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Old 09-13-2008, 11:54 AM   #1
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Question How Do I??

Hello, I really hope I have put this in the right place, but I need some guidence please.

I started my spiritual path some 10 years ago, it has snowballed in the last 2 years.
Last year I realised I was channeling a spirit guide, her name is Clara and she rocks!! Because of this my depths of who I am have become deeper, to the point where I feel I do not fit in anywhere, which I can handle because I would rather stand alone than with people who don't get me.
I am training to be a spiritual coach and I want to help as many people as I can to awaken or at least understand that there is more going on here than we know.
I am aware that each of us will see and feel things that others don't and those that have had the awakening experience would have done so through their own means.
Where I feel stuck is where to go next. I feel the internal knowlege I have is huge and putting that into words is so impossible, anyway, I have watched and believe I have FELT the 2012 Enigma and am sitting with my partner tonight to go through the Project Camelot. I feel like bursting inside when I watch and read and listen to these things. After this, where do I go, how do I deal with the knowledge? What do I do with the knowledge and how do I keep feeling a part of the bigger picture instead of feeling like I stand alone?
How do I encourage people to listen when it all sounds so crazy to a novice??
Do I even make any sense here??
How do I go about starting something in my area via this forum? I just feel like the more I learn the more questions I have, I just need a little guidence as to where to go after this??
I am so excited about sitting tonight and listening to the discussion between Camelot and David Wilcock. After that I will work through all that is here, but what do I do with the knowledge? What do I do? How do I find what my role is? I do believe I am meant to teach people about their souls and their inner light!! Hope I make sense, thankyou for this opportunity to be around people who are walking this path.
Kat xx
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Old 09-13-2008, 12:56 PM   #2
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Default Re: How Do I??

Hi Kat and welcome. So many questions, where do i begin.
I will start with a quote,

One is to cultivate the seven factors of enlightenment: mindfulness, investigation into phenomena, energy, bliss, tranquility, concentration, and equanimity

You wish to open peoples eyes to what is going on, and this is right of you. But the reactions of others can be fustrating for some.

I will tell you what was told to me by my guide. 'Tell those about the secret things you know, tell them once and show them proof. If they still do not wish to listen, do not bring it up to them again. Only if they bring it up, show them the way forward'

This that was said to me is for the benifit of others as well as others. For if you constantly talk about such things on deaf ears you will be ridiculed.

You can start something in your area by posting in the areas/countries section. This would be a good start, you never know, there may be a group already in here in your area!

As to 'where to go after this' You will find all the answers in this forum i am sure.
There is much knowledge and direction to be learnt here.
We are all here in this time period to see out an age,as we have done before,again and again, and set the way for the generations to come.

All of our roles are one of the same here, as we have done before, to break down the illusion of this world and bring about the next.

This forum will be your guidence.
Dont look for your role, as your 'role' has already started.

i look forward to seeing you in the forums!

Originally Posted by SpiritStones View Post
Hello, I really hope I have put this in the right place, but I need some guidence please.

I started my spiritual path some 10 years ago, it has snowballed in the last 2 years.
Last year I realised I was channeling a spirit guide, her name is Clara and she rocks!! Because of this my depths of who I am have become deeper, to the point where I feel I do not fit in anywhere, which I can handle because I would rather stand alone than with people who don't get me.
I am training to be a spiritual coach and I want to help as many people as I can to awaken or at least understand that there is more going on here than we know.
I am aware that each of us will see and feel things that others don't and those that have had the awakening experience would have done so through their own means.
Where I feel stuck is where to go next. I feel the internal knowlege I have is huge and putting that into words is so impossible, anyway, I have watched and believe I have FELT the 2012 Enigma and am sitting with my partner tonight to go through the Project Camelot. I feel like bursting inside when I watch and read and listen to these things. After this, where do I go, how do I deal with the knowledge? What do I do with the knowledge and how do I keep feeling a part of the bigger picture instead of feeling like I stand alone?
How do I encourage people to listen when it all sounds so crazy to a novice??
Do I even make any sense here??
How do I go about starting something in my area via this forum? I just feel like the more I learn the more questions I have, I just need a little guidence as to where to go after this??
I am so excited about sitting tonight and listening to the discussion between Camelot and David Wilcock. After that I will work through all that is here, but what do I do with the knowledge? What do I do? How do I find what my role is? I do believe I am meant to teach people about their souls and their inner light!! Hope I make sense, thankyou for this opportunity to be around people who are walking this path.
Kat xx
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Old 09-13-2008, 11:52 PM   #3
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Default Re: How Do I??

I'm just so danged impressed with the quality of the minds here! SpiritStones, I just know you are in the right place. AMA-GI, no better response could have been given!

My journey started a long time ago. I always had psychic abilities, and a very intense energy that either draws people to me or repels them. As a young person, I was taken under the wing of some unique people...a couple of mediums, assorted psychics, a bruja, and a few genuine occultists all mentored me as a teenager and young man. I cannot tell you how many times a total stranger has walked up to me and insisted that they knew me in another life, or that I hold some key to some mystery, or that they have some special knowledge for me or I for them. I have learned a lot from a few of these people, but mostly I've had to learn shielding techniques.

By my 30s I was leaving it behind. I still associated with artists and spiritual types, but I didn't dabble in the occult. I married, bought a house, worked, and lived a fairly normal live for the next couple of decades. I continued my exploration of religions and philosophies, and never doubted the spirit world existed. I've never been totally free from manifestations. I still pulled out the Tarot cards once in a while. Then my marriage came apart, I lost it all and had to start over. That was eight years ago, and that's when the really interesting stuff started.

Without going into a long ramble I'll just say that my mind began to be opened, and all of the early training began to come back to me and it began to make sense in a way it never had before. Now, it's: so THAT'S why they taught me all that stuff!

The last two years have been a time of almost nonstop information input. Sometimes I am left with my head spinning! I often see spirits as well as sprites. Sometimes I even hear them. I have EVPs, OBEs and NDEs. I've been visited by spirits and by entities, and have no idea WHAT they were. I've seen my parents in the spirit world (they're still in conflict). I've seen forward, backward and sideways, sometimes at the same time. I have listened to the voices of trees and seen them glow. All of this is part of the constant stream of data. I have learned - am learning - how to engage specific areas of the brain in ways that give these visions and encourage new insights. I'm learning to do things and visit levels that used to require the use of psychedelics. The visions aren't as intense, but the epiphanies are better.

In the last two years I have been shown that my city is built on top of an ancient ceremonial landscape of huge dimensions. There's every indication that it is older than the Indians who say they have lived here for 10,000 years. I am still gathering information, but if I'm really the only one who knows about this and if I have the eerie feeling that I didn't find it but was "shown" it, well then that's part of this stream of insights. I have discovered an enormous sensitivity to earth energies. And I have found peace.

Now the work starts. How do I?? I don't know, I'm finding out. I can't always tell if I've found the way or the way has found me. Doesn't really matter so long as I am in the right place at the right time, does it? I do not know where this incredible path leads, but I'm finding what I searched a lifetime for even when I didn't know what I was looking for. Tranquility and peace, universal love, new windows of perception - and work, good work.

Last edited by whitecrow; 09-14-2008 at 01:06 AM.
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Old 09-14-2008, 09:52 AM   #4
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Default Re: How Do I??

You are still learning.... so am i!!

Don't let this information chastize you from society, the deeper we dig without preperation the more we push everyone around us away - i know first hand.

Enjoy yourself as much as humanly possible, who really wants to be a worry bug about the world coming to an end? honestly? replace that fear with a healthly vision of safety.

Follow your path and it will lead you where you want to be or dont, if something is really out of joint for you recognize it and remove it for your own sanity - some stuff can really bug people out.

Your at the time in your path where you realize a bigger picture and feel no power... this my friend i have seen HUNDREDS of times and i feel sad to see it... The second you realize you can make a change in your life the second you realize humanity needs to stand up and all do the same - it is not your worry, follow yourself!

Be cautious of people who make alot of money preaching about 2012, they will scare the **** out of you just to buy a book.

How do you make a novice understand? just speak how you do and if he finds it to be truth then he will go after it, sometimes people have there own personal problems to sort out before then can save the world.

The more you question without action the more you will feel isolated and alone, no one will understand you. That is your problem and the only word i keep hearing in my head for you is ACTION.

Act on how you feel and honestly go for your dreams, let this information and truth set your spirit into a motion that cannot be stopped for you see it is your true being, just try and stop the truth.

What do you do with this knowledge?? let it swim around in your mind then make a choice as to what you can do with it, we cannot take down the fat cats in washington right now (i think we could if we ALL banded together) but what you can do here and now is the little simple things (may i add wonderful?) the next time someone needs a door open - open it. The next time someone needs a dollar for some food give 2 dollars, humanity is a fragile being in the end. Handle them with care.

Best wishes with your journey always remember we are always around and here!

Last edited by JohnWdoe; 09-14-2008 at 09:59 AM.
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Old 09-14-2008, 10:30 AM   #5
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Default Re: How Do I??

Thankyou for your kind words and support. I guess I had tried to be human for so long, tried to fit in, I now feel blown away by my abilities and knowledge.
I have been watching as much as I can and reading, this is awsome. WOW.... Thankyou so so much, I know I am in the right place.
Hugs Kat x
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Old 09-15-2008, 05:27 PM   #6
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Default Re: How Do I??

Follow your heart and always keep your feet ahead of you (not levitating) for to move forward one must challenge himself/herself.

I hope your feeling good and don't hesitate to get to know more people, we are not here to judge but help.

Hope all is well!
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