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Old 10-27-2008, 08:34 AM   #76
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Last edited by dayzero; 11-26-2008 at 11:25 AM. Reason: bad feeling
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Old 10-27-2008, 08:41 AM   #77
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Smile Re: If you are seeking 'salvation', evolution of your soul to the next density. Read

Excuse me. I didn't go back quite far enough on the thread. I'm just appreciative that's it's here.
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Old 10-27-2008, 01:25 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by dayzero View Post
But it's not Gregor's thread!

I blame Yeshua.
You know exactly what I mean. Phillip has become into each thread and IMO, going very off topic which is unacceptable in the name of promoting his views w/o any consideration for others especially when we are trying to have a positive discussion relevant to that specific topic.
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Old 10-27-2008, 06:14 PM   #79
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Last edited by Alexandra; 11-10-2008 at 02:20 AM.
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Old 10-27-2008, 06:46 PM   #80
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Default Re: If you are seeking 'salvation', evolution of your soul to the next density. Read

Originally Posted by Alexandra View Post
If the bible is a corrupted piece of literature, then may I be so bold as to ask,"Where do you derive your information about Yahweh and Jehoshua"?

What do you base your belief system on, if it is not the bible and other scholarly works? I sincerely hope that I am being clear in my questions. I am assuming that you did not channel this or take it out of thin air.

Firstly, the truth is out there, just not in any single source. My study of the Hebrew culture began when I studied various sources of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are very ancient scrolls (true copies of scriptures) that were only discovered some 50 years ago in caves (of course by the Dead Sea). From the actual scriptures that I've seen, some of it are still readable, but most are torn, rotten, or unreadable. It's all in ancient Hebrew and not even new Hebrew. From what are legible, you can read the Hebrew characters of the Almighty's true name. You noticed how in modern Bibles, His name was taken out and replaced with "Lord" (means Baal, by the way) and "God." God, once again, is not a name. It is a position of power or job. It's kind of like calling you, Manager, all your life and not by your own name.

YHWH is the English letter transliteration. In ancient Hebrew, it's way different. Here is an example: http://www.eliyah.com/yhwhdss.html. Hebrew doesn't have vowels, so you won't see it there. But the best spelling you can preserve in English is Yahweh. The best way to pronounce His name is "Yahuwah." But in Hebrew, the middle part is pronounced very fast and you can barely hear it. And the last 3 letters would sound more like "weh" than "wah" if you have the right accent. So the best we can come up with is "Yahweh."

Yahushua, the Son of Yahweh's name was found in a similar fashion. Anyways, the rest of my beliefs were found in many different Bible translations, including the Septuagint, which is one of the oldest Greek translations of ancient Hebrew. I have also read various translations from Israel that were translation from a combination of Hebrew texts for the Old Testament and Aramaic/Hebrew New Testament copies.

The Holy Scriptures were not meant to be taken out of context by taking out a few verses here and there and make your own interpretation. It is not of your own or private interpretation. It is Yahweh's Spirit's interpretation, and He will reveal the truth to you if you follow Him with everything you have. I also rely on Yahweh's Spirit to guide me many times as I research. I have a VERY intensive prayer life and relationship with the Father, which is in Heaven. In fact, there was one night when I made my usual prayer before going to bed when I finally called upon His true name. That night, He gave me an extremely POWERFUL dream that confirmed that what I have researched are correct. That is why I Love Him and Know that He blesses me with great wisdom and understanding of all scriptures and truth! I'm also a dreamer and have dreamed of many revelations from Yahweh throughout my life, especially recently. Revelation means to "reveal." I hope that helps.


Last edited by ctophil; 10-27-2008 at 06:50 PM.
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Old 10-27-2008, 07:21 PM   #81
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there is no bigger god or creator "outside" as we are.......

come in our full P o wer , find the creater within

................ and perhaps find some time to "meditate" in wich form however

and don"t use so much ENERGI to write nonsens


and people use the time to get ready to go on water


.....does it really help u ???

KEEP ON FOKUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 10-27-2008, 07:43 PM   #82
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May I just say, Phillip, that you simply cannot take an ancient text and translate it in modern times with an expectation of finding truth or accuracy.

Accuracy is lost - not merely in translation of aramaic to Greek and then into English - but because there are cultural and historical differences that we simply cannot understand. We cannot extrapolate the mindset of ancient Judea into modern Western understanding.
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Old 10-27-2008, 07:44 PM   #83
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The creation is highly stratified. Most paths lead nowhere if not to hell. The path is only as good as it's living teacher. Dead teachers are no more effective than a dead doctor would be. Wandering in the dark, on your own, is naive and useless. The old methods and paths won't even raise your spirit to the heart center of the spiritual material regions. In fact, it's extremely rare for anyone to ever reach the third eye in full consciousness. Countless people are deceived even in this regard. Ancient practices are not effective and can not be followed with any success today. The Devil is spreading an almost unlimited number of misdirections in an effort to keep the spirits here. That's what all of the conspiracy stuff is really all about. Human birth is the most important and priceless of opportunities. Only a human has potential access to the entire creation and can be anything from the serial killer to the true saint. Philosophy and rationals amount to nothing but deception and waste of a golden opportunity.
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Old 10-27-2008, 08:19 PM   #84
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Nice point Allie. That's exactly what I was thinking when reading Phillip's piece. I really hope Phillip you're not basing your beliefs on translations. I am a Classics major learning latin, and hopefully ancient greek after that, with my ultimate goal in mind being sanskrit (reading the Vedas first hand). Take a look at the Emerald Tablet, which is one the greatest pieces of philosophy out there. There's a bunch of translations out there but only upon reading in Latin do I understand it much more. I can't even imagine if I could read it in it's root language what it may even hide.

Another serious point, LANGUAGE IS FLAWED! I don't know how many times I've gotten hung up on discussing philosophy with people because we don't know how to convey it in words. The only true language is one in which nothing is lost is translation or the conyeing of the message, which is mathematics. One could also consider the language of the soul to be a true language, but being it is riddled with metaphors, the translation of the message may be somewhat arduous.

Universal truths are the knowledge of the universe, which can be discovered from within without any outside influences.

Another question I ask, why does these writings, such as the Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls, transcend other ancient philosophies such as the Vedas? The Vedas were so important that they were committed only to memory, versus being written on paper promoting forgetfulness of the texts. The forgetfulness can only be lifted once they're discovered in a cave by a shephard boy. The Vedas are technically as old as 3,500 years, but there has been prevailing evidence this past decade they could be as far back from 8,000 BC!

The Rigveda which was the first of the four Vedas, and I believe it was equalivent to 16 Odysseys in length, was committed entirely to memory. That means that a society for up to 10,000 years memorized this important text and passed it down through the ages.

What's even more interesting is the hymns within the text, in relation to the short and long sound vowels in the hymns, are based off of Phi, the Golden Ratio.

The ultimate language passed down for 10,000 years in a cryptic, metaphorical language, like that of the soul, for us to learn of in this day and age. And if you have a background in the past decade plus developments in Atlantis, or the existence of a pre-Sumer maritime civilization, it wouldn't be that hard to put one and one together in that hey, maybe these folks in India know what the hell they're talking about.

If I had to put my so called faith in an outside source, I think it would have to lean toward 10,000 years of a society's dedication, then someone who thought these important piece of writings should sit tight in a cave for the next generation of people to find.

So what do I believe? 1.618. Because where ever I go there it is. I can see it in your appearance. I can it in a tree. I can see an ancient epic. I can see it the god forsaken stock market! It is everywhere! And that my friend, that is truth. The real question is, how do you interpret it and apply it to your own life.

Last edited by GregorArturo; 10-28-2008 at 12:03 AM.
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Old 10-27-2008, 08:36 PM   #85
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Default Re: If you are seeking 'salvation', evolution of your soul to the next density. Read

Originally Posted by ctophil View Post
The Holy Scriptures were not meant to be taken out of context by taking out a few verses here and there and make your own interpretation. It is not of your own or private interpretation. It is Yahweh's Spirit's interpretation, and He will reveal the truth to you if you follow Him with everything you have. I also rely on Yahweh's Spirit to guide me many times as I research. I have a VERY intensive prayer life and relationship with the Father, which is in Heaven. In fact, there was one night when I made my usual prayer before going to bed when I finally called upon His true name. That night, He gave me an extremely POWERFUL dream that confirmed that what I have researched are correct. That is why I Love Him and Know that He blesses me with great wisdom and understanding of all scriptures and truth! I'm also a dreamer and have dreamed of many revelations from Yahweh throughout my life, especially recently. Revelation means to "reveal." I hope that helps.

Please, I mean no offense but I have some questions.. How do you know that Yahweh or Yahweh's spirit is guiding you? And how on Earth could you or anyone else prove this? What is 'REAL'? What is 'TRUTH'? Do we REALLY know these things? Or do things seem real because we feel? How do you know that Heaven exists as they say it does? Have you been there for 'REAL'? And if you have, could you ever possibly prove this to anyone?

And does Yahweh Judge? Most people I've encountered who follow RA say that he will Judge you. We judge ourselves and I think that it just isn't important to be arguing about Jesus or Yahweh or whoever.. All of us will know TRUTH when it is our time.

How is it that you can trust your dreams to be the truth? How do you know that it is Yahweh that is revealing the truth to you in prayer and in dream? I have had many terrible nightmares, as realistic as it can get. Seeing the end of the world, seeing Satan himself, or all so I 'thought'. But I have not turned these dreams into belief. Have you turned yours? And why? For comfort?

I appreciate your patience. Once again, please, I mean no offense If you could answer my questions that would be most appreciated. Thanks
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Old 10-27-2008, 08:40 PM   #86
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You don't have to convince me of the unreliability of language I'm with you all the way.

From a psychological perspective - Society...communication....it all functions on shared understandings of any given word.

What I mean when I mentally envisage any given word before it's spoken - say 'liar' or 'lover' for example, is based on my personal experience of a liar or what love means to me. What anyone else's interpretation of those words is depends on their experiences, too. There may not be a complete correlation between the two.

Language for some - especially children - is black and white. Ask a child for their version of 'liar' and it can be as simple as being told they can go to the park later. It pours with rain, they can't go so the person who told them they could has not told the truth - ergo, they are 'liars'.

For some, language is intensely introspective and personal, for others less so. This is probably why human beings fail to understand each other - they rely on imperfect, shared understandings.

Have I thread-jecked here?
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Old 10-27-2008, 09:45 PM   #87
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What is the topic of this thread? I lost track about 2 pages ago. Maybe the OP of this thread can give us an overall summary of the discussion.
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Old 10-27-2008, 10:22 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
What is the topic of this thread? I lost track about 2 pages ago. Maybe the OP of this thread can give us an overall summary of the discussion.
The topic was only about sharing the Ra Material to people. At most, it was a detailed recommendation. However, as usual with any forum, people began to denounce the material and express their negative views toward it. Phillip (ctophil) then began his usual preaching of his beliefs, shooting down the Ra material. Some joined in with him, however, me and few others decided to defend some philosophical truths about beliefs, not necessarily the Ra material specifically. The tone has moved from being a tad hostile and irrational, to becoming more rational and productive.
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Old 10-27-2008, 11:12 PM   #89
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Default Re: If you are seeking 'salvation', evolution of your soul to the next density. Read

Originally Posted by Princess Mew Mew View Post
Please, I mean no offense but I have some questions.. How do you know that Yahweh or Yahweh's spirit is guiding you? And how on Earth could you or anyone else prove this? What is 'REAL'? What is 'TRUTH'? Do we REALLY know these things? Or do things seem real because we feel? How do you know that Heaven exists as they say it does? Have you been there for 'REAL'? And if you have, could you ever possibly prove this to anyone?

And does Yahweh Judge? Most people I've encountered who follow RA say that he will Judge you. We judge ourselves and I think that it just isn't important to be arguing about Jesus or Yahweh or whoever.. All of us will know TRUTH when it is our time.

How is it that you can trust your dreams to be the truth? How do you know that it is Yahweh that is revealing the truth to you in prayer and in dream? I have had many terrible nightmares, as realistic as it can get. Seeing the end of the world, seeing Satan himself, or all so I 'thought'. But I have not turned these dreams into belief. Have you turned yours? And why? For comfort?

I appreciate your patience. Once again, please, I mean no offense If you could answer my questions that would be most appreciated. Thanks
Hi Princess Mew Mew,

Ah, don't worry those are certainly valid questions. There are certain doctrines and truths during my research that I would stay on for months at a time. During this time, I would consider many options. But the one that Yahweh wants me to stay on gets very heavy on my heart and conscious. He also shows me via dreams about certain doctrine and guides me with His messengers (another word for Angels). At times, He does speak to me directly through my heart via a powerful, spiritual voice that no one can hear but myself. Yahweh operates on an extremely "black and white" model. That means there are nothing in between the black and the white, no gray matter. There are nothing confusing when He wants to tell me something. He is not an Elohim (God) of confusion. So when I know these doctrines that are Truth, then I will teach it to others. Otherwise, I will continue to ask Him if this is what He wants me to know through prayer, fasting, and so forth.

Can I prove this to anyone? Yes and no. You see, Yahweh does not open to just anyone. He only opens to people He has chosen and that those people have chosen Him. As I said in other posts, Yahweh chooses you first (because you have a future that promises to love and obey Him all the way), and then you choose Him. Yahweh Elohim doesn't need to prove anything to anybody. That is a fact in scripture, and many things that He has done in my life. He just opens up His heart to those who love Him.

Now, you can probably see the "proof" in real life by hearing and seeing the miracles performed through the power of Yahweh, if you have ears to hear and eyes to see. He only perform miracles if they fulfill His will and that at least one of His true believers ask of Him something through the name of Yahushua. And when we ask Him something, it has to be a thought of righteousness, which means it can't be an act of selfishness or unholy actions. For example, I can't ask for money just so I can show off to my friends that Yahweh grants these things like a "genie in a bottle." That's not who He is. What most people perceive of the Father is a genie. They only ask Him things when difficulties in life start to come about. That is not a relationship. On the other hand, the Devil likes to prove things to people. So you will see that a lot. Yes, Satan can perform miracles, but you have to decipher its "fruits," if it is for evil or good.

I encounter 3 different types of dreams.

1. Normal Dreams - This is usually just a scene that my brain makes up. It's about my life, some event, or somebody else's life. Or it could be historic from years ago. It can also be a random, everyday event like going to school or work.

2. Nightmares - I used to get nightmares all the time. These are demonic and evil. Remember that all nightmares are from Satan or his minions. My nightmares range from somebody's death, attacks by demons, attacks by vicious animals, or attacks by some person/thing. I no longer have nightmares, since Yahweh has protected me from these. Please realize that I have had nightmares since I was a little kid. It only stopped early last year when I got close to my Father.

3. Heavenly Dreams from Yahweh - These have there own categories. Before these dreams occur, my body has a sudden surge of some energy, and I feel very blissful before and after the dream. These dreams I can remember for years and years. They are embedded in my spirit or something like that. These dreams always end up with a happy ending...and it glorifies Yahweh and His name at the end.

a. Visions of the Kingdom of Heaven (very beautiful and glorious scenery) - I had these when I was much younger, probably 10 - 15 years ago. There were a couple of recent ones too.
b. Visions of Prophecy - Some future events in real life that will happen in my lifetime. But these visions are only for me to understand, not for anybody else. Some of them are about my personal life, and others are about the future of mankind.
c. Visions of Scripture Interpretation - These explain certain scripture doctrine that I didn't understand while studying.
d. Visions of Faith - These are a test of faith. Because during these dreams, I am tested to my limit throwing impossible odds into my life, and I must depend on Yahweh throughout the dream to overcome. Examples would be getting stuck in the middle of the ocean and I have to get out of there through faith.
e. Visions of Flight - A recurring dream for the past 15 - 20 years. In this dream, I am hovering above ground ALL the time. I NEVER touch the ground. In every dream, I am in a different location on Earth, either it be at a mountain top, a forest, a parking lot, somebody's house, or a huge stadium setting. I can raise my body up into the air, but can't go very high. These dreams have come to a conclusion recently.

These dreams are not just comforting, but are VERY, VERY powerful. The feelings during and after will leave you with a taste of Heaven, not breathing hard and scared like nightmares. Colors, music, and sights you can not see on Earth and can't explain either. Now how can you doubt something like that? Not me I tell you that!

Oh I am sorry I forgot to answer about your judgment question. Yahweh is a just Elohim. And He will judge righteously. I will refer you to one of my posts earlier last week:

Originally Posted by ctophil View Post
Hi Peer,

Do you want to see Yahweh's mercy? Well, let me show you something. First of all, most people know that the wages of sin is death. I'm sure that you have heard of Hell before in mainstream Christianity. Hell in Hebrew is called Sheol. Sheol means "The Grave." Hell is simply a place to dump dead bodies until when? The first or second resurrection. Hell is NOT and I repeat NOT a place of eternal torment. There's no such thing as a place of eternal torment. There is a place of eternal death. But that's a different issue. That's not what the Bible teaches. The Hell doctrine by Christians is a deceptive lie. Anyways, the point is that when you die, you are just completely dead (you are unconscious or sleeping) until He resurrects you. Then, you will be judged. You will be judged based on your works. Because you (just an example, I'm not saying just you) had little faith in Yahweh or no faith at all. He will give you another chance based on what you did.

To make a long story short, depending on the individual, Yahweh does give you another chance. But in finality, it is still up to you to choose. Remember one thing, He chooses you first before you choose Him. Just think about that for a minute. If He chose you, you were chosen because your future holds much obedience and love for Him.



Last edited by ctophil; 10-28-2008 at 12:12 AM.
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Old 10-27-2008, 11:44 PM   #90
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In the same light of not wishing to offend a belief system, Phillip, can I ask another question?

I am assuming you will have made some study of the sciences at school - or even at a higher level - and so wonder how you reconcile your understanding of physics, chemistry, biology and Earth sciences to your understanding of Yahweh?

Assuming your system allows that Yahweh is the only creator, then it is must follow that Yahweh is also unfathomable in the sense that our most brilliant minds on earth have only scratched the surfaces of these sciences - which in turn are his creation.

You will forgive me, I hope, if I say that the Yahweh you describe appears a little perdantic, petty and perhaps even a little insecure since he appears to require such rigid obedience from an aspect of his creation (us) which must be rather tiny when viewed as a whole.

I cannot reconcile this Yahweh with a Creator whose brilliance (for lack of suitable words) is such that by comparison our minds must be somewhere around the level of an amoeba. How can such a mighty creator shrink down to a level whereby our belief system matters so much? Isn't that an insult to Yahweh - to assume he has mortal foibles?
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Old 10-27-2008, 11:58 PM   #91
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Here is another perspective of Yahweh. And this is not to stir up another debate. It just goes to show that there are many perspectives of beliefs out there.

Alien Intelligences are written about all over the Bible and other ancient texts as 'angels', 'arch angels', God (Yahweh), gods, goddesses, Nephilim, and the Elohim (see "Anunnaki" link). The Old Testement is simply a condensed version of libraries full of ancient Sumerian and Hebrew text and tablets. They wrote about contact with the Lyrian, Pleiadian, and the Orion Anunnaki. The Lyrian lines are the origins of enlightenement. Many of these beings look just like us (except they're usually taller). These "human" types have many different branches of genetic lineage with features that range from Afro to Nordic (blonde haired). Most people already know a little about the Ancient Egyptian, Nordic, Mayan, and Greek "gods". Examples are: Shango the African (ORISHA) god of the lightning energy (an upline from Zulu), Enki , Zeus, Aphrodite, Quetzalquatl; the feathered serpent (worm hole) god, and Horus. People in the old world described them as traveling in what they called "chariots in the sky". The various types of "gods" are just alien races and the "chariots" were starships that they traveled with.
This was found here.
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Old 10-27-2008, 11:58 PM   #92
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Phillip, I would like to hear an answer from you in reference to my words. I am in no means of a competition, but otherwise I can only resolve that you are not able to contradict such philosophical truths.

And dreams, my friend, are only the first step. Just wait until you start having visions in a waking conscience. Try out some meditation, it can do wonders. And no one is doubting your dreams, but it sounds like you may be misinterpreting them as most dreams are not simply in black and white, but they speak in the language of the soul and that is through metaphors, just as in all the ancient scriptures speak in. And the three types you speak of, guess what? I experience them too, except I tend to phrase the heavenly dreams slightly different. And nightmares can be related just as much to the normal dreams. And if you were much more spiritually adept, you'd realize the difference between brain and mind, especially when referring to dreams.

And you want to talk about energy. I am holding up my hand right now, in a fully waking state, and it is absolutely full of energy, a ridiculous amount, as this energy is intelligent, it is conscienceness, and with the right open mind and practice, one can learn to commune with it without the use of say dreams or meditation.

I do not mean to be hostile if that seems to be the case, but your approach to things have been for the most part inappropriate and disrespectful at times. However I'm definitely hinting a sense of spiritual materialism in you: Ego pride. Many of us here have had our own unique and personal experiences, as you said with yourself: DO NOT DOUBT YOUR OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCES. However, each and every person has their own unique personal experiences. Remember that. I had a 100% success on remote viewing this week, and couldn't have nailed it more dead on. And it's by no means the first. I have had dreams of past lives and been revealed information that I should not know, but have confirmed it with current historical and archeological findings. I've supposedly even been visited by the Council of Saturn informing me of some of my role to play. However, does this make my experiences so powerful that I need to go around preaching them that this is the just creator speaking through me? That I am some divine wanderer here to save Humanity and bring them to salvation. I do not think so. We are one in the same, and I am no better than anyone else, neither are you. We all have a journey and a quest, and it is found within our own selves, as you have with your dreams.

Good luck with your journey.
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Old 10-28-2008, 12:01 AM   #93
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You're right that language is flawed. It is religions want people to focus on the nuances - the micro details of what this verse or that passage means.

Comprehension of the broader message is what counts - and that message transcends the vaguaries of language.

As an example of what I mean...

Can you determine the message of this post?

Originally Posted by borrasca2012 View Post


there is no bigger god or creator "outside" as we are.......

come in our full P o wer , find the creater within

................ and perhaps find some time to "meditate" in wich form however

and don"t use so much ENERGI to write nonsens


and people use the time to get ready to go on water


.....does it really help u ???

KEEP ON FOKUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 10-28-2008, 12:07 AM   #94
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Originally Posted by arcora View Post

You're right that language is flawed. It is religions want people to focus on the nuances - the micro details of what this verse or that passage means.

Comprehension of the broader message is what counts - and that message transcends the vaguaries of language.

As an example of what I mean...

Can you determine the message of this post?
Excellent point. However, the message isn't that cryptic or metaphorical in terms of 'figuring it out'. But instead of wasting our energy bickering in a forum over spirituality, we should take it into the real world to make a difference there.

Yet, to answer that, I feel there is an excellent lesson(s) to be learned by anyone participating in this discussion so I choose to remain.
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Old 10-28-2008, 12:13 AM   #95
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Elohim Yahweh was an Ego-Centric MAN who came down in his Space Craft to Enslave certain groups of People. ALL religions are FALSE, as they Blind Human Beings to the Truth of Creation. Religions divide Humanity into warring camps, set one against one another for 'control' of the Populations of Earth.

Creation IS above ALL 'gods'. Creation is the Conscious Spirit Alive in ALL the Universes. The Universes ARE, in actual Fact, the Living Embodiment of Creation. The Spirit of ALL Human Beings are a living 'spark' from Creation, and as such, are always an Evolving aspect of Creation itself. The Spirit of Human Beings NEVER lose their 'connection' with Creation, even though We suffer the 'Illusion' of Separation while We inhabit physical Bodies. That which has no Ending, can Not have a Beginning.

In Peace, which Passes all Understanding

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Old 10-28-2008, 12:34 AM   #96
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Default Re: If you are seeking 'salvation', evolution of your soul to the next density. Read

I am finding this thread/discussion really interesting We all have a point which we feel is valid It's good to hear these points

I would like to support GregorA's statement that many, many of us have had spiritual experiences which are pretty amazing. Mine began when I was six years old. Like Gregor, I don't speak of them much but it was via a direct experience that I learned of the enigma that is 2012. I didn't find it in a book or on an internet site. It came to me.

There is much duplicity about today - how can anyone truly trust where their information is coming from? It is impossible to know. Perhaps we all think it's coming from God. Therefore, you have to bring in your own discernment and, as Gregor says, look into your own soul/self for the answers. We perhaps also need to see the world and/or its inhabitants as a mirror, reflecting our self-acceptance (or lack of) back at us.

It is said that in the Piscean age man has been reliant on saviours. In the Aquarian age, man must become responsible for himself and for his own actions. We cannot keep looking to outside forces to 'save' us
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Old 10-28-2008, 12:39 AM   #97
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Default Re: If you are seeking 'salvation', evolution of your soul to the next density. Read

Originally Posted by Allie View Post
In the same light of not wishing to offend a belief system, Phillip, can I ask another question?

I am assuming you will have made some study of the sciences at school - or even at a higher level - and so wonder how you reconcile your understanding of physics, chemistry, biology and Earth sciences to your understanding of Yahweh?

Assuming your system allows that Yahweh is the only creator, then it is must follow that Yahweh is also unfathomable in the sense that our most brilliant minds on earth have only scratched the surfaces of these sciences - which in turn are his creation.

You will forgive me, I hope, if I say that the Yahweh you describe appears a little perdantic, petty and perhaps even a little insecure since he appears to require such rigid obedience from an aspect of his creation (us) which must be rather tiny when viewed as a whole.

I cannot reconcile this Yahweh with a Creator whose brilliance (for lack of suitable words) is such that by comparison our minds must be somewhere around the level of an amoeba. How can such a mighty creator shrink down to a level whereby our belief system matters so much? Isn't that an insult to Yahweh - to assume he has mortal foibles?
Hi Allie,

All the sciences, art, and studies are our ways of studying and discovering what Yahweh have created. Allow me to quote Arcora from another thread:

Originally Posted by arcora View Post
There is a long history of scientists going full circle and realizing that science itself leads to God.

Albert Einstein was one.
To add to that, everything in this world leads to Yahweh. Because what you see, hear, touch, taste, and feel are the essences of my Father Yahweh. Let me lead you deeper into this understanding. Everything GLORIFIES Him one way or another. You may not know it. I may not know it. But it does glorify Him, some things are easier to see than others. This entire universe is in a incredible, incredible precise cycle. If one thing drops out from the picture, we would either die right away or die eventually. We can not survive. You and I are the glorification of Yahweh. We show His tremendous power, intelligence, and magnificence. Then, if you view who we are, we are a tiny, tiny, tiny, and TINY fraction of His brilliance as you have called it.

So how can such a mighty Creator shrink down to our level? There is the key. You wonder why people call Him the Almighty. Because He is capable of creating a vast universe our minds would explode if we even try to comprehend 1/trillionth of its incredible magnificence. But then....here is a whisper...He can also love and embrace something as small as a piece of sand. Did you realize that every day His thoughts about us are like the sands of the ocean? This is from scripture in the book of Psalms. He constantly thinks about us, about our well-being, our wants and desires, our thoughts (good or bad), our compassions, our past & future, our deeds, our passion, our likes and dislikes, our feelings, AND even the number of hairs on your head!

If He can do these things, He of course can contemplate our insignificant belief systems or whatever comes to mind.

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Old 10-28-2008, 12:58 AM   #98
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Default Re: If you are seeking 'salvation', evolution of your soul to the next density. Read

Originally Posted by GregorArturo View Post
Phillip, I would like to hear an answer from you in reference to my words. I am in no means of a competition, but otherwise I can only resolve that you are not able to contradict such philosophical truths.

And dreams, my friend, are only the first step. Just wait until you start having visions in a waking conscience. Try out some meditation, it can do wonders. And no one is doubting your dreams, but it sounds like you may be misinterpreting them as most dreams are not simply in black and white, but they speak in the language of the soul and that is through metaphors, just as in all the ancient scriptures speak in. And the three types you speak of, guess what? I experience them too, except I tend to phrase the heavenly dreams slightly different. And nightmares can be related just as much to the normal dreams. And if you were much more spiritually adept, you'd realize the difference between brain and mind, especially when referring to dreams.

And you want to talk about energy. I am holding up my hand right now, in a fully waking state, and it is absolutely full of energy, a ridiculous amount, as this energy is intelligent, it is conscienceness, and with the right open mind and practice, one can learn to commune with it without the use of say dreams or meditation.

I do not mean to be hostile if that seems to be the case, but your approach to things have been for the most part inappropriate and disrespectful at times. However I'm definitely hinting a sense of spiritual materialism in you: Ego pride. Many of us here have had our own unique and personal experiences, as you said with yourself: DO NOT DOUBT YOUR OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCES. However, each and every person has their own unique personal experiences. Remember that. I had a 100% success on remote viewing this week, and couldn't have nailed it more dead on. And it's by no means the first. I have had dreams of past lives and been revealed information that I should not know, but have confirmed it with current historical and archeological findings. I've supposedly even been visited by the Council of Saturn informing me of some of my role to play. However, does this make my experiences so powerful that I need to go around preaching them that this is the just creator speaking through me? That I am some divine wanderer here to save Humanity and bring them to salvation. I do not think so. We are one in the same, and I am no better than anyone else, neither are you. We all have a journey and a quest, and it is found within our own selves, as you have with your dreams.

Good luck with your journey.
Hi Gregor,

My dreams are black and white. In fact, Yahweh has mentioned names and places. There are specific things that He showed me. There are vast amount of differences between regular dreams and dreams from my Father. To see the differences, please read my post again if you like. You see, these dreams glorify Him all the way. There are nothing about those dreams that do not speak volumes about His teachings, His ways, and especially His power. Does the Council of Saturn glorify Yahweh and teach you something about His ways? That question is one of the many ways (see my previous post about this topic for more) I judge to see if the dream is Heavenly or not.

This is nothing to do with pride. I am just here to provide everyone with a solid understanding of what Father Yahweh wants us to know, study, and fulfill His will before the new Heaven and Earth arrive here. I definitely feel like I'm following the footsteps of Master Yahushua as he has directed all of us to do....become his disciples. This life is a training ground for what is to come. So I say today, prepare yourself for the Kingdom of Yahweh. For the time is nigh.

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Old 10-28-2008, 01:14 AM   #99
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Default Re: If you are seeking 'salvation', evolution of your soul to the next density. Read

Thanks for your reply, Phillip

I don't think it has answered my main question, though. I think perhaps you have misunderstood it

I was not saying that an Almighty being is unaware of us - and perhaps, as you say, in great detail. What I was saying is that if Yahweh is responsible for the creation and evolution of the Universe, it is reasonable to assume that he is similarly evolved in what we might term emotional intelligence and therefore does not share our mindset - given that it is mortal and probably rather feeble.

Let me draw an analogy, Phillip. If I find a colony of ants has invaded a room in my house I have an immediate understanding of their state. They, by contrast, have absolutely no idea I exist. They cannot possibly conceive the world in which I live with its homes, furniture, schools, technology and so on. Now, given that I am clearly more evolved than they are, would it be reasonable of me to expect them to 'know' me and my world and to punish them if they didn't? Wouldn't it be faintly ludicrous to make such demands of an ant?

Extrapolating from this analogy, I cannot conceive of an Almighty being who would punish me for being what I was - a mere mortal. It is unfathomable to me to conceive of an Almighty who would be remotely interested in whether or not I chose to attend a church, synagogue, mosque - or nowhere at all.

I have never quite understood an Almighty being who demands that you must believe in his son or you're toast. This diminishes his 'might' and confers an entirely worldly egotistical stance on him. For me, Phillip, this doesn't quite stack up

If he is Almighty, then his emotional intelligence must also be way beyond ours.
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Old 10-28-2008, 01:33 AM   #100
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Default Re: If you are seeking 'salvation', evolution of your soul to the next density. Read

Originally Posted by ctophil View Post
Hi Gregor,

My dreams are black and white. In fact, Yahweh has mentioned names and places. There are specific things that He showed me. There are vast amount of differences between regular dreams and dreams from my Father. To see the differences, please read my post again if you like. You see, these dreams glorify Him all the way. There are nothing about those dreams that do not speak volumes about His teachings, His ways, and especially His power. Does the Council of Saturn glorify Yahweh and teach you something about His ways? That question is one of the many ways (see my previous post about this topic for more) I judge to see if the dream is Heavenly or not.

This is nothing to do with pride. I am just here to provide everyone with a solid understanding of what Father Yahweh wants us to know, study, and fulfill His will before the new Heaven and Earth arrive here. I definitely feel like I'm following the footsteps of Master Yahushua as he has directed all of us to do....become his disciples. This life is a training ground for what is to come. So I say today, prepare yourself for the Kingdom of Yahweh. For the time is nigh.

Even though people may shrug this off, I have to say Hidden hand may had something right about channeled material being through negative entities when mentioning specific dates and places to steer people in the wrong direction.

I am not one to put people down, but Phillip you are very ineffective communicator, and have little basis or solid understanding for your positions. I spoke about phi earlier which you failed to address. Right now, I could right a nice piece several paragraphs long explaining the significance and demonstrating the mathematics behind it. With mathematics, a person can see with their own eyes "proof" for its existence. Proof happens through personal experience, and mathematics provides this personal experience as the symbols for numbers representing intangible things that we all comprehend and understand through personal experience. This is you so called 'solid understanding.'

What you are talking about is what Plato would refer to as 'opinion' (In the Republic). It is a piece of information that is variable and can differentiate between realities or existences/incarnations. Let's say you had been born of a different planet. You would have a different culture, language, history, religion, maybe even different mathematical equations for physics! It is not knowledge (according to Plato's use of the term). Knowledge is universal information that can be found all throughout the universe without ANYONE TELLING YOU OR INFLUENCING YOU ABOUT IT! It can be discovered via one's own thoughts, a pen, and a piece of paper.


Pieces such as the Ra Material and Plato's Republic have only REAFFIRMED my beliefs toward philosophical concepts, and have not led me astray in worshiping an ancient Egyptian god.

I have read all your posts Phillip, and I have not forgotten them. I know exactly what you said about your dreams. Do me a favor and read mine, and just think about them! My words can only be viewed as a catalyst as are yours, for it is within your own self where the decisions and the revelations are brought forth in response to these catalysts.

And on a further note, if you understood the Ra Material, along with the vast amount of other information out there in reference to these ideologies, the Council of Saturn, or anyone who upholds the Law of One, heck they don't even have to uphold it, but just in the understanding of all that is, one does not need to glorify the creation. WE ARE THE CREATION! And the understanding of that facilities one love for its infinite beauty.
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