ET's /other dimensionals /spirits) are very much more advanced than us, id like to get to know the ones who are.

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Old 12-22-2009, 08:25 AM   #2
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Gee, haven't seen that avatar 'round here in ages.

Welcome back.

"Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"

Evil cannot be killed. Only redeemed.

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Old 12-22-2009, 10:02 AM   #3
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Default Re: Project Camelot and the Conspiracy world.

Good to see you back Clarke

Thanks for this
Now here's my thoughts on this huge huge topic of conspiracy and the things it mixes with such as metaphysics /spirituality/ religion /politics and general science.

all i can say for certain after many hours of video and many sites visited and pdfs downloaded is

-aliens are real and the gov has known about it for a while
-the illuminatti / masons are a real (and are running plenty)
-paranormal phenomena is real and has been ignored by the science the public sees
-our species origins are clouded in mystery but we clearly originated off planet
-reincarnation is real and there is a mountain of evidence for it

in general that's it.
this field is so clouded with disinfo and ignorance that its hard to acertain anything." Quote from Clarke Kent

I am in agreement with the essence of your opening article.

Spiritual war makes no sense to me. War is war.

The ego loves the drama of it all.

What can we trust?

We can trust the teachings of the spiritual geniuses.
Krishana Budda Jesus to name but three.
They put out a consistant message over thousands of years.

Wolves in sheeps clothing abound.
Just dont go there.

How do we know the wolves?

My best sugestion is to read the book "Power versus Force" by Dr David Hawkins recomended by the late St Mother Teresa"
In the book he out lines a method of knowing that which is suportive of life, that which is true, also a map of consciousness which is invaluable to those wishing to move forward.

Newage is just the lower astral spiritual circus, very attractive but down right dangerous, full of half truths.

Everything that we need to know at this time comes from the spiritual geniuses.
God is within us just waiting to be found.

I place my faith in The Creator which I call God.

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Old 12-22-2009, 10:16 AM   #4
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Time after time we have been told ' be careful of what you believe ' this is one of the underlying truths I have come to accept through all of this info.
Quite franky I dont give much of a damn to predictions of any kind now, I say 'bring it on!' throw your worst at me cos I just dont care anymore and am far from scared. If fear is the trick that they are trying to pull then forget it, I'm waaaay over that.
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Old 12-22-2009, 02:05 PM   #5
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Default Re: Project Camelot and the Conspiracy world.

Nice site Clark. I will be visiting often.
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Old 12-22-2009, 02:18 PM   #6
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Default Re: Project Camelot and the Conspiracy world.

Clark, I really like your post.....my view on all the things you have written here about, has changed recently, sometimes shifting 180 degrees... And likewise i suspect now more than I did before and "suspecions" and "suspects" also have changed...
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Old 12-22-2009, 02:29 PM   #7
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Great post, Clark!

I'm always happy to see someone who uses their discernment wisely, and ultimately turns within to find their own truth... That's one reason I like David Wilcock, there's more science there and usually a reminder to follow your own connection with Source. I'm suddenly reminded of the saint Padre Pio, who said: "Pray, Hope and Don't Worry"

Looking forward to perusing your site and reading more of your posts!
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Old 12-22-2009, 02:38 PM   #8
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Maybe it's all about levels of truth...

When you're caught up in an everyday life kinda matrix (hi Neo, you must know all about this in detail ;-) where you don't question tptb or your or others' way of life, well, that means you're very caught up in it!

And then some people are questioning things, but use one dogma to counter the other: anarchy or communism to oppose capitalism. Or they plunge themselves in religious institutions which dictate how they should see the world. Another level of the matrix.

Others find their truths in the new age movement and get a deeper connection to themselves in relation to the 3D world and that might loosen the grip of their minds and open their hearts... but another web of angelic or alien attachment is luring...

And here we are: less New Agically (does this word exist?) involved in different levels of exposing and 'fighting' this pyramid matrix. I think though that most of us are also caught up in a system: we often worry our minds with who's right and who's doing the deceiving.

Don't get me wrong, I'm also caught up in this, but deep down I have a voice telling me to let go... or at least absorb and then let gooooo (breath in shortly, breath out a long time... pheeewww :-). I think it's a good way of approaching this, because it gives your mind/system time to adapt to the information where it has the opportunity to detach from it (by this you'll develop an intuitive reaction to what is being said).

Lately more and more conspiracies come to see the light of day and if we're not careful we get sucked into a new web of halftruths and lies especially constructed for us. Like you said greybeard, the ego loves all of this drama... though it brings ourselves further away from Life, Love and our human essence!

So all of these might be stages, levels of (cosmic) truth which can bring you a deeper connection with yourself and the universe. But there's always a trap involved and it's up to us if we (want to) fall into that or not... that's called free will.

Celebrate live, it's worth it!

Pz, love & light
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Old 12-22-2009, 09:08 PM   #9
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I am with you on this one clark except that you seem to be generalising alot, your post makes me feel like you think everybody on avalon goes headfirst believing everything they read. Take what's good for you and leave the rest.
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Old 12-22-2009, 10:44 PM   #10
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quote "I am with you on this one clark except that you seem to be generalising alot, your post makes me feel like you think everybody on avalon goes headfirst believing everything they read. Take what's good for you and leave the rest. "

--no no not at all, and yes im making huuuuge generalizations, if i didnt this would be 10 page essay.

there are smart people here absolutley im just giving my 2 cents on this realm of paranormal/conspiracy/ufo etc etc.

its a big interconnected web and my main points were everyone should never take anything at face value for every view on all these subjects i can usually find a couple (or tons) ofvery valid counter views.

i for one , initially got really caught up in the deagle/icke/swerdlow/dan winter/cliff high gloom and doom stuff. the hawkeye material here over a year ago was ridiculously alarmist "**** hitting the fan" fear stuff that turned out not to be anywhere near true. ive turned a deaf ear to all apocalyptic predicitions, im reconciled that if any of the bazillion bad scenarios go down ill deal with it, a couple cans of beans and rice isnt going to help much.

again the sean pickering interview i really enjoyed here (despite kerry's bad attitude) because it presented something i hadnt heard before, i believe theres pleeeeenty more info the web has had no access to and the things a lot of people take as fact are totally unreliable and ultimately speculation.

im supremely interested in this stuff and ive never seen a ufo or had a paranormal experience, somewhere out their in books and the web are nuggets of truth, im just trying to use my gut to sort out what those are.
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Old 12-22-2009, 11:26 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by clarkkent View Post
Welcome back

I enjoyed reading your posts. And I still do

Now all that fears gone its so much nicer.

Iv'e never seen anything extatraterrestrial to my knowledge. I have a photo of a family holiday and there is a flying saucer in the background, we only discovered when looking back though them years later.. It couldnt be anything else... I spoke to my friend just over a year ago about my apocalypical concerns. He choose this as his subject matter for his students in mexico city while teaching them english about his crazy friend, well he and another while talking about this subject saw a flying craft out of the window! I couldn't believe it.... I have know idea if it was aliens, humans or god knows what. He said he has never seen anything like it before, either of them.
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Old 12-22-2009, 11:30 PM   #12
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Welcome back CLARK KENT - go to see you again
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Old 12-22-2009, 11:36 PM   #13
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Default Re: Project Camelot and the Conspiracy world.

Hi clarkkent, nice to see you again.

I agree with a lot of what you say. Especially the 'light warrior' part, haha to a degree anyway.

One thing I'm curious about though.

You said:

our species origins are clouded in mystery but we clearly originated off planet
Why do you believe this? In a nut shell- if you don't mind me asking.
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Old 12-22-2009, 11:41 PM   #14
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Thanks Clark,

It sounds like you have been using discernment...something many of us lack from time to time.

I too take all predictions with a grain of salt. I am certain we having an experience in these bodies which is supposed to mean something...that is supposed to accomplish something...if we will only let it happen With respect to the late Aurthur C. Clark. "Something Wonderful"

As to that...I am certain something wonderful is in store for some of us because we choose it. Some of us will not choose such a path, but there are many, many paths to tread before this day is done, and the future is something we create with every breath.

I think James from Wingmakers hit closest to the bullseye...and to date perhaps that has been PC's greatest interview.

We must learn to love one another, and find that connection to all that is.

Then, no matter what occurs, from the gates of destruction to the music of the heavens...everything is going to be okay.
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Old 12-22-2009, 11:53 PM   #15
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Default Re: Project Camelot and the Conspiracy world.

Originally Posted by 371 View Post
Hi clarkkent, nice to see you again.

I agree with a lot of what you say. Especially the 'light warrior' part, haha to a degree anyway.

One thing I'm curious about though.

You said:

Why do you believe this? In a nut shell- if you don't mind me asking.
i meant that all the research and archeology books,vids, whistleblowers etc. that ive gone ever
theres no absolutely no explanation for the missing link or the ton of genetic disorders we have (only species that have been tinkered with genetically have as many disorders we do, like dogs) there also still is no real explanation for the way races look different (conventional theories dont hold up) so i definitely believe some kind of intervention happened or colonization or experiment, who knows. the evolutionary fossil record doesnt support gradual evolution somewhere there was a spike, something was done.

there are a ton of theories stuart swerdlow's and dan winter's are certainly the most "out there" (galactic wars between many races of which the poured their dna into a giant soup bowl earth) who knows, but i do know the conventional science/archeology/biology view is incorrect.
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Old 12-23-2009, 12:19 AM   #16
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Ok, kyle. I follow you on that reasoning.

Is intelligent design (hate that term, btw) out of the question for you, at this time?

Even given that why must we be from somewhere else, by default? Or is it since our origins historically seem murky as far as evidence that the conclusion would be that we came from elsewhere?
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Old 12-23-2009, 03:55 AM   #17
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intelligent design? yes, having all this mind boggling complexity and much more than we can percieve be random particles and energy seems silly.

anyhow im sure some of our origins are earth based for example if an early earthbound hominid like the rhesus monkey developed into the neanderthal and then that species was tinkered with off world DNA or a host of other scenarios with ET's then our origins would be half earth based half off world based, but like i mentioned above the "missing link" is missing for a reason we leapt from one stage of evolution and seemingly leaped 2 to 5 steps ahead and there is no fossil record of this progression, just BOOM ..homo sapien

heres my blog with specifics

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Old 12-23-2009, 04:04 AM   #18
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Hey Clark welcome back .
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Old 12-23-2009, 04:11 AM   #19
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Old 12-23-2009, 06:47 AM   #20
truth and integrity
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Default Re: Project Camelot and the Conspiracy world.

Originally posted by clarkent
the fact that 95% of people in this realm think the exact same thing regarding alien/greys/reptillians/government treaties etc makes me extremely skeptical of it.
I was there for more than a year but not any more. Interestingly enough, when I became sceptical and began questioning , I heard from somebody who knew Bill Cooper's work well that Bill had changed his opinion about UFO. Bill was involved in UFO business for many years. I wonder what he discovered.
Any thoughts?

Best regards,
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Old 12-23-2009, 11:50 AM   #21
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Default Re: Project Camelot and the Conspiracy world.

Originally Posted by 371 View Post
Hi clarkkent, nice to see you again.

I agree with a lot of what you say. Especially the 'light warrior' part, haha to a degree anyway.

One thing I'm curious about though.

You said:

Why do you believe this? In a nut shell- if you don't mind me asking.
Clark Kent welcome back . I share you sentiments on the " Light warriors ". Those people in my view succeed only in finding their path to "enlightenment " whatever it means .
There is a difference between rising consciousness and "light warriors " .
Looking back at history I can say that revolutions were not started by 'light warriors " ; actually if we are waiting for them to do something will have to wait another 1 million years .
The revolution in the US and France in the 18th century changed the world and now we need the world to change again . Consciousness might help with the realization that we all have the spark of divinity regardless of race , color of the skin religion etc . But the Cabal that has been in charge for centuries will not give up power without a fight . In the current struggle the PTB will not hesitate to use extermination weapons and programs against the human race to enslave it more . We have seen already some failed attempts . In my opinion we the people should consider getting rid of Illuminati and their extended families forever. Only then a change from the economic system that enslaves us will be possible . I am not in favor of " forgiveness " after being witness to unnecessary wars , starvation , mass poverty , attempt at population reduction and other criminal acts . It's my prerogative as a human with the spark of divinity ( the same as other 7 billion people ) not to forgive as this is divine too .
This change will not come about because of the self appointed light warriors but because a small minority will start a guerrilla campaign against the criminal government . As they say " to make an omelet you have to break some eggs " .
The " light warriors " , in my view are an " operation " and it's purpose is to try in a subtle way to calm down and condition some people to accept the NWO dictates without making a fuss . Another form of Prozac .
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Old 12-23-2009, 12:32 PM   #22
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There is the view of course that a 'warrior' could be peaceful like in the movie (peaceful warrior) or use Tia Chi to deflect the aggression figuratively speaking but not necessarily attack with that reflected energy. One stage of surviving if you are being attacked is to protect yourself so you are not harmed in the attack... Maybe these are the kinds of 'warriors' they intend to nurture with PLW.

Of course in the case of most people unaware ACTUALLY realising you are being attacked is a start... Not many realise this or are still in a state of denial. For me this is where I think most on PC/PA can help people nudge them to wake up or waft coffee under their nose...

ps you may find Michael Tillinger's work interesting "Slave species of the gods" and "Adam's calendar" and the 3 cities spanning huge areas of South Africa which are each as large as Jo'Burg is today AND pre-date ALOT of the stuff on the planet read 75,000 to 250,000 years old (and the two pyramids he found too! directly below Giza on the planet). He also has a youtube page...

Last edited by Connecting with Sauce; 12-23-2009 at 12:36 PM.
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Old 12-23-2009, 07:49 PM   #23
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as far as "light warriors" and the like.

its just not something im into, and as far as getting rid of the illuminatti families, well in a yin yang world at this level of reality your dealing with creation and destruction, positive ,negative. theyre a part of this learning lesson down here eventually we'll all be past this stage.

theyre negative and the bulk of humanity i believe is pretty positive, you really dont run into too many truly evil people.

i am into forgiving and a lot of what the "light warriors" are into, i hate the term "christ conscioussness" because of its inherent ties to religion, but i agree with the golden rule and all. some part of everyone here agreed and wanted to come down here and deal with being oppressed by these people/forces accepting it and moving on and and not playing their game of hating them and giving them any kind of fuel/ good or bad, is what im into. oppressor/victim mentality is what we should be looking to go past.

krishnamurti talks about living without out conflict


fear of death and physical pain is how we've been controlled, if you can get past fear of that your out of the grip, its hard but the big lesson from here.

i always imagine if someone in the army tried to make me fight or go to war, if i said "no" and they held a gun to my head and told me to pick up a gun and fight, id say no, and the only reason they would shoot is because theyre under the same threat from someone else higher up.---it goes all the way up the ladder of someone using punishment as a means of control. if someone used their choice of freewill to say "no" then the chain breaks and control is not possible.

the key is to not fear death and pain. if you reincarnate a bazzilion million trillion times what does it matter if one lifetime is extinguished or painful, not causing harm and sticking to a higher principal is more important.... think if everyone thought this way how different things would be.
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Old 12-23-2009, 08:04 PM   #24
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Wise words Clark...

Good to see you back on the forum....

Comin home for the holidays???

it's nice and sunny today... Ice rink is in midtown now...

Give me a email if your in town... jonah
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Old 12-23-2009, 08:55 PM   #25
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thank you, clarkkent.
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