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Free Energy Free Energy devices and information

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Old 11-25-2008, 08:03 PM   #101
Flying Pyramid
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Originally Posted by DJModer View Post
Thank you for your explanation.

I can visualize that the pyramid and the balls do not touch, however three balls have to sit on a flat surface and stay in a fixed position, some how. I think, the spinning axis needs to be perpendicular to the surface. If the balls center of gravity are not balanced (due to some error in notch locations and volume or due to the pyramid spinning axis misalign), they may spin out of the positions.

Even if the spinning balls do not touch the pyramid, they will create friction with the floor and produce heat causes wear and tear (if spinning at high rpm), unless everything levitate.... May be, this is not a big deal.

The only to verify this is to build it. I appreciate that you share the information with us. I really like to see this idea become a reality.
Yes the entire setup is suspended but not levitated in mid air.
They would be suspended in a fashion that created little or no interference.
The pyramid will levitate over the 3 spheres but it must be pressed down so that they are all in the right configuration.

Originally Posted by ayadew View Post
You are right, I never thought about the world in that way. Thank you recallone.

On-topic: Also, thank you for this thread, it's a very interesting concept, but the main problem with creating a true free energy device is the extreme precision in construction needed. Is this correct?
Yes but there is alot of fun in trying different approches, styles, objects.
Even try other shapes and see what happens. We are entering uncharted territory, there are no "rules" to go by. This is outside of our structured physics. Have fun.

Originally Posted by khepran View Post
...in slo mo again



are the spins of the magnet spheres perpendicular
to the ground plane, or to the angles of the pyramid
as shown in the animation?

That is a good question, you'll have to try both and see what happens.
I can tell you however, that depending on where you are on the earth it will have slightly different effects. But always point north to north and south to south.
The notches are looking better. You have the right idea but now make them deeper. Look at a swastika, see how the arms stretch out from the center.
Take a piece of paper and draw a cross (a giant plus sign) and begin from the top of the top line and draw a curve from the top of that line to about the middle of the line to the left. Now repeat on all four sides.
NOTE: middle of the line is not 19.5 degrees but you will get the idea.

Peace, Love & Light
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Old 11-25-2008, 08:42 PM   #102
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Flying Pyramid,

I have been going over and over your posts here in order to get a picture of this thing in my mind so that my contemplations of it can contain some accuracy. I really want to learn this with the proper concepts so that when it comes to building one, I better know where I am going.

Here are several questions that have arisen so far.

you said:

4.) If you were to look at the pyramid straight on from the side,
Half of the pyramid would sit above the balls and the other half would rest below the balls.
This must mean that the balls too are suspended above the downward point of the pyramid since the downward tip of the inverted pyramid is BELOW the balls. Is that accurate? Perhaps the three spheres are on a ring shelf? Or do they levitate upwards also?

You also said:

Magnitite is the first step.
Develope the system on this material first and when the world understands how and why it works, then we can begin the next step.
Can you or anyone inform us as to where chunks of raw magnetite can be obtained?

Also, what method would you recommend to machine magnetite? Would it require lazer cutting? Or, would diamond tools be sufficient? Or some other method?

I also have a question concerning the "notches" on the spheres. 4 per sphere, right?

You said:

Make the spheres like the number 6.
That's more than a little cryptic but perhaps you could give a clearer hint? It could mean several things.

Look at a swastika and imagine it being rounded and the 4 arms make 4 notches.
If I was imagining a rounded swastika in the middle of a sphere would it be distorted diagonally from the axis of the sphere's rotation? 19.5 degrees at the swastika's tips from the North and South centers of rotation? Or should I imagine the rounded swastika to be on the outer skin of the sphere?

If you were to look at the sphere from the side, the notch would appear like a cresant moon, thin at the top and bottom but thick, 19.5 degrees thick, in the middle.
Does this mean that the "notches" are not round dimples as kepher shows in his gif? Are they left hand crecent moon shaped with the center 19.5 degrees from the N/S axis of rotation?

You say this whole device is somehow suspended. Does that mean that the balls are on a circular shelf or tray with the tip of the levitating inverse pyramid pointing down in the center with its tip BELOW the balls which are rotating to the 3 sides centered with the inner pyramid? And does it mean that the 4 "notches" in the balls are crecent shaped rather than round and would they be left hand or right hand crecent shapes centered north and south from the axis of the rotating spheres by 19.5 degrees away from the axis poles of the rotating spheres? In other words, do the notches appear as pointy crecent "Cs" or reversed? Possibly both ways according to the rounded swastika?

I hope these questions makes some sense.

Am I in left field or right field?
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Old 11-25-2008, 08:45 PM   #103
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

And folks for your entertainment. TWO videos about others that are seeing plans for a Star Ship in the crop circles:

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Old 11-25-2008, 09:57 PM   #104
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

If you draw that curve as (sqrt(5)+-1)/2 you'll be right on.

Alternatively attached drawing, courtesy Paul E Potter, depicts the very principal. In this case it happens to be four spheres set in motion which will establish a powerful vortex in the center of those spheres.

In FP's example the pyramid only rotates because of the vortex set in motion by those three rotating spheres. Same principle. No worries.

Yes, it IS a way of doing it by using 'basic' materials obtainable by the average person. FP's design does not require high tech at this stage hence is a very good learning tool and appears to be 'fairly save' to play with.

Yep, those forces set in motion can get rather ferocious.


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Old 11-26-2008, 12:14 AM   #105
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

I have been working on connecting famous sites all around the world using Google Earth. I have made a little program in which you can just put the coordinates of sites like this:
And you can press generate KML button and whoa la, you have KML code that just needs to be saved by your favorite text editor as .kml file. This file can be viewed by Google Earth and you will see lines that connects all those sites at the same time.
The program can be downloaded here:
Maybe someone will find it useful in their search for truth and knowledge.
Best regards.

Maybe I will make this program to be like you want it to be, just tell me what you want and I will try to find a spare time and make it a little more suited to your needs. This program certainly isn't done.
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Old 11-26-2008, 01:29 AM   #106
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Hi I know nothing about this sort of thing but it's better to sound foolish than be silently clever.

What if there is either a magnetite plate or box that the spheres and pyramid sit over/in. Would that allow for control? Do super conductors with their aligned properties come in at any point?

Fascinating thread, science and a little mystery too.
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Old 11-26-2008, 02:50 AM   #107
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret


no mysteries here at all!

All we are talking about is another way to establish a controlled vortex and make use of its properties. That's all there is to it.


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Old 11-26-2008, 12:34 PM   #108
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Originally Posted by Flying Pyramid View Post
Instead of unintentionally hijacking Gregor's thread about pyramid power and advanced mathematics i started this one.

There are a few posts on "Free Energy" and a few on debunking free energy.
So allow me to put it to rest right now.
FREE DC ENERGY does exist. It is a reality and YES it's free.
As long as we, the ground crew +, keep it free.

How do we keep it free?

By telling everyone in the world who will listen how it's made.
Keep the knowledge free and there can never be a price put upon it.

Here is the problem:
The true power of what most of us know will never be released until after the 2012 event. Only then will mankind as a whole except where and how we came across this technology.
Yes i know the secret to free everlasting free standing free dc energy but no matter what i do it will not be accepted by anyone as a valued energy source because i can not lie about where i got the information, and that caused my utter downfall a year and a half back.

Alright screw it, i'll just tell you all the truth about me:
It's to close to our time for me to be afraid any longer.

My name is Richard Scott Brooks.
In early 2006 i built a company called REVOLUTIONS inc. and a 3D animation studio called Flying Pyramid Studios, rightly named after the tech of how i came across this energy. In late 2006 after meeting a man i will refer to as "The Doctor" i tried to mass e-mail the entire world, using my company, with the technology of how to create free dc energy.
The e-mail never made it, my company was seized and shut down, i was driven from my home and have been living off the grid since then.

I recently rebuilt my company & studio and even though they threatened to eat my soul, here i am at it again.


Free Direct Current Energy is created by using the earths rotation and coupled together with raw magnetite.
Now you already know about the various magnet motors and other type engines, but these are still not efficient enough to power a entire city and they still need energy to start them.
Yes this is a huge step in the right direction but not big enough.

I found this information studying crop circles, the planet, the properties of true raw magnetite, the universe and ancient cultures.

Quite simply here it is at it's basic form:
First you must understand the governing bodies of a physical universe which are angular momentum and centrifugal force.
Everything in our universe including the universe itself spins and rotates (with the exception of the moon which i will address in a minute.)
Now look at the mechanics of magnets.
At there core what are they?
Mineral deposits that have 99% of there ions facing the same direction which attracts and repels others like it positive/negative.
Alot like a human huh?
Now we already know that if you file raw magnets into simple geometric shapes and place them together in a particular arrangement they do fantastic things. This particular arrangement that i'm about to tell you about is only one use.

What are the pyramids?
Well that is a complicated question as they are multi-purpose.
But i will answer a few basics.
1.) They are a blueprint of where our planet upwells energy from.
2.) They show us how to harness that natural energy.
3.) They are/were jump-gates.
4.) They are machines for self ascension (for those who chose not to wait and do it naturally)

Now place the two together.

Every magnet on this planet has a north and south polarity. +/_
However if you make a solid pyramid magnet the exact same shape and dimensions as the Giza pyramid (angles at 22.5 degrees) something weird happens to it.
If you take it above the equator it will take on a solid northern polarity.
If you take it below the equator it will take on a solid southern polarity.
No other magnet on the planet will do this.
So after looking at all the "trinity" theories and the power of 3 and after long hours of crop circle studies it hit me.
I will try to post some pics to back up what i'm saying later.
But look at the most round like cropcircles and what do you see?
3 solid magnet balls notched on 4 sides at 19.5 degrees.
Hmmm.....we have a pyramid magnet at 22.5 degrees and 3 ball magnets at 19.5 degrees.....where have i seen this before...AH HA!!
The pyramids at Giza are angled at 22.5 degrees, the earths true north and south. The little one is offset at 19.5 degrees.

So Simply place the three ball magnets with north facing north and south facing south and arrange them in a perfect Isosceles triangle the width of the very middle of your pyramid magnet. Now place the pyramid magnet point down in the center of the balls.
The pyramid will levitate and begin to spin for the same reason water spins in your drain, the earths rotation.
Congratulations you've just created perpetual motion that will never stop.
As each corner of the pyramid passes the notch of the balls dc energy will spark from the bottom of the pyramid. As it's speed increases so does the charge.

Congratulations you've just created a self propelling never ending energy source that will never deplete and needs nothing to start.
This is the biggest kept secret on the planet.

Upgrade that basic system and you will create the propulsion system of most of the starships in use today. Why? Because magnetite, just like gold, is a universal mineral that shows up on almost every planet in existence.
There is so much magnetite on this planet you could never ever run out especially because we would never need to use that great of an amount.

Uh oh, looks like i gotta run, i'll try to get back on later today or tomorrow and finish.

Thank you.
Peace, Love & Light

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world shall know peace."

2012 you say

You have been banned from MySpace Forums!
this is todays message for me-

banned from myspace forums- deleted several times from myspace- energy forums- so many- why- i am too bold for you-

I solved the energy crisis by myself with a ONE MILLION VOLT experiment and noone believes me- my friends dont- passer bys dont- scientists dont- noone-

all just ridicule and ignore-

no wonder there is war-

no wonder there is the holocoast

no wonder your WW3 comes-

I have been misled this entire time- i was aware of it for several months-

since I was given a message by god in 1998- i was under impression an age of unity begins- that ww2 was armegedon in order for man to move on-

and so i endevoured in my life long quest to find something the heavens have guided me to bring forth for man to make their lives better-

and now my time has come- but for the first time i needed the interaction of others- and now i find the disgust why others loves their pets more than man- why man kills one another-

I am the christ- you will not understand at this stage for your belly is full- your arrogance is high- your insight is limited-

I must wait for YOUR PREPARATION in order for mankind to move to next stage of global unity-

you are too ignorant and barbaric at this stage and you know it-

war shall fix this- this time all families will beg for food- will pray for safety of children-

if you say it is god that does this- you are wrong- for god has brought you solution but it is YOU that ignored it- AND THIS IS THE MESSAGE

the children of the future that survive shall learn even the enlightened masters of times prior are WEAK- they just watch the bullies attack- they do nothing in order to protect their own lives-

I am always filled with the HOPE that we can do it NOW without any more war- but even the christ cannot do it alone- it takes YOU

my days of screaming are coming to an end- it is your turn to scream as you lose your jobs- lose your health care - watch more children go to war over energy

my little speech in public will come after ww3
what a shame
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Old 11-26-2008, 02:51 PM   #109
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Originally Posted by noblefuse View Post
2012 you say

You have been banned from MySpace Forums!
this is todays message for me-

banned from myspace forums- deleted several times from myspace- energy forums- so many- why- i am too bold for you-

I solved the energy crisis by myself with a ONE MILLION VOLT experiment and noone believes me- my friends dont- passer bys dont- scientists dont- noone-

all just ridicule and ignore-

no wonder there is war-

no wonder there is the holocoast

no wonder your WW3 comes-

I have been misled this entire time- i was aware of it for several months-

since I was given a message by god in 1998- i was under impression an age of unity begins- that ww2 was armegedon in order for man to move on-

and so i endevoured in my life long quest to find something the heavens have guided me to bring forth for man to make their lives better-

and now my time has come- but for the first time i needed the interaction of others- and now i find the disgust why others loves their pets more than man- why man kills one another-

I am the christ- you will not understand at this stage for your belly is full- your arrogance is high- your insight is limited-

I must wait for YOUR PREPARATION in order for mankind to move to next stage of global unity-

you are too ignorant and barbaric at this stage and you know it-

war shall fix this- this time all families will beg for food- will pray for safety of children-

if you say it is god that does this- you are wrong- for god has brought you solution but it is YOU that ignored it- AND THIS IS THE MESSAGE

the children of the future that survive shall learn even the enlightened masters of times prior are WEAK- they just watch the bullies attack- they do nothing in order to protect their own lives-

I am always filled with the HOPE that we can do it NOW without any more war- but even the christ cannot do it alone- it takes YOU

my days of screaming are coming to an end- it is your turn to scream as you lose your jobs- lose your health care - watch more children go to war over energy

my little speech in public will come after ww3
what a shame
I can tell your new to this forum.
Are you the Christ Spirit?
If you were then lets address your tone - negative?condescending?
Let us see schematics of your 1000000 volt machine or even a drawing .
Is it more likely your bitter and twisted?
I dont know.
But this site is about people who do care .
You want to preach about how we are all going to suffer go elsewhere.
So Christ if you need the interaction of others I would suggest you adjust your attitude -
If have nothing positve to say......
As for your speach after WW3 good luck with that if it turns out you are Christ but remember impersonating Jesus/Father/Spirit has got to be a mortal sin -good luck coz I can not remember Jesus endorsing WAR
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Old 11-26-2008, 04:19 PM   #110
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Flying Pyramid,
Very interesting. I have had the "golden triangle" image trying to catch my attention everywhere I look.

Your presentation of your ideas have just sent my mind spinning and my ears ringing.

Thank you!
Peace & love
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Old 11-26-2008, 04:35 PM   #111
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Originally Posted by Flying Pyramid View Post
1.) They are centered in the same spot spinning in revolutions ajacent to the pyramid, there center never moves from it's location much like the image posted by khepran.

2.) There is no friction because the balls and the pyramid never touch at all in anyway. They are close enought to slide a sheet of paper through but they do not actually touch. Therefor no friction, no decay.
The entire setup is suspended in some fashion and not grounded.

3.) Yes, i will have all the materials posted soon as possable.
Even if the forum goes subscription, there are people here how have expressed their ability to repost my posts here so you all can keep up with what's going on. Even though i do not agree with this as it interferes with fellowship and being able to ask/answer questions but it is nessasary.

4.) If you were to look at the pyramid straight on from the side,
Half of the pyramid would sit above the balls and the other half would rest below the balls.
Flying Pyramid,

Are you saying that:

1.) The balls are a) notched to clear the flats of the pyramid, and b) their axis of rotation is inclined my x (or 22.5 degrees), and that c) they are in synchronous rotation with the center pyramid?

2.) Might the balls be in a nonmagnetic bearing? Again, is this the axis of declination from the flying pyramid?

3.) I will also offer to forward this valuable information if Avalon permits.

4.) So the balls are notched to clear the ridges of the pyramid sides, and that from the side, the tops of these balls' axis' would be tilted in towards the center?

Thank you Flying Pyramid!
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Old 11-26-2008, 05:43 PM   #112
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Question Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Originally Posted by Flying Pyramid View Post
I'm sure there is still days of time before the subscription goes into effect so i will be posting the diagrams, specs, and visualization art in about 24 hours.
Well... it's been a bit more than 24 hours and you still haven't posted any diagrams, specifications nor visualization art. From the 24 hour time-frame you povided, one would assume you'd have something posted by now.

What's the problem?

Last edited by MaskMarvl; 11-26-2008 at 05:53 PM.
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Old 11-27-2008, 07:52 AM   #113
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Much Aloha to FP for sharing, can't wait for your next post
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Old 11-29-2008, 04:24 PM   #114
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Hey again,

How's this? (animation attached)


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Old 11-29-2008, 09:59 PM   #115
Flying Pyramid
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Originally Posted by nestingwave View Post
You say this whole device is somehow suspended. Does that mean that the balls are on a circular shelf or tray with the tip of the levitating inverse pyramid pointing down in the center with its tip BELOW the balls which are rotating to the 3 sides centered with the inner pyramid? And does it mean that the 4 "notches" in the balls are crecent shaped rather than round and would they be left hand or right hand crecent shapes centered north and south from the axis of the rotating spheres by 19.5 degrees away from the axis poles of the rotating spheres? In other words, do the notches appear as pointy crecent "Cs" or reversed? Possibly both ways according to the rounded swastika?

I hope these questions makes some sense.

Am I in left field or right field?
Yes it is a suspended above ground and not grounded.
The spheres are not so much like c's but more like half circles.
This is the most basic setup of the idea so people can learn and understand how and why it works not just that it works.
There could be all types of shapes and notches and angles that produce different energy or fields.
What i am trying to do is change the foundation on which we build things.
Most of the world is already there, they've already figured it out but they did not have the right foundation to work off of.

Originally Posted by nestingwave View Post
And folks for your entertainment. TWO videos about others that are seeing plans for a Star Ship in the crop circles:


Originally Posted by berathebrain View Post
I have been working on connecting famous sites all around the world using Google Earth. I have made a little program in which you can just put the coordinates of sites like this:
And you can press generate KML button and whoa la, you have KML code that just needs to be saved by your favorite text editor as .kml file. This file can be viewed by Google Earth and you will see lines that connects all those sites at the same time.
The program can be downloaded here:
Maybe someone will find it useful in their search for truth and knowledge.
Best regards.

Maybe I will make this program to be like you want it to be, just tell me what you want and I will try to find a spare time and make it a little more suited to your needs. This program certainly isn't done.
Looks cool. could be very useful if it was programmed with the actual data of proper locations.

Originally Posted by PodWORLD View Post
Hi I know nothing about this sort of thing but it's better to sound foolish than be silently clever.

What if there is either a magnetite plate or box that the spheres and pyramid sit over/in. Would that allow for control? Do super conductors with their aligned properties come in at any point?

Fascinating thread, science and a little mystery too.
Yes eventually all thing will come into play with this technology.
It, at it's base, is a physical source of electomagnetic energy.
This is the "framework" of this technology.
This applies to all things includeing organics and hyper-organics.

Originally Posted by noblefuse View Post
2012 you say

You have been banned from MySpace Forums!
this is todays message for me-

banned from myspace forums- deleted several times from myspace- energy forums- so many- why- i am too bold for you-

I solved the energy crisis by myself with a ONE MILLION VOLT experiment and noone believes me- my friends dont- passer bys dont- scientists dont- noone-

all just ridicule and ignore-

no wonder there is war-

no wonder there is the holocoast

no wonder your WW3 comes-

I have been misled this entire time- i was aware of it for several months-

since I was given a message by god in 1998- i was under impression an age of unity begins- that ww2 was armegedon in order for man to move on-

and so i endevoured in my life long quest to find something the heavens have guided me to bring forth for man to make their lives better-

and now my time has come- but for the first time i needed the interaction of others- and now i find the disgust why others loves their pets more than man- why man kills one another-

I am the christ- you will not understand at this stage for your belly is full- your arrogance is high- your insight is limited-

I must wait for YOUR PREPARATION in order for mankind to move to next stage of global unity-

you are too ignorant and barbaric at this stage and you know it-

war shall fix this- this time all families will beg for food- will pray for safety of children-

if you say it is god that does this- you are wrong- for god has brought you solution but it is YOU that ignored it- AND THIS IS THE MESSAGE

the children of the future that survive shall learn even the enlightened masters of times prior are WEAK- they just watch the bullies attack- they do nothing in order to protect their own lives-

I am always filled with the HOPE that we can do it NOW without any more war- but even the christ cannot do it alone- it takes YOU

my days of screaming are coming to an end- it is your turn to scream as you lose your jobs- lose your health care - watch more children go to war over energy

my little speech in public will come after ww3
what a shame
I have no idea who or what you are but i love you anyway and god bless.

Originally Posted by Debbie Loslo View Post
Flying Pyramid,
Very interesting. I have had the "golden triangle" image trying to catch my attention everywhere I look.

Your presentation of your ideas have just sent my mind spinning and my ears ringing.

Thank you!
Peace & love
Thank you.

Originally Posted by Squeptikal View Post
Flying Pyramid,

Are you saying that:

1.) The balls are a) notched to clear the flats of the pyramid, and b) their axis of rotation is inclined my x (or 22.5 degrees), and that c) they are in synchronous rotation with the center pyramid?

2.) Might the balls be in a nonmagnetic bearing? Again, is this the axis of declination from the flying pyramid?

3.) I will also offer to forward this valuable information if Avalon permits.

4.) So the balls are notched to clear the ridges of the pyramid sides, and that from the side, the tops of these balls' axis' would be tilted in towards the center?

Thank you Flying Pyramid!
1.) Yes/maybe/depends on what setup
2.) No, the spheres must be magnetic. The inclination is decided apoun the setup and desired outcome.
3.) Sure
4.) Depends

Originally Posted by MaskMarvl View Post
Well... it's been a bit more than 24 hours and you still haven't posted any diagrams, specifications nor visualization art. From the 24 hour time-frame you povided, one would assume you'd have something posted by now.

What's the problem?
Your right and i appologize.
Again, may i remind you i am always on the move and have to use what resourses i can on the go.
I am shooting for something this weekend.

Originally Posted by kauhane View Post
Much Aloha to FP for sharing, can't wait for your next post
Thank you

Originally Posted by khepran View Post
Hey again,

How's this? (animation attached)


Getting better but think of half bowls rather than a notch dug out of an object. Imagine each quarter of the sphere being a half bowl.
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Old 11-30-2008, 06:04 PM   #116
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Hi Flying Pyramid,

I thought you asked for some ham radio information on this thread. Now I can't find it. Sorry, if it's on a different thread - but here's the conversation, entire.

Subject: Apollo Moon Conversations Show NASA Coverup

The following are excerpts of conversations from Apollo Astronauts on the Moon to Mission Control - which show that the Astronauts came across some strange and hard-to-explain structures and unusual sightings of unidentified craft - while on the surface of the Moon.

These unusual findings, when added together with the anomalies which Richard Hoagland has shown to exist on Apollo Moon photographs, provide compelling evidence for an ongoing NASA coverup of what the Apollo Astronauts really discovered on the Moon from 1969 to 1972.

The following Apollo Astronaut conversations were mostly taken from the out-of-print book "Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon" by Don Wilson (Dell, 1975):

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1) Apollo 16 Mission: April 16 - 27, 1972;
Charles Duke, Thomas Mattingly and John Young land in the Descartes highlands:

Duke: These devices are unbelievable. I'm not taking a gnomon up there.
Young: O.K., but man, that's going to be a steep bridge to climb.

Duke: You got - YOWEE! Man - John, I tell you this is some sight here. Tony, the blocks in Buster are covered - the bottom is covered with blocks, five meters across. Besides the blocks seem to be in a preferred orientation, northeast to southwest. They go all the way up the wall on those two sides and on the other side you can only barely see the out-cropping at about 5 percent. Ninety percent of the bottom is covered with blocks that are 50 centimeters and larger.

Capcom: Good show. Sounds like a secondary ...

Duke: Right out here ... the blue one that I described from the lunar module window is colored because it is glass coated, but underneath the glass it is crystalline ... the same texture as the Genesis Rock ... Dead on my mark.

Young: Mark. It's open.

Duke: I can't believe it!

Young: And I put that beauty in dry!

Capcom: Dover. Dover. We'll start EVA-2 immediately.

Duke: You'd better send a couple more guys up here. They'll have to try (garble).

Capcom: Sounds familiar.

Duke: Boy, I tell you, these EMUs and PLSSs are really super- fantastic!

It is obvious that the astronauts are talking in code - meant to disguise what they are referring to. The big question is why the excited cries? Can this be *merely* due to the collecting of Moon rocks, as they would have us believe? Or did they find something much more substantial, which was not meant for public knowledge?



As well, in there is what I think is a lot of activity lately. E.g.

1. 20 Jan 2008. Lunar Echo Experiment looking for Amateur Radio Participants (Jan 17, 2008 [REVISED Jan 18, 2008 10:26 ET]) -- The HF Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Alaska and the Long Wavelength Array (LWA) in New Mexico are planning an additional lunar echo experiment for January 19-20. Interested radio amateurs are invited to participate in this experiment by listening for the lunar echoes and submitting reports.


2. February 2008. China's moon song.

3. Nov 14, 2008. India's probe lands on moon.
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Old 11-30-2008, 08:54 PM   #117
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Originally Posted by Flying Pyramid View Post
Looks cool. could be very useful if it was programmed with the actual data of proper locations.
There is an example of actual data when you start the program. Try entering just three coordinates and you will see how it works. Here is an example of what to type in:


And that's it. Now you just press the button "Generate KML" and you have your kml code.
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Old 11-30-2008, 09:34 PM   #118
Flying Pyramid
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
Hi Flying Pyramid,

I thought you asked for some ham radio information on this thread. Now I can't find it. Sorry, if it's on a different thread - but here's the conversation, entire.

Subject: Apollo Moon Conversations Show NASA Coverup

The following are excerpts of conversations from Apollo Astronauts on the Moon to Mission Control - which show that the Astronauts came across some strange and hard-to-explain structures and unusual sightings of unidentified craft - while on the surface of the Moon.

These unusual findings, when added together with the anomalies which Richard Hoagland has shown to exist on Apollo Moon photographs, provide compelling evidence for an ongoing NASA coverup of what the Apollo Astronauts really discovered on the Moon from 1969 to 1972.

The following Apollo Astronaut conversations were mostly taken from the out-of-print book "Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon" by Don Wilson (Dell, 1975):


1) Apollo 16 Mission: April 16 - 27, 1972;
Charles Duke, Thomas Mattingly and John Young land in the Descartes highlands:

Duke: These devices are unbelievable. I'm not taking a gnomon up there.
Young: O.K., but man, that's going to be a steep bridge to climb.

Duke: You got - YOWEE! Man - John, I tell you this is some sight here. Tony, the blocks in Buster are covered - the bottom is covered with blocks, five meters across. Besides the blocks seem to be in a preferred orientation, northeast to southwest. They go all the way up the wall on those two sides and on the other side you can only barely see the out-cropping at about 5 percent. Ninety percent of the bottom is covered with blocks that are 50 centimeters and larger.

Capcom: Good show. Sounds like a secondary ...

Duke: Right out here ... the blue one that I described from the lunar module window is colored because it is glass coated, but underneath the glass it is crystalline ... the same texture as the Genesis Rock ... Dead on my mark.

Young: Mark. It's open.

Duke: I can't believe it!

Young: And I put that beauty in dry!

Capcom: Dover. Dover. We'll start EVA-2 immediately.

Duke: You'd better send a couple more guys up here. They'll have to try (garble).

Capcom: Sounds familiar.

Duke: Boy, I tell you, these EMUs and PLSSs are really super- fantastic!

It is obvious that the astronauts are talking in code - meant to disguise what they are referring to. The big question is why the excited cries? Can this be *merely* due to the collecting of Moon rocks, as they would have us believe? Or did they find something much more substantial, which was not meant for public knowledge?



As well, in there is what I think is a lot of activity lately. E.g.

1. 20 Jan 2008. Lunar Echo Experiment looking for Amateur Radio Participants (Jan 17, 2008 [REVISED Jan 18, 2008 10:26 ET]) -- The HF Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Alaska and the Long Wavelength Array (LWA) in New Mexico are planning an additional lunar echo experiment for January 19-20. Interested radio amateurs are invited to participate in this experiment by listening for the lunar echoes and submitting reports.


2. February 2008. China's moon song.

3. Nov 14, 2008. India's probe lands on moon.

I did reffer to ham radio reciever transmissions in the "Project Avalon General Discussion" forum under the thread "19.5 + 22.5, 38th Paralell, Erth/Galaxy/Universe Energy Hotspots & other random info".
The mention was for the transmission that was broadcasted last, before NASA started scrambling all the transmissions after that.
You can find it on the net somewhere.
It was from a female astronaut that said "Huston, we have crossed the 'Centient Barrier' and regained conciousness".

Hmmm...this tells me that they had to be asleep to cross this barrier.

P.S. Reply to this post in the appropriate thread located here: http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...?t=8031&page=2
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Old 12-01-2008, 04:10 AM   #119
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

...because the individual consciousness field leaves the body when asleep.

on another topic, please see attached concept. I guess this would be like 1000x slower than the real thing...ciao, k
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Old 12-01-2008, 05:50 AM   #120
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Fascinating concept Richard!! I too have spent a great deal of time studying the crop circle patterns and Ive made a lot of sense out of it. Thank you for giving this information!!! I have been building many different designs of various free energy machines but have failed to succeed so far.

This clip reveals alot.


I recreated this experiment to see for myself the magic.


I may try to build your device, since it sounds completely plausable.

Thanks once again!!
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Old 12-01-2008, 08:20 AM   #121
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Post Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Hi, here you can download information about free energy motors, there is good information for making free energy motors that can run any generator and power your entire house.

The secret in this motors is Hi DC voltage and very low amp. Hi Static electricity is the key, RADIANT ENERGY, cold electricity.








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Old 12-01-2008, 10:36 PM   #122
Flying Pyramid
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Originally Posted by khepran View Post
...because the individual consciousness field leaves the body when asleep.

on another topic, please see attached concept. I guess this would be like 1000x slower than the real thing...ciao, k
Now you've got it. Mahe the notches more like extentions of the sphere and not so much like carvings.
But yes this is the very basic idea.
Btw, what are you useing to make the image?

Originally Posted by Spiritelemental View Post
Fascinating concept Richard!! I too have spent a great deal of time studying the crop circle patterns and Ive made a lot of sense out of it. Thank you for giving this information!!! I have been building many different designs of various free energy machines but have failed to succeed so far.

This clip reveals alot.


I recreated this experiment to see for myself the magic.


I may try to build your device, since it sounds completely plausable.

Thanks once again!!
Cool. Yes everyone is heading in the same direction and would have eventually landed at this conclusion, i just wanted to speed things up a little. Once scientists base thier theories and work on this base concept they will begin to rediscover the "forbidden knowledge".

Originally Posted by Paramartasaya View Post
Hi, here you can download information about free energy motors, there is good information for making free energy motors that can run any generator and power your entire house.

The secret in this motors is Hi DC voltage and very low amp. Hi Static electricity is the key, RADIANT ENERGY, cold electricity.









Again all useful but will be more suficient once it is based on harnessing the earths natural dc charge and trying to create thier own motion.
The motion is already there you just have to harness it.

Flying Pyramid
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Old 12-02-2008, 02:06 AM   #123
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Originally Posted by khepran View Post
Hey again,

How's this? (animation attached)



Just wanted to say "thank you" for these great gifs and your creativeness as the vision of this thing graduallly unfolds.
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Old 12-02-2008, 04:54 AM   #124
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Hi Richard,

Where can one buy Magnetite? just curious, thanks.
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Old 12-02-2008, 05:46 AM   #125
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Default Re: Free DC Energy _The worlds biggest kept secret

Flying Pyramid,

Hey, alright! It's been fun. Learning Maya, used nurbs on the magnet spheres, converted to polys for the animation. Seems like the magnet spheres spin perpendicular to the ground plane, it fits better that way based on your descriptions. Don't know if they spin counter-clockwise as shown. Good luck to whoever builds it {and please send me one}. The frame or supports would look cool like this style, using brass and other non-magnetic metals;

Carbon fiber would seem to work for the frame. Any engineers out there?
Anybody want to design the structure that holds the spinning pieces in place?


what a nice thing to say, thank you. I'm here to serve...
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