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Old 10-12-2008, 04:31 PM   #126
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Barry while reading The Voice pdf I came across something you wrote and would like to ask you about it if I may?

You said the Greys and the Reptilians (speaking about the ETs not the drones) cannot fully acclimatize due to our atmosphere, so I wonder, are they creating human hybrids using both their genetics?
Correct, some species, that would make sense i think yes

Dan Burisch, another whistleblower , has worked with a Being he refers to as J-ROD. Apparently the J-Rods are a future evolution of human yet they seem to portray some reptilian traits. They seem to be a cross between grey/reptilian/human.

Yet another future human evolution Dan Burisch is aware of is distinctly Tall White in appearance. They are referred to as Tall Blonds though.

Maybe the Tall Whites are genetic descendants of Tall Blonds? Could the Tall Blonds of tomorrow be the Tall White/Human hybrids of today?
depending on the perception, the psychological make up of each individual, sees these beings as it fits their perception/acceptance levels, so might well be same type of beings. That is a very feasible assumption yes

All the Best,


My regards

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Old 10-12-2008, 04:39 PM   #127
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Originally Posted by LadyLake View Post

Dan Burisch has claimed to have known one P53 Grey for many years. He said the P53's indicate how many thousand years into the future they come from. So, his friend(P53), named J-Rod, was from 53,000 yrs into the future. J-Rod explained that the P25's and P45's were not as spiritually enlightened as his own collective timeline. All three groups where originally earth humans. Greys in earth's future suffered DNA breakdown. Supposedly, JRod knew this. The P25's &P45's have traveled back in time to collect DNA, for their never ending battle to save their species. JRod traveled with the P45's to our present time on his own secret mission...a self sacrifice mission, if need be.

BTW, the story Dan describes is very sad. JRod did finally go home, thanks to Dan's help. The military was not kind...and, until JRod met Dan, JRod had miserable inhumane and lonely incarceration.

OK.. my question is about the 'time-traveling' greys, the P25's and P45's.

We know they are exchanging deals with the US military and corporate leaders. We also know there's a nefarious 'oligarcy agenda' for a New World Order. But convincing the masses to move along their agenda requires a certain hypnotic following. Though there are several avenues these agendas are playing out...one in particular keeps bothering me. Religion.

In my lifetime...there have been several discoveries, important to Jews and Christians. Tablets, Papers and newly discovered materials which effect the belief systems of many religious groups. For example, the Book of Judas.
Another recent discovery was finding an old Torah, with the Old Testiment's version of the Coming of 2 Messiah's. It implies that 1 Messiah would live and another would die...something like that. The text implies the Christian Messiah was indeed authentic and he was the one that died. Something like that. (I was never religious, so this question isn't about my faith) However, in present times, looking at our present religious hysteria...these findings bring the two Zionists groups together...both Christian and Jew Zionists, I mean.

Well, to the point. I keep getting this feeling that those crafty Greys have gone back in time to fool humans with these text they're 'hiding'. The Greys could travel back in time, say 10 million yrs ago, and place human bodies in caves...to be discovered by some miner digging for gold or diamonds in 2008. They could leave mechanize machine parts in deeper stratas to baffle academia, making us all confused! (it is kinda funny)

So...what do think? Could these lesser 'evolved greys' be making trips back in time to scramble human history...so the 'oligarchies' could move the followers down some strange new path(s)? Or even hijack the genuine truth about our species history?

- curious
Very thought provoking. I have heard similar over the years, much centred around full disclosure and how we deal with the social issues, the political issues, and the big daddy of em all, how do we deal with religion which may or may not be thrown into confusion. Something along the lines you mention would not surprise me but cannot say its a workable idea or not. My own personal beliefs are often stretched between what i feel deep inside, my spiritual side if you like, then the rigid minded military mindset takes over where its nuts n bolts logical thinking and follow strict guidelines and protocols. This I wish i knew the answer to. as if and when full disclosure comes about its going to be a very rough ride as religion will split the human race even more.

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Old 10-12-2008, 04:45 PM   #128
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Originally Posted by warngen View Post
Dear Watcher,

There has been hype about 10-14-08. Supposedly, the Galactic Federation of Light is supposed to show us that ET's exist and stay in our atmosphere for 3 days. What are your views on this particular event?

Yep, reading a lot on that topic here alone, hmmm. Personally i see no World shattering events taking place on October 14th. There have been occasions in the past where word has come down that we could expect a 'show of hand over high density areas' but this usually did not take place. Psychological studies have shown how ill prepared the public would be to such an event even after 50+ years of being indoctrinated by the media under official instruction. I've even gone so far as to state that should such an event occur as stated, i will personally drive around my home town butt naked LOL. I'm fairly confident i will be fully clothed that day LOL

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Old 10-12-2008, 04:47 PM   #129
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Originally Posted by master yowe View Post
Thankyou MR Watcher for the info on PINE GAP, it is great .Now i know a little more of whats going on my home land.

Most welcome, there is yet a great deal of info still out there, but that gives an indication, glad to help

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Old 10-12-2008, 07:45 PM   #130
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Old 10-12-2008, 07:58 PM   #131
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Originally Posted by crowmirror View Post
any ideals or thoughts as to what the reason for these are?

thanks again
stay strong


Still working on ideas

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Old 10-12-2008, 08:37 PM   #132
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
I'm fairly confident i will be fully clothed that day LOL
that is definitely "good news"...
so, can we visit on the 15th !!!

giggles/laughter and smiling
are all very good, to eXcerate your healing

brightest blessings
of energy, light 'n love to you
the eXchanger

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Old 10-12-2008, 09:30 PM   #133
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Originally Posted by eXchanger View Post
that is definitely "good news"...
so, can we visit on the 15th !!!

giggles/laughter and smiling
are all very good, to eXcerate your healing

brightest blessings
of energy, light 'n love to you
the eXchanger
by all means yes

warmest regards

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Old 10-12-2008, 11:56 PM   #134
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Maybe the Tall Whites are genetic descendants of Tall Blonds? Could the Tall Blonds of tomorrow be the Tall White/Human hybrids of today?

depending on the perception, the psychological make up of each individual, sees these beings as it fits their perception/acceptance levels, so might well be same type of beings. That is a very feasible assumption yes
Barry are you saying these Beings can look like different Beings to different people?

Are they able to project a different image of themselves to fit what the person expects to see? Or what they want them to see?

All the Best,
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Old 10-13-2008, 12:01 AM   #135
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I've even gone so far as to state that should such an event occur as stated, i will personally drive around my home town butt naked LOL. I'm fairly confident i will be fully clothed that day LOL

I hope it's summer in your neck of the woods!
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Old 10-13-2008, 01:00 AM   #136
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I've had the same thoughts as you regarding the depositing of artifacts in the 'past' for future (our present) people to 'find'. I also think those artifacts such as the Book of Judah contain hidden information within them. Information that only adepts can decipher. The normal lay person reads it and sees only religious doctrines etc, but someone skilled in symbolically hidden cyphers reads it with a whole different awareness and attains completely different information.

I also ponder it they sent 'road maps' back. Not literal road maps but 'tablets of destinies'. 'Follow these events and you are on this timeline'..'follow these events and it will take you to this timeline' etc. 'Do this and a new branch will form'.

Look at the Mayans, their pictures were in overlays, many different outcomes overlaid one on top of the other. The Mayans were also time keepers, so who is to say those pictures didn't represent timeline overlays?

And the Mayans state they had Tall Visitors who taught them about time keeping.

They also have pictures of reptilian beings, whether they actually saw those Beings in reality or were shown pictures of them is another matter.

If they saw them then that means the Reptilian Beings may have played an integral part in the history of this planet.

LadyLake if you are interested in the Mayans there is an interview in May 2008 on CoasttoCoastam with Richard Shafsky. He speaks about things that will rock your boat! If you want a detailed synopsis I can send you one.

, have you seen the Mayan drawings of the reptilian beings ?
If so, may I ask what are your thoughts on them? Could they be one of the races which are considered hostile to humans?

Crowmirror could the scoop marks be used for taking tissue samples for crafting around implants so your own body doesn't expel/reject them?

All the Best

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Old 10-13-2008, 01:17 AM   #137
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Barry are you saying these Beings can look like different Beings to different people?

Are they able to project a different image of themselves to fit what the person expects to see? Or what they want them to see?

All the Best,
yes thats what i was told by the beings i am in contact with. I posed that question re appearance and they affirmed that they appear to me in a form my mind can accept and does not feel threatened by.

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Old 10-13-2008, 01:20 AM   #138
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post

I've had the same thoughts as you regarding the depositing of artifacts in the 'past' for future (our present) people to 'find'. I also think those artifacts such as the Book of Judah contain hidden information within them. Information that only adepts can decipher. The normal lay person reads it and sees only religious doctrines etc, but someone skilled in symbolically hidden cyphers reads it with a whole different awareness and attains completely different information.

I also ponder it they sent 'road maps' back. Not literal road maps but 'tablets of destinies'. 'Follow these events and you are on this timeline'..'follow these events and it will take you to this timeline' etc. 'Do this and a new branch will form'.

Look at the Mayans, their pictures were in overlays, many different outcomes overlaid one on top of the other. The Mayans were also time keepers, so who is to say those pictures didn't represent timeline overlays?

And the Mayans state they had Tall Visitors who taught them about time keeping.

They also have pictures of reptilian beings, whether they actually saw those Beings in reality or were shown pictures of them is another matter.

If they saw them then that means the Reptilian Beings may have played an integral part in the history of this planet.

LadyLake if you are interested in the Mayans there is an interview in May 2008 on CoasttoCoastam with Richard Shafsky. He speaks about things that will rock your boat! If you want a detailed synopsis I can send you one.

, have you seen the Mayan drawings of the reptilian beings ?
If so, may I ask what are your thoughts on them? Could they be one of the races which are considered hostile to humans?

Crowmirror could the scoop marks be used for taking tissue samples for crafting around implants so your own body doesn't expel/reject them?

All the Best

Personally i have not seen those mayan drawings, would be interested in seeing those. Good response re scoop marks, tissue sampling markers

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Old 10-13-2008, 02:58 AM   #139
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For those interested in Richard Shafsky's information:


Barry you may find some of Richard's information interesting. Some of his info connects Reptilians and the Mayans, plus he mentions other off-world intelligences.

Is it ok to upload a couple of pictures here? Hope so. If not then I'll remove them later.

All the Best

Last edited by Ara; 10-13-2008 at 03:18 AM.
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Old 10-13-2008, 05:40 PM   #140
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Interesting indeed

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Old 10-13-2008, 06:19 PM   #141
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Barry I noticed that James C. mentioned that he was from the tribe of Dan, and that all the children (I think he said about 15) that were in the group were all from the tribe of Dan.

I have a question but let me set it up if you don't mind.

Historically the tribe of Dan settled in northern ancient Israel. That area happens to be southern Lebanon today. This area is still disputed over by three nations, but includes Mt. Hermon, and ancient Phoenicia.

The tribe of Dan is not mentioned in the book of Revelation as one of the 12 tribes to be sealed (one of the 144,00). Has the tribe of Dan ever been mentioned in the hybrid project?

Would it be true to assume that today, James Casbolt (tribe of Dan descendant) may have been sought out to continue what was started so long, long ago, from the first encounter with the tribe of Dan?

If the tribe of Dan became the nation of Germany what assumptions can we make about the project today?

Has anyone in the project mentioned any historical information like this?

It is my opinion when we analyze the location of the ancient tribe of Dan, the location of Mt. Hermon, the Phoenicians, Operation Paperclip, Dan becoming Germany, Dan missing off the list in Revelation, we can begin to answer a lot of questions.

This connects with some questions that Operator had that I think was not answered yet.


Last edited by Waterman; 10-13-2008 at 06:27 PM.
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Old 10-13-2008, 06:48 PM   #142
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Originally Posted by Waterman View Post
Barry I noticed that James C. mentioned that he was from the tribe of Dan, and that all the children (I think he said about 15) that were in the group were all from the tribe of Dan.

I have a question but let me set it up if you don't mind.

Historically the tribe of Dan settled in northern ancient Israel. That area happens to be southern Lebanon today. This area is still disputed over by three nations, but includes Mt. Hermon, and ancient Phoenicia.

The tribe of Dan is not mentioned in the book of Revelation as one of the 12 tribes to be sealed (one of the 144,00). Has the tribe of Dan ever been mentioned in the hybrid project?

Would it be true to assume that today, James Casbolt (tribe of Dan descendant) may have been sought out to continue what was started so long, long ago, from the first encounter with the tribe of Dan?

If the tribe of Dan became the nation of Germany what assumptions can we make about the project today?

Has anyone in the project mentioned any historical information like this?

It is my opinion when we analyze the location of the ancient tribe of Dan, the location of Mt. Hermon, the Phoenicians, Operation Paperclip, Dan becoming Germany, Dan missing off the list in Revelation, we can begin to answer a lot of questions.

This connects with some questions that Operator had that I think was not answered yet.

Let me make this one statement that should clear any lingering doubts or confusion. I began my disclosures in Feb of 1994. I was the first to publicly detail the Mannequin project, the trip seat, PLFs etc etc. James came along in 2006/7 with similar claims. He called upon my home very late one night in January of 2007 after having driven hundreds of miles to see me. Apparently he had watched a DVS that was given to him which showed myself and the disclosures. He wanted to verify his own memories and thus, after seeing that DVD needed to see me, the one whom brought the whole thing into the public domain. Since that time James has been in contact with very many people and has gained quite a bit of varying data from these people plus what he states are further memories.
I have nothing to do with most of his later claims, re the masonic aspects, the other more insidious aspects nor these types of data. I'm sticking to facts that i know, experienced and put into the public arena from the off. These are his claims and I honestly have no comment on them publicly.

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Old 10-13-2008, 09:43 PM   #143
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Mr. King,

I am honored to interface with you and your plethora of wisdom.

I have enhanced every image of Unidentified Flying Humanoids (UFH) that I could get my grubby little paws on... So...

Could you give me any specifics whatsoever pertaining to this magnificent b*stard? (I hope the attachments work!)

Thank you, kind sir. Your presence here is very much appreciated.

Last edited by THEWATCHER; 11-09-2009 at 12:14 AM.
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Old 10-13-2008, 10:18 PM   #144
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Originally Posted by Accipiter_Phi View Post
Mr. King,

I am honored to interface with you and your plethora of wisdom.

I have enhanced every image of Unidentified Flying Humanoids (UFH) that I could get my grubby little paws on... So...

Could you give me any specifics whatsoever pertaining to this magnificent b*stard? (I hope the attachments work!)

Thank you, kind sir. Your presence here is very much appreciated.
I have blown that image up as far as it can go and still its detail escapes me. Was this from a video clip? Problem being the USAF put a lot of drones in the air, of varying configurations, just to reaction test witnesses. Odd is all i can say.

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Old 10-14-2008, 05:31 AM   #145
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yes thats what i was told by the beings i am in contact with. I posed that question re appearance and they affirmed that they appear to me in a form my mind can accept and does not feel threatened by.
Barry is it possible there are other entities with the same advanced mental abilities who are projecting images of other Entities into the minds of people to frighten them?

Also is it possible that people who see other people shapeshift may be the recipients of a mental projection?

There is a man named Jim Sparks and he saw these Reptilian Beings and they projected a human face over their own so Jim felt comfortable with them.

According to Jim Sparks testimony these Beings did not harm him.

Also there is information circulating the ethers regarding a race which came here from another planet in this system many millenia ago and they reportedly have highly advanced mental abilities. According to that information there were two groups which came here, one group was brought here by another group of entities and then there was another group which escaped here without the other Entities' assistance. Apparently both groups are aware of each other but hold different views on life. Also they are genetically designed for sub-terra living.

I had this feeling that the group brought here were hybrids.

If both these groups have heightened mental abilities then it's possible they are both projecting images & thoughts into the minds of man.

From the information gathered I understand the group reportedly brought here work for these other Entities running 'experiments'. Could be the psi-ops you are bringing out into the open?

I ponder if the Tall Whites you have been blessed to exchange dialog with are the Group which came here of their own accord. If this is the case then I suspect you have some very powerful allies watching your back.

A question...Barry from your understanding are the Tall Whites and the Nordics the same species or are the Nordics a Hybrid of Tall White and another race?

Or are the Nordics the next generation of Tall White such as the Human MK2 will be to this present day prototype human?

All the Best,

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Old 10-14-2008, 10:55 AM   #146
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Barry, thank you so much for the time you spend here. I especially appreciate how you do not answer what is beyond your knowledge, wish more would adopt this policy ... lol.

My question is probably one you may not feel you can answer but here goes.
You mentioned mind control and frequencies broadcast. I hear very low frequencies, the closest thing I can find out about this on the net often refers to the "Bristol Hum". The hum drives those that can hear it quite mad. ( did for me at first) It is a really irritating rumbling frequency that varies in loudness, tone and pitch. It is also turned off at intervals of time/days or even weeks. Lately it is on full blast , even daytime, which is rare since I have been hearing this. I notice it is more virulent at full moon and in conjunction with heavy chemtrail activity, but not always (in regard to chemtrails). All I can say is it is on overdrive these last few weeks.

Do you have any idea where it is generated from, ie cell towers or even satelites? There is no van outside my house btw.

Presumably this is used as mindcontrol weaponry , or for the plasma sky thing.
What I wondered is, first, what are your opinions on this, and second is there a way the PTB protect themselves from the effects of this radiation? I have heard this sound in fairly isolated places, though there were cell towers in the 4 mile vicinity of the most remote place I have heard it ( in the states that time, by water, so am wondering about a submarine/sonar connection, and I live by the sea also.

Sorry this is not quite on topic with your very valuable personal expertise but the whole mind control aspect of what happens to us is of utmost importance I feel in order for people to even get the basics of what you are talking about.
I find it almost incomprehensible that people can not actually SEE chemtrails when shown. I think mass mind control may be the single biggest issue holding us all back.
I stopped watching TV some time ago, so no vibes from that here.

Many thanks Barry, you're a star. Many positive thoughts for your improving health, too.

PS:ARA thanks for your questions to Barry, very interesting... had a NASA friend with abduction experience, will send him this thread. Very enlightening.

Last edited by swordsmith; 10-14-2008 at 11:01 AM.
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Old 10-14-2008, 04:55 PM   #147
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Barry is it possible there are other entities with the same advanced mental abilities who are projecting images of other Entities into the minds of people to frighten them?
Advanced capabilities yes i'm sure that can/does happen with these beings

Also is it possible that people who see other people shapeshift may be the recipients of a mental projection?
shapeshifting has always brought to my mind a projection process yes

There is a man named Jim Sparks and he saw these Reptilian Beings and they projected a human face over their own so Jim felt comfortable with them.
I know of Jim Sparks, yes thats very plausible

According to Jim Sparks testimony these Beings did not harm him.
maybe the reps have been given too much bad press, maybe some are non hostile?

Also there is information circulating the ethers regarding a race which came here from another planet in this system many millenia ago and they reportedly have highly advanced mental abilities. According to that information there were two groups which came here, one group was brought here by another group of entities and then there was another group which escaped here without the other Entities' assistance. Apparently both groups are aware of each other but hold different views on life. Also they are genetically designed for sub-terra living.

I had this feeling that the group brought here were hybrids.
thats feasible and logical thinking

If both these groups have heightened mental abilities then it's possible they are both projecting images & thoughts into the minds of man.
highly likely yes

From the information gathered I understand the group reportedly brought here work for these other Entities running 'experiments'. Could be the psi-ops you are bringing out into the open?
the psy-ops i work with prepare humankind within the indoctrination process

I ponder if the Tall Whites you have been blessed to exchange dialog with are the Group which came here of their own accord. If this is the case then I suspect you have some very powerful allies watching your back.
from the conversations yes they had told many times that their race has been here an extremely long time, by choice yes

A question...Barry from your understanding are the Tall Whites and the Nordics the same species or are the Nordics a Hybrid of Tall White and another race?
possibly two races but very similar in origins and purposes

Or are the Nordics the next generation of Tall White such as the Human MK2 will be to this present day prototype human?
progression to human mk 2 will in fact look very much like nordics yes

All the Best,

Most welcome, hope that helps some, regards

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Old 10-14-2008, 05:13 PM   #148
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Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
Barry, thank you so much for the time you spend here. I especially appreciate how you do not answer what is beyond your knowledge, wish more would adopt this policy ... lol.
thankyou, but that is my policy, no good in trying to answer something which is beyond me or out of my need to know parameters.

My question is probably one you may not feel you can answer but here goes.
You mentioned mind control and frequencies broadcast. I hear very low frequencies, the closest thing I can find out about this on the net often refers to the "Bristol Hum". The hum drives those that can hear it quite mad. ( did for me at first) It is a really irritating rumbling frequency that varies in loudness, tone and pitch. It is also turned off at intervals of time/days or even weeks. Lately it is on full blast , even daytime, which is rare since I have been hearing this. I notice it is more virulent at full moon and in conjunction with heavy chemtrail activity, but not always (in regard to chemtrails). All I can say is it is on overdrive these last few weeks.
mind control technologies i do have a certain amount of knowledge on, it was after all, part of my job. Complex and very complicated but will try and give condensed answers here. There have been numerous reports of a similar noise, these random annoying 'hums', a famous one was from Taos New Mexico some years back, but we have them here in UK too. MCT is so advanced today, do not need a van parked outside your home to achieve results. Just as easily done thru your computer system. A great deal of work has been done by various researchers over the years and they have done pretty good work, Tim rifat for one. I can sort out some links which will point the way. Frequencies, intensities are varied depending on whom wants to do the controlling and for what purpose. Pulsed phased microwaves can disrupt normal thought patterns and be substituted with others. Mood swings, physical pain, bleeding, heck, its very complex just to give basics, try to give basics.

Do you have any idea where it is generated from, ie cell towers or even satelites? There is no van outside my house btw.
yes those plus local police HQ will have the new comms set up which use a frequency very dangerous to us, the Tetra system.

Presumably this is used as mindcontrol weaponry , or for the plasma sky thing.
What I wondered is, first, what are your opinions on this, and second is there a way the PTB protect themselves from the effects of this radiation? I have heard this sound in fairly isolated places, though there were cell towers in the 4 mile vicinity of the most remote place I have heard it ( in the states that time, by water, so am wondering about a submarine/sonar connection, and I live by the sea also.
the controllers have their methods of keeping out of harms way yes. Are there any military/intel facilities close by? Any large research facilities? ELF control can be done from underground sources

Sorry this is not quite on topic with your very valuable personal expertise but the whole mind control aspect of what happens to us is of utmost importance I feel in order for people to even get the basics of what you are talking about.
I find it almost incomprehensible that people can not actually SEE chemtrails when shown. I think mass mind control may be the single biggest issue holding us all back.
I stopped watching TV some time ago, so no vibes from that here.
the chemtrail evidence has been presented globally, those whom see nothing dangerous or insidious in those ops are sadly ignorant of the dangers, Barium being one.

Many thanks Barry, you're a star. Many positive thoughts for your improving health, too.

PS:ARA thanks for your questions to Barry, very interesting... had a NASA friend with abduction experience, will send him this thread. Very enlightening.

Glad to help where i can, as stated above the MCT are very extensive, very complex and would need several pages to justify decent responses. Best wishes

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Old 10-14-2008, 07:19 PM   #149
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Lightbulb Re: Questions for THEWATCHER


Thanks again for your contributions to the forum. Your opinion/slant on things is very interesting.

Random question first............ How do you see the next 5 years playing out? Do you see a huge, earth shattering "moment" occuring on the planet, or do you believe there will be a more gradual movement toward the positive or the negative, depending on the choices we make?

Also, do you have any knowledge of past lives you may have lived? Is this a philosophy you believe to be true, reincarnation, that is? If so, could you share any past lives you believe to have had?

Thanks, and i hope the questions aren't too random!!

L/L 13



"out of MANY, we are ONE"
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Old 10-15-2008, 01:50 AM   #150
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Perth Western Australia
Posts: 289
Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Barry, Miriam Delicardo spoke of meeting a series of men who she referred to as "The Clones". These men claimed they worked in programming and that they also installed super computers globally.
Do you think they are installing programmes onto the Cray Computers you have referenced?

'The Clones' also stated they were interested in alien technology and were involved in the field of Ufology, attending UFO Conferences and meeting with reported abductees/contactees such as Miriam. They seemed very interested in Miriam and were able to monitor her whereabouts.

The Super Computer System you've referenced, is it also a Genetic Databank? Does it hold the genetic blueprints of the people 'sampled' during experimentation/implantation? Does it monitor genetic drift in family lines? Does it monitor the changes made to each subject's genome? Tracking the changes?

If they are genetically tracking their own hybrids are they also tracking and keeping files on "other's" hybrids?

The super-computers networked in this planet are also networked/connected to off-world planets, but are they also connected to computers on space-based platforms? Are they using Space based Relay Stations?
Is there an Off-Planet Head Quarters where all the computers are connected too? A hub if you will. A Central Control Station?

Barry, there is a researcher, Eve Lorgen, and she has spoken and written about what she terms The Alien Love Bite Scenario were certain people are hypnotically induced/programmed to 'fall in love' with a specific person (who has been chosen based on certain genetic dispositions/traits) and to procreate and produce a child/ren based on that union. That 'child'/ren' may also be 'partnered' with another "bred" child later on to produce a next generation child.

I get this feeling the Next Gen children will be predisposed towards certain fields of endeavour where they are guided, mentored, influenced and monitored by other forces.

Are you aware of this Barry?

Barry, if you can be implanted with a device which could render harm to you if you 'step out of line', has the same technology been implanted in people in power or people who hold positions of influence?

It would seem the O-P Intelligences who are sharing genetic knowledge with groups here are Master Geneticists.

If they can build a stronger human then the opposite is also true, there are those who can also engineer humans to be more susceptible to and predisposed to certain illnesses and diseases such as Radical-fast acting- Cancers not to mention implantation of genetic fail-safe mechanisms. They could also engineer any manner of bio weapons to lower the Immune System of the bog-humans.

This is the information you are trying to awaken the public too?

Obviously there is no end to what can be accomplished in a laboratory when people have the right knowledge.

There can be much good accomplished but also great evil in a laboratory.

On the subject of Mind Programming, are they connecting people (children?) into a VR Matrix where they put them into different scenarios to monitor how they react?

Do they use a VR Matrix for training?

Could they connect a group of people into one scenario in the VR Matrix so they are able to interact within that programme?

So when a person has completed a programme, via the chair, would they walk away with a memory of being involved in a task or scenario which was completely real to all of their senses but was in fact a false reality?

If so, and the programme they were placed into was a trauma based scenario then the person who carries those 'memories' would also carry the trauma associated with that experience within their psyche.

Is this happening?

Are they monitoring 'stress levels'? Or monitoring how stress/trauma reacts upon the person's genetic make-up? Pushing them to their mental limits? In order to expand their mental limits?

I have heard many people who speak of their psychic boundaries expanding after severe trauma, especially on-going traumas.

This type of experiment could also be used for mind-programming. Yes?

Barry, their (OP INTELLIGENCES + USAF/NSA) cloning ability is far more advanced than where mainstream science is now so have they cloned and replaced people of power, or people in positions of influence?

Could they have taken genetic samples from people, made changes (subtle or otherwise) to that genetic sample and then cloned the re-engineered DNA sample?

Hybridization and Cloning, two processes used in conjunction?

What is preventing those 'humans' (or human hybrids) in power from using cloning to experience longer life spans?

Do the Off-Planet Intelligences Clone themselves?

I think that will do for now. Once again Thank you Barry for always taking the time to address my questions.

Heaps of Gratitude,

All the Best

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