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Old 01-30-2010, 07:29 PM   #1
Avalon Senior Member
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Exclamation FREAKING MAGIC - The veil removed

It has been often claimed that the black projects are operating on a technological level which their insiders themselves describe as “Freakin Magic”. That’s because these technologies are using hyperdimensions, psychic energies etc. to produce mind-boggling results.
Its been claimed also that these technologies are used to influence the general public to subjugate them into buying into a particular believe-system or mindset.
These claims can rarely be proven with public available material. One rare proof, for example, is the existence of alien implants in humans. But there is more proof…

Lets take a look at another phenomena called CRISS ANGEL, or the “MINDFREAK”:

Criss has proven to be a more or less talented illusionist. By using the standard repertoire, he disappears, get cut into pieces and walk on acryl plates covered by water.
But some stunts are going far beyond any possible explanation:


Of course we can always say, that all participants were paid actors and that its all a cheap sham. But that’s not what this thread is about.
Lets assume we are looking at a real phenomena in some of these videos.

So the question is: How and Why?

Lets analyse the first two vids: To make an elephant disappear/appear in concrete-floored garage is unexplainable by normal means. Remarkably in both cases a human chain was formed, with the elephant inside.
One can say that the circle serves as a proof, that the elephant has not been walked out of/into the bed-sheets from the place optically covered by them. But what if the chain is used like in a pagan or wiccan ritual, in which these magnified psychic energies are used to achieve the feat? Are these energies channelled here by technological means to make the elephant disappear?

Speculation you will say, but now I will proof to you that Criss is been helped by Freaking Magic technologies to achieve some of his stunts:

In the third video Criss is flying in an open golf course. There are no cranes or helicopters with any flying acryl-plate on which he can stand. I believe that he was really flying there. But how?
Look at timeframe at 0:57 . When he is been lifted up, briefly a UFO can be seen:

Also here at 1:15

and here at 1:24

This is far more than a casual optical glitch of the camera.

Can it be that the cloaking screen of the UFO was a little bit failing when they activated the beam which carried Criss?

Looks like.
It is a proof for me that Criss Angel is a Psyops participant of the PTB.
But what might be the agenda behind that operation?
For that we have to look at the bigger picture: Lets assume that the operation of the “second coming” of Christ/Aliens or whatever is on its way.

The main aim is:

The wilful subjugation of mankind to the authority of a “God Almighty” which has not so godly intentions.

Where comes Criss into play?

Criss might get groomed because he is a test to see how far a gullible youth can buy into accepting him as a god.

Watch this video:


There Criss walks on water with a Jesus-beard and chemtrails in the background. In this video 25 times “OH, MY GOD” was shouted by obviously payed actors.
The title of this short video is “Criss Angel is a GOD”:


It got nearly 500.000 views. This hammering of being a god because of some magical stunts is obvious.
If Criss´s scenario plays out to be successful, then he will be a kind of authority to facilitate the acceptance of the coming God, which proofs himself through doing the “impossible”.
Does Criss play a Petrus role for the PTB, by paving the way for things to unfold ?

Edit April 2010: ALL 5 vids have been removed from youtube. There are more than 10000 vids of Criss, but these 5 have been removed because of "copyright".


Well, 5 gone and 9995 left to go!

Last edited by bashi; 04-09-2010 at 10:18 AM.
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Old 01-30-2010, 08:26 PM   #2
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Default Re: FREAKING MAGIC - The veil removed

The PTB know that there is no magic, only suppressed knowledge. That's what they're after: getting knowledge and keeping it for themselves. They are magicians and they trade secret knowledge with each other. That makes Criss one of them. The less explainable a trick is, the more years of suppressed knowledge you look at. Imagine how much Tesla must have been hated. All of his life, he kept discovering new magic possibilities, but he was not suppressing them. Magicians don't want so much media coverage that scientists will get interested in their tricks. Scientists don't believe in magic. A Bluebeam scenario would have to shut up the entire scientific community. How is that possible?
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Old 01-30-2010, 08:29 PM   #3
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Default Re: FREAKING MAGIC - The veil removed

Please define Magic
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Old 01-30-2010, 08:40 PM   #4
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Default Re: FREAKING MAGIC - The veil removed

The gullibility factor has also been programmed into society through many methods, especially hypnosis techniques using colors, food, drugs, images, education, etc., as triggers which open the masses hive mind to victimhood.

Snap yourself out of the triggers and subtle programs of 'sleep.' Rip the veil, rip the 'shield' of denial, and rip the games of tptw by recognizing how individuals are responsible for the desecration of this planet... then rebuild an outcome.

Reprogram your own life and an end result for the highest benefit to all humanity. Make up your own program that works for you and all.
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Old 01-30-2010, 08:47 PM   #5
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Default Re: FREAKING MAGIC - The veil removed

Great research, and great post. I had always had the intuition that Chris Angel was not faking some of the stuff he does.
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Old 01-31-2010, 04:55 AM   #6
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Default Re: FREAKING MAGIC - The veil removed

Criss is no Angel in my opinion (he might actually be a reptilian hyb.)

Also most of his tricks might just be holographic projections.

Just my 2 cents.
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Old 01-31-2010, 05:55 AM   #7
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Default Re: FREAKING MAGIC - The veil removed

Originally Posted by Céline View Post
Please define Magic
As in "if you like what you see, don't try to figure it out".
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Old 01-31-2010, 06:05 AM   #8
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Default Re: FREAKING MAGIC - The veil removed

Namaste. I concur "there is no magic, only suppressed knowledge"
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Old 01-31-2010, 08:14 AM   #9
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Default Re: FREAKING MAGIC - The veil removed

I remember David Copperfield explained the trick with a vanishing carriage, so even bigger than an elephant. In his case, so called memebers of the audience, were his "accomplice". The carriage was on a kind of platform which was lowered below the floor.
In this case Criss applies the same distracting techniques, Copperfield did. He stresses that the group members have to hold their hands tight. Quite probably a lot of the members of the audience were observing if the circle wasn't broken...
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Old 02-01-2010, 07:13 PM   #10
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Default Re: FREAKING MAGIC - The veil removed

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
Great research, and great post. I had always had the intuition that Chris Angel was not faking some of the stuff he does.
Oh please. Angel is a simple (but good) illusionist. His tricks are known within the magic community. They are for sale often. I have bought several of his 'tricks'. They appear to be truly magic to most, but once you know the secret it's just another stunt.
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Old 02-01-2010, 08:28 PM   #11
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Default Re: FREAKING MAGIC - The veil removed

To assume that Criss Angel is an agent of The Powers That Be because he uses "magic" seems rather ludicrous and paranoid to me. I have thought for years that he might be tapping into some of the powers that we all have access to if we would only develop them, but using those powers does not mean he is in cahoots with the nasties. It might mean that he is somewhat careless in attracting too much attention, but not that he is a so called "agent". And if he is... so what... who cares. He is still very entertaining. However I do not see him as having predominantly dark energy, certainly he can tap into it but so can many of us.

What is called magic (true magic, not clever illusions) is only using abilities that are not understood. Magic is basically pure physics. There is nothing mystical or godlike about it. We all have the ability to travel to other dimensions, to alter time and travel in time. We also can use our abilities to influence things here on this earth, if we so choose, such as "walking" on water, walking through so called "solid" objects, levitation, etc. Usually when people have developed these abilities they do not choose to display them unless they are a "guru" who wants a large following or an entertainer who wants the attention and/or money. So what Criss Angel is doing is not all that big a deal, but only boggles the minds of those who are relatively ignorant.

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Old 02-01-2010, 09:28 PM   #12
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Default Re: FREAKING MAGIC - The veil removed

Originally Posted by burgundia View Post
... In his case, so called memebers of the audience, were his "accomplice". ...
This is how much of this sort of thing is done. The scene is constructed to appear spontaneous and the audience as 'innocents', however the truth is everything is highly choreographed including the audience itself. Chris Angel is an illusionist. He cannot actually read minds, levitate, fly, pass through walls or teleport. Sorry. It's an ...illusion ...
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Old 02-01-2010, 10:13 PM   #13
Ravens and Doves
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Default Re: FREAKING MAGIC - The veil removed

Originally Posted by bashi View Post


There Criss walks on water with a Jesus-beard and chemtrails in the background. In this video 25 times “OH, MY GOD” was shouted by obviously payed actors.
The title of this short video is “Criss Angel is a GOD”:


It got nearly 500.000 views. This hammering of being a god because of some magical stunts is obvious.
Does Criss play a Petrus role for the PTB, by paving the way for things to unfold ?

Regarding the water walk in a Las Vegas swimming pool: Did anyone notice that his legs were trembling at times and he had to carfully place each foot square on the surface of the next "step" in fornt of him? You can do that trick too: Have an ice company make very large, flat, clear ice blocks for you. This might take a little research as to the most stable shape and the type of ice that floats just near the surface without popping up (some advanced clear pastic?).

If it was a true demonstation of spirit, he should have been able to breeze right across at a natural walking stride. When I saw him looking down at the pool concentrating on the stability of the next foot-hold, I thought, "Welcome to the circus, kids! (where tatoos and long hair have been old-hat for generations)."

Bowing out, for now (I got discount tickets in my back pocket I gotta unload quick!),


PS. I like many things the magician says, don't get me wrong... I'm just reportng on what I observed during the walk-on-water stunt. He could be a great guy to hang out with, for all I know.
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Old 02-01-2010, 11:57 PM   #14
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Default Re: FREAKING MAGIC - The veil removed

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
Great research, and great post. I had always had the intuition that Chris Angel was not faking some of the stuff he does.
Took the words right out of my mouth.. yes agreed.

Great investigating Bashi.
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Old 02-02-2010, 12:45 PM   #15
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Default Re: FREAKING MAGIC - The veil removed

Hi this is a wonderful thread to illustrate how we can be tricked, no matter where that trick might actually come from.....

However look at the below 20 minute clip of Keith Barry who is an illusionist and openly admits it, however it doesn't take away one bit from what he can achieve. As the video goes on it is trully magic !!

One thing he mentioned though which I found stuck in my head, he said if you are not trained in the art of deception you will always be looking in the wrong place.

Have fun

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Old 04-06-2010, 04:53 AM   #16
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Default Re: FREAKING MAGIC - The veil removed

Great thread, Bashi!

The videos you linked to have all been removed due to "copyright" reasons.
I found another YouTube video this afternoon showing the UFO and his levitation act and sent it to my sister.
And guess what, that video is also gone now
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Old 04-09-2010, 12:37 AM   #17
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Well, that proves everything!!!
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Old 04-09-2010, 09:18 AM   #18
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Default Re: FREAKING MAGIC - The veil removed

There will be a continuation on PA2.
I will try to find new vids, so that they can be removed

Link: http://projectavalon.net/forum4/show...e-veil-removed
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