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Old 11-09-2008, 12:11 AM   #1
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Default Can any of you work this one out.

Take your mind back, back, right back before their were galaxies, universes, everything, to when there was absence of light, just nothing. Now,

I was brought up a Catholic and we were taught that God had no beginning and no end, a big, big mystery.

This mystery really has my head spinning because when I ponder it, I just cannot imagine something always being, just being without being created in the first place.

What do you think.
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Old 11-09-2008, 12:18 AM   #2
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Default Re: Can any of you work this one out.

To quote Ronnie James Dio: "The vision never dies, life's a never-ending wheel"

There's a theory that if you travel far enough across the universe you come out on the other side.

There is no beginning and there is no end. It's all a cosmic multi-dimensional loop. Like string theory with the ends spliced together.

That's what I think...

Last edited by 371; 11-09-2008 at 12:22 AM.
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Old 11-09-2008, 12:24 AM   #3
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: Can any of you work this one out.

Originally Posted by Tuza View Post
Take your mind back, back, right back before their were galaxies, universes, everything, to when there was absence of light, just nothing. Now,

I was brought up a Catholic and we were taught that God had no beginning and no end, a big, big mystery.

This mystery really has my head spinning because when I ponder it, I just cannot imagine something always being, just being without being created in the first place.

What do you think.
There is one entity expressing itself through mutiplicity in the universe. This means its everywhere and nowhere at the same time. No beginning and no end.
When we are standing at the shore of the infinite ocean of conciousness the conciousness is the shore and the center. This is the secret of the number ten. 1 am alpha and 0 mega also hidden in this phrase is one of the hidden names of the all which is IAO

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Old 11-09-2008, 12:45 AM   #4
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Default Re: Can any of you work this one out.

Originally Posted by Tuza View Post
This mystery really has my head spinning because when I ponder it, I just cannot imagine something always being, just being without being created in the first place.

What do you think.
I can imagine something just being because I can imagine being outside time. Anyway, I would be very, very disappointed if all of life and the universe were not steeped in mystery - the more I understand, the more I know there is "out there" that I will never fully comprehend.
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Old 11-09-2008, 12:47 AM   #5
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Default Re: Can any of you work this one out.

i cant remember who wrote this but its so nice...

I saw Divinity the other night
like a ring of pure and endless light
all calm as it was bright

i have to go with the exposition of Veda -Hindu sacred writings about the concept of Brahman... unchanging, infinite, immanent, and transcendent reality which is the Divine Ground of all matter, energy, time, space, being, and everything beyond in this Universe

Being (Existence) Consciousness Bliss

A state (Samadhi) experienced in eg meditation...state of being aware of one’s Existence without thinking, in a state of undifferentiated “Beingness" and bliss (ananda) and joy (sukha).
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Old 11-09-2008, 01:02 AM   #6
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Old 11-09-2008, 01:29 AM   #7
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Default Re: Can any of you work this one out.

Originally Posted by Tuza View Post
Take your mind back, back, right back before their were galaxies, universes, everything, to when there was absence of light, just nothing. Now,

What do you think.
I can't go there, because everything that is, has always been, in one form (Pending Perception or posibility to perceive) or another.. Your body building blocks are as old as the universe itself.

If we can prove One 4 dimensional Universe, then we have established the possibility of an infinity of such (Paralell) universa in a higher dimension.

If we establish that the Minds Eye, is a point that is perpendicular to all other dimensions in this universe, then what is behind the minds eye has to be in a higher dimension. So even there "nothing" doesn't exist.

Sorry, can't do.
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Old 11-09-2008, 01:43 AM   #8
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Default Re: Can any of you work this one out.

Originally Posted by Tuza View Post
Take your mind back, back, right back before their were galaxies, universes, everything, to when there was absence of light, just nothing. Now,

I was brought up a Catholic and we were taught that God had no beginning and no end, a big, big mystery.

This mystery really has my head spinning because when I ponder it, I just cannot imagine something always being, just being without being created in the first place.

What do you think.
.................................................. .................................................. ...

Tuza, you can add yourself to a never ending list of people who have pondered over the same question.

Here is my take on it; Perhaps we cannot fully understand the meaning of existence in its fullest sense, (not in this 3rd dimension of reality anyway)

Either nothing exists or nothing exists. Once you accept that in the beginning nothing existed, it all begins to come clear, right?

Well it will in the fourth (or is it 5th?) density, hope to see you all there where you can explain it to me telepathically..... I mean it too.
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Old 11-09-2008, 01:52 AM   #9
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Default Re: Can any of you work this one out.

Originally Posted by Consciousness View Post
.................................................. .................................................. ...

Either nothing exists or nothing exists. Once you accept that in the beginning nothing existed, it all begins to come clear, right?

No it doesn't, explain..

"Nothing" is a concept of abcense of everything and/or anything.

"Nothing" exists is a contradiction in terms.

And including "Nothing" as part of "Everything" doesn't work since there is one example where it becomes a contradiction.. Namely when the Domain "Everthing" only consists of one member "Nothing"

So for the people "Not behind the red tape" can you explain how you see:

Either nothing exists or nothing exists. as being true, without that it is a nice and true wordplay that doesn't have linguistical errors?
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Old 11-09-2008, 02:11 AM   #10
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Default Re: Can any of you work this one out.

Stop thinking of the concept of TIME. TIME is a human thing to help us make sens of events. But everything is NOW, there is no before and no after, there is nothing but right now, days, hours, minutes or seconds. We need time to understand our world, but think of it as everything existing right now. everything!!! Even nothingness.
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Old 11-09-2008, 02:58 AM   #11
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Default Re: Can any of you work this one out.

In a book the Catholic church doesnt endorse "The Secret Book of John" (Nag Hammadi Library) Jesus states words to the effect that once you know the beginning then you also shall know the end.

A couple of thoughts on this.

we live in a fractal reality where this reality (and others) are repeated as you move through fractal dimensions

we exist is a perpetual state of expansion/contraction (big bang over and over)

Just thoughts...
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Old 11-09-2008, 03:04 AM   #12
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For anyone who isn't familiar with the Emerald Tablet previously referred to.

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Old 11-09-2008, 03:21 AM   #13
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Old 11-09-2008, 03:21 AM   #14
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Can any of you work this one out.

Originally Posted by Cezam View Post
Stop thinking of the concept of TIME. TIME is a human thing to help us make sens of events. But everything is NOW, there is no before and no after, there is nothing but right now, days, hours, minutes or seconds. We need time to understand our world, but think of it as everything existing right now. everything!!! Even nothingness.
The 13th POST to a thread (i love 13)

373 friends = 3+7+3=13

so, what about parallel lifes ???

if you want to move out of 3D, you got to graduate it

and, beyond that, it is just one graduation, after another

i once followed the timelines of a person
and, found them channeling
The Imposter God, and, The Goddess of Lies,
so much, for GOD

i have trouble, with "jesus" worship
i can NOT believe, that a GOD,
would create a son, better than everyone else
AND, THAT, through him, i could lose my sins !!!

what about The Mother God, and, The Father God,
of GOD ??? what about The Great Spirits ???
what about the god / and, goddess in all of us
and, in the all in all

i think, it starts /and, it ends,
with finding a "wholeness" and, a "oneness"
with our lower, and, our higher selves
and, when we accomplish that,
how much easier it will be,
to meet that in another

GEEZ...this is my 888th post

i think it's is simple

YOU DO...to BE
and, you do that, to be, all that you can will into being

while making it, easy, simple & fun !!!

So, will it to be, so, it will be
(just as you intend)

isn't it time,
we brought the real magic of avalon & of camelot back to the round ?

the eXchanger

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Old 11-09-2008, 03:52 AM   #15
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Default Re: Can any of you work this one out.

In the concept of Free energy is it stated, there is more energy on one cubic inch of empty space, then we generate in the world in a day, so this has to be a form of intellgence or energy by default, and greater matter which has no form. Often this is called negative energy.

Many teaching and writings, including those of Aleister Crowley talks about nothingness to nothingness, and out of the nothing comes the fog that keeps gathering, until manifestation occurs into our reality, betwenn nothingness.

So one could say, our existence deprives creatvity, or existing in natural form, since we are filling otherwise empty space and possibly creator spirit as well, and that our existence in a way is less that the space we take up and displace.

Just simply accept that becomming nothing, is actually greater, not less, because it is more by being less, because what seems to be nothing actually is filled this elusive everything, and in a way you return to source.

Yeah, boggles my mind too, but now in writing this, I think I just had a sudden realization of why humans might be born in sin from a religious point of view, because we have manifested a body which takes away from the source usually present in empty space. And to be born again and inviting in Christ, would be inviting in the source that was displaced by you manifesting your body.

My head hurts.

Last edited by orb; 11-09-2008 at 03:56 AM.
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Old 11-09-2008, 12:36 PM   #16
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In the same way fish have no natural fear of fire, humans can not grasp the concept of timelessness. We experience our day to day reality as a function of 3 dimensions plus time. All motion depends on time to define it (as well as the 3 spacial dimensions).
Our senses lead to awareness, awareness depends on time, for comparison.
Our minds compare everything we witness, to everything else we've witnessed over time.
So to remove time from the equation, would also remove the equation.


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Old 11-09-2008, 05:59 PM   #17
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Great thread,
I am in agreement with your postulation, Susan,
Here is what my research, associations, learning and meditations have taught me.
There is no such thing as "nothing" in the universe or cosmos, what we consider as nothing, is simple "not visible, or not perceived", and not non existent.
GOD the "Prime Existence" is not an entity or being, but rather the all ecompassing source of ALL light, All energy, All love and All consciuusness.
In other words if you can identify or concieve of all the light, love, energy and conciousnes that exist everywhere in everything that is in existence, then you have the "Prime Existence" that is GOD, the Divine Conciousness, the Eternal Oneness, The All there Is. There is no "outside of existence". no empty space, no seperate entity. Everything is just fragments or holographic projections of the one universal or cosmic SOUL. Again, in other words there is only (as Bob Marley so eloquently put it) One Love, One Light, One Energy and One Consciousness. That is all there was, all there is and all that there always will be.
I do know and was taught that it is extremely difficult (sometimes almost impossible) to conceptualize Eternal Oneness from a viewpoint of Limited conciousness and third Dimension Duality...Since light is all there is, one day everythng that we now perceive including the earth will return to the Light.
Let me remind you that the only purpose that we are here on this plane of existence, is to realise and embrace our Divinity, to change that part of our conciousness that is still in darkness to Light, so that we can re-merge with our higher self, which is pure Light....SIMPLE..

Give yourselves a pat on the back..Brothers and Sisters


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Old 11-09-2008, 08:32 PM   #18
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Default Re: Can any of you work this one out.

Originally Posted by orb View Post
In the concept of Free energy is it stated, there is more energy on one cubic inch of empty space, then we generate in the world in a day, so this has to be a form of intellgence or energy by default, and greater matter which has no form. Often this is called negative energy.

Many teaching and writings, including those of Aleister Crowley talks about nothingness to nothingness, and out of the nothing comes the fog that keeps gathering, until manifestation occurs into our reality, betwenn nothingness.

So one could say, our existence deprives creatvity, or existing in natural form, since we are filling otherwise empty space and possibly creator spirit as well, and that our existence in a way is less that the space we take up and displace.

Just simply accept that becomming nothing, is actually greater, not less, because it is more by being less, because what seems to be nothing actually is filled this elusive everything, and in a way you return to source.

Yeah, boggles my mind too, but now in writing this, I think I just had a sudden realization of why humans might be born in sin from a religious point of view, because we have manifested a body which takes away from the source usually present in empty space. And to be born again and inviting in Christ, would be inviting in the source that was displaced by you manifesting your body.

My head hurts.
Crowley knew ancient Indian texts, as did Blavatsky (as did Hitler and many others). Basically, it is said that existence or the universe comes from and goes back to the unmanifested - otherwise known as sleep or 'potential'. It is also called 'breath' or later known as the 'Night of brahma', where the expansion/contraction goes in cycles of sleeping/waking, breathing in (unmanifested) and breathing out (manifested). The completeness of consciousness is in the unmanifested/sleep stage, whereas the manifested is at a distance from 'God'/Creator/Creation/Consciousness - a separation from the consciousness of the universe.

There are many terms to explain the same thing because of all the languages for translation and the difficult of the originals.
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Old 11-09-2008, 08:46 PM   #19
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Default Re: Can any of you work this one out.

Hi Tuza,
let go of time and start living in the now and you will understand.
Can't be explained, must be experienced.
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Old 11-09-2008, 08:51 PM   #20
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Default Re: Can any of you work this one out.

Originally Posted by Tuza View Post
Take your mind back, back, right back before their were galaxies, universes, everything, to when there was absence of light, just nothing. Now,

I was brought up a Catholic and we were taught that God had no beginning and no end, a big, big mystery.

This mystery really has my head spinning because when I ponder it, I just cannot imagine something always being, just being without being created in the first place.

What do you think.
Same for me. It's mind boggling!
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Old 11-09-2008, 10:35 PM   #21
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Hey Myra.
I know it is difficult from the point of view of duality, but consider this.
If something, anything is created, it must as of law, have a creator, and that creator must have a creator and that creator must have a creator and so on and on to infinity. There is no such thing as non existence or first beginning or cause. If one can only grasp the idea that everything always existed, then one can totally relax, eliminate worry and stress and every other form of negativity that now befalls them, with the full knowledge that they will always exist, albeit in a light body or even in a physical body, if one so chooses, why? I do not know. because the physical is so limiting..However the choices are always there. Don't beleive me?... consult your higher self and you will get all the answers you need.
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Old 11-09-2008, 10:52 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by brutus35 View Post
If one can only grasp the idea that everything always existed, then one can totally relax, eliminate worry and stress and every other form of negativity that now befalls them, with the full knowledge that they will always exist, albeit in a light body or even in a physical body, if one so chooses, why? I do not know.

NO MORE FEAR.... LET IT GO... 'They' made you FEAR... Because they have had this revelation LOOOOOONG ago.. and then kept this hidden for everyone else by locking everyones mind up in a box... And inside that box every wall reflects back the words.. FEAR this... To make sure you don't go to close...

"Nothing can Happen to you that wouldn't happen anyway".. AND THEN YOU CAN START LIVING, LEARNING, Playing. Do whatever you want..

But please, please, do it responsible.. You have no more rights then anyone else.....

And really, what is the use of "physical" fights, or war for "population' control? If you know about that "BIGGER" picture? ;-)
Acceptance and trying to "UNDERSTAND" becomes at once much more sensible...

It is that easy people....

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Old 11-10-2008, 02:55 AM   #23
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Old 11-10-2008, 03:11 AM   #24
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Default Re: Can any of you work this one out.

Originally Posted by brutus35 View Post
Let me remind you that the only purpose that we are here on this plane of existence, is to realise and embrace our Divinity, to change that part of our conciousness that is still in darkness to Light, so that we can re-merge with our higher self, which is pure Light....SIMPLE..

I get this, but when I reach this point I'm stuck with the question, To what end? I mean if we manage to realize and embrace our divinty, re-merge with our higher self, which is pure Light. do we move on to something else or do we just start all over again?

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Old 11-10-2008, 04:15 AM   #25
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First of all, there is no such thing as an empty space. It is just not possible.
You may remember the experiment conducted by the german physicist Otto Von Gerrick, who tried to create an empty space, within the magdeberg hemispheres. When they thought they had succeeded they tried using 16 horses, 8 on each side of the half spheres, to pull them apart but could not.
They then concluded that even if you can create a space close to empty. it will have to be completely sealed off, super strong, and nothing will be able to exist in such a space.
When we have discovered and accepted our divinity, and as such end our cycle of reincarnating on the earth plane, we enter into a state of unlimited potential and full consciousness. We will then decide what we want to do next, where we want to go or exist or what next we want to create. We can even chose to return to the earth plane to assist those who are still in the learning process and are in need of guidance and consolation. The choice is always ours, has always been and always will be.
For the benefit of those who are still in doubt about choice..Please understand, that before you entered into this phase of earthly existence, you chose your parents, your name, the village, town, city and country you were to be born into. you chose your education, the car you will drive, in otherwords you chose every thing down to the most minutest detail of yor sojourn here, even the time and manner by which you will leave this earth plane. One reason is so that you will not be able to blame anyone for your present station or evoloutionary unfoldment...although many of us still do..
We fall victim to years and years of human conditioning and indoctrination and we totally forget who we are and why we are here.

That is why I think it was shakespeare who said, that All knowledge is reminisscent..
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